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該当件数 : 125



Since a destination can be registered by users, a user can display his own destination selection screen, and usability is improved greatly. - 特許庁


Also, many of the Magaibutsu (Buddha statues in cliffs and rocks) that still exist in Kunisaki peninsula, including Kumano Magaibutsu, are said to have been created by Ninmon.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had a curious black beard appearing only at the corners of his chin, and his large eyes were oddly set in his face like the flat decorative eyes painted in old Egyptian profiles.  - G.K. Chesterton『少年の心』


When temizu is too much, the mochi is soft during the pounding, however, mochi tends to become hard for stretching and shaping conducted later and also tends to become moldy later on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Everyone in attendance had turned pale, but Murashige said, 'I'll have them with gratitude,' opened his mouth wide, and ate the buns pierced to the point of the sword by the mouthful.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



There, indeed, just under the corner of the great beam the house rested on, two feet were sticking out, shod in silver shoes with pointed toes.  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


Also, tradition has it that Murasaki Shikibu's grave can be found at Murasaki no Nishigoshoden-cho (Horikawa Kitaoji Kudaru, West side), Kita Ward, Kyoto City.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a large heavy knife used in Central and South America as a weapon or for cutting vegetation  - 日本語WordNet


There were big yellow and white and blue and purple blossoms, besides great clusters of scarlet poppies, which were so brilliant in color they almost dazzled Dorothy's eyes.  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』



In 684, when Empress Sokuten ascended the throne, the governor of Bishu, Ri Keigyo, was relegated to the Sima (Great Officer) of the Ryusyu region by the Empress.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a mobile phone by which a user can instruct operations without putting operation keys for entry operation into a hard-to-see state and without drastically changing a mode of the phone in use as well as keeping the size. - 特許庁

多くのラップトップユーザは、"家ではnet.eth0を開始する必要があるが、外出先(ネットワークが利用可能な場所ではないので)ではnet.eth0を開始したくない。 "という状況を理解できるでしょう。例文帳に追加

Many laptop users know the situation: at home you need to start net.eth0while you don't want to start net.eth0 while you're on the road (as there is no network available).  - Gentoo Linux


A video distribution apparatus earlier transmits a selection menu with a small information amount wherein only selection information such as program selection buttons is drawn and transmits a selection menu with a large information amount resulting from adding design data such as a background image to the selection menu with the small information amount in a lapse of a prescribed time after the first transmission. - 特許庁


Simultaneously, the area which had remained as 'Oaza Okitayama' was reorganized into eight towns prefixed by 'Okitayama' as well as Kinugasa Kinugasayama-cho and Kinugasa Akasaka-cho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Further, the rate of selecting a presentation unit for performing look-ahead previous notice is varied according to the difference of an opening time of a jackpot prize hole during a jackpot. - 特許庁


The next commonest response isdevelopment of new customers and changing of suppliers,” which indicates that many SMEs are seeking out new customers to make up for the fall in sales resulting from lower price competitiveness caused by the appreciation of the yen.  - 経済産業省


To provide a communication equipment that can selectively transmit an original with a comparatively large data size described in the hyper text mark language HTML without wasting much time for the reception of an original not needing any destination or not available by the destination. - 特許庁


Japanese enterprises overseas thus commonly gain new customers through networks of business contacts and other Japanese individuals in the host country, and, as in Case 2-2-7, having operations overseas frequently makes a positive contribution to an enterprise’s sales activities.  - 経済産業省


In the same year, Masamune intervened in the family conflict of Osaki clan by invading the territory of Osaki clan with 10,000 soldiers, but Masamune was defeated due to the stiff resistance of Osaki clan, the betrayal of his ally Haruuji KUROKAWA, and the weather condition during the battle with a heavy snow.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The above review of the situation regarding SMEsdevelopment of overseas markets demonstrates the importance attached to countries and regions offering high growth or large markets as targets for development of operations overseas.  - 経済産業省


Additionally, according to "Shinsen Shojiroku" (Newly Compiled Register of Clan Names and Titles of Nobility), Shimizu no obito and Ochi no obito in Sakyo-shoban, and Hekita no obito in Yamato Province-shoban were his descendents.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


annual of southern United States to Mexico having large whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long curving beak  - 日本語WordNet


This pachinko machine is provided with an AT mode previously instructing an answer of a win pattern of a pattern display device 13, allowing the player to operate a pattern selection device 15 according to the instruction and according the selected pattern with the win pattern to be a jackpot. - 特許庁


A lack of credit information on prospective customersdue to an unavailability of local informationmakes it difficult to screen potentially good customers. As a result, overdue payments become a problem. - 経済産業省


Until the 1990's, big enterprises used to make a list of personnel of associate companies and regulatory agencies and to give them seibo gifts.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the resource usage is larger than the residual quantity, the processor 2 selects another transfer destination server, and then performs the comparison again. - 特許庁


Even when there are many opposite parties between the last opposite party to which a fax is transmitted and a desired opposite party, the opposite party corresponding to the inputted history number is selected in this way only by inputting the history number of the desired opposite party with the ten-keys. - 特許庁


In accordance with "Nihonkoki" (Later Chronicle of Japan), Imperial Princess Asahara and Imperial Princess Oyake who didn't follow the retired Emperor Heizei at the Kusuko Incident, resigned Hi and left the retired emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Which one of a decorative lamp or a loudspeaker is used as a performance means for performing the read-ahead notice, which is performed before the stop of the symbols as the read-ahead notice, is selected depending on whether the random number becoming the jackpot is included or not in the suspended storages. - 特許庁


If the execution timing for the read-ahead notice, which is performed prior to the stop of symbols as the read-ahead notice is made a fast timing or a slow timing is selected depending on whether the random number becoming the jackpot is included in the suspended storages or not. - 特許庁


To provide a communication apparatus, a communication system, a communication method, and a program with which a destination can be simply selected even when a great number of destinations is to be handled. - 特許庁


In fact, Zeami wrote the "Kakyo" (the Mirror of the Flower), a theory of Nogaku (noh music) following "Fushikaden," for Motomasa who was the successor as the leader of the Kanze group, and it is believed that many writings with no specification of recipient were handed down to Motomasa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a Pachinko game machine in which novel read-ahead performance control is achieved by alternatively selecting whether read-ahead performance is continued or stopped while great prize expectation degree is finely varied to further increase effect of the read-ahead performance. - 特許庁


To provide an Internet facsimile terminal with very excellent operation convenience that can designate a destination by a user having only to select designation so as to considerably reduce user's expense in time and labor for destination designation in the case of communication with the destinations once communicated in the past. - 特許庁


plant of southeastern United States having solitary white funnel-shaped flowers flushed with pink and large glossy green leaves that turn bronze-red in fall  - 日本語WordNet


Additionally, the coastal area along the Ariake Sea was where the problem of draining Isahaya Bay arose, when, just after the operation begun, the water contamination strongly influenced the production volume and quality of nori there, and in particular devastated the production area in Nagasaki Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, it is confirmed that a private memorandum record, "Midokanpaku-ki" reported that he frequently presented a horse to FUJIWARA no Michinaga, and he had a residence at Ichijo in the northern periphery of Sakyo-ku, where many upper class court nobles were living.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a Pachinko game machine, in which an object image having high reliability for a jackpot is difficult to be found in advance of other object images when plural object images are selected. - 特許庁


To provide a pachinko game machine which hinders an object image with a higher degree of reliability of winning the jackpot from being discovered earlier than other objects when a plurality of object images is selected. - 特許庁


To provide a pachinko game machine which hinders an object image with a higher reliability of winning the jackpot from being discovered earlier than other object images when a plurality of object images is selected. - 特許庁


Among his renga are such works as; "Minase Sangin Hyakuin" (Three poets at Minase), "Yuyama Sangin Hyakuin" (Three poets at Yuyama), and "Hamori senku"; among his collections of renga stanzas are "Wasuregusa" (The Forgetting-Plant), "Wakuraba" (Aging Leaves) and "Shitakusa" (The Grasses Beneath); his travel records include "Shirakawa kiko" (Journey to Shirakawa) and "Tsukushi michi no ki" (Record of a Journey to Tsukushi); his treatises on renga poetry include "Azuma mondo" (East Country Dialogues) and "Asaji" (Cogon grass), and there are also many commentaries on classic literature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In such cases, there exists the risk customers may not be acquired as successfully as expected, or that significant competition may be encountered from competitors in the host market. For SMEs planning to establish operations overseas, therefore, projecting the acquisition of customers and development of outlets in the host market is growing ever more crucial.  - 経済産業省


To obtain an internally encapsulating agent comprising three- dimensional cage-like transition metal complex capable of selectively encapsulating a chemical substance by the size of the interior of the three dimensional structure, polarity, various kinds of affinity, or the like. - 特許庁

検疫所別に届出件数をみると、東京の 466,396 件(25.6%:総届出件数に対する割合)が最も多く、次いで成田空港の 264,997 件(14.6 %)、大阪 243,766 件(13.4%)、横浜 176,690 件(9.7%)、名古屋 94,224 件(5.2%)、神戸 87,308 件(4.8%)、川崎 77,185 件(4.2%)、神戸二課 60,094 件(3.3%)の順であった。例文帳に追加

For the number of declarations, the highest was 466,396 in Tokyo (25.6% of all declared products), followed by 264,997 in Narita Airport (14.6%), 243,766 in Osaka (13.4%), 176,690 in Yokohama (9.7%), 94,224 in Nagoya (5.2%), 87,308 in Kobe (4.8%), 77,185 in Kawasaki (4.2%), and 60,094 in Kobe Second Section (3.3%). - 厚生労働省

検疫所別に届出件数をみると、東京の 432,974 件(24.1%:届出件数に対する割合)が最も多く、次いで成田空港の 268,617 件(14.9 %)、大阪 216,371 件(12.0%)、横浜 194,117 件(10.8 %)、名古屋 88,616 件(4.9%)、神戸 88,200 件(4.9%)、川崎 84,188 件(4.7%)、神戸二課 63,827 件(3.6%)の順であった。例文帳に追加

For the number of declarations, the highest was432,974in Tokyo (24.1% of all declaredproducts), followed by268,617 in Narita Airport (149%), 216,371 in Osaka (12.0%%), 194,117in Yokohama (10.8%),88,616in Nagoya (4.9%), 88,200in Kobe (4.9%), 84,185in Kawasaki(4.7%), and63,827in Kobe Second Section (3.6%). - 厚生労働省

検疫所別に届出件数をみると、東京の572,347件(27.3%:総届出件数に対する割合)が最も多く、次いで大阪の279,660件(13.3 %)、成田空港277,203件(13.2%)、横浜195,426件(9.3%)、名古屋109,363件(5.2%)、神戸101,530件(4.8%)、川崎96,935件(4.6%)、神戸二課71,349件(3.4%)の順であった。例文帳に追加

For the number of declarations, the highest was 572,347 in Tokyo (27.3% of all declared products), followed by 279,660 in Osaka (13.3%), 277,203 in Narita Airport (13.2%), 195,426 in Yokohama (9.3%), 109,363 in Nagoya (5.2%), 101,530 in Kobe (4.8%), 96,935 in Kawasaki (4.6%), and 71,349 in Kobe Second Section (3.4%). - 厚生労働省


For the number of declarations, the highest was437,422in Tokyo (24.0% of all declaredproducts), followed by 270,100 in Narita Airport (4.9%), 217,721 in Osaka (12.0%%), 197,707in Yokohama (109%),89,950 in Nagoya (4.9%), 89,441in Kobe (4.9%), 86,395in Kawasaki(4.7%), and65,725in Kobe Second Section (3.6%). - 厚生労働省


For the number of declarations, the highest was 439,826 in Tokyo (25.0% of all declared products), followed by 252,269 in Narita Airport (14.3%), 226,892 in Osaka (12.9), 190,848 in Yokohama (10.8%), 88,626 in Nagoya (5.0%), 84,664 in Kobe (4.8%), 78,834 in Kawasaki (4.5%), and 63,407 in Kobe Second Section (3.6%). - 厚生労働省


When the variable probability promotion performance is executed for notifying the player that the control to the variable probability state is defined at the tenth round, if the execution of the foreseeing performance at the twelfth round is decided, the foreseeing performance is not selected for notifying the player that no jackpot in question exists in the reservation memory regardless of the actual existence of the jackpot in the reservation memory. - 特許庁



When the probability promoting performance giving notice of determination on control into the probability change state is executed in the tenth round, foreseeing performance, giving notice that there is no jackpot in the reservation storage although there is a jackpot actually in the reservation storage, is not selected when determining the execution of the foreseeing performance in the twelfth round. - 特許庁

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