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該当件数 : 48



bring to a crisis  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


to make a disease strike inward  - 斎藤和英大辞典


run a fox to earth  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


drive the cows into the barn  - 日本語WordNet



to force a person into a difficult situation  - EDR日英対訳辞書



drive a person to despairthrow a person into despair  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


to drive the elephants into the corral  - 斎藤和英大辞典


Stamp fascism into submission  - 日本語WordNet


drive something violently into a location  - 日本語WordNet



trap consisting of an arrangement of nets directing fish into an enclosure  - 日本語WordNet



the action of chasing horses into a corral  - EDR日英対訳辞書


to be able to chase and overtake something  - EDR日英対訳辞書


to be able to drive a person into a certain situation  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Do not drive yourself and the country into a corner. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


He later forced the Takada clan to commit suicide at Ryotaku-an, which was his Bodai-ji Temple (a Buddhist temple that houses one's family grave).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But, as a result this thing was an ironical indirect cause that forced Saigo into retired from politics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hidemitsu AKECHI, Mitsuhide's male cousin came to help Mitsuhide, but Hidemasa pushed him into Sakamoto-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He played the role in the Tsuboi's resignation with his severe criticism toward the administration during his term.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To improve connection precision correctly when patterns are connected to each other on a substrate to complete a picture. - 特許庁


Comfort can spoil you. Once in a while, it can do you good to corner yourself. - Tatoeba例文


Comfort can spoil you. Once in a while, it can do you good to corner yourself (in a tight spot).  - Tanaka Corpus


He achieved great success, forcing Katsuyori TAKEDA and Nobutaka TAKEDA, father and son, to commit suicide at the Battle of Tenmokuzan before the arrival of the main force of the Nobunaga army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shirane reacted against Shinagawa's successor, Taneomi Soejima, who forcefully accused the responsible officials involved in the campaign interference and tried to punish them, and he forced Soejima to step down from the post.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, some have expressed disagreement with this idea because it could drive Osaka Monorail Co., Ltd., into a corner, which still needs to have its huge construction cost reimbursed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This fluid penetrates into ganglia or the stomach mucosa, then acts there as an attack factor, and eradicates viruses or Helicobacter pylori not by removal but by kill. - 特許庁


To precisely uniformize bending angle without using a complicated calculation formula by bending to the end without dismounting the work from a bending machine. - 特許庁


To make it difficult to reduce torque for driving a hook even when energizing force of a spring is weakened by the progress of the rotation of a driving plate. - 特許庁


To provide a piezoelectric vibrating reed which has low disconnection possibility and ensures reliability for stable operation without strictly pursuing exposure position accuracy. - 特許庁


To provide a method of controlling the light source of an atomic oscillator which controls a DC bias current into a point with the minimum intensity of transmission light. - 特許庁


To provide a feedforward amplifier that can surely and quickly lead a characteristic value to an optimum point, regardless of the input variation. - 特許庁


at all events the place remained open, and cattle could always be driven in to feed the warriors and the women and children.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』


The device is provided with a switching means 61, in the case the bend angle measured value of a work has an angle error not reaching a target angle in completing bending, to select either one of an automatic final correcting means to automatically correct an angle error or a manual final correcting means to manually correct and an angle measurement means 41 arranged at a side of a front of a bending machine. - 特許庁


Without outlining this in print, and making users aware of this, such actions may actually be illegal and put you in legal jeopardy. - Gentoo Linux


Following Hogen Monogatari (The Tale of the Hogen Disturbance), Heiji Monogatari (The Tale of Heiji), and Heike Monogatari (The Tale of the Heike), it is the last book of 'Shibu no Gassensho' (The Four War Tales) depicting how the Kamakura bakufu drove the dynasty into collapse and the process of establishing a feudal system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1333, he was asked to join the armed uprising by Takauji ASHIKAGA to overthrow the Shogunate, and Sadahisa attacked the Chinzei tandai Hidetoki HOJI along with Sadatsune SHONI and Sadamune OTOMO, forcing HOJO to commit suicide.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, the number of seats of government-affiliated candidates increased by ten seats in the areas where Kuki conducted election campaigns, including four seats in Nara, and Kuki also succeeded in making a big-shot politician from the Liberal Party (Japan), Kentaro OI, lose the election.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The backlash filling piece 60 can fill the backlash generated between the rail 30 and the slider 40 by pushing the slider 40 toward the rail 30. - 特許庁


To provide an exposure accuracy control method and a device, where a double exposure process is carried out changing an optical condition so as to make the accuracy of a position to a practical one. - 特許庁


Thus, after tentative bending, after one side bending is done until the bend angles of both left-right end parts of the work are made equal, the work is bent to a target angle, a precise uniformization of bending angle is obtained without using a complicated calculation formula and without dismounting a work from a bending machine. - 特許庁


To make it possible to manage the dimensions of magneto-resistive elements(MR elements) in accordance with the shapes or sizes of patterns for process monitor appearing on a polished surface when more precisely obtaining the dimensions of the MR element by polishing. - 特許庁

また別のよくあるサービス妨害攻撃として、踏み台攻撃 (springboard attack)と呼ばれるものがあります - これは、あるサーバを攻撃し、そこ結果として生成される応答が自分自身、ローカルネットワーク、そして他のマシンを過負荷に追い込むようにする攻撃です。例文帳に追加

Another common DoS attack is called a springboard attack -- to attack a server in a manner that causes the server to generate responses which overloads the server, the local network, or some other machine.  - FreeBSD


During this period, radical court nobles who advocated Sonno Joi ha such as Sanemi SANJO and Kintomo ANENOKOJI acted as if they were leaders of the country, using the influence of the Choshu clan to further press a government which had already yielded to the imperial messenger, and ordered the shogun to go to Kyoto, while they petitioned the emperor to grant an imperial order to expel foreigners.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, by the policy of 'the tax revenue will be not be below that of the tax revenue that the Edo Shogunate received,' the high tax rate of 3% was calculated; upon hearing this high tax rate, Takayoshi KIDO opposed the rate up to the last minute saying that the rate will drive the farmers into the more dire situation than they faced under the Edo Shogunate government; yet he belonged to people who promoted land-tax reform actively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the idling operation of the engine is performed during filling or extracting the hot water, the idling operation of the internal combustion engine is switched into fuel control to be affected by the engine temperature, where a motor or a generator is used to control an idling speed to be within a preset range. - 特許庁


In this case, the unnecessary crystal grains are grown in the crystal grain boundary guiding areas 11 arranged at both sides of the route 12, and the same crystal grains are driven into the crystal grain boundary guiding areas 11 whereby only the single crystal grain can be grown in the crystal growth area 10. - 特許庁


Later, Gonrokuro was active in Kyoto with Akimasa IKEDA as the representative, but it did not work well against Satsuma and Choshu of which lord of the domain himself stood in the front, so it was decided to have Yoshimasa retire, but Gonrokuro and Emi visited Tadaka ICHIJO for consultation because Teigoro IKEDA, Yoshimasa's son, was ingorant, and Tadaka said to 'select Mochimasa IKEDA in Mito Domain', and therefore, they submitted an opinion to the upper stratum to adopt Kuromaro.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the bubbles sucked out insufficiently by the syringe 24 remain, the remaining bubbles are moved from a measuring optical path by sucking the absorbent liquid by the syringe 24 or by delivering the once sucked absorbent liquid to conduct an operation to be returned to the upper space 16a, and are driven into a bubble reservoir formed in a position deviated from the measuring optical path. - 特許庁



The nonvolatile semiconductor memory device has a memory cell array 1 using electrically rewritable NAND cells, a column decoder 4, a bit line control circuit 2, a word line control circuit 6, and a data input/output buffer 4, wherein previous writing and confirmation reading are performed after batch erasing of data to put erased memory cells into a desired threshold-value range. - 特許庁


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原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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