
「to Yama」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









to Yamaの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 189


Currently, Gorinto, which is said to be the grave of Tokuitsu, remains at the site of Enichi-ji Temple (Bandai-machi, Yama-gun, Fukushima Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

現在、慧日寺跡(福島県耶麻郡磐梯町)には徳一の墓と伝えられる五輪塔が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The color comes from 'Green Ogre' that, according to folklore, lived in the Oe-yama Mountain Range that rises above the KTR Miyafuku Line, on which Monju runs. 例文帳に追加

走行路線の一つである北近畿タンゴ鉄道宮福線沿線に聳え立つ大江山の鬼伝説から取って、その中の「青鬼」にちなんでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

July 28, 1939: The management of the company was left to Oye-yama Nickel Mining Company, which was merged into its parent company Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co., Ltd. in 1943. 例文帳に追加

1939年(昭和14年)7月28日:大江山ニッケル鉱業(1943年に親会社の日本冶金工業に合併)に経営を委ねる - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1352, the Emperor Gomurakami established Hokusei-gun (an army heading north), and once moved from Sumiyoshi to Otoko-yama Mountain in Yamashiro Province (Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

1352年(正平7年、北朝の観応3年)に後村上天皇は北征軍を興し、一度は住吉から山城の男山(京都府八幡市)に移った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters - Japan's oldest historical record), the deity is enshrined in Hieno-yama (later called and Mt. Hiei) and Matsuo, Kazuno District, and Narikabura is where the deity resides. 例文帳に追加

古事記では、近江国の日枝山(ひえのやま、後の比叡山)および葛野(かづの)の松尾に鎮座し、鳴鏑を神体とすると記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


How is the term "Inari" related to Inari Shrine on Inari-yama Kofun (an ancient mound tomb) in Sakitama Kofun-gun (a group of ancient mound tombs), and when was it built? 例文帳に追加

埼玉県行田市のさきたま古墳群内、稲荷山古墳上の稲荷社との関連とその時期。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From there, the main building of the Mito-jinja Shrine is about 600 meters to the east via the 'Ni no torii' (the second gate) at the foot of Mount Konosu-yama. 例文帳に追加

ここから東へ鴻ノ巣山のふもとにある「二の鳥居」を経て約600m先に水度神社本殿がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It includes 'a legend of Ikuta-gawa River' (the 147th chapter) with a story about a young lady who committed suicide by throwing herself into Ikuta-gawa River for taking to heart the propositions of marriage from two men, as well as 'a legend of Ubasute-yama Mountain' (the 156th chapter). 例文帳に追加

二人から求婚された乙女が生田川に身を投げる「生田川伝説」(147段)や、「姥捨山伝説」(156段)などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Shingu clan ruled Shingu-sho, Yama-gun (present-day Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture), Mutsu Province (later Iwashiro no kuni) from the Kamakura period to the early part of the Muromachi period. 例文帳に追加

新宮氏(しんぐうし)は、鎌倉時代~室町時代初期にかけて陸奥国(後の岩代国)耶麻郡新宮荘(福島県喜多方市)を支配した氏族。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On December 2 (the old calendar) Ieyasu inspected the Chausu-yama camp, followed by the camp of each general's and ordered them to construct shiyori (faculities for attacking a castle). 例文帳に追加

家康は12月2日(旧暦)、茶臼山を、以降は各将の陣を視察し、仕寄(攻城設備)の構築を命じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On March 24, 1184, the Karamete troops of Yoshitsune's army started a night attack upon the military camps of TAIRA no Sukemori and TAIRA no Arimori on Mikusa-yama Mountain in Banshu (Harima Province) and forced the Taira clan to retreat. 例文帳に追加

2月4日、搦手義経軍は、播州・三草山の平資盛、平有盛らの陣に夜襲を仕掛けて敗走させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After TAIRA no Munemori knew the Mikusa-yama Mountain fortress had been defeated, he added the strong generalship of TAIRA no Noritsune to the defense of Hiyodorigoe for protection from Yoshitsune's army. 例文帳に追加

三草山が破られたと知った平宗盛は、義経軍へ備えて猛将平教経を鵯越の防衛へ加えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shugosho were built to imitate the gosho (residence) of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and Yama-shiro castles were mostly used as a tsume—no-shiro castle (a kind of castle of last refuge). 例文帳に追加

守護所は、室町幕府の御所を模して建てられ、また山城を詰城(つめのしろ)としていることが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following this, a family member of Takakage NAGAO, a vassal of Noriaki, came to own Ueda-sho Manor between 1352 and 1355, called himself of the UEDA NAGAO clan and used the castle on Sakato-yama Mountain as his base. 例文帳に追加

その家臣長尾高景の一族の者が、文和年間(1352年-1355年)に上田荘を領し、上田長尾氏を称して、坂戸山を居城にした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this time, a western army used the area around Funaoka-yama Mountain for its encampment, and therefore the area later came to be called 'Nishijin' (the encampment of the western army group). 例文帳に追加

この時に、西軍は船岡山一帯を陣地としたため、その後「西陣」の名で呼ばれるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Arita County of Wakayama Prefecture (present-day Hirokawa Town, Wakayama Prefecture) and Yamagata County of Hiroshima Prefecture, Yama-arashi is also called 'Shii'; cow keepers often say 'Shii, Shii', meaning 'Yama-arashi is behind you', to move cows forward as cows are very scared of porcupines full of spines. 例文帳に追加

和歌山県有田郡廣村(現・広川町(和歌山県))や広島県山県郡(広島県)では、ヤマアラシは別名を「シイ」といい、毛を逆立てる姿をウシがたいへん恐れるので、牛を飼う者は牛に前進させる際に「後ろにシイがいるぞ」という意味で「シイシイ」と命令するのだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Eight types of the surrounding scenery and vistaed views include: in particular, the 'temple views' such as Kamo Wakeikazuchi-jinja Shrine, Kamo Mioya-jinja Shrine, To-ji Temple and Kiyomizu-dera Temple; the 'street views' such as the Oike-dori Street and the Shijo-dori Street; the 'waterfront views' such as the view from Lake Biwa Canal; the 'background garden view' such as Entsu-ji Temple (Kyoto City); the 'mountain views' such as the Higashi-yama mountains and the Kita-yama mountains; the 'symbol views' such as the Daimonji (huge kanji character "dai" formed by bonfire in the Daimonji Festival); the 'lookout views' such as the view from the bridge over the Kamo-gawa River; and the 'bird's-eye views' such as the view from Mt. Daimonji-yama. 例文帳に追加

眺望景観とは、具体的には賀茂別雷神社、賀茂御祖神社、東寺、清水寺などからの「境内の眺め」や、御池通、四条通などからの「通りの眺め」、琵琶湖疏水などからの「水辺の眺め」、円通寺(京都市)などからの「庭園の眺め」、東山・北山などに対する「山並みへの眺め」、大文字などに対する「しるしへの眺め」、鴨川にかかる橋からの「見晴らしの眺め」、大文字からの「見下ろしの眺め」の8種である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The quadrigraded conjugation verbs and the attributive form of adjectives of the dialects in the Togoku region such as 'Ta to tsuku' ('Tatsu to tsuki' [the new moon comes]) and 'Kanashike imo' ('Itoshii Imoto' [my sweet younger sister]) take unique forms different from the standard Japanese; on the other hand, it is known that the Hachijo dialect spoken in Hachijo-jima island such as 'Kakotoki' ('Kakutoki' [when man writes]) and 'Takake yama' ('Takaki Yama' [a high mountain]) takes the same form as that of the ancient dialects of the Togoku region. 例文帳に追加

また、東国方言の四段動詞と形容詞の連体形は、「立と月」「愛(かな)しけ妹(いも)」のように中央語とは異なる独特の語形を取るが、八丈島で話される八丈方言は「書こ時」「高け山」のように、上代東国方言と同様の語形を取ることで知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It had been located in the place where Kaya Station used to stand, but since the company decided to sell its station site to former Kaya-cho in 1993, it moved the facility to the site where Oe Yama Kozan Station used to be, and resumed its business in November, 1996. 例文帳に追加

なお以前は加悦駅跡にあったが、1993年に当時の加悦町へ加悦駅用地を譲渡することになったため、1996年11月に現在の大江山鉱山駅跡に移転・再開している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that powerful members of the Imperial Family and the nobility were buried in Mount Toribe-yama, and in the end of the 10th century venerable monks reportedly burned themselves to death, hoping to attain 'funshi ojo' (according to their Buddhist beliefs, it was a way to become a Buddha after death). 例文帳に追加

鳥部山は有力な皇族や貴族が葬られており、10世紀末頃には高僧たちがこの地で焚死往生を願って自らの体に火を放って命を絶ったといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After returning to Japan in the year 987, Chonen likened Kyoto's Mt. Atago-yama to Mt. Wutai in China and attempted to establish a temple at its base in which to install the Shaka statue. 例文帳に追加

奝然は、永延元年(987年)日本に帰国後、京都の愛宕山を中国の五台山に見立て、愛宕山麓にこの釈迦像を安置する寺を建立しようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the tale, Kume-no-sennin of Ryumon-dera Temple on Mt. Yoshino-yama learned to fly in the air using his supernatural powers; one day while flying, his attention went to the calves of a woman doing laundry in a river, making him lose his powers and fall to the ground. 例文帳に追加

それによると、吉野山龍門寺の久米仙人は仙術で空を飛べるようになったが、ある日空を飛んでいる時、川で洗濯をしている女のふくらはぎに見とれて法力を失い、地上に落ちてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shinsen-gumi Shimatsuki," a lot of his evil deeds were disclosed and he was pressed to commit seppuku or accept decapitation according to the law, and finally he was forced to commit seppuku at fancy Japanese-style restaurant Yama no O in Gion Shinchi where he enjoyed himself. 例文帳に追加

『新選組始末記』によると悪行の数々を握られて切腹せねば法度に照らして斬首すると詰め寄られ、遊蕩先の祇園新地の料亭山緒でついに切腹させられたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when Hideyoshi and Ieyasu compromised and Narimasa was driven to the extremity, he had a great achievement that he crossed over Hida Mountains and Tate-yama Mountains and entered the Hamamatsu City at midwinter to persuade Ieyasu to have another try. 例文帳に追加

ところが秀吉・家康らとの間で和議が成立し、進退が窮まると、成政は家康に再挙を促すため、厳冬の飛騨山脈(飛騨山脈)・立山山系を越えて浜松市へと踏破するという壮挙を成し遂げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the central axis of the tumulus is extended out to the circular rear-end orientation, it goes through the mountain pass area of Takenouchi Road located south to Futakami-yama Mountain, while the axis extended out to the rectangular frontage orientation goes through Hashihaka Tumulus and Hibara-jinja Shrine area. 例文帳に追加

墳丘の中心軸の延長線について、後円部方向は二上山の南にある竹之内街道の峠付近を通り、前方部方向は箸墓や檜原神社付近を通る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the samples of the rhetorical games since "Manyoshu," we can show the instances such as 'ashihiki no' -> 'ashi wo hikizurinagara noboru' (to climb with dragging legs) -> 'yama' (a mountain), 'azusayumi' -> 'yumi no gen wo haru' (to stretch a bowstring) -> 'haru' (spring), and so on. 例文帳に追加

『万葉集』以来の言語遊戯の例としては、「足引きの」→「足を引きながら登る」→「山」、「梓弓」→「弓の弦を張る」→「春」などの例を挙げることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Wakan Sansai Zue," an encyclopedia compiled during the Edo period, Nozuchi was often seen in Natsumi-gawa River and Seimei-daki Waterfall in Yoshino-yama mountain range, and its name originated from its resemblance to a hammer ('tsuchi' or 'zuchi'). 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の百科事典『和漢三才図会』によれば、大和国(現・奈良県)吉野山中の菜摘川(夏実川)や清明滝(蜻螟滝)でよく見かけるもので、野槌の名は槌に似ていることが由来とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought that intended to establish Seiryo-ji Temple at the base of Mt. Atago-yama in the northwest of the capital in order to counteract the corresponding Enryaku-ji Temple situated at Mt. Hieizan in the northeast. 例文帳に追加

すなわち、都の西北方にそびえる愛宕山麓の地に拠点となる清凉寺を建立することで、相対する都の東北方に位置する比叡山延暦寺と対抗しようとした、という意図が込められていたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1561, Norimasa passed on the name of Yamanouchi-Uesugi and the position of Kanto Kanrei to Kagetora NAGAO (later Kenshin UESUGI) of the Echigo Nagai clan, and Norimasa moved to Kasuga-yama Mountain. 例文帳に追加

1561年、憲政は山内上杉家の名跡と関東管領の職を、越後長尾氏の長尾景虎(後の上杉謙信)に譲り、自身は春日山に移った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Afterward, mining of nickel was begun on Oe-yama mountain range, which was located to the southwest of Kaya Station, and so, in 1940, the railway to the mine, exclusively used for freight transportation, was opened. 例文帳に追加

その後、加悦駅の南西にある大江山でニッケルの採掘が開始されたため、1940年(昭和15年)に大江山鉱山への貨物専用鉄道が開業した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mt. Kinugasa (Kyoto Prefecture), which constitutes the border between Kita Ward and Ukyo Ward, was named Kinukake-yama (literally, a mountain covered with a white silk cloth) because, according to a traditional folklore, Emperor Uda wished to see snow even in summer and had the mountain covered with a white silk cloth. 例文帳に追加

北区と右京区の境界を成す衣笠山(京都府)は、宇多天皇が夏のさなかに雪が見たいと所望して白絹をかけたという故事から「きぬかけ山」とも呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the Gion-sha Shrine, lower ranking jinin called 'inu jinin' served to clean the shrine, provided security at Yama-hoko junko (float procession), and had the privilege to participate in cleaning and attending funerals across Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

祇園社には、身分の低い「犬神人」と呼ばれる神人が隷属し、社内の清掃や山鉾巡幸の警護のほか、京市内全域の清掃・葬送を行う特権を有していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Izanami was 'the first mortal to die' and she became 'the goddess that rules the underworld,' but stories in which 'the first mortal to die' becomes 'the god who rules the underworld' can be seen in Osiris of Ancient Egypt and in Yama of India. 例文帳に追加

イザナミは「最初の死人」となり「死の国を支配する神」となったが、「最初の死人」が「死の国を支配する神」となる話は古代エジプトのオシリスやインドのヤマなどにみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From this, the following view was generated: the Takeda side enclosed the Uesugi's forces that had set up their military base on Saijo-yama Mountain and employed the starving strategy, and for this, the entire Uesugi's forces rushed to attack the main military base of the Takeda forces to escape from the difficult situation. 例文帳に追加

そこで妻女山に陣をしいた上杉軍を取り囲んで兵糧攻めにしたところ、窮地を脱しようと上杉軍が全軍で武田軍本陣に突撃をかけたのではないかとする説が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time Katsushige MATSUDAIRA, governor of domain was dismissed from the post and had to go Tokyo, then on August 15, Kuma-yama mountain ・Kume riot was occurred to protest abolishment of hokora and resignation of the governor of the domain. 例文帳に追加

おりしも藩知事であった松平勝成が免職となり上京することになり、8月15日に祠の破却反対と藩知事免職反対を要求する久万山・久米騒動が勃発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, by the judgment of Enma Diao (the Great King Yama), dead Oguri and his retainers were sent back to the present world together with a letter addressed to Yugyo Shonin (Saint Yugyo) in Fujisawa City saying, 'If they enter the hot spring in Kumano region, they can restore their bodies.' 例文帳に追加

一方、死んだ小栗と家来は閻魔大王の裁きにより「熊野の湯に入れば元の姿に戻ることができる」との藤沢市の遊行上人宛の手紙とともに現世に送り返される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kunio YANAGIDA, a scholar of folklore, paid attention to the barrier stone called Uba-ishi at the start of a trail up Mt. Iwaki-san (or Ubasute-yama), a mountain where old women would be abandoned, and in "Imo-no-chikara" and "Bikuni-ishi" introduced a legend that a woman who crossed over the barrier stone would change into a stone. 例文帳に追加

民俗学者の柳田国男は姥捨山・岩木山の登山口にも姥石という結界石があるのに着目し、結界を越えた女性が石に化したという伝説を『妹の力』『比丘尼石』のなかで紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The basic objective is to earn the natural spiritual power of the mountains by practicing severe hardships such as Toha (Toso) (running throughout the mountains) and Zange (confession) in deep sacred mountains, such as Mt. Daisen (Tottori Prefecture) and Haguro-yama (Yamagata Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

基本的に霊山と呼ばれる大山(鳥取県)や羽黒山(山形県)などの奥深い山中で、踏破(抖擻)や懺悔などの厳しい艱難苦行を行なって、山岳が持つ自然の霊力を身に付ける事を目的とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Haguro-yama (Yamagata Prefecture), an applicant can wear a white costume and enter the mountain to experience Yamabushi's ascetic practices such as fasting, Takiuchi (standing under a waterfall), walking over fire, (Zen sitting meditation), Ninku no Gyo (Nanban Ibushi, or being smoked), and so on, in September of every year. 例文帳に追加

羽黒山(山形県)では毎年9月、希望者が白装束を着て入峰し、断食、滝打ち、火渡り、床堅(座禅)、忍苦の行(南蛮いぶし)などの活動を通して山伏修行を体験できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Kuromimi" which was another name of Kokuanten in the original language in Hindooism was personalized and identified with Durga, the empress of Shiva (the god), and was considered to be the younger sister of Yama (Enma) (the god). 例文帳に追加

ヒンドゥー教では、別名である原語の“黒耳”が擬人化され、シヴァ神の妃であるドゥルガーと同一視され、またヤマ(閻魔)神の妹とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In parallel with permanent yorishiro fixed inside shrines, these Yama (imitation mountains) have been fabricated and used in festivals as temporary yorishiro to represent or reconfirm the descent of gods. 例文帳に追加

恒久的である神殿内部の依り代と並行して、この山は神の降臨を表現する、或いは、再確認する臨時の依り代として祭礼などで用いられるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One notable Yama used in a pageant for systemized festival, is the Shirushinoyama (also called Hyonoyama and Shimeyama) which was pulled around in the Onieno-matsuri festival held in November, 833 (the festival for the first ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor Ninmyo) according to the "Shoku-nihon-koki. (historical records published in 869, Heian era.)" 例文帳に追加

体形的な祭礼の物では、『続日本後紀』天長10年(833年)11月戌申条、仁明天皇の大嘗祭に曳きたてられた「標山(しるしのやま・ひょうのやま・しめやま)」がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The cluster of summits in the area was originally referred to as 'Nyoigatake') but, today, the summit at the front on the west side (466m) where the daimonji is located is called 'Daimonji-yama' and the main highest summit (474m) is called 'Nyoigatake.' 例文帳に追加

もともとは一帯の山塊を「如意ヶ岳」と呼んでいたが、現在は大文字がある西側の前峰(466m)を「大文字山」と呼び、最高点である主峰(474m)を「如意ヶ岳」と呼ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These sophisticated gardens left in Tokyo were newly restored and opened to the public like Kokyo Higashi Gyoen (the East Garden of the Imperial Palace), Soma-tei teien (the Soma Residence Garden) handled by Yasuhei NAGAOKA, the pioneer of modern gardens and a garden now called the Otome-yama park in Shinjuku Ward. 例文帳に追加

これらの東京に残る名園は皇居東御苑や祖庭長岡安平が手がけた相馬邸庭園、現新宿区おとめ山公園などのように再整備され、現在一般公開されるに至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1996, the festive music was restored with the leadership of Iwato yama, and in 2006, 'kazari seki' (place where kensohin, things used to decorate a float, such as textiles, carvings, goldworks are displayed) was restored in which the objects used for decoration except for the object of worship were exhibited. 例文帳に追加

平成8年(1996年)、岩戸山の指導により囃子を復活させ、平成18年(2006年)には御神体を除く懸装品を展示する「飾り席」を復活させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was the central character of the tale with Umisachihiko in which the word 'sachi' (happiness) meant 'Yumiya and fishing rod and hook,' and the word 'Yama no sachi and Umi no sachi' came to show games of hunting and fishing in later ages. 例文帳に追加

「幸(さち)」が「弓矢・釣竿と釣り針」を示したり、狩りの獲物や漁の獲物を指す「山の幸・海の幸」を表す謂れとなる物語の海幸彦と並ぶ主人公である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In southern Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, 'yama awase' has become an attraction in which the front wheels of the danjiri are lifted and the ninaibo (katabo) of the opposing groups are placed on top of each other to decide who wins. 例文帳に追加

兵庫県尼崎市南部では、だんじりの前輪を上げ、互いの担い棒(片棒)を乗せあい勝負を決める「山合わせ」が見物となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Nara has many historical spots concerning Buddhism and Buddhism temples and tea became popular there because of the relation with Buddhism and, on the other hand, yama-cha (wild tea) was seen in many places in Nara and was used to some extent. 例文帳に追加

奈良は仏教史跡、寺院も多く、仏教との関係で茶も広まり、一方ではヤマチャも諸所にあり、それなりに利用されたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sumitayu TAKEMOTO the seventh, a Bunraku (Ningyo Joruri) player, recognized the importance of this scene and said, 'this is the climax. Chanting such excellent "Yama" to each other cannot bore the audience. If it does, that is the fault of Tayu.' 例文帳に追加

文楽の七代目竹本住太夫は全編の「クライマックスですからね。こんな結構な『山』を掛け合いで語って、お客さんを居眠りさせたら太夫の責任」と、この段の重要性を語っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the "Chikurin-ji Temple History" penned by a monk named Jakumetsu about five centuries later in 1235, in that same year he and his peers followed the orders Gyoki gave him in a dream and dug up his grave at Mount Ikoma-yama, and discovered articles such as a urn and an epitaph. 例文帳に追加

約5世紀後の文暦2年(1235年)、寂滅という僧の著した『竹林寺縁起』によると、同年、寂滅らは行基の夢告にしたがって生駒山の行基の墓を掘り起こしたところ、舎利瓶(蔵骨器)や墓誌を発見したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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