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Now some say that Paris, by art magic, put on the appearance of Menelaus, and asked Helen to come sailing with him, and that she, thinking he was her husband, followed him, and he carried her across the wide waters of Troy, away from her lord and her one beautiful little daughter, the child Hermione. 例文帳に追加

さて、ある話では、パリスは魔法の技でメネラーオスの姿になり、ヘレネーに一緒に船出しようと言い、それが自分の夫だと思っているヘレネーは彼について行き、パリスはヘレネーを、その主人と美しく小さな一人娘、子供のヘルミオーネから引き離してトロイアへ広い海を越えて運んだということだ。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

The rich heiress that Bassanio wished to marry lived near Venice, at a place called Belmont: her name was Portia, and in the graces of her person and her mind she was nothing inferior to that Portia, of whom we read, who was Cato's daughter, and the wife of Brutus. 例文帳に追加

さて、バサーニオが結婚したいと考えていた例の金持ちの女相続人は、ヴェニスの近くのベルモントと呼ばれるところに住んでいて、名をポーシャと言った。その容姿も内面もとても優雅で、私たちが本で読むところの、ケイトーの娘にしてブルータスの妻であったあのポーシャにも決してひけを取らなかった。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

The Empress gets the First Order of the Precious Crown (Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown) when she gets married; crown prince, the son of crown prince, and Imperial Prince get Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum when they come of age; Crown Princess, the daughter of Crown Prince and Imperial Princess (wife of Imperial Prince) get the First Order of the Precious Crown when they are engaged; Imperial Princess (daughter of the Emperor) gets the First Order of the Precious Crown when she reaches maturity; King (of the Imperial family) gets Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun with Paulownia Flower (the Order of the Paulownia Flowers); and both Queen-wife of the King and sister of the King of the Imperial family-get the Second Order of the Precious Crown (the Order of the Precious Crown, Peony) when they are engaged and come of age respectively. 例文帳に追加

皇后は大婚成立時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、皇太子・皇太孫は成年時に大勲位菊花大綬章、皇太子妃・皇太孫妃は婚約成立時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、親王は成年時に大勲位菊花大綬章、親王妃は婚約成立時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、内親王は成年時に勲一等宝冠章(宝冠大綬章)、王は成年時に勲一等旭日桐花大綬章(桐花大綬章)、王妃は婚約成立時に勲二等宝冠章(宝冠牡丹章)、女王は成年時に勲二等宝冠章(宝冠牡丹章)を叙勲することとされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Sendai Kujihongi" (Ancient Japanese History), she is described as a daughter of Amehikatakushihikata no mikoto, called Nunasokohime no mikoto, as the following phrase describes:三世 天日 日向 一男一女 中底 天皇 安寧 皇后 誕生 大日本根子 懿德 磯城 (意味不明のため訳出不能). 例文帳に追加

『先代旧事本紀』では「三世孫天日方奇日方命亦名阿田都久志尼命此命娶日向賀牟度美良姬生一男一女兒健飯勝命妹渟中底姬命此命片鹽浮穴宮天皇安寧片鹽浮穴宮或本坐輕地曲峽宮立為皇后誕生四兒即大日本根子彥耜友天懿德次常津命次磯城津彥命次手研彥奇友背命也」とあり渟中底姬命といい、天日方奇日方命の娘。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Motohiro was known as the Kugyo who promoted the shogunate marital union with the imperial family, he strongly opposed the Koka (marriage of an imperial princess to a subject) of Yasonomiya (Imperial Princess Yoshiko), the daughter of the Retired Emperor Reigen, to Shogun Ietsugu TOKUGAWA after the death of Ienobu under recommendation from Hakuseki ARAI (this was probably due to an attempt by Ietsugu's biological mother, Gekkoin, to get rid of Retired Emperor Reigen, who tried to improve the relation with the bakufu, and Hiroko KONOE (who became a monk called Teneiin)), and did not forget to distance himself from the bakufu as Choshin (Imperial retainer). 例文帳に追加

とかく親幕派・公武合体を進めた公卿として知られるが、一方で家宣の死後に新井白石の斡旋で行われた霊元上皇皇女の八十宮(吉子内親王)の将軍徳川家継への降嫁(これは一転して幕府との関係改善に乗り出した霊元上皇と近衛熈子(出家して天英院)の排除を策する家継生母月光院との思惑の一致による側面もあった)には朝廷の尊厳を損なうとして強く反対するなど朝臣として幕府とは距離をとることも忘れなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The reason for his Kaieki, punishment, was technically said as the unauthorized marriage of the adopted daughter of Tadachika and Shigenobu YAMAGUCHI, however, there are many theories on the real reasons such as the one by the Incident of Nagayasu OKUBO, or by the conspiracy of Masanobu HONDA and Masazumi HONDA, or by Ieyasu who had the intention to get rid of the Toyotomi government alienated Tadachika who had a close relationship with Saigoku Daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in western Japan) and might present a peace plan (according to the "Tadayo and Tadachika OKUBO, the Lord of the Odawara Domain" written by Kuniteru MITSUGI) but the clear reason has not been known. 例文帳に追加

改易の理由は表向きには忠隣の養女と山口重信との無断婚姻が理由とされているが、実際の理由は大久保長安事件によるとする説や本多正信・正純による策謀とする説、豊臣政権を一掃しようと考えていた家康が、西国大名と親しく、また和平論を唱える可能性のあった忠隣を遠ざけたとする説(三津木國輝『小田原藩主大久保忠世・忠隣』)など諸説あり、明確な理由は不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the legend written in "Tomomitsu Ko Ki" (biography of Tomomitsu Ko [Ko means His Serene Highness]), he was born, during Yoritomo's exile in Izu Province, to Yoritomo and the daughter of Samukawa no Ama who had been performing his mother's roll; after birth he was sent to the Hatta family, Samukawa no Ama's parents home, to be taken care of, then raised as the third son (some say the fourth son) of Masamitsu OYAMA and Samukawa no Ama; but there can be found utterly no mentioning to this story in the first rated history books of that timesuch as the "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East) which was the official record of bakufutherefore it is widely believed that this story is nothing but a mere supposition. 例文帳に追加

『朝光公記』によれば、伊豆配流中の頼朝の世話をしていた寒河尼の娘との間に生まれ、寒河尼の実家・八田氏へ預けられた後、小山政光と寒河尼の三男(四男説もある)として育てられたというのが、その伝説の筋であるが、幕府の公式記録『吾妻鏡』をはじめとする当時の一級資料には、一切、このことには触れられていないことから、推測の域を出ないというのが大方の見方である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The things about this concubine, including her existence, is not clear at all, but it is highly possible that she is a daughter of the Ujiie clan or a powerful local lord of West Mino associated with the Ujiie clan because of the following data: Nobutaka was placed with Yukihiro UJIIE, the second son of Naomoto UJIIE of the Three of West Mino; when Naoshige UJIIE, the first son of Naomoto, supported Nobutaka () at the battle of Nobutaka ODA (織田) versus Hideyoshi, Nobutaka () was also placed in confinement at home in Utsunomiya with Yukihiro (being placed in confinement at home can be interpreted as having been implicated as a relative). 例文帳に追加

この側室については存在を含め一切不明であるが、後に信高が西美濃三人衆の氏家直元の次子である氏家行広に預けられていること、直元長男の氏家直重が織田信孝と秀吉の戦いに際して信孝についた折、行広と共に信高も宇都宮で蟄居していることから、氏家氏か氏家氏ゆかりの西美濃の有力国人の娘である可能性が高い(蟄居するということは、縁者として連座したと解釈できる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While, as a kajin (waka poet) of the Kyogoku school of poetry, he had 24 poems of his own adopted in Chokusen wakashu (anthologies of Japanese poetry compiled by Imperial command) subsequent to Shingosen Wakashu (New Later Collection of Japanese poems), it is said that he had little political ability, and it is recorded in the articles of March 26 and 27 of the first year of Bunpo era (in the old lunar calendar, that is, May 15 and 16 of 1317 in the Gregorian calendar) of "Hanazono Tenno Shinki" (The Records of Emperor Hanazono) that when Kinaki was in charge of writing Omagaki (a list of candidates) of Agatameshi no jimoku (ceremony for appointing local officials), because he didn't know the manner, he learned it from the husband of his daughter, Michihira NIJO, in the presence of Emperor Hanazono, and that the emperor who wrote these records was indignant at their behaviors. 例文帳に追加

京極派の歌人として新後撰和歌集以下の勅撰和歌集に計24首採録されているが、政治的才能には乏しかったとされ、『花園天皇宸記』文保元年3月26・27日条には公顕が県召除目の大間書執筆を担当した際に、その作法が分らずに娘婿の二条道平が天皇の御前で舅に教えている有様に記主である花園天皇が憤慨したことが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On December 21, 1196, chugu (Palace of the Empress) Ninshi KUJO was expelled from kokyu (empress's residence) and on the 23rd of the same month, kanpaku Kanezane KUJO was dismissed and was replaced by Motomichi KONOE; Takayosho ICHIJO, whose mother was the sister of Yoritomo, Bomon hime, was appointed as sangi, Kintsune SAIONJI, the husband of Bomon hime's daughter, was appointed as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), and on the 24th of the same month, Jien, the head priest of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, was ordered to stay inside the residence, and FUJIWARA no Kanefusa, the Grand Minister, was reshuffled (both Jien and Kanefusa were both Kanezane's younger brother-uterine). 例文帳に追加

翌建久7年(1196年)の11月23日に中宮九条任子が後宮から退去させられ、同月25日関白九条兼実が罷免され、近衛基通が関白に、頼朝の妹・坊門姫を母とする一条高能が参議に、坊門姫の娘を妻とする西園寺公経が蔵人頭にそれぞれ任じられ、同月26日に天台座主慈円が籠居を命じられ、太政大臣藤原兼房(太政大臣)も更迭された(慈円・兼房はともに兼実の同母弟)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The tritium monitor comprises using a highly pure nitrogen gas as a carrier gas, being discharged in the carrier gas by selectively separating steam in a sample gas 100 with a steam separator 6, interrupting the carrier gas from radon, tron, its daughter nuclide or the other gaseous radioactive substance since the carrier gas containing the discharged water vapor is introduced into a measuring ionization chamber 16 to find tritium concentration from the ionized amount.例文帳に追加

純度の高い窒素ガスをキャリヤガスとして使用し、サンプルガス100中の水蒸気を水蒸気分離器6で選択的に分離してキャリヤガス中に放出し、放出された水蒸気を含むキャリヤガスを測定用電離箱16に導入してその電離量からトリチウム濃度を求めるようにしたので、キャリヤガスをラドン、トロンおよびその娘核種やその他のガス状放射性物質から遮断することができ、高感度でトリチウム濃度を測定することができる。 - 特許庁

To reduce the number of assembly works for a conductive case capable of preventing electromagnetic waves, etc., from leaking through gaps on the case which houses members radiating electromagnetic waves, etc., inside, facilitate mounting/removing various boards such as mother boards, daughter boards, etc., reliably and easily ground various boards to the conductive case, and prevent electromagnetic waves from leaking from the conductive case.例文帳に追加

内部に電磁波等を放射する部材を収納している導電性ケースの隙間から電磁波等が漏洩するのを防止することができる導電性ケースにおいて、導電性ケースの組み立て作業数を減少させ、マザーボード、ドータボード等の各種ボードの着脱作業を容易に行うことができ、各種ボードと導電性ケースとのアース接続を確実かつ容易に行え、且つ導電性ケースからの電磁波の漏洩を防止すること。 - 特許庁

Utaemon performed many successful characters in his lifetime, and those were Shirabyoshi (women who play Shirabyoshi (Japanese traditional dance)) Hanako of "Kyo Kanokomusume Dojoji" (The maiden at Dojo Temple), Yatsuhashi of "Kago Tsurube Satono Eizame" (Basket bucket in red-light district), Yukihime of "Gion Sairei Shinkoki" (The Gion Festival Chronicle of Faith)(Kinkaku-ji Temple), Tokihime of "Kamakura Sandaiki, Kinugawa-mura" (Three Generations of the Kamakura Shogunate in Kinugawa Village), Yaegaki-hime of "Honcho Niju-shi ko, Jusshuko" (24 Paragons of Filial Piety of our Country, Incense Burning), "Oiwa of "Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan" (Tokaido Yotsuya Ghost Stories), Sadaka and Omiwa of "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" (An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue in Mt. Imose), Yodogimi of "Hototogisu Kojo no Rakugetsu" (The Sinking Moon over the Lonely Castle Where the Cuckoo Cries), Tonase of "Kanadehon Chushingura, Kudanme" (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, 9th act), Komachi and Sumizome of "Tsumoru Koiyuki no Seki no To" (The Barrier Gate), Umegawa of "Koibikyaku Yamato Orai, Ninokuchi-mura" (The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway, Ninokuchi Village), Tamate-Gozen of "Gappo Anjitsu (hermitage of Gappo), Sesshu Gappo ga Tsuji (A Kabuki Drama of Unfettered Evil)," Masaoka of "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" (The trouble in the Date Clan), Onoue of "Kagamiyama Kokyo no Nishikie" (old brocade pictures of Mt. Kagami), Hanjo of "Sumida-gawa Gonichi no Omokage" (Latter-day Reflections of the Sumida-gawa River), and he acted many types of female roles, such as a daughter, princess, Katahazushi (female role of nyobo (a court lady) of a samurai family or goten jochu (palace maid)), and keisei (courtesans with high dignity and literacy). 例文帳に追加

歌右衛門生涯の当たり役は非常に多く、『京鹿子娘道成寺』の白拍子花子、『籠釣瓶花街酔醒(籠釣瓶)』の八つ橋、『祗園祭礼信仰記(金閣寺)』の雪姫、『鎌倉三代記・絹川村』の時姫、『本朝廿四孝・十種香』の八重垣姫、『東海道四谷怪談』のお岩、『妹背山婦女庭訓(妹背山)』の定高、お三輪、『沓手鳥孤城落月(孤城落月)』の淀君、『仮名手本忠臣蔵・九段目』の戸無瀬、『積恋雪関扉(関の扉)』の小町と墨染、『恋飛脚大和往来・新口村』の梅川、『攝州合邦辻・合邦庵室』の玉手御前、『伽羅先代萩』の政岡、『鏡山旧錦絵(鏡山)』の尾上、『隅田川続俤(隅田川)』の班女など、娘形から姫、片はずし、傾城に至るまで、あらゆる女形の領域をこなした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Officai history confirmed that there are many Hi in ancient times, certain ones were Imperial Princess Sakahito (Imperial Princess of Emperor Konin, younger maternal half-sister of Emperor Kanmu), Emperor Kanmu's empress, Princess Asahara, Emperor Heizei's empress and Imperial Princess Oyake (both Imperial Princesses of Emperor Kanmu, younger maternal half-sister of Emperor Heizei), Princess Takatsu (Imperial Princess of Emperor Kanmu, younger maternal half-sister of Emperor Heizei) and TAJIHI no Takako (daughter of TAJIHI no ujinokami, upgraded from Fujin [consort of emperor]), both of them were Emperor Saga's empress, Imperial Princess Ishi (Imperial Princess of Emperor Koko, aunt of Emperor Daigo), Emperor Daigo's Empress, and as wife of prince (crown princess in modern time), Princess Ahe (Imperial Princess of Emperor Tenchi, aunto of Prince Kusakabe, but Prince didn't ascended the throne because he died), Prince Kusakabe's wife, and Imperial Princess Koshi (Imperial Princess of Emperor Kanmu, younger maternal half-sister of Imperial Prince Otomo, but the princess died before the prince ascended the crown prince and the throne), Imperial Prince Otomo's wife. 例文帳に追加

古代の妃に関して、正史などによって確実なのは桓武天皇妃酒人内親王(光仁天皇皇女・桓武天皇異母妹)、平城天皇妃朝原内親王及び大宅内親王(ともに桓武天皇皇女・平城天皇異母妹)、嵯峨天皇妃高津内親王(桓武天皇皇女・嵯峨天皇異母妹)、同多治比高子(多治比氏守娘・夫人からの昇格)、醍醐天皇妃為子内親王(光孝天皇皇女・醍醐天皇叔母)であり、他に皇太妃(現在の皇太子妃)として草壁皇子妃阿閇皇女(天智天皇皇女・草壁皇子叔母、ただし皇子は即位せずに死去)、その他の例として大伴親王妃高志内親王(桓武天皇皇女・大伴親王異母妹、ただし妃は親王の立太子・即位前に死去)の例が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During that time, in 1163, he was in political peril, such as his banishment from the clan (as a part of the direct petition by Kofuku-ji Temple, Kofuku-ji betto (the head priest of Kofuku-ji Temple) notified the uji no choja (the head of the clan) of the banishing of the clan member who disadvantaged the Uji-dera Temple (temple built for praying clan's glory) and Uji-sha Shrine (shrine built for praying clan's glory), and unless the banishment was rescinded the banished clan member was not allowed to serve in the Imperial Court and the execution of his youger step brother, FUJIWARA no Narichika (his mother was a daughter of FUJIWARA no Tsunetada), for participating in Emperor Goshirakawa's scheme to bring down the Taira clan (the Shikagatani Plot), because he angered Kofuku-ji Temple for supporting the pro-Taira clan Enryaku-ji Temple at gijo no ba (the site where an agreement was to take place) during Kofuku-ji Temple and Enryaku-ji Temple Feuding Incident, but Takasue, who maintained an amicable relationship with the Taira clan, stood firmly on his ground. 例文帳に追加

その間の長寛3年(1163年)、興福寺・延暦寺の抗争事件に際して、議定の場で親平氏の延暦寺を支持したことで興福寺の怒りを買い、放氏される(興福寺の強訴の一環として、氏寺・氏社に不利益をもたらした氏人の追放を興福寺別当から氏長者に通告する、追放が解除されない限り朝廷に出仕できない)、異母弟の藤原成親(母は藤原経忠の女)が後白河の平氏打倒計画に参加して処刑される(鹿ケ谷の陰謀)などの政治的危機もあったが、平氏との友好関係を維持した隆季の立場が揺らぐことはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It can also be assumed that Nobunaga could never divorce Nohime due to a dispute with the Saito clan led by Dosan's opposing older brother Yoshitatsu SAITO, because it was essential for Nobunaga to keep Nohime as his lawful wife, for he received the letter from Dosan in which Dosan appointed his son-in-law Nobunaga as successor of Mino Province, and in addition, it can be understood that Nohime did not die of sickness or some other reasons before the Capture of Mino Province, in view of the fact that Nohime encouraged the attack on Mino Province for she was the daughter of Dosan and was linked by blood to the Akechi clan, a branch of the Toki clan (however, she wouldn't be linked by blood to the Toki clan if Yoshitatsu was actually the son of Dosan), which could give her husband Nobunaga a good reason to be the legitimate successor of Mino Province, and also that the high-ranking officials of Mino Province were treated the same way as those of Owari Province. 例文帳に追加

また婿である信長を美濃国の後継者と定めた道三の国譲状がある以上は、濃姫を正室としておくことが信長にとっても必用不可欠であった事もあり、その道三と対立した、兄・斎藤義龍筋の斎藤氏との諍いにより離縁して実家に返したという可能性は考えられず、美濃攻略を推し進めて行った背景には道三息女であり、また土岐氏の傍流明智氏の血を引く濃姫の(義龍が道三実子であった場合、土岐氏と血縁関係はない事になる)、婿である信長こそ正統な美濃の後継者であるという大義名分があったためという推測も成り立つこと、美濃攻略後に美濃衆が尾張衆と同様に待遇されていることからも、濃姫が美濃攻略前に病気などで亡くなったという可能性もないと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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