
「当局」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(50ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 2914



The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall exchange such information as is foreseeable relevant for carrying out the provisions of this Convention or to the administration or enforcement of the domestic laws concerning taxes of every kind and description imposed on behalf of the Contracting States, or of their political or administrative subdivisions or local authorities, insofar as the taxation there under is not contrary to the Convention.  - 財務省


With reference to Article 11 of the Convention, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of that Article, interest arising in Portugal and beneficially owned by any institution with the objective to promote exports or development, the capital of which is wholly owned by Japan as may be agreed upon from time to time between the competent authorities of the Contracting States shall be taxable only in Japan.  - 財務省


This Chapter shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes that are imposed after the date of signature of this Agreement in addition to, or in place of, those referred to in paragraph 1 The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall notify each other of any significant changes that have been made in their respective tax laws, which may affect matters covered by the Agreement  - 財務省


If the information in the possession of the competent authority of the Requested Party is not sufficient to enable it to comply with the request for information, the Requested Party shall use all relevant information gathering measures necessary to provide the Requesting Party with the information requested, notwithstanding that the Requested Party may not need such information for its own tax purposes  - 財務省



The Requested Party shall not be required to obtain or provide information that if the information requested was within the territorial jurisdiction of the Requesting Party the competent authority of the Requesting Party would not be able to obtain under the laws or in the normal course of administrative practices of the Requesting Party  - 財務省


要請の受領の日から九十日以内に要請された情報を入手し、及び提供することができない場合(当該 情報を提供することについて障害がある場合又は当該情報を提供することを拒否する場合を含む。)には、要請者の権限のある当局に対し、そのような入手及び提供が不可能である理由、当該障害の性質又はその拒否の理由を説明するため直ちに通知すること。例文帳に追加

if the competent authority of the Requested Party has been unable to obtain and provide the information within ninety days of the receipt ofthe request, including if it encounters obstacles in furnishing the information or it refuses to furnish the information, immediately inform the competent authority of the Requesting Party, explaining the reason for its inability, the nature of the obstacles or the reasons for its refusal  - 財務省

その他の租税に関しては、終了の通告が行われた年の翌年の一月一日以後に課される租税 21の規定にかかわらず、各締約者は、この協定に基づき当該締約者の権限のある当局が提供し、及び受領した情報について、引き続き第八条の規定に拘束される。例文帳に追加

with respect to taxes on income which are not withheld at source, as regards income for any taxable year beginning on or after 1 January in the calendar year next following that in which the notice is given; and (c) with respect to other taxes, as regards taxes levied on or after 1 January in the calendar year next following that in which the notice is given 2 Notwithstanding paragraph 1, each Contracting Party shall remain bound by Article 8 with respect to any information provided and received by the competent authority of the Contracting Party under this Agreement  - 財務省


Where a person considers that the actions of one or both of the Contracting Parties result or will result for him in taxation not in accordance with Chapter 3, he may, irrespective of the remedies provided by the laws of those Contracting Parties, present his case to the competent authority of the Contracting Party of which he is a resident as determined pursuant to Article 12.  - 財務省

この点について、我々は、G10 中央銀行の支払決済システム委員会や他の適切な当局が、実効性及び国際支払システムの進展、さらにはこのような支払い情報に関するプライバシー保護を勘案しつつ、技術的問題を探り、この問題に対してとり得る具体的措置を検討することが有益であると考える。例文帳に追加

In this respect, we believe that it would be useful if the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the G10 central banks and other appropriate agencies could explore the technical aspects of this issues and consider possible concrete measures, taking into account the efficiency and evolution of the international payments system as well as privacy concerns regarding the information.  - 財務省



Jurisdictions which derive economic benefits from the provision of transnational financial services need to devote sufficient resources to prevent effectively the abuse of those services. In particular, sufficient resources should be devoted to financial regulation, the enforcement of anti-money laundering standards, and cooperation with overseas authorities.  - 財務省


我々は、(1)域内の金融統合を強化する観点から金融市場当局者間の協調を向上すること、(2)中小・零細企業の金融力の強化や資金調達の能力構築を支援するための政策とイニシアティブを進展させること、(3)民間金融をインフラに振り向ける政策的枠組みを支援すること、(4)資本市場の効率性を高めること、を内容とする提言を提出した ABAC からのインプットを歓迎した。例文帳に追加

We welcomed inputs from ABAC, which put forward recommendations on (1) improving collaboration among financial market regulators in view of increasing regional financial integration; (2) developing policies and initiatives that support capacity-building for financial empowerment and financing of SMMEs; (3) supporting policy frameworks to channel private financing into infrastructure; and (4) enhancing the efficiency of capital markets.  - 財務省


The application shall be accompanied by a document issued by the municipality concerned certifying that the applicant carries out his production activity in the geographical locality concerned, and also by a document issued by the central authority concerned certifying that the goods produced by the applicant possess the necessary properties and peculiarities characteristic of the geographical indication.  - 特許庁


Without prejudice to the protection of confidential information, the customs or other competent authorities may, on request, provide the right holder with copies of documents lodged in respect of such goods or with any available information or documents relating to any previous importation or exportation of similar goods by the same importer or exporter.  - 特許庁


Where, pursuant to Article 4 of the Budapest Treaty, the depositor is notified of the inability of the international depositary authority to furnish samples and no new deposit is made in accordance with that Article, the application or patent shall, for the purposes of any proceedings in respect of that application or patent, be treated as if the deposit had never been made.  - 特許庁


Where, pursuant to Article 4 of the Budapest Treaty, the depositor is notified of the inability of the international depositary authority to furnish samples and no new deposit is made in accordance with that Article, the application or patent shall, for the purposes of any proceedings in respect of that application or patent, be treated as if the deposit had never been made.  - 特許庁


If a utility model registration is applied for in respect of a creation which is disclosed in an earlier utility model application filed by the applicant in which no final decision has been given by the Patent Authority, the later application shall, at the request of the applicant, be deemed to have been filed at the time when the documents disclosing the creation were received by the Patent Authority.  - 特許庁


If a document contains business secrets which do not relate to a creation in respect of which a utility model registration is applied for or has been granted, the Patent Authority may, on request, when circumstances make it desirable, decide that the document shall not be available or only available in part.  - 特許庁


If the applicant wishes to proceed with an international utility model application designating Denmark, he shall within 33 months from the international filing date or, if priority is claimed, from the priority date pay the prescribed fee to the Patent Authority and file a translation into Danish of the international application to the extent prescribed by the Minister of Economic and Business Affairs.  - 特許庁


In the case of an international utility model application the Patent Authority may not without the consent of the applicant register a utility model or publish the application prior to its publication by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or prior to the expiry of 20 months from the international filing date or, if priority is claimed, from the priority date.  - 特許庁


If any part of an international utility model application has not been the subject of an international search or an international preliminary examination because the application has been deemed to relate to two or more mutually independent creations, and the applicant has not paid the additional fee under the Patent Cooperation Treaty within the prescribed time limit, the Patent Authority shall review the finding to decide whether it was justified.  - 特許庁


If proceedings concerning a utility model registration are instituted before the courts prior to a final decision having been given with respect to a request pursuant to subsection 1 relating to the same registration, the Patent Authority shall suspend the examination of the request until the case before the courts has been finally decided upon, unless the request has been filed by the proprietor of the utility model.  - 特許庁


The Minister of Economic and Business Affairs shall lay down specific rules concerning utility model applications and their examination and other processing and concerning the examination of requests for examination, concerning re-establishment of rights, concerning surrender of utility model registrations, concerning the arrangement and keeping of the Register of Utility Models, concerning the publication and contents of the Utility Model Gazette, concerning the exchange of electronic data with the Patent Authority and concerning the procedures of the Patent and Trademark Office.  - 特許庁


If an applicant wishes to use a patent application as a basis for a utility model application, the applicant shall, not later than 2 months after the patent application has been shelved without a possibility of being resumed or has been finally refused by the Patent Authority, file a utility model application with a request to that effect.  - 特許庁

実用新案法第8条 (1)に基づく寄託は,特許手続上の微生物の寄託の国際的承認に関して1977年4月28日にブダペストで作成された条約(ブダペスト条約)に基づく国際寄託当局である機関,又は欧州特許庁によって承認されている他の寄託機関にしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Deposits under section 8 (1) of the Utility Models Act shall be made with an institution which is an international depositary authority under the Treaty done at Budapest on 28 April 1977 on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro-Organisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure (the Budapest Treaty) or with one of the other depositary institutions recognized by the European Patent Office.  - 特許庁


If a deposited sample of biological material has been transferred from one depositary institution to another under Rule 5 (1) of the Regulations under the Budapest Treaty, the applicant shall as soon as possible after having received a receipt in respect of the transferred deposit inform the Patent Authority thereof and of the new number accorded to the deposited sample.  - 特許庁


For the purpose of the institution of the legal proceedings referred to in the foregoing paragraph, the plaintiff may require the customs administration to communicate the names and addresses of the sender, the importer and the consignee of the goods withheld or of the holder thereof, and also the quantity thereof, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 59bis of the Customs Code concerning the professional secrecy to which all officials of the customs administration are bound.  - 特許庁


If, after proceedings to determine a question to which this section applies have been brought before a court or other competent authority which under the law of a relevant contracting state other than the State has jurisdiction to decide the question, proceedings are begun before the Court, the Court shall stay the proceedings before it until the following conditions are satisfied.  - 特許庁


Subject to subsection (2), a determination of a question to which section 123 applies by a court or other competent authority which under the law of a relevant contracting state other than the State has jurisdiction to decide the question shall, if no appeal lies from the determination or if the time for appealing has expired without an appeal having been taken, be recognised in the State as if it had been made by the Court.  - 特許庁

第115条 (4)ただし書に基づいて登録官にその意見を求めてある事項が付託された場合は,当該意見は,密封の上当該通知の受領から7就業日以内に,これを付託当局に対して送付しなければならず,登録官は,そのように付託された事項については完全な秘密保持を保証しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Where a matter has been referred to the Registrar for his opinion under proviso to sub-section (4) of section 115 such opinion shall be forwarded under a sealed cover within seven working days of the receipt of such written intimation to the referring authority and the Registrar shall ensure complete confidentiality in the matter so referred. - 特許庁


those which contain signs, the registration of which would be refused or invalidated pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention, including coats of arms and flags of the member countries of the Paris Union, their official marks indicating control, quality, and warranty, and hallmarks, as well as emblems, flags, names of international organisations and their abbreviations, without authorization by the competent authorities - 特許庁


Priority may also be requested for an application filed with a regional trademark authority if, under the legislation in a state that is party to the Paris Convention no. 1 of 20 March 1883 for the Protection of Industrial Property or the WTO Agreement no. 1 of 15 April 1994 Establishing the World Trade Organization or under a bilateral or multilateral agreement concluded between states that are party to the Paris Convention or the WTO Agreement, this is equated with filing a national application. - 特許庁


When a new accession number is given to the microorganism after filing, for the reason that, e.g., re-deposit was made, samples of the microorganism were transferred to another International Depositary Authority or the deposit was converted from the deposit under the national act to that under the Budapest Treaty, the applicant or the patentee shall give a notice to that effect to the Commissioner of the Patent Office without delay.  - 特許庁

出願人がブルガリア共和国に永続的な宛先を有するブルガリア国民,又はブルガリア共和国に主たる営業所を有する法人である場合は,第24条 (3)にいう所轄当局は,出願日から1月以内に,出願が区分情報保護に関する法律第25条の意味での区分情報を含むか否かに関してそれを審査する。例文帳に追加

Where the applicant is a Bulgarian citizen with a permanent address in the Republic of Bulgaria or a legal person with a principal place of business in the Republic of Bulgaria, the competent authorities referred to in Article 24 (3) shall, within one month from the filing date of the application, examine it as to whether it contains classified information within the meaning of Article 25 of the Law on the Protection of Classified Information.  - 特許庁


Where the application has been filed as a secret patent application and, after the examination referred to in paragraphs (1) to (3), no security classification level has been determined by the competent authorities, the Patent Office shall inform the applicant that the application contains no secret invention and shall ask for his express consent for the application to be examined in accordance with the ordinary provisions.  - 特許庁


Any person intending to import or circulate a pharmaceutical product covered by the scope of paragraph (1) in a member State in which that product enjoys patent or supplementary protection shall give proof in the import request to the competent authorities to the effect that a one-month notice has been addressed to the owner or user of such protection.  - 特許庁


Where a right to priority is claimed under section 40 or 41 there shall be filed, with the application or within three months of the date of filing thereof, a certificate by the competent national authority verifying to the Controller's satisfaction the date and country of filing, the representation of the mark, the goods or services covered by the earlier application and its filing number. - 特許庁

(2) 放棄が,法律,当局の決定,ライセンス契約若しくはその他の特許登録簿に記録された契約に由来する第三者の権利に影響を及ぼす場合又は特許登録簿に訴訟が記録されている場合は,本法により別段に規定されていない限り,関係当事者の同意を得てのみ効力を生じる。例文帳に追加

(2) If the surrender affects the rights of third parties deriving from legislation, from rulings of an authority, from a license contract or any other contract recorded in the Patent Register, or if a lawsuit is recorded in the Patent Register, it shall take effect only with the consent of the parties concerned, unless otherwise provided by this Act. - 特許庁

(1) 特許を出願する権利又は特許を受ける権利に関して訴訟が提起された場合は,裁判所の決定が確定するまで,特許手続は中止される。特許事案の実体的事項についての決定が,手続が他の当局の管轄下にある事項に関する先の判断に依存する場合は,ハンガリー特許庁は,当該特許手続を中止する。例文帳に追加

(1) Where legal proceedings are instituted with respect to the entitlement to file a patent application or the right to a patent, the patent procedure shall be suspended until the court decision becomes final. If deciding on the merits of a patent case depends on a previous consideration of such a matter in which the procedure falls within the competence of another authority, the Hungarian Patent Office shall suspend the patent procedure. - 特許庁

(3) 出願日付与のために,先の出願への言及も,ハンガリー語で表示しなければならず,先の出願の番号及びそれを提出した工業所有権当局を特定しなければならない。その言及から,これが出願日付与の目的では明細書及び図面の提出に代わるものであることが明白となる。例文帳に追加

(3) For according a date of filing, the reference to an earlier application shall also be indicated in Hungarian, the number of the earlier application shall be given and the industrial property authority to which it was filed shall be identified. It shall appear from the reference that it replaces the filing of the description and the drawings for the purposes of according a date of filing. - 特許庁

(b) 特許,意匠,商標及び原産地名称に関する国際出願の審査及び送付,並びに国内工業所有権当局に対して委任された,国際協定に基づく地域工業所有権協力,他の国際条約及び欧州共同体法に由来する調査,審査,送付,登録簿維持その他の手続的措置の遂行例文帳に追加

(b) the examination and transmission of international applications for patents, industrial designs, trademarks and appellations of origin as well as the performance of search, examination, transmission, register-keeping and other procedural acts entrusted to a national industrial property authority and deriving from regional industrial property co-operation based on an international agreement, from other international treaties and from European Community law. - 特許庁

3.1.15. 「強制実施権」とは、国家安全保障若しくは防衛、食糧供給若しくは公衆衛生といった公益が関係する場合、又は法律で規定されるその他の場合において、所管する政府当局の決定により、発明、意匠又は実用新案を利用するため、創作者又は権利保有者に報酬を払い、他の者に与える許諾をいう。例文帳に追加

3.1.15. "compulsory license" means a permission given to another person upon payment to a creator or right holder to exploit an invention, industrial design or utility model by the decision of a responsible government authority where the public interests such as national security or defense, food supply or public health are concerned or in other cases stipulated by law; - 特許庁

(c) 当該出願において請求されている発明と同一又は本質的に同一であるものに関して所定の工業所有権所轄当局によって行われた調査又は審査の結果,及び,調査又は審査の結果が英語で記載されていない場合はかかる調査又は審査の認証付き英語の翻訳。例文帳に追加

(c) the results of any searches or examinations carried out by any prescribed industrial property office relating to the same or essentially the same invention as that claimed in the application and where the results of any searches or examinations are not in the English language, a certified translation in the English language of such search or examination. - 特許庁

(6) 本規則の適用上,「所定の工業所有権所轄当局」とは,場合に応じて,国内官庁としての,又は該当する場合は国際調査機関としての又は特許協力条約に基づく国際予備審査機関としての地位を有する,オーストラリア特許庁,日本国特許庁,大韓民国特許庁,英国特許庁,アメリカ合衆国特許庁又は欧州特許庁を意味する。例文帳に追加

(6) For the purposes of these Regulations, "prescribed industrial property office" means the Patent Office of Australia, the Patent Office of Japan, the Patent Office of the Republic of Korea, the Patent Office of the United Kingdom, the Patent Office of the United States of America or the European Patent Office, as the case may require, in its capacity as a national office or, where appropriate, as an International Searching Authority or as an International Preliminary Examination Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. - 特許庁


For the sole purposes of determining novelty, the state of the art shall also be regarded as including the contents of a patent application pending before the competent office where the filing or priority date thereof is prior to the priority date of the patent application under examination, provided that the said contents are published. - 特許庁

発明が生物材料に関わる場合において,出願書類だけではその詳細な説明が不可能な場合は,カルタヘナ協定の締約国の所轄当局が指定する寄託機関に当該生物材料の寄託がなされなければならない。この場合は,寄託された生物材料は,明細書の不可分な一部分を構成する。 18例文帳に追加

With regard to inventions that relate to living material, where the description cannot be given in detail in the invention itself, a deposit of the said material shall be made at a depositary institution authorized by the competent national offices of the Member Countries of the Cartagena Agreement. The deposited material shall form an integral part of the description. - 特許庁


The competent office shall determine the amount of compensation, after having heard the parties, on the basis of the scale of the working of the licensed invention and any cooperation that the owner of the patent may have secured in order to facilitate the said working, especially the provision of the necessary technical knowledge, and other matters that the office considers appropriate for the working of the invention. - 特許庁


At the request of the owner of the patent or of the licensee, the licensing conditions may be amended by the entity that has approved them when this is justified by new circumstances, and in particular where the owner of the patent grants another license on terms that are more favorable than the earlier ones. - 特許庁


Any inventor residing in the country who is engaged in research on an invention project and who needs to test or build any mechanism that compels him to make his idea public may apply for a protection certificate, which the competent office shall grant him for a period of one year on payment of the prescribed fee. - 特許庁


If the examination finding is that the application does not comply with the requirements of form, the competent office shall serve notice on the applicant to rectify the defects within a period of30 working days following the said notice. This period shall be renewable once for an additional 30 working days without loss of priority. If the defects have not been rectified within the period specified, the application shall be rejected. - 特許庁



The renewal of a trademark registration shall be requested of the competent office within the six months preceding the expiry of the registration, provided that the owner of the mark shall be allowed a period of grace of six months following the expiry date of the registration within which to request renewal, subject to the submission of proof of payment of the appropriate fees. During the period referred to, the trademark registration or pending application shall remain in full force. - 特許庁


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