
「教えてください」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(34ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 1720



The euro fell into the 96-yen range for the first time in eleven and a half years. How do you view the current situation in Europe? In particular, as the minister in charge of financial services, how do you view the situation in Spain, where concerns over bank bailouts are growing?  - 金融庁


Could you tell me how you view megabanks' and regional banks' stances on lending to small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and how you intend to reflect in financial regulation the results of a joint survey conducted by the FSA and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency on the actual state of financing?  - 金融庁


A project team on the revision of the Money Lending Act will be established today. Previously, you said that you would study enforcement-related problems. Could you tell us for what purpose this project team will be established and what the major themes of its debate will be?  - 金融庁


Yesterday, there was an announcement regarding the life insurance issue (nonpayment of insurance benefits), and life insurance companies pledged to follow up on this issue properly. However, the companies may be hoping to use the administrative action taken this time as an opportunity to close the chapter on this issue. What are your views in this respect?  - 金融庁



Olympus has announced its intention to file a lawsuit against five former and current corporate auditors, alleging their responsibility in the window-dressing case. How do you feel about that? The committee found that the auditing firm bears no responsibility. Don't you feel that something is wrong with that finding?  - 金融庁



The Financial System Council will discuss the role of the financial industry in the medium to long term at a meeting starting at 2 p.m. today, and that is a very vague theme. What is your perspective on problems related to that matter and what kind of discussions would you like this council to hold?  - 金融庁


In discussion being held at the G-20 Summit (summit meeting of the 20 major countries and regions), the idea of forming a banking union has apparently been suggested by some members. What have you heard about the most recent discussion and what is your assessment?  - 金融庁


This could be one instance of information sharing. I would like the panelists from countries in Asia to describe some of the measures implemented in their countries, if there are any, as useful information for other countries, or particularly for Japan. - 厚生労働省

大変国民的関心の高い事案だと思いますが、現時点で第2のAIJに該当する可能性のある社があるのかどうか、なかなかセンシティブな問題ですが(如何でしょうか)。 また、あるとすれば、そこからさらに深掘りした第3次の調査はどのような形で進めていくのかということについて教えてください例文帳に追加

This is a matter of very strong interest for the people. Could you tell me whether other companies facing problems similar to the AIJ problem have been identified, although this may be a sensitive question? If so, what would a more in-depth third-round survey be like?  - 金融庁



I hear that as the amount of financial damage caused by the "furikome" billing fraud is increasing at the fastest pace ever, a bureau director-general of the FSA will hold a meeting with representatives from the National Police Agency and Zenginkyo (Japanese Bankers' Association) next week. Are there any new countermeasures, and what will be your future policy in this regard?  - 金融庁



I would like to ask you about Japan Post. Japan Post will convene a general shareholdersmeeting at the end of next month. When the Ministry of Finance attends the meeting as a shareholder, will it express opinions on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications after consulting with it? Or will it only perform its duties as the custodian of shares?  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the amendment of the Insurance Business Act regarding public-interest corporations' mutual insurance business. Officials of public-interest corporations appear to be strongly concerned about the details of the guidelines. Could you tell me about what the guideline will be like, if you know anything about it?  - 金融庁


You said that the first meeting will be held as soon as the scheduling adjustments are finished. Could you give me a more specific timeframe? Also, regarding the proceedings of the review, how many times is the committee expected to meet?  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the capital of banks as a whole. Today, the Nikkei Average is slumping at around 9,000 yen due to the impact of the disaster. Do you think that this will affect banks' capital through latent losses and write-downs?  - 金融庁


Yesterday and the day before that, banking associations held press conferences. At those conferences, opposition was expressed to the idea of strengthening regulation as a way to prevent the recurrence of cases like the AIJ incident. How do you feel about that? Also, do you think that regulation should be strengthened despite the opposition?  - 金融庁

教えてくださいよ、バサーニオさん。もしこの人が期日までに金を払い込まなかったとして、このような罰を取り立てることで私は何を得るというのですか? 人間の体からとられた1ポンドの肉なんて、羊や牛の肉ほど利益も価値もありませんよ。例文帳に追加

I pray you tell me this, Bassanio: if he should break this day, what should I gain by the exaction of the forfeiture? A pound of man's flesh, taken from a man, is not so estimable, nor profitable neither, as the flesh of mutton or of beef.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


By last weekend, all non-life insurance companies reported their financial results. Of the three major non-insurance groups, two reported a large amount of losses, following the poor performance of the previous year due to the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake. How do you view the condition of the non-life insurance industry?  - 金融庁


Regarding money lending business, I understand that since you established the follow-up team, you have continuously and adequately conducted examination. As a result, does the FSA, or you, think that revision is necessary?  - 金融庁


I would like to know how much sense of crisis the FSA has about cases like this. Crimes like this are occurring one after another, so you should stop using the policy ofno commenton specific cases to excuse yourself from making comments and you should provide appropriate explanations that ordinary policyholders can understand.  - 金融庁


Regarding this, most of the opinions that were expressed in response to the solicitation of public comments were opposed to the strengthening of the restrictions on leveraging. Could you tell us why it is necessary to strengthen the restrictions and why you decided to strengthen the restrictions despite the opposition?  - 金融庁


Regarding the G-20 meeting, the expected agenda items include international financial regulations and the establishment of a framework for international cooperation in efforts to achieve economic recovery. What do you think will be the major points of discussion and what do you expect of the meeting?  - 金融庁


Regarding AIJ Investment Advisors, some media reports said that most of the 210 billion yen in pension funds managed by the company has been lost. Could you tell me about the amount of lost funds and the chronology of events and facts?  - 金融庁


Regarding the review of the Employment and Human Resources Development Organization, you have indicated a policy of dissolving it and abolishing its functions. Will the Prime Minister's resignation affect the results of the review or the schedule of the abolition?  - 金融庁


Today, stock prices fell to the lowest level since the beginning of this year. What do you think of that? Also, what will be important with regard to future financial administration after the new minister for financial services takes office amid the great turmoil in the financial market?  - 金融庁


Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has decided to acquire an aircraft leasing business from RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) of the United Kingdom for 7.3 billion dollars, or 560 billion yen. In relation to that, what is your assessment of the position of Japanese banks?  - 金融庁

"MC「先生!日本の効果的なフロン削減には、優れた多くの技術や施策があると思いますが、世界をリードする優れた技術やノンフロン化への取り組みは何ですか?教えて下さい! 」"例文帳に追加

MC "Professor! There must be so much advanced technology behind Japan's effective reduction of fluorocarbon. Could you tell me about this world-leading technology and approach to non-fluorocarbonization!" - 経済産業省


Professor! There must be so much advanced technology behind Japan’s effective reduction of fluorocarbon. Could you tell me about this world-leading technology and approach to non-fluorocarbonization!  - 経済産業省


I would like to ask you about the strengthening of the capital adequacy ratio requirement for major banks. You have been saying that the strengthening of the requirement should be considered carefully in light of the circumstances of individual countries. Currently, negotiations conducted at the Basel Committee (on Banking Supervision) are moving toward setting a fairly long transition period for the full implementation of future new regulations. How do you view this situation?  - 金融庁


Tomorrow will mark three months since the earthquake occurred. Fund needs for restoration work are apparently growing strong. What is your assessment of the current financial conditions in the disaster areas? At a time when companies have used much of their reserve funds and so need fresh funds, are banks appropriately satisfying such needs?  - 金融庁


There have been media reports about a series of moves by megabanks to strengthen their capital base. Do you have information regarding such moves? Also, could you tell me about the possibility that a megabank will apply for capital injection under the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions?  - 金融庁


The other day, the International Accounting Standards Board announced a draft of proposals for the reform of accounting standards, which is expected to affect how financial institutions, including banks and life insurance companies, will treat their bond holdings as well as stock holdings. Although the introduction of new accounting standards is not yet imminent, could you tell us how the FSA will deal with this issue?  - 金融庁


Well, with former Minister Kamei thus having contemplated various ideas and now that one of such potential policies has actually become a reality, please tell us what your view is as to how to cater to micro-enterprises and individuals who need low-interest, small financingparticularly with respect to how Japan Post Bank's funds could be used for that purpose.  - 金融庁


Last week, a succession of major banks like Fortis and Dexia, which is a French-Belgian bank, were placed under government control, and some countries, including Germany, have taken steps to fully protect deposits at the end of the week. In light of these proactive movements in Europe, how do you view the state of the European financial system, which has become a new source of concern after the U.S. financial system?  - 金融庁


Regarding the international situation, as U.S. and European financial institutions have suffered damage, Japan is in a relatively advantageous position. What role should Japan play in the world and what does the FSA want to communicate to other countries?  - 金融庁


Now that the outline of measures related to G-SIFIs and the framework of the Basel III have been fixed, the focus of attention is expected to shift to what standards will be applied to domestic banks following the introduction of the international standards. By when and with what stance are you going to work out the standards?  - 金融庁


I have one more question. Yesterday, Resona Bank announced the leakage of information concerning 330,000 customers, and today, Alico Japan, which is an insurance company, announced that credit card information contained in customer data that leaked out was used illegally. Could you tell us whether the FSA is considering taking actions such as requiring reports on the management of personal information by financial institutions?  - 金融庁


Over the weekend, the leaders of Britain, Germany, France and Italy held a meeting to discuss the financial crisis. Some people have attributed today's stock price drop in Tokyo to the European leaders' failure to bring about results as concrete as expected through their cooperation. How do you assess Europe's response to the financial crisis and how do you view the condition of the European financial markets?  - 金融庁


Could you tell me what you think of the election of Mr. Aso as new president of the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party)? Mr. Aso’s economic policy features aggressive fiscal stimulus and preferential tax measures for securities investment. How do you assess his economic policy?  - 金融庁


Regarding the comprehensive exchange that you mentioned now, the bill includes a provision for the integration of regulation and supervision of various products. That seems to be somewhat out of sync with recent moves being made by exchanges. Could you tell me how you intend to move toward the goal of establishing the comprehensive exchange?  - 金融庁


I understand that the revisions of the Financial Inspection Manual and the Guidelines for Supervision that were announced yesterday are special measures intended to ease the burden and prevent the confusion that may be caused by the impact of the earthquake. On the other hand, maintaining the financial soundness of financial institutions is another important perspective. What is your view, or the view of the FSA, on the balance between these two matters?  - 金融庁


Regarding an earlier question, there is no provision for punishing the source of insider trading information. As punishment cannot be imposed currently, I would presume that an administrative action will be taken. Could you tell me whether you think it is necessary to consider whether to strengthen punishment?  - 金融庁


Your new supervisory policies for financial institutions contain a statement envisaging the enhancement of financial functions by way of backup for the real economy and enterprises, which seems to me to be the sort of idea that the FSA had never proposed in the past and accordingly appears to be a potential sea change. Please tell us once again what implications the supervisory policies for financial institutions involve.  - 金融庁


Regarding your trip to the United States, the outline of which you already told us about, I expect that your meeting with FRB Chairman Bernanke will attract intense attention amid the continued turmoil in the global financial market. What specific issues do you intend to discuss with Chairman Bernanke and (Securities and Exchange Commission ) Chairman Cox?  - 金融庁


There are growing concerns over the management of insurance companies and their financial soundness. How do you view the impact on insurance companies? Also, could you tell me what will be the likely amount of insurance claims payments related to this disaster, which is estimated to exceed the amount of payments in the case of the Great Hanshin Earthquake?  - 金融庁


Although the double loan problem may be a matter to be handled by the government as a whole, could you tell me about your view on how it should be dealt with? Disaster-stricken companies and people are saddled with their old and new loans and they must repay principal and interest regarding both. Do you think that the government should provide support for the repayment of old and new loans? And what support can be provided?  - 金融庁


How do you view the current condition of the stock market? Also, could you tell us how you will continue the emergency measures? Will you extend the period of the restrictions on short selling for three months, for example? If you discontinue these measures, how will you do so? Regarding short-selling, there is an argument that the information disclosure obligations should be made a permanent measure. What do you think of this argument?  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the basic policy for inspections. The FSA has announced its policy and basic plan regarding priority matters, including the implementation of inspections targeted at major banks' provision of credit to non-Japanese borrowers and the prevention of undue curbs on new loans to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and the forcible collection of outstanding loans to such enterprises. Could you tell us about the purposes and notable features of the FSA's inspections in the current program year and the future policy for inspections?  - 金融庁


Since your last press conference, a series of insider trading cases have occurred at financial institutions. It may be difficult for you to comment on the case of Aozara Bank. However, in light of the cases involving kabu.com Securities and Nomura Securities, could you tell us about your view on the fact that a succession of insider trading cases involving financial institutions have occurred, which I think is unusual?  - 金融庁


On the subject of follow-ups to the revised Money Lending Business Act enforcement, hearings and other occasions held under the predecessor organ (the Project Team on Money-Lending Systems) were open to the public – are the ones that you have just referred to not open to the public? Please tell us what kind of criteria are in place, seeing as, in relation to this subject, cases seem to vary in terms of being in public or closed.  - 金融庁



Therefore, I believe that it is appropriate to extend the period of share purchase by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation and the government subsidy for Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation of Japan for five years and I would like to submit relevant bills to the next ordinary session of the Diet.Regarding the SME Financing Facilitation Act, I understand that this will be the final extension.  - 金融庁


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