
「しつがいこつ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(272ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 13919



In the fixing member which comprises a plurality of layers and whose outermost layer is a fluorinated carbon resin layer made of a fluorinated resin, the fluorinated carbon resin layer consists of a resin composition constituted by compounding polytetrafluoroethylene with a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoro alkyl vinyl ether copolymer in which the ratio between the number of oxygen atoms and the number of carbon atoms in a molecular chain is 1/60 or more. - 特許庁


A display mode of applying a source voltage Vs so as to apply the voltage of one polarity side to liquid crystal 32 is switched to/from a refresh mode of applying the source voltage Vs so as to invert the polarity of the voltage applied to the liquid crystal 32 to the positive polarity side and the negative polarity side symmetrically at a prescribed gradation value near the lowest gradation value or the highest gradation value. - 特許庁


Conversely, because subcontracting patterns are less clearly fixed than in Japan, many SMEs find that expansion overseas enables them to do business with large enterprises that they could not have approached in Japan, or to supply unaffiliated Japanese enterprises and European and North American enterprises that have entered the same market.  - 経済産業省


In the mold assembly equipped with mold inserts 11 and 12 and a mold insert 13 for molding the optical element constituted of at least one rotary non-axisymmetric optical surface and at least one rotary axisymmetric surface, fine unevenness is formed to the mold insert 13 for molding at least the rotary axisymmetric surface over the partial or entire region thereof. - 特許庁



In the ion generating device equipped with an electrode panel discharging by being applied with a prescribed voltage and generating an ion, noise generation suppressing means 12, 13 and 14 suppressing the generation of noise from an ion generating element at ion generation by grounding the electrode panel 1 of the ion generating element are provided. - 特許庁



This waterproof structure for waterproofing a joint 16 in an outer wall of a building is provided with a primary side waterproof mechanism 20 comprising elastic sealing material 21 filled inside the joint 16 for preventing invasion of water from the outer side, and a secondary side waterproof mechanism 30 for preventing invasion of water invading inside without being waterproofed by the primary side waterproof mechanism 20. - 特許庁


To provide a similar document retrieval device and a similar document retrieval method and program capable of discovering a document where not only input retrieval character strings coincide but similar tags are attached or a document where a similar keyword is used in retrieving a similar document from a large amount of documents stored in a text format. - 特許庁


This over-the-wire catheter has a guide wire tube hole 46 extended along a shaft part and the slidable device 32 placed around the shaft part surrounding and selectively gripping a guide wire 15 placed in the guide wire tube hole and extended in the lateral direction via the guide way. - 特許庁


At least one electrode of a pair of electrodes of the medium 2 is divided into a plurality of striped sub-electrodes along the longitudinal direction of the light irradiation bar 12, and an image forming voltage or a reset voltage is applied between a sub-electrode 241 on the position covered with the light irradiation bar 12 and an electrode 25 opposite thereto. - 特許庁



A chuck top conductor layer is formed on the surface of the ceramic substrate, a guard electrode and/or a ground electrode is formed inside the ceramic substrate, and through-holes are formed in the ceramic substrate, which are electrically connected to either or both of the guard electrode and the ground electrode. - 特許庁



Grip jacks 41 and ring chains 45 adjusting a length in the peripheral direction in response to the change of the diameter of the chimney and being capable of adjusting a trace quantity in the peripheral direction for controlling a pushing force against the external wall surface of the chimney of the bearing plates 23 and the bearing plates 24 are mounted among the unit frames 20 and the adjacent unit frames 20. - 特許庁


A chuck top conductive layer is formed on the surface of a ceramic substrate, a guard electrode and/or a ground electrode is formed inside the ceramic substrate, and a through-hole is formed so as to be electrically connected with one or both the guard electrode and the ground electrode, and so as to be electrically connected with an outside terminal so that a ceramic substrate to be used for a wafer prober can be constituted. - 特許庁


In the guide bearing 11 comprising the roll bearing and making the outer ring 13 thereof roll directly on the guide surface of a guide rail, a spherical part 19 having curvature radius R convex to the guide surface of the guide rail 18 in a range of 40 mm≤R≤500 mm is formed on the outer diameter surface of the outer ring 13. - 特許庁

半硬化エポキシ樹脂は700nm以下の波長領域で光透過率が1%以下であり、940nm以上で光透過率が85%以上であり、Spiral Flow Lengthは25〜80インチ、97℃の水に浸漬して1時間経過後、硬化樹脂の吸湿量が0.45%以下である。例文帳に追加

The semi-cured epoxy resin includes a light transmittance of at most 1% within the wavelength region of 700 nm or shorter and a light transmittance of at least 85% within the wavelength region of 940 nm or longer, a spiral flow length of 25-80 inch and a moisture absorption of a cured resin of at most 0.45% after immersed in water at 97°C for 1 hr. - 特許庁


This inkjet ink used for forming a pattern image by ejecting it from an inkjet-recording device equipped with a pressure-impressing means and an electric field-impressing means is characterized by containing the organic semiconductor compound, an organic solvent having a specific permittivity of 10 or less and at least one selected from specific 5 kinds of ionic liquids. - 特許庁


Provided are the polylactic acid staple fibers in which the carboxyl groups of polylactic acid chain ends are sealed with a tri- or more-functional epoxy compound; the surfaces of the fibers are covered with a fatty acid bisamide and/or an alkyl substituted fatty acid monoamide; and the existence rate of devitrified fibers is 10% or less; and a method for producing the same. - 特許庁


The seamless semiconductive polyamide-imide belt has a blend of an aromatic polyamide-imide with an aromatic polyimide or a copolymer of an aromatic polyamide-imide with an aromatic polyimide as the major resin component at a constituting ratio of the polyimide-imide to the polyimide in the above blend or copolymer of 1:9 to 9:1, and its manufacturing method is disclosed. - 特許庁


As for the electronic candle 1, if a charge voltage applied from an outside charger to terminals 7a, 7b for charge is applied to an electric double-layer capacitor 6 inserted into a main body 2, because the electric double-layer capacitor 6 is rapidly charged, a light-emitting diode 3 emits light, and a light-emitting lamp cover 4 glows like a flame. - 特許庁


To provide a help message display, etc., capable of easily discriminating whether or not a help message corresponding to each menu or menu item can be displayed on a prescribed screen and directly displaying the correspondent help message from each menu or menu item. - 特許庁


There is no fault in the judgment of appeal ruling that "Commonly, inert solvents for this type of general coating composition are appropriately contained in the compositions to adjust the property, such as viscosity, according to the coating means or conditions, and the cited invention does not provide any technical obstruction relating to application of the inert solvents. Accordingly, it is understood that applying inert solvents (with diluents) to the cited invention is an idea which a person skilled in the art could easily conceive."  - 特許庁


The transparent cover 13 is formed so as to cover the front surface side, upper surface side and left and right side faces of the gift housing part 12a by transparent acrylic plates or the like and supported turnably in the vertical direction by hinges 14 provided on the upper part of the case body 12. - 特許庁


This high-strength polyethylene fiber has the following characteristics: single filament fineness is ≤1.5 dtex, tensile strength is15 cN/dtex, tensile modulus is300 cN/dtex, and the proportion of maldispersed fibers when made into cut fibers is2.0 wt.%. - 特許庁


When an image is not formed, +400V voltage is applied to the roller 36 to make the negatively electrified toner on the photoreceptor 13 temporarily adhere to the roller 36, and the additive on the roller 36 is made to adhere to the negatively electrified toner again. - 特許庁


When a voltage is applied to the first electrode layer 3 and the second electrode layer 4, the elastic body layer 2 deforms such that the electrode layers 3 and 4 come close to each other in a restriction zone 12, consequently in a deformation zone 11, the elastic body layer 2 deforms into dome form. - 特許庁


The elastic depressing part is moved away from the bottom surface and returned back to its non-depressed state when the door is opened. - 特許庁

投資家保護を図りつつ外国企業のニーズを踏まえた英文開示制度を整備するため、現在、継続開示書類に限られている英文開示の対象書類を、発行開示書類に拡大する等の方策について、開示制度ワーキング・グループにおいて検討しているところであり、検討の結果を踏まえ、必要に応じ、関連法案の早急な国会提出を図るほか、関連政府令の改正を平成 23年度中を目途に行う。例文帳に追加

The scope of English language disclosure documents is currently limited to continuous disclosure documents. In order to develop an English language disclosure system which considers the needs of foreign companies while working to protect investors, the Disclosure System Working Group is currently studying the expansion of the scope of English language disclosure to include certain issuance disclosure documents. Based on the results of its study, the FSA will urgently work to submit a related bill to the Diet, and amend a series of related Cabinet Orders and Cabinet Office Ordinances as needed, with a target of FY2011.  - 金融庁

3 月31 日の日仏首脳会談や4 月21 日の日豪首脳会談では菅総理大臣から今般の東日本大震災とその後の状況につき直接説明が行われたほか、4 月24 日の日中韓経済貿易大臣会合、6 月下旬の原子力安全に関するIAEA 閣僚会議においては、海江田経済産業大臣から、また3 月14 日のG8 外相会合、19 日の日中韓外相会議、4 月9 日の日ASEAN 特別外相会議、17 日の日米外相会談においては、松本外務大臣から説明がなされた(第4-3-2-3 図)。例文帳に追加

At a top-level meeting between Japan and France on March 31 and one between Japan and Australia meeting on April 21, Prime Minister Kan explained about the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent situation and an explanation was provided by Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kaieda at the April 24 Economic Ministers Meeting between Japan, China and South Korea and also at the end of June at the IAEA Cabinet meeting on nuclear energy safety. In addition, an explanation was provided by Foreign Minister Matsumoto at the March14 G8 meeting and at the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Japan, China and South Korea on the19th, at the special meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Japan and ASEAN of April 9, and at the Japan-U.S. Ministers of Foreign Affairs meeting of 17th (Figure 4-3-2-3). - 経済産業省


By means of an arbitration circuit arranged in this circuit, in receipt of a writing request signal to the external register 16, an internal register writing signal 19 is generated synchronously with the operation clock frequency of the macro circuit 13 for performing an internal register writing signal generation cycle to be outputted, and if there is a cycle under operation, the cycle is canceled for controlling writing to the internal register 17. - 特許庁


During changing an operation frequency when the frequency for change-over between the torque control and the load corresponding control exists between an operation frequency before changed and a target operation frequency, the change-over frequency is set as a threshold value for performing control in a load corresponding control region to increase the speed of an outdoor fan in a torque control region. - 特許庁


To provide an instrument such as a timepiece capable of enhancing a degree of freedom of design development as commodities and further dispensing with an exclusive magnetic shielding material and easily achieving miniaturization by sufficiently having surface property such as high easiness of working, hardness required as exterior components, anticorrosion and esthetic appearance, and using a housing provided sufficiently with a magnetic shielding function to a shielding constituent to be magnetized such as a movement. - 特許庁


As a method for extracting the encryption keys, a method for decrypting the encryption key by the external key A of the user input is used during offline or when there is no change in the external key A, and the key management server is requested to decrypt the encryption key encrypted by the public key of the external key B to receive the encryption key during online and when there is a change in the external key A. - 特許庁


In the revolving door 1 arranging a plurality of doors 3 consisting of an inside door 3A and an outside door 3B, the outside door 3B and the inside door 3A are connected with a spring member and a hinge, and the revolving door is so constituted that the outside door 3B can be rotatable in the opposite direction to the rotational direction of the revolving door 1. - 特許庁


The adhesive sheet for bonding optical component materials includes at least an acrylic adhesive layer of which storage modulus at 23°C is at least 1.0×10^4 Pa and less than 1.0×10^5 Pa, and a peel self-adhesion force at 80°C (for polyethylene terephthalate, 180° peel) of at least 2.5 N/20 mm. - 特許庁


A film which is made of a single- or multi-layer polyolefin resin and has a tensile modulus of elasticity in the extrusion direction (MD) of 10-80 MPa, stress at 5% elongation of at least 1 MPa, and the ratio of stress in MD to stress in TD at 5% elongation of 1-1.5 is used as the polyolefin film. - 特許庁


A male joint metal fitting 2 is composed of a bolt 9 having a screw part 9a, a housing 11 having a fixing hole 10 for inserting the bolt 9, and a fastening gear 12 rotatably arranged in the housing 11, forming a female screw 13 threadedly engaged with the bolt 9 inserted from the fixing hole 10, and arranging a tooth on the outer periphery. - 特許庁


In the organic EL element 100 composed of sequentially laminating the color filter layer 13, the gas barrier layer 20, and the organic EL structure 30 on the substrate 11, the gas barrier layer 20 is an amorphous thin film composed of AlxTiyOz which is a metal oxide of Al and Ti, and the ratio of the number of atoms of Ti to Al in a composition ratio of this AlxTiyOz is 10 atom% or more. - 特許庁


This spray gun 12 includes: a gun body 31; a grip portion 32 provided to the gun body; a high voltage generator 15 generating DC high voltage for charging coating; an electrode 16 applied with the high voltage generated by the high voltage generator 15; and a vibrating motor 17 provided on the grip portion 32. - 特許庁


When a rotor 4 is rotated, waste paper placed on the front sides of inside vertical blades 432 and outside vertical blades 424 are roughly torn, and a part of the waste paper are transferred on the rear sides of the inside vertical blades 432 and the outside vertical blades 424, and then guided to the lower sides and the outer peripheral sides and to horizontal blades 423 with negative pressures. - 特許庁

この発明は、アルミニウム含有量を金属換算で5〜100wt ppm、珪素含有量を金属換算で10wt ppm以下としなくとも、波長500nm〜6μmにおける、特異吸収波長以外での、直線透過率が1mmで70%以上とすることができる透光性酸化イットリウム焼結体を得ようとするものである。例文帳に追加

To obtain a translucent yttrium oxide sintered compact, wherein linear transmittance in visible wavelength ranging from 400 nm to 6 μm excluding a specific absorption wavelength is70% when the thickness is 1 mm without controlling aluminum content to 5-100 wt.ppm expressed in terms of metal, silicon content to10 wt.ppm expressed in terms of metal. - 特許庁


The natural leather product comprises sequentially laminating: a base coat layer which includes a polycarbonate-based polyurethane resin, a polyether-based polyurethane resin, and an acrylic resin, and whose swelling ratio by oleic acid is at most 20%; and a top coat layer which includes a polycarbonate-based polyurethane resin and whose swelling ratio by oleic acid is at most 16% on the surface of a natural leather substrate. - 特許庁


The high electric conduction sintered material consists of 60 to 90% of a nonmagnetic metal or alloy such as copper having a specific resistance of 7.3 Ωm×10^-8 or lower, and a 10 to 40% of a nonmagnetic metal, alloy or metallic compound such as austenitic stainless steel which has the melting point and hardness higher than those of the above metal or alloy. - 特許庁


The sliding device has a first sliding material having a sliding layer 164 obtained by solidifying a solid lubricant containing at least a PTFE with a thermosetting resin and, simultaneously, having a PTFE content of 10-40 vol.% and a second sliding material composed of a body material 146 provided with nickel based platings 150 and 152 which slide with each other. - 特許庁


In normal operation, the reference voltage Vrw is set to reference voltage Vri1 from an internal reference voltage generating circuit 206 by a data write-in current adjusting circuit 200, on the other hand, in test operation, the voltage is set to reference voltage Vre1 applied to a reference voltage external input terminal 202 from the outside. - 特許庁


To provide a power supply circuit with an overcurrent control circuit which achieves a holding function to perform an holding operation at a low current and freely and accurately setting a holding current and a detecting current, has less components, is hardly affected by a manufacturing parameter and an operation voltage of elements, and operates stably even though a power supply voltage and an output voltage are ≤1 V. - 特許庁


Dry tea leaves having a water content of 1 to 10 mass% is charged into a heated container which is heated so that the temperature of the inner wall surface is maintained at 150 to 250°C, and the tea leaves are heated for 3 to 15 minutes while blowing a water vapor-containing gas heated to a temperature of 150 to 250°C. - 特許庁


In an exclusive memory, a minimum program and data for operation controls which should be executed at least by the core for which the exclusive memory is provided are stored, so that in the case of trouble in the core, at least one of the remaining cores other than the core is trouble executes the minimum program and the data in the exclusive memory provided for the core in trouble. - 特許庁


To provide a developing device having a developer carrier including a plurality of kinds of electrode members to which voltages different from each other are applied and capable of performing stable development without causing lowering of image density and damage due to leak even if a value of characteristics of a surface layer is not constant, to provide an image forming apparatus including the developing device, and to provide a process unit. - 特許庁


The push-button lock is comprised of a planetary gear mechanism 18 which has a driving gear arranged in a casing 2 so as to be concentric with an outside knob (operating member) 5, as a sun gear 31, and a planetary gear 32a arranged such that its revolution range with respect to the sun gear 31 is overlaid on a movement range of a slider 17. - 特許庁


The ventilation panel is installed on the vestibule door for preventing intrusion of the insect even if the window is passed and shielding the line of sight. - 特許庁



Of the 2 families that passed down Onmyodo by succession, the Kadenokoji family that the Kamo family became commonly known as in the Nanbokucho Period (in the Muromachi Period, since their residence was located on Kadenokoji Street, the Kamo clan began to call themselves by this name, but it was different from the Kadenokoji family of the Fujiwara hokke Hino family line or the Shiba clan line) gradually lost their power and, even though KAMO no Arikata wrote 'Rekirinmondoshu' and flourished, the family line ceased to exist when the heir to the main branch of the Kadenokoji family was killed in the mid Muromachi Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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