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"afraid that"を含む例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 238


Fujitsubo, afraid that their affairs would be laid bare and that it would plunge Emperor Reizei into a crisis, suddenly becomes a Buddhist nun after the first year's anniversary of Emperor Kiritsubo's death, without telling either Genji or any other member of her family about it. 例文帳に追加

事が露見し冷泉帝の身に危機が及ぶことを恐れた藤壺は、源氏にも身内にも知らせず桐壺帝の一周忌の後突然出家した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time, people were afraid that they would die or become sick if they saw a Hyakkiyako, but in both of these stories faith saved the protagonists. 例文帳に追加

当時、百鬼夜行を目撃すると死んだり病気になるなどと恐れられていたが、この二つの話はどちらも信仰が身を助けたという話になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As mentioned above, since there was trouble concerning the family secret techniques between the Yoshida clan and the lord Yoshikata ROKKAKU, Shigemasa was afraid that his family secret techniques might become lost, so he taught the doctrines to Sekka and sent him to Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

上述のように吉田家と主君の六角義賢の間で家伝をめぐって争いが生じた折、家伝が絶えることを危惧した重政らが雪荷に奥義を授けて京都に移らせたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The deserted wife in Echizen Province visited Najio going a long way, longing for Yaemon, but the people in the village never allowed her to come in because they were afraid that Yaemon would leave and the paper manufacturing industry which had just started with great difficulty would collapse. 例文帳に追加

越前に残された妻は、弥右衛門を慕ってはるばる名塩を訪れてきたが、村人たちは弥右衛門に今去られては、せっかく始まった紙業が崩れてしまうのを恐れて妻を村に入れなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The bakufu considered that the sakekabu system had a weakness in the point of the amount of sake brewing, and it was afraid that tax revenue would decrease if merchants including sake breweries hit the weak point. 例文帳に追加

幕府から見れば、酒株制度には酒造石高をめぐって一つの弱点があり、酒屋ら商人たちがそこをうまく利用すると、幕府に入る酒税が先細りになっていく恐れがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Fujitaka HOSOKAWA, who was a successor of Kokindenju, died and Emperor Goyosei was afraid that Kokindenju would discontinue and he sent three persons, Saneeda SANJONISHI, Michikatsu NAKANOIN and Mitsuhiro KARASUMARU, as Imperial envoy and ordered them to have the peace treaty. 例文帳に追加

古今伝授の継承者である細川藤孝が死ぬことによって古今伝授が断絶することを恐れた後陽成天皇は三条西実条、中院通勝、烏丸光広の3名を勅使として派遣し講和を命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Otatsu promptly agreed, but Sabu did not agree because 'His face looks so sexy,' he was afraid that something might happen between Otatsu and Isonojo. 例文帳に追加

二つ返事で快諾するお辰だが、三婦が承知しない、「こんたの顔に色気があるのじゃ」とうのが理由で、万が一お辰と磯之丞との間に関係ができてしまうのを恐れているのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was said that Genshiro SHINDO and Gengoemon OYAMA, who were afraid that dissatisfaction by a radical group in Edo, such as Yasube HORIBE, might become stronger, introduced Okaru and recommended that he keep her with him in order to let Kuranosuke quit frequenting red-light district. 例文帳に追加

堀部安兵衛はじめ江戸急進派の同志たちの不満がこれ以上募ることを恐れた進藤源四郎や小山源五右衛門らが、内蔵助に少しでも廓通いを止めさせるためにこのお軽を紹介して側におかせたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Otomo clan was defeated in the Battle of Mimi-kawa and the Shimazu clan gained power, Soshitsu who was close to the Otomo clan became afraid that his privileges would be taken away by the Shimazu clan so that he met the then ruler of the country Nobunaga ODA to gain protection from him. 例文帳に追加

耳川の戦いで大友氏が没落し、代わって島津氏が台頭してくると、大友氏寄りの宗室は自身の特権が島津氏に奪われることを危惧して当時の天下人・織田信長に謁見して、その保護を得ようとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This was because he was informed by then that Mitsunari had virtually supported Hideyori and Osaka-jo Castle (at the stage of the Oyama meeting, he was informed that Mitsunari started his forces independently), and he was afraid that the daimyo might rush to support Mitsunari. 例文帳に追加

これは、三成が大坂城と秀頼を事実上擁立していることが伝わったため(小山評定の段階では三成の単独挙兵として伝わっていた)、彼らが三成のもとへ駆けつけることを恐れたためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to one theory, on learning of Izo's arrest, TAKECHI became afraid that Izo's confession may put his comrades on line, and he even tried to poison Izo through a jail keeping government official who was devoted to TAKECHI. 例文帳に追加

一説によれば、以蔵の捕縛を知った武市は彼の自白によって他の同志が危険に晒されるのを恐れ、自分に心酔した牢役人を通じて以蔵に毒を盛ろうとしたとさえ言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At Makishi Incident, she told Masako that 'something strange is going on, I am afraid that something may happen to Sanetomo if he continue to stay in Tokimasa's resident' and took initiative, seeking safety in flight of Sanetomo, and informed Yoshitoki on rebellion of Maki no kata (Lady Maki). 例文帳に追加

牧氏事件においては「どうも様子がおかしく、時政の屋敷においていたのでは実朝の身に変事が起こりそうだ」と政子に伝え、先手を打って実朝を避難させ、牧の方の謀反を義時に密告したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Imperial Court was flustered by Nobunaga's attitude to pay little attention to the emperor, and Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA was afraid that Nobunaga might ask the imperial court for appointment as Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and proposed Mitsuhide AKECHI, who had once been Yoshiaki's vassal, to assassinate Nobunaga. 例文帳に追加

天皇を軽んじた信長の態度に朝廷はうろたえるが、それ以上に信長が朝廷に征夷大将軍の任を求めることを恐れた足利義昭は、かつての家臣・明智光秀に信長暗殺を持ちかける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the Korean Dynasty was afraid that kokyowa might become wako, they hesitated to use their administrative powers such as the police authority, the legal jurisdiction, and the authority of tax collection, and they just left the government of that area to some influential Japanese people. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮王朝は恒居倭の倭寇化を恐れ、検断権(警察・司法権)・徴税権といった行政権を行使できず、日本人有力者による自治に任せるままであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These coins from the Southern Sung Dynasty and low-quality coins from the Ming Dynasty were called 'Imazeni' (Kinsen, Nankinsen), 'Kobu, Eiraku,' or 'Imazeni, Seisen,' and merchants and others who were afraid that inflation could be generated differentiated good-quality coins from bad-quality ones and came to despise the latter coins. 例文帳に追加

この南宋銭や明の粗悪な通貨を「今銭(京銭・南京銭)」「洪武・永楽」「新銭(いまぜに)・制銭」などと総称し、インフレを恐れる商人らは唐・宋(北宋)時代の良貨と区分し卑しむようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after that, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), being afraid that daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) in western Japan would expand their power, and imposed restrictions on foreign trade in addition to the ban of Christianity. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その後の江戸幕府は禁教政策に加え、西国大名が勢力を伸ばすことを警戒したので海外との貿易を制限するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the bakufu was afraid that people who have been favored by the Toyotomi family would betray the bakufu, however, it would not apply to Nagamasa KURODA, who contributed to the victory of the Eastern Army at the Battle of Sekigahara. 例文帳に追加

豊臣家恩顧の者たちが豊臣方に寝返るのを恐れたといわれるが、関ヶ原の戦いで東軍勝利のために尽力した黒田長政に関してこれは当てはまらない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought that Imoko destroyed the reply from Yang Guang because Yang Guang regarded Wakoku to be a subject of the Sui, and he was afraid that the letter might make the king angry. 例文帳に追加

この事は、煬帝からの返書は倭国を臣下扱いする物だったのでこれを見せて怒りを買う事を恐れた妹子が返書を破棄してしまったのではないかと推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the order was thus transmitted, rice prices plummeted in the provinces, especially in domains in northern regions, because breweries stopped buying rice; Breweries were afraid that the sake they brewed would no longer sell well because of its resulting higher price. 例文帳に追加

示達が伝わると、地方、とくに北国諸藩では酒を造っても値段が高くて売れなくなることを酒屋が警戒して米を買わなくなり、米価が急落した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, being afraid that independent political power existed to the north of the Kanto region, in August that year, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo dispatched his troops to the Oshu region, officially accusing the clan of having sheltered Yoshitsune for a long time. 例文帳に追加

しかし、関東の後背に独自の政権があることを源頼朝は恐れたため、源頼朝は同年7月、義経を長らくかくまっていた事を罪として奥州に出兵。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To be honest, I am afraid that I did not know about this reexamination of the JHF or about the committee on that subject created under - the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, is it? 例文帳に追加

私も実は恐縮でございますが、住宅金融支援機構の見直しといいますか、そういうような委員会ができているということを国土交通省にできているのですね。 - 金融庁

The sunset clause for the Enhanced HIPC Initiative will be extended in this year.We are afraid that the possible moral hazard could happen, if the HIPC Initiative becomes a permanent measure, because heavily indebted countries might be inclined to increase their debt even further. 例文帳に追加

本年、債務救済を受けるための期限の延長が実施される予定ですが、我が国は、HIPCイニシアティブが、恒久的な措置となり、重債務国がさらに債務を蓄積させるモラル・ハザードの問題が発生することを懸念します。 - 財務省

On the other hand, enterprises that respondedafraid that sale would be considered dereliction of duty by directors and employeesaccounted also for 27.8% of the total. This contrasts with the small proportion (3.6%) among enterprises that are considering exiting, as shown in Fig. 3-2-23 (Fig. 3-2-26).例文帳に追加

その一方で「役職員から責任放棄ととられる恐れ」と回答した企業も27.8%と同じ割合を占め、第3-2-23図のように廃業を検討している企業では3.6%で少数であったことと対照的である(第3-2-26図)。 - 経済産業省

``I am afraid that this is a bad business, Watson,'' said my companion as he returned after accompanying Mr. Grant Munro to the door. ``What do you make of it?'' 例文帳に追加

そうして私の仲間は、グラント・マンロー氏をドアまで見送って帰って来ると、「ワトソン君、こいつはちと厄介な事件らしいね。どうしたらいいだろう?」と云うのだった。 - Conan Doyle『黄色な顔』

It was not until close upon six o'clock that I found myself free and was able to spring into a hansom and drive to Baker Street, half afraid that I might be too late to assist at the denouement of the little mystery. 例文帳に追加

六時近くになってやっと手がすいた私は、この小さな謎の大団円に手助けをするには遅れてしまったのではないかと半ば思いながら、ハンサム馬車に飛び乗り、ベーカー街へ走らせた。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』

During the Edo period, the performances of Kabuki Kyogen were under control of the authorities, so they obeyed the rules set down by the Tokugawa shogunate that all of the performances should be finished within the daytime; the shogunate was afraid that a gathering of a mob after sunset could develop into disorderly political activities, they say. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代には歌舞伎狂言の公演は公許制度の下にあり、多くの時代において日の出から日没までにすべてを公演するという幕府によって定められた規則の下で公演された(理由は、日没後に大衆が集まることで不穏な政治行動に発展することを幕府が恐れたためとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the capital, the people panicked, afraid that the cornered Yoshitsune would be violent like the warriors of the Taira family and Yoshinaka KISO, but on November 2, when he gained Inzen (the Cloistered Emperor's decree) to grant him authority to control manors in Shikoku and Kyushu, on November 3, he sent a mission to the Cloistered Emperor to convey his message as follows, and left the capital calmly. 例文帳に追加

追いつめられた義経が平家や木曾義仲のように狼藉を働くのではと都中が大騒ぎになったが、義経は11月2日に四国・九州の荘園支配の権限を与える院宣を得ると、3日早朝に院に使者をたて、(次のように)挨拶して静かに都を去った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, most roads except major Kando (roads that were improved, managed, and maintained by the Japanese nation) were not improved because the government was afraid that improving the traffic connecting among local regions might help farmers flee from the region, and thus the government believed that it should be enough to prepare a bridge of boats on rivers in the local regions only when nengu (land tax) needed to be transported to the capital (Kinoeinu-jo in May 801 of "Nihongi Ryaku" (Summary of Japanese Chronologies)). 例文帳に追加

しかし、地方間同士の交通は農民の逃亡を助けることになるとして主要官道を除いてはほとんど整備されず、地方の川には年貢を都へ運ぶ時だけ舟橋をかければ良いと考えられていた(『日本紀略』の延暦20年5月甲戌条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Imperial Court, afraid that Masakado would make an attack on Kyoto, posted soldiers at the 14 gates of the Imperial Palace and, to tighten security, they sent FUJIWARA no Yoshiyuki to the gate of Yamashiro Province in Yamazaki on February 22, but Yamazaki was burned down in an anonymous arson attack on February 26. 例文帳に追加

朝廷は純友が京を襲撃するのではないかと恐れて宮廷の14門に兵を配備して2月22日には藤原慶幸が山城国の入り口である山崎に派遣して警備を強化するが、26日には山崎が謎の放火によって焼き払われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1611 a meeting was held in Nijo-jo Castle's palace (present-day Ninomaru Palace) between Ieyasu and Hideyori TOYOTOMI; it is said that at this time Ieyasu was surprised at Hideyori's growth, became afraid that the TOKUGAWA family might be overthrown and he decided to destroy the Toyotomi family. 例文帳に追加

慶長16年(1611年)に、二条城の御殿(現在の二の丸御殿)において家康と豊臣秀頼の会見が行われるが、このとき家康は秀頼の成長ぶりに驚き徳川家の天下が覆されるかもしれないとの危機感を抱き、豊臣家を滅ぼすことを決意したとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although they used to continue their business as they had such expectations, the atmosphere now is such that they can no longer expect improvement and have chosen to quit their business before things get worse. They might even be afraid that a moratorium would only delay the inevitable 例文帳に追加

そういう期待感の中で仕事を続けていたのが、そういう期待感がどうも持てない、というような空気が出てきてしまって、傷がでかくならないうちに「早目に店閉めちゃえ」という、「返済猶予してもらったって、もうそれは先延ばしだ」という - 金融庁

He was known as a 'stubborn' director and it is said that when shooting "Koroshita no wa dareda" working with Akira IFUKUBE, who was a 'stubborn' composer like him, people in the studio were afraid that they would conflict with one another and that the film might not be completed ("Akira IFUKUBE's unpublished collected works of film music of Nikkatsu" VPCD-81189 published by Vap Inc.). 例文帳に追加

妥協を許さぬ「うるさ型」の監督として知られ、『殺したのは誰だ』の時は同じうるさ型の作曲家・伊福部昭と組むことになり、両者の衝突は避けられぬと撮影所内には作品の完成を危ぶむ声まであったと伝えられる((株)バップ『伊福部昭未発表映画音楽全集日活編』VPCD-81189)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since the Korean Dynasty was afraid that the information about their defensive preparation along the territory might be leaked to the wako pirates, they limited the entry of koriwasen (ships used to deliver daily necessities such as rice, fish and salt) in 1407, so that these ships were allowed to use only the Pusanpo (port of Busan) and the Seiho (port of Sei, and this port was also called Naijiho), which both were located in Jinhae City, South Gyeongsang Province. The Dynasty also applied the same policy to shisosen (ships used to dispatch envoys) in 1410. 例文帳に追加

しかし各地の防備の状況が倭寇に漏れるのを恐れ、交易統制のためもあり、1407年、朝鮮王朝は興利倭船(米、魚、塩など日常品の交易をする船)の入港場を釜山浦・薺浦(乃而浦とも、慶尚南道の鎮海市)に制限し、1410年には使送船(使節による通交船)についても同様の措置が取られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is said to have occurred because the government was afraid that the social influence of Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine, which was said to be a shrine that originally worshipped a local god of Kyushu region, grew so much that it would become a threat to the religious order centered on the Imperial family, Imperial household religious rites formed by the Ritsuryo system and the nation protection thought, and Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

これは本来は九州地方固有の神を祀った神社であったとも言われている宇佐八幡宮の社会的影響力の増大が、皇室と律令制・鎮護国家が形成する皇室祭祀と仏教を基軸とする宗教的秩序に対する脅威になる事を危惧したからだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding stock prices, I am afraid that I must repeat my usual answer. Stock prices are not determined by any single factor but determined by a variety of factors through market forces, which makes it difficult to identify in a moment why prices are going up or down, so I would like to refrain from making comments. Indeed, the New York Dow dropped sharply yesterday and the Tokyo market is also sliding this morning. In any case, we will keep a close watch on stock market developments. 例文帳に追加

株価については、恐縮なのですがどうしても同じような形の答弁になってしまうのですが、1つの要因で決まるわけではなく、様々な要因を背景にして市場で決まっていくものであり、なかなか変動要因というものを1つのタイミングで特定するというのは困難でありますし、当局としてのコメントを差し控えたいと思っておりますが、確かに昨日ニューヨークのダウも相当下げておりますし、それから、今日の午前中も東京市場は下げているようであり、いずれにしても株式市場の動向は引き続き注視をしていきたいと思っています。 - 金融庁

I am afraid that discussing this matter based only on the size of exposures would be misleading. 例文帳に追加

要するに、リーマン・ブラザーズに対してどれだけ与信を与えているか、という問題も確かに重要でありますけれども、与信の額だけではなくて担保等によってどれくらい取得出来るのか、また引当金の状況がどうなっているのか、そういったことは債務者の破綻処理の結果によって相当異なってくるのではないか、というふうに考えておりまして、このエクスポージャーだけを引き出して数字を挙げるということは、かえって誤解を招くのではないかと思っております。 - 金融庁

As for the International Finance Facility (IFF), a concept of frontloading aid funds, while some believe that this is a feasible option and that we should further our work on this concept, we are afraid that delving into this matter and having further discussions might not reach productive outcomes.To begin with, it is difficult for Japan to join this facility because our legal and budgetary systems do not allow our government to make long-term political commitments.Besides, once aid funds are frontloaded, the aid flows in the future will decline drastically.There will be overlaps with existing international organizations. 例文帳に追加

翻って、援助資金を前倒しで調達するInternational Finance Facility構想については、実現可能なオプションであり更に作業を進めることが重要との意見が見られますが、我が国としては法制上及び予算制度上参加が困難であることに加え、援助資金の前倒し調達を行う結果、将来の援助資金が急減すること、既存の国際機関との重複が生ずることなどの問題があり、この構想を更に掘り下げて議論することが有益だとは考えておりません。 - 財務省


Well, I will not dispute with you; but please to tell me, Socrates, whether you are not acting out of regard to me and your other friends: are you not afraid that if you escape from prison we may get into trouble with the informers for having stolen you away, and lose either the whole or a great part of our property; or that even a worse evil may happen to us? Now, if you fear on our account, be at ease; for in order to save you, we ought surely to run this, or even a greater risk; be persuaded, then, and do as I say. 例文帳に追加

分かった、そういうことにしておくよ。だがこれだけは言わせてくれ、ソクラテス。まさか君は、僕や他の知人たちに、いらぬ心配をかけたくないだなんて思ってないだろうね。そんなことは心配しなくていいんだ。君が脱獄したあとに、僕たちがそのことで告発を受けて、財産の一部、あるいは全部を没収されたりしないか、それよりもっとひどいことが僕たちにふりかかってこないか、なんてことは考えなくてもいいんだよ。君を救うためなら、僕たちはもっと危険なところにでも飛びこんでみせるからね。だから、僕のいうことを聞いて、従ってくれないか。 - Plato『クリトン』


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原題:”The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”

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