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該当件数 : 29954



Seven measures were identified for immediate institution by governments and private companies, namely:(1)strengthening of negotiations with the governments of countries where the infringements are occurring; (2) assistance for measures against rights-infringing products in other countries; (3)implementation of international border measures; (4) strengthening of efforts by private companies; (5) improved knowledge of the current situation in terms of rights-infringing products and implementation of effective means of utilizing this knowledge; (6) promotion of cross-industry linkage among private companies and strengthening joint government-private sector measures; and (7) introduction of strategies for measures against rights-infringing products. Concrete measures now need to be accelerated based on these recommendations. - 経済産業省


To foster human resources with a high level of specialization, higher education institutions need to be developed to provide systematic education in the management techniques and management technology which will create technology and use this in the strategic development of new business. This will require expanded exchange outside universities, including the further introduction of internships through coordination between universities and industry, systemic upgrading to encourage matriculation to graduate school by working members of society, improved training for highlyskilledexperts7, and the utilization as lecturers of experts working on the front line of industry. - 経済産業省


5) In order to promote the healthy development of the forestry industry, the establishment of distribution and processing hubs to provide low-cost, stable supplies of wood products of clear quality and performance and the development of systems for supplying drying materials and the introduction of leased machinery and equipment will be promoted. The development of a model strategic distribution and processing system to provide stable supplies of local materials to heavy users (continuation) and establishment of a new model system for comprehensive utilization of lumber (new) will also be pursued. (included in \\6,433 million subsidy for development of strong forestry and lumber industries, \\165 million budget - 経済産業省


"Mekong-Japan industry government dialogue" will reflect the strategies of companies in the area and the characteristics of industrial corridors and clarify the priorities among roads, ports, industrial railroads, airports, power plants, industrial park and IT. Not only infrastructure as hardware, it will also discuss on the progress of various measures for trade promotion including the standardization and facilitation of trade related procedure, the utilization of electric custom clearance, the unification of Green Lane systems and its application forms and the GMS Cross-Border Transport Agreement (CBTA). - 経済産業省


参加者は,従来の実施されたプロジェクト及び「APEC21 世紀全ての人のための数学と理科」,「英語及びその他の言語に関する戦略的行動計画」,「国境を越えた教育政策及びモニタリングのための能力構築」,「APEC エコノミー間の資格制度の枠組み策定」,「APEC 地域の高等教育における国境を越えた交流及び投資に関する措置」,及び「APEC と国際的な教育」を含む APEC 人材養成作業部会(HRDWG)が作成した報告書を想起した。例文帳に追加

Participants recalled prior projects implemented and reports prepared by the APEC Human Resource Development Working Group (HRDWG) including: “APEC 21st Mathematics and Science Education for All”; “Strategic Action Plan for English and Other Languages”; “Capacity Building for Policies and Monitoring of Cross-Border Education”; “Mapping Qualifications Frameworks across APEC Economies”; “Measures Affecting Cross Border Exchange and Investment in Higher Education in the APEC Region”; and “APEC and International Education”. - 経済産業省


これにより、「日本国内投資促進プログラム」、「アジア拠点化」等の再検証、当面打つべき対応(サプライチェーン復旧・再構築、風評被害防止策等)に加え、立地競争力の強化、巨大リスクに備えた経済・産業構造の構築、未来をひらく戦略的・重点的イノベーションの推進等の検討が実施されることとなった。 しかし、大震災がもたらしたショックに対する一定の対策は講じつつあるとはいえ、我が国の立地競争力についての懸念が完全に払しょくされたとは言えない。例文帳に追加

Thus, it was decided that the government would proceed with the reexamination of initiatives such as the “Inward Investment Promotion Program” and “Promotion of Japan as an Asian Industrial Center”. In addition to immediate responses (restoring and reconstructing supply chains, improving Japan’s image, etc.), the government would also explore a number of other measures, including promoting the competitiveness of business locations, creating economic and industrial structures which are fortified against enormous risks, and promoting strategic innovations that will pave the way to a better future. - 経済産業省


For example, in 2008, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), an independent administrative agency, entered into an agreement with Vale, the largest resource major in the world, in regard to mineral resource exploration technology based on analysis of satellite imagery. Under the agreement they will cooperate with each other as strategic partners in SADC countries,100 including Botswana, which are rich in rare metals such as platinum, cobalt and nickel. JOGMEC is expected to contribute to finding solutions to natural resource issues by taking advantage of Japanese technologies. - 経済産業省

こうした東アジア地域の広域経済連携の進展により、①拡大する生産ネットワークに対して FTA を活用することで、最適な生産配分・立地戦略を実現することが可能となり、東アジア地域における産業の国際競争力の強化につながることが期待される。また、②ルールの統一化や手続の簡素化による負担の軽減、③第 3 国間との競争が激化する中での関税削減や貿易救済の規律強化により、日本を拠点とした高付加価値な部材の生産を促進し、技術、ノウハウ、技術者の流出を防ぐことにつながる。例文帳に追加

If an extensive economic partnership in the East Asia region is developed, the followings can be expected: (A) through effective use of FTAs on behalf of production networks that are expanding, optimum production allocation and locational strategy will be realized, leading to strengthening of international competitiveness of East Asian industries; (B) burdens will be reduced by standardization of rules and simplification of procedures; (C) under the circumstances where competition with third countries is intensified, Japan-based production of high-value added materials will be promoted through reduction of custom duties and regulatory improvement of trade remedies, preventing outflows of technologies, know-how and technical experts. - 経済産業省


However, while institutions analysis looks mainly at the incentive schemes as offered to various entities including both individuals and organizations (companies, universities, government,etc.) and the balance brought about by their strategic behavior and its standardization, the interest of the new spatial economic analysis of agglomerations lies with the spatial aspects arising from the driving force to agglomerate (this force can be negative, in which case it works against agglomeration) brought about by various entities and by parameters such as transport costs in their broad sense. - 経済産業省



Japan has been actively involved in the policies of the WTO and EPAs/FTAs to promote the global expansion of Japanese-owned companies. At the same time, the growth strategy of Japan, which is entering an age of declining population, is to create a positively self-perpetuating cycle of development: acquisition of overseas markets and promotion of domestic innovations by bringing overseas profits obtained from the global expansion of Japanese-owned companies back to Japan and linking the profits with forward-looking domestic investment, such as capital investment and R&D,etc. - 経済産業省



On the other hand, Africa shares many of the same needs for economic development that Asia has: (1) a need for industrial cluster development that is not dependent on natural resources, (2) a need for multi-form and gradual development through alliances led by coastal countries, which involve landlocked nations, and (3) a need for the government to play a role in improving economic governance and develop such foundations as primary education and agricultural development. By fulfilling such needs, the Asian approach will be effective in Africa, in many ways. - 経済産業省

本戦略において我が国は、東アジア経済統合を積極的に推進すべく、ASEAN10か国に日本、中国、韓国、インド、豪州、ニュージーランドを加えた計16か国(ASEAN+6)での経済連携協定たる「東アジア包括的経済連携(東アジアEPA・CEPEA(Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia))」構想、そして東アジア版OECDのような国際的体制の構築に向けた第一歩として、地域共通の課題に研究・政策提言を通じて知的貢献を行う「東アジア・ASEAN経済研究センター(ERIA:Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia)」構想を提唱した。例文帳に追加

The strategy advocates the following initiatives to actively promote economic integration in East Asia: the "Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA)," which is an economic partnership agreement among a total of 16 countries comprising 10 ASEAN nations plus Japan, China, Republic of Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand; and the "Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)," which is designed to make intellectual contributions through researches and policy recommendations on common issues in the region, as an initial step to establishing an international body, like the East Asian version of the OECD. - 経済産業省


Faced with the urgent task of realizing the so-called "nation built on intellectual property" by strongly promoting the creation, protection and exploitation of intellectual property from the standpoint of strengthening industrial competitiveness, thereby shifting to an economy with high value added and seeking sustained development of the national economy and culture, the Japanese government since 2002 worked out the "Intellectual Property Policy Outline"54 and the "Strategic Program for the Creation, Protection and Exploitation of Intellectual Property55 (hereinafter referred to simply as the "Strategic Program for Intellectual Property") with the aim of realizing a "nation built on intellectual property," and, based on these, it is pushing for a variety of systemic reforms in parallel as well as rapidly. - 経済産業省

14 第三項に定めるもののほか、非課税適用申告書に記載された事項の確認のための手続その他の非課税適用申告書の提出に関する事項、利子受領者情報の通知並びにその通知に係る情報の保存及び管理に関する事項、利子受領者情報の通知があつた場合において当該利子受領者情報に変更がないときにおけるその通知の省略の特例、利子受領者確認書の提出に関する事項、一般民間国外債の利子につき第二項の規定により所得税を徴収された者が確定申告書の提出をする場合に添付すべき書類に関する事項その他第一項、第二項及び第四項から前項までの規定の適用に関し必要な事項は、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(14) In addition to what is specified in paragraph (3), the procedure for confirmation of the matters stated in a written application for tax exemption and any other matters concerning the submission of a written application for tax exemption, matters concerning a notice of the interest recipient information as well as preservation and management of such information provided in the notice, special provisions for omitting a notice in the case where there is no change in the interest recipient information provided in the previous notice, matters concerning the submission of an interest recipient confirmation document, matters concerning documents to be attached to a final return form which is filed by a person who has been subject to the collection of income tax pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2) with respect to interest on general foreign-issued company bonds, and other necessary matters concerning the application of the provisions of paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (4) to the preceding paragraph shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The light emitting diode 41 and the reflective mirror 44 are disposed such that the light from the light emitting diode 41 reaches the reading object without being made incident on the reflective mirror 44. - 特許庁

略直交する第1及び第2の方向にそれぞれ延在する第1の部分と第2の部分とを有する略L字形状に形成されてなるキッチンカウンタと、 前記キッチンカウンタのコーナー部の上に設けられるアイレベルキャビネットと、 前記第1の部分と前記第2の部分との接続部において、前記キッチンカウンタの天板がせり出した延出部と、 を備え、 前記アイレベルキャビネットの前面のコーナー面と前記延出部の前縁とが略平行に設けられ、 前記キッチンカウンタの上において前記延出部を含むように調理スペースが設けられ、かつ前記キッチンカウンタの奥行に対する前記調理スペースの奥行の割合が40%から80%であることを特徴とするシステムキッチン。例文帳に追加

This kitchen module comprises: the kitchen counter which is formed in an approximately L-shape to have first and second portions elongated in first and second directions almost orthogonal to each other, respectively; an eye-level cabinet which is provided on the corner of the kitchen counter; and an extension where a top plate of the kitchen counter is extended out in a joint between the first and second portions. - 特許庁

ヌ 役員(持分会社(会社法(平成十七年法律第八十六号)第五百七十五条第一項に規定する持分会社をいう。)にあつては、業務を執行する社員)の氏名、住所、代表権の有無及び略歴(法第三十三条第一項第三号に規定する受検営業者の役員又は職員(過去二年間に当該受検営業者の役員又は職員であつた者を含む。)に該当するか否かを含む。)例文帳に追加

(j) The names and addresses of officers (for a membership company (meaning a membership company provided in Article 575, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005)), the personnel in charge of its business), whether they have authority of representation, and their brief biographical outlines (including whether they fall under officers or employees of a business person subject to inspections provided in Article 33, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act (including those who have been officers or employees of said business person subject to inspections in the past two years));  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百六十六条 公訴を提起するについて、犯人が国外にいたこと又は犯人が逃げ隠れていたため有効に起訴状若しくは略式命令の謄本の送達ができなかつたことを証明する必要があるときは、検察官は、公訴の提起後、速やかにこれを証明すべき資料を裁判所に差し出さなければならない。但し、裁判官に事件につき予断を生ぜしめる虞のある書類その他の物を差し出してはならない。例文帳に追加

Article 166 When, in instituting prosecution, it is necessary to prove that a copy of the charge sheet or of a summary order could not be validly served since the offender was outside Japan or he/she was concealing himself/herself, the public prosecutor shall submit to the court materials proving thusly promptly after institution of prosecution; provided, however, that he/she shall not submit any document or any other article which raises concerns of causing the judge to be biased with regard to the case.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Ooomi was appointed personally by Ookimi for the reign: For the reigns from Emperor Hanzei to Emperor Anko during the middle of the 5th century, KATSURAGI no Tsubura was appointed Ooomi; for the reigns from Emperor Yuryaku to Emperor Ninken during the latter half of the 5th century, HEGURI no Matori was appointed Ooomi; for the reign of Emperor Keitai during the first half of the 6th century, KOSE no Ohito was appointed Ooomi; and for the reigns of Emperor Bidatsu to Emperor Suiko from the latter half of the 6th century to the early 7th century, SOGA no Umako was appointed Ooomi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Rather than wait until the year after the preceding Emperor died to change the name of the era which was the custom, the new Emperor changed the era name into Dodai and tightened the budget that had loosened while Kanmu had conducted frequent military activity against the Siberian invasion and moved the capital, and actively worked on organizing redundant court positions, placing of a Kansatsushi, where Daijokan directly watches over regional government and abolishing Sangi, but he was sickly from a young age and abdicated the throne to the Crown Prince Kamino (Emperor Saga) in 809.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At that time, I also established two advisory groups on international issues, as I recognized the need to promote the internationalization of IT and formulate an Asia strategy in particular. The establishment of such groups was very effective at least in the field of IT, and it will be important to make use of private-sector knowledge and various personal views of experts for the conduct of administration, including the handling of a variety of financial issues.  - 金融庁

こういった中で我が国といたしましては、ご案内のとおり、金融庁が、これまで金融安定化フォーラム(FSF)を始めとする国際的な議論や検討の場において、昨年11月に公表されました「金融市場戦略チーム」の第一次レポート等も踏まえまして、例えば証券化という金融技術の一連のプロセスにおける各当事者の情報伝達あるいはリスク管理に関する問題、更にはバーゼル II を実施することの重要性等について、我が国の考え方を主張し各国からの理解が得られるよう努めてきたということでございます。例文帳に追加

As you know, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) has expressed Japan's position with regard to issues such as the communication of information between the parties involved in securitization processes, risk management and the importance of enforcing the Basel II regulation at international forums of discussion and deliberation, including the FSF, based on the contents of the first report issued last November by the Financial Markets Strategy, as we tried to obtain other countries' understanding of the Japanese position. A statement issued at the latest G-7 meeting and the FSF's report indicated basically the same way of thinking and response as Japan's with regard to those issues. I therefore think that we have obtained other countries' understanding of our position to a large extent.  - 金融庁


They recognized that implementation is still at an early stage and many country-specific challenges remain, but noted that a wider application of the framework is already taking place in the preparation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers which are based on the framework's principles, particularly that of achieving strong country ownership. They looked forward to reports of further progress in implementing the comprehensive development framework.  - 財務省


the sign consists of the official or traditional (abbreviated) state name of the Republic of Lithuania, of armorial bearings, flags or other state heraldic objects or any imitation from a heraldic point of view, also official signs and hallmarks indicating control and warranty, stamps, medals or marks of distinction, unless the permission for their use in a mark has been issued according to the established procedure by the institution authorized by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania; - 特許庁


In respect of anything done, purported to have been done, or omitted to be done, as mentioned in subsection (1), no officer of customs or other person employed by the Government in connection with the customs shall be liable to make good any loss sustained in respect of any goods by fire, theft, damage or other cause while such goods are in any customs warehouse or in the lawful custody or control of such officer or any other officer of customs or person so employed in connection with customs, unless such loss is caused by his wilful neglect or default.  - 特許庁

(1) 発明者が既に指名されている場合は,発明者は,出願公開(第 32条(2))において,特許明細書(第 32条(3))において,及び特許付与の公告(第 58条(1))において,その名称が表示されるものとする。この指名は,登録薄(第 30条(1))に記入される。発明者の名称表示は,出願人によって指名された発明者がそのように要求するときは,省略される。この要求は,いつでも取り下げることができる。取下が行われた場合は,その後に名称表示が行われる。名称表示に関する発明者による権利放棄は,法的効力を有さない。例文帳に追加

(1) The inventor shall be mentioned in the laid-open publication [Offenlegungsschrift] (Section 32(2)), in the patent specification (Section 32(3)) and in the publication of the grant of the patent (Section 58(1)) if he has already been designated. This designation shall be entered in the Register (Section 30(1)). It shall be omitted if the inventor designated by the applicant so requests. The request may be withdrawn at any time; in the event of withdrawal, mention shall be effected thereafter. Waiver of his right to be mentioned by the inventor shall have no legal effect.  - 特許庁


A large drive torque which cannot be obtained only by the reluctance torque can be generated since it efficiently utilizes not only the reluctance torque but also the magnet torque. - 特許庁


The inspection substrate stage 1 and the microscopic inspection stage 7 are made parallel or almost parallel, and the inspection substrate can be supported at the depth of field of the microscope 4 of the microscopic inspection stage 7. - 特許庁


In the arrangement step, the anode forming members 20 are arranged on the mounting surface 41 in such a position as the planes 211 and 212 of the powder molding 21 stand substantially perpendicularly to the mounting surface 41. - 特許庁


To provide a storage medium having a data management structure for efficiently determining whether an overview image showing an overview of original image or character information showing additional contents has been added, and to provide a moving image voice recording/reproducing apparatus which has improved operability of searching the recorded original images by generating and outputting overview images from the original images, even if no overview images are added. - 特許庁


In the body structure for the robot including at least two arm joint faces and at least one waist joint face, the lower end of each arm joint face is connected to adjacent one of the ends of the waist joint face through a roughly straight line in a sectional front view and/or a sectional side view including the arm joint faces and the waist joint face of the body structure for the robot. - 特許庁


The first/second place parts 4a, 5a are formed in the state of being separated in the stored form and the state of nearly approaching a plane in a used form. - 特許庁


To provide an ion conductor stably usable in a dry gas and atmosphere without using a humidifying device and a special mechanism, capable of simplifying and miniaturizing a system, cutting down a cost and sufficiently moving moisture produced in an ion conducting part while enhancing ion conductivity by sufficiently securing a region where an electrolyte effectively functions, and to provide a reliable manufacturing method for it and a fuel cell using the ion conductor. - 特許庁


The lower end portion 41a of a backrest frame 40 is pivotally fitted to the movable beams, the backrest frame is backward tiltably supported by the movable beams through a third gas spring 47. - 特許庁


One feed roller 87 of the feed roller pair 26 serves also as a registering means for butting the sheets on the intermediate processing tray 23 against the butt reference wall 33 to register them. - 特許庁


Out of a plurality of multidimensional spatial data tree structures constituting multimedia data stored in a database, a largely weighted multidimensional spatial data tree structure is searched preferentially, and with pessimistic distances about leaf nodes, a pruning strategy is executed on the basis of optimistic distances about accessed nodes to locate the nearest neighbor leaf node, so that the reduced node access enables improved search performance. - 特許庁


A notch part 7 is formed in the end surface of the laminate 1 in the direction of a laminating of the laminate 1. - 特許庁


The electronic component includes an enclosure 3 formed by laminating a plurality of enclosure layers composed of an insulating material, ground electrodes 6 and 7 buried in the enclosure 3 and formed in the direction substantially parallel with the lamination plane of the enclosure layer, and ground electrodes 4 and 5 buried in the enclosure 3 and formed in the direction substantially perpendicular to the lamination plane of the enclosure layer. - 特許庁


In the grinding device comprised of a main body container installed on a floor, provided with an inflow opening for sludge mixture drainage from a toilet stool, an outflow opening to the outside, a drain pipe line communicating with the outflow opening and a grinding section grinding filth flowing in from the inflow opening, the drain pipe line is substantially vertically installed so as to drain downwards. - 特許庁


Not less than three hole sections are positioned on a circumference with the center of the light-emitting element as the center so that the intervals of adjacent holes become nearly constant in a plan view of the substrate. - 特許庁


The method for manufacturing the electrophoretic device constituted by putting microcapsules in which electrophoretic liquid containing liquid phase dispersant liquid and electrophoretic particles is charged between a couple of substrates includes a process of forming microcapsules of the electrophoretic dispersant liquid from a partition film containing at least a thermoplastic high polymer material and a process of deforming the microcapsules into a nonspherical or nearly polygonal shape by directly heating and pressing the microcapsules. - 特許庁

略C字状に形成したロープ摩耗防止部1の一端に、連続して基台部2を設け、該基台部2に、短辺方向に穴3を貫通配置し、該穴3の中央上下方向に角穴4を貫通配置したシンブル5と、 一端を断面長円形に形成し、他端を断面円形に形成し、一端側寄りの短辺方向に穴6を貫通配置した筒状の縫製部カバー7と、 前記シンブル5の穴3と、縫製部カバー7の穴6を重合配置し、該穴3,6に連結ピン8を嵌合し、シンブル5と、縫製部カバー7を一体連結したものである。例文帳に追加

The hole 3 of the thimble 5 and the hole 6 of the sewing part cover 7 are piled up and arranged, a connecting pin 8 is fitted to the holes 3 and 6, and the thimble 5 and the sewing part cover 7 are integrally connected. - 特許庁


The liquid crystal display device includes a color filter comprising a red display pixel, a green display pixel, and a blue display pixel on a substrate, and an optical compensation layer arranged inside two polarizing plates. - 特許庁


In this removing unit, the gate cutting unit 25 having the cutting jig is mounted via a height regulating bar 22 substantially not extending directly to a lateral midway site or in a longitudinal direction by avoiding an extended end of the frame 11, and a direction of an operating surface of the unit 25 is set upward to form a substantially right angle to the direction of the surface of the molding residual mold. - 特許庁


In the radiation detector using gas amplifier, a pixel has a first electrode pattern 212 formed on a first surface of an insulating member 211 and having a plurality of circular openings, and a second electrode pattern 213 formed on a second surface facing the first surface of the insulating member and having a protruding part 214 having a tip exposed to substantially the center of each opening of the first electrode pattern through the insulating member. - 特許庁


To provide offset printing ink usable for a printed product such as a book, a leaflet and a catalog, especially the ink having improved piling resistance on a blanket of a printing machine while improving friction resistance than the conventional one by complementarily formulating anti-friction agents having different physical properties, and more precisely to provide excellent printed pages and to improve the operation efficiency of printing. - 特許庁


The sealing material is arranged along at least one peripheral edge among the plural peripheral edges of the substrates and is provided with outer peripheral surfaces 12e, 12f and 12g of the sealing material arranged along the peripheral edges and the substrate end faces adjacent thereto in order. - 特許庁


A high contrast defect image is obtained by the dark field illumination, while the defect is observed without relating to the defect direction by having scanning images in different two directions of the wafer. - 特許庁


The manufacturing method of an optical semiconductor element comprises the steps of forming a substantially stripe-shaped protruded structure by selectively dry etching an InGaAlP layer formed on a substrate up to the middle of its thickness, forming a protective film on the upper surface and both side surfaces of the protruded structure, and forming the ridge including the protruded structure by etching the InGaAlP layer around the protruded structure with a solution containing fluorinated acid. - 特許庁



An optical semiconductor device 10 includes a silicon substrate 11, a semiconductor laser diode 12 mounted on the silicon substrate 11, a groove part 14 formed on the silicon substrate 11 so as to be aligned with an optical axis direction of laser light outputted from the semiconductor laser diode 12, and an approximately cylindrical lens 13 for optical coupling which is provided within the groove part 14 and guides the laser light to an optical fiber. - 特許庁


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