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what they hadの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 108


When Sai asked a monk of the temple about what had happened, there was no monster there as such but they temporarily stored a body of the dead several days ago. 例文帳に追加

崔が寺の僧侶に事情を尋ねると、ここにはそのような妖怪はいないが、数日前に死人を仮置きしたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He continued to provide the public what they wanted by making films that possessed great artistry and also had the ability to attract audiences. 例文帳に追加

その後も、大衆の望むものを追及し続け、芸術性も高く、集客力もある作品を作り続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This means that the Bakufu had far more knowledge about politics and the global situation than what people today imagine when they think of the Bakufu. 例文帳に追加

現在のわれわれが感じるイメージよりもはるかに広範な政治・情勢的知識を幕府が持ちえてきたことが垣間見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A notable characteristic of East Asian economies is that they have had high savings rates from before the Asian crisis and the savings were what supported their large investments.例文帳に追加

東アジア経済の特徴として、アジア危機以前から、貯蓄率が高く、そしてその資金が旺盛な投資を支えていたことが指摘されている。 - 経済産業省


Regarding firstly enterprises that considered an applicants having been a freeter in a negative light, let us verify what image they had of freeters at the time of hiring.例文帳に追加

まず、採用時にフリーターであったことをマイナスに評価していた企業について、採用時におけるフリーターへのイメージを確認してみよう。 - 経済産業省


Whether they had this material and decisive piece of evidence against me, what cared I? 例文帳に追加

そのときネリーは、ぼくに対する重要かつ決定的に不利な証拠を握っていた。ぼくがそのことを気にかけていたかだって? - Maurice Leblanc『アルセーヌ・ルパンの逮捕』

Some inkling of what had happened got to the servants and they quitted the Tichlorne service in a body. 例文帳に追加

なにが起きたのかすこしだけほのめかすと、使用人たちも理解してくれて、一団となってティックローンの家を立ち退いていった。 - JACK LONDON『影と光』

Of course, he had never seen a hoop, and he wondered what you play at with them, and decided that you play at pretending they are boats. 例文帳に追加

もちろん、輪っかなんてみたこともありませんでしたから、どうやって遊ぶんだろうと不思議に思って、船にして遊ぶと決めつけたのです。 - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』

And when other meat failed them, they turned to what old habit had hitherto forbidden. 例文帳に追加

そして他の肉が手に入らなくなったとき、かれらは古い習慣がそれまで禁じてきたものに目を向けたのです。 - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』


all the unkind words which had passed were forgiven, and they calmly consulted together what was best to be done in their present situation. 例文帳に追加

これまでのひどい言葉はみな許されて、今やるべき最前のことは何だろうと一同で話しあった。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『真夏の夜の夢』


But they made no sound, and what I had almost remembered was uncommunicable forever. 例文帳に追加

だが、それは音になりえず、ぼくがもう少しで思い出せたものが伝えられる機会は永遠に失われてしまった。 - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』

When the Proposed Data Encryption Standard was released on the 17th of March 1975 [2], I thought I saw what they had done. 例文帳に追加

データ暗号化規格(DES)の案が 1975 年 3 月 17 日にリリースされて[2],、わたしはかれらのやったことが見えたと思った。 - Electronic Frontier Foundation『DESのクラック:暗号研究と盗聴政策、チップ設計の秘密』

`and besides, what would be the use of a procession,' thought she, `if people had all to lie down upon their faces, so that they couldn't see it?' 例文帳に追加

「それに、もしみんなが顔を下にはいつくばって、だれも行列を見られなければ、行列なんかしたってしょうがないじゃない?」 - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』

and, what is more, they had been going pretty straight all the time, not perhaps so much owing to the guidance of Peter or Tink as because the island was looking for them. 例文帳に追加

でもたぶんピーターとティンクの案内のおかげというよりは、むしろネバーランドが彼らをみつけてくれたんでしょう。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』

When those who fed them saw what had happened, they fled, and told it in the city and in the country. 例文帳に追加

それらを飼っていた者たちは,起きたことを見ると,逃げて行き,その町とその地方でそのことを知らせた。 - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 8:34』

It happened when he had come back again, having received the kingdom, that he commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by conducting business. 例文帳に追加

「彼は王国を受けて帰って来ると,お金を渡しておいたそれらの召使いたちを呼び寄せるよう命じた。彼らが商売をして何をもうけたかを知るためだった。 - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 19:15』

Before this, although the length of penal servitude was decided in proportion to the sum of the lost money, the actual term of imprisonment was never told to the criminals and it is said that they never knew what kind of punishment they had been sentenced to until they were released. 例文帳に追加

それまでは、被害額の総額に応じて徒の年数は定められていたものの、その年数が罪人に示されることは無く、罪人は釈放されて初めて自分がどんな刑罰を受けたのかを知ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They did this hoping that the God would send them a dream to show them how their diseases might be cured, or how they might find what they had lost, or might escape from their distresses. 例文帳に追加

どうやったら病が癒されるか、どうやったら見失った道が見つかり、あるいは悩みから抜け出せるかを示す夢を、神様がみせてくれるかもしれないという望みを抱いて、こんなことをしたのだ。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

I was a student and had no idea what to do or what job I would get in the future. It’s great that they have guts to determine careers to live on at their age.例文帳に追加

学生で、将来何するか、働くなんてことは全くイメージしてなかっと思うのですけども、その歳でもうこの道で食べていきたいというふうに決められるというその度胸がすごいと思っている。 - 厚生労働省

After Sadatoki defeated TAIRA no Yoritsuna in the TAIRA no Zenmon Disturbance, he denied the policies and personnel affairs that were set while TAIRA no Yoritsuna had power, returning them to what they had been in the reign of his father Tokimune HOJO. 例文帳に追加

貞時は平禅門の乱で平頼綱を討ったあと、平頼綱が実権を握っていた間の政策や人事を否定し、父北条時宗の時代の人事に戻す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was also revealed that the agency had provided newspaper companies with what they claimed were recent pictures of the (undamaged) mural, but these had actually been taken on March 21, 2000--two years before the damage to the west wall occurred. 例文帳に追加

また、西壁損傷事故の2年前の2000年3月21日に撮影された(損傷前の)壁画写真を「最新の写真」と偽って新聞社に提供していたことも明らかになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When poor, the Higuchi family borrowed money from various sources, but (possibly due to their pride as shizoku) they lent what little money they had to relatives and social connections whose circumstances were even more straitened. 例文帳に追加

樋口家は貧しい中方々から借金をしていたが、士族の誇りからか、さらに困窮した縁故の人々になけなしの金を貸しもしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Miyamoto Katsufumi, Sanyo’s coach, said, “The players made the most of what they had. They all showed a strong will to win. I want to thank my team.” 例文帳に追加

三洋電機の宮本勝(かつ)文(ふみ)監督は「選手は持ち味を最大限に発揮した。勝ちたいという強い気持ちを全員が見せていた。チームにありがとうと言いたい。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

He began to speak to us about girls, saying what nice soft hair they had and how soft their hands were and how all girls were not so good as they seemed to be if one only knew. 例文帳に追加

彼は女の子のことを僕たちに話し始め、彼女たちの髪が何とも素敵で柔らかいこと、どんなにか彼女たちの手が柔らかいこと、そして知ってみさえすればどんな少女も思ったほど良くはないことを話したりした。 - James Joyce『遭遇』

They recognized him, that it was he who used to sit begging for gifts for the needy at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. They were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. 例文帳に追加

これがいつも神殿の「美しの門」のところに座って施しを求めていた者だと気づいた。彼に起きたことを知って,驚きと仰天とに満たされた。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 3:10』

There was danger that the general public would fall into great confusion if they were suddenly told that what they had was counterfeit money and was only worth ¼ of the real value, especially since they could not tell apart their currency from counterfeit or specie, and this could develop into to an uproar such as uprisings or vandalism. 例文帳に追加

一般の人民は自分の持っている通貨の真贋を見極められないのに、ある日突然それは贋金だからとその価値を4分の1にされたら人々は大混乱に陥り、各地で一揆や打ちこわしなどの騒ぎに発展する危険性がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Asked what size of enterprise they would like to work at as permanent employees, a majority of freeters responded that they had no preference between large enterprises and SMEs, indicating that as long as they can work as permanent employees, freeters are fot particularly`concerned about enterprise size (Fig. 3-3- 14).例文帳に追加

正社員として勤務する場合の企業規模について、「大企業でも中小企業でも問わない」とするフリーターが過半数を占めており、フリーターは、正社員として働くことができるならば企業規模に特にこだわりを持っていないと言える(第3-3-14図)。 - 経済産業省

As a result, it is thought Chikafusa KITABATAKE wrote it while he was in the Kanto, and used only what few references he had on hand in writing it, which explains the errors and misrepresentations seen here and there concerning true historical events (as they were understood in those days). 例文帳に追加

そのため北畠親房が関東にいた時期に執筆がなされており、手元にある僅かな資料だけを参照に書いているため、(当時知られていた)歴史的事実に関しての間違いも散見される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Sakuan asked what their names were, the dark complexioned man answered 'I am Chigen living in the mountain' and the fair complexioned man answered 'I am Chihaku living near the ocean', and they had disappeared since. 例文帳に追加

昨庵が2人の名を尋ねると、色黒の者は「山に住む知玄(ちげん)」、色白の者は「海辺に住む知白(ちはく)」と名乗り、それきり姿を消してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The next day, the young man told what had happened to his group and as they went to the thicket, mino (straw raincoat), taiko, and warigo which have been washed ashore from the sea were scattered about, and among them, there was a geta without a strap. 例文帳に追加

翌日、その若者が仲間たちに事情を話してその薮へ行ってみると、海から打ち上げられた蓑、太鼓、割籠などが散らばっており、その中に鼻の欠けた下駄があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some say that he had doubts on the way Shinsengumi was organized as what they actually did was oppress supporters when in fact it was meant to be organized for Sonno Joi. 例文帳に追加

脱走の背景に尊皇攘夷を目的に結成されながら、実際やっていることは志士の弾圧という新選組のありかたに疑問を感じていたとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masakado received the following advice from Okiyo-o, who had become his vassal: "Upon assessing the overall situation, it became clear that we could be accused harshly of subjugating even one local government by the Imperial court, so, we might as well defeat Bando, and wait to see what they do first." 例文帳に追加

将門は側近となっていた興世王の「案内ヲ検スルニ、一國ヲ討テリト雖モ公ノ責メ輕カラジ。同ジク坂東ヲ虜掠シテ、暫ク氣色ヲ聞カム。」との進言を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This incident caused the downfall of the Chujo clan, and although they were later able to regain Takahashi Manor through distinguished service during the Yuki and other wars, their power never recovered to what it had once been and the clan's influence gradually declined. 例文帳に追加

この事件により中条氏は一時没落し、のち一族が結城合戦などで戦功を立て高橋荘を取り戻すが、支配力は以前のようには回復せず、中条氏の勢力は徐々に衰えていく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For the people including peasants, Tenpo meant what the rights they had acquired before would be denied due to the changes of their feudal lords, so the people sometimes staged opposition uprisings. 例文帳に追加

百姓等領民にとって転封は、領主の交替により、それまでに獲得してきた諸権利を否定される可能性もある為、反対一揆を起こすこともあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Through this plain ran two beautiful clear rivers, and there were scattered here and there what you would have taken for steep knolls, but they were really mounds piled up over the ashes of warriors who had died long ago. 例文帳に追加

この平原を二本の美しい川が流れ、あちこちに険しい小丘と思われるものが散在しているが、実はこれはずっと昔に死んだ戦士たちの灰の上に積み上げられた墳丘なんだ。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

and then stopping, as an idle man might, I ran my eye over it and wondered what sort of folk they were who had come to live so near us. 例文帳に追加

そしてよくブラブラしている人がやるように、その離れ家をボンヤリ眺めながら、私たちのすぐ近くへ来て住む人たちは、どんな種類の人なんだろうと想像してみました。 - Conan Doyle『黄色な顔』

(Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they were nice grand words to say.) 例文帳に追加

(アリスは緯度(いど)や経度(けいど)ってのがなんなのか、まるっきり見当もついてなかったけれど、でも口にだすのにかっこいい、えらそうなことばだと思ったわけね) - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』

When the multitude saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice, saying in the language of Lycaonia, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” 例文帳に追加

群衆はパウロの行なったことを見て,声を張り上げ,リュカオニアの言語で言った,「神々が人間の姿になって我々のところへ下って来たのだ!」 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 14:11』

All the multitude kept silence, and they listened to Barnabas and Paul reporting what signs and wonders God had done among the nations through them. 例文帳に追加

群衆はみな静かになった。そして,バルナバとパウロが,彼らを通して神が異邦人たちの間で行なったしるしや不思議な業について報告するのに耳を傾けた。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 15:12』

There were some quotations from other technical books on sake brewing that had been written in earlier times, which means that there had been such kind of books before "Domoshuzoki," but none of those have been found and it is totally unknown what book they were. 例文帳に追加

なかには、これより前の時代に書かれていた酒造技術書から引用している箇所が多く、『童蒙酒造記』以前にも優れた同類の書物が存在したことがうかがわれるが、現在まで発見されておらず、はたしてどういう文献が存在したのかすら謎である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was such a short-tempered person that when he was working on his next script, but nagged by his wife who was saying they had no money to buy rice, and forced to go out with a mosquito net to pawn it for rice, his neighbor asked him looking at his stern face 'What's the matter?'--He answered with still stern face 'I'm going to do killing.', jargon for pawning, to astonish the neighbor. 例文帳に追加

癇癖の強い性格で、執筆中に女房から米を買う金がないと再三言われやむなく蚊帳を質に入れようと出かけたが、気難しい顔をしていたので近所の人に「どうした」と聞かれ「はい、殺しに行きます(質に入れるの隠語)」と答えて相手を驚かせている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, thanks to the extra territorial rights, major temples were the center of what is now called "brain gain" or concentration of human resources, because many prodigies who were so unique that they were treated as outlaws by the general public, as well as influential people who had lost in power struggles, poured into such temples (asylum) and used their networks with other provinces. 例文帳に追加

さらに、治外法権ゆえに、一般社会ではお尋ね者となったような奇才をもった人材や、勢力争いにやぶれた権力者なども多く流れ込み(アジール)、またそうした人物たちが諸国に持つネットワークを活用し、今日でいう頭脳流入、人材流入の場ともなっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aizan, who later achieved great success as a journalist and historian, realized that what his grandfather had said was due to his anxiety for his grandson and agonized over his own attitude, so he displayed portraits of three generations, Yoshitsugu, Yukitaka and Akitsune YAMAJI, and admonished younger people that they should see their acheivement as a model to be followed. 例文帳に追加

後にジャーナリスト・歴史家として大成した愛山はこの時の祖父の言が、孫の将来を憂慮した言葉であったと気づいて悔やみ、家に山路徳風・諧孝、そして彰常の3代の肖像画を掲げて子弟に祖父らの業績を鑑にする様に諭したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This treatment continued after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took effect. What this essentially meant was that original Auto Pact member companies in Canada could import automobiles duty-free, provided they met the cited conditions, while non-members had to pay a 6.1 percent tariff (rate as of February 2000), despite the fact that all of these companies produced and offered like products and services.例文帳に追加

この取扱いはNAFTA発効後も継続され、オートパクトメンバー企業が完成自動車を輸入する場合、無税で輸入できるのに対して、非オートパクトメンバーの行う輸入に対しては6.1%の関税(2000年12月時点)が賦課されていた。 - 経済産業省

However, there was no strict rule on that myoji (family name) and honsei (original name) had to be different as these examples show: in the cases of the Miyatsuko family of Kii Province, and the Tsumori family, the honsei (original name) existed but they had no myoji (family name), on the other hand, the Minamoto clan, the line of MINAMOTO no Yoshitaka (Sahyoe no gon no suke [provisional assistant captain of the Left Division of Middle Palace Guards]), the sei (surname) and myoji (family name) were the same, and therefore, it is impossible to conclude what was the myoji of the head family of TOYOTOMI. 例文帳に追加

が、当時の紀伊国造家や津守氏のように本姓はあっても名字の存在しない家や、源義高(左兵衛権佐)流源氏のように姓と名字が同一の例も存在するなど、名字と本姓が必ず別であるという規則は無いこともあり、豊臣宗家の名字を断定することは出来ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the war, they were participants in the symposiums on 'The World Historic Position and Japan' ('The World Historic Position and Japan' in the January 1942 issue, 'The Ethics and Historical Position of the East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere' in the April 1942 issue and 'The Philosophy of Total War' in the January 1943 issue), which appeared three times in "Chuo koron" magazine from 1942 to the following year and in these they had tried to determine what the ideological standing of the Greater East Asia War was from the point of view of the 'philosophy of world history.' 例文帳に追加

戦時下の1942年から翌年にかけて『中央公論』誌上で三回にわたり掲載され、大東亜戦争を「世界史の哲学」の立場から思想的に位置付けようと試みた「世界史的立場と日本」座談会(「世界史的立場と日本」1942年一月号、「東亜共栄圏の倫理性と歴史性」1942年四月号、「総力戦の哲学」1943年一月号)の出席者である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Specifically, it points out, indicators: (i) make it possible to define "Management challenges" and "Initiatives" in concrete terms; (ii) make it possible to ascertain whether "Management challenges" and "Initiatives" were initiated and implemented and, when they were, to assess what effects they actually had; and (iii) can be a very important tool when the "Intellectual Capital Statement" is disclosed as described later.例文帳に追加

すなわち、指標化することは、①「経営課題」と「具体的行動計画」とを具体的に定義づけることを可能にし、②「経営課題」と「具体的行動計画」とが開始・実行されたか否か、さらには開始・実行された場合にどのような効果があったのかを査定することを可能にする上、③後述する「知的資本報告書」を開示する際に非常に重要なツールとなり得る、という機能を有していると指摘している。 - 経済産業省

After the statesmen of the Aizu clan had come to Kyoto, the Sonno Joi movement gained additional strength, assassinations and threats by masterless samurai extremists became commonplace; even in the Court, sympathetic court nobles to Sonno Joi had a great influence, they often gave Imperial order without asking the Emperor's permission and demanded that the Shogunate immediately renounce the treaties with foreign countries following the Joi group's proposal (expulsion of foreigners), and what's more, in August 1863 (according to the old lunar calendar) they planned the Emperor's visit to Yamato for carrying out the Emperor's direct commitment to Joi. 例文帳に追加

会津藩上洛後の京都では尊攘運動がますます激しく、尊攘激派浪士による暗殺・脅迫が横行、朝廷においても尊攘派公家によって朝議が左右されるようになり、天皇の意向はまったく無視されて勅旨が乱発され、幕府に破約攘夷の実行を要求し、さらに1863年(文久3年)8月には天皇による攘夷親征を実行するための大和行幸が企てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He focused on editing a manuscript book of the Five Mahayana Sutras (Hoke-kyo (the Saddharma Pundariks Sutra), Kegon-kyo (the Avatamska Sutra), Nehan-kyo, Daijik-kyo, Daibon hannya-kyo) and accordingly he sent copies of the five book to the Imperial Palace so that they would be kept in the palace temple, praying for people who had died in the war and with regret for what happened; however, the ex-emperor Goshirakawa, who held political power, refused this offer and said the book might have bad spirits, whereupon the palace, under his influence, sent the books back to Sutoku. 例文帳に追加

五部大乗経(法華経・華厳経・涅槃経・大集経・大品般若経)の写本作りに専念して、戦死者の供養と反省の証にと、完成した五つの写本を京の寺に収めてほしいと朝廷に差し出したところ、治天の君となっていた後白河天皇は「呪詛が込められているのではないか」と疑ってこれを拒否し、影響下にある朝廷は写本を送り返してきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In fact, those of you who have carefully read the agreement reached among the three parties at the time the Act was created would know that it is written in the tripartite agreement. While I was serving as the chairman of the Policy Research Council of the People's New Party (PNP) at the time, and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the PNP had in fact agreed before the change of government on what kind of policy pledges they would fulfill if they came into power, about a week before the public notice of the commencement of the election on August 30-it was one of the six policy pledges. 例文帳に追加

実は、つくられたときと同時に、三党合意をよくお読みになられた方はお分かりだと思いますが、三党合意に書いてあるのです。私はまさに当時国民新党の政調会長でございましたから、政権交代の前に、実は民主党と社民党と国民新党で、政権をとったらどういう公約をするか、一緒に、8月30日の選挙が始まる公示の1週間ぐらい前に実は三党合意しまして、その中に6つ入っております、6つしか逆に入っていません。 - 金融庁


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底本:「世界探偵小説全集 第三卷 シヤーロツク・ホームズの記憶」平凡社 1930(昭和5)年2月5日発行

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