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Sanehisa HASHIMOTO in the late Edo period served as Giso (a position respsonsible for conveying what the congress decides to the emperor), and also worked as a Goyogakari at the time of rebuilding of Kyoto imperial-palace in the Ansei period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They turned around on the edges of large glasses, crossed bamboo ladders, dispersed into all the corners, and produced strange musical effects by the combination of their various pitches of tone.  - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』


On January 3, 1868, three offices of Sosai, Gijo and Sanyo (all of them, roughly concilors) were established, abolishing the positions of Sessho Kampaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor), Seii Taishogun (shogun, literally meaning, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), Nairan (private inspection), Chokumon (questions by Emperor), Kokujigakari (officials in charge of state affairs), Giso (a position conveying what the congress decides to Emperor), Buke Tenso (a position conveying messages between Emperor and the shogunate), Shugoshiki (military governor) and Shoshidai (the shogunate's military governor stationed in Kyoto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the measures mentioned in the "Hyakuren-sho" were carried out, the Kanpaku must have acted after Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa had heard the Sadaijin's report and his wishes told to the Kugyo, but this would have been against the protocol of the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He was appointed to Shisso in October 1293 (in old lunar calendar) when Sadatoki HOJO abolished the court system Hikitsukeshu and established Shisso to seize the authority of final judgments and to shift the shogunate government from the council system to Tokuso (the patrimonial head of the main branch of the Hojo clan) dictatorship.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He became giso (position to report congress decision to the emperor) and had been involved in mediation between the imperial court and the bakufu on the issues of the imperial grant for concluding a treaty, the imperial sanction to Mito Domain, a Shogun's heir and the marriage of Imperial Princess Kazunomiya Chikako as buke tenso (liaison officers between the imperial court and the military government) in 1859.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Though Daijokan could add any opinion on the document of Soji, it basically had an opening sentence "Daijokan kashiko mosu" ("The Grand Council has much pleasure in this writing"), being followed by the contents of Ge document, and finally closed by signatures of legislatures.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ronso meant for Daijokan (the Grand Council of State) to submit its report to the Emperor on state rituals, establishment or abolition of provinces, districts or government offices, execution of deportation or expulsion, allotment of more than 100 war horses, and other important matters proposed or discussed by ministers and other members of Daijokan, except for such matters as particular to Daijokan itself that were excluded from the subjects of Ronso.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sanesada TOKUDAIJI, who was Naidaijin, was angry about Tsunemune's act, as it had trampled on the decision in the previous conference and tried to petition Goshirakawa to oppose the opinion but Kanezane gave up by replying 'No objection' (Article for the same day in "Gyokuyo").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



And the Imperial Diet was also given limited rights to report and make proposals to the emperor (They could participate in politics using the right to make proposal to the emperor even though they needed to obtain approval of the emperor and countersignature of Minister of State when making a final decision.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the tenth general election of members of the House of Representatives, the Seiyu party won 187 seats, and almost became the majority; Aritomo YAMAGATA, who feared the stability of the party, reported to the throne that the cabinet was not effective in its financial policy or regulation of socialism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, at that time, court meetings came to be held under the supervision of the Kampaku, the procedure was established for him to report, through the Imperial liaison, on the results of meetings that he had chaired on such important matters as the changing of eras and appointments to the Shogunate, and the Kampaku consequently came to have a lot of power within the court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The main function was to fill in for the Dainagon, present imperial letters to the emperor, wait for inquiries, and to attend conferences at the Daijokan, much the same as Dainagon, but unlike Dainagon, they could not act on behalf of the minister.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But when Sanjo reported to the Emperor, he received an Imperial prescript saying 'wait until Tomomi IWAKURA returns from Korea, and meet with him, and then report to me' so the announcement had to wait until Iwakura's return.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on his military power, Yoritomo succeeded in having his request accepted for Shugo (military governorship of a province) and Jito (estate steward) being placed in each province etc., Kanezane KUJO, who was a Yoritomo's distant relative, was appointed to Sessho (regent), and the Giso-Kugyo system (system in which affairs of state are administered by ten court nobles) were introduced.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After being appointed giso (conveying decisions of the Daijokan, or Department of State to the emperor) and Dazai gon no sochi (Provisional Governor-General of Dazai-fu, the office governing Kyushu) in 1185, and then Minbukyo (Minister of Popular Affairs) in 1190, he was awarded the rank of Shonii (Senior Second Rank) in the next year  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoritomo changed personnel of Imperial Court to Kamakura's favor by making kugyo of the pro-bakufu group, such as Kanezane KUJO, to giso (a position conveying what the congress decides to the Emperor) and requesting Kanezane to be nairan (a preliminary inspection of official documents submitted from the Great Council of State to the Emperor, the essential part of Sessho Kanpaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor) duty).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As his father was a trustworthy retainer of the Emperor Gosaga, Tadakata became Ushoben (Minor Controller of the Right) at the age of 18, and in 1268 after his father's death, he was promoted to Sangi (councilor) and served the Retired Emperor Gosaga as denso (job title to relay massages of court's people to Emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Okiyo-o (Prince Okiyo) and Takeshiba reconciled under Masakado's mediation; however, Takeshiba's force surrounded Tsunemoto, who did not respond to the reconciliation, and Tsunemoto escaped to the capital and reported Masakado's rebellion to the throne, which became the underlying cause of the Johei and Tengyo War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1853, he became a Giso (Court Councilor who valetted for the emperor and was in charge of reporting a decision made by Daijokan [Grand Council of State] to the emperor and conveying the emperor's command to the nobles), and thereafter he played an active part in supporting the emperor in a relationship between the imperial court and Edo shogunate, and in 1855 Naofusa attended to receive the transcripts of the Treaties of amity concluded with the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia, respectively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Peeping during the Jimoku (ceremony for appointing officials), opening the Gosechi chodai and looking at the Gosechi princesses at the Gosechi no mai Dance (dance performance as part of a harvest festival), being late or absent from various chogi (ceremony at Imperial Court), or making mistakes when officially relaying documents were all activities that led to Meshikome.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Japanese Hirobumi ITO cabinet had run out of policies during the fierce confrontation with the Diet (because the bill of the cabinet impeachment report to the throne was adopted on May 30) and tried to break the deadlock by resorting to an external hard-line policy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On November 9 1967, under the advice of Tosa Domain, the 15th Shogun Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA brought news to the court of the Taisei Hokan (Restoration of Imperial rule based on the principle of parliamentary regime) which received Imperial sanction the following day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, kugyo who were appointed as giso kugyo had no personal acquaintance with Yoritomo, and Sanesada who approved of the Imperial order to hunt down and kill Yoritomo was included in the member, therefore the members were not necessarily pro-Shogunate forces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However Iwakura stiffened his attitude when he heard of Okuma's secret report to Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Taruhito, Minister of the Left, concerning the introduction of constitutional monarchy and of Okuma's proposal for the introduction of parliamentary cabinet system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An episode that a monk in Tang sent a letter addressed to Michizane by a Shiragi merchant, has been also written in the proposal for stopping Japanese envoys to Tang Dynasty China ("Kanke bunso" [an anthology of Chinese-style poetry by SUGAWARA no Michizane]) that reported to the Imperial Court by SUGAWARA no Michizane.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Michihiro KUZE, the eighth head of the family, played an active role in the Kobu Gattai (integration of the imperial court and the shogunate) at the end of the Edo period and was the adressor of opinions to the Emperor between August 1860 and April 1867 (except the period from September 1862 to December 1863).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Next was to create a copy of the anbun as the draft for the final draft sent to the Grand Council of State after putting the emperor's gyoji (the imperial Seal) with the supervisors' signatures again, geki wrote down the daijin's and dainagon's (a chief councilor of state) kanisei (surname of the official rank) and the date, and the dainagon confirmed this to the emperor with the daijin's and dainagon's (below grand minister of state) signatures after it being submitted to the meeting of the Grand Council of State with a ratification request line to the emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prior to the homecoming of the official travel group of Iwakura Mission including OKUBO, on the August 17, dispatch of SAIGO to the Korea as an ambassador plenipotentiary was once approved in a Cabinet meeting, but when the Emperor Meiji received a report of the proposal on the next day he rejected the SAIGO's dispatch plan based on the agreement that "won't decide important matters related to the country until the official travel group's homecoming", and asked them to wait for homecoming of Tomomi IWAKURA, and report it again after deep deliberation with IWAKURA (IWAKURA comes home on September 17).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was for this reason that in 1933 the "senior statesmen" system was established to help SAIONJI, and that former prime ministers and the Chairman of the Privy Council, together with genro SAIONJI, started to hold a meeting to plan the selection of a successor (Genro had heard the opinions of former Prime Ministers after the May 15th Incident upon recommending a succeeding prime minister to the Emperor, but that had not been established as an official procedure then.).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Subsequently, all the actions of the Imperial Palace were under the control of the government through Kyoto Shoshidai (the Kyoto deputy); meanwhile, the regent and chancellor organized the Court Council, and the running of the palace was determined after receiving approval from the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore in 1697, he nurtured a strong relationship with Motohiro KONOE, who opposed his parents in relation to Giso (close aides to the Emperor), Motohiro NAKAMIKADO's reshuffle issue, while Motohiro had absolute trust from Konoe's mother, Muneko MATSUNOKI (Keihomonin) and was frustrated with NAKAMIKADO's attitude to previously look down upon the Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Otsugu was a wise and conscientious politician who was adored and it was said 'Otsugu always thinks of the country and its people and always discussed all the political problems,' however, on the other hand, Otsugu was sometimes stubborn and therefore was politically lonely and was often deeply troubled by Fuyutsugu and his sons.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Just as Tsunemune summoned the Sashoben (third-ranked officer of the left) FUJIWARA no Yukitaka and was about to have him go to retired emperor Takakura to report the consensus opinion of the meeting, Takasue protested, saying 'Why is it necessary to send a messenger to Kofuku-ji temple when the head priest and his deputy will simply keep saying that they are unable to control the assembled clergy?  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But sometimes San hakase and Sukuyoshi protested a new calendar presented to the emperor and engaged in a dispute over amending the calendar and it was not uncommon to see the calendar amended (the new year calendar modified or changed) after the New Year Day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hirobumi ITO decided to step down from his position as Prime Minister and assume office as the first Chairman of the Privy Council in order to focus on the establishment of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, and nominated Kiyotaka KURODA who was one of the important figures of the domain and who had already been in the cabinet as Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, as his successor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They must have been, and were, in the notes, as well as in the words of his wild fantasias (for he not unfrequently accompanied himself with rhymed verbal improvisations), the result of that intense mental collectedness and concentration to which I have previously alluded as observable only in particular moments of the highest artificial excitement.  - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』


The constitution of the Empire of Japan the Article 5 said that the Emperor acts the legislative power with a support of Imperial Diet, and the Article 64, Provision 1 said that the state annual expenditure and revenue was committed by a support of Imperial Diet with annual budget, so that the budget for the organization and maintenance of the army should have been decided by Imperial Diet, however, as Supreme Command Staff could make comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results without confirmation of the Cabinet, (Iaku-joso) the idea that the Minister of State (Cabinet) would not be necessary for the process occupied in general.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thereafter, he showed prudence and caution in how he responded to the Imperial decree to hunt down and destroy MINAMOTO no Yoritomo requested by MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune and issued by the Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa, so that even after Yoshitsune fled the capital, upon Yoritomo's recommendation he was pressed into service as one member of his ten-man council of nobles; in the tenth month of 1186 he was made Udaijin (Minister of the Right), and then in the seventh month of 1189 he ascended to Sadaijin (Minister of the Left), thereafter becoming popularly known as "Tokudaiji Sadaijin," and working as Kanezane KUJO's right-hand man to facilitate relations between the court and the shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade), Shikibu shoyu (Junior Assitant of the Ministry of Ceremonial) and Monjo hakase (professor of literature), SUGAWARA no Michizane felt that it was a problem that kani soto was not specified for Sangi, and reported to the Emperor on the need to specify kani soto, koroku, etc. in the provision of July 1, 882 'Kankebunso, Volume 9.' There is no record on whether or not there was a response to this, and therefore it is uncertain.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the funeral motorcade departed from the main gate of the Imperial Palace as the Japan Self-Defense Forces made a twenty-one gun funeral salute, it passed the Sakurada-mon Gate, the main gate of the Diet Building, Parliamentary Museum, Miyakezaka, Akasakamitsuke, Aoyama 1-chome, Gaienmae, and Aoyama 3-chome with playing the funeral music called 'Kanashimi no Kiwami' (a funeral march composed by Franz Eckert) before reaching the main gate of the funeral place at the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the retired Emperor Gouda of Daikakuji-to (imperial lineage starting with Emperor Kameyama) started the cloister government, gaining the appointment as a In no Kinshin (the retired Emperor's courtier), Arifusa began to advance rapidly whereby after gaining the double assignments of Sadaiben (major controller of the left) and Sangi (councilor) in 1301, was promoted to Gon Chunagon (provisional vice-councilor of state) in 1303 which was followed by an additional post of the indenso (a job title to relay messages of court people to the retired emperor) climbing to the post of Gon Dainagon (provisional chief councilor of state) in 1308.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, he became a Buke Tenso (or Denso) (Imperial official in charge of communication between the shogunate and the court), getting involved in grant of an imperial secret edict ('micchoku' in Japanese) to the Mito Domain, and retired as Gon Dainagon (Provisional Major Counselor) for his involvement in an incident related to the friction between the two potential successors to the 14th Shogun's post, in which Hisatada KUJO conveyed an imperial edict declaring eligibility for successor to the Shogun as having intelligence and courage ('eiketsu' in Japanese), popularity ('jinbo') and seniority ('nencho'), thereby inferring the name of Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI, from which edict, however, Hisatada KUJO arbitrarily deleted a passage showing the eligibility before granting it to the shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For that, as a result of the consultation between the government, the Navy, and the Army, the substitution of official activity by the civil officers would be admitted by the government regulations, but the duty as for the Iaku-joso (making comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results) would be substituted by the Chief of the Naval General Staff, and the Army accepted that the affair this time would not become a precedent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The demand consisted of the removal of 12 'evil subjects trying to disturb the world in agreement with Yukiie and Yoshitsune' such as TAIRA no Chikamune and TAKASHINA no Yasutsune, governmental management by the Imperial Court by 10 giso kugyo (Noble Council) (Kanezane KUJO, Sanesada TOKUDAIJI, Sanefusa SANJO, FUJIWARA no Muneie, Tadachika NAKAYAMA, FUJIWARA no Saneie, MINAMOTO no Michichika, Tsunefusa YOSHIDA, FUJIWARA no Masanaga, and FUJIWARA no Kanemitsu), and the Imperial edict of inspection to Kanezane (the item of December six of "Azuma Kagami" [The Mirror of the East], the item of December 27 of "Gyokuyo" [Diary of Kanezane KUJO]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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