radiumとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 ラジウム
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誰がラジウムを発見したのですか。 - Tatoeba例文
a radioactive element called radium発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ラジウムという放射性元素 - EDR日英対訳辞書
Who discovered radium?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
誰がラジウムを発見しましたか。 - Tanaka Corpus
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Wiktionary英語版での「radium」の意味 |
Chemical element | |
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Borrowed from French radium, from rad(ioactif) (“radioactive”) + -ium (suffix used to form the names of metallic elements).[1]
radium (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 radiums)
- The chemical element (symbol Ra) with an atomic number of 88. It is a soft, shiny and silvery radioactive alkaline earth metal.
- 1902, Ernest Howard Adye, “Radio-active Elements”, in Frank Rutley, Mineralogy (Murby’s “Science かつ Art Department” Series of Text-books), 15th revised and corrected edition, London: Thomas Murby & Co., […], →OCLC, page 234:
- Madame [Marie] Curie, working with her distinguished husband, isolated and first traced to its true origin the source of the marvellous power which has thus commenced to revolutionise our philosophy of physics. This new element has appropriately been named "Radium;" but it has also been shown that there are many other, though less powerful, radio-active elements, details of which are recorded in the sequel. To be precise, radium, per se, has not yet been isolated as a metal, but only in the form of salts,—chlorides and bromides. [...] It is supposed that the molecules of radium (composed of similar atoms) during their decomposition into those of the gas helium, are also frittered down into heat and, in part, are liberated as radio-activity.
- 1903 April 2, William Crookes, “The Emanations of Radium”, in Nature: A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science, volume 67, number 1744, London: Macmillan and Co.; New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company, →OCLC, pages 522–523:
- The persistence of radio-activity on glass vessels which have contained radium is remarkable. Filters, beakers, and dishes used in the laboratory for operations with radium, after having been washed in the usual way, remain radio-active: a piece of blende screen held inside the beaker or other vessel immediately glowing with the presence of radium.
- 1908, E. H[orton], “General and Physical Chemistry. [Radio-lead. Belá Szilard.]”, in J. C. Cain, editor, Journal of the Chemical Society. Abstracts of Papers on Physical, Inorganic, Mineralogical, Physiological, Agricultural, and Analytical Chemistry, volume XCIV, part II, London: Gurney & Jackson, […], →OCLC, page 141:
- The object of this work is to determine how the radiums D, E, and F are separated from the substance known as radio-lead by certain chemical reactions. Recrystallisation of the nitrate from a neutral solution gradually removes the radium-F (polonium), which remains in the mother liquor, but does not appreciably influence the amounts of radiums D and E in the crystals.
- 1919 December, Henriette Boeckmann, “Bringing the Stars to the People: It’s Easy to Get on Familiar Terms with Other Worlds at Clark Observatory”, in Waldemar Kaempffert, editor, Popular Science Monthly, volume 95, number 5, New York, N.Y.: Modern Publishing Company, […], →OCLC, page 206, column 1:
- Radium is formed by the breaking up of atoms of another element called uranium, but radium shows this breaking up process in its own atoms more distinctly than does uranium or any other element we know, and it is this breaking up that gives radium its astonishing properties such as the production of heat, electricity, and wave motions in the ether which are similar to the wave motions which produce the sensation of light to our eyes.
- 1923, Marie Curie, “Autobiographical Notes: Marie Curie”, in Charlotte Kellogg and Vernon Kellogg, transl., Pierre Curie, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company, →OCLC, chapter II, page 197:
- As for myself, I had to devote again a great deal of time to the preparation of several decigrammes of very pure radium chloride. With this I achieved, in 1907, a new determination of the atomic weight of radium, and in 1910 I was able to isolate the metal.
- 2010, Charles L. Sanders, “Accidents, Tests, and Incidents”, in Radiation Hormesis and the Linear-No-Threshold Assumption, Heidelberg; Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag, , →ISBN, page 43:
- 2015, Luis A. Campos, “Transmutations and Disintegrations”, in Radium and the Secret of Life, Chicago, Ill.; London: University of Chicago Press, →ISBN, page 247:
- Even as X-rays vied with radium as the preferred tool for biological experimentation in later decades, [Hermann Joseph] Muller continued to rely on radium not only as a mutagen, but also as an important conceptual tool, seeing radium and life as somehow intimately connected analogically, discursively, evolutionarily, mechanistically, and metaphysically.
- (textiles, dated) A type of cloth woven from silk or synthetic yarn, often with a shiny appearance.
- 1920 June, “Many Novelties in French Silks”, in C. R. Clifford, editor, The American Silk Journal, volume XXXIX, number 6, New York, N.Y.: Clifford & Lawton, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 57, column 2:
- In printed silks for outer garments and linings there are crêpe de chines, silk and cotton crêpes, georgettes, radiums and mousselines de soie. [...] [O]n radiums; Japanese print designs, silhouetted with parasols or flowers and shrubs, treated in Japanese style, on dark grounds, are employed. There are also a number of futuristic figures printed on radiums.
- 1922 November 18, “[Silk Goods Markets] Printed Crepes to be Leader for Spring: Radium Satins and Taffetas Will also Show Their Vantage Points”, in Textile World, volume LXII, number 21, New York, N.Y.: Bragdon, Lord & Nagle Co., →OCLC, page 73 (page 2927 overall), column 3:
- Radium satins will also be used extensively in the spring season.
- 1926, United States Tariff Commission, “Classification of Broad Silks—Character of Domestic Production”, in Broad-silk Manufacture and the Tariff, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, →OCLC, section I (Classification of Broad Silks), page 114:
- Radium, a term rather loosely applied to the bulk of domestic cloths of this class, includes goods of two fairly distinct types. [...] It is often tightly woven under high tension and so finished as to produce a highly lustrous appearance. But high luster is not essential, for many high-grade radiums are given a more or less dull finish. Of whatever finish, various cloths of this type are manufactured sometimes under the designation radium and sometimes under special copyrighted names.
- eka-radium
- nonradium
- radate
- radium A
- radium B
- radium beam
- radium bomb
- radium bromide
- radium burn
- radium C
- radium C', radium C1
- radium C'', radium C2
- radium chloride
- radium clock
- radium D
- radium D1, radium E
- radium dial
- radium emanation
- radium F
- radium fluoride
- radium G
- Radium Girl
- radium hydroxide
- radium iodide
- radiumise, radiumize
- radiumizer
- radium jaw
- radium needle
- radium oxide
- radium plaque
- radium sulfate, radium sulphate
- radium therapy
- radium water
- radon
- teleradium
radium (三人称単数 現在形 radiums, 現在分詞 radiuming, 過去形および過去分詞形 radiumed)
- (transitive, intransitive, obsolete) To treat (a tumour, etc.) with radium.
- Synonym: radiumize
- 1904 June, “動詞s Needed”, in A. H. McQuilkin, editor, The Inland Printer: The Leading Trade Journal of the World in the Printing and Allied Industries, volume XXXIII, number 3, Chicago, Ill.: The Inland Printer Company, →OCLC, page 359, column 2:
- We want popular verbs for several operations introduced by modern science. The X-rays, the Finsen treatment for lupus, the operation of radium for cancer, and what not—what are the words for these? A man is guillotined or hanged; his leg is amputated; he is trepanned. What is it when he is rayed, Finsened, radiumed? [From the St. James's Gazette.]
- 1914 April, Leonard Williams, “The Byways of Thyroid Deficiency”, in H. Edwin Lewis and Charles E. Woodruff, editors, American Medicine, volume IX (New Series; volume XX overall), number 4, Burlington, Vt.; New York, N.Y.: American Medical Publishing Company, →OCLC, page 272:
- The victims thereof [i.e., of rheumatism] are drenched with salicylates and iodides; they are sent to spas to be bombarded by the doucheur and spanked by the masseur; they are subjected to electrical ecstasies and suffer Zander contortions; they are cataphoresed, vaccinated, serummed, radiumed and dieted, with results which vary from the sublime to the pathetic.
- 1915 April 13–15, Curtis F. Burnam, “Discussion of Symposium on Treatment of Bladder Tumors”, in Transactions of the American Urological Association […], Brookline, Mass.: Printed for the [American Urological] Association at the Riverdale Press, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 229:
- The problem that we have to face in radiuming tumors is very complicated. [...] [T]he problem of distribution is to distribute throughout the territory irradiated an even dose, and we have found that that is a very difficult thing.
- 1923 August, [Samuel Ornitz], “[Seventh Period] Chapter I”, in Haunch, Paunch and Jowl: An Anonymous Autobiography, New York, N.Y.: Boni and Liveright Publishers, published July 1924, →OCLC, page 289:
- Towards the end he was attended by Dr. Hymie Rubin. The great specialists with their fabulous bills had cut and radiumed to the tune of tumbling doubloons. [...] But the priceless surgeons said—too late: they could not repair the digestive engine after it had been knocked to pieces by years of neglect and abuse …
- radiumed (adjective)
- ^ “radium, n.”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, June 2008; “radium, n.”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
Further reading
- radium on Wikipedia.
- Radium on the British Royal Society of Chemistry’s online periodic table
- marudi
radium n (genitive radiī); second declension
Weblio例文辞書での「radium」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 135件
土壌中のラジウムの分析方法 - 特許庁
人工ラジウム温泉設備 - 特許庁
ラジウム放射線温浴施設 - 特許庁
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