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In response, the Imperial Court issued a statement that '川内宇内形勢政権ヲ奉キ、朝廷万機裁決テハ、天下公儀ヲトリナキヲ以テフシ祖先制度美事良法置、変更候間列藩聖意シ、心付忌諱極言高論シテ補正シ、勤王実効下民ナハス、皇国ヲシテ地球セシムル御沙汰' on January 16, 1868.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2 昭和五十六年四月から開始する銀行の営業年度を前項の規定によることとした場合における銀行法(昭和二年法律第二十一号)第八条の規定の適用については、同条中「毎決算期」とあるのは「、当該営業年度ニ係ル決算期」と、「利益準備金」とあるのは「、当該営業年度中ニ商法第二百九十三条ノ五第一項ノ金銭ノ分配ヲ為ストキハノ分配額ノ五分ノ一ヲ夫々利益準備金」とする。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to a Bank that decides to change its Business Year starting from April 1981 as provided by the preceding paragraph, Article 8 of the Banking Act (Act No. 21 of 1927) shall apply by deeming the term "every accounting period" therein as being replaced with "the accounting period pertaining to the Business Year"; and deeming the term "shall be set aside as retained earnings reserves" therein as being replaced with "and, when the distribution of money is conducted under Article 293-5(1) of the Commercial Code, one fifth of the amount of the distributed money shall be set aside as retained earnings reserves."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Even before the Bugyo came to live in Kobayashi Village in 1641, there were ships called Kujaku-maru and Tora-maru, in May of 1728 for some reason the Bugyo, Hoshina of the Awaji Governor sank the ship Tora-maru in the waters of Ominato. This is the most rare of recent events. If the Kujaku-maru is stained and there is no ship available for use, those 75 suishu/doshin will work regularly at their office duties' is written in Gofushin-yaku Onkumigashira HASHIMOTO Ichirozaemon Shigenaga's "Kyoho Kojitsu Biboroku."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because the jointly planned products like toys, compact discs or limited-edition models of the B Train Shorty from Bandai are all one-off sale products, once they're sold out there is no reselling, so many railway fans living in Kansai ask for the reselling of products with unlimited stock and pre-order sale. (There was a sale of the B Train Shorty that was modified to sell to the public from Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd. in November 2005 and September 2007, from Hankyu Railway, Keihan Electric Railway Co., Ltd. and Sanyo Electric Railway Co., Ltd. from June to August 2007, from Osaka Municipal Transportation Bureau in January 2008 and from Kintetsu Corporation/Kintetsu Railways in March 2008).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


五十二年秋九月丁卯朔丙子久氐等從千熊長彥詣之 則獻七枝刀一口七子鏡一面及種種重寶仍啟曰臣國以西有水源出自谷那鐵山邈七日行之不及當飲是水便取是山鐵以永奉聖朝乃謂孫枕流王曰今我所通東海貴國是天所啟是以垂天恩割海西而賜我由是國基永固汝當善脩和好聚斂土物奉貢不絕雖死何恨自是後每年相續朝貢焉(『日本書紀』神功皇后摂政五十二年九月の条)例文帳に追加

In September 252, the king of Paekche, met Nagahiko CHIKUMA, an envoy from Japan, and gave him one seven-pronged sword, one nanatsuko no kagami (a mirror with seven small decoration mirrors), and various other treasures, hoping to form a friendship ("Nihonshoki," from the article dated September 252 during the reign of Empress Jingu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Thus trinity of water, food and air for maintaining human health is realized. - 特許庁

(従来の、コンパス、ではコンパスの先端が角度が決まって居るため、円周を画く時に、小さい円周と、大きい円周の時先端のピン、の角度が固定して居るので、円周を画いて居る時、ピン、が寝て居るので穴も大きく成るし、穴から外れやすいし、不正確で有る、) れで本発明の、コンパスは、コンパス、の、もっとも先端の方に、角度を返る装置を付けたので、小さい円周も、大きい円周も、綺麗に、正確に、画く事が出来る、小さい、コンパス、でも最大に広げる事で大きい円周が画けられる、これを皆さんに提供する。例文帳に追加

Even if a small compass is used, by maximally widening the same, a large circle can be drawn. - 特許庁


The clothes and attachments are obtained by making the space so as to prevent a seatbelt and other things from touching the rising part which is made after installing an implanted pacemaker by an operation, giving an external part of the space an appropriate thickness with a cloth and a material to make higher than the rising part and cover an implanted pacemaker installation part, and further applying an electromagnetic wave preventing material to a range reducing electromagnetic wave influence. - 特許庁

ところで、ここにいう「特徴的給付」とは、その種類の契約を他の種類の契約から区別する基準となるような給付をいい、物品の売買であれば当該物品の売主が「特法例第7条2当事者ノ意思カ分明ナラサルトキハ行為地法ニ依ル第9条2契約ノ成立及ヒ効力ニ付テハ申込ノ通知ヲ発シタル地ヲ行為地ト看做ス若シ申込ヲ受ケタル者カ承諾ヲ為シタル当時申込ノ発信地ヲ知ラサリシトキハ申込者ノ住所地ヲ行為地ト看做ス116 徴的給付」を行う「当事者」であるということになる。例文帳に追加

The "characteristic benefit" herein means the benefit which distinguishes a certain type of contract from others. In the case of purchase and sale of products, whether tangible or intangible, the seller of products is the "party" who is to grant the "characteristic benefit."  - 経済産業省


政府は曩に一の帝国大学を京都に新設し、天下学問の中心を東西二都に置くの制を採れり、蓋し東西二大学の競争をして学問進歩の動機たらしめんとするに在るべし、而して東京には帝国大学の外各種の官私学校ありて各般学生の志望に充つることを得、青年の志を立つる者此に集合し自ら既に天下学問の中心たり、然るに京都に在りては帝国大学新たに設置せられ関西の学術大に振るわんとし青年の志を有して京都に集まり来るもの頗る多きも、大学の門戸は未だ高等学校卒業生以外の志望者を迎ふるに至らず、大学以外に在りて高等の学術を修めんとするも機関あることなし、是れ頗る恨事なり、爰に於てか有志の者相図り京都法政学校を新設し、講義を京都帝国大学教授及他博学知名の諸氏に嘱託し、政治法律経済に関する高等の学術を広く社会に紹介するの一機関たらしめんとす、是れ蓋し、一は政府か学問の中心を東西の二都に置かんとするの趣意に賛同の意を表し、又一は帝国大学か広く門戸を開放して高等学校卒業生以外の志望者を迎ふる能はさるの欠点を補はんとするの微意に出つるものなり (「立命館大学沿革略」『立命館学報』二 一九一五・大正4年3月)例文帳に追加

The government established one campus of Teikoku (Imperial) University in Kyoto. It had been decided that there would be two universities (in the east and west, respectively) as the center of the best education, and that the two universities would compete with each other as motivation for progress in education; and in Tokyo, several public and private schools as well as Teikoku (Imperial) University already began accepting various applicants; thus the students who had youthful resolution gathered, which is the center of education. However, there were many good, enthusiastic young students gathered at Teikoku (Imperial) University, which was newly established in Kyoto, but the university couldn't accept the applicants who had not graduated from high school, so there was no school to study high education without status as a university, which was the problem of greatest concern, so volunteers who were of the same mind gathered and established the Kyoto Hosei School, entrusting the lectures to the professors of Kyoto Imperial University and other well-known teachers; thus the institution could provide higher education in politics, law and economics to society. Certainly, a reason for that was to demonstrate the government's approval concerning the establishment of education in two places (east and west), and another reason was to make up for the flaw in the educational system whereby Teikoku (Imperial) University was not widely open to applicants who had not graduated from high school ('A Brief History of Ritsumeikan University,' "Ritsumeikan Gakuho," March 1915).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Our teacher dedicated his life to the study requiring great pains; as to "Koshi-den", at the end of the Bunka era (1804-1818), he began to write the draft, and by the early Bunsei era (1818-1830), about 12 volumes had been completed; however, by that time, he had also gradually gained an insight into the study and understood the teachings of the master of Suzunoya (Norinaga MOTOORI), then he realized that this world was the product of our great gods of Japan, so he decided to suspend "Koshi-den" temporarily, and first explore and read through all the past annotations of the histories of our country as well as those of India and Europe to use new knowledge to his advantage in writing "Koshi-den"; therefore, since the middle of the Bunsei era, he intensly studied foreign literature and culture mainly, and during a period of over 20 years, he completed almost all his works, which he left for us, including "Sekiken Taiko-den" (Japanese Early History); although he was never satisfied with his works, his students, of course, including myself, with a feeling of gratitude, thought that our master had succeeded in completing most his researches and studies, and were concerned about the delay in completing "Koshi-den" and because of our master's age, we repeatedly begged him to restart the writing, then thankfully at about the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839), he restarted; however, he was requested to write on linguistic methods so he began to write "Goju Ongi" (Pronunciation and Meaning of 50 Kana) and suspended "Koshi-den" again; after a year, he was banished to Akita Province by order of the former bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), fortunately since Akita was his hometown and there were many relatives of his, besides the former load treated him very kindly, they relieved him off poor living, although under those conditions, he had no time to finish the remaining works; he was always concerned about those unfinished works, and after only a few years, he became sick and regrettably died.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第九条 新法第十七条の規定は、この法律の施行前に開始した同条に規定する国際機関類似標章(旧法第四条ノ二に規定する政府間国際機関ノ紋章、旗章ノ他ノ徽章、略称又ハ名称ニシテ主務大臣ノ指定スルモノト同一又ハ類似ノモノを除く。以下「民間国際機関類似標章」という。)を商標として使用し、又は民間国際機関類似標章を商標として使用した商品を譲渡し、引き渡し、譲渡若しくは引渡しのために展示し、輸出し、輸入し、若しくは電気通信回線を通じて提供し、若しくは民間国際機関類似標章を商標として使用して役務を提供する行為に該当するものを継続する行為については、適用しない。例文帳に追加

Article 9 The provision of Article 17 of the New Act shall not apply to continuation of an act that falls under the act of using a mark similar to an international organization mark (excluding a mark identical or similar to a crest, a flag, or other emblem, abbreviation, or name of an international intergovernmental organization that is designated by the competent minister as prescribed in Article 4-2 of the Former Act; hereinafter referred to as a "mark similar to a private international organization mark" ) as a trademark, or assigning, delivering, displaying for the purpose of assignment or delivery, exporting, importing or providing through an electronic telecommunication line, goods using a mark similar to a private international organization mark as a trademark, or providing services using a mark similar to a private international organization mark as a trademark, which is prescribed in Article 17 of the New Act, if such an act is commenced before the enforcement of this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

実際に涅槃経を読めば「牛より乳を出し、乳より酪酥(らくそ)を出し、酪酥より熟酥(じゅくそ salpis サルピス:カルピスの語源)を出し、熟酥より醍醐を出す、仏の教えもまた同じく、仏より十二部経を出し、十二部経より修多羅(しゅたら)を出し、修多羅より方等経を出し、方等経より般若波羅密を出し、般若波羅密より大涅槃経を出す」(「譬如從牛出乳從乳出酪從酪出生蘇從生蘇出熟蘇從熟蘇出醍醐醍醐最上若有服者衆病皆除所有諸藥、悉入中善男子佛亦如是從佛出生十二部經從十二部経出修多羅從修多羅出方等経從方等経出般若波羅蜜從般若波羅蜜出大涅槃猶如醍醐言醍醐者喩于佛性」)とある。例文帳に追加

Precisely, the description of Nehan-gyo Sutra says 'a cow creates nyu (fresh milk), nyu creates rakuso, rakuso creates jukuso (salpis, which is the word origin of Calpis (Japanese milk-based soft drink) and jukuso creates ghee and similarly in the teaching of Buddhism, Buddha creates Junibu-kyo Sutra (the Twelve Divisions of Scriptures), Junibu-kyo Sutra creates Shutara (sutra), Shutara creates Hodo-kyo Sutra, Hodo-kyo sutra creates Hannya Haramitsu (prajnaparamita) and Hannya Haramitsu creates Dainehan-kyo Sutra' (the Nirvana Sutra).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since entering the school, Kanetane knew that his teacher Atsutane studied mysterious things and the underworld to restore the ancient belief which had been lost or sealed up, besides Kanetane understood that Atsutane tried to prove the existence of mysterious things by Kodo; about 1820, by Yoshinari YAMAZAKI, a learned amateur living in Shitayachoja-machi and an acquaintance of Kanetane's friend Hirokata YASHIRO, Kanetane was introduced to Sendo Torakichi, who could come and go freely to the underworld, then Kanetane became convinced of the existence of the underworld, and began to put in serious efforts to collect information of mysterious stories and materials of such things.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Susanoo said, "There is gold and silver in the islands of Karakuni (considered to be a part of present-day Korea), so it is not good that the country controlled by my children doesn't have any ships." Then, he pulled out some hairs of his beard and scattered them, and then, they turned into cedars. He continued pulling out some hairs from parts of his body. The hairs he picked from his chest turned into hinoki (Japanese cypresses), the hairs he picked from his buttocks turned into maki (Japanese yew pines), and his plucked eyebrows turned into camphor trees. After that, he decided on the use of each tree and suggested, "Cedars and camphor trees should be used for making ships, Japanese cypresses should be used for constructing palaces, Japanese yew pines should be used for coffins when the body is buried. Everyone should join together to sow seeds of many trees used for these various purposes and grow many more trees." Around this time, he had a son, Isotakeru, and two daughters, Oyatsu-hime and Tsumatsu-hime. These three gods contributed to sowing seeds and growing trees all across the nation, and then they moved to Kii Province (the southern part of present-day Mie and Wakayama Prefectures) where they were enshrined. After that, Susanoo finally entered Ne-no-kuni (underworld) via Kumanarinotake.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Sources: Nanbo OTA, 'Kansei 10 nen, Bogo, Edonin betsu' from vol. 26 of "Ichiwa Ichigen" (1820); Shigetami YAMASHITA, 'Edo shigai Tokei Ippan' from vol.1 (pp. 18-26) of "Edokai zasshi" (1889); Kaishu KATSU, 'Edo Jinko Shoki' from "Suijinroku" (1890); Yasusuke KOMIYAMA, 'Funai no Jinko' from vol. 2 (pp. 1923) of "Edo kyujiko" (1891) and vol. 9 (pp. 1210–1243) of "Nihon Zaise Keizai Shiryo" (1922); Juzo YUZUKI and Yasuzo HORIE, 'Honpo jinko hyo' from vol. 7 (pp. 188–210) of "Keizaishi Kenkyu" (1930); Shigetomo KODA, 'Edo no Chonin no Jinko' from vol. 8 (pp. 1–23) of "Shakai Keizai gakkaishi" (1938); Yasujiro TAKAMI, 'Edo no Jinko no Kenkyu' from the 7th conference (pp. 5983) of "Zenkoku Toshi Mondai kaigi" (1940); Bonsen TAKAHASHI, "Nihon Jinkoshi no Kenkyu" from Sanyusha publishing (1941), Naotaro SEKIYAMA, "Kinsei Nihon no Jinko Kozo" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1958); Kazuo MINAMI, "Bakumatsu Edo Shakai no Kenkyu" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1978).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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