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new and powerfulの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 48


the condition of being new and powerful 例文帳に追加

新しく現れて勢いの鋭いさま - EDR日英対訳辞書


新鋭設備の価格決定支援方法および価格決定支援装置 - 特許庁

To support the price determination of a new and powerful facility in a production starting stage.例文帳に追加

生産立上げ段階の新鋭設備の価格決定を支援する。 - 特許庁

To perform a new and powerful game performance operation while suppressing a data amount and control burdens.例文帳に追加

データ量や制御負担を抑制しつつ、斬新で迫力ある遊技演出動作を実行する。 - 特許庁


Fung sees Sing's powerful kick and gets an idea for a new kind of soccer team. 例文帳に追加

ファンはシンの強力なキックを見て,新しいタイプのサッカーチームをつくることを思いつく。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Then, initial costs to be reflected on the price of the new and powerful facility in the production starting stage is calculated from the total payment, the corresponding costs of the new and powerful facility and the loan sum.例文帳に追加

そして、この総返済額、新鋭設備の対応コストおよび借入金額から、生産立上げ段階の新鋭設備の価格に反映させる初期費用を算出する。 - 特許庁

An operation part 100 predicts the number of production of new and powerful facilities in a production starting stage by using the performance information of a new and powerful facility and the insufficient power information of power supply.例文帳に追加

演算部100は、新鋭設備の性能情報および供給電力の不足電力情報を用いて、生産立上げ段階での新鋭設備の生産台数を予測する。 - 特許庁

E-Commerce is a new and powerful medium which can help close the digital divide among countries and achieve global eQuality in the new world economy. 例文帳に追加

E-Commerceは、国家間のデジタル・デバイドを解消し、新たな国際経済秩序の中で、“eQuality”を達成する新たなで強力な手段なのである。 - 経済産業省

any of several herbivorous leaping marsupials of Australia and New Guinea having large powerful hind legs and a long thick tail 例文帳に追加

大きくて強力な後脚と長くて太い尾を持つオーストラリア・ニューギニア産の草食性で跳躍性の有袋動物類各種 - 日本語WordNet


In 784, the Emperor Kanmu constructed a new capital (Nagaokakyo) in Nagaoka in Yamashiro Province in order to free himself from the influence of temples and shrines which had been getting more and more powerful. 例文帳に追加

784年(延暦3年)強まってきた寺社勢力からの脱却のため、桓武天皇が山背国長岡の地に新たな都(長岡京)を造成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, the price for the option buyer of each new and powerful facility in the production starting stage is decided based on the initial costs and base price.例文帳に追加

それから、生産立上げ段階の各新鋭設備のオプション購入者向け価格を初期費用およびベース価格に基づいて決定する。 - 特許庁

In recent years, this technology has attracted attention both in Japan and abroad as a new and powerful option that helps substantially reduce CO2 in the atmosphere in a short period of time.例文帳に追加

近年、大気中の二酸化炭素を短期間で大幅に削減する有力なオプションとして国内外で注目を集めている。 - 経済産業省

To counter the military and economic pressure from Western powerful countries, the new government aspired to build a country with a centralized government where the emperor played a leading part. 例文帳に追加

新政府は欧米列強の軍事的・経済的圧力に対抗するために、天皇を中心とした中央集権国家の構築を目指した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, to break away from the fetters of powerful Western countries, the new government forged ahead to increase the wealth of the country and build up the military might that was recognized as an important political agenda of the time. 例文帳に追加

また、新政府は欧米列強の桎梏から脱出する為、富国強兵を国の重要政策とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the retired Emperor Suko died in the New Year of 1398, Imperial Prince Yoshihito lost his powerful political supporter and went into the priesthood in May 1398. 例文帳に追加

応永5年(1398年)正月崇光上皇が崩御され、最大の後ろ盾を失った栄仁親王は、同年5月出家した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Now he has four strong metal arms controlled by artificial intelligence and becomesDoc Ock,” a powerful new enemy of Spider-Man. 例文帳に追加

今や彼は,人工知能によって制御される4本の強力な金属アームを持ち,スパイダーマンの新たな強敵「ドック・オク」となったのだ。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In his career, Matsui has played for the Yomiuri Giants, the New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Angels, all powerful teams. 例文帳に追加

自身の経歴の中で,松井選手は読売ジャイアンツ,ニューヨーク・ヤンキース,ロサンゼルス・エンゼルスと常に強豪チームでプレーしてきた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Kenmu no Shinsei (the new government of Emperor Godaigo and the new policies) was started by Emperor Godaigo after the fall of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), but later, Takatsune followed Takauji when Takauji seceded from the Kenmu government, and Takatsune took part in various battles in various places as a powerful military commander of samurai warriors since then. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府滅亡後に後醍醐天皇による建武の新政が行われ、後に尊氏らが建武政権から離反するとこれにも従って、以後武家方の有力武将として各地を転戦する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoriyuki acted as advisor and regent to Yoshiakira's son Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who was still a child, and carried out policies like experimenting with a new hansei (half-tax) law, which was designed to protect existing land holdings, and he attempted to negotiate with the Southern Court, but he also became embroiled in a religious conflict between Mt. Hiei, the powerful old Buddhist sect, and Nanzen-ji temple, a center of the rising new Zen sect; he opposed the Mt. Hiei faction because he was supporting the Nanzen-ji faction, yet he also clashed with Nanzen-ji's own powerful religious leaders, for example, when he opposed chief priest Myoha Shunnoku's seclusion from public life. 例文帳に追加

頼之は義詮の子で幼少の足利義満を補佐し、半済令の試行や南朝との交渉などの政策を実施するが、旧仏教勢力の比叡山と新興禅宗の南禅寺との対立においては南禅寺派を支持していたため叡山派と対立し、南禅寺の住職春屋妙葩が隠棲して抗議するなど宗教勢力とも対立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today's Japan is powerful and competitive with other countries in modern art, fashion, and architecture by containing truly new ideas, embracing the world, and creating trends to unify various cultures (or beyond culture). 例文帳に追加

今日の日本は、真に新しい思想をはらみ、世界を包括し、様々な文化を統合した(あるいは文化を持たない)トレンドを生み出すことで、現代美術、ファッション、建築などにおいて他国と競うほどの影響力を持つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, those lords who ignored the desires and ideas of their retainers were often driven from power and replaced by someone else via a meeting of the retainers, and occasionally a powerful retainer would install himself as the new lord with the support of the group of retainers. 例文帳に追加

そのため、家臣団の意向を無視する主君は、しばしば家臣団の衆議によって廃立され、時には家臣団の有力者が衆議に基づいて新たな主君となることもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The creation of the 'kaihatsu-ryoshu' started with the cultivation of the wild land not only by children and brothers of the powerful clan, but neighboring peasants and people who escaped and travelled from their registered domiciles of various provinces to organize into a new village as followers. 例文帳に追加

「開発領主」が生まれる過程は、その地の有力者が一族子弟のみならず、近隣の農民や諸国から流入した浮浪人などを組織して荒地の開拓を行い、その従事者を新しい村落に編成することに始まる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1868, the new government rejected the Yonezawa domain's surrender with arms, and ordered the powerful domains in Tohoku such as; the Sendai and Yonezawa Domains, to deploy their forces to crush the Aizu Domain. 例文帳に追加

慶応4年(1868年)、新政府は会津藩の武装恭順を認めず仙台藩・米沢藩をはじめとする東北の雄藩に会津藩追討を命じ、鎮撫使と軍の部隊を派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Old authorities that had been backed up by the Muromachi bakufu began to be negated and emerging powerful persons rose to new establishment and governed territories. 例文帳に追加

室町幕府によって保証されていた古い権威が否定され始め、新興の実力者が新しい権力階級にのし上がり領国を統治していくこととなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It established a new law and revised an old law, but a Bill was given down to the Central State Council (later Cabinet) as the order of the Emperor, and in the case of emergency it approved after the case, so that it did not have powerful authority. 例文帳に追加

新法の制定と旧法の改定を行うこととしたが、議案は天皇の命令として正院(後に内閣)から下付され、緊急を要する場合は事後承認するだけになるなど権限は弱かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This new form of business collaboration that is emerging is typified by the following four characteristics, and the previously described Law on Supporting Business Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises provides particularly powerful support for them.例文帳に追加

こうした新たに出現しつつある事業連携の特徴は以下の〔1〕~〔4〕であり、前出の「中小企業新事業活動促進法」ではこれらを特に強力に支援していくこととしている。 - 経済産業省

The Old Testament mentions holy spirits (called "???" in Hebrew), while in the New Testament such spirits are referred to as "Pneuma" in Greek. The word "pneuma" derives from the verb "pneo" (to blow), and refers to the breath of a powerful being. 例文帳に追加

『旧約聖書』の「ヘブライ語:רוחהקודש」(ルーアハ)、『新約聖書』では「希:Πνεύμα」(プネウマ。動詞「吹く」(希:πνεω)を語源とし、息、大いなるものの息、といった意が込められる)というものがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) fell into a decline and the local powerful clans, such as the Iyotachibana clan (the Ochi clan) represented by Masashige KUSUNOKI, emerged in the Southern area of Kawachi Province, it began to lose its power, being overwhelmed by such new forces. 例文帳に追加

しかし、鎌倉幕府が衰え、河内国南部に楠木正成に代表される伊予橘氏(越智氏)などの系統の在地豪族が台頭すると、それに圧倒されて勢力を失った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The biggest goal for the new government was to catch up with powerful western countries, and for this reason, they had to solve the problem of the unequal treaty signed in the Shogunate era as soon as possible. 例文帳に追加

新政府にとって、最大の目標は欧米列強に追いつくことであり、そのためにも旧幕府時代に締結された不平等条約の改正が急務とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A standard theory is that Takeda's cavalry which was regarded as the most powerful at that time was overwhelmingly defeated by the Oda forces which were equipped with 3,000 then state-of-art teppo (matchlock guns), and which employed a new tactics of "sandan-uchi" (in which the gunners were arranged in three lines). 例文帳に追加

通説では、当時最新兵器であった鉄砲を3000丁も用意、さらに新戦法の三段撃ちを実行した織田軍を前に、当時最強と呼ばれた武田の騎馬隊は成すすべも無く殲滅させられたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this point, the United States, which had declared and maintained its position of neutrality, supporting neither the new government nor the former bakufu, due to adept maneuvering by the new government announced that it would support the new government, and as a result the new government took possession of the then newest and most powerful ironclad warship, 'Azumakan,' renaming it 'Kotetsu'; the warship had been purchased by bakufu but hitherto not possessed by any political party because of the neutral status of the United States. 例文帳に追加

折りしも局外中立を宣言し新政府・旧幕いずれにも加担せずとの姿勢を貫いていた米国は新政府の巧みな切り崩しにより新政府支持を表明、幕府が買い付けたものの局外中立により所有が空中に浮いていた当時最新鋭の装甲軍艦「東艦」は新政府の手中に収まり「甲鉄」と命名された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In accordance with overseas advance of western powerful countries, western powerful countries created a new term "civilized nation" as a concept of a state based on international law for building relations with countries which did not share Christian values, to be recognized as a state, it was necessary to be recognized as a "civilized nation" rather than being a Christian country, therefore the conditions to be protected by international law became abstract and generalized. 例文帳に追加

しかし西欧列強の海外進出と共に、キリスト教的価値観を共有しない諸国家との関係を探るうち、「文明国」という国際法的な意味での国家概念を捻出し、キリスト教的か否かよりも「文明国」か否かが国家承認の要件と見なされるようになり、次第にキリスト教色を薄め、国際法被適用資格は抽象化・一般化していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Tenmu enforced a range of measures, such as a law relating to the appointment of government officials, the reversal of the Koshi pronouncement, and the ordering of the return to the court of mountains, islands, beaches, woods, ponds and other assets owned by aristocrats or shrines and temples; he also opened the way to government positions for members of powerful remote regional clans as well as those near the capital and talented farmers, and established a new court rank and promotion system. 例文帳に追加

官人登用の法、甲子の宣の廃止、貴族・社寺の山・島・浦・林・池などの返還、畿外の豪族と才能のある百姓の任官への道を開き、官人の位階昇進の制度などを新設したりといった諸政を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Hidenori, Sadamasa ISHIKO of a powerful clan in Mino Province invited Keinan Shusen and repaired the buildings in 1632 in order to hold a memorial ceremony on the 50th anniversary of his father's death, and also took one character from the posthumous Buddhist name of his father, 'Tensenshukei Daizenjomon,' and his mother, 'Shoinmyoshun Daishi,' to give the temple the new name of Keishun-in Temple. 例文帳に追加

秀則死後、美濃の豪族・石河貞政(いしこさだまさ)が寛永9年(1632年)に父の50年忌の追善供養のために桂南守仙(けいなんしゅせん)を請じて建物を整備し、父の法名「天仙守桂大禅定門」,母の法名「裳陰妙春大姉」から2文字をとり桂春院と改めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Wherever the Puritans have been sufficiently powerful, as in New England, and in Great Britain at the time of the Commonwealth, they have endeavoured, with considerable success, to put down all public, and nearly all private, amusements: especially music, dancing, public games, or other assemblages for purposes of diversion, and the theatre. 例文帳に追加

ニュー・イングランドや共和制時代の英国のような、清教徒が十分な力を持ったところではどこでも、彼らは熱心にすべての公的娯楽とほとんどすべての私的娯楽、特に音楽、ダンス、公開競技、その他の気晴らしのための集会や演劇を禁止してまわり、かなり成功をおさめたのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

Promoted by the cultural independencies of various provinces in the rivalry of powerful leaders of the Sengoku period (period of warring states), many new local brands were produced in various places, integrated with the food culture of common people in each places, and they became diversified in the points of taste, quality, amount of production, and so on. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)の群雄割拠が諸国に文化的な独自性を持たせたことも追い風となって、それぞれの土地の一般庶民の食文化との相互補完をベースとしながら、各地に数々の新しいローカルブランドが誕生し、味、酒質、製造量などの点において多様化が進んでいった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the early Sengoku period (Period of Warring States in Japan), Sadahide () GAMO strongly supported Shugo (provincial military governors) Takayori ROKKAKU to make the Rokkaku clan one of powerful Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period); however, Sadahide's heir Hideyuki died young and before naming the new heir, Sadahide died, therefore, a conflict arose between Hideyuki's oldest son Hidenori GAMO and Sadahide's son Takasato GAMO. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)の初期の蒲生貞秀は、守護の六角高頼をよく補佐し、六角氏の戦国大名化に貢献したが、嫡男の秀行が早世したため、その死後に嫡孫の蒲生秀紀と子の蒲生高郷との間に争いがおきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For these reasons, it is necessary to establish new and more powerful rules regarding the enforcement of intellectual property rights protection, but developing these rules within the existing international frameworks, such as the WTO and the WIPO, is difficult as the interests of member countries are becoming more complex.例文帳に追加

そのため、より強力な知的財産権の執行に係るルールの策定が必要となるが、WTOやWIPOといった既存の国際的枠組みでは、加盟国間の利害関係が非常に複雑化しており、新たなルールづくりは非常に困難となっている。 - 経済産業省

A "used case database", to provide the current know-how information for such transformations, and a "performance database", to describe new hardware parts with more powerful metrics are incorporated into the transformation algorithm.例文帳に追加

そのような変換に関する現在のノウハウ情報を提供するための“使用済みケースデータベース”と、さらに強力なメトリクスを備えた新たなハードウェア部分を記述する“パフォーマンスデータベース”とは、変換アルゴリズムに組込まれる。 - 特許庁

Theories about the royal lines of the Yamato Kingdom include that it originated from Himiko and Toyo; that the first royal line ended with Iyo and a new one appeared; that the royal line during the beginning of the Yamato Kingdom was not heredity but was shared between different powerful families; that the first royal line died out and Mimakiirihiko (Emperor Sujin) started a new one around the beginning of the fourth century. 例文帳に追加

卑弥呼-台与の王統を継承しているとする説、壱与で王統が断絶し新たな王統が発生したとする説、初期ヤマト王権の王位は世襲ではなく有力豪族間で継承されたとする説、初期の王統は途中で断絶して4世紀前期ごろにミマキイリヒコ(崇神天皇)が新たな王統を開始したとする説などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a new family of double para-phenylenediamines linked by a branched aliphatic chain, and a new oxidation base capable of dyeing keratin fibers with a variety of low-selective, powerful and beautiful color tones and in a variety of colors resistant to various attacking factors to which the fibers might be subjected, for example, light, sweat, shampoo or the like.例文帳に追加

分枝状の脂肪族鎖によって結合されているダブルパラ−フェニレンジアミン類の新規ファミリーに関するものであり、低選択性の強く美しい多様な色調、並びに繊維が受けるかもしれない様々な攻撃因子、例えば、光、汗及びシャンプーなどに耐性のある多様な色で、ケラチン繊維を染色可能な新規の酸化ベースを提供する。 - 特許庁

In small or medium scaled powerful families in the Kinai area and among local powerful families, ujigami was believed to be an extension of the conventional belief, however, in the late Heian period when the shoen-koryo system (a manor and public territory system) was established and the handing down of territories and properties between fathers and children became common, the conventional manner of ujigami worship in each clan collapsed and, when territory management by 'family' as a unit gradually became common, chien-gami god (the locally connected god) of each territory or ubutsuchi-gami god (soil producing god) of one's home town was worshipped as ujigami and, as this confusion advanced, new ujigami were established in various places. 例文帳に追加

畿内の中小豪族や地方豪族では、旧来の延長上の氏神信仰が行われてきたが、平安時代後期に荘園公領制が成立して、父子間の所領・財産継承が行われるようになると、各氏族の氏神崇拝の従来のあり方が崩れていき、次第に「家」単位での所領経営が行われるようになるとそれぞれの所領の地縁神もしくは出身地の産土神を氏神とするようになり、その混同が進行するとともに各地に新たな氏社が成立するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As technology leaps ahead and the pursuit of efficiency in specialist areas heightens,sustaining economic growth and the dynamism of the Japanese economy will require takingadvantage of the manufacturing industriesproduction technology and sales strategies, which have always been Japan’s strengths, while at the same time addressing a process of selection and concentration and building a powerful network with the new, differentiated and developedservice industries which have emerged.例文帳に追加

技術進歩が一段と進み、専門分野での効率性の追求が一層なされる今日において、我が国経済が今後とも活力を失わず成長していくためには、従来我が国の強みであった製造業における生産技術面、販売戦略面での優位性を活かしながら「選択と集中」を進め、分化・発展してきたサービス産業と強力なネットワークを組むことが求められる。 - 経済産業省

The movement to overthrow the Shogunate arose because the system of coexistence between the bakufu and the Imperial Court was not appropriate for creating Japan as a modern nation, and it agreed with the new Meiji government's intentions to build a powerful monarchy centered around the Emperor, therefore giving rise to the idea of the Emperor, coming from an unbroken imperial line, being the head of both Shinto and the state. 例文帳に追加

幕府と朝廷の両立体制は近代国家としての日本を創成していくには不都合であったが故の倒幕運動であり、天皇を中心とする強力な君主国家を築いていきたい明治新政府の意向とも一致したため、万世一系の天皇を祭政の両面でこれの頂点とする思想が形成されていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a new process for coloring of keratinous fibers that makes possible predictable coloring with varied, powerful, chromatic, attractive and not very selective shades which is highly resistant to various attacks to which hair may be subjected, such as shampoo, light, sweat and permanent deformation.例文帳に追加

本発明の目的は、毛髪が曝される可能性がある、シャンプー、光、汗および恒久的変形などの種々の攻撃に極めて耐性がある、多様な、強力な、鮮やかな、魅力的であまり選択的でない色調を有する、予測可能な着色を可能にするケラチン繊維を着色する新規な方法を提供することである。 - 特許庁

In other words, while powerful video images are presented in the display region of the liquid crystal displaying apparatus 1400, the depth can be expressed by appearance of the television frame type decorative body 3277 as a new rendering, thereby preventing the image expression from becoming monotonous and improving the interest.例文帳に追加

換言すると、液晶表示装置1400の表示領域で大迫力のある映像表現による演出を行いながら、テレビ枠型装飾体3277の出現による奥行き感を表現するという斬新な演出を行うこともできるようになっているため、映像表現による演出が単調なものになりにくく興趣の向上を図ることに寄与することができる。 - 特許庁

To realize a powerful sound system with a speaker (woofer) 21 for low range sound by adopting a new structure in a stand 10, in a flat panel display apparatus 1 which is composed of the flat panel display body 2 with the speaker built in, and the stand 10 for supporting the flat panel display body 2 on it.例文帳に追加

スピーカーを内蔵したフラットパネルディスプレイ本体2と、このフラットパネルディスプレイ本体2を載せて支持するスタンド10と、により構成されるフラットパネルディスプレイ装置1において、スタンド10に新規の構成を採用し、低音域用スピーカー(ウーハー)21による迫力のある音響システムを実現する。 - 特許庁


Simply speaking, military officers were 'government officials (espcially one of low to medium rank) who were armed and a full-time government [public] employee-like officials trained under the Ritsuryo-system,' while the bushi were 'the people who consisted of a 'lower ranking nobles,' 'lower ranking government officials' and 'people from powerful or medieval families' who regarded the new military art established during the 10th century as their iegei and were officially authorized to be armed by the Imperial Court or kokufu (provincial office)' and they did not acquire the military art of the Ritsuryo-system style in the training institution of the organization of the government according to the Ritsuryo codes. 例文帳に追加

簡単にいえば、武官は「官人として武装しており、律令官制の中で訓練を受けた常勤の公務員的存在」であるのに対して、武士は「10世紀に成立した新式の武芸を家芸とし、武装を朝廷や国府から公認された「下級貴族」、「下級官人」、「有力者の家人中世の家人」からなる人々」であって、律令官制の訓練機構で律令制式の武芸を身につけた者ではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”On Liberty”

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