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As explained in Chapter 2, one of the measures that Japan needs to take to become a more open and attractive place for outward direct investment is to aggressively attract and use various superior-quality resources from abroad. - 経済産業省


Based on such international investment rules, Japan has introduced regulations on FDI, which limits the scope of implementation only for the reasons permitted under the international rules. There are two major methods of investment restrictions. - 経済産業省


Foreign direct investment contributes greatly to and is crucial to the Japanese economy as a whole and revitalizing the local economies through the introduction of new technologies and management know-how. - 経済産業省


The result indicates that the flow of overseas funds into Japan can contribute to revitalizing and enhancing the growth of the Japanese economy (see Figure 4-4-22). - 経済産業省



However, the lack of a multilateral investment framework has sometimes proved disadvantageous to the companies when looking to protect and liberalize investment in host countries. - 経済産業省



While the evaluation and disclosure of intellectual assets, as to be discussed later, should be following the "evolution of private-sector practices" rather than the "homogenous systematization," it is doubtless Japan should actively participate in international systematization discussions. - 経済産業省

、農林水産省が作成した「平成 17 年度食料需給表」によると、我が国の食料自給率は約 4 割(供給熱量総合食料自給率)とされています。例文帳に追加

Also, according to the Food Balance Sheet for FY2005, which is prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan’s food self-sufficiency ratio (total food self-sufficiency ratio on a calorie supply basis) was estimated at approximately 40%. - 厚生労働省


For this matter, we need to discuss not only priorities in developing countries but also Japan’s comparative advantage in order to discuss concrete assistance with a large impact. - 厚生労働省


Although the annual total hours actually worked in Japan has been steadily decreasing, the level of non-scheduled working hours has remained high and the rate of paid days off taken has not increased - 厚生労働省



With respect to Japanese worker's lifestyles in the same period, from about 1960 to the first half of the1970s, both real and disposable incomes grew significantly in line with rapid economic growth. - 厚生労働省



There was a high rateof responses for "the employees do not accept the evaluation result". - 厚生労働省


All of the following requirements are to be fulfilled, however, this shall not apply to cases where the applicant is to engage in research based on a contract with the national government; a local government; a juridical person established directly pursuant to the provisions of Japanese laws; a juridical person established pursuant to the provisions of a special Japanese law through special acts of establishment; a juridical person which is established pursuant to the provisions of a special Japanese law and which requires approval from the administrative authorities with respect to its establishment; an incorporated administrative agency (meaning the incorporated administrative agency prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 103, 1999); the same shall apply hereinafter) or a juridical person designated by the Minister of Justice in a public notice, which is managed by funds granted by the national government, a local government or an incorporated administrative agency.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The rule change regarding the capital adequacy ratio was recently decided and announced and is now in the public comment process. The partial introduction of flexibility into the capital adequacy ratio regulation reflects circumstances specific to Japan, as exemplified by Japanese banksrelatively large exposure to stocks. Behind the increasing volatility of Japanese stock prices are foreign investment fundsactivities, as a result of which we are now witnessing seemingly irrational events, such as the average PBR (price-to-book ratio) for stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange dropping below one. Meanwhile, valuation losses on securities holdings are required to be deducted from the Tier 1 capital in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio. We have concluded that for the management of the Japanese economy, it is essential to prevent foreign investment fundsactivities from significantly affecting and undermining the financial intermediary function of Japanese deposit-taking financial institutions, so we have decided on this as an extraordinary measure.  - 金融庁


I also believe that it is significant that the leadersdeclaration reflected many of the items that Japan has argued for, including Prime Minister Aso’s proposals regarding international cooperation in the supervision of financial institutions and the treatment of credit ratings and accounting standards.  - 金融庁

我が国の財政は、国・地を合わせた長期債務残高が平成二十一年度末には八百四兆円、対GDP比で 百五十八%になると見込まれ、主要先進国の中で最悪の水準にあるなど、極めて厳しい状況にあります。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, the country’s fiscal condition is also extremely severe, given that the outstanding long-term debts owed by the central and local governments are projected to total 804 trillion yen (158% of GDP) at the end of FY2009, which is the worst level among major developed countries.  - 金融庁


The FSA staff told me that the agreement reached at this time reflects what Japan has been arguing based on its experience of and reflection on the financial crisis of around a decade ago, and, looking back at my experiences, I think that it is true.  - 金融庁


First, while I understand that the Iranian issue is a judicial matter, the current situation is such that a U.S. district court is freezing deposit assets held in Japan by a Japanese financial institution.  - 金融庁


As for to what extent the company performed its duty of accountability, we will need to watch shareholders' reactions. In addition, I hear that the investigation results will be announced, so we will take appropriate administrative action in light of that.  - 金融庁


In the case of a large, mature economy like Japan, such costs are not seen as significant. That said, we should reexamine the question of whether the "internationalization of the yen" per se brings benefits sufficient to make it worth advocating as a policy objective.  - 財務省


At the same time, however, our fiscal situation remains extremely severe. Japan's central and local governments, when combined, are expected to have long-term outstanding debts accounting for over 150% of GDP by the end of fiscal 2006.I am determined to pursue structural reform on fiscal front, both in revenues and expenditures.  - 財務省

4 月以降は、アングロサクソン諸国と我が国が金融緩和を継続する一で、中国人民銀行や欧州中央銀行が利上げしており、米国の先行き好調予想もあり、新興国のみならず欧州にも波及しているインフレを鎮静させる向にかじをきっていたと言えよう。例文帳に追加

After April, while Anglo-Saxon nations and Japan continued the monetary easing policy, People' Bank of China and European Central Bank increased their interest rates. With the expectation of strong US economy in future, the course seemed to be corrected in the direction to overcome the inflation spreading not only in the emerging economies but also in Europe. - 経済産業省

しかし、我が国の対外直接投資残高と収益率を投資先の国・地域ごとに見てみると、投資先は米国、EUに集まっている一、収益率はASEANや中国のが高くなっており、効率的な投資と言い難い状況にある(第3-1-1-44 図)。例文帳に追加

However, when we take a look at Japan's outward direct investment positions and returns by counties and regions, the investment position is concentrated in the U.S. and EU while return rates are better with ASEAN and China. Therefore Japan's investment is not efficient (see Figure 3-1-1-44). - 経済産業省


In order to see the results of the sales activities of Chinese subsidiaries of Japanese and US companies, we compared their net sales by market and the share of net sales from each market in the total net sales. US companiesChinese subsidiaries showed grater values in net sales in China and share of sales from China in total sales (see Figure 2-3-25). - 経済産業省


Regarding, for example, the tendency for the average number of children born to be higher for female permanent employees working at SMEs than female permanent employees at large enterprises, could this be due to the tendency once observed in Japan for people on lower incomes to have more children? - 経済産業省

次に、我が国の半導体等電子部品(以下、電子部品という。)の輸出についても、世界とのサプライチェーンのつながりをみるため、自動車部品の場合と同様の法で、主要な輸出先への直接の輸出元となっている国内の地域を比較してみる(第4-2-1-5 表)。例文帳に追加

Next, as for the export of electronic parts like semiconductors (hereafter to be referred to as electronic parts) of Japan, we compare the domestic area, which is the origin of direct export to main export destinations. This will be helpful in order to understand the links with supply chains of the world, and for this, we will apply the same method as in the case of automobile parts (Table 4-2-1-5). - 経済産業省

そこで、自動車用IC チップを含むマイクロコントローラー(以下、マイコンという。)の我が国からの輸出について、世界とのサプライチェーンのつながりをみるため、今までと同様の法で、主要な輸出先への輸出元となっている国内の地域を比較した(第4-2-1-9 表)。例文帳に追加

Therefore about the export of microcontroller (hereafter a microcomputer) including the automotive IC tip from Japan, in order to understand the links with supply chains of the world, using the same method as before, we compared domestic areas of origin of export to major export destinations (Table 4-2-1-9). - 経済産業省


Regional small- and medium-sized companies in Japan have been increasingly entering the Asian and other overseas markets in recent years. Such regional companies are likely to appreciate the continuous provision of financial services of banks from their home regions with which they have long-term relationships in their overseas business locations204. - 経済産業省


In the future, therefore, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will discuss and determine the appropriate substantive and adjective laws for the prevention of theft, reproduction, and release of intellectual property of Japanese companies to a third party through wrongful means so as to provide adequate protection. - 経済産業省


The survey shows that less Japanese companies polled said technological levels of their overseas subsidiaries are inferior to their own levels. On the other hand, an increasing number of Japanese companies polled answered technological levels are equal between themselves and their overseas subsidiaries. (Figure 2.2.26) - 経済産業省


There is a grand goal set further ahead: "Each and every Japanese person enjoys affluence." With this goal in mind, the entire nation should face up to the current stagnant situation, along with difficult challenges, and share the future vision and the prescriptions set out for both the public and the private sectors. - 経済産業省


Analyze the effects of initiatives to acquire foreign demand from rapidly growing emerging markets (outbound initiatives) and initiatives to attract excellent human resources and companies to Japan (inbound initiatives) in improving Japan's productivity, and indicate the future course of Japan's international business development  - 経済産業省

これに対し、2008 年に我が国企業が中心となり、記録型DVDに保存された情報が読み取り可能な期間を測定する法が国際標準化され、高品質・高付加価値品の「隠れた競争力の見える化」を可能とする1 つの法として示されている40。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, the method of measuring readable time of stored information on the record type DVD was standardized globally, led by a Japanese company, which now serves as a tool to make possible ofvisualization of hidden competitiveness―for high quality/high added value product. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, in the case of Japan where infrastructure equipment makers and plant management organization (In most cases, a regional self-government takes a lead) is separated, which results in lack of collaboration. Hence, it is difficult for Japan to respond such a demand from emerging economies. - 経済産業省


Some point out that Japan’s emerging equity exchanges are smaller than their overseas peers, and that there are too many of them. It is necessary to reexamine what roles they each should play from the viewpoint of their scale, global competitiveness and efficiency. Local exchanges, on the other hand, might be given a more ambitious position with the view of working to revitalize local communities. When examination is conducted on how Japan’s emerging equity exchanges should be, such points of view must be considered in a comprehensive manner.  - 経済産業省


Therefore, it is necessary to consider the appropriate measures in light of the situation in Japan, not necessarily modelled after the examples of other countries.  - 金融庁


Generally speaking, as I have already told you, it is quite natural that there be a need to impose varying degrees of restrictions on foreign investment in Japan depending on the public nature of the business and project concerned. On the other hand, it is also important to reconcile the need to impose restrictions with the need to strengthen the competitiveness of Japan's financial and capital markets and reinvigorate the markets, which is a top priority task for the government.  - 金融庁


However, while the calculation for the limit of deduction of the Japanese foreign tax exemption system is more lenient than that used in other countries, the requirements in terms of the scope of subject companies and the period of tax-deferral when the balance sheet is in the red, is more demanding. For smoother international business operations by Japanese companies, a reexamination of the foreign tax exemption system is necessary by taking into consideration recent overseas business operations by Japanese companies and the taxation systems of other countries. - 経済産業省

ロ 我が国と外国との文化交流に資する目的で国、地公共団体又は独立行政法人の資金援助を受けて設立された本邦の公私の機関が主催する演劇等の興行に係る活動に従事しようとするとき。例文帳に追加

(b) The applicant is to engage in theatrical or musical performances organized by a public or private organization in Japan which has been established with funds from the national government, a local government or an incorporated administrative agency for the purpose of cultural exchange between Japan and foreign countries.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


When Emperor Heizei had a conflict with his brother, Emperor Saga, and tried to move the capital in Heian kyo back to Heijo kyo, Emperor Saga petitioned the deity that he would dedicate his daughter to Kamo no Okami (a guardian god of the capital) as 'Areotome' (a woman to join in the ceremony held at the Kamo-jinja Shrine for welcoming gods) if he had a chance of winning.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A translation: Hideyoshi died (and the war between the Ming and Japan stopped), and all of our troops (Ming troops) had been pulled out, and then Korea came to fear Japan exceedingly and came to consider establishing a good relationship with Japan, but on the other hand, Korea feared that the establishment of diplomatic relations might anger the Ming.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, we need to strengthen the competitiveness of Japan's financial and capital markets and reinvigorate them, which is a top priority task for the government. The most important thing for us to do is to reconcile these needs.  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, future tasks for us include getting all FSA employees to understand the concept of better regulation, enhancing working-level dialogue and increasing opportunities to disseminate information, such as briefing sessions.  - 金融庁


The view has emerged that in Japan as well as in the United States, the financial health of regional banks may be threatened if the market turmoil is prolonged. Could you explain your view on the current situation in reference to the implementation status of stress testing, too?  - 金融庁


In any case, the basic concept of our requests regarding tax revisions for fiscal 2009 is to strive to provide appropriate opportunities for the investment of the 1,500 trillion yen of financial assets held by Japanese individuals, in order to promote a broad shift "from savings to investment."  - 金融庁


I think that Japanese financial institutions, as well as financial institutions and investors around the world, have a fairly large amount of GSE securities. However, I do not think that Japanese financial institutions have a large amount of shares of those two GSEs.  - 金融庁


As for the treatment of fair value accounting, I understand that the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ), which happened to hold a meeting today, decided to announce a proposed guideline for internationally consistent interpretation in order to clarify the measurements of fair value, or market value.  - 金融庁


On the other hand, the recent wild swings in stock prices make it necessary for us to keep a close watch on the impact on Japanese financial institutions' financial conditions while maintaining a high level of vigilance.  - 金融庁


It is desirable that the Japanese financial industry aims for a business model featuring financing that supports the creation of value by companies, rather than a business model that depends on arbitrage transactions focusing on the distortion of the price system and price volatility  - 金融庁


Each financial institution may wish to consider the review of its remuneration system from broad perspectives, e.g. promoting innovation and improving the profitability of the Japanese financial industry, to the extent that it would not encourage business management toward excessive risk-taking  - 金融庁



Defining specific details in the roadmap toward IFRS application may be beneficial for the future.In order to pave the way for smooth implementation of IFRS in Japan, however, a specific application outline depends significantly on the progress in the action taken to resolve various issues, including preparations and adaptation to actual accounting practices.  - 金融庁


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