
「Yuan-an」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索










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a Chinese farmer who has an annual income of more than 10,000 yuan 例文帳に追加

中国で,年収が1万元を超える農家 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a satirical play of the {Song} dynasty and an opera in the northern region of the {Yuan} dynasty in China 例文帳に追加

中国宋代の風刺劇と元代の北方音楽系の歌劇 - EDR日英対訳辞書

The National Audit Office (corresponding to the Board of Audit of Japan) published the report that local government debt had reached 10.7 trillion Yuan at the end of 2010: Among the debts, 6.7 trillion Yuan is the debt that local governments have an obligation to repay; 2.3 trillion Yuan is the debt that they have an obligation to guarantee; and 1.7 trillion Yuan is the debt that they have an obligation to give a certain level of financial aid.例文帳に追加

国家審計署(日本の会計検査院に相当)の報告によれば、地方政府の債務額は2010 年末10.7 兆元で、内訳は政府自身が返済責任を負う債務が6.7 兆元、保証責任を負う債務が2.3 兆元、一定の支援責任を負う債務が1.7兆元となっている。 - 経済産業省

Starting with Song Yan Tong Bao, which was minted around the founding days, every time they changed the name of an era, they minted new coins with its name, which resulted in the variations of copper coins such as Tai Ping Tong Bao, Chun Hua Tong Bao, Zhi Dao Yuan Bao, Xian Ping Yuan Bao, Jing De Yuan Bao and Xiang Fu Yuan Bao. 例文帳に追加

建国当初の宋通元宝にはじまり、歴代の改元のたびに、その年号をつけた新銭を鋳造したため、太平通宝・淳化元宝・至道元宝・咸平元宝・景徳元宝・祥符元宝といった銅銭が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The lost one (which was called 'Zuo-yuan-gu' because of the head portion of the poem on it) was found in 1052 in an ordinary house. 例文帳に追加

消息不明だった1基(詩文冒頭から「作原鼓」と呼ばれる)が1052年に民家で発見された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On 23rd August, Gongsun Yuan, who had controlled Daifang and Lelang Commandery (an ancient county in the northern Korean Peninsula), was beheaded by Sima Yi. 例文帳に追加

8月23日帯方郡と楽浪郡を支配していた公孫淵が司馬懿により斬首される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yuan KITAMURA (1650 - 1719) was a wealthy farmer of Katata, Omi Province and was conversant in kaiseki-ryori (set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests) and landscape gardening, and he left a name in Yuan Yaki (Japanese grill, using meat or fish which are marinated, impaled on long skewers and broiled over hot coals), among other things. 例文帳に追加

北村祐庵(1650年~1719年)は近江国堅田の豪農で、会席料理と造庭に通じ、幽庵焼きなどにその名を残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The U.S. National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), for example, has maintained that the Chinese yuan has been undervalued against the dollar by about 40%. On the other hand, a study using the theory ofrelativepurchasing power parity shows that the yuan was undervalued against the dollar by about an estimated 7.3% as of 2003 compared with the 1995 standard. So, a big discrepancy has existed in the valuation of the yuan against the dollar from one estimate to others, making it difficult to deny the possibility that the yuan may lose its value depending on changes in economic fundamentals in China. Summed up, it is hard for anyone to accurately forecast future levels of the yuans exchange rates and the currency’s direction.例文帳に追加

例えば、全米製造業者協会では、人民元は対ドルレートで約40%過小評価されていると主張している一方、相対的購買力平価仮説を用いた研究では、1995年を基準に2003年時点で約7.3%過小評価されているとの推計もある等、人民元レートの評価においても大きなかい離が存在しており、また経済ファンダメンタルズの変化等によっては、逆に減価の可能性も否定できず、人民元のレートの水準、その動きの方向について、一概に見通しを述べることは困難である。 - 経済産業省

Qu Yuan, an aide of the King of Chu, was a popular politician, but he fell from the position and jumped into the river in despair. 例文帳に追加

楚の国王の側近であった屈原は人望を集めた政治家であったが失脚し失意のうちに川に身を投げることとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition to the painters in the art institution such as Emperor Huizong, Ma Yuan and Li Di, it is important that the excellent works by an art monk Muqi were preferred in Japan. 例文帳に追加

また徽宗や馬遠、李迪といった画院画家の他にも、逸品とされる牧谿のような画僧の作品が日本では好まれた点が重要である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After an expedition failed to Japan during Genko (Mongol invasion attempts against Japan), the Yuan Dynasty tried to submit Japan to them peacefully with Buddhism and sent Issan to Japan. 例文帳に追加

元は元寇での日本遠征に失敗すると、仏法をもって平和的に服属させようと企図し、一山を日本に派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During his reign there was an invasion by the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty, Koryo; Goryeo, and what is called Bunei no Eki (the first Mongolian Invasion), Koan no Eki (the second Mongolian Invasion) occurred. 例文帳に追加

治世中には、元・高麗軍による元寇、いわゆる文永・弘安の両役が発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yuan KITAMURA (1648-1719) was a wealthy farmer, a master of tea ceremony and an epicure in the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

北村幽庵(きたむらゆうあん、慶安元年(1648年)-享保4年(1719年))は、江戸時代の豪農・茶人・美食家。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In particular, he conducted extensive research into the Tengen jutsu, an algebraic system (created in China in the thirteenth century) which saw extensive development in the Song, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties, and was able to make basic improvements to the system. 例文帳に追加

特に宋金元時代に大きく発展した天元術を深く研究し、根本的な改良を加えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He consulted with Muso and considered sending trading vessels to Yuan in order to raise funds to build the temple, following an example of the Kamakura bakufu. 例文帳に追加

彼は夢窓と相談し、鎌倉幕府の例にならって、寺社造営料唐船の派遣を検討する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Yuan army withdrew, and then the war with the Southern Sung Dynasty reached an important phase so, it was decided to send its main forces to the southern area of the Yangtze River. 例文帳に追加

元は撤退し、対南宋戦争が佳境に入ったことから、ひとまず主力は江南に向けられる事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the successive occurrence of rebellions in the Yuan Dynasty during this period made it impossible to send an army to Japan, and following the death of Kublai, the plan was completely abandoned. 例文帳に追加

しかし、この時期に元の内部でも反乱が続き、日本へ軍が出せる状態ではなくなり、クビライの死と共に完全に頓挫した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, "Genshi" states that Genko began with King Chungnyeol of Goryeo "persistently recommending an expedition to the east to Yuan's emperor in order to force Japan to become its subject." 例文帳に追加

また「元史」によると、元寇の発端は、高麗王の忠烈王が「元の皇帝に執拗に、東征して日本を属国にするよう勧めた」との記述がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, in 2012, the central government issued 250 billion Yuan of bonds as an agent, and intends to allow about ten local governments including Beijing to issue bonds independently.例文帳に追加

さらに2012 年には、2500 億元が中央政府により代理発行されるとともに、北京市など約10 の地方政府の債券発行も認める方向にある。 - 経済産業省

"Gen Min Gajin ko" 1751 It is a simple biographical dictionary showing the origins and areas of works of painters who lived during the Yuan and Ming dynasties, but it became an important literature, revised and expanded by Fuyo KO, Kenkado KIMURA, and Tairoku TOBA, and published as "Gen Min Shin shoga jinmei roku" (biographical dictionary of painters who produced calligraphic works and paintings in Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties) (1777). 例文帳に追加

『元明画人考』 1751年 元明の画家の出身地・画域を示す簡単な人名辞典であるが、重要な文献となりのちに高芙蓉・木村蒹葭堂・鳥羽台麓がこれを補訂し、『元明清書画人名録』(1777年)として刊行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also a record that Yuan officials on the alert for wako obstructed the entry of a Tenryujibune into harbor when it tried to land Yuan shows that an official approval of the bakufu was substantially ineffective (which did not establish its identity of not being a smuggling ships [wako]). 例文帳に追加

また天龍寺船の天龍寺船が入元の際、倭寇を警戒する元の官憲に入港を阻止されていることは、幕府の公的な公認というものが実質上の意味(密貿易船(倭寇)ではないことの証明)を有していなかったことを示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, the United States increased pressure on China to revalue its yuan, claiming an effective pegging of the yuans exchange rates against the dollar at undervalued levels had unfairly supported Chinese exporters while significantly hurting earnings of U.S. manufacturers.例文帳に追加

他方、米国からは、人民元の対ドルレートが過小評価された水準で実質的に固定されていることが、中国の輸出企業を不当に支援し、米国製造業に対して大きな影響を与えているとして、人民元切り上げの圧力を強めていった。 - 経済産業省

I hear that just a short time ago, Minister of Finance Azumi made a formal announcement concerning direct exchange between the yen and the yuan. Although this may not be a matter that is under the FSA's direct jurisdiction, it will probably have some effects on financial institutions, such as an expansion of business opportunities. Could you comment on the direct exchange between the yen and yuan? 例文帳に追加

つい先ほどなのですけれども、財務省の安住大臣の方から円と元の直接取引について正式に発表されたようなのですが、直接金融庁の所管ではないかも知れませんけれども、金融機関にとってもビジネスのチャンスが広がるなどの影響があるかと思います。この円と元の直接取引について、大臣のご所見をお願いします。 - 金融庁

An exchange cross rate table storage part 16 stores a present exchange rate between the yen and the other currency (dollars, ponds and yuan, etc.), for instance acquired from an exchange rate connection center 2.例文帳に追加

為替クロスレート表記憶部16は、為替レート接続センタ2から取得した、例えば円と他の通貨(ドル、ポンド、元等)の間の現在の為替レートを記憶している。 - 特許庁

While in India Miroku Bosatsu was shaped as a statue having suihei in his hand, in China it was shaped as a statue sitting cross-legged on a chair until the Tang and was shown as a corpulent figure of Hotei, an incarnation of Miroku after the Yuan and Ming dynasties. 例文帳に追加

弥勒菩薩像はインドでは水瓶を手にする像として造形されたが、中国においては、唐までは足を交差させ椅子に座る像として造像され、元明時代以降は弥勒の化身とされた布袋として肥満形で表された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, Gan Gen (Yen Yuan) criticized both Neo-Confucianism and Yomei-gaku, and created an original learning which preaching that the way to become a saint is not through reading or sitting on the floor calmly, but through shuko (repeated practices). 例文帳に追加

一方、顔元は朱子学・陽明学ともに批判し、聖人となる方法は読書でも静坐でもなく「習行」(繰り返しの実践)であるとする独自の学問を興した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Bunei War in 1274, he commanded an army of 100 troopers or more jointly with his younger brother, Aritaka KIKUCHI, defeated Yuan's army and distinguished himself in the war, including the fact that he got 2 severed heads of the enemies (in most cases severed heads were generals') he defeated and repelled the enemy back to Akasaka (Fukuoka City). 例文帳に追加

文永11年(1274年)の文永の役では弟の菊池有隆と共に百余騎の軍勢を率いて元軍を破り、首二級を取って赤坂(福岡市)まで撃退する武功を挙げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, with an aim to prevent piratical private trades by wako (Japanese pirates), the dynasty came to desire peaceful trades with Japan (trade between Japan and Yuan Dynasty) by establishing Shihakushi (the public office that operated on trade on the sea in China from T'ang-Dynasty period to the Ming Dynasty period) in Quanzhou, Qingyuan, and Ningbo. 例文帳に追加

また当時出没し始めた倭寇による海賊的私貿易を防ぐ意味からも、沿岸部の広州・泉州・慶元(寧波)などに市舶司を置き、日本との平和的な交易を望むようになっていた(日元貿易)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the incident, Qing began to get actively involved in the military and internal affairs of Korea by stationing its military force led by YUAN Shiva in Korea for military training and posting an adviser in the government. 例文帳に追加

事変後清は袁世凱らが指揮する軍隊を朝鮮に駐留させ、軍隊訓練や政府顧問をおくなど朝鮮の軍事や内政に積極的に関与した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Russians continued their occupation of Manchuria even after the Boxer Protocol was concluded in 1901, prompting Zhang Zhidong and Yuan Shikai to assert Qing sovereignty over Dongsan Province by claiming that it should treated as an internal affair. 例文帳に追加

1901年の北京議定書締結後もロシアの満洲占拠が続いたために、張之洞や袁世凱は東三省の行政体制を内地と同一とするなどの統治強化を主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even in an open battle on the continent, one of the main tactics of the Yuan army was to damage the enemy by shooting arrows from horseback, maintaining certain distance from it and taking advantage of the mobility of the cavalry. 例文帳に追加

元軍は大陸での野戦でも、騎馬兵の機動力を生かし、敵と一定の距離を保って馬上からの騎射で相手を損耗させる事を主な戦法の一つにしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1281, an army of 140 thousand soldiers in total departed for Japan, consisting of the Eastern Route Army of 40,000 soldiers mainly from the Yuan and Goryeo army and the Southern Yangtze Army of 100,000 soldiers mainly from the former Southern Sung army. 例文帳に追加

1281年(日本の弘安四年・元の至元十八年)、元・高麗軍を主力とした東路軍4万と、旧南宋軍を主力とした江南軍10万、計14万の軍が日本に向けて出発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It included the description that a large island located far away across the sea from Jurchen and Goryeo as an area against the Great Yuan Dynasty, transcribed as 'جمنكوj-m-n-k-w,' which appeared to be a 'country of Japan.' 例文帳に追加

女直、高麗などから東南海上の彼方に大元朝に敵対する地域として「日本国」の音写とおぼしき「جمنكوj-m-n-k-w」と呼ばれる大島についての記述がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Literati painting was basically an avocation by amateur and 'its kiin (elegance)' which could be regarded as its essence was widely accepted by Bunjin and deeply spread among Bunjin in their pastimes after Sung and Yuan periods. 例文帳に追加

文人画は飽くまで素人の余技であり、その精髄とも呼べる「気韻」は広く文人の間に受け入れられ、宋元以降、文人の趣味生活に深く浸透していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is an observation that this was a conflict concerning the peace policy after the war between the Ainu and Yuan that took place in 1264 and ended in 1308. 例文帳に追加

この争いを、文永元年(元の至元(元世祖)元年/1264年)から徳治3年(元の至大元年/1308年)にかけての骨嵬(アイヌ)と元との交戦後の講和を巡る方針争いによるとする見解がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Comprehensively, expensive Chinese Yuan will promote an increase of domestic demand and expansion of economy scale in China, and Japanese businesses will be required to develop corresponding to the progress of Chinese economy.例文帳に追加

総合的に見れば人民元高は中国の内需拡大、経済規模拡大を促進し、中国経済の発展に応じた我が国企業の展開が求められていくことになるだろう。 - 経済産業省

The bill was to impose an additional custom duty to imported products from China based on interpretation of lower exchange rates of Chinese Yuan maintained by the government as a type of export subsidy.例文帳に追加

同法案は、中国の人民元相場が割安な水準に維持されており、これが政府による輸出補助金に相当するとの解釈に基づき、米国に輸入される中国製品に対して関税を上乗せするというものであった。 - 経済産業省

In June 2009, there was an announcement on the second phase national petroleum reserve plan to construct 8 bases (total reserve capacity: 26.80 million kL, about 168 million barrel) with 30.0billion yuan (about $4.4 billion) by 2015.例文帳に追加

2009 年6 月には、2015 年までに300 億元(約44億ドル)で、8 基地(貯蔵容量2,680 万kL(約1.68 億バレル))を建設するという2 期国家石油備蓄計画が公表されている。 - 経済産業省

As the rise of the yuan also leads to an increase in the wage costs of Chinese workers in yen terms, revaluation can potentially have a major impact on enterprises that have established operations in China as a means of reducing costs, depending on the scale of the revaluation. 例文帳に追加

また、元の上昇は中国人労働者の円換算の賃金コスト上昇につながるため、切り上げ幅によってはコスト削減を目的とした進出では大きな影響が出る可能性がある。 - 経済産業省

The government started strengthening government measures to maintain its economic growth in August 2008, and implemented a 4 trillion yuan domestic demand stimulus plan, mainly for the facilitation an overhaul of infrastructure such as railroads, roads, airports and the power supply network (see Table 1-2-3-3).例文帳に追加

政府は、経済成長維持のための政策対応を2008年8 月以降強化し、鉄道・道路・空港・電力等のインフラ整備を中心とする「4 兆元」内需拡大策を講じた(第1-2-3-3 表)。 - 経済産業省

For example, China drew a poverty line at an annual income of 637 yuan for 2003, which would be translated into only $351.2 after gaps of the purchasing power parity are taken into account between the United States and China.例文帳に追加

例えば、2003年の中国の貧困基準は、一人当たり年間収入を637元としているが、米国と中国の購買力平価を勘案してドル換算を行うと351.2ドルにすぎない。 - 経済産業省

The dollar-buying intervention has helped increase China’s foreign-currency reserves and also resulted in an increase in money supply as the yuan that was unleashed into the banking system via dollar-buying interventions cannot be completely absorbed by Chinese currency authorities under thesterilizingoperation.例文帳に追加

こうした通貨当局の外国為替市場における介入により、中国では、外貨準備と不胎化しきれない場合におけるマネーサプライが増加する要因となっている。 - 経済産業省

If the imbalance in the yuan market is not corrected the US will draft a bill which makes it possible to implement an anti-dumping tax.例文帳に追加

米国では、2010年3月16日に上院において、人民元相場の不均衡を是正しなければ米国が反ダンピング税を課すことを可能にする法案が提出された。 - 経済産業省

A letter sent to Sadayuki HOJO (Rokuhara Tandai [an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto]), a son of the regent, Sadaaki HOJO at an unknown date (1329 is the widely-accepted theory) says that Kotoku-in zoeiryotosen (a group of traveling vessels that were dispatched to the Yuan dynasty in order to make profits to cover the costs of repair and construction of Kotoku-in Temple) was scheduled to travel to Sung in the following year. 例文帳に追加

年次不明(元徳元年(1329年)説が有力)の前執権北条貞顕の息子北条貞将(六波羅探題)宛て書状に、翌春に高徳院造営料唐船が渡宋する予定であると書かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The recipe of sakumen described in an encyclopedia called "The Guide to Running a Household" from the end of the Southern Sung period to the beginning of the Yuan period includes one closely resembling the recipe of Japanese hand-stretched somen such as 'making the dough thinner by stretching it with oil applied to its surface and finally making it still thinner by hooking it on rods.' 例文帳に追加

南宋時代末期から元初期頃の『居家必要事類全集』という百科全書に出ている索麺の作り方には「表面に油を塗りながら延ばしていくことで、最後に棒に掛けてさらに細くする」等といった日本の手延素麺の製法と酷似した特徴が書いてある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A portrait of Ichizan Ichinei, an envoy of the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty China who came to Japan and served at Kencho-ji and Engaku-ji temples in Kamakura before becoming the 3rd head priest of Nanzen-ji Temple, that is said to have been crafted soon after his death. 例文帳に追加

中国・元の皇帝の使節として来日し、鎌倉の建長寺・円覚寺を経て南禅寺の第三世住持となった一山一寧(いちざんいちねい)の頂相彫刻で、一山の没後間もない頃に制作されたものといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the annual year-long historical drama series "Tokimune HOJO," Motohira was depicted as an uncompromising Kanpaku as could be seen in the scene where he committed seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) aided by Tokisuke HOJO's act of kaishaku (a merciful blow on to the neck by a second with a sword) in front of Emperor Kameyama, insisting that Tokimune not respond to the letter from Yuan (Mongolia); however, the story is, of course, fictional. 例文帳に追加

大河ドラマ『北条時宗(NHK大河ドラマ)』では基平は元(王朝)(モンゴル)への返書を非として亀山天皇の眼前で切腹自害し、北条時輔の介錯を受ける硬派な関白として登場するが、勿論フィクションである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, common gokenin had to shoulder new burdens such as Ikokukeigobanyaku (military service imposed on gokenin in the Kyushu area by the bakufu in order to protect themselves against the invasion force of the Yuan dynasty) and Nagato keigoban (guards to protect Nagato Province against an invasion by a foreign country), which made it difficult for them to cope with the emerging monetary economy; moreover, their territories were broken up due to divided inheritance, so the social hierarchy rapidly diversified. 例文帳に追加

その一方、一般の御家人層では、異国警固番役や長門警固番役などの新たな負担を抱えるとともに、貨幣経済の普及に十分対応しきれず、分割相続による所領の細分化などもあり、急速に階層分化が進んでいった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there was an argument in the Imperial Court over whether or not to reply, bakufu opposed replying, and the majority of the Imperial Court also had a strong attitude, insisting, 'we should not yield to the demand of the Yuan Dynasty,' and thus, both the Imperial Court and bakufu decided to ignore the letter. 例文帳に追加

朝廷内部では返事を出すかどうかで論争されたが、幕府が返事を出す事に反対した事、朝廷内でも「元の要求に屈するべきではない」という強硬論が強かった事から、朝廷・幕府ともに国書を黙殺する事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As was mentioned in your question, I hear that Minister of Finance Azumi made an announcement at a press conference after today's cabinet meeting. Direct exchange between the yen and the yuan will start on Friday, June 1 in both of the Tokyo and Shanghai markets. 例文帳に追加

今、ご質問の中にもありましたように、安住財務大臣から、今日の閣議後大臣会見で、発表があったというふうに聞いておりますけれども、6月1日金曜日から東京市場と上海市場の双方で、円と人民元の直接交換が開始されるところでございます。 - 金融庁


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