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it seems likeの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

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Since there is also a description of 'usu-yo' (thin torinoko-colored paper) distinguished from torinoko, it seems that torinoko referred to thick ganpishi (thick Japanese paper made from fibers taken from the bark of a clove-like bush). 例文帳に追加

同様に「薄様」についても説明があり、鳥の子と区別していることから、鳥の子は厚手の雁皮紙(がんぴし)を指していたと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems that the Katsurakisitoriniimasu Amenohaikazuchi no Mikoto-jinja shrine was a worship space or something like a sato-miya shrine (shrine built in a village area as a worship space for another shrine in a mountain) belonging to the Futakami-jinja shrine on the top of the mountain. 例文帳に追加

山頂の二上神社の遥拝所もしくは里宮的な存在であったとみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it seems like he was passive about the conquest of Choshu because he refused to actually join the troops at the Second conquest on the grounds of Yasuaya being ill. 例文帳に追加

しかし、長州征伐には消極的だったようであり、第2次では安斐の病気を理由に出兵は辞退している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems that on several occasions some publishers who wanted to commission a painting job had trouble finding his location because he constantly moved from one place to another just because he did not like the air in the neighborhood. 例文帳に追加

近所の空気が気に入らないといっては移転し、版元が絵を依頼しようとしても居所がわからず困ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By aligning the same system at all the time, it seems one unit corresponds to one channel and a supervisory information quantity or the like is just decreased.例文帳に追加

常に同一系に揃えておくことで、1ユニット1チャネルに見せかけることができ、その分、監視情報量などが減る。 - 特許庁


Although, there are various arguments concerning interpretation of 'shikigami,' with one of them being that it is like the esoteric Buddhism Goho-doji or with another being that it is to make use of spirits, but the most compelling theory seems to be that it originated from 'Rikujinshikiban' used in Onmyodo. 例文帳に追加

「式神」の解釈は密教の護法童子に似たものであるとか、精霊を使役するものであるとか諸説存在するが、最も有力なのは陰陽道で用いられる「六壬式盤(りくじんしきばん)」に由来するとの説であろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems that he was genetically related to Tadamune OBU whose home ground was Obu no sho like Suesada's, so it is sometimes said that he was of Seiwa-Genji Yoshitada lineage, which was founded by Tadamune's father, MINAMOTO no Yoshitada. 例文帳に追加

同じ飯富庄を本拠地とした飯富忠宗との血縁関係があったのではないかということから、忠宗の父、源義忠を流祖とする清和源氏義忠流といわれることもある - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems like the more unstable the world becomes, the more the Imperial Court expects from Onmyoji; every time a prominent Onmyoji appears from the Abe clan, it is during the turbulent times. 例文帳に追加

世の中が不安定であればあるほど、朝廷から陰陽師への期待が高まるものなのか、安倍氏から名高い陰陽師が登場するのは「乱世」というべき時代である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the free fall status, the G sensor value to be obtained according to a detected signal of the G sensor 3 without receiving the influence of the load weight or the like on the vehicle should become zero, and when it is not zero, it seems as an offset.例文帳に追加

自由降下状態の際には、車両への積載重量などの影響を受けることなくGセンサ3の検出信号から求められるGセンサ値は0になるはずであり、0でなければそれがオフセットと考えられる。 - 特許庁


Under the influence of the Chinese books like "History of the Later han Dynasty" and "Bai-Shi Wen Ji," the original tale, which had been passed on by word of mouth, was once written down in Chinese, and then it seems to have been rewritten in kana later. 例文帳に追加

元々、口承説話として伝えられたものが『後漢書』や『白氏文集』など漢籍の影響を受けて一旦は漢文の形で完成されたが、後に平仮名で書き改められたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The word unprocessed sake seems to make people imagine primary sake with moromi and yeast, the source of the sake, or thick syrupy extract-like sake, but it is not so in reality. 例文帳に追加

原酒というと、一般的にはその酒の元となった醪や酵母を使った本源的な酒、あるいは何かどろっとした濃いエキスのような酒がイメージされるようであるが、実際はそういうものではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Apparently, dried bonito was made in or around the fifth century, but it seems to have been quite different from the present varieties; a record states that there were methods of producing dried bonito, but they seem to have produced something like stockfish. 例文帳に追加

5世紀頃には干しカツオが作られていたとみられるが、これらは現在の鰹節とはかなり異なったものであったようだ(記録によるといくつかの製法があったようだが、干物に近いものであったと思われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At present, it seems that the generations who have a deeply rooted thinking of 'Sake tastes like that' even without knowing the term 'sanzoshu' can not pay attention to true sake. 例文帳に追加

「三増酒」という言葉すら知らずに「日本酒とはああいうものだ」という固定観念を極めて深いところに持ってしまっている世代は、なかなか真の日本酒に目を向けようとしないのが現状といえよう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems that I am being treated like my father and the boundary of the territories is set on fire,' whereby he claimed that Yoshihisa was going to demolish the Ijuin clan. 例文帳に追加

私も父同然に扱われるつもりのようで、(知行地の)境目に放火している」とあり、義久が伊集院氏を滅ぼすつもりであったと主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She is very excited about appearing on the show and said, "I've watched Kohaku every year since I was a child, so it seems like a dream to be able to perform on the show. I'll wear lovely costumes to liven up the Red team." 例文帳に追加

彼女は番組への出演をとても楽しみにしており,「子どものころから毎年紅白を見ていたので,番組で歌えることは夢のよう。すてきな衣装を着て,紅(あか)組(ぐみ)を盛り上げたい。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

For the ship's captain, Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks), and his 20 crew members, it seems like an ordinary trip until the ship sails into the Gulf of Aden.例文帳に追加

この船のリチャード・フィリップス船長(トム・ハンクス)と20人の乗組員にとって,船がアデン湾に入るまでは,いつも通りの航海のように思えた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In "The Pillow Book," she wrote about everything of interest to her during her life in the Imperial Court of the Heian period, and it includes 'Monowazukushi' (listing items like Utamakura (a place famed in poetry)), excellent poems, observations on daily life, comments on people, and reminiscences, so it also seems to be a record, etc. 例文帳に追加

『枕草子』には、「ものはづくし」(歌枕などの類聚)、詩歌秀句、日常の観察、個人のことや人々の噂、記録の性質を持つ回想など、彼女が平安の宮廷ですごした間に興味を持ったものすべてがまとめられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it seems like the temple had been quite substantial from the Heian period to the medieval period, it was completely-burned by the fire in 1498 and also by the fire caused by the war in 1503; the temple's treasure and the records were burned down, which included not only the original building from its inception but also most of the Buddha statues, the temple's treasure and the records. 例文帳に追加

平安時代から中世にかけて、かなりの規模をもった寺院だったようだが、明応7年(1498年)の火災で全焼し、その数年後の文亀3年(1503年)の兵火でも焼け、この2回の火災で創建以来の建物ばかりでなく、仏像、寺宝、記録類なども大方焼けてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I would also like to ask about the system failure incidents of Gaitame.Com that you have just touched on. It seems to me that what should have been done is to pay damages calculated by using original position values, rather than applying the loss-cutting rule, in other words, forcefully closing the position at the rates applicable thenis it a fair assumption that no more action will follow on this matter? 例文帳に追加

もう1点、先ほどの外為ドットコムの(システム障害の)件なのですけれども、本来ならロスカット、すなわち当時の値で勝手に決済ではなく、ポジションを元に戻して損害賠償すべきだとは思うのですけれども、この件に関してはもうこれで処分終わりということでしょうか。 - 金融庁

When a proprietor considers selling his or her business in practice, it seems that it is sentimental concerns that give rise to resistance, due, for example, to the feeling that the proprietor is somehow betraying his or her employees, who have become like family and worked together with the proprietor to grow the company, by selling the business and pocketing the returns by himself or herself.例文帳に追加

現実的に事業売却を検討するとなると、家族のような付き合いを続け、共に会社を大きくしてきた従業員に対し、自分だけ売却益を得て会社を抜けるというような裏切り行為となるのではないか、などと思う感情面の問題が抵抗感を感じさせるのであろう。 - 経済産業省

This particularstyle guide was selected mostly because it seems reasonable and is easy to get online.Topics which are not covered in the Apple's style guide will be discussed in this document if necessary.Many special names are used in the Python documentation, including the names of operating systems, programming languages, standardsbodies, and the like.例文帳に追加

Apple のスタイルガイドがカバーしていないトピックについては、このドキュメントで必要に応じて議論していきます。 Python ドキュメントの中では、オペレーティングシステムやプログラミング言語、標準機関、その他の名前を含む沢山の特殊な名前を使っています。 - Python

The year before, Yoshimasa, who did not have a son, made his real younger brother Gijin return as a secular from a Buddhist priest. He changed this brother's name to Yoshimi ASHIKAGA while placing Katsumoto HOSOKAWA as his guardian. He also nominated Yoshimi as the shogun successor, which Tomiko did not like. This situation seems to have produced gossip, but whether it is true or not is unclear. 例文帳に追加

これは、前年に男子の生まれない義政は実弟で仏門に入っていた義尋を還俗させ、名を足利義視と改めて細川勝元を後見に将軍後継者としていた事に対し、富子が反発していた事から来た噂のようだが、はっきりとしたことは分からない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has been said that the fact that Hideyoshi awarded Yoshitaka, who had numerous achievelents, with the territory of Nakatsu in the Buzen Province far away from Osaka with only 120,000 koku (which seems like a stingy package in comparison to what Hideyoshi gave to the other daimyo such as Kiyosama KATO or Masanori FUKUSHIMA, who had always been with Hideyoshi) proves this. 例文帳に追加

秀吉が多くの功績を立てた孝高に対して、大坂から遠く離れた豊前の中津でわずか12万石しか与えなかった(加藤清正・福島正則ら他の子飼い大名と比べると小封と言える)のも、それを示していると言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems a definition of an ancient capital is not exact, because there is a tendency to call even old cities like Dazaifu and Hiraizumi, or so-called little Kyoto towns established in the medieval period, or castle towns of the early-modern times such as Kanazawa City and Matsue City with many historic sites as ancient capitals, though they had never been the center of national administration. 例文帳に追加

加えて、全国政権の所在地ではないが大宰府や平泉町といった古代の主要都市や、中世以降のいわゆる小京都、更には金沢市や松江市など史跡に恵まれた近世の城下町をも「古都」と美称する傾向があり、その定義は必ずしも厳密ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The light emitted from the light sources 18b, 18b enters from end faces of the respective ends of the light guide member 18a, thereby it seems like the whole light guide member 18a emits light, and the mirror 17 reflects an image 18c of the light guide member 18a that is emitting light.例文帳に追加

光源18b,18bから出射した光が導光部材18aの各端部の端面から入射することで、導光部材18a全体が発光しているように見え、ミラー17が発光している導光部材18aの像18cを映し出す。 - 特許庁

Woodchip fibers where the astringency of the tannin, the lignin or the like is degraded, and also the food production wastes leaving various nutritional components and/or taste components therein turn to feed raw material satisfactorily suitable for animals to eat, and it seems for the animals to be a great eater of the material composed of the sufficiently fermented mixture.例文帳に追加

タンニンやリグニン等の渋みが分解された木くずの繊維と、さらに様々な栄養成分や食味成分が残存する食品製造廃棄物とは、動物が食するのに十分な飼料素材となり、該混合物が十分に発酵が進んだものを、動物は好んで食すると考えられる。 - 特許庁

It seems that the "gohyaku jin-tengo" was quoted only as a metaphor in the Lotus Sutra; however, Nichiren (founder of the Nichiren sect) gave the meaning of kaigon-ken-non (discarding the assumption that Shakyamuni attained enlightenment for the first time in India and revealing that he originally gained enlightenment in the immensely distant past) to the word "gohyaku jin-tengo" by saying things like "for as long as gohyaku jin-tengo, this land has been ruled by Buddha;" thus it came to be interpreted as the time of actual enlightenment of Buddha. 例文帳に追加

この五百塵点劫は、法華経の経文を読む限りでは、たとえ話として引用しているだけであるが、日蓮は釈迦御所領御書などで、「過去五百塵点劫より、このかた、この娑婆世界は釈迦菩薩の御進退の国土なり」などと、五百塵点劫の言葉に開近顕遠の意味を持たせたことから、釈尊が本当に覚った時と解釈されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many concepts and ceremonies from Koshinto were introduced into Japanese society during the late Edo period, their popularization tied to the rise of both the sonno joi (revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians) philosophy and the Hirata school of Kokugaku, but few historical records detailing Koshinto influence survive today, so much like the case of primitive Buddhism, it seems it is in fact only possible to make inferences on Koshinto based on later documents or by analogy. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代末期に、古神道と称する思想や儀礼などが、尊皇攘夷思想や平田国学の隆盛と連動して、世に出たものが多くあるが、しかし当時の記録文書は無きに等しく、原始仏教同様、実際には後世の資料などから、間接的に推理・類推される存在に過ぎないことも指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Narimasa was often regarded as an adversary of Hideyoshi like Katsuie SHIBATA, since he disliked Hideyoshi and fought in the same Hokuriku area when Nobunaga was alive, a document of the Maeda family describes that he became so upset unlike a lord about the attack of the Toyama-jo Castle usurped by the Uesugi clan and had big quarrel with Katsuie for a period of time, so it seems difficult to say that he had good relationship with anti-Hideyoshi side. 例文帳に追加

大の秀吉嫌いで、信長存命時には同じ北陸方面で戦ったことから、秀吉の敵対者として柴田勝家とひとくくりにされることが多いが、一時期、上杉方に奪われた富山城の攻略では大将とは思えぬ取り乱しぶりで勝家と大喧嘩したという記録が前田家の文書に残っており、必ずしも反秀吉という面で親密な関係にあったとは言い難いようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At your press conference last week, you said we still need to remain vigilant over financial developments. Over the past year, disruptive incidents have occurred during each earnings reporting season -- some people say that it seems as if Japan's financial crisis of a decade ago is being replayed. Under these circumstances, there are arguments that like Japan, the United States should use public funds and that Japan should strongly urge the United States to do so. What is your view in this regard? 例文帳に追加

先週の会見でも金融情勢はまだまだ警戒水準とおっしゃいましたが、この1年間見ていても決算期のたびに波が訪れるといいますか、人によっては日本の10年前の金融危機の状況を再び見ているようだという人もいますが、そうした中でアメリカにおいても日本と同じように公的資金を導入すべきだという意見もあり、日本としてもアメリカに強く訴えたほうが良いという考えや意見もありますが、大臣はどのように考えていますか。 - 金融庁

Included are a scoring means 50 of scoring voice information inputted as karaoke playing music is outputted and a scoring standard determining means 52 of determining at least one standard of scoring by the scoring means 50 among a plurality of preset standards at random, so a standard of scoring is different at each time and it seems to a user that a karaoke machine 10 which scores voice information is just like a moody person.例文帳に追加

カラオケ演奏曲の出力に伴って入力される音声情報に応じて得点を採点する採点手段50と、予め設定された複数の基準のうちからその採点手段50による採点の基準を少なくとも1つ無作為に決定する採点基準決定手段52とを、含むことから、採点の基準が毎回のように異なるものとされ、斯かる採点を行うカラオケ装置10が恰も気まぐれな人間であるかの如き印象を利用者に与えることができる。 - 特許庁

The current state of the world's economy was discussed from a variety of other angles as well, but, being a minister responsible for financial matters, I would like to point out that although Basel III currently ranks among significant global topics, it seems that the subject of such financial regulations did not come up in the discussion much. In the area of international financial regulatory reforms, specific objectives have been presented in forums like G20 summit meetings in a move to prevent another financial crisis and to strengthen financial systems and, as I have just mentioned, there has been steady progress made in this direction in the form of Basel III and other initiatives. 例文帳に追加

色々その他、世界経済の現状について議論されましたけれども、私は金融担当の大臣でございますから、金融担当の大臣として申し上げれば、今バーゼル III 、大変世界的な大きな議題になっていますが、そういったこの金融規制については、特段議論にならなかったというふうに承知をいたしております。国際的な金融規制改革については、金融危機の再発防止、金融システム強化に向けて、G20首脳会議等の場で具体的な方向性が示され、その実施に向けて、今私もお話ししましたように、バーゼル III 、こういったことも着実に話が進んでいるところでございます。 - 金融庁


Like Section 301 of the US Trade Act, the TBR is intended to promote the opening of foreign markets, but differs in some aspects. First, its scope is limited to trade practices for which international trade rules establish a right of action. Second, there is no rigid time frame between the initiation of an investigation and a determination, and the EU is bound by the findings of the dispute settlement procedures. The EU regime seems more consistent with the DSU. We can hardly say that this regime itself constitutes a “unilateral measureprohibited by the DSU. Because the philosophy of this scheme is somewhat similar to our “rule-based criteria,” it has some positive aspects. Nevertheless, since its scope is not limited to violations of the WTO Agreements, and the organizations to which dispute cases are referred are not limited to the WTO, it could violate the WTO Agreements if improperly applied. We believe that its practical application in the future needs to be monitored.例文帳に追加

TBR は、外国市場開放の促進を意図している点で米国通商法301条と共通するものの、WTO協定をはじめとする国際通商ルールに基づき申立を行うことが出来るような相手国の貿易政策・措置を対象としており、また調査開始から措置決定までの期間が特定されない点、さらに上記のように国際的な紛争解決手続の結果に拘束されるなど、よりWTO整合的となっており、DSU で禁止されている「一方的措置」に直接該当するとは言い難く、「ルール志向」という本報告書の精神にも合致する点は、むしろ積極的に評価すべきであるとも言える。 - 経済産業省


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