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Democracy flourished in ancient Greece.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


After that, Kendo spread throughout the nation and prospered until Japan's defeat in the war.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Qing in the period of Chien Lung, it was used as an instrument for popular music.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"The Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors" reflects the rise of a nation and the army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Such images of Kagetoki took a firm hold in the Edo period when popular culture reached a height.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Due to Kagetaka's suicide, the Mongolian forces took Iki in control, and killed many islanders.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In December, he submitted a draft of law of Minpoten (legal code provides for basic stipulation related to Civil Code) and the Commercial Legal Code to prime minister Kiyotaka KURODA and the Cabinet, and in April 1890, property part, acquisition of property part, security for an obligation part and evidence part of the Civil Code and civil action were issued.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After World War II, study reports or commentaries by Kenji KURANO, Nobutsuna SAIGO, Kazutami NISHIMIYA, or Takamitsu KONOSHI were presented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This tendency became more marked from the Meiji period onwards and, with the rise of nationalism and racism, the term 'yamato-damashii' became heavily loaded.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In some regions such as (Yoshida cho, Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture), this event has been preserved and encouraged and is still held as a 'community center event.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the Edo period, with flourishing of whale hunt, whale meat became a popular lucky charm for ordinary people and was eaten at sekki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He left his diary "Akitakakyo Ki," which is held by The Kyoto University Museum (Kajujike-bon (collection of the Kajuji family)) and the National Museum of Japanese History (Tanaka-bon (collection of Yutaka TANAKA)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Historians in the Edo period praised Takakage as 'a benevolent commander who evidently protected the weak and committed to love and harmony.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Article 6 of the petition discussed 'the re-appointment of Takamori SAIGO and Taneomi SOEJIMA to establish a democratically elected local council in every prefecture.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also the public, due to a flourishing of the study of Japanese classical literature, called for the revival of the Jingikan to save the nation in a time of crisis.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An "increase in the service industry" is considered to be both the prosperity of labor-intensive services (in particular, the prosperity of homemaking services, restaurant business, etc. that immigrants find easy to engage in)associated with the improvement in income and the "competition to secure talent" such as financial services and IT services associated with technological advances. - 経済産業省

だが、1861年に教恩寺の壁に七言絶句「本是神州清潔 謬為仏奴説同塵 如今棄仏仏休咎 本是神州清潔」を書き残して出奔、大和国法寺村東福寺の駒塚の茅屋に住み、勤王志士として活動した。例文帳に追加

But in 1861, he ran away, leaving behind shichigon zekku (a Chinese poem of four lines, each of seven characters) scripted on the wall of Kyoon-ji Temple that read 'Although I essentially value the purity of Japan, which is a divine land/I made an error and became a priest to preach Buddhism/Now I am going to abandon ascetic practices, but do not accuse me Buddha,/For I essentially value the purity of Japan, which is a divine land,' and lived in a thatched-roof hut in Komazuka, Tofuku-ji, Horyu-ji Village in Yamato Province and involved in activities as a loyal supporter of the Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, during the Edo period it was enjoyed by common people as a target practicing game for gambling managed by matoya, and flourished during the latter part of the Edo period even as an undesirable aspect of entertainment and amusement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His other reforms include the reorganization of the ladies chambers, considering public opinion in policy-making by means of installing opinion boxes, improving health care service by establishing Koishikawa Yojosho hospital, and partially lifting the ban on importing western books (one factor that later led to the active studies of Western sciences).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Japanese government felt a strong sense of crisis over Russia which sent more soldiers and immigrants to Sakhalin and pushed Japan into an inferior position, and established the Sakhalin Development Commission in 1870, and the vice chief of the Commission, Kiyotaka KURODA, was assigned to oversee the administrative matters of Sakhalin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sangi (the Councilor) Taisuke ITAGAKI insisted that Japan dispatch the military for protecting Japanese residents in Korea, whereas Takamori SAIGO opposed to send the military and insisted that he himself go to Korea as an ambassador.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the occasion of the kaechi, the shogunal envoys Katsutaka MATSUDAIRA and Genzaemon Kichiji SONE passed a verbal message to the residents of the transferred territory, saying "As for any issues concerning the terrain (literally "mountains and rivers"), they shall be the same as before."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Takamoto was just as capable as his father, and committed himself to the education of the people, changing the name of Shintokukan, the clan school, to Tokushinkan and founding six local schools in the following year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He served for three terms in the Diet while belonging to the LDP. I was the secretary-general of the group of Diet members in Kyushu and he served as deputy secretary-general. Mr. Takami Eto was the chairman.  - 金融庁


Later in the Edo Period, yokyu combined with the common 'festival bows and arrows' ritual to became a gambling game called 'matoya' (written with the characters for 'target' and 'arrow') run by people who were also called 'matoya' (written with the characters for 'target' and 'monger') and which prospered from the late Edo Period through the Taisho Period (1912 - 1926), although it was occasionally banned as it was considered to be undesirable gambling and to corrupt public morals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While the middle stage of Mikkyo became a complicated system of Buddhism for priests, it couldn't become widespread among Indian people and therefore couldn't change the trend whereby Hinduism, which emphasized daily religious services and folk beliefs, flourished and expanded.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The events are mainly Buddhist memorial services where the practitioners, who went through purifying themselves (religiously) by abstaining from eating meat and are called rengyoshu (the eleven priests participate in Shuni-e held at Nigatsudo hall of Todaiji Temple), confess their sins by themselves and through their kudoku (pious act), pray to Eleven-faced Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) in Nigatsu-do Hall for the prosperity of Buddhism, the peaceful world, the affluent life for the national, huge harvest (of cereals) and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The above coincides with the fact that many apparitions were created by painters in this period, a peaceful time in which the culture of ordinary people was prosperous and folklore did not exist, and that "the Edo period was a recycling society without parallel in the world" as researchers of the Edo period, such as Hinako SUGIURA, have pointed out.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During this period when the Onmyodo was flourishing, there was a shortage of Onmyoji, and the Onmyoji that accompanied kokushi (provincial governors) and Zuryo (the head of the provincial governors) to local regions started to promulgate Onmyodo in the local regions (which eventually led to an appearance of Onmyoji for local communities).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Subsequently, the necessity to create a national army for a modern nation under centralized administrative framework was recognized, and Takamori SAIGO finally supported Yamagata's opinion and turned down the opposing opinions by Toshiaki KIRINO and others, even after Yamagata was forced into resignation due to the Yamashiroya incident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The act by the Imperial Court led to the actual relief reminded the people of the existence of the Imperial Court, which had been almost forgotten throughout the Edo period due to the tight control on the Imperial Court by the bakufu, as a result this incident became one of the causes to rise the sonnoron (imperial loyalism).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


KONO broke with the precedent and added words such as, 'Now the national prosperity meets a chance in a million, but the Cabinet doesn't follow this and the internal administration takes a stopgap policy so that we lose the chance in diplomacy' into Hotobun and impeached the Cabinet, so that he could let the Meiji emperor know of people's voice.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1873 when politics became complicated with the issue of the drastic theory against Korea, and political change occurring in Meiji 6, the Emperor worked as a mediator to stop the conflict within the government, by stopping Takamori SAIGO's armed force from going to Korea by issuing the Emperor's official order, and he proceeded to issue an Imperial rescript to establish a gradual constitutional government while there was a Freedom and People's Rights Movement between 1874 and 1875.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, Tsuneo KANEMITSU, Takeru INUKAI, and Masataka OTA did not belong to either the orthodoxy faction or the reformists when the party split and they became 'the neutral faction' (also referred to as Kanemitsu faction) and in the following year, that is in 1940, councilors of orthodoxy faction who supported expulsion of Saito concerning the issue of the expulsion of Takao SAITO of Minsei Party (civil administration party) from the House of Representatives became isolated in the faction and joined the neutral faction, and then the neutral faction renamed their faction 'the unificationists.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


So Ito was obliged to have Inoue step down and took his political enemies Shigenobu OKUMA and Kiyotaka KURODA into cabinet as a Minister of Foreign Affair and a Minister of Agriculture and Commerce respectively, and set out to suppress the Freedom and People's Rights Movement Party, however, he resigned from prime minister to assume as Chairman of the Privy Council with the view to concentrating on the establishment of constitution and Former Imperial House Act.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition to those Ranpeki's pursuit of foreign goods, and the fact that the new academic subject of Rangaku became widely accepted, the party was held from those time, not being tied to traditional Japanese New Year events, but as the place for the scholars to get together and exchange the latest information to increase their knowledge.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Of the New Meiji Government, there were three virtual saisho (prime minister), Takayoshi KIDO proposed the Constitution of 1868 as a full-time advisor to the General Bureau in 1868 and contributed to structuring the frame of the new government and state system through "kanri kosen (public election of government officials)", sangi naikaku sei (councilor cabinet system), Takamori SAIGO led the government and carried out remaining various policies such as shimin byodo (equality of all people) while some of highest ranks of governments were away on inspection trip to America and Europe (Iwakura Mission), Toshimichi OKUBO began to reign as if Otto von Bismarck after the Meiji roku-nen no Seihen (the political change in 1873, starting from disputes over Seikanron (debate on subjugation of Korea)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

大将に悪右衛門督信頼、その子 新侍従藤原信親、信頼の実兄にあたる兵部権大輔藤原家頼、部権少輔藤原基成、弟の尾張少将藤原信説、そのほかに伏見源中納言源師仲、越後中将藤原成親、治部卿兼通、伊予前司信員、壱岐守貞知、但馬守有房、兵庫頭源頼政、出雲前司源光保(光保)、伊賀守光基、河内守源季実、その子息左衛門尉季盛、義朝はじめ源氏一門ではまず左馬頭義朝を筆頭に、長子鎌倉悪源太源義平、次男中宮大夫進源朝長、三男兵衛佐源頼朝、義朝の叔父陸奥六郎義、義朝の弟新宮十郎源行家、従兄弟の佐渡式部大輔(大夫)源重成、平賀四郎平賀義宣とある。例文帳に追加

Generals were: the Evil Uemon no kami (Captain of the Right Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace) Nobuyori; his child, the new Chamberlain FUJIWARA no Nobuchika; Nobuyori's own elder brother FUJIWARA no Ieyori the Hyobu no Gon no Taifu (provisional senior assistant minister of Hyobusho Ministry of Military), Minbugonshofu (Junior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Popular Affairs) FUJIWARA no Motonari; younger brother FUJIWARA no Motonari the Owari Shosho (Minor captain of Owari Province); in addition, Middle counselor of Fushimi-Genji (Minamoto clan) MINAMOTO no Moronaka; Middle captain of Echigo FUJIWARA no Narichika; jibukyo (Minister of the Ministry of Civil Administration) Kanemichi; the former official of Iyo Province Nobutaka; Sadatomo the Governor of Iki Province; Arifusa the Governor of Tanba Province; MINAMOTO no Yorimasa the Head of Hyogo; MINAMOTO no Mitsuyasu the former official of Izuo Province (Mitsuyasu); Mitsumoto the Governor of Iga Province; MINAMOTO no Suezane the Governor of Kawachi; their children Suemori the saemon-no-jo (Secretary of the Left Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace Guard) for the first time in the Minamoto clan Yoshitomo was first on the list for Sama no kami (Chief of the Bureau of Horses); his eldest son Kamakura aku (evil) Genta MINAMOTO no Yoshihira; his second son MINAMOTO no Asanaga was chugudaifu (Master of the Empress' Palace); third son MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was Hyoe no suke (Assistant at Headquarters of the Middle Palace Guard); Yoshitomo's uncle Rokuro MUTSU Yoshitaka; Yoshitomo's younger brothers Juro SHINGU and MINAMOTO no Yukiie; cousin MINAMOTO no Shigenari who was Sado shikibu taiyu (the assistant minister of the Ceremonial Ministry, and also in charge of Sado Province) (Grand Master); and also Shirohei Hiraga and Yoshinori Hiraga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Recently, the publishing world has seen a stream of books come out one after another that have a tone of accusation against those who represent a pro-U.S. stance, including "Heizo Takenaka Is the One Who Needs to Testify" by Makoto Sataka, "'Defeat and Fall' of a BOJ Elite" by Takashi Arimori, which is a book denouncing Takeshi Kimura, and "Japan's Independence" by Kazuhide Uekusa. What is occurring parallel to this trend is the recent increase in the number of comments posted on the Internet in support of PNP, of which Mr. Kamei is the chief, or Minister Jimi. In view of the unfolding turn of events, including the establishment of an inspection committee for the Incubator Bank of Japan, please let us know how you consider the state of affairs that I just described?  - 金融庁


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