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In addition, there are the following statements made by various people, 'sagacious in administration ("Gyokuyo" by Kanezane KUJO)', 'conspicuous capability ("Gukansho" by Jien)' and '頼朝勲功まことにためしなかりければ ("Jinno Shotoki" [A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns] by Chikafusa KITABATAKE)'. 例文帳に追加

この他に「成敗分明(『玉葉』九条兼実)」、「ぬけたる器量の人(『愚管抄』慈円)」、「頼朝勲功まことにためしなかりければ(『神皇正統記』北畠親房)」、等がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his father Yukikuni's death in 1153, the conflict between Yorimori and Yorinori over property inheritance escalated into a violent battle within the Settsu Province ("Honcho seiki" (Chronicle of Imperial Reigns), Article of January 23, 1154). 例文帳に追加

そして、仁平3年(1153年)に父行国が死去すると、頼憲との遺領を巡る対立は摂津国内において激しい合戦となるまでに発展した(『本朝世紀』同年閏12月1日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Another theory: according to "Honhan Rekifu" (Chronicle of the domain) of Kaga Domain, it was described as, 'she died on March 3 in Moriyama, Etchu Province, and her mother was from the Ikoma clan,' however, it was revealed later that Kitsuno IKOMA (Nobunaga's concubine) (year of death) had nothing to do with her. 例文帳に追加

~異説~加賀藩『本藩歴譜』では「3月3日に越中守山で没する、母は生駒氏」とされたが、生駒吉乃(没年)とも無関係と判明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Morokazu and his son Morotsura frequently appear in a chronicle of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) "Azumakagami" with their real names, it is highly possible that the compiler of "Azumakagami" used their diaries and records as source materials. 例文帳に追加

その子中原師連とともに『吾妻鏡』に多数実名で登場することから、『吾妻鏡』編纂の原史料としてその日記・筆録の類が利用された可能性が高いとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As Morotsura frequently appear in a chronicle of the Kamakura bakufu "Azumakagami" with his real name, it is highly possible that the compiler of "Azumakagami" used his diary and records as source materials. 例文帳に追加

また『吾妻鏡』に多数実名で登場することから、『吾妻鏡』編纂の原史料としてその日記・筆録の類が利用された可能性が高いとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to documents of the time, he was highly appreciated: it is written that he was 'considerate, courteous to everyone and really courageous' (the annual report of the Yasokai [Jesuit Society]), and that 'Nobutaka was wiser and braver than others, being also a son of the shogun' (the Tensho-ki [War Chronicle on the Tensho era]). 例文帳に追加

当時の資料によればその人物評は高く、「思慮あり、緒人に対して礼儀正しく、また大なる勇士である」(耶蘇会年報)「信孝もまた将軍の息男にして、智勇人に超えたり」(天正記)と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She was a beautiful woman who was described as 'she looks like a willow swinging in the wind standing among sweet peach trees in spring with incomparable beauty.' (Asakura Shimatsuki [War Chronicle on the Rise and Fall of the Asakura family]); however, since she was unable to become pregnant, Yoshikage divorced her and sent her back home. 例文帳に追加

この正室は「容色無双ニシテ妖桃ノ春ノ園ニ綻ル装イ深メ、垂柳ノ風ヲ含メル御形」(朝倉始末記)と評された美女であったが、義景との間に子ができなかったため、離縁されて実家に送り返された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the cause of Kiyomasa's death is understood to have been emaciation due to sexual overindulgence (venereal disease) according to "Todaiki" (a famous chronicle describing the Early Modern age), some say it was Togasa (syphilis) and some say it was murder by poisoning by Ieyasu or his followers. 例文帳に追加

清正の死因は『当代記』によれば腎虚(花柳病)とされているが、唐瘡(梅毒)説や家康またはその一派による毒殺説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This famous scene from "Heike Monogatari" became a subject in plays and songs titled "Atsumori" of Noh (traditional masked dance-drama), Kowaka-mai (story-telling with a simple dance) and Yokyoku (Noh song), and also in the Kabuki play titled " Ichi no Tani Futabagunki" (Chronicle of the Battle of Ichinotani). 例文帳に追加

この『平家物語』の名場面は、のちに能『敦盛(能)』、幸若舞『敦盛(幸若舞)』、謡曲『敦盛(謡曲)』、歌舞伎『一谷嫩軍記』などの題材となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to a historical document (Azuma Kagami [The Mirror of the East, a chronicle of the early history of the Kamakura Bakufu]) Noriyori acted as reinforcements in the Kanto region and this is the first record of Noriyori, however because of the strength of the Oyama clan, the battle was over and Noriyori fought against the remnants. 例文帳に追加

範頼は援軍として関東での活動が初めて史料(吾妻鏡)で確認されるが、実際は戦上手の小山氏の活躍により勝敗は決しており、残党狩りに近い状態だと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name of Yukinari first appeared in Article August 24 of 1184 in "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East; a chronicle of the early history of the Kamakura bakufu [Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun]) as a muneage bugyo (ridgepole-raising shogunate administrator) of a newly-built Kumonjo (an administration office) along with MIYOSHI no Yasunobu. 例文帳に追加

行政の『吾妻鏡』での初見は1184年(元暦元年)8月24日条であり、新造の公文所棟上げの奉行として三善康信とともに登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, this series of events concerning the enthronement is only described in the history books and historical fictions compiled in later times, such as "Mizu Kagami" (The Water Mirror) but not appear in "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued); therefore, many critics (including Sadako TAKINAMI, a historian of ancient Japanese history) doubt the authenticity of the descriptions on the events. 例文帳に追加

ただし、この即位をめぐる話は『水鏡』など後世の史書や物語にしかみえておらず、『続日本紀』には認められないので、後世の作り話ではないかと疑うひとも多い(瀧浪貞子など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His name is written as "" in "Kojiki" (The Records of Ancient Matters) and on his epitaph, but it is written as "麻呂" in other history books such as "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), "Koninshiki (one of Nihonshoki Shiki [The Private Record of Chronicles of Japan] written in the Konin Period)" and "Nihongi kyoen waka (The Poems at the Completion Banquet for the Lectures on Nihon Shoki)". 例文帳に追加

『古事記』や墓誌銘には「安萬侶」とあるが、『古事記』以外の史書(『続日本紀』、『弘仁私記』、『日本紀竟宴和歌』など)では「太安麻呂」となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The record might been removed from history books such as 'Shoku Nihongi' (Chronicle of Japan Continued) which took up neither a lower-ranking government official nor a person who has no special rank or title, if there is no special mention matter basically. 例文帳に追加

基本的には特筆事項がなければ下級官人や無位無官の人物を取り上げる事のない、「続日本紀」などの史書からはその記録が漏れてしまったのであろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Komaro made a protest about Japan's seat being the second on the west side, although Shiragi (ancient Korean kingdom) was the first on the east side, which gave Shiragi's precedence over Japan, so he forced Shiragi exchange positions ("Shoku Nihongi" [Chronicle of Japan Continued], Article of the 6th Year of Tenpyo-shoho). 例文帳に追加

古麻呂は日本の席次が西畔(西側)第二席で、新羅の東畔第一席より下であったことに抗議し、新羅より上席に代えさせている(『続日本紀』天平勝宝6年条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although he has been praised as a loyal subject of the Southern Court for a long time, as there is no other literature to show his actual involvement apart from the war chronicle "Taiheiki," some people still strongly believe that he was a fictional character. 例文帳に追加

古くから南朝(日本)の忠臣として讃えられてきたが、具体的な活動を示す文献が軍記物語の『太平記』以外にはないために架空の人物とする説も根強い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was appointed to Kazusa no suke (Assistant Governor of Kazusa Province) (this is accorging to "Nihongi Ryaku" [Summary of Japanese Chronologies] and it was Shimousa no gonsuke [officer of regional administration in Shimousa] according to "Otoku Gannen Kodaiki" [The Chronicle of the Emperors in Otoku era]) and Oryoshi (government official of police and military affairs) in Musashi Province (there is another theory that he was not appointed to these posts and professed to be appointed). 例文帳に追加

上総介(『日本紀略』による。『応徳元年皇代記』には下総権介)、武蔵押領使に任官されている(これらの官に任官はされず自称という説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This book was outstanding as the first full-fledged book of modern history among the conventional chronicle books or those of historical investigations, although it was lacking an empirical criticism of historical materials (However, the third volume was unfinished.) 例文帳に追加

実証的な史料批判の不十分さはあるものの、日本初の本格的な現代史書としてこれまでの編年史・考証史とは一線を画した(ただし、下巻は未完に終わる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He went to the front in the Gosannen no Eki (the Later Three Years' War [1083 - 1087]) when he was 16 years old; 'Oshu-gosannen-ki' (A Chronicle of Later Three Years' War in Oshu) includes an anecdote in which he kept fighting in spite of his right eye being shot by an enemy soldier. 例文帳に追加

16歳の頃、後三年の役(1083年-1087年)に従軍した景政が、右目を射られながらも奮闘した逸話が「奥州後三年記」に残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said in the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicle of Japan) that Mukoni FUMI no Imiki Hakase and Shinkosan GEOSA no Morota were sent to Tane (Tanegashima Island) to explore the southern region on March 23, 695. 例文帳に追加

持統天皇9年(695年)3月23日に、務広弐文忌寸博勢、進広参下訳語諸田らを多禰(種子島)に遣わして南方を探索させたことが、『日本書紀』にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the article of July 21, 701, "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), it was decided by the former Emperor to give MURAKUNI no Oyori a property of 120 households as a reward. 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』大宝元年(701年)7月21日条は、先朝が壬申の論功をおこなったときに村国小依が120戸の封を賞として与えられたことを伝える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Oyori's grandchildren MURAKUNI no Shimanushi, MURAKUNI no Mushimaro and MURAKUNI no Oi (their relationships to Oyori are unknown) appear as government officials in the Shoku Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan Continued). 例文帳に追加

男依の孫に当たる村国島主や、村国連虫麻呂・村国連子老(いずれも男依との関係は不明)らが、続日本紀などに官人として記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The article from the "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) explains the reason for receiving such an reward as simply 'contributions in Jinshin War'; however, judging from other articles in the same book, such awards were usually received after death, and therefore this was probably the case for Kimite as well. 例文帳に追加

これを伝える『続日本紀』の記事は「壬申の功臣」としか理由を伝えないが、他の例で壬申の功臣への賜位記事は死亡時の追贈であるから、この場合も同じと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An obituary of OTOMO no Ojimaro on February 3, 782 of "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) reported that his grandfather was Makuta who was conferred Naidaishi (大紫) and his father was Michitari, which proves that Makuta had a son named Michitari. 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』の延暦元年(782年)2月3日に記される大伴伯麻呂の死亡記事に、その祖が贈内大紫の馬来田で、父が道足であると記されているので、これにより子に道足がいたことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Upon command of Emperor Kanmu did Yasuhito edit the "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), thereby being appointed Sangi (Councilor) in 805, but he fell from power once on the grounds that he was involved in an incident of Imperial Prince Iyo. 例文帳に追加

桓武天皇より命を受け『続日本紀』の編纂に携わり、805年に参議となるが、伊予親王の事件に関与したとされて一旦は失脚する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) says TAMI no Imiki no Ushihi was promoted from Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) to Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Higher Grade), which could be referring to Oshibi but truth is unknown. 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』には、養老4年(720年)1月11日に民忌寸于志比(うしひ)が従五位下から従五位上になったとあり、これが小鮪のことを指す可能性があるが、確実ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kamata brothers, Masanori and Mitsumasa, only appear in a war chronicle of "Genpei Seisuiki" and their appearance cannot be found in "Heike Monogatari" (The tale of the Heike), a historical source of "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East) nor any genealogical charts. 例文帳に追加

なお、鎌田盛政・光政兄弟の存在が書かれているのは軍記物語『源平盛衰記』のみであり、『平家物語』や史料である『吾妻鏡』、系図などでは見られない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), on May 7, 716, the children of the followers who had played important roles in the Jinshin War were given rice fields for their fathers' achievements, and 'Jushichiinojo (junior seventh rank, upper grade) Furumaro was one of them and his father was Zo-Shokinge FUMI no Atai Jokaku.' 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』が、霊亀2年(716年)4月8日に、壬申の年の功臣の子に田を与えたことを記す中に、「贈小錦下文直成覚の息、従七位上古麻呂」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The districts which soldiers were selected are unknown; as a diary by Toneri (palace servant) of Oama no Miko, ATO no Muraji Chitoko, quoted in "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), shows that soldiers were gathered in Shinano Province (belonged to Tosan-do Road), it is presumable that soldiers were gathered also in Kai Province which belonged to Tokai-do Road by later Taiho Ritsuryo (Taiho Code) as well. 例文帳に追加

徴兵範囲は記されないが、後の律令制では甲斐国は東海道に属し、『続日本紀』で引用されている大海子の舎人安斗連智徳の日記によれば信濃では徴兵が行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Nihonshoki" (Chronicle of Japan), which recorded the details of the war, scarcely described the origin of the soldiers gathered up for the war, therefore, historians have been studying and discussing it for a long time. 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』は乱の経過を詳しく伝えるが、動員された兵力の性格について語る箇所は少なく、長く歴史学者の間で学説上の争点になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After becoming a priest, Jocho made detailed chronicle lists of the main events of his father Shigesumi as well as that of his grandfather Jinemon Seimei NAKANO, and he also continued recording his personal details in his chronological list of the main events until two weeks before his death. 例文帳に追加

出家後の常朝は父重澄や祖父中野神右衛門清明のそれぞれの詳細な年譜を作製し、自分自身の詳しい年譜をも死の2週前まで書きつづけていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the record in FUJIWARA no Sadaie's diary "Meigetsuki" (Chronicle of the Bright Moon), when the news of the death of TAKE no Gosho broke out, the Kamakura samurais were so much shocked upon hearing the bloodline of Yoritomo ruptured that, gokenin in Kyoto all descended to Kamakura in a body. 例文帳に追加

藤原定家の日記である『明月記』には、竹御所死去の報がもたらされると、頼朝の血筋が断絶したことによる鎌倉武士たちの動揺は激しく、京都にあった幕府御家人はこぞって鎌倉に下ったと記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Emperor Shotoku died and the Imperial lineage of the Emperor Tenmu which had continued since Jinshin War died out and then, the Emperor Konin who succeeded to the Imperial line from the Emperor Tenji was enthroned, Natari was engaged in compiling Shoku Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan Continued). 例文帳に追加

称徳天皇が崩御し、やがて壬申の乱以来続いていた天武天皇の皇統が断絶し、天智系の光仁天皇が即位した後は続日本紀の編纂に関わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), Kumano no atae Hirohama, an uneme (a court lady) of Muro, served four generations of emperors, from the Emperor Shomu to the Empress Shotoku (died in 769, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade)). 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』に、牟漏の采女・熊野直広浜(ひろはま)が聖武天皇の代から称徳天皇の代まで(計4代)仕えたことが見える(神護景雲3年没・従四位下)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shomon ki" (The Chronicle of Masakado), of all the younger brothers of Masakado, only Masayori had the title of Ason (second highest of the eight hereditary titles), so it seems that Masayori had some kind of official court rank, but the details remain unknown. 例文帳に追加

『将門記』によると、将門の弟達のなかではこの将頼だけが「朝臣」の称号を持っているため、国衙において何かしらの官位を持っていたと思われるが詳細は不明。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Probably because of this, he is appointed as Assistant Governor of Kozuke Province by New Emperor Masakado in "Soma Keizu," but in other documents such as "Shomon ki" (The Chronicle of Masakado) TAJI no Tsuneakira is appointed as Assistant Governor of Kozuke Province, not Masahira. 例文帳に追加

それが原因であるのか、『相馬系図』では新皇将門によって上野介に任ぜられているが、『将門記』などの書物では上野国は上野守に任ぜられた多治経明の任国となっていて将平の名はない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Shoku Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan Continued) contains his detailed obituary, which is exceptional in Shokki in which the description of obituary is generally limited to the officials in the court rank higher than the forth after the era of the Emperor Junnin. 例文帳に追加

続日本紀には彼の詳細な卒伝が載せられており、卒伝の記載が原則として淳仁天皇朝以降の四位以上の官人に限られていた続紀において例外的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), Komaro, together with Kose no Oji, was given cotton, hemp, a hoe and hulled rice by Emperor Monmu because Komaro, whose rank was still Juhachiinoge (Junior Eighth Rank, Lower Grade), went to an isolated place as an Emperor's envoy on June 23, 707. 例文帳に追加

続日本紀には、古麻呂がまだ従八位下であった慶雲4年5月15日(旧暦)(707年6月23日)に、古麻呂が隔絶の地への使者として赴いたため、文武天皇より巨勢邑治と一緒に綿、麻布、鍬および籾を賜ったとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, "Sadaishi OZUKI no Suetsugu KI" (a chronicle of the senior recorder of the left OZUKI no Suetsugu) has been handed down to now as his diary, but the recent research has revealed that the real author of the diary was his son OZUKI no Hideuji. 例文帳に追加

なお、彼の日記として『左大史小槻季継記』が伝わるが、近年の研究では実際の著者は息子の小槻秀氏であったことが判明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Fumikage left a dairy called "Yamashiro no Kuni Kyoto SODEOKA Genbanosuke Kaki" (The Family Chronicle of Genbanosuke SODEOKA in Kyoto, Yamashiro Province) (formerly owned by the Mitsui Bunko and currently housed in the National Institute of Japanese Literature), and the extant portions cover six years in total. 例文帳に追加

文景の日記は『山城国京都袖岡玄蕃助家記』(三井文庫旧蔵・国文学研究資料館所蔵)として計6年分が現存している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the article of December in 740 of "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), it is recorded that ABE no Kuromaro arrested FUJIWARA no Hirotsugu at Nagano-mura Village, Chikano shima, Hizen Province (Obama go Nagano, Uku-machi, Kitamatsuura County, Nagasaki Prefecture, Uku Island, Goto Islands). 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』天平12年(740年)11月条に、同年10月に藤原広嗣を肥前国値嘉嶋長野村(長崎県北松浦郡宇久町小浜郷長野,五島列島の宇久島のうち)で捕縛したと記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), when he was playing Igo (board game of capturing territory), their conversation turned to about Prince Nagaya, and this made OTOMO no Komushi who was given benefits by Prince Nagaya angry, and he was killed by Komushi. 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』によると、長屋王に恩遇を受けていた子虫により、囲碁のときに長屋王のことに及んで憤慨して殺されたとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Azuma Kagami (The Mirrors of the East), he felt deeply indebted for it and continued to stay as a royal retainer of the Kamakura shogunate, and his children also royally served the shogunate (the chronicle recorded his exploit together with his sons at the Jokyu War and his death in action). 例文帳に追加

親家はこれに深い恩義を感じ、それ以後、忠臣として活動し続け、その子孫も忠義を尽くしたと『吾妻鑑』に載る(承久の乱で子息達の活躍と討死に等が記されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East, a chronicle of the early history of the Kamakura Bakufu), Chikayuki Kotaro TOMIDA, who fought by the side of the Kamakura bakufu army (headed by Yasutoki HOJO), rendered distinguished service of killing one enemy in the Battle of Uji-gwa River, one of the battles during the Jokyu War in 1221. 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』によると、承久3年(1221年)の承久の乱で、鎌倉幕府(北条泰時)軍についた富田小太郎(近行)が宇治川の合戦で敵を1人討ち取る功績を上げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East, a chronicle of the early history of the Kamakura Bakufu), Chikayuki joined the Kamakura bakufu army (headed by Yasutoki HOJO) with his father, Chikayuki, and rendered distinguished service of killing one enemy in the Battle of Uji-gawa River, one of the battles during the Jokyu War of 1221. 例文帳に追加

承久3年(1221年)の承久の乱で父近重と共に鎌倉幕府(北条泰時)軍に従い、宇治川の合戦で敵を1人討ち取る功績をあげたと『吾妻鏡』に記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Norinaga interpreted "Gishi wajinden" (Records of the Wa people, Chronicle of Wei) based on "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," which supported the view of Sonno Joi, (a view that advocates reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners), and came up with the theory that Himiko was the female head of the Yamataikoku kingdom and the kingdom was located in Kyushu. 例文帳に追加

邪馬台国論争に関しては、宣長は尊王攘夷の立場に立っていた『三国志演義』に基づき『魏志倭人伝』を解釈して、卑弥呼女酋説・邪馬台国九州説を提唱した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Chinese "History of the Later Han Dynasty" records that 'pearls and green gems are mined in Wa' and the "Gishi wajinden" (Records of the Wa people, Chronicle of Wei) records that 'Himiko (first known ruler of Japan) presented two large green magatama (considered to be made of jade) to the King of Wei.' 例文帳に追加

中国の『後漢書』では「出白珠青玉(倭では真珠と青い玉が採れる)」と記されてあり、『魏志倭人伝』によると、「卑弥呼が魏(三国)に2つの青い大きな勾玉(ヒスイ製と考えられる)を献上した」と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the same chapter in Nihonshoki (the Chronicle of Japan), he boarded Inashihagi on Kumano no Morotafune Boat, and under another name he was dispatched via Amenohato-bune Boat to hear from Kotoshiro nushi (a Japanese ancient god) (by Morotabune-shinji ritual of Miho-jinja Shrine). 例文帳に追加

日本書紀の同段では、事代主の意見をきくために稲背脛を熊野諸手船、またの名を天鳩船という船に乗せて遣わしている(美保神社の諸手船神事の元である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However Nihonshoki has it that the Emperor Tenmu died from a curse of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi Sword, and Nihon Koki' (Later Chronicle of Japan) describes that the Emperor Kanmu died from a curse of Totsuka-no-tsurugi Sword (a sacred sword with which Yamata no Orochi was exterminated.) 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、日本書紀には天武天皇が天叢雲剣の祟りが原因で崩御、日本後紀には桓武天皇が十握剣(八岐大蛇を征服した宝剣)の祟りが原因で崩御したとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In "Kitabatake Chikafusa no Jinno Shotoki" (Chikafusa KITABAKAKE's Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns), Chikafusa KITABAKE of the Southern Court emphasized the importance of the blood line, virtue and the Jingi as conditions for a monarch. 例文帳に追加

南朝の北畠親房は「北畠親房神皇正統記」で、君主の条件として血統のほかに君徳や神器の重要性を強調する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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