
「muko」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Kabuki is just a performing art, so there is no strict rule; however, the audience comes to see the stage, not to pay for kakegoe, therefore, o-muko should be careful that kakegoe doesn't spoil the performance. 例文帳に追加

基本的に芸能であるので、絶対的な価値観というものは存在しないが、掛け声を聞きに観劇料を払ってきている客はいないので、場を白けさせぬよう大向うは強く自律すべき点である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having been affected by the thoughts of the organizer of Shinshusha Juku, Yoshika MUTOBE, who was a Shinto priest in Muko-jinja Shrine in Kyoto and one of the lead students under Hirata, he determinedly went to Osaka, open a private school and endeavored to promote the study of Japanese classical literature. 例文帳に追加

同門の京都向日神社神官で平田門下の筆頭の一人でもある神習舎塾主催者六人部是香の思想的影響もあり、意を決して後に大阪に出て塾を開き国学の啓蒙育成に奔走する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From 1933 to 1934 Shusai played a match against Seigen GO who was a holder of fifth dan (rank) and had won the "Japan Go Championship" hosted by The Yomiuri Shimbun, and in that match between Shusai and Seigen a handicap called Mukai-sen (or Muko-sen) was applied and Seigen therefore took Black throughout the match, resulting in Shusai's victory by 2 points (to be hereinafter described). 例文帳に追加

1933年~1934年、読売新聞主催の「日本囲碁選手権手合」に優勝した呉清源五段と向先で対戦、2目勝ちを収める(後述)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also became the president of Nada Commercial Bank (later known as Kobe Bank) which he established and held positions such as the chairman of the Japan Sake Brewers Association, the director of the Muko Steamship Company and the counselor of the Japan Mutual Savings Bank over the years. 例文帳に追加

また灘商業銀行(のちに神戸銀行)を創立し頭取に就任、日本醸造酒会監事、武庫汽船取締役、日本相互貯蓄銀行相談役などを歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sometimes special trains were operated: on the day when a soccer game of the J. League was held, to Minami-ibaraki Station and Nishikyogoku Station, and when a bicycle race was held at Kyoto Mukomachi Bicycle Racetrack, to Higashi-muko Station. 例文帳に追加

また、サッカーJリーグの試合が行われる日には南茨木や西京極に、京都向日町競輪場が行われる日は東向日に、それぞれ臨時停車することもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shinkeihan Railway had also acquired licenses to construct two lines: one diverging at Nishi-mukomachi Station (currently Nishi-muko Station) toward Baba in Otsu City, through Fushimi and Yamashina, and the other running further through the underground of Kyoto City from Omiya Station. 例文帳に追加

なお新京阪鉄道は、西向日町駅(現:西向日駅)から分岐して伏見・山科を経て大津市の馬場にいたる路線と、大宮駅から更に京都市の地下を貫通する路線の免許も収得していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The railway lies upward along and crosses the Muko-gawa River at many points between Takarazuka Station and Furuichi Station, and it stretches downward along the Sasayama-gawa River, which is a stream of Kako-gawa River between Sasayamaguchi Station and Tanikawa Station. 例文帳に追加

宝塚駅から古市駅までは武庫川と何度も交差しながら遡り、篠山口駅から谷川駅は加古川支流の篠山川の渓流沿いに下る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shortly before all the sections were electrified, the section between Namaze and Dojo, which was difficult to double-track because the railway lay along the Muko-gawa River gorge, was newly constructed as a double-track railway having successive tunnels. 例文帳に追加

全線電化の少し前に、武庫川の渓谷沿いに走っていたため複線化が困難であった生瀬~道場間について、トンネルの連続する複線の新線を新規に建設して切り替えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mukomachi Station, located in Kuguso, Terado-cho, Muko City, Kyoto Prefecture, is a railway facility of the Tokaido Main Line (JR Kyoto Line), which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company (JR West). 例文帳に追加

向日町駅(むこうまちえき)は、京都府向日市寺戸町久々相にある、西日本旅客鉄道(JR西日本)東海道本線(JR京都線)の鉄道駅。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The operations of Hankyu Bus Co., Ltd., are managed by the Oyamazaki business office (while only routes 71 and 72 are operated by the Muko sub-branch of the Oyamazaki business office); however, services are subcontracted to Hankyu Denen Bus Co., Ltd. 例文帳に追加

阪急バス(大山崎営業所担当・71/72系統のみ、大山崎営業所向日出張所担当)「いずれも阪急田園バスに運転委託」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The operations of Hankyu Bus Co., Ltd., are managed by the Muko sub-branch of Oyamazaki business office (while only route 70 of Nagaokakyo route is operated by the Oyamazaki business office); both services are subcontracted to Hankyu Denen Bus Co., Ltd. 例文帳に追加

阪急バス(大山崎営業所向日出張所(長岡京線の70系統のみ 大山崎営業所)担当(いずれも阪急田園バスに運行委託) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The buses run mainly in Kyoto City, but some of them also stop in Nagaokakyo City (for example, at a bus stop in front of JR Nagaokakyo Station) and in Muko City (for example, at a bus stop in Mozume). 例文帳に追加

京都市を中心に走っているが、一部長岡京市(JR長岡京駅停留所など)、向日市(物集女停留所など)にも停留所がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

April 1, 1889: As a result of the enactment of the chosonsei (Town and Village System Law), Muko-machi, Otokuni-mura, Shinkotari-mura, Kaiinji-mura, Yodo-mura, Koga-mura, Hazukashi-mura, Oe-mura, Oharano-mura, Kuze-mura and Oyamazaki-mura were established in Otokuni-gun. 例文帳に追加

1889年(明治22年)4月1日-町村制施行に伴い、乙訓郡に向日町と乙訓村・新神足村・海印寺村・淀村・久我村・羽束師村・大枝村・大原野村・久世村・大山崎村が成立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Muko City is one of the rare municipalities in Japan that never merged with any other municipality since the enactment of the chosonsei (Town and Village System Law) on April 1, 1889, including the Great Mergers of the Showa and Heisei periods. 例文帳に追加

1889年(明治22年)4月1日の町村制施行以降、昭和・平成の大合併の時期を含めて、一度も合併を経験していない、全国でも数少ない自治体のひとつである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Incidentally, the city used to be adjoined with the former Kuse-mura, Otokuni-gun on the east and Oharano-mura Otokuni-gun on the west, but since Kyoto City absorbed the two villages, formerly Muko-cho has remained as if it jutted out into Kyoto City from Otokuni-gun. 例文帳に追加

なお、東側は旧乙訓郡久世村(京都府)であり、西側は旧乙訓郡大原野村であったが、京都市への編入により、旧向日町が乙訓郡から京都市に突出する形で残ったものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

3.Yamashiro Province, which includes Kyoto City (excluding former Keihoku Town), Muko City, Nagaokakyo City, Otokuni County, Uji City, Joyo City, Kuse County, Yawata City, Kyotanabe City, Tsuzuki County and Sora County among the region in Definition 2. 例文帳に追加

山城国:2のうち京都市(旧京北町を除く)、向日市、長岡京市、乙訓郡、宇治市、城陽市、久世郡、八幡市、京田辺市、綴喜郡、相楽郡 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the boat returning from Empress Jingu's sankan-gaisei (campaign for the three Korean kingdoms) tried to head to Nanba and could not go straight, they returned to Muko no minato Port (Kobe Port) to do some fortune-telling. 例文帳に追加

神功皇后の三韓外征の帰途、難波へ向おうとしたが船が真直に進めなくなったため、武庫の港(神戸港)に還って占いを行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Another unearthed Shibocho was made of lacquer-infiltrating paper document found in the 341st research of Nagaoka-kyo (Muko City, Nagaokakyo City and Kyoto City in Kyoto Prefecture), but only some information, such as date of death, was found, because the document was found in several fragments. 例文帳に追加

死亡帳の出土例としては長岡京(京都府向日市・長岡京市・京都市)第341次調査の漆紙文書があるが、数片の断片で、死亡年月日など一部しか知ることができない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, it was located on an important ground transportation route for rice running from eastern Harima Province, where good rice for brewing sake was grown, to Nishinomiya-cho, Muko-gun, Settsu Province, which was the center of brewing. 例文帳に追加

また、酒造好適米の生産地である播磨国東部から酒造の一大中心地である摂津国武庫郡西宮町への陸路による輸送の重要な中継点であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Buses bound for Shin-Yamazaki-bashi (Oyamazaki-cho) via Hankyu Nagaokatenjin Station, Taikoyama, Kanegahara, Tomooka, Koizumibashi (Oyamazaki-cho), JR Yamazaki Station (Oyamazaki-cho), Okukaiinji, Kofudai Jutaku (Kofudai residential district), Mitakedai Jutaku (Mitakedai residential district), Komyoji (Komyo-ji Temple), Higashidai, Yakushido, Maizuka, Driver's License Center (Fushimi Ward, Kyoto Prefecture), Hankyu Higashimuko Station (Muko City), Mukomachi Yubinkyoku-mae (Mukomachi Post Office), Mukodai Danchi-mae (Mukomachi Housing Complex) (Oharano and Katsuyama-cho in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City) and Muko City Hall 例文帳に追加

阪急長岡天神・太鼓山・金ヶ原・友岡・小泉橋(大山崎町)・西日本旅客鉄道山崎駅(大山崎町)・奥海印寺・光風台住宅・美竹台住宅・光明寺・東台・薬師堂・舞塚・免許試験場前(京都市伏見区)・阪急東向日(向日市) 向日町郵便局前・向日台団地前(京都市西京区大原野・勝山町)・向日市役所前 経由)・新山崎橋(大山崎町)方面行き - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

O-muko (written as '大向う' or '大向こう'; literally, 'the welcome other side') comes originally from seats seen from the stage, and at present, it is used as a term referring to the front seats of the third floor of theatres and to the audience at those seats (in present Kabuki-za Theatre of Tokyo, it refers to the seats for b-class tickets and the seats on the highest balcony for a single act). 例文帳に追加

大向う(大向こう、おおむこう)とは、芝居小屋の三階正面席、またそこに坐る客を指す隠語・通言(現在の歌舞伎座では、構造上三階B席から幕見席あたりを指すものとして理解されている。)、つまり大向うとは、舞台上から見た客席の位置に由来する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamayorihime no mikoto and the Emperor Jinmu were enshrined at the shrine when new buildings were constructed at Hono Ikazuchi-jinja Shrine in the year 718 but it fell into decline by the middle ages and merged with Muko-jinja Shrine in 1275; the name becoming written using alternative characters which remain in use today. 例文帳に追加

火雷神社は養老2年(718年)の社殿新築にあたり玉依姫命と神武天皇を合祀したが、中世に至ると衰微、建治元年(1275年)には向神社が併祭することとなり、向日神社と社名を改めて今日に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Temple legend states that Gantoku-ji Temple was founded in modern day Terato-cho, Muko City in the year 679 before Chukai (son of late Heian period samurai TAIRA no Norimori) who had served at Hobodai-in Temple in Sanjo-dori Street, Higashioji-dori Street became head priest and restored the temple. 例文帳に追加

この寺は、寺伝によれば679年に現在の向日市寺戸に創建されたとされ、その後東大路通三条通の宝菩提院に住した忠快(平安時代後期の武士平教盛の子)がこの寺に入って中興したと伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshika MUTOBE was a Shinto priest of the Muko-jinja Shrine of Yamashiro Province and gained even Atsutane's respect; based on Atsutane's theory of the Dark and the Light, he wrote a paper about Ubusuna-shinko (belief that native gods keep protecting people before and after they are born) and wrote "Kenyu-junko" (Study on the theory of the Dark and the Light); his works are known as distinguished ideas that shed light on the dark mysteries. 例文帳に追加

中でも篤胤も一目置いた山城の向日神社神官・六人部是香が篤胤の幽顕弁を敷衍し講説した産土信仰や顕幽順考の論は幽冥の神秘を穿つ貴重な論考として知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Oyamazaki business office (partly the Muko sub-branch) is in charge of the south 2 route and special south 2 route of Kyoto City bus (operations are outsourced to Hankyu Bus (Yokooji branch office)), which overlap the Nagaokakyo route of Hankyu Bus (the loop within the city; operations are outsourced to Hankyu Denen Bus Co., Ltd.). 例文帳に追加

京都市バスの南2系統・特南2系統(阪急バス(横大路支社)に運行委託)は、芝本までは、阪急バス長岡京線(市内循環 大山崎営業所(一部は向日出張所)担当 阪急田園バスに、運行委託)と重複しての運転となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Keihanshin Local Line, running through the center of the urban site of Kobe City, suffered great damage from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake on January 17, 1995, since it ran through the seriously hit area, from epicenter (in the Akashi Strait off the coast of Asaka Station) to Muko-gawa River (between Koshien Station and Tachibana Station). 例文帳に追加

1995年1月17日に発生した阪神・淡路大震災では、京阪神緩行線は震源(朝霧駅沖の明石海峡)から武庫川(甲子園口~立花間)まで激甚被災地を貫いて走っていたことから、神戸市内を中心に強烈なダメージを受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Keihan may also include Suita City, Settsu City, Ibaraki City, Takatsuki City, Shimamoto-cho in Mishima-gun (Osaka Prefecture), Oyamazaki-cho in Otokuni-gun, Nagaokakyo City, and Muko City, but generally, the areas in Osaka Prefecture are called either the Hokusetsu area or Mishima-gun (Osaka Prefecture) while those in Kyoto Prefecture are called the Otokuni-gun area. 例文帳に追加

淀川右岸の吹田市、摂津市、茨木市、高槻市、三島郡(大阪府)島本町、乙訓郡大山崎町、長岡京市、向日市も含めることがあるが、基本的には大阪府側は北摂地区ないしは三島郡(大阪府)、京都府側は乙訓郡地区と呼ばれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, even after the shisei (grant of city status) was implemented, some facilities such as the JR Mukomachi Station have used the old town name 'Muko-machi' for their names as if it were still a name of the place; there are cases such as Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture and Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture that included even the part 'machi' (cho, or town) in their city names when towns were given city status. 例文帳に追加

他にもJR向日町駅のように、「向日町」の旧町名を市制施行後の今でも地名のように使っている施設などがある(町が市へ昇格した際に「町」も市名に含めた例は新潟県十日町市、長野県大町市などが挙げられる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2. Among the definition 1, area of the Yodo-gawa water system (which water could end up in Osaka Bay through the Yodo-gawa River) which includes Nantan City (excluding former Miyama Town, Kyoto Prefecture), Kameoka City, Kyoto City, Muko City, Nagaokakyo City, Otokuni County, Uji City, Joyo City, Kuse County, Yawata City, Kyotanabe City, Tsuzuki County and Sora County. 例文帳に追加

1のうち淀川水系(水を流せば淀川を通じ大阪湾に流れる地域)の南丹市(旧美山町(京都府)を除く)、亀岡市、京都市、向日市、長岡京市、乙訓郡、宇治市、城陽市、久世郡、八幡市、京田辺市、綴喜郡、相楽郡。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because the region in Definition 4 is under the control of Yamashiro Wide-area Promotion Bureau of Kyoto Prefecture and Muko City, Nagaokakyo City, and Otokuni County among that region often regarded as a part of Kyoto City geographically and economically, therefore, the region in Definition 5 in Yamashiro area is often regarded as southern region of Kyoto Prefecture in a narrow sense. 例文帳に追加

しかし、4は京都府の山城広域振興局の管内地域であり、その中の向日市、長岡京市、乙訓郡は地勢上も、経済上も京都市と一体にされることが多く、5の山城地区を狭義の京都府南部地域として扱われることが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A western-style building for office use and a school building and auxiliary buildings for Muko Middle School (a private school opened in 1911) were built on the step lowest on the foot of the mountain; Nirakuso's main building was built on the middle step, while the highest step, at the mountain's top, held Hakuaden (Ganshui), known as "the white room", a weather station, and Sukakuro, a library and dormitory building. 例文帳に追加

山麓の下段には、事務所の洋館と学生の教育をおこなう私塾・武庫中学(明治44年1911年)開校の校舎と付属館、中段には二楽荘本館、上段の山頂には純白の窮屋と称せられる白亜殿(含秀居・がんしゅうい)、測候所、図書館兼宿舎の巣鶴楼(すかくろう)などが配置された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While there were a lot of problems that the debts of Otani family came into surface because of the large expenses of the temple's projects like the 3rd Otani Expedition and in 1914 Hongan-ji Templea had a corruption scandal suddenly, Nirakuso and Muko Middle School were closed and Kozui OTANI finally resigned as the chief priest of West Hongan-ji Temple and leader of Hongan-ji Temple school in March of the same year 例文帳に追加

第三次大谷探検隊をはじめとする教団事業の出費がかさみ、大谷家の負債が表面化するとともに、大正3年(1914年)には本願寺に関する疑獄事件が突発するなど多くの問題を抱える中で、同年3月、二楽荘そして武庫中学も閉鎖され、大谷光瑞は西本願寺住職・本願寺派管長を辞任するにいたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Up to 1986, the Fukuchiyama Line was a tranquil local line where passenger local trains ran and the scenery of a Muko-gawa River stream was enjoyed near Namaze and Dojo; however, these scenes disappeared as the line between Takarazuka Station and Shin-Sanda Station was double-tracked and electrified in 1986, and it was transformed into a commuter line on which new types of trains run, housing development is promoted along the line and the JR Tozai Line has been established. 例文帳に追加

1986年まで客車普通列車が走っていたり、生瀬~道場付近では武庫川の渓流の眺めを楽しめたりするなど、のどかなローカル路線の体であったが、同年の宝塚~新三田間の複線電化を機にそれらは姿を消し、沿線住宅開発の進展とJR東西線の開業などにより新型電車が行き交う通勤路線となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

1. Yamashiro Province and the southern part of Tanba Province, which roughly includes Funai County, Nantan City, Kameoka City, Kyoto City, Muko City, Nagaokakyo City, Otokuni County, Uji City, Joyo City, Kuse County, Yawata City, Kyotanabe City, Tsuzuki County, Kizugawa City, and Sora County (this definition is used for weather forcast as the southern region of Kyoto Prefecture, and for Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. as the territory of Kyoto Terminal [the northern region is of Kobe Terminal in Hyogo Prefecture]). 例文帳に追加

山城国並びに丹波国の南部、大まかに船井郡、南丹市、亀岡市、京都市、向日市、長岡京市、乙訓郡、宇治市、城陽市、久世郡、八幡市、京田辺市、綴喜郡、木津川市、相楽郡(天気予報での京都府南部。ヤマト運輸も以上を京都ターミナル管轄と扱う(北部は兵庫県の神戸ターミナル管轄))。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And the place-name 'Owada' is considered to have semantically originated from staying at a ferry and similar place-names remain across Japanese islands like a place-name 'Chibune-eki' which exists in the mouth of Kanzaki-gawa River in Settsu Province in Kawajiri no tomari mentioned above, and among them, simply 'Owada' mostly refers to Muko no minato, which is, they think, because this land was regarded as the most important port (ferry). 例文帳に追加

なお、「大輪田」の地名は津泊の意におこるとも理解されており、上記河尻泊の所在した摂津国神崎川の河口にも「千船駅」の地名があるのをはじめ日本列島各地に同様の地名がのこり、そうしたなかで単に「大輪田」といえば概ね務古水門のことをさすのは、この地が古くから最重要港湾として認められていたことを示しているとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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