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該当件数 : 829



The information in the stuff bytes has a value different from that of a field keeping a signal, denoting the length of the header placed at the head of the header and is configured in a smaller byte number than that of the header differently from each hierarchy, and placed to the head position of each hierarchy with a prescribed period to configure a frame synchronization pattern. - 特許庁


The surface shape processing method and the surface shape processing device of the multilayer film is characterized by detecting, in the milling of the multilayer film on which a plurality of substances with difference in refractive indexes are periodically laminated by the ion beams, depth of the milling on the basis of a substance with smaller reflection phase change. - 特許庁


In this regard, the applied frequency dither includes a span having been selected as a function of a minimum frequency period of an expected standing wave in the system, and a rate having been selected as a function of a signal processing bandwidth for sampling a frequency spectrum including one or more selectable frequencies. - 特許庁


When the maximum synchronous change path cost sum, etc., does not satisfy the end condition, in a process S6, clock timing to be allocated to a synchronous element of a timing allocation object is changed within the range of such a restriction with which a circuit including the synchronous element normally operates in a prescribed clock cycle so as to make a maximum synchronous change path cost sum to be minimum. - 特許庁



This reflection type hologram screen 3A consists of a reflection type hologram 1 which is periodically arranged, in a one-dimensional or two-dimensional array form, with minute element holograms 1R, 1G and 1B which consist of reflection type volume holograms, do not have beam condensing or diverging properties and vary in the wavelengths to be reflected and diffracted and a transparent scattering layer 2 arranged on its incident side. - 特許庁



A cantilever provided with a spherical member in a tip part of a probe is used in this scanning probe microscope for measuring the sample surface properties, comprising the cantilever having the fine probe in its tip part, a means for detecting a displacement of the cantilever, a means for oscillating the cantilever or the sample at a fixed cycle by a desirable amplitude quantity, and a sample moving means for moving the sample. - 特許庁


In a diffraction element 30 having a rectangular grating 302 which is formed on a surface of a transparent substrate 301 whose cross-section is a recessed and protruding shape and in which each of the projections is symmetrical, a period of the grating is equal to or smaller than a wavelength of incident light and the diffraction element 30 is adopted so that the light is incident obliquely to its surface where the grating is formed. - 特許庁


A spiral recording track has a recording surface including prescribed phase modulated wave parts and carrier parts and formed like a meandering state and the carrier parts are formed so that the period of parts (R_21, R_22) adjacent to the phase modulated wave parts is shorter than the amplitude of parts which are not adjacent to the phase modulated wave parts in the direction rectangular to the tangent direction of the track. - 特許庁


To provide a gateway capable of stopping damages due to failure occurrence at the minimum by preventing the failure from propagating to an on-vehicle LAN network, even if the failure occurs that data to be regularly transmitted to the on-vehicle network cannot be received in the on-vehicle LAN, and to provide a communication control unit and a proxy transmission method of cyclic data. - 特許庁



A polyester filament is a fiber made of polyester having specific intrinsic viscosity containing ethylene terephthalate as a main repeating unit, and formed of a polyester fiber in which a terminal carboxy group amount in the fiber and a long period by small-angle X-ray diffraction each fall within a specific range, and a surface treatment agent having an epoxy group adheres to the surface of the fiber. - 特許庁



The waveform memory is page-accessed using the memory address MA, two samples are read out thereby from the MA and MA+1, the readout two samples are interpolated based on a fraction SAf of the sample address, the interpolation-finished waveform of each sound channel is summed up to generate a musical sound signal of a plurality of sound channels in every sampling period. - 特許庁


By the circuit 1, the driving frequency of the actuator is swept in with a prescribed period between a first frequency which is lower than the resonance frequency of the actuator and makes the vibration amplitudes of the actuator smaller and a second frequency which is lower than the resonance frequency and makes the vibration amplitudes larger than the first frequency. - 特許庁


A voice data file server 22 provided in a road information providing system 20 applies encoding processing to voice data generated by a voice response server 21 for a prescribed period according to update control of a road information management server 23 by means of a prescribed data compression technology so as to reduce the data size and generates a voice data file provided to users. - 特許庁


Provided is the optical lens whose reflection is suppressed by having a convex lens surface which has a maximum tilt angle of 35 to 90° between a surface contacting the lens surface and a direction orthogonal to the optical axis and an antireflective structure which has structure units in a designated shape periodically arrayed on the lens surface at intervals smaller than the shortest wavelength of the incident light. - 特許庁


An image accepting device of the image processing apparatus accepts images, a matrix generating device generates a matrix based on a function of assuring the minimum value in the geometrically isotropic and uniform point dispersion, and a noise adding device adds noise to the image accepted with the image accepting device by a periodical mask process using the matrix generated with the matrix generating device. - 特許庁


A sanitary washing device is configured to discharge pulsative water through a discharge hole by sending pulsative water due to cyclic fluctuation of pressure toward the discharge hole, and adjust an air content in the water discharged through a nozzle to minimize the air content at a peak of pulsation where the pressure of the water discharged through the nozzle is high. - 特許庁


A metal layer 10 and a dielectric layer 12 are laminated, a linear or two-dimensional diffraction grating is formed by arraying many fine projection portions 11 in fine cycles on the surface where the metal layer and dielectric layer come into contact with each other, and a surface plasmon is excited nearby the diffraction grating by incidence of exciting light to intensify the electric field by localization of the light. - 特許庁


On a transmission side, the number of encoded bit series that the GCD of a puncture pattern period of each encoding rate in a plurality of sets of encoding rates and modulation systems determined by specified algorithm is determined and the number of series is regarded as a minimum unit to perform time-space interleaving for allocating encoded bits to a plurality of streams. - 特許庁


The wireless Internet connection repeater can prevent waste of electric power that is consumed by unnecessarily activating the wireless LAN module in an environment where a repeater cannot executes functions, and it also minimizes standby power by blocking power of part of the Wibro communication module at a time excluding a time point required for periodically collecting channel state information of Wibro network. - 特許庁

ここで、電流−電圧変換部11の等価抵抗値は、最大の静止時電源電流I_DDq が流れた場合でも、その電圧降下が、CMOS集積回路2が許容する電圧低下幅を越えず、かつ、通常の動作周期よりも十分速く電源電流I_DDが収束するように、さな値に設定されている。例文帳に追加

Here the equivalent resistance value of current-voltage converter 11 is set so small a value so that the voltage drop in the case of flowing a maximum stationary power source current IDDq does not exceed an allowable voltage lowering width of the CMOS integrated circuit 2 and the power source current IDD converges sufficiently quicker than normal operation period. - 特許庁


To provide a CDMA receiver performing continuous reception by automatically controlling modulated carrier signals in a certain cycle, which can carry out stable reception, even when using step gain control system in receiving, because the continuous reception is less affected by any fluctuation that was caused by the discontinuous step gain. - 特許庁


This reaction controlling apparatus is characterized in that grooves or pores 7 are provided at predetermined periodic intervals (a minute regular structure 8) on the surface of at least one of the electrode 2 and the dielectric material 5 in its side where the electrodes 2, 3 face each other. - 特許庁


An HIS 101 increased in parallel inductance is constituted by electrically connecting first-layer conductor small pieces 102 which are periodically arrayed to a ground plane 5 by a pleated conductor column 103 having conductor pleats 123 whose thickness is more than twice as large as a skin depth in a desired band-gap frequency band. - 特許庁


The signal is compared with a reference value by a comparator to generate a binary signal for expressing a relation between their levels, the binary signal is compared plural times with an expected value within a prescribed period, and the level of the signal is determined as not brought within a prescribed range only when a frequency in which the both values thereof are not consistent is a prescribed frequency or more. - 特許庁


The first and the second valve FCV, DDV are alternately opened in one change over cycle, release time ti_D_FCV, ti_D_DDV and/or cycle ti_P of the first and the second valves FC V, DDV are defined to maintain generated diagnosis volume flow rate ms_HC_D smaller than distribution capacity flow rate ms_HC_D. - 特許庁


In the imaging optical system barrier 2, at least a part of the surface 4a or 5b, where the aperture part through which light is made to pass when it is at an opening position is formed has a anti-reflection structural body, where structural units having prescribed shape are cyclically arranged in an array state with a pitch smaller than the wavelength of the light that contributes to imaging. - 特許庁


On the basis of the density and the water content, some of the inclination angle and oscillation cycle (the number of revolution of a crank shaft) of the paddle of an oscillating separator and the air letting speed and jet pressure of an air jetting nozzle 11 are combined and controlled, and the waste 1 is separated into solids, films, and small-diameter substances. - 特許庁


The compressed gas contained in a pressure-resistant optical cell which is heated at a constant temperature, is irradiated with visible light or ultraviolet light while being loaded with a periodic minute pressure fluctuation, and the amount of light scattering phenomenon induced in the above operation is measured as an absorbance variation corresponding to magnitudes of the pressure fluctuation, and a density fluctuation phenomena is quantitatively evaluated from the magnitude of the absorbance variation. - 特許庁


Moreover, the correction amount of the position correcting section 12a is led to an optimum value by slightly changing periodically the correcting amount by means of the discrimination section 12a of the control circuit 12, while discriminating the changing direction of the correcting amount from the magnitudinous relation between synchronously detected currents and changing the correcting amount in the discriminated direction. - 特許庁


Simultaneously a timer whose time-out level is set to a burst period in advance is re-triggered every detection of the data pattern, and the gain of a variable gain amplifier 45 that has a minimum gain in the initial state is gradually increased so long as the data pattern of consecutive frames over number of times in excess of a count-up value set to the counter cannot be detected. - 特許庁


In this touch panel 10, plural protruding parts 21, 22 respectively having predetermined shapes are formed on inner surfaces of a lower side substrate 11 and an upper side substrate 12 with a pitch smaller than the wavelength of visible light and approximately periodically in at least two directions, and a lower side transparent electrode 15 and an upper side transparent electrode 16 are formed along inner surface shapes of the substrates 11, 12. - 特許庁


A constitution for varying the driving state according to different cleaning states such as a regular cleaning state and a cleaning state along a wall where the inversion cycle is relatively smaller than that of the regular cleaning state, is easily formed via a power wire PL alone for feeding a power from the side of the cleaner body 1 to the motor 27. - 特許庁


To provide a color image pickup element and device for substantially solving the problem of generating color moire fringes caused by periodic color coding array, for substantially preventing the generation of the deterioration of resolution even when any isolated pixel defect exists, for ensuring miniaturization, low costs and color image pickup with high resolution, and for sharply improving an image pickup dynamic range. - 特許庁


A follow-up means by which the sample movement means is moved wholly up and down is installed. - 特許庁


More concretely, a digital/ analog input processor circuit 113 for changing the pixel number processes for equalizing the effective pixel number of the information image signal with the dot number per horizontal line of the display device, if the former number is greater than the latter, in the front stage of circuits for the size change (scale down processor circuit 114, frame memory 115 and scale up processor circuit 116). - 特許庁


In this case, the apparatus can edit any one or more among the shape of a minimum unit to be printed with the coloring materials, the using cycle in the coloring materials, use or disuse of a specific coloring material of the coloring materials and use or disuse of a coloring point of a specific size when the size of the coloring point can be adjusted. - 特許庁


Connection by the stacked via 117 at the intersection between column and row electrodes 115 and 116 is periodically thinned out, the number of the stacked vias 117 is reduced for facilitating wiring in a middle layer, and at the same time the number of the column and row electrodes 115 and 116 is set to the same as a conventional one for minimizing the deterioration in the performance of power supply. - 特許庁


If it is judged that the temporal change of an acceleration open degree θ is small on a low μ path for a vehicle, for example, comprising a motor as a driving source (step S3→S5), a target motor torque T used for controlling the motor torque in a step S9 is periodically changed between 0 and kθ (k is a constant)(step S7). - 特許庁


To provide a small-sized, low power consumption and easy-maintenance respiration simulator used in an evaluation test on respiratory protectors; the simulator being able to simulate larger breathing, change neither respiratory cycle nor ventilation volume even in a high-pressure loss test, and easy to generate not only regular air waveforms like sine, rectangular, triangular and other waveforms but workers' personal respiration waveforms and other arbitrary ones. - 特許庁


A driving wave shape comprising a plurality of driving pulses for delivering a plurality of liquid droplets with different dimensions within one printing period, has a second driving pulse Pw32 the one after the second among a plurality of the driving pulses Pw31-Pw33 for delivering large liquid droplets is a driving pulse for forming a liquid droplet with a size between the largest liquid droplet and the smallest liquid droplet. - 特許庁


To provide laminated rubber capable of sufficiently elongating the period of a supporting object by suppressing is rigidity to small even if setting large the external dimension of a plane as the laminated rubber, capable of exhibiting superior base isolation, vibration proof and vibration removal performances, and suitably applicable to a base isolator for a lightweight supporting object such as a vibration removal board and a lightweight building. - 特許庁


The short fiber for rubber reinforcement comprises a polyester with ethylene terephthalate as a main repeating unit, and has a long period, as determined by small-angle X-ray diffractometry, of 9-12 nm, and a terminal carboxy group content in the short fiber of 20 equivalent/ton or higher, and an epoxidized surface-treating agent adheres to the fiber surface. - 特許庁


A mode filtering method has a structure, in which the refractive index to a lateral direction of the clad part of a multiplex mode light guide consisting of a core and a clad, and transmits only certain specific modes having a multiplex mode along a waveguide, by enlarging a reflectance only to a cross section directional wavelength of the certain specific modes, and lessening the reflectance to the other mode. - 特許庁


When an ON/Duty ratio is small, a supermagnetization is added on an ON-Duty time for each frequency of a solenoid valve driving signal, and when the ON/Duty ratio is not less than 90%;, for example, the solenoid valve is quickly increased to a moderate temperature by detecting an oil temperature and an engine rotational speed with increasing the supermagnetization for the smaller engine rotational speed at an low oil temperature. - 特許庁


The part to be printed with high fineness is brought under heating value control so that the area of a print pattern of respective dots is smaller than the area of the recording surface of a thermal recording element and the part to be solid printed is printed by printing many print dots of certain size, each printed with one pulse of an electricity feed signals, in short cycles. - 特許庁


A reference area constituting one period of a tracing dot pattern is divided in accordance with the contents of the trace information, dots of a large size are added to an area indicating the most important start mark or maker ID, dots of a medium size are added to an area indicating individual ID such as a serial number important next and dots of a small size are added to the other information area. - 特許庁


The image display is further equipped with a light source control section (a display device controller 21, a PWM control circuit 22, and AND circuits 23r, 23g, 23b) controlling the light source by pulse width modulation in a 1/n period (wherein n is a natural number) of the minimum response time of the reflection type light modulation device 13. - 特許庁


The constitution is formed to control the conversion timing of the A/D converter 23b at this time by an A/D conversion timing producing circuit 23c so as to become one term when the emission amount of laser beams is small, in one period of the sampling timing, from the sampling timing produced by the arithmetic timing of a DSP 23d and the recording information 101 supplied through an input terminal 23g. - 特許庁


The address generator 12 sequentially generates addresses by approximating the decimal parts with a prescribed accuracy so as to read out the image data by block unit in an oblique direction from the memory 10 with an angle corresponding to the slant of an input image, and also suppresses the cumulative error of the addresses due to approximation by increasing and decreasing the addresses by prescribed amounts on the basis of the period in response to the accuracy. - 特許庁



When a power steering switch is turned on (large steering angle) in an idle state, a power steering correction value ISC PS is set according to the states of an air conditioner switch, and when the power steering switch is turned off (small steering angle) after that, the power steering correction value ISC PS is reduced by a preset value for every operation periods till it becomes zero. - 特許庁


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