
「YUAN」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Sukeyoshi SHONI (Sukeyoshi MUTO) of Dazai-fu received the letter from the Mongol Empire (letter and records according to Japanese materials) and the one from the king of Goryeo, and sent them to Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) (however, Hanpu returned to Goryeo seven months after his arrival at Dazai-fu, possibly because Japan showed no intention to reply, and in October of the same year, Goryeo reported to the Yuan imperial court, by envoy Hanpu himself visiting there, that he had gained no fruit). 例文帳に追加

大宰府の少弐資能(武藤資能)は蒙古国書(日本側では牒状と記録)と高麗王書状を受け取り、鎌倉幕府へ送達する(しかし、日本側からの返牒の気配がなかったためか、太宰府来着から七ヶ月後に潘阜は高麗へ帰還しており、高麗は同年10月には潘阜の遣使が不首尾に終わった旨を元朝宮廷側に潘阜ら自らが赴くなどして報告している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This theory is persistent, based upon the following facts; the army of the Mongol Empire in many cases performed several reconnaissances in a phased manner before a serious invasion, with a number of soldiers varying from a hundred to ten thousand; arrows run short soon in the Yuan army as described in 'Nihon Den' of "Genshi;" and the number of soldiers was small, about thirty thousand (including non-soldiers). 例文帳に追加

根拠として、本来モンゴル帝国の軍事行動では、事前に兵力100〜1万規模での敵地への威力偵察を数度段階的に行った後、本格的な侵攻を行う場合が多く、また『元史』「日本伝」には元軍の矢がすぐに尽きたという記述が見られることと、3万人程度(中には非戦闘員もいる)という少ない兵力からこの説も根強い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The conquest of the Southern Sung Dynasty in that year made it unnecessary for the Yuan Dynasty to align itself with Japan or warn against the Southern Sung Dynasty (refer to the relative paragraph described below), and further, Kublai became upset by the information brought by an escaped sailor about the execution of the envoys, particularly of Shizhong DU, who held a higher position (assistant minister of rites) than usual envoys, and consequently he planned to invade Japan again and in 1280 established the Eastern Expedition Field Headquarters to prepare for the invasion. 例文帳に追加

この年に南宋を完全征服した元は、日本との同盟や南宋への牽制の必要もなくなった(後項参照)うえ、クビライは逃げ出した水夫より使者の処刑の報を知り、特に、通常の使者よりも高位(礼部侍郎)であった杜世忠の処刑に腹を立て、日本への再度の侵攻を計画し、1280年には侵攻準備のため征東行省を設置している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Koraishi," in 1272, Crown Prince Sim of Goryeo (later King Chungnyeol) gave his opinion to Emperor Kublai of the Yuan Dynasty, "I think that Japan has not yet leant the virtues of the Emperor. Therefore, an imperial order should be issued to use the army, warships and provisions for this purpose. If you commission your vassals to do it, we will do our best to support the imperial army." 例文帳に追加

『高麗史』によると1272年に、高麗の王世子の諶(しん、後の忠烈王)が、元(王朝)のクビライ皇帝に「惟んみるに、日本は未だに聖化を蒙らず。故に詔使を発し、軍容を継耀かし、戦艦兵糧まさに、須いる所あらん、もし此事を以って臣に委ねなば、勉めて心力を尽くして 小しく王師を助くるに庶幾(ちか)からん」と具申したとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the time it occurred, it was criticized by Nichiren, and in a later era, there were both arguments for and against; some criticized it as a reckless act that gave the enemy a reason for the second invasion of Japan, and others affirm it, including Sanyo RAI and "Dainihonshi" (Great History of Japan), which states that it did not influence the Yuan's second invasion of Japan and is a good example to be followed when tackling a crisis of the nation. 例文帳に追加

同時代では日蓮が批判し、後世の評価では2回目の日本侵攻の口実になった暴挙であると評価する論者と、元の2回目の対日侵攻には影響を与えなかった、あるいは国難に対しては手本にするべき好例であると肯定的に評価する『大日本史』や、頼山陽らがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An example of this notion of "Tenka" was the remark made by Guen Chai, a man of literature representing this era, in 1428 when Daietsu (Đại Việt) became independent from Ming, saying "Since the era of Nanetsukoku (the kingdom of Nanyue) founded by Zhao Tuo, the Đinh dynasty founded by Đinh Bộ Lĩnh, the Lý Dynasty (Vietnam) and the Trần Dynasty, my country had reigned over part of "Tenka" as with the Hang, Tang, Sung or Yuan dynasty in China." 例文帳に追加

この「天下」概念の実例としては、1428年に大越が明から独立した際、この時代を代表する文人であるグエン・チャイが「自趙丁李陳之肇造、我国与漢唐宋元而各帝一方」(趙佗の南越国・丁部領の丁朝・李朝(ベトナム)・陳朝以来、我が国は中国の漢・唐・宋・元などの王朝と同じく帝を称して天下の一方に君臨してきた)と述べていることがあげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding Korea, the last chokokoku, Qing dynasty insisted that "zokkoku" of Kaichitsujo and "subject state" under modern international law were completely different, when the opinion was not accepted, the Qing dynasty tried to change Korea to "subject state" under modern international law and dispatched Jianzhong MA and Shikai YUAN to Korea to engage directly in politics of Korea. 例文帳に追加

最後に残った朝貢国朝鮮に対し、清朝は当初華夷秩序下の「属国」と近代国際法における「属国」とは異なるという主張をしたが、その説得力がないと判断するや、近代国際法的な「属国」へと朝鮮を改変しようと試み、馬建忠や袁世凱を朝鮮に派遣し、直接朝鮮国政に関与しようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When FRB decided to additionally purchase US$600 billion long term national bonds as an additional monetary easing policy*5 in November 2010, France stated*6 that "Euro is encumbered by FRB?s movement", and Germany criticized*7 that "it does not make any sense that American FRB criticizes Yuan's operation by China, while it artificially reduces the value of dollar by reprinting the greenback".例文帳に追加

米FRB が、2010 年11 月、追加金融緩和策*5として6,000 億ドルに上る長期国債の追加購入を決定すると、フランスからは「FRB の動きからユーロが圧迫されている」との発言が*6、また、ドイツからは「中国の人民元操作を批判する米国のFRB が、ドル紙幣増刷で人為的にドルの価値を引き下げていてはつじつまがあわない」といった批判*7がなされた。 - 経済産業省

Increase of the outward direct investment is supported by domestic factors; the drive to secure the resource reserve that can satisfy the medium-to-long term growth of China; China's increasing trade surplus which gained momentum after its participation to WTO in the end of 2001; the pressure for the appreciation of yuan brought about by the expansion of investment and the massive capital inflows; the surge of excess liquidity in the domestic markets.例文帳に追加

対外直接投資の増加の背景には、中長期的な中国の成長に対応し得る資源の確保、2001 年末のWTO加盟を契機に拡大し続けている中国の貿易黒字や対内直接投資の拡大に伴う巨額の資金流入によってもたらされる人民元の増価圧力や国内の過剰流動性の高まり、といった国内事情がある。 - 経済産業省


It relaxed the regulations on the loans to overseas subsidiaries that had been permitted only to multinational companies. Moreover, in July 2009, it released the foreign exchange control regulations for outward direct investment to promoted deregulation. For example, the sources of capital that companies are allowed to use for outward direct investment was expanded from only own capital to foreign currency denominated-loans, foreign currencies exchanged with yuan and profit gained from outward direct investment. Moreover, the requirement for foreign exchange control method for outward direct investment was changed from advance assessment to ex post facto registration.例文帳に追加

また、2009 年7 月に対外直接投資における外貨管理規定を公布し、対外直接投資に使用可能な資金の範囲を自己資金のみならず、外貨借入、人民元からの交換外貨、対外直接投資から得た利益などに拡大、対外直接投資に使用する外貨の管理方式を事前審査から事後登録に変更するなどの規制緩和が盛り込まれている。 - 経済産業省


Since the introduction of the currency-basket system, the yuan has moved against the dollar in a more stable manner than it has moved against the yen and the euro. The projected weight of the dollar among the four major currencies in the basket surpassed 100% between July 22, 2005, and December 30, 2005. Such weight was estimated at about 90% between January 2, 2006, and the end of March 2006. (Figure2.3.67)例文帳に追加

他方、バスケット制度移行後の人民元の対ドルレートを見ると、対円、対ユーロレートと比べて安定して推移しており、主要4通貨の為替バスケットのウエイトの推計では、2005年7月22日から12月30日まではドルのウエイトは100%を超え、2006年1月2日から3月末までのウエイトは約90%となっている。 - 経済産業省

China has eased its grip on an inflow of capitals by freeing long-term direct investment in China and opening securities markets to foreign short-term investors while the country has continued to restrict an outflow of short-term capitals. Under this policy, China’s trade surplus has swelled while funds for speculative deals have flowed into the country, apparently increasing international pressure for the revaluation of the yuan.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、長期的な対内直接投資が自由化され、短期投資としての証券投資等も徐々に開放されつつある等資本流入が自由化されつつある中で、短期資本の流出は制限されていることから、拡大する貿易黒字、投機資金の流入とあいまって、人民元は増価圧力にさらされていると言われている。 - 経済産業省

Currency exchange rates are determined in line with various economic fundamentals, such as economic growth, prices and interest-rate developments, and various political and social elements and motives, if free trading based on market supply and demand situations is guaranteed. This nature of currency trading makes it hard for any observers to predict the levels of the yuan’s rates against other currency when China’s currency-exchange system becomes further flexible in the future.例文帳に追加

為替レートは、市場の需給に基づいた自由な取引が認められていれば、経済成長や物価・金利動向等経済ファンダメンタルズや政治的・社会的要因等様々な動機に基づく取引で決定される。そのため、中国において今後、為替制度が一層柔軟化した場合であっても、人民元レートがどのような水準となるか予測することは困難である。 - 経済産業省

Examining trend of the job opening-to-application ratio according to the types of job, the labor supply-and-demand was remarkably tight particularly inequipment operators” which involved large number of the industrial workers. Background of this situation is considered to be increase of demand for the factory workers not only in coastal areas but also in local areas derived from the government’s re-development projects and the “4 trillion Yuandomestic demand stimulus policy.例文帳に追加

求人倍率の動向を職種別に見ると、労働需給のひっ迫は、工業労働者の多い「生産運輸設備作業者」で特に顕著であったが、背景には、政府の「4兆元」内需拡大策や再開発事業により、沿海部・都市部だけではなく地方でも工場労働者の需要が高まったことがあると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

The actual situation regarding the problem of soil contamination is not necessarily clear, and a system of law has not been developed. In July 2006, however, the Chinese government announced an estimated result that more than 10% of agricultural land nationwide is polluted by heavy metals such as copper, mercury, and chrome, and agricultural chemicals, and that the economic losses caused by this amount to over 20 billion yuan.例文帳に追加

土壌汚染問題については、その実態は必ずしも明らかではなく、法体系も未整備であるが、2006年7月、中国政府は、全国の耕地の10%以上が、銅、水銀、クロム等の重金属や農薬類によって汚染されており、これにより200億元超の経済損失があるとの推計結果を公表した。 - 経済産業省

His writings included six volumes of "Treasury of Tathagata," three volumes of "Small Writings about Meditation," three volumes of "Commentary on the Legend of Ryuge Tree under which Bodhisattva Attains Nirvana," three volumes of "Commentary on Japanese Nichiren Sect," three volumes of "Writings about Japanese Hermits," two volumes of "Poetries exchanged between Nissei and Chen Yuan-Ping, " Hoju sho," "Twenty-four Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Writings about Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Traditions of Generations of Teachings from Teachers to Disciples about Attaining Nirvana," "The Record of Shichimen, Mt. Minobu," "Travelogue of Mt. Minobu," "Onsen Yuso," "Sickly Life at Shoshin," "Important Teachings at Sozan," "Sozan Poetry," "Important Collections on Food and Medicine," "Annotations about Hojo ki by St. Iku," "Incantation in Unison by Priest and Believers," "Souvenir from Kyoto," "Teachings of Kakoku," "Teachings by Kosa," "得意 Incantation of the Name of the Lotus Sutra," and "Small Writings about Poetries sung as Teachings of the Nichiren Sect." 例文帳に追加

著作としては、『如来秘蔵集』6巻・『小止観鈔』3巻・『龍華傳鈔』3巻・『本朝法華傳』3巻・『扶桑隠逸傳』3巻・『元々唱和集』2巻・『衣裏宝珠鈔』・『釈氏二十四孝』・『釈門孝傳』・『龍華歴代師承傳』・『身延山七面記』・『身延山紀行』・『溫泉遊草』・『称心病課』・『草山要路』・『草山和歌集』・『食医要編』・『以空上人方丈記首書』・『聖凡唱和』・『都土産』・『霞谷法語』・『江左垂示』・『唱題得意』・『題目和歌鈔』がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Masukagami" ("The Clear Mirror"), which is a book of historical stories, only an article on a waka (=tanka; a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables), 'By virtue of the kamikaze that was the result of our pray by an imperial order, surging waves were broken,' which was reportedly composed by Tameuji NIJO, who accompanied Tsunetada, on the occasion he heard about the defeat of the Yuan Dynasty, was recorded with respect to an Imperial envoy in 1281; however, there is a view that, although Tsunetada composed this waka but the author of "Masukagami" who was not satisfied with the fact that such a waka, which was filled with loyalty and patriotism, was composed by an apostate like Tsunetada, changed the composer of the waka to Tameuji. 例文帳に追加

また歴史物語である『増鏡』では、弘安4年の勅使の記事について、経任に随従した二条為氏が帰途の際に元王朝敗退の報を聞いて詠んだとされている「勅として祈るしるしの神風によせくる浪はかつくだけつつ」という和歌の記事しか記載されていないが、一説にはこの歌は経任が詠んだにも関わらず、忠義と愛国の情に満ちたこの歌を変節漢の経任が詠んだという事実そのものに不満を持つ『増鏡』著者の手によって著者を為氏にと書き改められたのではという説が唱えられている程である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the end of last year, the growth of fixed asset investment and bank loans was temporarily blunted or leveled off through these measures to control excess investment. However, they again accelerated entering 2004. The investment curtailing effects did not permeate sufficiently, as fixed asset investment in urban areas in January-February posted a year-on-year increase of 53 percent to record the greatest growth since 1994, and the amount of yuan loaned at the end of February also increased by 20.7 percent over that of the same period a year earlier, sustaining a high level of growth.例文帳に追加

これらの過剰投資引締め措置によって、昨年末には固定資産投資及び銀行貸出しの伸びが一時鈍化もしくは頭打ちとなったが、2004年に入ると再び加速し、都市部の1~2月の固定資産投資は前年比53%の増加と1994年以降で最高の伸びを記録し、また、2月末の人民元貸出残高も前年同期末比20.7%の増加と高水準を維持する等投資抑制効果が十分に浸透していないことが露呈した。 - 経済産業省

4 Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao criticized by saying, "United States of America seems unaware of the responsibility of a nation issuing a major reserve currency to stabilize the international capital markets". Additionally, the state media of Beijing reported that they called on the leaders attending G20 meeting that "An international currency framework should be built to limit irresponsible issuance of large quantity of dollar by the United States". (Sankei Shimbun, web edition, "Up-value demand for Yuan" vs. "monetary easing criticism" G20, "Remaining source of trouble from heating up conflict between the United States of America and China", November 11, 2010例文帳に追加

4 財務省の朱光耀次官は、「主要な準備通貨の発行国が国際資本市場を安定させる責任を負っていることを米国は気付いていないようだ」と批判、さらに、共産党機関紙「人民日報」は、G20 に参加する首脳に「米国の無責任なドル大量発行を制限する国際通貨枠組みを構築すべきだ」と呼びかけたと報じた(産経新聞ウェブ版「「元切り上げ要求」VS「金融緩和批判」 G20、米中対立激化で禍根」2010 年11 月11日)。 - 経済産業省

In addition to the 4 trillion yuan from the domestic demand stimulus plan, in order to expand personal consumption the government implemented the “Subsidy Program for Electronic Appliances for Homes in Rural Areas ” (which subsidizes 13% of the product price when a consumer in a rural area purchases a domestic electronic appliance), the “Old Domestic Electronic Appliance Replacement Subsidy Program” (which offers a subsidy to help replace old electronic appliances with new ones), and the “Rural Auto Subsidy” (which grants a subsidy when a resident in a rural area disposes of an powered tricycle or an old-model truck and purchases an automobile, and awards a subsidy to help replace energy-saving products (see Table 1-2-3-4).例文帳に追加

「4 兆元」内需拡大策とは別に個人消費拡大に向けた対策としては、農村部の消費者が家電を購入した際に13%の補助金を支払う「家電下郷」、家電を買い換えると補助金を支給する「以旧換新」、農村部の住民がオート三輪や旧式トラックを廃車にして自動車に買い換える際に補助を出す「汽車下郷」、省エネ型製品への買い換え補助等を実施した(第1-2-3-4 表)。 - 経済産業省

On July 22, 2005, China adopted the system of setting the yuan’s median rate against the dollar for a given business day at its closing rate in inter-banking trading in the previous day. That rate-setting formula was replaced in January 2006 by a weighted-average rate-setting method that also takes into account results of hearings by market makers. But how to weight the averages of given rates is not necessarily clear as Chinese currency authorities, in explaining the weight-average system, only say that calculation is based on various indexes including the amount of transactions made by market makers in exchange markets and overall currency market conditions.例文帳に追加

対ドル中心レートの設定については、2005年7月22日から導入されたインターバンクレートの終値を翌営業日の中心レートとする方式から、2006年1月にマーケットメーカーからのヒアリングに基づく値付けの加重平均による設定に変更されているが、加重平均の方法を見ると、マーケットメーカーの外国為替市場における取引高及び相場状況等その他の指標により行われるとされ、算出方法は必ずしも明確になっていない。 - 経済産業省


Exchange profits and losses are calculated for each industry and both effects will be offset each other so as to clarify whether each industry is affected positively or negatively overall. Industrial sectors found to be benefiting overall from the yuan’s revaluation are material-related sectors such as steel and chemical industries, electric machinery sectors, which are stepping up efforts to build international business networks, and transportation machine makers, which sell many of products assembled in China locally. Seen to be negatively affected are textile companies, which ship most of products manufactured in China to Japan. Negative effects are expected to slightly exceed benefits for the entire manufacturing sector.例文帳に追加

そこで業種別に為替差益と為替差損を試算し、両方合わせた影響を観察すると、鉄鋼や化学等の素材型産業、国際事業ネットワークの進展が見られる電気機械、現地販売の大きい輸送機械ではプラス、我が国向け輸出が売上高の大部を占める繊維においてはマイナス、製造業全体で見ると若干のマイナスの影響が想定されるという結果が得られる。 - 経済産業省


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