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We have agreed on the objectives of a strategy, "the Lecce Framework", to create a comprehensive framework, building on existing initiatives, to identify and fill regulatory gaps and foster the broad international consensus needed for rapid implementation.  - 財務省


Slight vibration is applied to an approximately quadrangular dustpan-shaped selection device whose bottom is a resin corrugated fiberboard having ridges at intervals of 3-5 mm; thereby a small amount of various kinds of the impurities of the grain such as soybeans can be easily selected and removed at a low cost. - 特許庁


The gravity center of a triangle formed by connecting, by a straight line, respective existing points of the plurality of users (for example, the tree users of the user (himself), the user (mating fellow A) and the user (mating fellow B)) in the substantially same time is calculated to make a calculation result therein serve as a reference position of the meeting place. - 特許庁


From this standpoint, Japan established the Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA) in August 2002, as part of its intellectual property strategy. The organization supports the overseas development of Japanese contents businesses and measures for the execution of rights involving copyrights in Asian countries and regions. - 経済産業省



A forerunner in academia-industry cooperation, the United States has seen companies subject their R&D investment to a process of selection and concentration since the late 1980s,pursuing tie-up strategies in areas outside their core business. - 経済産業省



The East Asian OECD initiative was also advocated in the Global Economic Strategies. It aims at the development of an organization that studies and analyzes regional political issues and makes recommendations, based on the examples of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which serves as an important policy forum of advanced countries. - 経済産業省


As a result of the progress in global supply chains, Japan's "edge" is being threatened. (Chart 2-2) In the light of these environmental changes, restructuring of business strategy is called for, in order to win the demand from new growing markets in emerging nations and, at the same time, to maintain and strengthen manufacturing industries in Japan as supply bases for sophisticated parts and products by making the best use of its advanced manufacturing (monodzukuri) capability.  - 経済産業省


In general, South Korean enterprises consider that if "defective products are found, such products should be replaced with new ones (products are breakables)" while as it is said Japanese enterprises stick to "manufacturing products that do not break down," they adopt a management strategy that maintains high quality by using high-performance parts. - 経済産業省


We will consider an innovative strategy for energy and the environment consisting of a short, medium, and long-term that not only overcomes the power restrictions and strengthens safety measures, but which also corrects the distortions and vulnerabilities in the energy system and meets appeals for a safe and stable supply, efficiency, and for the environment. - 経済産業省



However, according to the discussion in Chapter 1, the competitive environment surrounding Japanese companies has intensified, as the role of theGreater Asian Marketas a global growth engine has grown, and due to impacts from European and US companiesstrategic initiatives and increased competitiveness of emerging countries. - 経済産業省



In the transportation equipment industry, on the other hand, in which production in China, Thailand, and other parts of Asia continues to grow, FDI investment is rapidly growing faster than capital investment in Japan.  There can thus be seen to exist some variation in location strategy according to industry.  - 経済産業省


We will consider an innovative strategy for energy and the environment consisting of short, medium, and long-term strategies that not only overcome the power restrictions and strengthen safety measures, but that also correct the distortions and vulnerabilities in the energy system and meet the need for a safe and stable supply, efficiency, and for the environment. - 経済産業省

〔2〕NIEs やASEAN がいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でFTA/EPA を活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに、例文帳に追加

[2] While NIEs and ASEAN have achieved high economic growth by opening up their markets ahead of other countries, emerging economies, such as Chile, Mexico and Peru, have changed their economic policies, liberalizing trade and investment and introducing market mechanisms. In doing so, they have adopted the strategy of utilizing FTAs /EPAs; - 経済産業省


Amid the ongoing significant changes in the business environment, such as increased resource and environmental constraints and changes in global market shares, Japanese manufacturing industries have started to restructure business strategies ahead of full-fledged recovery of the domestic and overseas economies. - 経済産業省


The Nanotechnology Network project promotes cross-sectoral research in a strategic and efficient manner by providing researchers with opportunities to use cutting-edge nanotechnology research facilities owned by universities and incorporated administrative agencies across Japan, as well as advanced technologies and knowledge. - 経済産業省

現在、世界の主要貿易国間において高いレベルのEPA/FTA 網が拡大しており、我が国としては、「包括的経済連携に関する基本方針」に基づき、主要な貿易相手を始めとする幅広い国々と戦略的・多角的に経済連携を進めていくこととしている。例文帳に追加

Currently, high-level EPA/FTA networks are expanding among major trade countries worldwide; it is Japan’s policy to promote strategic and multifaceted economic partnerships with a wide range of countries, including Japan’s major trade partners, based on theBasic Policy for Comprehensive Strategic Economic Partnership.” - 経済産業省

NIEsや ASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中で EPA/FTA を活用する戦略を採ったこと例文帳に追加

while NIEs and ASEAN were achieving a high rate of growth at a fast pace through promotion of economic liberalization, emerging countries including Chile, Mexico and Peru strategically used EPA/FTA as a means to shift their economic policies toward liberalization of trade and investment as well as introduction of market mechanism - 経済産業省

また、2006年にシンガポール、NZ、チリ、ブルネイの 4 か国間で発効した環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定(いわゆる P4 協定)に端を発し、それに米国、豪州、ペルー、ベトナム、マレーシアを加えて現在新たな交渉が行われている、環太平洋パートナーシップ(TPP)協定がある。例文帳に追加

Originating from the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (so-called P4 agreement), which became effective among four countries (Singapore, New Zealand, Chile and Brunei) in 2006, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement is currently newly negotiated with participation of the U.S., Australia, Peru, Vietnam and Malaysia in addition to the four countries. - 経済産業省


The New Economic Growth Strategy, which METI developed in 2006, projected per capita real GNI to grow at an annual rate of around 2.5% over the coming decade. In this case, per capita income in FY2015 would increase by about 30% compared with FY2004. - 経済産業省

2008 年 4 月の日韓首脳会議において、韓国の李明博大統領は、部品・素材分野における対韓投資の促進と日韓間における戦略的パートナー関係の強化を目的とした部品・素材専用工業団地の造成を提案した。例文帳に追加

In the JapanSouth Korea summit meeting held in April 2008, President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea brought up the idea of building a complex exclusively for parts / materials aiming to promote Japan’s investment in South Korea in the field of parts / primary materials and to reinforce the strategic partnership between Japan and South Korea. - 経済産業省


In that sense, industry petitions for safeguards go beyond simple demands for protection, providing an opportunity to review the state of international competitiveness and build that industry's own ideas into strategy for resolving the problems with which it is faced. - 経済産業省


In order to differentiate products from low-cost products made in other countries, companies are enhancing customer satisfaction by combining product sales and services and manufacturing products featuring "kansei value" with an emphasis on the manufacturer's care for users and users' preferences. - 経済産業省


In emerging countries, to this point, Japanese companies have introduced similar products and services to those sold in Japan for sales to the wealthy. However, as they are now placing a priority on the middle class as a consumer base, they are shifting to a strategy of introducing products, technologies, and services tailored to local needs. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, the rate of companies reducing prices and costs has decreased, while the rate of companies introducing high-quality products and technologies with high value added and high quality increased, indicating the possibility that Japanese companies are not necessarily pursuing a strategy focusing on the middle-income group (called the "volume zone") of emerging countries. - 経済産業省


In addition, Korean based global companies have embraced a strong sense of danger toward European companies producing innovative products/service, and a rising Chinese global company staging a pincer attack or threat. Hence, they have worked out a big target and strategy looking ahead envisaged into the following generation. - 経済産業省


In such a case, balancing of quality/value versus pricing shall be reviewed upon exploring emerging markets. Even a business strategy incorporated with an intermittent innovation would be regarded as important, where some part of the function /quality may be reduced so as to lower the price sharply. - 経済産業省

また、経済産業省では、「コンテンツグローバル戦略報告書」(2007 年9 月)に基づき、コンテンツ産業のアジア展開促進のため、アジア向けの中長期的な政策パッケージ「アジア・コンテンツ・イニシアティブ」(2008 年7 月)を策定した。例文帳に追加

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), based on "Contents Global Strategy/Final Report" (September 2007), formulated the Asia Contents Initiative, a medium- and long-term policy package for Asia (July 2008), to promote the expansion of contents business throughout Asia. - 経済産業省


Sector-by-sector negotiations led by interested countries to eliminate or reduce tariffs and non-tariff barriers are also underway to complement tariff cuts created by the formula and to further improve market access. - 経済産業省


* The new growth strategies promote the policies to enhance the employment rates for the nation's each segment with the goal of maintaining the employment rate of 2009 (56.9%) in 2020. This will result in a decrease only of about 0.5 million employees compared with the labour force in 2009. - 厚生労働省


Such situation is largely attributable to that the Japanese market has not grown to the place to which individual companies want to launch new drugs preferentially because of weak international competitive power and poor appeal of the drug discovery environment even though there is an aspect of influence of development strategy by individual companies. - 厚生労働省


Despite Thailand’s high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and APG to address its strategic AML/CFT deficiencies, Thailand has not made sufficient progress in implementing its action plan, and certain strategic AML/CFT deficiencies remain, although Thailand has faced external difficulties from 2009 to 2011 which significantly impacted the legislative process for the necessary laws and regulations.  - 財務省


However, despite Thailand’s high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and APG to address its strategic AML/CFT deficiencies, Thailand has not made sufficient progress in implementing its action plan, and certain strategic AML/CFT deficiencies remain, although Thailand has faced external difficulties from 2009 to 2011 which significantly impacted the legislative process for the necessary laws and regulations.  - 財務省


These issues relate to the size of the quota increase and the quota shift, in line with our October 2009 Istanbul communique; enhanced voice and representation of emerging markets and developing countries at the IMF's Executive Board; modalities for protecting the voting share of the poorest members; enhanced ministerial engagement and strategic oversight; and an open, transparent, and merit-based process for selecting the heads of the IMF and other IFIs. - 財務省

当該国・地域から生じる継続的かつ重大な資金洗浄・テロ資金供与リスクから国際金融システムを保護するため、FATFが全ての加盟国及びその他の国・地域に対し、対抗措置の適用を要請する対象とされた国・地域. 資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策に戦略上重大な欠陥があり、それら欠陥に対応するため顕著な進展をみせていない、あるいはFATFと策定したアクションプランにコミットしていない国・地域。例文帳に追加

Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies or have not committed to an action plan developed with the FATF to address the deficiencies.  - 財務省


In this regard, the IMF is being called on to present concrete medium-term policies for each country and region, so that it can play not only the role of a guardian of the international monetary system who continuously sends warning signals, but also of a reliable guide who can chart a credible path for the international community, including by offering alternative policies.  - 財務省


Recently, the relaxation of visa regulations for short-term stays for nationals of East Asian countries and regions, and the increasing number of flights to Japan has promoted increases in tourist numbers from East Asia. In addition, in light of the World Exposition 2005, in Aichi (known as EXPO '05, Aichi) being held during 2005, visa exemptions were granted for a number of countries and regions in East Asia, which is expected to further increase the number of foreigners coming to Japan. - 経済産業省

財団法人国際経済交流財団(2010)によると、我が国企業の新興国市場の開拓に向けた社内外の課題としては、「現地における人材育成・確保」が55.0%と最も多く、次いで「現地における販売・マーケティング」が53.4%、「事業ビジョン・戦略の明確化」が43.8%となっており(第3-2-1-24 図)、これらの課題克服に向けた新たな対応が求められる。例文帳に追加

A study byte Japan economic foundation (2010) on problem with Japanese companies internally and externally toward exploration of emerging economies showed that 55% of the companies answered that they have problem that is associated with securing/fostering manpower in the local country, which is the highest in proportion, followed by 53.4% of the companies that have problem associated with sales/marketing in the local country, and 43.8% of the companies said they have problem that is associated with clarification of business vision/strategy (Figure 3-2-1-24). Now, new measure to solve such problem is required to be taken. - 経済産業省


The strategy also states that international mutual understanding will be promoted through the expansion of international tourism exchange, as a proper understanding of Japan expands among foreign travelers, and Japanese people also increase their understanding of diverse overseas cultures and national identities through exchange with foreign travelers visiting Japan. It goes on to point out that rediscovering and burnishing the unique nature,traditions and culture rooted in each region of Japan as global tourism resources to attract foreign travelers will contribute to building people’s confidence and pride in their regions. - 経済産業省


Ieyasu felt that Nobushige, who was most active among warlords on the Osaka side, was dangerous and ordered Nobushige's older brother Nobuyuki SANADA to persuade Nobushige to switch sides for 400,000 koku of Shinano Province, but he wasn't interested in this preferential condition at all and persisted in his loyalty to the Toyotomi family (according to one theory, Ieyasu ordered Nobushige's uncle Nobutada SANADA and offered 100,000 koku of Ueda).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On financial education, we endorse the OECD/International Network on Financial Education (INFE) High Level Principles on National Strategies for Financial Education, and call on the OECD/INFE and the World Bank in cooperation with the GPFI to deliver further tools to promote financial education, with a progress report to the next Summit.  - 財務省


The MDBs, ILO, OECD and UNESCO have agreed today to form a unified and coordinated team with the aim of supporting a pilot group of self-selected LICs to enhance their national strategies to develop skills, improve productivity in existing jobs, and promote investment in new jobs.  - 財務省


Given the recent rapidly changing environment of the content industry which has witnessed a rapid expansion of the global content markets including those of developing countries and rapid technological innovation, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry launched the "Content Global Strategy Study Group" in December 2006 to discuss ways to promote the globalization of the Japanese content industry. - 経済産業省


The Comprehensive Emergency Economic Measures feature as their five pillars: employment and human resources development; promotion and acceleration of the New Growth Strategy; child-rearing, healthcare, nursing care, and social services; regional revitalization, improvement of the social infrastructure, and measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises; and regulatory and institutional reforms; and the government will implement measures that truly help to revitalize the economy and make the people's lives secure and safe.  - 財務省


Local strategy councils to support new partnerships will be established at nine nationwide sites. In consultation with new partnerships among SMEs making endeavors toward "cross-field-partnership new business development plans" under the SME New Business Activities Promotion Law, councils will provide hands-on support up to the point of commercialization through various specialists, giving advice on evaluation of commercialization prospects and market development, matching, etc. - 経済産業省

また、韓国では、1997 年のキム・デジュン大統領(当時)による「文化大統領」宣言、文化産業振興基本法(1999年)の制定などを契機に、官民一体となったCoolKorea 戦略を打ち出し、文化コンテンツ振興院、デザイン振興院の設立や大韓貿易投資振興公社(KOTRA)による積極的な海外展開支援などが行われている。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, in Korea, then president, Kim Dae-jung declaredCulture President―and established Culture industry promotion basic law (1999). Taking the opportunity of the moves, Korea worked out the Cool Korea strategy with the co-operation with the government. Culture and Content progression Agency and Design agency have been established ever since. Also Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) has provided positive support for overseas development. - 経済産業省


Amid these developments, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, (i) from the standpoint of promoting Japanese companies' intellectual property strategies and based on the earlier-mentioned "qualitative evaluation approach" has been promoting "intellectual property-backed management" that combines the three strategies for business, R&D and intellectual property, and has been making efforts toward the disclosure of their performances by the "Intellectual Property Report" or toward the evaluation of their performances on the basis of public data, and (ii) from the standpoint of facilitating the distribution and securitization of intellectual property, also has been considering and sorting out valuation methods for each type of intellectual property rights on the basis of the earlier-cited"capitalization approach." - 経済産業省


In this system, bargain information to be placed on a newspaper insert or timely bargain information or time service information of the day is mail-delivered to personal computers or cellular phones of consumers, whereby a sales promotion strategy matched to the buying and stock state or sales state of the day is timely and extensively realized at low cost. - 特許庁

2011 年7 月には、「新成長戦略」(平成二十二年六月十八日閣議決定)等を踏まえ、我が国の魅力を活かした製品等の海外展開及び国内振興について一体的に企画立案等を行う体制を整備するため、クール・ジャパン室を発展的解消し、同省商務情報政策局にクリエイティブ産業課(生活文化創造産業課)を新設した。例文帳に追加

Based primarily on the "New Growth Strategy" (Cabinet decision on June 18, 2010) and in order to develop a structure for integrated planning on the overseas and domestic development of products utilizing the appeal of Japan, in July 2011 the Cool Japan Office was dissolved to form a better organization and the Creative Industries Division (Life Culture Creating Industries Division) was established in the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau of the said ministry. - 経済産業省


Japan is expected to capture the demand of new and expansion EPC and equipment steadily in North America's market making use of Japan's high technology, at the same time, enhance the fuel supply chain or strategic conclusion of the agreement. Also Japan is expected to maintain the all-Japan system led by electric companies, and cope with an order, which covers the operation and management from countries, which wish to introduce nuclear for the first time. - 経済産業省



However, many researchers of other countries including Japan, have sympathetic views stating that, although it is true that the Iljinhoe group played a role making Korea a lost country without foreseeing the Empire of Japan's intension of invasion, their theory of equal merger was totally different from Japan's theory of Korean annexation (Korea comes under the rule of Japan to become a colony by relinquishing sovereign power), so considering Japan discarded the Iljinhoe after the group served their purpose, 'the Iljinhoe were also victims and should not be totally blamed'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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