
「経営の原則」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 39



Principle of operation  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Sixteen principles for environmental management will be addressed by the Centre. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


They are the institute's own corporate governance principles announced in April 2003, consisting of: (i) performance goals of companies and responsibility of management executives; (ii) composition of the board of directors and the function of management supervision; (iii) business management system by the chief executive officer (CEO); and (iv) securing accountability and transparency. - 経済産業省


・ Does the management select appropriate accounting principles and retain objective procedures for the determination of accounting estimates and others?  - 金融庁



In principle, management should obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence via sampling when evaluating the operation.  - 金融庁



The FSA will promote enhanced disclosure by financial institutions to further improve transparency of their business, to place market discipline on them, and to establish the principle of self-responsibility among depositors, etc.  - 金融庁


Our company's board members violated the business judgment principle with their management decisions, and since the company had losses they had to bear the burden of responsibility for those losses. - Weblio英語基本例文集


Request to submit a reasonable improvement plan (which includes measures pertaining to capital enhancement in principle) to secure sound management of a bank holding company and its subsidiary company, etc. and an order for its implementation  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Request to submit a reasonable improvement plan (which includes measures pertaining to capital enhancement in principle) to secure sound management, and an order for its implementation  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


② 金融商品取引業者のCSRについては、その取組みはもとより、情報開示についても、本来、私企業である金融商品取引業者が自己責任原則に則った経営判断に基づき行うものであり、例文帳に追加

(ii) It should be left to individual Financial Instruments Business Operators to decide, based on the principle of self-responsibility, not only whether to engage in CSR activity but also whether to make information disclosure regarding such activity.  - 金融庁



Under the principle of tax on land, however, the government can collect tax from wealthy peasants who eventually manage the land in question only by confirming the existence of land.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The standpoint of supervisory departments is to examine, in the light of laws and regulations, management decisions made by Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., in their capacity as private companies, based on the principle of self-responsibility and to encourage correction of problems.  - 金融庁


A Financial Instruments Business Operator’s CSR-oriented efforts and information disclosure are voluntary activities made in accordance with management decisions based on the principle of self-responsibility.  - 金融庁


Therefore, the ISO14000 family should work to establish a systematic linkage with organisational economic activities based on management system through the international standardization of EMA.  - 経済産業省


・ Are systems of the company designed and operated based on an appropriate management philosophy and code of ethics so that detected behaviors deviating from the principles would be adequately remediated?  - 金融庁


Even when a customer is a major enterprise, the company's basic policy is to meet and negotiate with the client's top executives and, as a general rule, to not accept price reductions. - 経済産業省


Basically, this is a matter concerning an individual financial institution's capital policy, so I would like to refrain from making comments. However, if a recapitalized bank proposes to make repayment, we will conduct deliberation based on the Deposit Insurance Corporation's three principles, namely ensuring the soundness of management of financial institutions, avoiding placing a burden on the people and maintaining the stability of the financial system. If no particular problem is recognized, repayment will be approved in principle.  - 金融庁

(5) 経営者以外の第三者による個人連帯保証等の慣行の見直し経営者以外の第三者の個人連帯保証を求めないことを原則とする融資慣行を確立し、また、保証履行時における保証人の資産・収入を踏まえた対応を促進するため、関係省庁等とも連携しつつ、必要な監督上の着眼点について検討を行い、平成22年度中に監督指針の改正等を行う。例文帳に追加

(5) Review of Habitual Practice of the Third Party Joint and Several Guarantee (except managers) In order to establish financing habitual practice which in principle do not demand the third party joint and several Guarantee (except managers) and to promote action that considered guarantors’ assets and revenues of the point in time to carry out guarantee, the FSA will study points to observe under supervision in corporation with ministries concerned and revise supervisory guidelines in FY2010.  - 金融庁


In any case, if you allow me to speak generally, there is an established procedure regarding a public funds repayment, under which the government and the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan examine such repayment, upon submission by a bank of its proposal to make the repayment, in accordance with three basic principles: first, maintaining sound management of the financial institutions; second, avoiding public costs, and; third, stabilizing the financial system.  - 金融庁


Financial institutions, for their part, should endeavor to ensure the soundness and appropriateness of their business based on the principle of self-responsibility and under the leadership of the management by exploiting resourcefulness and creativity to develop policies and internal rules suited to their own scales and natures.  - 金融庁


There exist quite a number of cases in Japan. Therefore, it is expected that the standardisation of EMA promote eco-innovation all over the world and contribute very significantly to sustainability.  - 経済産業省


In the Netherlands, labor, management, and the government established the Wassenaar Agreement in 1982, and agreed that “the management would strive to accept part-time workers and secure employment, workers would not demand an extreme pay raise, and the governmentas a rulewould not intervene in wage negotiations.” - 経済産業省


In the Netherlands, the Wassenaar agreement among government, labor and management provided thatmanagement shall endeavor to absorb part-time employment and secure jobs, workers shall not seek major wage rises, and the government shall reduce taxes and the fiscal deficit, refraining in principle from interventions in wage negotiations”. - 経済産業省


One theory by Yoshiyuki SUDO, Toshikazu HORI and so on is that with the demise of the Equal-field system, the land ownership principle by peasant folks collapsed, the large landholding began, the owner and the denko were born and in the Sung dynasty the class of owners became the bureaucrats who came to manage shoens using the denkos.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The auditor shall prepare the "Internal Control Audit Report" and express an opinion on the management's assessment on the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting. This report shall in principle be combined with the auditors' report on the financial statements.  - 金融庁


As you may already know, DICJ’s application to process this buyback was examined in light of the so-calledThree Principlesof DICJ, namely, ensuring the soundness of the financial institution’s management, avoiding a public burden, and stabilizing the financial system, and was consequently approved on the grounds that there are no problems in any of the aspects of management soundness, avoidance of public burden, and financial system stability.  - 金融庁


For example, the management's attitude to uphold proper accounting and financial reporting practices, clearly defining the policies and principles to ensure the proper practices, communicating them to internal and external parties, and establishing appropriate systems to achieve them would provide a solid foundation for the achievement of reliable financial reporting. The management's internal or external announcements, daily activities, decisions on the budget, human resource policies, and the like will affect internal control in the organization through the awareness of the people in the organization.  - 金融庁

① ルール・ベースの監督(注1)とプリンシプル・ベースの監督(注2)の最適な組合せ(注1)詳細なルールを設定し、それを個別事例に適用していくという監督手法。金融機関にとっての予測可能性を確保し、行政の恣意性を排除するというメリットがある。(注2)いくつかの主要な原則を示し、それに沿った金融機関の自主的な取組みを促す監督の枠組み。金融機関の経営の自由度が確保されるというメリットがある。例文帳に追加

First Pillar: Optimal combination of rules-based and principles-based supervisory approaches3  - 金融庁


As a rule in this chapter, we use the term "selfemployed proprietors" to refer to persons running their own businesses under private management in accordance with the definition used in MIC's Labor Force Survey. For the purpose of analyses regarding the relationship to social changes and making comparisons with the "selfemployed" in the U.S., we use the concept of "selfemployed businesses", which includes some business corporations. - 経済産業省

2 公共施設等の管理者等は、前条第一項の民間事業者の選定を行うに当たっては、民間事業者の有する技術及び経営資源、その創意工夫等が十分に発揮され、低廉かつ良好なサービスが国民に対して提供されるよう、原則として価格及び国民に提供されるサービスの質その他の条件により評価を行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) When an Administrator of Public Facility etc. selects a private business operator pursuant to the paragraph (1) of the preceding article, the administrator must evaluate the operator principally by the price, the quality of the services provided to citizens, and other conditions, in order to fully utilize the technology and managerial expertise and innovation of the private business operator and to provide affordable and good services to citizens.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In the case of third-party allocations of new shares, however, new shares are allocated directly to business partners, and, for example, when group financial institutions are involved, greater management efforts will be required from the viewpoint of ensuring soundness and faithfulness, with respect to the establishment of an internal control system concerning the compliance of laws and regulations in connection with the "principle of capital substantiation" and the prevention of the "abuse of superior position."  - 金融庁


(Note 2) "Third party" in this context do not generally include the holding company that has submitted the approval form in prescribed style to the FSA. Also, it is necessary that it is the holding company that controls the management whole of the financial institution subjected (banking holding company pursuant to the provisions of Aricle.2 of the Banking Law, insurance holding company pursuant to the provisions of Article.2 of the Insurance Business Law) or the overseas headquarter (of the foreign financial institution subject to the inspection).  - 金融庁


For example, management's attitude to uphold proper accounting and financial reporting practices, clearly defining the policies and principles to ensure the proper practices, communicating them to internal and external parties, and establishing appropriate systems to achieve them would provide a solid foundation for the achievement of reliable financial reporting.  - 金融庁

(3) 第 9a条(1)から(3)までは,農業活動の一環として偶発的に又は技術上不可避的に取得された生物学的材料には適用されない。従って,農業経営者がこの特許保護の適用を受けない種子又は植付用の種子を栽培しても,原則として同人に対して権利主張をすることはできない。例文帳に追加

(3)Section 9a(1) to (3) shall not apply to biological material which was obtained coincidentally or technically unavoidably as part of an agricultural activity. A farmer may as a rule therefore not be sued if he has planted seeds or seed stock not subject to this patent protection.  - 特許庁


Therefore, the Early Warning System will form the basis for the supervision of these financial institutions, and in the course of conducting interviews and requesting reports based on the Early Warning System, the FSA may encourage individual institutions . where necessary, to establish a desirable level of system for comprehensively managing various risks, commensurate with the scale and risk profile of each institution.  - 金融庁


The other question regarding Shinsei Bank basically relates to the management of an individual bank; I would like to refrain from commenting on the management of any individual financial institution on behalf of the FSA as a public institution and a government agency. Generally speaking, however, we intend to conduct examinations in light of the so-calledThree Principlesof DICJ, that is, the soundness of the financial institution’s management, avoidance of a public burden, and stability of the financial system, as mentioned earlier. Our policy is to accept the repayment of public funds based on these Three Principles, unless there are any particular problems.  - 金融庁


Regarding your second question - what should be done with the large amount of government bonds held by the Japan Post Group - basically, I am not in a position to make comments although I am in charge of the postal reform bill, since Japan Post is basically a joint stock company and it is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications. I think that the government should not intervene in the affairs of Japan Post, which has now become a joint stock company. Rather, in principle, this is a matter that should be considered by the company's management team.  - 金融庁


From around noon today, I am scheduled to receive a briefing from the FSA staff on the double loan problem. Numerous questions have been asked about the double loan problem at the Budget Committee and I have replied to some of them. Forgive me for mentioning this over and over again, but basically, the FSA is responsible for inspecting and supervising private financial institutions. In principle, the financial source of private financial institutions is deposits entrusted by individuals - savings in the case of Japan Post Bank - and those funds must be repaid with interest in principle. Therefore, we will use the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions to increase capital. Under the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, we will not pursue the responsibility of managers nor will we demand the setting of efficiency targets. As this is a once-in-a-millennium tsunami, the government needs to do its utmost to appropriately deal with it, rather than pursuing the responsibility of managers. In that sense, financial institutions should take appropriate actions in the Tohoku region.  - 金融庁



From this viewpoint, it is appropriate for the deposit insurance system to return to a partial coverage system to protect small depositors, i.e. lift the current blanket deposit protection system.  - 金融庁


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