
「べにさしゆび」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(6ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 747



To provide a watchdog timer monitoring device and a watchdog timer monitoring method for a multiprocessor system, capable of detecting accurately the abnormality of a CPU, even when each CPU is brought individually into a low electric power mode. - 特許庁


To prepare a hair cosmetic which gives good conditioning effects such as good smoothness and moistness and effects such as good tension and stiffness to hair without giving stickiness after used, and gives an excellent color fading-preventing effect to hair dyed with a hair dye. - 特許庁


Refueling is discriminated based on a second fuel level FLEVELR which is the small value of the output FLEVEL of a fuel level sensor 40 and the small value PEONVAVE of the internal pressure PTANK of a fuel tank (S134 and S139). - 特許庁


Because of this, the front ground 150a can make static electricity charged on the operator discharge to the lower base 150 when a finger of the operator approaches from the front of the front bezel 130. - 特許庁



Since the reinforcing fibers 14 give a rough hand touch more than a synthetic resin 16, the angler can sense hooking touches on the palm and the finger pulps, and can prevent the slippage of the gripped tubular body 10, when the rate of the fiber-exposed portions 38 is high. - 特許庁



The difference frequency generating device 6 has an incidence end surface 21, a light-exiting end surface 22 facing the incidence surface 21, and the optical waveguide 7 which is positioned between the incidence end surface 21 and light-exiting end surface 22 and extends along a specific crystal azimuth. - 特許庁


Nengajo with a postal stamp and those especially requested by the senders are, if posted during the period of handling the nenga tokubetsu yubinbutsu, canceled with a postmark dated January 1 of the following year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The other pair of electrodes, a group of operation switches and a display part are arranged on the front surface of the main body, the two fingers of the other hand of the user are simultaneously brought into contact with the electrodes, the instrument is operated and, then, an interior fat rate and/or the number of pulses are obtained based on impedance measured by the electrodes. - 特許庁


To provide a smoke shielding sliding door device installed in front of an elevator, excellent in the appearance in a usual condition and which can be easily opened by putting fingers on the closed smoke shielding sliding door when it is closed. - 特許庁


③ 不履行有限責任組合員に対して支払われるべき分配金から当該不履行有限責任組合員が負担すべき費用を差し引いた金額を、出資の払戻しに相当する部分を除いて没収して不履行のない組合員に分配すること。上記没収分は、他の組合員に対し、第29 条第2 項及び第3 項に定める組合財産の分配割合に準じて分配される。例文帳に追加

(iii) To forfeit the distributions payable to the Defaulting Limited Partner less any expenses borne by it except for the portion which constitutes a refund of contributions. Such forfeited amount shall be distributed among the other Partners on a pro rata basis pursuant to the ratio of distribution of the Partnership Assets set forth in Article 29(2) and (3); and  - 経済産業省



In other words, the display control circuit 250 allows to display the image 98 as the game history image relating to the game history of a special game and a specified game corresponding to the operation of an operation button 84 which is one example of operation means in the sub display area 32c of the liquid crystal display device 32. - 特許庁


This personal identification system acquires the plurality of pieces of biological information (fingerprints of the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger) from a user at the time of registration, extracts featured values common to the plurality of pieces of acquired biological information to generate user identification information. - 特許庁


However, since Onmyoryo was Shoryo (lower ranking in the tsukasa system) under Nakatsukasasho, the court rank for the administrative officer Shitokan (four classifications of bureaucrat ranking) was lower compared to similar positions in other departments and what was called, around the mid Heian Period, Tenjobito known as Senseki who were allowed to come to the palace and address the emperor was only Onmyo no kami with a Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) while all others were Jigenin who were not allowed to enter the palace.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When a boss such as kyokaku in the Tenpo era or TOKEN Gonbei have to bow on tatami-matto, they curl their fingers up softly with your thumb attached to the cushion of your index finger and then, they hang down the head, putting the both fists on the knee.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The approximately spherical porous magnesia is composed of a base being an approximately spherical particle having a structure formed by bonding and/or crossing flakes of a magnesium compound in at least two different directions and an outer layer thereof being silica hydrous oxide. - 特許庁


A user program 580 converts a data base operation type and data received from a client 20 into a data base operation procedure in conformity with a corresponding data base access system using a previously-automatically created table class 541, table collection class 542 and table access class 543, and issues an access request to a DB 10 using the data base operation procedure. - 特許庁


The redirector program cooperates with an event generation application in the host system and a repackaging system, sets and detects a specific user-defined event prior to pushing a data item to a mobile device, and repackages the user-selected data item using electronic packaging. - 特許庁


The thresher is formed by separately constituting an upper structure U including a threshing chamber 2, and a lower structure D including a separation part 5, a first product-collecting part 15 and a second product-collecting part 16, and connecting the lower structure D to the upper structure U so as to be detachably drawn and inserted. - 特許庁


The upper block 5 has a mounted section 5a mounted and fixed to the lower block 4, a standing up wall 3b forming the wall surface 2a of the fish way 2 rising from the mounted section 5a and eaves 3c extended to the fish way 2 side from the upper part of the standing up wall 3b. - 特許庁


To accurately perform screening of images even if a recording instruction of a photographic image is performed immediately after a photographing preparation operation instruction in an imaging device having an image screening function. - 特許庁


A user is allowed to purchase software α, β, γ provided by the servers 2A, 2B, and 2C of the respective venders from a web page provided by the portal site providing device by operating a client device 3. - 特許庁


Further, a spiral communicating groove (26) having a pitch (P2) longer than a pitch (P1) of the groove part (25) is formed in the inner peripheral surface of the connection part of the nozzle (20) to guide the brazing material of face-fed brazing material to the lower groove part (25). - 特許庁


This is thought to be because the rate of possession in the United States is increasing due to an increase in the rate of savings domestically and indicates movement to diversify conventional dollar-based exchange reserves of various countries. - 経済産業省


This work assisting tool 2 is provided with a belt 3 adjusted to fit hips and tightened around the hips, and with rubber tubes 5A, 5B of which one ends are attached to the back face side of the belt 3 via mounting metal fittings 6A, 6B. - 特許庁


The optical delay circuit in which an optical waveguide is used is provided with a turning around part 4 in which a core 2 of the optical waveguide turns around in a direction, an input part 5a and an output part 5b, and the depth of the core 2 varies three-dimensionally so that a mutual crossing is avoided. - 特許庁


To provide a rolling bearing in which generation of heat of an enclosed grease under high speed rotation and evaporation of the oil content in the high-vacuum condition are markedly small as compared with the previous one and which is well adapted for vacuum application, particularly, for a support of turbine blade of turbo molecular pump. - 特許庁


The counter weight 153 extends upward from the connection between it the swinging member 129 and it, and has a pivot point 153c in the extended end portion, and when the swinging member 129 swings, the counter weight 153 is driven by the swinging member 129 to rotate in the axial direction of the tool bit 119, thereby suppressing vibration caused in the axial direction of the tool bit. - 特許庁


To provide a heating device capable of detecting the faulty mounting of two sets of cutoff valves equipped for supplying/stopping high-temperature water and water into a bathtub respectively, and preventing a trouble wherein high-temperature hot-water re-filling operation is effected instead of water re-filling operation by mistake. - 特許庁


The multi-port rotary valve 10 comprises a valve body 26 having a plurality of outlet ports 30, 32, 34 for directing coolant flow to a radiator circuit 18, a heater circuit 19, and an auxiliary circuit 20. - 特許庁


The CPU functions as at least a mounting judgment part, a classification discrimination part, a setting group acquisition part, a display control part, a selection acquisition part, a setting change part, setting difference judgment part and a setting remand judgment part according to the setting change program. - 特許庁


In particular, a high percentage of Chinese and Indian doctorate degree holders wish to remain in the U.S. This suggests that the U.S. has attracted excellent talent in physical science from these two countries(see Table 2-1-23). - 経済産業省


Genetic information obtained from the cellular material is compiled in a digital information unit to create a database of information which can be accessed for medical, pharmaceutical and biological research, diagnosis and treatment. - 特許庁


This unit type apparatus is provided with the vessel in which the cartridge type insert is loaded and a means for holding the vessel so that the vessel can be turned and/or slid from the prescribed position fixed in the apparatus in order to secure the space necessary for withdrawing or loading the cartridge type insert substantially on the outside of the apparatus. - 特許庁


A plurality of vertical grooves 11 are formed at some inner walls of a box 1 with an upper opening part, both ends of partition plates 2a, 2b are inserted into the vertical grooves 11 to make partitions of an inner side of the box 1 in a forward or rearward and/or rightward or leftward direction. - 特許庁


In an image capturing apparatus, when performing scene discrimination on the basis of information that includes detected movement of a subject and of the apparatus itself and a picked-up image, the degree that either the movement of the subject or the movement of the apparatus itself during reception of an operating instruction from a user contributes to scene discrimination is restricted. - 特許庁


To provide an interface device which realizes an indicating operation without any contact and constraint by arm pointing by a plurality of users in an indoor space, and facilitates operation of an indoor appliance in the indoor space by arm pointing in any general posture such as a standing posture, a sitting posture, a lying posture and indicating operation by the arm pointing. - 特許庁


A game control means 60a sets a game progress impossible period in which progress of a game is not allowed even by operating a main operating means for a prescribed period when a drawing result by a winning combination lottery means 61 is an overlap winning of a special winning combination and a small winning combination or the like. - 特許庁


A semiconductor inspection device with a plurality of primary electron beams is provided with an adjustment means for setting a position where the plurality of primary electron beams are emitted to a sample for inspection. - 特許庁


To surely perform automatic selection of a sensor processing function when any sensor processing function of sensor processing functions by use of a finger sensor is automatically selected. - 特許庁


A security switching device 1 installed near the entrance/exit of a security region for switching the start/end of security has a personal identifying means 11 for reading the personal information of a security switching operator and a control device 12 for outputting a control signal to the outside on the basis of the personal information read by the personal identifying means and collation data. - 特許庁


When a power source is turned on for operating the internet television 1 while using the user certification remote controller 2, an identification code uniquely applied to the remote controller 2 in advance is automatically transmitted to the television 1. - 特許庁


Short-circuiting pieces 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d coming into contact with the conductors 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d, respectively, when an operation piece 11 is operated in the forward, backward, leftward, rightward and oblique directions are mounted on a cap body 5 disposed oppositely to the circuit board 1. - 特許庁


In a valve 1 made up of an inlet opening 2, an outlet opening 3, and a closing means 4 having a fluid channel 6, an optical fiber 14 having a light source 13, and an optical fiber 15 having a photo detector 16 are respectively arranged in the upstream position and the downstream position which are positioned on opposite sides of a fluid channel 6 in opened state of the valve. - 特許庁


To provide methods of and devices for curing ventricular remodeling and reversing atrioventricular valve by locally treating configuration distortion of a ventricular support structure. - 特許庁


Then screws 16 and 16 are inserted into the screw holes 8 and 8 through those screw through-holes to detachably fix the cutter unit 10 to cutter bases 6 and 6. - 特許庁


A base plate 6 is inserted to a clearance formed between the door D and the collar ring 42 of the cylinder lock 4 is inserted and fixed, and a cover body 6 having a space capable of housing a base plate 5 and the cylinder lock 4 in the inner part is integrally provided to the base plate 5. - 特許庁


To provide a rigid non-vinyl chloride sheet having a texture of a rigid vinyl chloride resin and a surface suitable for fine printing by using an environmentally safe rigid non-vinyl chloride resin composition as a base polymer and molding this through calendering. - 特許庁


This retaining wall block 1 is formed of a retaining part 2 for retaining banking, a floor part 3 and an eaves part 4 provided on the upper part and the lower part of the retaining part 2 to project toward a railway, and a weight part 5 provided on the lower end part of the retaining part 2 to project on the opposite side to the floor part 3. - 特許庁


On March 3 (March 31), Perry landed in Yokohama Village of Musashi Province in Kanagawa (present-day Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture), where a 12-article treaty between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan was signed (the Treaty of Kanagawa), that is, the agreement between Japan and the United States became official, and Japan's 200 years of national isolation that stretched back to the regime of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA came to an end.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The water path arranged the electrodes 11, 12 is constituted of path walls 10...10 crossed with a pipe line 2 including the water path and arranged mutually with a spacing, and having opening parts 10a, 10b at a portion. - 特許庁


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