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It is because while "Nihonshoki" says that the Emperor Tenchi was born in 626, "Ichidai Yoki" (summary chronicle of each reign) and "Honcho koin jounroku" (the Emperor's family tree, made in the Muromachi period) says that the Emperor Tenmu was born in 622 and "Konendai ryakki" (Short Imperial Chronicle) says he was born in 623 which is a few years earlier than that of the Emperor Tenchi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Imperial Prince Osabe (the great-great-grandson of Prince Kusakabe), who was the son of Imperial Princess Inoe (a daughter of Emperor Temmu), a older sister of Imperial Princess Fuwa, and Shirakabe no okimi (Prince Shirakabe, later Emperor Konin), was formally installed as Crown Prince as the symbol of merger of Tenchi and Temmu Imperial Line at the time of enthronement of his father, with demise of his aunt, Empress Koken Empress Shotoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When FUJIWARA no Fuhito died in 720, his sons Fujiwara four brothers (FUJIWARA no Muchimaro, FUJIWARA no Fusasaki, FUJIWARA no Umakai, FUJIWARA no Maro) were still young and only FUJIWARA no Maro had the position of Sangi (councilor) as Giseikan (Legislature), so Prince Nagaya became a leader of the political world as a representative of Koshin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was both wise and adept at the martial arts, much like his father, and his competence was known far and wide while he was still young, allied with Hidehisa MATSUNAGA he fought back Yoshikata ROKKAKU, who invaded Kyoto, also he won a great victory in the Battle of Imoriyama Castle in 1562 against Takamasa HATAKEYAMA's troops, which were reknowned for their braveness and valor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Around that time the following two also attained menkyo-kaiden: Hanbeita TAKECHI who was the head of the Shigakukan dojo (of the Kyoshinmeichi School of Swordsmanship at 1 Shintomi) run by 'Class Momonoi' (Shunzo MOMONOI) and Ryoma SAKAMOTO who was the head of the Okemachi Chiba dojo (of the Hokushinitto School of Swordsmanship at 2 Yaesu) founded by 'Adept Chiba' (Sadakichi CHIBA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the "Taiheiki", a war chronicle written in the Muromachi period, Masashige KUSUNOKI was described as a clever general while Yoshisada, for whom the author showed little sympathy, was described as being an indecisive person who was defeated by Takauji ASHIKAGA while competing for the position as head of the samurai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In July, 1582, when Nobunaga was killed by his vassal Mitsuhide AKECHI in the Honnoji Incident, Toshiie was fighting under the command of Katsuie SHIBATA to capture Ecchu Uozu-jo Castle which the troops of Kagekatsu UESUGI held, so he could not take part in the attack against Mitsuhide by Hideyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At that time, Emperor Tenchi who was trying to implement the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code) also trying to introduce legitimate child succession (that is, Prince Otomo [Emperor Kobun] would inherit the imperial throne) instead of the old conventional succession between brothers-uterine so Prince Oama's dissatisfaction escalated for this.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


FUJIWARA no Hirotsugu, the son of Umakai was subdued in the Rebellion of FUJIWARA no Hirotsugu in 740; thereafter a period of absence of high rank officials from Fujiwara clan continued for a certain time until FUJIWARA no Toyonari and FUJIWARA no Nakamaro, the sons of Muchimaro, gained power in the Emperor Koken's era.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Ban also pointed out other evidences that revision was not organized properly; for example, Prince Oama was variously referred to as 'kotaishi (crown prince),' 'kotaitei (the younger brother of an Emperor who is heir apparent),' or 'togu' in Tenchi Tenno ki and Tenmu Tenno ki, and a story that Prince Oama declined the Imperial Throne and became a priest appeared twice in different volumes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On December 13, 759, in the period of retired Empress Koken and Emperor Junnin, construction of Horanomiya was started in Omi Province because it was deeply related to the Fujiwara clan (Nakamaro's grandfather FUJIWARA no Fuhito's posthumous title was Tankaiko [Tankai means Omi], and his father FUJIWARA no Muchimaro was an Omi no kami [governor of Omi Province]) and Nakamaro himself was an Omi no kuni no kami (governor of Omi Province).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is an inscription in the lower part of pedestal of Maitreya statue in Seiryuzan Yachu-ji Temple: 'On April of 666, the Emperor Chugu became ill and monks and 118 followers of Kashiwa-dera Temple made this Maitreya statue to pray for his health as well as happiness of all people.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tadayuki HIROHATA, the third son of Imperial Prince Hachijonomiya Toshihito who was the sixth son of Imperial Prince Sanehito (the Retired Emperor Yoko), and also an imperial descendant of Emperor Ogimachi in the early Edo period, was given the hereditary title of Minamoto and established the family in 1664 by using the surname of Hirohata.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a forward inclination angle adjusting mechanism of a front frame of spectacles, in which the mechanism is applicable even to wrap endpieces using a plastically undeformable rigid material, the changing of the adjusted angle with lapse of time does not occur and the structure is extremely simple. - 特許庁


Thus in Japan, “Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (tentative name)” must be established as a time-limited organization by assembling private knowledge and intelligence as a mechanism for facilitating the concentration of human resources and long-term funding to overcome these obstacles and develop a new business model (see Figure 2-4-83). - 経済産業省


Generally speaking, it is known that the preaching of Dainichi Nyorai should be developed and grasped through both the vajra (the Diamond Realm) and garbha (the Womb Realm) mandalas, whether in so-called "dai (Great Mandala) (hoshin (Buddhism's highest form of existence) Dainichi), san (sanmaya mandala) (imitsu (mystery of mind)), ho (Buddhist Law Mandala) (kumitsu (esoteric speech)), katsu (katsuma mandala (action mandala)) (shinmitsu (bodily mystery))" panorama, which are related with Ri and Chi of Esoteric Buddhism world, or in both a pluralistic perspective including rokudai (six great elements; that is Dainichi Nyorai) (tai (body)), shiman (four mandala) (so (match)), sanmitsu (three mysteries) (yu (function)), and a general perspective of Juju taimo (unobstructed) (Sokushin Jobutsu gi), but in the viewpoint of mountaineering asceticism, the Japanese animistic belief in holy spirit, it should be noted that Shobo, at this time, exhibited the Ri and the Chi in a monastic way.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hoke-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) indicated that people who had not been able to believe Buddhism and had intended to stop believing when Daitsuchi-sho-butu had been born a long time ago, had been reborn in the era of Sakya-muni Buddha, who for 40-odd years had expounded his various teachings showing tentative enlightenment to make them understand the teachings and train themselves and had lead them to the real treasure, Ichijo teachings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yotsuko, the daughter of Kinto YOTSUTSUJI, became a maid of honor of the Emperor Gomizunoo in the beginning of the Edo period and, while in the Emperor's favor, gave birth to a prince (who died young) and a princess (later Bunchijoo), but the births took place shortly before the marriage of the Emperor Gomizunoo to Kazuko TOKUGAWA and thus invoked the wrath of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), with the result that she was temporarily expelled from the court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Unless any one who approves of punishment for the promulgation of opinions, flatters himself that he is a wiser and better man than Marcus Aurelius—more deeply versed in the wisdom of his time, more elevated in his intellect above it—more earnest in his search for truth, or more single-minded in his devotion to it when found;—let him abstain from that assumption of the joint infallibility of himself and the multitude,  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


These four sects do not include Shinran's sect, one of the strongest sects at that time, which became independent as Jodo Shinshu after he died. Other independent sects were founded left and right by other priests such as Tanku of Nison-in Temple in Saga (Kyoto), Genchi who revived Chion-in Temple and Kosei who introduced Ichinen-gi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The practice of prayer directed to pure bodhisattva's spiritual awakening which is opened by Richi funi Raisan is done in order that the prayer recognizes that he or she is in a direct line of Shingon's third founder, Naagaarjuna (Ryuju), and at the same time, the practice is connected to the belief in and assurance of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, which exists so as that its believers try to realize rishu (the Principle of the Perfection of Wisdom) of bettoku (Distinguished virtue) Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, which all are made from Dainichi Nyorai as Fumon Sotoku (all virtues of Universal Gateway).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nachi, which is different in character from Hongu and Hayatama, was known as a sanctuary for takiroko (ritual devotions under a waterfall for a certain period), but "Kumanogongen Kongozao Hoden Zoko Nikki" established in early Kamakura period describes a tale of history of religious service in Kumano junisho gongen, which tells that enshrined deities of Hongu and Hayatama were also enshrined by this time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Around that time, Hibari MISORA, who had already debuted with boogie-woogie as a hit song singer, changed her musical characteristics, nostalgia singer Hachiro KASUGA and Michiya MIHASHI debuted with King Records, Koji TSURUTA presenting himself as a chivalrous star debuted with Victor Records, Haruo MINAMI, the former rokyoku performer, and Yujiro ISHIHARA, the postwar superstar debuted with Teichiku Records, and Hideo MURATA debuted with Columbia Records, moving out of the world of rokyoku as Minami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is found in Buddhist stories; according to "Shaseki-shu," a collection of Buddhist stories compiled in the Kamakura period, a priest without virtue was born again as a hammer-shaped snake living deep in the mountains, and the priest had had a glib tongue while he had not have the eyes of the wisdom nor the hands of the piety nor the legs of the commandment, so Nozuchi he became had only a mouth and did not have eyes nor hands nor legs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In those days, romance and marriage were allowed between half-sisters and brothers from different mothers but not between half-brothers and sisters from the same mother; however, in the comic story "Tenjo no niji (The Rainbow in the Sky)," by Machiko SATONAKA, it is described that there was a romance involving this kind of forbidden love; Hashihito no Himemiko was persuaded to marry with Karu no Miko (Emperor Kotoku), but she kept the relationship with Emperor Tenchi (Tenji), and Arima no Miko was furious after knowing this and became angry at Hashihito no Himemiko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Emperor Goyozei, during the late Azuchi-Momoyama period and early Edo period, was frustrated as his successor was decided by two powerful leaders, Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, he allowed his own child to abdicate from the throne and tried to have his younger brother, Hachijonomiya Imperial Prince Toshihito succeed to the throne, however, there was a conflict with the Toyotomi government and Edo bakufu, finally he decided to pass the throne to Emperor Gomizunoo, who was the eldest son and was recommended by Ieyasu, but an unpleasant relationship between the father and son continued.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because "Akechi Gunki" was compiled by the Shogunate sometime between 1688 and 1703 (with the oldest original edition published in 1693), there are many entries that are different from historical facts and fabricated; however, it can be assumed that it had been generally understood, at least at the time when the biography was compiled, that Nohime remained Nobunaga's lawful wife after the suppression of Owari Province and that there were no facts that she died or she was divorced after Dosan died.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Historia de Iapan" by Luis Frois whose church was only 200 meter away from the Honno-ji Temple, '(Around three o'clock in the morning), (a small number of) warriors of the Akechi clan invaded the temple without being suspected (It seems that Oda's gatekeepers lost their sharpness because they knew that umazoroe (a troop review) in front of the Imperial Palace was planned for the next day.), and shot Nobunaga, who came out from the toilet and was washing his hands and face, in the back using bows and arrows.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The local lords of Yamato Province were either monk-soldiers of Daijo-in or Ichijo-in, the two biggest monzeki (temple formerly led by founder of sect, temple in which resided a member of nobility or imperial family) of Kofuku-ji Temple, or kokumin who were jinin (associates of Shinto shrines) of Kasuga-sha Shrine, but in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), they fought each other divided into the Southern Court (Japan) side led by the Ochi clan of kokumin and the Northern Court (Japan) side led by the Tsutsui clan of Ichijo-in monk-soldier.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ina no Agata was controlled by 'the Inatsuhiko family', gozoku (local ruling family) of Inatsuhiko Shrine was located in now Ishimaru, Mino City, Osaka Prefecture, and it is thought that a state had been established in now Hokusetsu area before the Isshi Incident (when Emperor Tenchi and FUJIWARA no Kamatari destroyed the Soga family) and following 'Taika no Kaishin' (Great Reformation of the Taika Era) occurred in the Asuka period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), when a member of Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents) the Northern Branch of the Fujiwara family, FUJIWARA no Michikane and Renjo UTSUNOMIYA (Rensho UTSUNOMIYA or Yoritsuna UTSUNOMIYA) built a villa at Sagano of Kyoto, they commissioned a master of poetry FUJIWARA no Teika (1162-1241) to choose outstanding waka for decorating the shikishi (square piece of fancy papers) of the fusuma (papered sliding doors) of the villa (later it was called Ogura-sanso Villa); Teika selected one hundred tanka, each one by distinguished poets and arranged them in chronological order from Emperor Tenji of the period of Jodai (before Taika no Kaishin of 645 which Tenji conducted when he was still a prince) until Emperor Juntoku of the Kamakura period; that has been said to be the prototype of "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, according to the age of Tenmu stated in "Ichidaiyoki" (summary chronicle of each reign) in the Kamakura period and "Honcho Koin Joun roku" (the Emperor's family tree) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, Tenmu was four years older than Tenji, for which some scholars including Katsuaki SASA, Keiko KOBAYASHI, and Iwao OWA advocate a tentative theory that the father of the fortieth Emperor Tenmu was not the thirty-fourth Emperor Jomei, and it is also advocated that the prerequisite for succeeding to the throne was that his mother was the thirty-seventh Emperor Saimei no matter who his father was; anyway, this is a tentative non-official theory and not accepted by the historical community.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

それでは、法律は犯人がへまをしたときにだけ正義を実行してくれるということになってしまったのだろうか? 太古の代から、法律というものはあまたの賢人たちがその知恵を傾けて完全なものとするべく努力して創り上げられたものだと、治安判事からいつも聞かされてきたのだが、今目の前で奸に長けた悪人が法の網をくぐり抜ける様を目の前にして、法律というものがいかに弱いものなのかを思い知らされていたのである。例文帳に追加

Could it happen that the law protected only against the blundering rogue? They had heard always of the boasted completeness of the law which magistrates from time immemorial had labored to perfect, and now when the skillful villain sought to evade it, they saw how weak a thing it was.  - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』



It argues that 'Our traditional calendar divides a year into 12 months according to the cycle of new moon and full moon and fits it into the position of the sun in the sky. Thus, we have to put a leap month every two or three years and there happens a climate lag before and after the intercalation, which finally causes errors in calculating the travel of celestial body. Especially, most of the annotations (rekichu) on middle and lower part of calendars are absurd and largely prevent the development of human intelligence,' and, on November 24 in the same year, the Dajokan fukoku was again issued and said, 'Now on issuing the solar calendar, the absurd annotations on middle and lower part of calendars will be totally forbidden including the lucky direction, unlucky direction, and the good or bad of the day, from 1873,' which, some insist, banned rokuyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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