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serve it upとは 意味・読み方・使い方





Weblio例文辞書での「serve it up」に類似した例文

serve it up


「serve it up」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


But God turned, and gave them up to serve the army of the sky, as it is written in the book of the prophets, ‘Did you offer to me slain animals and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一方,神は背を向け,彼らが天の軍勢に仕えるままにされました。預言者たちの書にこう書かれているとおりです。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 7:42』

At stand-up-eating soba/udon noodle shops, it is a common practice to serve kakiage east and north of the Tokai region while tenpura made from small shrimp (less than five centimeters long) with a thick batter is used west of the Kansai area, to keep the cost down.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

立ち食いそば・うどん店では安価に供するため、東海以東・以北ではかき揚げ、関西以西では小さな海老(体長5cm未満)と大きな衣の天ぷらを用いるのが一般的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The bakufu directly collected taxes initially, but later it picked up a large sake brewery from each several dozen houses in the same business and assigned them to serve as Nosenkata (an institution to collect tax from moneylenders and sake breweries) to collect sakaya-yaku.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

当初は幕府が直接徴収していたものの、後には有力酒屋を納銭方に任じて数十軒単位ごとに酒屋役を徴収させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It's difficult to imagine it at present, but in a time when statues of the deceased were built to honor them (which is a Western custom) and many of statues were dressed up and majestic, the statue of Saigo was very ordinary, as his achievement was to serve country in the Meiji Restoration.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

今日では想像しにくいが、銅像を造って故人を顕彰するという西洋伝来の新しい文化がようやく定着した時期であり、その多くが正装したり威厳に満ちたものであったのに対し、西郷の銅像は明治維新の元勲のものとしては、あまりに庶民的に過ぎるものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This carrier sheet 1 is a translucent sheet formed by adhesively retaining the label A with released paper once and making a carrier adhesive surface 2 serve as a rear surface thereof to attach it onto the object S to be labeled, and is formed with a non-adhesive part 4 serving as a picking-up section in peeling it off, on the edge of the carrier adhesive surface 2.例文帳に追加

剥離紙付きラベルAをいったん貼着保持しこれを貼着対象物Sに貼着するためキャリア粘着面2を裏面側とした透光性のキャリアシート1であって、キャリア粘着面2の縁部に、引き剥がしの際の摘み部位となる非粘着部4を形成したものである。 - 特許庁

Sukeroku says to the vendor, 'Don't you use fish broth in this?'--the vendor answers 'Yes, we use fish broth'--To Monbei, 'I don't know if you abstain from fish or not, but I'll serve them to you!,' and eventually brings the noodle box up over Monbei's head and dumps it upside-down on his head.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(かつぎに向って)「こりゃあ精進料理か(出汁に魚などを使っていないだろうな?)」「いえ生臭うございます(だしに魚を使っています)」「ご精進かは知らねども、わしが給仕じゃ、(くわんぺら門兵衛に向って)一杯あがれ」とやりとりあって、最終的に、うどんをくわんぺら門兵衛の頭からかけてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Determining one's own risk appetite (risk tolerance) in an ever changing environment profile, building up a strategy directly connected to it, carrying out that strategy in a sure and effective fashion and, thereby creating a corporate value -- those are the modern-day functions that internal controls are expected to serve.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

刻々と変容する環境の中で、自らのリスク選好度(許容度)を見極め、それに直結した戦略を打ち立て、それを確実かつ効果的に実行に移し、企業価値を創出していくこと-それが内部統制に期待される現代的な機能なのである。 - 金融庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「serve it up」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


For instance, a WCSP 10 and a chip 12 as electronic parts equipped with terminals are mounted on a mounting prepreg (a first insulating sheet) as shown in (b) of the diagram, and a wiring structure is formed on the mounting prepreg through, for instance, a build-up method making it (first insulating sheet) serve as an interlayer dielectric.例文帳に追加

例えば、端子部を有する電子部品としてWCSP10及びチップ部品12を搭載用プリプレグ(第1絶縁性シート)に搭載し(b)、この搭載用プリプレグ(第1絶縁性シート)をそのまま層間絶縁層として、当該層上に例えばビルドアップ工法により配線構造を形成する。 - 特許庁

When a valve support member 33 is moved up to the highest point limited by a guide mechanism 39, a rotary shaft 40 is moved in a horizontal direction by a first guide groove 53, the valve support member 33 is rotated around a guide projection 36 making it serve as an axis, and the first valve 31 is moved in a horizontal direction to stop up an opening.例文帳に追加

弁体支持部材33が、ガイド機構39によって制限された最上部まで上昇すると、第1のガイド溝53によって回転軸40が水平方向に移動し、弁体支持部材33がガイド用突起36を軸として回転し、第1の弁体31が水平方向に移動して開口部を閉塞する。 - 特許庁

(Reason 3) Ideally, the water supply work should be run on full cost recovery basis in which both capital cost and O/M cost are covered by the water rate. In Myanmar, however, it is very difficult for the local government to mobilize financial resources for building water supply system. The diffusion of the water supply system has not progressed yet, and some cities of substantial size is equipped with no water supply system. In the early stage of development, it is necessary to utilize funds from the central government and the foreign organizations in order to build the nationwide water supply system. Then, it may eventually come the day to mobilize resources from the financial market by issuing local bonds in the near future since it may not be sufficient enough to cover all the costs necessary to diffuse the system by the funds from the central government and the foreign aid. Regarding the issuance of the local bond, it is not probable for the local government to make it real without back-up of the central government. In order to serve this function, it must be needed a ministry which is in charge of planning and executing those funding within the central government.例文帳に追加

③水道事業は、理想的には水道料金により資本費用と維持管理費用を賄うフルコスト・リカバリーが原則であるが、ミャンマーのように、全国的に水道整備が遅れており、相当規模の都市でも水道が無い都市がある状況下においては、地方自治体が水道整備資金を自ら調達することは困難であり、初期においては中央政府の財政資金や外国援助資金を投入することが必要となる。 - 厚生労働省

<Examples of indicators> ・The number of IT workersThe number of business tie-up contracts with universities and business schoolsThe number of visitors to corporate websitesThe number of patentsThe number of days of training and education per employee, etc. (Disclosure of the "Intellectual Capital Statement") As explained earlier, the statement to be prepared in a manner described above can serve not only as a management tool for corporate managers to deepen their understanding about the strength and future potentiality of their own companies by putting their in-house intellectual assets into words, but also as a communication tool with investors, customers, employees and other stakeholders by fully or partially publicizing it.例文帳に追加

〈「指標」の例〉・IT労働者の数・大学及びビジネススクールとの業務提携契約の数・企業のホームページの訪問者数・特許の数・従業員1人当たりの研修日数等(「知的資本報告書」の開示について)上記のような内容で作成される報告書は、前述したように、自社の知的資産を言語化することで企業の経営者が自社の強みや将来の可能性に関する理解を深めるマネジメント・ツールのみならず、その結果の全部ないしは一部を公表することで、投資家、顧客、従業員等のステークホルダーへの伝達手段にもなり得る。 - 経済産業省

When Sado hankan (Doyo SASAKI) was defeated, he invited the general to his palace as something of norm, within a kaisho as big as six rooms, a tatami with the enormous family crest was lined up together, and even honzon (the principle image such as Mandala), wakie (scroll), flower vase, incense burner, tea pot, and tray were lined together, and the study room had sanskrit written by Ogishi (Chinese calligrapher), literature written by Kanyu (Confucianism scholar in Korea), sleeping quarter with a pillow smelling of Winter daphne, took the sleeping gear and placed it on donsu (Chinese blanket), and the twelve rooms of the samurai serving far from the lord had hanging birds, rabbits, pheasant, and swan piled up high, and big cylinder that could contain as much as three seki (541 liters) contained sake (Japanese rice wine) and stopped two Buddhist followes, and said, 'try to serve a shot of wine to anyone who visits this lodging.'発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

爰ニ佐渡判官入道々誉都ヲ落ケル時、我宿所ヘハ定テサモトアル大将ヲ入替、尋常ニ取シタヽメテ、六間ノ会所ニハ大文ノ畳ヲ敷双ベ、本尊・脇絵・花瓶・香炉・鑵子・盆ニ至マデ、一様ニ皆置調ヘテ、書院ニハ羲之ガ草書ノ偈・韓愈ガ文集、眠蔵ニハ、沈ノ枕ニ鈍子ノ宿直物ヲ取副テ置ク、十二間ノ遠待ニハ、鳥・兎・雉・白鳥、三竿ニ懸双ベ、三石入許ナル大筒ニ酒ヲ湛ヘ、遁世者二人留置テ、誰ニテモ此宿所ヘ来ラン人ニ一献ヲ進メヨト、巨細ヲ申置ニケリ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As I also mentioned last time, it is a law with specified duration designed to serve its role of accommodating financing needs over two calendar year ends and two fiscal year ends, but the gentleman that I've just told you about, among other people I've listened to, has expressed his strong wish to "have it extended." Under the current circumstances, it is indeed very important that money should go to SMEs, considering that 99.7 percent of all companies are SMEs, 28 million people work for SMEs and they make up a very important segment of the Japanese economy and that SMEs also actually excel greatly in flexibility and resilience.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

この前も申しましたように、2回の年末、2回の年度末(の資金繰り)ということに有効になるようにつくった時限立法でございますが、そんなことも視野に入れながらいろいろなご意見を聞きながら、その方は強く「延長してほしい」ということを言いましたけれども、今、やっぱり中小企業にきちっとお金が回るということは非常に大事でございますし、全企業の99.7%は中小企業でございまして、2,800万人の方は中小企業で働いておられるわけですし、日本の経済の非常に大事な大宗を中小企業が現実的に機動性、弾力性、そういったことが非常にすぐれているわけですから、そんなことも視野に入れつつ、しっかりこの(金融)検査(指摘)事例集を活用していただきたいというふうに私としては思っております。 - 金融庁


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