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in the Huntの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 122


At this time, Koreyoshi OUCHI and Tsunetoshi YAMAUCHISUDO were appointed as daikan (local governors) in Iga and Ise respectively, to hunt down the remnants of the Taira clan and Yoshinaka's force. 例文帳に追加

このころ鎌倉から伊賀に大内惟義、伊勢に山内首藤経俊が代官として配置され、平氏や義仲の残党狩りが行われていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, with flourishing of whale hunt, whale meat became a popular lucky charm for ordinary people and was eaten at sekki. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代には捕鯨の隆盛と共に庶民の縁起物として広く節気などに食されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He introduced such policies as 'Taiko Kenchi' (nationwide location survey) and 'Katanagari' (sword hunt), and died in the middle of 'Bunroku Keicho no eki' (two Japanese invasions of Korea), asking Council of Five Elders to guard his heir, Hideyori. 例文帳に追加

太閤検地や刀狩などの政策を採るが、文禄・慶長の役の最中に、嗣子の秀頼を徳川家康ら五大老に託して没した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoriyuki was appointed as Military Governor of Bingo Province and as the commander of an operation to hunt down and kill Tadafuyu who was flourishing in Kyushu. 例文帳に追加

頼之は備後守護に補任され大将として九州で勢力を持っていた直冬の追討指揮を命じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On their way, when they encountered a band of chasers to hunt down the surviving soldiers in Mino Province, he hastily made Yoshitomo escape and he killed himself after shouting, 'I am MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo, I tell you.' 例文帳に追加

途中、美濃国にて落武者狩りの一団に遭遇した際、義朝を逃した上で「我こそは源義朝なり」と名乗って自決した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Takauji ASHIKAGA rebelled against the Kenmu Government in 1335, Sadatoshi initially followed Yoshisada NITTA's army to hunt down and kill Takauji. 例文帳に追加

建武(日本)2年(1335年)、足利尊氏が建武政権に叛旗を翻すと、始めは新田義貞の尊氏追討軍に従った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A synchronizing clock is extracted from the preamble in a received frame, and bit synchronism is established and transits into a hunt state.例文帳に追加

受信フレーム中のプリアンブルから同期クロックを抽出してビット同期を確立し、ハント状態に遷移する。 - 特許庁

Although it had been ruled by Shugo in name only, it suddenly became the land of Hidenaga TOYOTOMI and the directly controlled land of Hideyoshi next, and the land survey in the Tensho era and Sword hunt (to confiscate the weapons of the enemies of the new regime in order to secure the position of a new ruler) were implemented. 例文帳に追加

守護の支配さえ名目に過ぎなかったのがいきなり豊臣秀長領、次いで秀吉直轄領となり、天正検地や刀狩が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The definition of samurai and farmers were not so clear before the sword hunt decree (the disarmament of farmers) of 1588 by Hideyoshi and the residence zoning for samurai in castle towns, for townspeople in cities, and for farmers in rural villages, and those measures separated the samurai class and the farmer class definitely. 例文帳に追加

それまで武士と農民は分離していなかったが、豊臣秀吉の刀狩りと武士は城下・町人は町屋・農民は村落と住居が固定されるなどにより武士階級と農民が明確に分離された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1562 Sadataka's downfall culminated by losing his position, and when Sadataka finally raised an army in Mt. Funaoka ('Funaokayama') in Kyoto, Nagayoshi ordered Hisahide MATSUNAGA to hunt down and kill Sadataka, thus resulting in the death of Sadataka and his son Sadayoshi in battle. 例文帳に追加

永禄5年(1562年)には失脚に追い込まれ、このため京都船岡山で挙兵したが、長慶の命を受けた松永久秀の追討を受け、子の貞良と共に戦死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In August 1079, he was ordered by the Imperial Court to hunt down and kill Uhyoe no jo (officer of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards), MINAMOTO no Shigemune (the fourth generation of the Mansei line of the Seiwa branch of the Minamoto clan) for causing the feud with MINAMOTO no Kunifusa in Mino Province. 例文帳に追加

1079年(承暦3)8月 美濃国で源国房と闘乱を起こした右兵衛尉源重宗(清和源氏満正流4代)を官命により追討。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result of heinobunri (a separation of the warrior class in this domain from the soil) (Sword Hunt) and the confirmation of land ownership (Taiko-kenchi (the land survey by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI), which had been implemented by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, the style of connection called the soson finally disappeared, and there emerged early-modern villages that survived in the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

最終的には、豊臣秀吉による兵農分離(刀狩)と土地所有確認(太閤検地)の結果、惣村という結合形態は消滅し、江戸時代に続く近世村落が形成していったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Sotobo area in Chiba Prefecture known as the place where berardius has been hunt from old times, the peculiar taste of the meat has been emphasized using the expression of "taste blood" without extracting the blood. 例文帳に追加

古くからツチクジラ漁で知られる千葉県の外房地域では、基本的に「血抜き」をせず「血を味わう」と表現されたりもするものであり、あえてクセの強さが強調されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yukiie played an active role in passing on to all Genji people in the country Prince Mochihito's order to hunt down and kill the Heike family and raise an army against the Heike clan during the Jisho-Juei War, but after the fall of the Heike clan he entered a conflict with his nephew, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, as a result of which he was defeated and killed. 例文帳に追加

行家は治承・寿永の乱の際に以仁王の平家追討の令旨を全国の源氏に伝え挙兵を促すなど活躍したが、平家滅亡後に甥の源頼朝と対立し、敗れ殺害された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Godaigo refused this demand by Takauji, and in the eleventh month he commanded Yoshisada to send his army out to hunt down Takauji; but the Nitta army was defeated, and in the first month of 1336 the Ashikaga army entered the capital. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐天皇は尊氏のこの要請を受けず、11月に義貞に尊氏追討を命じて出陣させるが、新田軍は敗北し、1336年(建武(日本)3年)1月に足利軍は入京する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because of the Matsuda clan's having built the unchallenged power in the western Bizen Province in around 1483, the Akamatsu clan, the Shugo, was wary of them, and Norikuni URAGAMI, a family member of Norimune URAGAMI, who was ordered to hunt down and kill them by Masanori AKAMATSU, attacked them. 例文帳に追加

文明_(日本)15年(1483年)頃には備前国西部に確固とした力を築いていたためか、守護の赤松氏から警戒され、赤松政則の追討の命を受けた浦上則宗の一族の浦上則国に攻め込まれることとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Small-sized whales except berardius, and products based on dolphins that are hunt even today in Iwate Prefecture, in Shizuoka Prefecture and in Wakayama Prefecture, are mostly consumed in the areas where they are caught. 例文帳に追加

小型捕鯨のうちツチクジラ以外の種類、及び岩手県や静岡県、和歌山県などで現在も行われているイルカ漁の産品は地元での消費が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He joined the army of the MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune in the fight to hunt down and kill Ise-Heishi (Taira clan); at the battle of Yashima, he demonstrated his prowess as a warrior; for example, he burned down the fortress after the Taira's army escaped to the sea and made the Taira's army give up the will to counterattack. 例文帳に追加

伊勢平氏追討の戦いでは源義経軍に加わり、屋島の戦いに際しては、平家軍が海上に逃れた後にその城塞を焼き払い、反撃意欲を絶つという活躍を見せている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1183, he joined the army of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo to hunt down and kill the Heike family and prayed for the victory at Kohata Daimyojin Shrine; on March 4, 1184, he took part in the Battle of Uji-gawa River and delivered great performance leading to a victory. 例文帳に追加

寿永2年(1183年)に源頼朝の平家追討軍に参加し、山城国宇治郷にあった木幡大明神に戦勝を祈願し、翌寿永3年(1184年)正月20日、宇治川の戦いに出陣し、戦功を挙げて勝利。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hideyoshi also conducted the Sword Hunt in 1588 to deprive the farming rank the right to wear a sword and to restrict the use of weapons which completed the heinobunri (separation of the warrior class from the soil) while creating the early-modern samurai rank. 例文帳に追加

秀吉はまた、1588年に刀狩を実施して、百姓身分から帯刀権を奪い、武器使用を規制して兵農分離を完成させたいっぽうで、近世的な武士身分を創出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the medieval period of Europe, whales were hunt systematically, for example, in Bay of Biscay, and the meat was consumed as food widely by people living along the costal areas, especially whale tongue was highly valued. 例文帳に追加

中世ヨーロッパにおいてはビスケー湾などで組織的な捕鯨が行われ、鯨の舌が珍重されたほか、肉は広く沿岸民の食糧となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the following year of 1350, Takauji and other launched a campaign to central Japan to hunt down his son-in-law Tadafuyu ASHIKAGA and, during his brother's absence, Tadayoshi fled Kyoto and travelled to the Southern Court with the intention of killing Moronao. 例文帳に追加

翌1350年(正平5年/観応元年)、尊氏らが養子足利直冬を討つために中国地方へ遠征すると、その留守に乗じて京都を脱出、師直討伐を掲げて南朝へ降る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1189, Tamemune took part in the campaign with his younger brothers Tameshige UENO, Suketsuna DATE, and Tameie DATE for the Battle of Oshu (Oshu-Seibatsu [Kamakura bakufu's military campaign against the Fujiwara of northern Japan]) launched by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo to hunt down and kill FUJIWARA no Yasuhira. 例文帳に追加

文治5年(1189年)、源頼朝が藤原泰衡追討のために行った奥州合戦(奥州征伐)に、弟の殖野為重、伊達資綱、伊達為家とともに従軍。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After leaving the temple, he began to carry out important tasks as a retainer for the Mori clan; for example, he joined a troop to hunt down and kill Teruhiro OUCHI who had invaded Yamaguchi City in Suo Province, a former territory of the Mori clan, in 1569. 例文帳に追加

下山後に毛利氏の家臣としての主要な行動を開始し、1569年に旧領の周防国山口市に侵入した大内輝弘追討に参加している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The classes of samurai and peasants which had social mobility to some extent in the Warring States period (Japan) were fixed by taiko kenchi (the cadastral surveys conducted by Hideyoshi) which started around 1582 and katanagari (sword hunt) which was carried out in 1588. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)に比較的流動性があった侍と百姓が固定化されるのが天正9年(1582年)頃から始まった太閤検地や天正16年(1588年)の刀狩などによってである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Their mission was to obtain the fittings for the memorial service of Shochoju-in Temple and to impel the Court to banish the remnants of the Taira clan, but another mission was to give Yoshitsune the order of Yoritomo to hunt down and kill MINAMOTO no Yukiie, who was Yoshitsune's uncle. 例文帳に追加

目的は勝長寿院供養の道具を求め、併せて平家残党の配流を朝廷に促すためだが、同時に義経へ叔父の源行家を追討するよう頼朝の命を伝えることになっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In most cases, these Ji-zamurai returned to the position of farmers due to the separation policy of samurai and farmers such as the sword hunt during the Azuchi Momoyama period and took the leaders' position of the villages such as Shoya, Nanushi, Kimoiri, and Banto. 例文帳に追加

こうした地侍たちは、安土桃山期の兵農分離(刀狩など)によって郷士や再度、百姓身分に戻り、庄屋・名主・肝煎・番頭など村の指導者としての地位に就くことが多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Akita Prefecture, shottsuru-nabe of whale meat called "kujirakayaki," a rare nabemono in the summer season, has been eaten since the Edo period, and it is recorded that a group of around five ships went to sea to hunt whales. 例文帳に追加

秋田県でも鍋物としては珍しく夏の暑気払いとして「鯨貝焼(くじらかやき)」という鯨のしょっつる鍋が江戸時代から食されており、夏場になると五艘程度の小舟の船団で鯨漁に出ていた記録が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The origin is an altar for the harvest festival held during times when Japanese continuously migrated from one place to the next to hunt wild life and gather food to sustain their lives and, in those days, the mikoshi was taken down after the festival and, every year, a new mikoshi was built to invite a god to come down from heaven. 例文帳に追加

狩猟と採集による移住を繰り返した時代に行われた収穫祭の祭壇が起源で、このときは祭りが終わると神輿は取り壊され、毎年新たな神輿を作って天上の神を招いていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In June of 1193 when Yoriie shot a deer for the first time at the age of twelve during Makigari (a hunt where the hunting area is surrounded on four sides by hunters) at the foot of Mt.Fuji, Yoritomo was delighted and sent a messenger to Masako reproving that 'it is natural for the son of samurai.' 例文帳に追加

建久4年(1193年)5月、富士山の裾野で行われた巻狩りで、12歳の頼家が初めて鹿を射ると、頼朝は喜んで政子に報告の使いを送り、武士の子なら当たり前の事であるとたしなめられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the meeting of the Genji clan on December 12, an idea was put forth that they should depart to the front in the Kanto region, setting Goshirakawa up as the lord ("Gyokuyo," entry of December 13), and on December 19, an order to hunt down and kill MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was given to monk-soldiers of Kofuku-ji Temple ("Gyokuyo," entry of December 19). 例文帳に追加

19日の源氏一族の会合では後白河を奉じて関東に出陣するという案が飛び出し(『玉葉』閏10月20日条)、26日には興福寺の衆徒に頼朝討伐の命が下された(『玉葉』閏10月26日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Torimi stationed at the hunting ground hired men from neighboring villages as "takaban," which posed a heavy burden on the appointees and at times caused villagers to riot, due in part to the mobilization of villagers during the shogun's hunt. 例文帳に追加

なお、現地に滞在した在宅鳥見の下には周辺農村から村役の一環として「鷹番」が登用されていたが、その負担は大きく将軍鷹狩の際の人夫徴発と合わせて一揆などの騒動を起こす一因にもなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Prince Ohatsuse (later, the Emperor Yuryaku) while bearing malice toward Prince Oshiha and then using the pretense of a hunt, invited him to Kayano, Omi Province (the current possible location is around the area of Kaigake, Hino Town, Gamo County, Shiga Prefecture) in November. 例文帳に追加

かねてからこのことを恨んでいた大泊瀬皇子(後の雄略)は、10月に押磐皇子を近江国の蚊屋野(かやの、現在の滋賀県蒲生郡日野町(滋賀県)鎌掛付近か)へ狩猟に誘い出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On October 18, 1185, the Emperor Goshirakawa issued an imperial letter to hunt down and kill MINAMOTO no Yoritomo by the request of MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, but the fall of Yoshitsune in the next month threw him into situations. 例文帳に追加

文治元年(1185年)10月18日、後白河天皇は源義経の要請により源頼朝追討宣旨を下すが、翌月の義経没落で苦しい状況に追い込まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Immediately after that, however, the news of political change in Kyoto was conveyed to HIRANO; he was shocked to know that the just cause for raising an army was lost, now Tenchu-gumi was labeled as a mob, and the order to hunt down and kill the group was issued. 例文帳に追加

しかし、直後に京での政変が伝えられ、挙兵の大義名分が失われた上に天誅組が暴徒と決め付けられ追討の命が下されたことを知り、愕然とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sukenaga was appointed to be Provincial Governor of Echigo by TAIRA no Munemori who was the successor of Kiyomori after his death in 1181, and was ordered to hunt down and kill MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka who had raised an army in Shinano Province. 例文帳に追加

清盛の死後の治承5年(1181年)、後を継いだ平宗盛から越後国越後守に任じられ、信濃国で挙兵した源義仲の追討を命じられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a bathroom heating drier which can maintain the bathroom temperature without letting it hunt in a heating operation and in which bathing person can take a bath at more comfortable bathroom temperature.例文帳に追加

暖房運転時、浴室内温度がハンチングすることなく維持でき、入浴者により快適な浴室温度での入浴ができる浴室暖房乾燥機を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

They took Onamuji to the foot of a mountain near Hoki Province and ordered him, "There is a red wild boar in this mountain. We all hunt it and make it go down the mountain, so you wait here and catch the boar." 例文帳に追加

オオナムヂを伯岐国の手前の山麓につれて来て、「赤い猪がこの山にいる。我々が一斉に追い下ろすから、お前は待ち受けてそれを捕えよ」と命令した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to successfully hunt the nine-tailed fox, Miuranosuke and Kazusanosuke (warriors) as well as many officers and soldiers trained their horseback shooting skill by chasing and hunting dogs imagining their tails were the fox and then started the attack again. 例文帳に追加

三浦介と上総介ら多くの将兵は九尾の狐を確実に狩るために犬の尾を狐に見立てた犬追物で騎射を訓練し、再び攻撃を開始する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What's more, a letter then arrived from Kagetoki KAJIWARA, who had remained in Kyushu, to Yoritomo bringing formal complaint against Yoshitsune for his haughtiness and tyranny during the war to hunt down and destroy the Taira clan, and having been informed that Yoshitsune had also taken the daughter of TAIRA no Tokitada to be his wife, Yoritomo was angered still more. 例文帳に追加

さらに、九州に残っていた梶原景時から頼朝へ、平氏追討の戦いの最中の義経の驕慢と専横を訴える書状が届き、義経が平時忠の娘を娶ったことも知らされ、頼朝を怒らせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around this time, based on the 'charter to send troops' issued by the Daijokan, the kokuga military system had been established in which provincial governors formed forces with provincial samurais to hunt down and catch 'outlaws.' 例文帳に追加

当時、太政官から発給された「追捕官符」を根拠に、国司が国内の武士を軍事力として編成し、「凶党」の追捕に当たるという国衙軍制が成立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinaka demanded the issuance of an imperial decree or Migyosho (a document for informing people of the decision of Third Rank or upper people) to hunt down and kill MINAMOTO no Yorimoto ("Gyokuyo," entry of December 14), but in no way would Goshirakawa acknowledge the demand. 例文帳に追加

義仲は、頼朝追討の宣旨ないし御教書の発給(『玉葉』閏10月21日条)、志太義広の平氏追討使への起用を要求するが、後白河が認めるはずもなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, kugyo who were appointed as giso kugyo had no personal acquaintance with Yoritomo, and Sanesada who approved of the Imperial order to hunt down and kill Yoritomo was included in the member, therefore the members were not necessarily pro-Shogunate forces. 例文帳に追加

しかし議奏に指名された公卿は頼朝との面識はなく、頼朝追討宣旨に賛同した実定が含まれるなど、必ずしも親鎌倉派という陣容ではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This figure, by Iwao OYAMA, might be guessed to be a statue inspired by only the shirt of Giuseppe Garibaldi, and he suggested that took away Saigo's serious side, showed his true nature without decoration as he went to hunt rabbit in the mountains. 例文帳に追加

この姿は大山巌がジュゼッペ・ガリバルディのシャツだけの銅像から思いつき、西郷の真面目は一切の名利を捨てて山に入って兎狩りをした飾りの無い本来の姿にこそあるとして発案した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even FUJIWARA no Tadamichi and his son Motozane, both of the elite Fujiwara branch that produced regents and advisors and with whom Nobuyori had been close, joined the counter-rebellion at Rokuhara, meaning that Kiyomori had achieved, in a stroke, total legitimacy for his army, and soon his forces received an imperial order to hunt down and destroy Nobuyori and Yoshitomo. 例文帳に追加

信頼と提携関係にあった摂関家の藤原忠通・基実父子も参入したことで、清盛は一気に官軍としての体裁を整えるに至り、信頼・義朝の追討宣旨が下された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Judging from the description in kuge-nikki (noblemen's diaries) that 'the hunt for defeated warriors began around Kyoto and some sixty warriors were arrested and executed,' it could be considered that there was a small-scale battle. 例文帳に追加

ただ、公家日記によると京都周辺で落武者狩りが行われ、60名前後が捕縛、処刑されたとあるので、小規模な戦闘はあったと思われている - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During a hunt for memory leaks in an application a developer might want to free all memory allocated by Python before exitingfrom the application.例文帳に追加

アプリケーション内で起きているメモリリークを追跡する際に、開発者は Python が確保したメモリをアプリケーションの終了前に解放させたいと思う場合もあります。 - Python

Kiyomori resigned as Chancellor of the State on May 17; however, before his resignation, on May 10 Shigemori received a written imperial order to hunt down and kill bandits and pirates in Higashiyama, Tokai, Sanyo, and Nankai-do ("Heihanki" (diary of TAIRA no Nobunori)). 例文帳に追加

清盛は5月17日に太政大臣を辞任するが、それに先立つ5月10日、重盛に対して東山・東海・山陽・南海道の山賊・海賊追討宣旨が下された(『兵範記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In September 1361 whilst Kiyouji was absent, the Shogun Yoshiakira received permission from Emperor Gokogon to hunt down and kill Kiyouji, and Kiyouji made good an escape to Wakasa Province together with his younger brothers Yorikazu and Nobuuji. 例文帳に追加

1361年(正平16年/康安元年)9月には、清氏の留守中に将軍義詮が後光厳天皇に清氏追討を仰ぎ、清氏は弟の頼和、信氏らとともに分国の若狭へ落ち延びる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When explosions occur at the Kremlin in Moscow, Impossible Mission Force (IMF) agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his team are on an undercover mission nearby. 例文帳に追加

モスクワにあるクレムリンで爆発が起こったとき,インポッシブル・ミッション・フォース(IMF)のエージェント,イーサン・ハント(トム・クルーズ)と彼のチームは近くで秘密任務を行っていた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


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