
「donated」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(11ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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One of the most important documents for the study of Gyoki, "Gyoki Nenpu" (The Gyoki Chronicle), which was completed in 1175, explains that the predecessor of Kiko-ji Temple, Sugawara-dera Temple, was originally the house of TERA no Fuhitomaru, who donated it to Gyoki, and the building became one of 49 temples built by Gyoki. 例文帳に追加

行基研究の基礎文献の一つである『行基年譜』(安元元年・1175年成立)によれば、喜光寺の前身である菅原寺は、養老5年(721年)、寺史乙丸なる人物が自らの住居を行基に寄進して寺としたものであって、行基建立の四十九院の一つであるとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, almost all the lectures given by professors of Kyoto Imperial University, and the endowment act of 'Ritsumeikan Foundation,' which would be established later based on Kyoto Hosei School, specified that all holdings would be donated to Kyoto Imperial University when the Foundation dissolved. 例文帳に追加

事実、講義のほぼ全てが京都帝国大学教授により行われていたほか、京都法政学校を母体にのちに設立される「財団法人立命館」の寄付行為には、財団解散時には所有財産の全てが京都帝国大学に寄付されることなどが明記されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of the buildings of Doshisha were made of bricks, but the first building was made of wood, the first brick building was Shoeikan (the oldest brick building existing in Kyoto) which was completed in 1884 that was donated from the American Board. 例文帳に追加

レンガ造りの建物がほとんどを占める同志社の建物だが最初に建てられたものは木造で、同志社に初めて登場するレンガ造りの建物は1884年に完成したアメリカン・ボードより寄付された彰栄館(京都で現存する最古のレンガ造り)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saionji used his political power and network to contribute to Kyoto Hosei School, an evening law school (Ritsumeikan University), including Saionji's biological younger brother, Takemaro SUEHIRO, who became the executive officer of the school, and another biological younger brother, Tomoito SUMITOMO, head of Sumitomo Zaibatsu, who donated large sums to the school. 例文帳に追加

西園寺の実弟末弘威麿が学園幹事に就任、同じく実弟の住友財閥当主住友友純が大口の寄付を行うなど、西園寺は自分の持つ政治力、人脈用いて京都法政学校(立命館大学)に協力した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the provision for the 'act of endowment' of the 'Ritsumeikan Foundation,' the entity established with Kyoto Housei School as its parent organization, there was a clause that clearly mentioned that when the foundation would be dissolved, all properties would be donated to Kyoto Imperial University, and this clause was representative of a certain connection with 'the sense of oneness' towards Kyoto Imperial University which KINOSHITA indicated. 例文帳に追加

のちに京都法政学校を母体にして設立する「財団法人立命館」の「寄付行為」には、財団解散時には所有財産の全てが京都帝国大学に寄付されると明記されていたが、これは木下の示唆した京都帝大との「同心一体」につながるものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In particular, in the Art institute of Chicago, he learned that an American rich man, Marshall FIELD donated one million dollars to conserve this building and he made up his mind that, his mission was to build social facilities. 例文帳に追加

とくにシカゴ美術館で、この建物の保存にアメリカの富豪マーシャル・フィールドが100万ドルを寄付したことを知り、深く心に期すところがあり、自ら社会的使命の1つとして公共用の施設を建設したいとの希望をもつに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, however, the story that TAIRA no Yasuyori repaired the neglected grave of Yoshitomo, erected a temple building (the predecessor of Omido-ji Temple) and donated 297510 square meters of paddy fields had become more widely known, with the result that the retainers' memorial column was mistaken for Yasuyori's grave.' 例文帳に追加

「それが後年になって、平康頼が義朝の墓(この墓でなく以前にあった墓)が荒れているのを修理して、堂宇を建て(大御堂寺の前身)水田三十町歩を寄進したという話の方が有名になり、家臣の供養塔を康頼の墓と誤り伝えたものである。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, in 1598, he donated approximately eight hectare patch of land and fourteen koku (a unit of volume) of a temple estate, had the biggest Buddhist temple in a castle town built, and gathered thirteen Shinshu sect temples in the Murayama area as tatchu (sub-temples in the site of the main temple), maintaining the town which would be called as a temple town later. 例文帳に追加

さらに慶長3年(1598年)、八町四方の土地と寺領14石を寄進し城下最大の伽藍を建立、敷地に村山地方の真宗寺院十三ケ寺を塔頭として集め、のちに寺町と呼ばれるようになる町を整備した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The General's flag hoisted over the flagship Mikasa during the Battle of Tsushima was donated by Togo to the HMS Worcester possessing the training ship 'Worcester,' for cadets, where he used to study, when he attended Imperial Prince Higashihushiminomiya Yorihito, on behalf of the Emperor Meiji, to participate in the coronation ceremony of George V (King of Britain) in 1911. 例文帳に追加

日本海海戦の際、旗艦三笠に掲げられた大将旗は1911年に、イギリス国王のジョージ5世(イギリス王)の戴冠式に明治天皇の名代、東伏見宮依仁親王に随行して出席した際、かつての留学先だった海員練習船「ウースター」校に寄贈されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture (former Yamaguchi-mura Village, Nagano Prefecture), there is the Higashiyama Kaii Kokoro-no-Tabiji (Spiritual Journey) Art Gallery with a collection of about 500 woodblock prints which were donated later to express his appreciation for a warm reception he was given when he was caught in a heavy shower during a camping trip in his days in the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. 例文帳に追加

また、美術学校時代のキャンプ旅行の途中、激しい夕立に遇った際に温かいもてなしを受けたことに感謝して後に寄贈された約500点の版画を収蔵する東山魁夷心の旅路館が、岐阜県中津川市(旧長野県山口村)にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the history of Shotenzan Kangi-in Temple (located in present-day Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture) relating to the foundation of Sanemori showed that he took over the estate of Nagainosho in Hatara County, Musashi Province (present-day Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture) after Sanemori's death, and donated to such Temple a statue of Eleven-faced Kannon and Mishotai shakujo gashira (a head of a priest's pewter staff considered as the principal object of worship). 例文帳に追加

一方、実盛死後に武蔵国幡羅郡長井庄(現埼玉県熊谷市)を継ぎ、実盛創建に係る聖天山歓喜院(埼玉県熊谷市)に十一面観音と御正躰錫杖頭を寄進したことが同院の縁起に見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

TAIRA no Masamori was from the Sadamori branch of the Kanmu-Taira clan and his father, Masahira, was not such a powerful member among the warrior aristocracy, but donated his property in Iga Province in 1097 to the Rokujyo-in Temple (Retired Emperor Shirakawa's daughter, Ikuhomonin no Mido) and established Tomoda no sho. 例文帳に追加

平正盛は、桓武平氏貞盛流の伊勢平氏に出自し、その父の正衡までは軍事貴族の中でもそれほど有力な一族ではなかったが、永長2年(1097年)伊賀国の所領を六条院(白河上皇の娘・郁芳門院の御堂)に寄進して鞆田荘を成立させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shoens during the Tang and Sung dynasty did not have the right of tax exemption and the right to keep the tax agents from entering the property, but the lands from the Emperor were exempt from taxation and the shoens owned by bureaucrats had the right of tax exemptions and so some farmers donated their shoens to the bureaucrats so as to escape from heavy tax burden. 例文帳に追加

唐や宋の荘園には不輸不入の権限は存在しなかったものの、皇帝からの恩賜地は租税を減免され、官僚所有の荘園には免役特権が存在したため、農民が重い税負担から逃れるために荘園を官僚に寄進する例も見られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And in order to avoid one's domain being confiscated into Koryo (an Imperial demesne), they donated their land as shoen (manor in medieval Japan) to Juryoso (career provincial class) and paid a certain amount of tax to Juryoso, maintaining effective dominion on the land as shokan (an officer governing shoen), which is called contribution with reserving authority. 例文帳に追加

自領が公領に収公されることを防ぐため、その土地を荘園として受領層に寄進し、自らは荘官として土地の実効支配権を持ちながら、一定の税を寄進先の受領層に納めた(職権留保付寄進)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Chiba clan, which is mentioned later, was also famous for owning meiba and Sueshige HIRAYAMA boasted in the "Tale of Heike" that his horse was bought from the Chiba clan and donated a horse to associates of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo in the early Kamakura period, and gave the impression of managing good quality 'maki.' 例文帳に追加

また後で登場する千葉氏も名馬の保有で有名であり、『平家物語』の中で平山季重が自分の馬は千葉氏から手に入れたものだと自慢したり、鎌倉時代初期に源頼朝周辺に何度も献馬したりするなど、良質な「牧」を管理しているというイメージがあったようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Initially, part of Denso was donated as determined by the Denryo, but after the system for storing Denso as Fudokoku (staples for an emergency) started, Suiko (government loans, often seed rice) was taken from the Doyoso Shozei (movable resource) that was allowed to be taken out by the Kunishi, part of the interest earned from this was used instead of Denso to pay for Nenryoshomai. 例文帳に追加

当初は田令の規定通り田租の一部が貢進されたが、田租を不動穀として備蓄する制度が始まると、国司による出納が許されていた動用倉正税の中から出挙が行われ、それによって得られた利息の一部を田租に替わって年料舂米にあてるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Engishiki" (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers) states that about 22 provinces surrounding Kinai and the coastal provinces donated 17,330 koku of white rice and 260 koku of mochi rice to the Oiryo (Bureau of Palace Kitchens under the Ministry of the Imperial Household), 200 koku of black rice to the Kuraryo (Bureau of Palace Storehouses) and 500 koku of black rice to the Minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs). 例文帳に追加

延喜式においては、畿内周辺及び沿岸諸国を中心とした22ヶ国より貢進が行われ、大炊寮に対して白米17,330石(単位)ともち米260斛、内蔵寮に対して黒米200斛、民部省に対して黒米500斛の貢進が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Replacing the systems, after the mid Heian period, the government dispatched azukari dokoro (estate custodian) to the local estates based on shoen that consisted of donated lands that had been granted Fuyu no ken (the right of tax exemption) or the like as a business foundation, and also appointed the local magnate or influential farmer to shokan (estate officer) or myoshu (local landowner and cultivator) to oppose the rule of kokuga (provincial government office). 例文帳に追加

これに替わって平安時代中期以後に不輸の権(日本)などを獲得した寄進地系荘園を経営基盤として現地に預所を派遣するとともに、現地の有力者や農民を荘官・名主に任命して国衙からの支配に対抗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, from the consideration for the bereaved family of Okubo who was one of the three contributors of Meiji Restoration, the government discussed and decided to support them with the total amount 16,000 yen raised by retrieving 8,000 yen donated by Okubo to Kagoshima prefectural office while he was alive as an educational fund and another 8,000 yen from donations. 例文帳に追加

しかし、このまま維新の三傑である大久保の遺族が路頭に迷うのは忍びないという配慮から、政府は協議の上、大久保が生前に鹿児島県庁に学校費として寄付した8,000円を回収し、さらに8,000円の募金を集めて、この1万6,000円で遺族を養うことにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Inryoken Nichiroku" (Inryoken's Diary), Yoshimitsu at first thought to end up the family line of the Toki clan, but held back the idea by the intervention of Unkei Shizan, a monk; in the end Yoriyo was ordered by Yoshimitsu to donate some places to the monk as a graditude, and Yoriyo donated Tamamura no ho of the province of Mino. 例文帳に追加

『䕃涼軒日録』によると義満は土岐氏の断絶を考えたが、雲渓支山のとりなしでこれを思い止まり、義満は頼世へ支山に感謝して在所を寄進するよう命じ、頼世は美濃国玉村保を寄進したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the oldest 'Gyoki-zu' was the one which was donated to Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in 805, but the existing one is merely a copy which was handwritten in the Edo Period and its contents do not reflect the condition of the period (with the addition of Kaga Province which did not exist at that time). 例文帳に追加

また、最古の「行基図」とされるものは、延暦24年(805年)に下鴨神社に納められたものであるとされているが、現存しているものは江戸時代の書写に過ぎず、内容も明らかに延暦年間当時の状況の反映でない(延暦期にはなかった加賀国が記載されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

TAIRA no Masamori who was Oki no kami (Governor of Oki Province) donated his shoryo (territory) of Ise for a temple at Rokujo-in built to perform religious rites for the repose of a soul of the late Princess Teishi, Imperial Princess of the Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa in 1096, and on that occasion he became Wakasa no kuni no kami (Governor of Wakasa Province), and began to receive favors from the Cloistered Emperor. 例文帳に追加

隠岐守だった平正盛は永長元年(1096年)に白河法皇の皇女媞子内親王を弔う六条院の御堂に伊勢の所領を寄進し、それを期に若狭国守に転じ、法皇から目をかけられるようになっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Within the facilities, based on the features of Kameoka City's overseas sister cities, the park has a cute small building modeled after a Western castle, a pond with waterfowl, a large and heavy bell donated by Suzhou City in China, a Japanese dry landscape garden and so on, all of which are popular with the city's residents. 例文帳に追加

施設内には亀岡市と提携を結んでいる海外の各都市にちなみ、西洋の城をモチーフにした小さくかわいらしい建物、水鳥が憩う池、中国・蘇州市から寄贈された重厚な鐘と枯山水風の庭園などがあり、多くの市民に親しまれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, Yoshikuni and his eldest child, Yoshishige NITTA developed Nitta County, Kozuke Province (Ota City, Gunma Prefecture, former Nitta-machi, Nitta-gun, etc.) on the other side of the Watarase-gawa River which had been devastated by the eruption of Mt. Asama, and donated the developed land to FUJIWARA no Tadamasa in the Taira family side in 1157, which established Nitta no sho estate. 例文帳に追加

その後、義国と長子の新田義重は渡良瀬川対岸の浅間山噴火で荒廃していた上野国新田郡(群馬県太田市、旧新田郡新田町など)を開発し、保元2年(1157年)平家方の藤原忠雅に開発地を寄進し、新田荘が立荘された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, peptide reagents that interact preferentially with PrP^Scas compared to PrP^C are useful for direct detection of pathogenic forms in samples obtained from living subjects, for example, for diagnosis of a disease or for screening donated blood samples or screening organs for organ donation.例文帳に追加

例えば、PrP^Cと比較して、PrP^Scと優先的に相互作用するペプチド試薬は、生存被験体から得られたサンプル中の病原型の直接的な検出、例えば、疾患の診断または献血サンプルのスクリーニングまたは臓器提供用の臓器のスクリーニングに有用である。 - 特許庁

To provide technology regarding small lot divid purchase capable of easily and promptly determining obligation fees according to budgets of the respective investors and to enable receivers to surely obtain desired merchandise even when the merchandise is purchased and donated by investment by a plurality of persons.例文帳に追加

複数の者の出資によって商品を購入して贈与する場合であっても、各出資者の予算に応じた負担額を容易且つ速やかに決定することができ、受取者が確実に欲しい商品を得られる小口分割購入に関する技術を提供する。 - 特許庁

A container enclosing blood donated by the blood donor who has the cellular telephone 16 or the like is assigned the ID and transported to the blood donation management association, and the ID is sent from a cellular telephone 18 or the like to the cellular telephone 12 or the like of the blood donation management association.例文帳に追加

携帯電話機等16の血液提供者によって献血された血液を封入する容器にIDが付されて血液提供管理団体に輸送されると共に、そのIDが携帯電話機等18から血液提供管理団体の携帯電話機等12に送信される。 - 特許庁

To allow a building operator that is a customer to safely use an energy-saving service for reducing the operation cost (energy cost) by an energy- saving work so that the cost of the work can be donated from the reduced amount of the operation cost.例文帳に追加

省エネルギー工事によって運用コスト(エネルギーコスト)を削減させ、その工事の費用を運用コストの削減額から拠出できるようにする省エネルギーサービスにおいて、顧客である建築物運用者が安心して省エネルギーサービスを利用できるようにする。 - 特許庁

The holding and rotating device 80 of an article has: an article holding part 84 holding the cap 1 so that the holding posture donated to the cap 1 is changeable; and a rotation force donating part 85 mounted in the circumference of the article holding part 84 to donate rotation force to the cap 1 held by the article holding part 84.例文帳に追加

物品保持回転装置80であって、キャップ1に与える保持姿勢を自由に変位可能に該キャップ1を保持する物品保持部84と、物品保持部84の周囲に設けられ、物品保持部84に保持されたキャップ1に回転力を付与する回転力付与部85とを有してなるもの。 - 特許庁

In addition, AEON issues the "Iwami Ginzan WAON" electronic money cards with which part of users. payments at nationwide WAON member stores are donated to the "Iwami Ginzan Protection Fund." This is gathering attention as a new system that enables the consumers to act in an easy manner in their daily lives. 例文帳に追加

また、全国のWAON加盟店で利用した際に、その売上金の一部をイオンから石見銀山基金に寄付する「石見銀山WAON」を発行しており、消費者が日常生活の中で気軽に行える新たな仕組みとして注目されている。 - 経済産業省

Anti-dusk masks donated from mask manufactures were distributed for free at the Prefectural Labour Bureaus in the affected areas (the first distribution: 20,000 masks (from April 1, 2011 to present), the second distribution: 70,000 masks (from April 11, 2011 to present), the third distribution: 100,000 masks (from June 8, 2011 to present), the fourth distribution: 60,000 masks (from June 30, 2011 to present).例文帳に追加

マスク製造企業から提供を受けた防じん用マスクを被災地の労働局において無償配布(第1次:2万枚(平成23年4月1日~)、第2次:7万枚(平成23年4月11日~)、第3次:10万枚(平成23年6月8日~)、第4次:6万枚(平成23年6月30日~)) - 厚生労働省

In response to an inquiry from the second shogun, Hidetada TOKUGAWA, Tenkai suggested that myojin was a title of god donated to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI as Hokoku Daimyojin (Great Luminous Deity of Our Bountiful Country) and it was an ill-omened title considering the collap of Toyotomi clan, so the title of god of Ieyasu was determined to be 'Tosho Daigongen', and the body of Ieyasu was moved from Mount Kuno Toshogu Shrine to Nikko Toshogu Shrine and Rinno-ji Temple was built. 例文帳に追加

天海が2代将軍となった徳川秀忠の諮問に対し、明神は豊国大明神として豊臣秀吉に対して送られた神号であり、その後の豊臣氏滅亡を考えると不吉であると提言したことで、家康の神号は「東照大権現」と決定され、家康の遺体を久能山東照宮から日光東照宮に改葬、輪王寺を建立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The kanto bugyo in the Muromachi bakufu had at first contributed to the appointment of the ranks and recommended the promotion of daimyo in the Sengoku Period to a certain extent, eventually there had been increasing cases in which samurai appointed himself a rank without permission of the bakufu, and when the daimyo had donated to the Imperial Court individually to get the recommendation for the official posts, the significance of the kanto bugyo declined. 例文帳に追加

室町幕府の官途奉行も当初は一定程度、戦国大名の叙位任官や昇叙の推薦に寄与していたが、それでも幕府を介することなく叙位任官する例が増え、戦国大名が独自に朝廷に寄進や官途の推薦を請うようになると官途奉行の意義は衰えていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Heian Period, Todai-ji was affected by the Emperor Kanmu's Nanto Buddhism Oppression Plan, and due to the plan the Office of Todai-ji Temple Construction was abolished, and there were incidents such as the Kodo Hall and Sanmen Sobo (priests and monks dormitories constructed to the north, east and west of the Kodo Hall) being burnt from an accidental fire, the Saito (Western Tower) being hit by lightening, and the Nandai-mon Gate and the Shoro (Bell Tower) being broken in a storm; but later on, from reverence, the Imperial family and nobility donated private estates including the Kuroda-no-sho and Todai-ji Temple developed them. 例文帳に追加

また、平安時代に入ると、桓武天皇の南都仏教抑圧策により「造東大寺所」が廃止されるなどの圧迫を受け、また講堂と三面僧房が失火で、西塔が落雷で焼失したり、暴風雨で南大門、鐘楼が倒壊したりといった事件が起こるが、後に皇族・貴族の崇敬を受けて黒田庄に代表される多数の荘園を寄進されたり、開発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the day of SAIONJI's state funeral, at Ritsumeikan University, the people commemorated SAIONJI, by displaying the flag of the Saionji family, which was dyed with the family emblem 'Left Tomoe' (a pattern of one ore more curled tadpole shapes inside a circle), at half-staff at the school gate of Hirokoji Campus, while the music was performed by drum and fife band of the Imperial guards, all while ringing the bells of the ship, Sakura maru, which was used to close the Port Arthur, that was donated by SAIONJI. 例文帳に追加

西園寺の国葬当日、立命館大学では西園寺から使用を許可されていた西園寺家・家紋「左巴」を染めた旗を半旗として広小路学舎校門に掲げ、禁衛隊の鼓笛隊演奏、西園寺から寄贈された旅順港閉鎖船・佐倉丸の鐘を鳴らし西園寺を偲んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1598, his all-too-lavish lifestyle brought the slanders of a civilian party including Mitsunari ISHIDA by which Hideyoshi confiscated his mansion that was said to be too luxury for his position and rank; but Sukezaemon, knowing it in advance, donated the grand mansion and belongings to his ancestral Daian-ji Temple before escaping to Luson with a Japanese quarter. 例文帳に追加

慶長3年(1598年)、あまりに華美な生活を好んだため、石田三成ら文治派の讒言によって、秀吉から身分をわきまえずに贅を尽くしすぎるとして邸宅没収の処分を受けることになるが、事前に察知してその壮麗な邸宅や財産を菩提寺の大安寺に寄進して日本人町のあるルソンへ脱出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With no record about such a background of the flag in Japan, the flag's whereabouts had been unknown for a long time, but research conducted by Teruo MAYSUHASHI, Guji (chief of those who serves shrine, controls festivals and general affairs) of Togo-jinja Shrine, while writing Togo's biography in 2004 revealed that the Foundation of the Marine Society, succeeding to the property of the HMS Worcester, had preserved a silver cup, and the bust of Fleet Admiral Togo as well General's flag Togo had donated at that time. 例文帳に追加

日本側にこうした経緯を記した記録がなかったため、長らく所在不明となっていたが、2004年東郷神社の松橋暉男宮司が著書の執筆にあたり調査したところ、ウースター校の財産を引き継いでいる財団マリン・ソサエティーが、同時に寄贈された銀杯や東郷元帥の胸像とともに所蔵していることがわかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The premises of the building at that time correspond to the area (262 Minamihama-cho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City) to the east of the current building, which includes a monument and a stone statue, serving as a garden for the current Teradaya; the ground was donated to Fushimi Ward, Kii District at that time in 1914 by the landowner (who is not related to the owner of the current Teraedaya), and after municipal mergers, it is presently owned by Kyoto City. 例文帳に追加

当時の建物の敷地は現在の建物の東隣にある、石碑や像などが建っていて寺田屋の庭のようになっている場所(京都市伏見区南浜町262番地)であるが、この土地は大正3年(1914年)に所有者(寺田屋主人とは血縁関係にない)から当時の京都府紀伊郡伏見区に寄付され、市町村合併を経て現在は京都市の市有地である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, there was Kuro Tsunekiyo SOMA, who was a son of Kazusa no gon no suke (provisional assistant governor of Kazusa Province) Tsunezumi and a younger brother of Hirotsune KAZUSA, and there is a possibility that the old Soma-mikuriya (Kitasoma [northern Soma]), which was donated by MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo, and Minamisoma (southern Soma), which was added when Tsunetane CHIBA made the donation and included many regions with surnames of branch families of the Chiba clan, were separately dominated, and that Kazusa no gon no suke Tsunezumi's son Kuro Tsunekiyo SOMA administered MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo's regions of influence. 例文帳に追加

また、上総権介常澄の子で上総広常の弟に相馬九郎常清がおり、源義朝の寄進した旧来の相馬御厨(北相馬)と、千葉常胤が寄進したときに追加され、かつ千葉氏庶流の名字の地の多い南相馬とが、それぞれ分割支配されて、上総権介常澄の子・相馬九郎常清が源義朝支配地を管理していた可能性もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The entry for the date when Hiroyo's father WAKE no Kiyomaro died (April 4, 799) in "Nihon Koki" (Later Chronicle of Japan) contains the description that -- Hiroyo concurrently assumed the offices of Shikibu shoyu (Junior Assistant of the Ministry of Ceremonies) and Daigaku Betto (Chancellor of the University) (Daigaku no kami; Director of the Bureau of Education), and, as his father Kiyomaro had wished, located his private residence south of the daigaku-ryo the Kobunin where he collected thousands of Chinese classics from inside and outside Japan, and donated 0.4 square kilometers of new rice fields for awarding scholarship funds. 例文帳に追加

『日本後紀』にある広世の父・和気清麻呂の薨条(延暦18年2月乙未(21日)条)に、広世が式部少輔と大学別当(大学頭)を兼務し、父・清麻呂の遺志を継いで大学寮の南側にあった私邸を弘文院として内外の経書数千巻を集め、また墾田40町を寄付して学問料を支給したと記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a redox protein-containing lipid membrane-fixed electrode that is fixed, under the condition where a lipid membrane, containing redox protein and the electrode, can be immediately and electronically accepted and donated by redox protein, the condition that redox protein can be properly contacted to a substrate molecule thereof, and the condition where the activity of redox protein is retained.例文帳に追加

本発明は、酸化還元タンパク質を含有する脂質膜を酸化還元タンパク質が電極と迅速に電子授受できる状態、酸化還元タンパク質がその基質分子と適切に接触可能な状態、及び酸化還元タンパク質の活性が保持された状態で固定化された酸化還元タンパク質含有脂質膜固定化電極を提供することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

To solve the problem in which effective HCV antibody-measuring method is required from the viewpoint of effective utilization of donated blood, because a conventional HCV antibody-measuring method detects also HCV antibody of an HCV RNA-negative person and the blood of HCV RNA-negative person free from risk of secondary infection is also discarded in inspection of a donor specimen.例文帳に追加

従来のHCV抗体測定法は、HCV RNA陰性者のHCV抗体をも検出するため、供血者検体検査において、二次感染のおそれのないHCV RNA陰性者の血液も廃棄されることとなり、供血の有効利用の観点からより効率的なHCV抗体測定法が求められている。 - 特許庁

In addition, Fumihide TANAKA in his 1997 paper, "Kawachi Genji to sono jidai" (The Kawachi branch of the Minamoto clan and their era) (in "In-sei to sono jidai" (The government by a retired emperor and the era)) introduced the idea that Ishikawa Manor, founded by Yoshiie, donated to the Sekkan-ke and believed to have been inherited by his son, Saemonnojo Yoshitoki, after Yoshiie became Azukaridokoro, consisted of several towns and farmlands as big as several to several dozen koku (5.12 U.S. bushels) spread over a wide area. 例文帳に追加

また田中文英は1997年に書いた論文「河内源氏とその時代」(『院政とその時代』に収録)において、義家が立荘して摂関家に寄進し、自らは預所となってそれを子の左衛門尉義時が受け継いだものかと推測する石川荘が、かなり広い地域の中に散在する数町から小さいものでは数段、つまり数十石から数石ぐらいの田畑の寄せ集めの様相を示していることを紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the mid Heian period, kaihatsu ryoshu (local nobles who actually developed the land) began to donate their land to temples or high-ranking aristocrats in order to make their land fuyusoden (donated-type of shoen [manor]); however, they were required to submit kugen (official documents authorized by kokushi [provincial governor] or Gunji [local magistrate] for transfer of the ownership of private property) consisting of daijokanpu (official document issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State) and minbushofu (official document issued by the minister of minbusho) based on the chokkyo (the imperial sanction) to have their land designated as fuyusoden -- Shoen which consisted of fuyusoden with the complete set of documents submitted was called Kanshofu sho (a shoen enjoying immunity from taxation by virtue of having official documents from both the Council of State and the Ministry of Popular Affairs), and shoen which was virtually treated as fuyusoden merely with approval of kokushi was called kokumen shoen (provincially exempted shoen). 例文帳に追加

平安時代中期になると、開発領主が自らの土地をこの不輸租田にするために寺社や上級貴族に寄進するようになる(寄進地系荘園)が、不輸租田の指定には勅許とそれに基づく太政官符及び民部省符からなる公験が必要とされており、それらが揃った不輸租田によって構成された荘園を官省符荘、単に国司が承認したために事実上の不輸租田の対象となっていたものを国免荘田と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


* On preparing this report, we made reference to many domestic and foreign literatures and survey reports including the “Future Vision of Pharmaceutical IndustryIndustry’s missions and challenges toward 2015” (May 2007) by the Office of Pharmaceutical Industry Research, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. We obtained cooperation from many people including Professor Kimura, Donated Course “Pharmacobusiness Innovation”, Graduate School of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo. We are grateful to all the relevant people.例文帳に追加

※ この報告書の作成に当たり、日本製薬工業協会医薬産業政策研究所「製薬産業の将来像~2015 年に向けた産業の使命と課題~」(2007.5)をはじめ内外の数多くの文献や調査報告書を引用させていただいた。また、東京大学大学院薬学系研究科・寄附講座ファーマコビジネス・イノベーション教室の木村教授をはじめ多くの方々に御協力いただいた。全ての関係者の方々に感謝を申し上げる。 - 厚生労働省


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