
「当局」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(52ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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(1) 特許は,連邦政府がその発明を公共の福祉のために実施すべき旨の命令を出した場合は,効力を有さない。また,特許の効力は,最上級の所轄連邦当局又はその指示を受けた下級機関によって,連邦共和国の安全のために命令される発明の実施には及ばない。例文帳に追加

(1) A patent shall have no effect should the Federal Government order that the invention is to be used in the interest of public welfare. Nor shall the effect of a patent extend to any use of the invention ordered in the interests of the security of the Federal Republic by the competent highest federal authority or, on the latter’s instructions, by a subordinate agency.  - 特許庁


The management and support services supply financial management, right management, authentication authorities concerned, regulated bank clearance, use bank clearance, safe directory service, and a safe base for performing other transaction related capabilities that function over a wide electronic network such as the Internet and/or an internal Intranet of an organization. - 特許庁


The management and support services provide a safe foundation for performing financial management, right management, authentication authority, regulation check exchange, use check exchange, safe directory services, and other transaction related capabilities that function in a wide electronic network, such as the Internet, and/or intranet inside an organization. - 特許庁


As part of the Procedural Section, paragraph 1 of Article 104 of Chapter 12 provides that “[t]he Parties shall, in accordance with their respective laws and regulations, co-operate in the field of controlling anti-competitive activities subject to their available resources”. - 経済産業省


同章では実体規定関連部分として、「各締約国は、自国の関係法令に従い、両締約国間の貿易及び投資の流れ並びに自国の市場の効率的な機能を円滑にするため、反競争的行為に対して適当と認める措置をとる」と定めており、日シンガポールEPA 同様、締約国執行当局が自国法に基づいて執行するという枠組みが採られている。例文帳に追加

Such Chapter’s Substantive Section sets forth, among other things, that “[e]ach Party shall, in accordance with its applicable laws and regulations, take measures which it considers appropriate against anticompetitive activities, in order to facilitate trade and investment flows between the Parties and the efficient functioning of its market.” The Japan-Mexico EPA, again like the Japan-Singapore EPA, has adopted a framework under which the enforcement authorities of contracting party countries enforce their respective laws [within their own jurisdictions]. - 経済産業省



For example, in relation to Taiwan, a boom occurred in the number of returnees from the late 1980s through the 1990s, as they left Silicon Valley for the Sintek high-tech agglomeration of Taiwan. This trend was supported by active government efforts such as the development of accommodation and schools (English education) for the returnees and their families, as well as the introduction of generous tax breaks. - 経済産業省


The Taiwanese authorities worked to create bases using the agglomerative merits of production and research in Sintek where scientific research institutions are concentrated, as well as building two new large-scale industrial parks in Tainan and actively soliciting supporting industries and foreign companies related to the high-tech industry, forming new agglomerations. - 経済産業省


For example, the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Singapore for a New-Age Economic Partnership that became effective in 2002 includes competition policy provisions that stipulate control over anticompetitive activities, notification requirement regarding enforcement activities of competition authorities that may affect significant interests of the other party, enforcement cooperation through information exchange, etc. - 経済産業省


The ECU was originally used as a basis for setting central rates of the EMS, a settlement method for EU central banks and a value indicator for EU agencies (public ECU). In addition, the ECU was also utilized in the private sector, including issuance of the ECU bonds (private ECU). Promotion of the ECU utilization both in the public and private sectors contributed to the launch of a common currency, euro. - 経済産業省



Power administration authorities in the eastern region (Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejian) where power shortages are serious, thus predict that although the situation this summer will be difficult as it has been in previous years, from autumn the situation will be alleviated by the operation of power plants currently under construction and other measures, and that supply and demand will return to equilibrium in 2006. - 経済産業省



For example, the share price decline in Shanghai was caused by the expectation for strengthened real estate control, concern about additional monetary tightening by the authority and additionally, by the decision of People's Bank of China to make the inflation control policy its first priority. And the share price decline in Brazil was caused by the market concern about foreign investors who might avoid the Brazilian markets due to government's control measure over the high value currency and inflation control measure. - 経済産業省


However, as of the end of April 2002, the proportion of non-performing loans of the four major national commercial banks still stood at a high level of 24.5 percent10. In addition, it is the financial authorities that ultimately absorb the uncollected non-performing loans which have been transferred to the AMCs11. In light of such circumstances, it is expected that the issue of non-performing loans will be a long-term one in China. - 経済産業省

また5 月末開催のAPEC 貿易大臣会合、第4 回日中韓サミット、OECD 閣僚理事会及びG8 ドーヴィル・サミット等でも、我が国の置かれた状況の説明を行い、各国の輸出入関連措置等に関しては、各成果文書の中で各国の関係当局が科学的根拠に基づいて適切な対応を行うことの重要性が確認された(第4-3-2-4 表)。例文帳に追加

In addition, at the APEC ministers of trade meeting held at the end of May, at the fourth Japan China and South Korea summit, at the meeting of the OECD Council at ministerial level and at the G8 Deauville summit, we provided explanations regarding the current situation of Japan, and about the import and export-related measures taken by various countries in various outcome documents, and the importance of the authorities concerned of various countries implementing proper measures based on scientific grounds was confirmed (Table 4-3-2-4). - 経済産業省

2006年3月には米国から4度目の提案がなされたが、当局の裁量の余地が広すぎ明確性・予測可能性に欠けるとして各国から批判を受けており、AD 委員会迂回非公式会合における議論同様、具体的な規律のあり方に関する各国の意見の隔たりは依然として大きいという状況である。例文帳に追加

In March 2006, the US submitted its proposal for the fourth time, but received criticism for the overly broad discretion of the authority and for a lack of precision and predictability. As with the discussions held during the meeting of the Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention of the AD Committee, the difference of opinions among the Member countries regarding the modalities of specific rules remains great. - 経済産業省


When the calculation of the dumping margin requires, for a fair comparison, the definition of categories of the product under investigation, it is not clear whether the test ofsufficient quantity of sales” should apply to the latter as a whole or to each category established by the investigating authority.  - 経済産業省


For the overseas development of medical services/technologies, it is absolutely necessary to negotiate with the government and authorities of the country into which they advance, as there are various systems and regulations in each country, and in order to promote overseas development of medical services/technologies in the future, concerted action between the government and medical industry, e.g., medical institutions and medical equipment makers, will become important. - 経済産業省


We also welcomed the successful outcomes of the Operation on Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals conducted by customs authorities around the region in 2011, including the resulting enforcement actions against more than 1,000 shipments of suspected counterfeit pharmaceuticals and the development of a set of model practices that may be useful for future capacity-building programs in this area.  - 経済産業省


Recent studies have demonstrated that higher de minimis values provide considerable economic benefits to customs administrations, the private sector, and consumers through costs savings and reductions in trade transaction costs, in particular by facilitating the immediate release of shipments thereby improving the movement of goods through regional supply chains.  - 経済産業省

他方、米国は、途上国からのAD 措置発動の増加を背景に、調査手続の透明性強化や適正手続の確保には前向きではあるが、議会や産業界にAD 発動を求める強い意見があり、発動当局の裁量を最大限維持する観点から、規律強化には消極的である。例文帳に追加

On the other hand, although the United States are in favor of strengthening the transparency of implementing procedures and ensuring the appropriate use of AD measures, against the backdrop of an increasing number of AD measures being implemented by developing countries against the United States, there is a strong sense in Congress and industry that the implementation of AD measures is required. Therefore, with a view to retaining its discretion as much as possible, the Department of Commerce has been slow to encourage the strengthening of AD rules. - 経済産業省


Under these circumstances, Russia implemented various measures. However, when the global financial crisis occurred, the Russian government and the financial authorities of Russia forecasted that its impact to Russia would be small. As a result, since the timing of implementation of measures was too late or the effect of measures was limited, recession became worsened. - 経済産業省


A tax payment deferment system was established to reduce the burden on companies associated with double taxation, along with smoothing of prior confirmation procedures to increase predictability for companies. In recent years, there is also increasing application of transfer pricing tax systems among overseas tax authorities, so from the perspective of smoothing international expansion of Japanese companies, it is important to make efforts to improve the transparency of transfer pricing tax systems both in Japan and in other countries. - 経済産業省


Large-scale interviews of corporate managers around the world were conducted to prepare the Report, in which human resources in finance, fair and predictable legal systems, the government’s support for business needs, and regulatory requirements attractive to businesses were raised as the aspects important in the financial service business. - 経済産業省

2007年6月のIRRS (国際原子力機関による総合規制レビューサービス)による提言も踏まえながら、規制当局として取り組むべき課題が、総合資源エネルギー調査会原子力安全・保安部会基本政策小委員会から提言され、原子力安全・保安院はそれらの提言の実現に向けて活動している。例文帳に追加

Giving due consideration to the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) recommendations and suggestions given in June 2007, the Basic Safety Policy Subcommittee of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy identified the issues to be addressed by the regulatory body. NISA is moving forward toward response to these issues. - 経済産業省


In Japan, by laws of the regulatory body relating to the topical report system for fuel design and safety analysis codes have been formulated as an area with high versatility in utilization for various plants. Currently, topical reports on fuel rod thermal and mechanical design submitted by fuel fabricators are being evaluated. - 経済産業省


In January, 2006, NISA revised the Ministerial Ordinance for Establishing Technical Standards for Nuclear Power Generation Equipments (hereinafter referred to asTechnical Standards Ministerial Ordinance”) so that the standards provided by academic societies and associations endorsed by the regulatory body (standards of academic societies and associations) may be used for the codes on the detailed technical specifications in the regulatory requirements. - 経済産業省


The past experience of orders of measures such as suspension of operation issued by the regulatory body on a nuclear installation under the provisions of laws is the administrative disposition by falsification regarding the reactor containment leak rate inspection at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of the Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.in November 2002, which resulted in one-year suspension of its operation. - 経済産業省


This guideline is a compilation of perspectives and methods for the regulatory authority to understand and evaluate the routine efforts for developing safety culture and organizational mind in the safety operational activities of the licensee. It is used in the quarterly Operational Safety Inspections and the inspections carried out for the safety significant activities, and also in the compliance survey of the Operational Safety Program carried out outside the Operational Safety Inspection period. - 経済産業省


With regard to operational safety activities by licensee of reactor operation aiming for the remedy to the factors causing human errors, NISA, in cooperation with JNES, established a guideline for the regulatory body to evaluate the licensee’s self-controlled efforts for correcting non-conformance etc., related to direct cause of human errors in February 2008. - 経済産業省


In Japan, a mechanism by which the regulatory body reviews the design consists of three procedures: licensing for reactor installment in which basic design and safety assessment concerning siting of nuclear installations are reviewed, approval of a construction plan in which detailed design, that is, specific design of facilities, is reviewed, and approval of fuel assembly design in which design of a fuel assembly used in nuclear installations is reviewed. - 経済産業省


The regulatory body examines the application for approval of a construction plan submitted by a licensee of reactor operation in accordance with the provision of the Electricity Business Act. And the approval of construction plan is issued after confirming that detailed design of nuclear installations conforms to the licensing conditions for reactor installment under the Reactor Regulation Act, and to the technical requirements established by the Minister of METI. - 経済産業省


The inspection is conducted with emphasis on the status of conformity to technical requirements relating to nuclear facilities to ensure the integrity of each facility. - 経済産業省


In the case where the licensee of reactor operation entrusts work to specialized contractors as technical support in the daily operation management of the nuclear installation, the licensee of reactor operation is required to supervise and manage the contractors in an appropriate manner based on their own quality management system. This is the matter to be verified by the regulatory body in the operational safety inspection, etc. - 経済産業省


The number of cartels detected by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ), one of the U.S. competition authorities, and the fines imposed on corporations vary from year to year depending on whether there was a major case that year, but a recent trend is that penalties are substantial, some of which exceeding $100 million, imposed on corporations, including Japanese corporations. - 経済産業省

これは、後にそれらの文書や発 言が、競争当局の調査対象となった場合に、競合他社との間で、競争法上問題になる Ⅲ 企業のカルテルに関する競争法コンプライアンスに係る取組≪予防の観点≫ 20 ような合意が存在しなくとも、何らかの合意があったとの誤った印象を与えてしまう 可能性があるためである。例文帳に追加

This is because there is a possibility that in cases where such documents or verbal statements become the subject of investigations by competition authorities, a mistaken impression could be given that some form of agreement was reached even an agreement with competitors which would be a problem under competition laws do not exist. - 経済産業省

我が国は、2006 年4 月の経済産業省と商務部の定期協議及び2006 年10 月のAD 委員会における中国TRM(経過的審査メカニズム)等において改善を要請するとともに、WTO 協定と整合的でない手続及び不適切と思われる運用については、随時、調査当局に対し政府意見書を提出する等の対応をとってきたところである。例文帳に追加

Japan requested that China improve the procedures and the practices under the AD investigation at the meetings, including the regular meeting between METI and MOFCOM in April 2006 and the Transitional Review Mechanism on China at the Anti-Dumping Committee in October 2006. Furthermore, the Government of Japan's comments were submitted to MOFCOM where Japan found inappropriate practices and inconsistent procedures with WTO Agreement in each case. - 経済産業省


Thus, the tension around the financial market has been slightly mitigated thanks to a series of measures taken by the EU and euro zone authorities since the debt problem emerged. However, as confirmed above, behind the debt problem there have been disparities in international competitiveness and current account imbalances among the euro member countries, which spread in the 2000s. - 経済産業省


For example, the method of compliance of a regulation is left to the discretion of a company, how far the discretion is acceptable, or when a regulation was introduced, the compliance with which is not easy technically, how strict the authority is going to enforce, etc. Unless you participated in the decision making process, you won't be able to obtain information. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, with respect to international cooperation and enforcement practices, discussions are underway about international cooperation among authorities in enforcement, increase in the number of experts and raising public awareness. Thus, the initiative has drawn much attention not only from Japan but also from other countries around the world as an international effort for integrated enhancement of the enforcement of intellectual property rights in both legal and practical aspects. - 経済産業省


After Japan's several protests and expression of concerns to the Chinese authorities, China responded at Japan-China economic partnership consultations in July 2006 that the registration fee does not have to be paid for each sales contract and that once importers obtain the registration certificate, they can import the chemicals any number of times without making an additional fee payment during the validity period of two years, thus resolving Japan's biggest concerns. - 経済産業省

さらに、強制規格の形での規制をなるべく減ずべきであること、規制の性能規定化すること、国際規格や指針を活用することの重要性が指摘され、他の加盟国の規格を同等なものとして受け入れること(協定第2条7項)や、権限を有する当局間及び他の利害関係者と連携すること等がGRP の要素として認識された。例文帳に追加

Further, it was pointed out that it is important to reduce regulation in the form of compulsory standards, to standardize the performance of regulation, and to make full use of international standards and guidelines. Acceptance of other members' standards as being on a par (Article 2.7 of the TBT Agreement) and cooperation between competent authorities and with other interested parties were also recognized as elements in GRP. - 経済産業省


The file containing the patient names without masking had been in the basement storage of the Ministry of Heath, Labour and Welfare as part of the list for the patients who were contracted hepatitis after being administered fibrinogen products (presented by Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation (then)). The data, however, were very inadequately transferred and managed, and thus, the department in charge did not know that there was such a file. The data, however, were very inadequately transferred and managed, and thus, the department in charge did not know that there was such a file. - 厚生労働省

2 1に規定する派遣が五年を超えて継続される場合には、両締約国の権限のある当局又は実施機関は、当該派遣に係る被用者に対し、特別な状況において、1に規定する一方の締約国の法令のみを三年を超えない期間引き続き適用することについて合意することができる。例文帳に追加

2. If the detachment referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article continues beyond five years, the competent authorities or the competent institutions of both Contracting States may agree in special circumstances that the employee remains subject only to the legislation of the first Contracting State for a period not exceeding three years. - 厚生労働省

5 4に規定する他方の締約国の領域内における自営活動が五年を超えて継続される場合には、両締約国の権限のある当局又は実施機関は、当該自営活動に係る自営業者に対し、特別な状況において、4に規定する一方の締約国の法令のみを三年を超えない期間引き続き適用することについて合意することができる。例文帳に追加

5. If the self-employed activity in the territory of the other Contracting State referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article continues beyond five years, the competent authorities or the competent institutions of both Contracting States may agree in special circumstances that the self-employed person remains subject only to the legislation of the first Contracting State for a period not exceeding three years. - 厚生労働省


At the request of an employee and an employer or a self-employed person, the competent authorities or the competent institutions of both Contracting States may agree to grant an exception to Articles 6 to 9 in the interest of particular persons or categories of persons, provided that such persons or categories of persons shall be subject to the legislation of one of the Contracting States. - 厚生労働省

4 3に規定する他方の締約国の領域内における自営活動が五年を超えて継続される場合には、両締約国の権限のある当局又は実施機関は、当該自営活動に係る自営業者に対して3に規定する一方の締約国の法令のみを引き続き適用することについて合意することができる。例文帳に追加

4. If the self-employed activity in the territory of the other Contracting State referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article continues beyond five years, the competent authorities or the competent institutions of both Contracting States may agree that the self-employed person remains subject only to the legislation of the first Contracting State. - 厚生労働省

5 4に規定する他方の締約国の領域内における自営活動が五年を超えて継続される場合には、両締約国の権限のある当局又は実施機関は、当該自営活動に係る自営業者に対して4に規定する一方の締約国の法令のみを引き続き適用することについて合意することができる。例文帳に追加

5. If the self-employed activity in the territory of the other Contracting State referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article continues beyond five years, the competent authorities or the competent institutions of both Contracting States may agree that the self-employed person remains subject only to the legislation of the first Contracting State. - 厚生労働省


At the request of an employee and an employer or a self-employed person, the competent authorities or the competent institutions of both Contracting States may agree to grant an exception to Articles 6 to 9 in the interest of particular persons or categories of persons, provided that such persons or categories of persons shall be subject only to the legislation of one of the Contracting States. - 厚生労働省

第十条第六条から前条までの規定の例外8両締約国の権限のある当局又は実施機関は、被用者及び雇用者の申請に基づき、特定の者又は特定の範囲の者の利益のため、これらの特定の者又は特定の範囲の者にいずれか一方の締約国の法令が適用されることを条件として、第六条から前条までの規定の例外を認めることについて合意することができる 。例文帳に追加

Article 10Exceptions to Articles 6 to 9At the request of an employee and an employer, thecompetent authorities or the competent institutions of bothContracting States may agree to grant an exception toArticles 6 to 9 in the interest of particular persons orcategories of persons, provided that such persons orcategories of persons shall be subject to the legislationof one of the Contracting States . - 厚生労働省

(d)日本国については、次条1に掲げる日本国の年金制度及び日本国の医療保険制度を管轄する政府機関ハンガリーについては、ハンガリーの法令によって規律される社会保障の計画及び制度に責任を有するハンガリーの大臣、省又はその他の関係当局「実施機関」とは、次のものをいう 。例文帳に追加

2(d) “competent authoritymeans,as regards Japan,any of the Governmental organizations competentfor the Japanese pension systems and the Japanesehealth insurance systems specified in paragraph 1of Article 2,as regards Hungary,the Ministers, Ministries or other relevantauthorities of Hungary responsible for socialsecurity schemes and systems regulated by thelegislation of Hungary ; - 厚生労働省


3 1及び2に規定する派遣が当該派遣の予定された期間を超えて継続される場合には、両締約国の権限のある当局又はその指定する実施機関は、被用者及びその雇用者の共同の申請に基づき、当該派遣に係る被9用者に対して1及び2に規定する一方の締約国の法令のみを引き続き適用することについて一回に限り合意することができる 。例文帳に追加

The scopeof the related employer referred to in this paragraph maybe agreed upon between the Governments of the ContractingStates .'73 . - 厚生労働省


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