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It is believed that at the Ichinomiya of Shimotsuke Province which was supposedly under control of the Keno (or Kenu) clan, Soen took a seat of honor which was superior to Shinto priests, thereby making it possible to infer that Soen may be related to the Keno clan (i.e. Soen was possibly an illegitimate child of the father of the Fujiwara clan and the mother of the Keno clan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1924, Genchi KATO (a professor at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy and associate professor of Shinto at Tokyo Imperial University) advocated a theory that divided 'Shinto' into 'religious Shinto' and 'national Shinto' and further divided 'national Shinto' into 'Jinja (or Shrine) Shinto' and 'Kokutai (or national structure) Shinto.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even after the abolition of the Ministry of Religion, this ideological development continued, with Genchi KATO, who lectured in philosophy of religion at Tokyo University, said that the Emperor 'was an arahitogami and therefore a god himself, not a child of a god, which was a being one level lower than the god' in "Waga Kokutai no Hongi" (Meaning of Our National Polity) in 1912.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, a well-known quotation from "Rojinzatsuwa" (literally, miscellaneous stories by an old man) by Munetomo EMURA states: "On the occasion of the Akechi Disturbance (Honnoji Incident), Toshogu (Ieyasu) was in Sakai. Nobunaga ordered Togoro HASHIBA to act as a sightseeing guide for Ieyasu in Osaka and Sakai, but in reality, it was a plot to exploit an opportunity to kill Ieyasu".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Just as Tsunemune summoned the Sashoben (third-ranked officer of the left) FUJIWARA no Yukitaka and was about to have him go to retired emperor Takakura to report the consensus opinion of the meeting, Takasue protested, saying 'Why is it necessary to send a messenger to Kofuku-ji temple when the head priest and his deputy will simply keep saying that they are unable to control the assembled clergy?  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Later, when insei period started, people made it rule to present three copies of the calendar to kanmu and kyokumu and one copy to kirokujo in the year of sakutan toji (according to "Chuyuki" by FUJIWARA no Munetada in 1126, "Einin gonen sakutan tojiki" by Kamo no Sadakiyo in 1297 and "Daigeki morotoyoki" by Morotoyo NAKAHARA in 1392).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In response to the coordinated interventions, then-Japanese prime minister, Hirofumi ITO, made a proposal to the congress to hold a conference with the world powers, but then-foreign minister, Munemitsu MUTSU, claimed it might cause further intervention and proposed instead to invite other world powers, such as the UK, the U.S.A. and Italy, to counter and revoke the recommendation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Toyotomi side was a jumble of army forces and unable to have close contacts; Mototsugu GOTO troop of 2,800 soldiers advanced to Komatsuyama in its single troop, which was given a concentrated attack by troops of more than 20,000 soldiers of Masamune DATE, Katsunari MIZUNO and others and the troop fought hard only to be destroyed and Mototsugu was killed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in order to prevent tightening of control and decentralization of koban-shi, in 1698 casting facilities outside the residence were abolished and casting facilities were located on the grounds of the official residence of kin-za (the residence of the head family of the Goto family) only where casting of gold coins was performed thereafter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



After the incident about 14000 people were punished and seven people who regarded as leaders including Eisuke TASHIRO, Orihei KATO, Shuzaburo ARAI, Zenkichi TAKAGISHI, Sosaku SAKAMOT, Kanpei KIKUCHI and Denzo INOUE were sentenced to death (however, Inoue and Kikuchi were tried in their absence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The base of Mt. Atsukashi in Kunimi was designated as a national historical site because it is where Oshu Fujiwara clan was conquered by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo bur the fact that Masamune DATE set up the headquarters there for invading Fukushima has not been well-known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The merchant ship on which the person named 'Totaro Nyudonine' was aboard was wrecked off the coast of Hinoshima (present-day Hinoshima, Shinkamigoto-cho, Nagasaki Prefecture) in 1298 and it is assumed that the luggage belonged to the persons concerned the Tokuso Family of the Hojo clan were among the luggage tossed into the sea ("aokata monjo," the written records of the Aokata clan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is supposed that, the Ando clan's territory during the late Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts consisted of the major part of the coastal regions except for the vicinity of current Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, according to the documents such as a letter of concession by Munenori ANDO (the widely-accepted theory is that it was the same person as the above mentioned Suehisa) and Akiie KITABATAKE's certificate for the land directed to Morosue ANDO, in which it is mentioned that the clan was in charge of Jitoondaikan (deputy military governor) in Kinuka-jima, Shirihiki-go and Ikunobe-go, Ezo no sata of Hanawa County, Mutsu Province and in Usori-go, Nakahama-mimaki and Minato Tsugaru-nishihama of Nukabe County, Mutsu Province, and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

真乗(修行時代の僧名「天晴(てんせい)」=上醍醐の行場では『あっぱれさん』とよばれていたらしい)は、醍醐修験部(当山派正統法脈)に伝承の在家法流の行を修めた後(昭和14年秋1939)、さらに本部の大法受法に臨み、醍醐寺伝承の出家法流「三宝院流」を履修し畢えて、昭和18年春(1943)、「伝燈大阿闍梨 金剛院真乗」となった。例文帳に追加

Shinjo ITO whose monk name when he was learning was Tensei, but he seemed to be called "Apparesan" in the gyoba of Kami-Daigo (the upper part of Daigo) after he finished learning the traditional Buddhist teachings of lay believers at the Daigo training place (orthodox dharma lineage of the Tozan school) in 1939; furthermore, he tried to learn 大法 of the Honshu department, and he became 阿闍梨 金剛 in 1943 after finishing traditional system of teaching when entering into priesthood of Daigo-ji Temple, 'Sanpoin-ryu.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, considering the tradition of Yoshiie's hell in Kyoto and a description of "Chuyuki" (a diary written by FUJIWARA no Munetada who lived in the same period as Yoshiie) as 'The late Yoshiie Ason had killed many innocent people as the head of warriors for a long time. His piling sins may affect on his descendants,' it is one of the aspects of Yoshiie told by a samurai in the imperial capital who joined the war with Yoshiie, so that it can be regarded as the truth.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the "Shoyuki (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)" in the Heian period, there was a case where the major opinion in the conference of the Imperial court was denied by the opposition of FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, a chief adviser to the Emperor, and another minor opinion supported by Yorimichi was implemented, and in another case more recently, amnesty for Nichiren, which was opposed by all hyojoshu (chamber of government affairs and justice) in the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), was implemented by Tokimune HOJO, a regent to the shogunate, who was the odd man.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Goshirakawa ordered to sentence Tsunemune and Korekata for deportaion and they lost their positions in March; FUJIWARA no Takanobu was suspended from entering into a special temple in the Imperial Palace in July, the second consort of the Emperor, Princess Shushi became a nun due to her illness in August, followed by the death of the Emperor's guardian Bifuku mon in that November; thus Emperor Nijo's political power was wrecked by losing his important people, while on the other hand Goshirakawa, with the support of his force, took more political power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In February 1160, saying 'We should not transfer political power to the Retired Emperor; the Emperor should directly administer political affairs,' Tsunemune and Korekata harassed Goshirakawa, when the latter was looking outside from a stand in the mansion of FUJIWARA no Akinaga located in Hachijo Horikawa, by covering with wooden plates to obstruct Goshirakawa's field of vision.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although his shoryo (territory) at this time is unknown, a historian Yoshihiko AMINO assumes that FUJIWARA no Kanemitsu as follows was Kanemitsu IGA; the former Governor of Ise Province who took over the position of Jitoshiki (manager and lord of manor) of the Jisei-kyo Village and Hyugaura in Wakasa Province in December 1265 as the heir of Mitsumune IGA, great grandfather of Kanemitsu, and a donor and former Ise no kami (Governor of Ise Province) who appears on Monju Bosatsuzo Bokushomei (statue of Manjusri [bodhisattva], ink inscriptions) of the Hannya-ji Temple in Yamato Province dated in April 1324.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many of his star roles were as follows: Arajishi Otokonosuke in"Kanadehon Chushingura" (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers), Musashibo Benkei in"Kanjincho," Kesori in "Hakata Kojoro Namimakura," Gongoro KAMAKURA in "Shibaraku," Hanakawado Sukeroku in "Sukeroku Yukarino Edozakura," Soshun KOCHIYAMA in "Kumonimagou Ueno no Hatsuhana," Gyou OGUCHIYA in "Sukeroku," SUGAWARA no Michizane and Genzo TAKEBE in "Sugawara Denju Tenanai Tekagami," Kiyomasa KATO in "Zoho Momoyama Monogatari," a daihanji or Omiya in "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Becoming a Foreign Minister in the second ITO Cabinet, Munemitsu MUTSU, who had succeeded in the conclusion of the equal treaty with Mexico, requested the Minister-Counselor to England Shuzo AOKI to negotiate with the country, and in 1894 just before the Sino-Japanese War, he succeeded to conclude the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with England, which heightened the sense of danger against the advance southward of the Russian Empire, and thus abolished the extraterritoriality.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To qualify for membership in Nogaku Kyokai, one is required to get referrals from a current member of the association and from the soke (head of family, originator) of the school, to which he or she belongs, and to be a nogakushi of one of the following schools; Kanze-ryu, Hosho-ryu, Konparu-ryu, Kongo-ryu and Kita-ryu for shite-kata (main roles); Takayasu-ryu, Fukuo-ryu and Hosho-ryu for waki-kata (supporting actors); Isso-ryu, Morita-ryu and Fujita-ryu for fue-kata (roles who play the flute); Ko-ryu, Kosei-ryu, Okura-ryu and Kanze-ryu for kotsuzumi-kata (small hand drum players); Kadono-ryu, Takayasu-ryu, Ishii-ryu, Okura-ryu and Kanze-ryu for otsuzumi-kata (large hand drum players); Kanze-ryu and Konparu-ryu for taiko-kata (drum players), and; Okura-ryu and Izumi-ryu for kyogen-kata (comic actors).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Of the 2 families that passed down Onmyodo by succession, the Kadenokoji family that the Kamo family became commonly known as in the Nanbokucho Period (in the Muromachi Period, since their residence was located on Kadenokoji Street, the Kamo clan began to call themselves by this name, but it was different from the Kadenokoji family of the Fujiwara hokke Hino family line or the Shiba clan line) gradually lost their power and, even though KAMO no Arikata wrote 'Rekirinmondoshu' and flourished, the family line ceased to exist when the heir to the main branch of the Kadenokoji family was killed in the mid Muromachi Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Tokyo-tei was where Emperor Seiwa (his mother was FUJIWARA no Akira Keiko (Somedono no Kisaki) was born in 850, so it was honored as the Ubugami (birth gods) and the Ubusunagami (guardian deity of one's birthplace), and next year of the emperor's enthronement in 859, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) was given to Munakata Sanjojin (promoted to Juichii (Junior First Rank) later), and in 865, Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) was also given to Amanoiwatowake no kami, the shrine in the same mansion, and on May 19 of the same year, a shield, a pike, and a saddle were dedicated to the shrine but this dedication was not recorded in "Jinmyocho (the list of deities) of Engishiki" (codes and procedures on national rites and prayers).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In "the family record of the Kazanin family," it is written that the shrine was enshrined by FUJIWARA no Mototsune, an adopted child of Yoshifusa, as an guardian god, but in "Doyuki" above, the following story was recorded as a continued story by Moronari; when Shosenko (posthumous name as Daijo Daijin), Mototsune, was in a low position, he saw a fox being beaten by several people so he asked them to give the fox to him and he released it, and the fox appeared in his dream and pledged to remove disasters such as fire if he gave it a place to live, so he gave the fox the present place of enshrinement and made it as a kenzoku (messenger of the gods) of the Munakata deity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There were some opinions that the punishment for injuring foreigners was too severe, and from the Japanese viewpoint the act of TAKI was quite natural for a samurai, at least as a reaction to 'Tomowari,'but it was difficult to resist the strong demand of the powerful countries and the plea for saving TAKI made by Munenari DATE through ITO and Saisuke GODAI (later Tomoatsu GODAI) to the last minute of the deadline was rejected by the voting of Leon ROCHES of France and other minister-counselors'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The theory to point out the possibility that the Ando family had been already settled in Akita Country before the supposed time of the Minato family's establishment, based on such findings; the family's history can be dated back even earlier period than the time of Magogoro ANDO and Andota, both of whom are confirmed as the territorial lords of the Oga Peninsula, and also earlier than the time of the legendary Kanosue's Nansen (provincial capital's relocation to the south), about which Jakuzo, Tadasue ABE, Joso ABE, etc. described in the copy of Jisha shuzo munefuda (ridge tag with history of the reparation and construction of temples and shrines) compiled in 'Ichikawa Minato Monjo' (The letter of Ichikawa Minato), and that there is an oral tradition in which a family called the Onagawa family was the territorial lord of the Oga Peninsula before the Minato family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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