
「産出品」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 84



This agalloch-blended tobacco is commercialized by selecting the raw material of agalloch having a high agarospirol content and produced in southeast asia, and matching and formulating with presenting tobacco leaves to improve a synergistic effect. - 特許庁


To provide a cheese mill which allows solid cheese to be used up without touching a grater by hand, which has a small number of components, and can be mass-produced simply inexpensively. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a carbon dioxide-containing jelly drink, by which the carbon dioxide-containing jelly drink having elastic gel collagen peptide can industrially be produced in a stable quality. - 特許庁


The element flow is composed of input data e_i,I by which raw materials fed by respective industries are grasped by the respective industries and respective elements and output data e_i,O by which products produced by the respective industries are grasped by the respective industries and the respective elements. - 特許庁



To improve a working speed, a production yield and upgrading by mechanizing operation for alternately forming leveled cuts in a meat block from right and left sides in order to obtain meat having a shape of a strip of paper from a kalbi meat-on-the-bone block. - 特許庁



To provide feed improving material added to feed for pigs, cattle, chickens and the like to be supplied to them, and improving the quality, in particular, taste quality and freshness keeping properties of meat, eggs, milk or the like produced from these livestock respectively, and freshness keeping properties of the feed itself. - 特許庁


To provide a direct energizing glass melting deep bottom type furnace and a method of clarifying/supplying a glass for capable efficiently producing a large quantity of a high quality molten glass with high thermal efficiency. - 特許庁


The silica increases the amount of the absorbed glycerol and water to the formulation, and manufactures a product having a larger structural stability in compressed situation. - 特許庁


The formula for the calculation under RVC is determined by either of the following two methods: the “transaction value method,” in respect of which calculations are made based on the transaction value of the goods; and the “net cost method,” in respect of which detailed calculations are based on material cost, personnel cost, etc. - 経済産業省



The indices enable us to perceive production activities of business establishments in the mining and manufacturing industries, supply and demand trends of produced products, production plans of manufacturers for two months ahead, and production-related facilities and their operational statuses. - 経済産業省



investments, where emissions should be allocated to the reporting company based on the reporting company's proportional share of equity or debt in the investee (see section 5.5, category 15); and other situations where economic allocation best reflects the causal relationship between the production of the outputs and the resulting emissions.  - 経済産業省


According to the Questionnaire Survey on Regional Resources, these issues include, in addition to the high prices of regional resources and unstable production and quality, the inability to conduct effective marketing activities even if products are developed - 経済産業省


To find out uses for effectively using waste feathers obtained in large amounts, and to provide, at low costs, agents, such as medicines, quasi-drugs and cosmetics, having the functions of a cell activator effective for animal cell proliferation, wound healing, or hair growth. - 特許庁


Various kinds of inorganic powder such as a cement powder and a composition containing the mixture of the extruded molding and liquid excluding water or various kinds of waste produced in the production process of a cement product such as a dry powder of a crushed defective product and collected dust are used as the powder. - 特許庁


Inspection items of an inspection process performed by each process of part receipt, production, shipping and market and items of quality inferior information generated in relation to the inspection are previously registered as a united code in a code master DB 17. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing ethanol which achieves reduction in costs, simplification of work without producing toxic residues, using plant biomass as a raw material and by a fermentation process using a treatment according to a food manufacturing and using microorganisms for food production throughout the whole step. - 特許庁


"Indirect export" defined here referred to the situation where "the production activity (products etc.) in one area is intermediately input into the production activity(products etc.) in the other area, and the products produced in other areas as a result of the input are exported abroad". We will explain the importance of taking the indirect export into consideration. - 経済産業省

・農水産等及び飼料については、2011 年3 月27 日より、EU は、放射線検査に関する加盟国共通ルールを適用し、3 月28 日以降に日本から輸出される食・飼料について、① 3 月11 日より前に生産・製造されたこと、②対象12 都県(福島、群馬、栃木、茨城、宮城、山形、新潟、長野、山梨、埼玉、東京、千葉)以外で産出されたものであること、もしくは、対象12 都県産出の場合には、放射線レベルがEU 規則上限値以下であることの日本当局の証明書添付を求めているうえ、EU 側でサンプル検査を実施している。例文帳に追加

About food, farm and marine products and fodder, on March 27, 2011, the EU applied common rules in the member nations for the radiological examination of food and fodder exported after March 28 on, (a) products produced before March 11, (b) produced in prefectures other than 12 subject prefectures (Fukushima, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Yamagata,Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba) or in the case of the products from 12 subject prefectures, and demanded the attachment of a certificate verifying that the radiation level was within the EU's upper limit, and sample examinations have been conducted by the EUside. - 経済産業省


It is a container with a lid and base on its side made by bending a thin lumber of Japanese cypress or Japanese falsecypress produced locally into a circular or oval form, and by sewing its joint with the bark of Japanese mountain cherry; it is used as a rice cooker, lunchbox, tool for tea ceremonies and soba (buckwheat noodle) dish, and seiro (wooden frame holder with reed base used to steam food over a pot).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name given to money exchangers who were appointed to calculate the revenue from each domain's annual rice tax and to manage money for the purchasing of goods was "Kakeya"; this name was also used for persons in charge of reapplying the ryome for cupellated silver that had been produced in the Iwami Ginzan and Ikuno Ginzan Silver Mines (which were located in lands owned by the bakufu) and paid to the authorities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an easily handled plaster or poultice which is effective for treating diseased tissues in deep parts of the body, by utilizing static electricity generated from fine mineral particles of Shimajiri mudstone, and a production method therefor. - 特許庁


The composition contains a sugar manufacture by-product which is produced when producing beet sugar from sugar beet and includes saccharide, organic acids, amino acids, and betaine, and is for the incidence lowering or relaxation of blossom-end rot, the increase in yield, or the improvement in the degree of sugar, of tomato. - 特許庁


While they were affected by changes in prices on the input side, it is assumed that a main factor influencing the terms of trade in recent years was the price structure on the output side, i.e., the processing industries had to keep prices of export products low constantly in the face of severe price-cutting competition with countries/regions in Asia. - 経済産業省


To provide a wax emulsion and method of its preparation capable of effectively preparing a water based wax emulsion in a simple method, having a small average particle size and a narrow distribution of the average particle size, usable for consumption goods for living such as various wrapping material for foods, cosmetics, home use polish or the like as a water based material excellent in safety and free from environmental pollution. - 特許庁


Moreover, reflecting the growing worldwide concern for the environment, the demand for light oil products such as gasoline and naphtha fractions is increasing (i.e., a shift toward clean oil), primarily in the oil consuming countries. On the production side, however, the processing of medium and heavy oils in the Middle East is growing. The resulting demand-supply imbalance in quality between heavy and light oils constitutes one of the issues to be addressed51. - 経済産業省


Because the value of copper coins rose against that of gold and silver coins, whose quality level had decreased and whose circulation had increased since the remintage of koban (oval gold coin) and Chogin (collective term for silver), and also because Besshidozan Copper Mine started to produce more copper, zeniza was established in Shichijo by members of itowappu nakama (the thread tally union) in Kyoto from April 1700 to January 1708 to mint a thin and small type of Kanei Tsuho, and Hoei Tsuho after February 1708.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Persons authorized by OSIM to use a geographical indication for wines or spirits may prohibit the use of such indication by any other person for wines and spirits that do not come from the region suggested by the geographical indication concerned, even where the true origin of the product is expressly mentioned or the geographical indication is used in a translated form or accompanied by terms such as kind, type and the like. - 特許庁

(3) ミネラルウォーター、ワインまたはアルコール度数の高い酒を識別する地理的表示であり、あるいはそれを含む場合において、当該土地から産出されたものではないことを示すためにこれらの商に原産地あるいは原産地の訳語が付され、あるいは「型」または「様式」若しくはそれに類する表現としての標章が付されているものは、原産地名称を使用することはできない。例文帳に追加

(3) The appellations of origin may not be used where they are or include geographical indications identifying mineral waters, wines or hard liquors, to designate such products not originating from this place even if the real place of origin is indicated or a translation is used or a sign is accompanied by such expression astypeorstyleor something like that. - 特許庁

関連産業や農業から排出される未利用有機物を培地にカビ菌類である冬虫夏草属菌、好適には冬虫夏草Cordyceps sinensisを用いて培養発酵させ、免疫賦活成分や抗酸化成分を産出或いは増殖し、40℃〜50℃の省エネルギーな抽出温度で機能性成分の活性を失うことなく高機能性成分を効率的に抽出する方法。例文帳に追加

This method for extracting the highly functional components efficiently, without losing the activity of the functional components, is provided by culturing/fermenting the unused organic materials discharged from the foodstuff-related industries or agriculture as a medium by using fungi belonging to the genus Cordyceps, preferably Cordyceps sinensis to produce or proliferate the immuno-stimulating component or antioxidative component and extracting at 40 to 50°C energy-saving extracting temperature. - 特許庁


The lightweight plastic shoe-shape contains 80 to 85 wt.% of high density polyethene, 5 to 7.4 wt.% of calcium carbonate, 5 to 7.4 wt.% of magnesium salt whisker crystal, and a small amount of elements, thereby a material is saved, processes can be shorted, finished products can be made light, energy can be saved, yield can be increased, and recycle can be attained. - 特許庁


To obtain a hydraulic substance which can be manufactured by compounding raw materials produced from existing industries without mining and firing natural calcium carbonate as in the case of cement and having strength, or the like, equal to or higher than the cement in a product using the substance, moreover whose color is white and which is resistant to acid rain. - 特許庁

東北地域からの自動車部の輸出構造は、中部地域や関東地域といった主要な輸出地域とは異なり、間接輸出の比率が6 割強と大幅に高く、直接輸出比率の約2 倍となっており、東北地域で産出したTier2 が主に関東地域(地域的には7 割以上)のTier1 に中間投入された後に輸出されていることが多いということがわかる。例文帳に追加

The export structure of the automobile parts from Tohoku region, and the ratio of the indirect export is as high as more than 60%, two times larger than direct export ratio, unlike major export regions such as Chubu region and Kanto region. The data shows that Tier2 produced in Tohoku region is exported after it was input intermediately into Tier1 of mainly Kanto region (more than 70%). - 経済産業省


This invention relates to a quinazoline derivatives, processes for their preparation, pharmaceutical compositions containing these derivatives, as active ingredient, a treatment for morbid state relating to angiopoiesis and/or increased vasopermeability, the use of them as pharmaceutical, and relates to their uses in the production of pharmaceutical for use in producing the effect for decreasing anti-increased vasopermeability and/or anti-angiopoiesis in warm-blooded animals such as human. - 特許庁


(3) 次に掲げる標章は商標またはその要素として登録することができない。 - 製または製作者として虚偽または誤解を招く虞があるもので、製が生産された場所として虚偽または誤解を招く虞がある地理的表示も含まれる - 製が生産された実際の場所を正しく示しているが、他の地域で生産された製であるという誤った印象を与えるもの - ミネラルウォーター、ワインまたはアルコール度数の高い酒を識別する地理的表示であり、あるいはそれを含む場合において、当該土地あるいは訳語が付された当該土地から産出されたものではないもの、あるいは「型」または「様式」若しくはそれに類する表現としての標章が付されているもの -公益、人道的道理または道義に反するものされたものではないもの、あるいは「型」または「様式」若しくはそれに類する表現としての標章が付されているもの -公益、人道的道理または道義に反するもの例文帳に追加

(3) Signs may not be registered as trademarks or as elements thereof: -that are inaccurate or liable to mislead as to the product or its producer, including geographical indications liable to mislead as to the place of product manufacture; - that formally indicate the real place of product manufacture, but give a wrong impression that the product originates from another territory; -that are or include geographical indications identifying mineral waters, wines or hard liquors, to designate such products not originating from this place or where a translation is used or a sign is accompanied by such expressions astypeorstyleor something like that; - that are contrary to the public interest, humanitarian principles or morality. - 特許庁


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