
「Brewing」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(19ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Consequent upon the foregoing, since 1990s, the number of breweries that have their own agricultural land (paddy fields) in which to produce sakamai and carry out rice growing from spring to autumn and sake brewing from autumn to spring, and other breweries that conclude contracts for growing to unify their production systems, has rapidly increased. 例文帳に追加

その反省から、1990年代以降は自前の酒米用農地(田んぼ)を持ち、春から秋にかけては米作りを、秋から春にかけては酒造りをおこなう蔵や、酒米作りを専門とする農家と栽培契約をむすび一体化した生産体制に切り替える蔵が急増している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to amendments to Japan Agricultural Standards (JAS) in 2004, among the methods, 'New type brewing method' (former name), the method of mixing to moromi is determined as 'Mixed fermented method,' and the method of mixing to kiage soy-sauce and 'Amino acid adding method' (former name) were determined as 'Mixed method.' 例文帳に追加

平成16年のJAS(日本農林規格)の改正に伴い、旧名「新式醸造」のうち混合先が諸味のものが「混合醸造方式」となり、混合先が諸味ではなく生揚げ醤油なものと旧名「アミノ酸添加法」が「混合方式」と変更された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems that the tools owned by brewers in those days were little more than kitchen utensils because large implements for brewing sake had not yet been developed, but based on high-level knowledge accumulated about "Bodai-moto" (a sake ingredient), "Ni-moto" (a sake producing method) and others, they seem to have produced Nanto moro-haku with considerable effort and scrupulously refined techniques. 例文帳に追加

まだ大規模な酒造器具も開発されておらず、台所用品に毛の生えた程度の器具しかなかったと思われるこの時代に、菩提酛、煮酛など高度な知識の集積にもとづいて、かなりの手間を掛け、精緻に洗練された技術で製造していたと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Bodaisen was in its prime in the early Muromachi period (in other words, the period of the Northern and Southern Courts), and after a while, from the Period of Warring States, it went into decline under the Japan rulers' policies to weaken the power of temples, but still, there were many sake brewers who would inherit the brewing method of Bodaisen from Nara temples. 例文帳に追加

室町時代初期、南北朝時代(日本)に最盛期を迎え、やがて戦国時代(日本)以降、寺院勢力のそぎ落としを狙う支配者たちの政策のもとに衰えていったが、この酒の味を引き継ごうと志す奈良流の造り酒屋は多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As kanzukuri became the main method, sake brewing became restricted to winter and farmers became sake brewers as an extra job only during the winter, and toji worker groups began to form in each district. 例文帳に追加

また、寒造りが主流となったことによって、酒造りは冬に限られた仕事となったので、農民が出稼ぎとして冬場だけ杜氏を請け負うようになり、やがて各地にそれぞれ地域的な特徴を持った杜氏の職人集団が生成されていったという側面もうまれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is a primitive brewing method which brewed rice with wild yeast by using amylase and diastase which are amylolytic enzymes in saliva, and it is known that it is widespread in a broad area from East Asia to the South Pacific, and South and Central America. 例文帳に追加

これは唾液中の澱粉分解酵素であるアミラーゼ、ジアスターゼを利用し、空気中の野生酵母で発酵させる原始的な醸造法であり、東アジアから南太平洋、中南米という広い範囲に分布していることが知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, while wheat malt (or mochi-koji [a kind of malt fermented on rice cake]) is mainly used for liquor brewing in China and the Korean Peninsula with rhizopus and mucor, malted-rice (or bara-koji [a kind of malt made of heated grain such as wheat]) with pure Aspergillus oryzae is used for Japanese liquor. 例文帳に追加

現在中国や朝鮮半島で酒造用に用いられているのは麦麹(餅麹)がほとんどであり、その中身はクモノスカビやケカビが中心であるが、日本酒は米麹(バラ麹)であり、その中身は純粋なコウジカビである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sake no tsukasa was not only a name of the department but also a name of the office, and it is said that it consisted of the three buildings, that is, sakedono where jars for brewing sake were placed, usudono for rice polishing, and kojimuro for producing malt for sake. 例文帳に追加

造酒司は部署だけでなく役所の名称で、建築的な構造としては、酒を醸造する甕がならんだ酒殿(さけどの)が一宇、日本酒精米をおこなう舎である臼殿(うすどの)が一宇、日本酒麹造りを造るための麹室(こうじむろ)が一宇、計三宇という配置であったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Ryonoshuge" (Commentaries on the Civil Statutes) which was edited in the latter part of the ninth century, the sake brewed there was a thin sake by mixing rice, bara-koji rice malt used for today's sake brewing as well, and water together in jars and fermenting for about 10 days. 例文帳に追加

そこで造られる酒は、9世紀後半に編まれた『令集解』(りょうのしゅうげ)によれば、麹は現在の製法と同じ米から造るばら麹で、米と麹と水を甕に入れて混ぜ合わせ、醗酵期間は十日ほどの薄い酒であったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It refers to the sake with high clarity, almost the same as today's seishu, brewed by the method using polished rice for both kojimai (rice for malt) and kakemai (rice for moromi [raw unrefined sake]) which is the base for present sake brewing, and it was called 'Morohaku' (sake of 100 percent polished white rice) compared to nigorizake (unfiltered sake) which was the mainstream sake at that time. 例文帳に追加

諸白とは、現在の酒造りの基礎にもなっている、麹米と掛け米の両方に精白米を用いる手法で造られた透明度の高い酒、今日でいう清酒とほぼ等しい酒のことを、当時の酒の主流をしめていた濁り酒(にごりざけ)に対して呼んだ名称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, in the early Edo period Japan had a technique which was later named as sake brewing in all seasons, and the sake were brewed five times throughout a year such as, new brew of sake, aishu (sake brewed in the middle season), kanmae-zake (also referred as kanmae-sake; sake brewed before winter), kanshu (sake brewed in winter) to haruzake (sake brewed in early spring). 例文帳に追加

いっぽう日本国内においては、江戸時代初期には、後世から四季醸造と名づけられる技術があり、新酒、間酒(あいしゅ)、寒前酒(かんまえざけ/かんまえさけ)、寒酒(かんしゅ)、春酒(はるざけ)と年に五回、四季を通じて酒が造られていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it did not revive as before for such reasons as toji who knew its techniques did not exist, consumers were familiar with the good taste of kanshu, and sake breweries of brewing districts competed fiercely in producing better sake. 例文帳に追加

しかし、もはや生き証人としてその技術を心得ている杜氏がいなかったこと、また消費者もうまい寒酒の味に慣れ、酒郷ではよりよい酒質を求めて熾烈な競争をくりひろげていたことなどから、以前のような復活に至らなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The long-term fermentation kept at low temperatures by Akita method which was used for "Aramasa" in Akita by Uhei SATO and got a high prize in the kanpyokai of 1928, 1930, and 1932 in a row, gathered attention and the Aramasa yeast separated from it was designated as the sixth yeast of the Brewing Society in 1935. 例文帳に追加

昭和3年(1928年)、同5年、同7年と立て続けに鑑評会で優等賞を取った佐藤卯兵衛の秋田『新政』(あらまさ)の秋田流低温長期醗酵が注目を集め、ここから分離された新政酵母が昭和10年(1935年)に協会系酵母協会6号となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the technique of ginjoshu seemed to be able to develop rapidly by the invention of vertical-type rice-milling machines in 1930, it could not be fully developed for almost 30 years, damaged by the regulation of the rice-polishing ratio which was under 65 percent in the Showa 13 brewing year (1938 to 1939). 例文帳に追加

昭和5年(1930年)の縦型精米機の登場によって、一時は飛躍的な発展の可能性がかいまみえた日本酒吟醸酒の技術に関しても、昭和13酒造年度(1938年-1939年)から精米歩合が65%以下に規制されて出鼻をくじかれ、本格的な発展にはなお三十年近い歳月を待つことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were problems such as the water at that place was very hard, rice wasn't imported from the inland of Japan freely, and many sake breweries had poor facilities in the point of safe brewing, and ready-made sake froze in the cold climate there. 例文帳に追加

現地の水がひじょうに硬水だったこと、内地からの米の輸入が不自由だったこと、いまだ安全醸造に至らない貧弱な設備の蔵が多かったこと、既成の日本酒は現地の極寒の気候では凍ってしまうことなどの問題があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, this resulted in the widespread formulation (YK35) that ginjoshu could be made by using Yamadanishiki (Y) which was developed before the war and became the major rice for sake brewing in those days and the yeast of 'koro' (K) and polishing rice at the higher rate of 35 percent (35). 例文帳に追加

しかしこのことは、戦前に開発され当時の酒米の主流となっていた山田錦を用い(Y)、『香露』の酵母を用い(K)、精米歩合を35%まで高めれば(35)吟醸酒ができるといった定式化(YK35)が誠しやかに流布される発端ともなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even if they tried to produce good quality sake, it was difficult for them to get enough materials because the rice for sake brewing was received only through the ration system under the food-control system which was established in 1942 and issued rice and grain passbooks to public. 例文帳に追加

良質な酒を生産しようと志しても、いまだ昭和17年(1942年)に制定された食糧管理制度の下に国民には米穀通帳(べいこくつうちょう)が発行され、酒造米も配給制となっていたために、満足のゆく原料の調達が困難であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, if 'more production, more sale,' 'sake for sale could be produced by making final adjustments with adding alcohol even if the brewing was cut corners' and 'even a good sake would be disregarded by consumers and it would be sold at the same price as others after all,' the producers did not make corporate efforts. 例文帳に追加

それで「造れば造るほど売れる」、「造りに手を抜いてもアルコール添加で最終調整すれば出荷できる酒に仕上がる」、「よい酒を造っても消費者に見向きもされず、しょせん販売価格は同じになる」のであれば、生産者も企業努力をしなくなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unlike sakabe at the Miki no Tsukasa, such priests can be somewhat regarded as the origin of latter-day toji schools because they developed each temple's unique taste and brewing method such as bodaimoto (the oldest starter of refined sake), but they still did not have a direct relation with latter-day toji, in view of their organization system. 例文帳に追加

この僧たちは造酒司の酒部とは異なり、菩提酛に代表されるようなそれぞれの寺院の味や造り方を分化させていったため、のちの杜氏集団の流派の原型と見ることもできるが、集団としての制度など考えると、後世の杜氏とは直接的なつながりはない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its origin is that peasants in a region where farming during only a summer period could not produce enough money due to poor lands formed a group involving young people in their villages, and they went to another region called sake-dokoro (a place famous for sake brewing) where people brewed sake using the local good water, in order to make some additional incomes during a winter period, which was an agricultural off-season. 例文帳に追加

概して土地が乏しく夏場の耕作だけでは貧しかった地方の農民が、農閑期である冬に年間副収入を得るべく、配下に村の若者などを従えて、良い水が取れ酒造りを行なっている地域、いわゆる酒どころへ集団出稼ぎに行ったのが始まりである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nada Go-go, which was well known as a great sake-brewing district, had been originally a group of poor villages where farming could not produce enough money to live, but Nada sake rapidly became popular in about the Kansei era and peasants in this district began to be invited to various regions as sakashi at high salaries. 例文帳に追加

銘醸地の聞こえ高い灘五郷も、もともとは農業だけでは生活できない貧しい村々であったが、寛政あたりから灘酒の評判はつとに高まり、彼ら農民は高給を以って酒師として各地へ招聘されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hanzoshu in each region had been greatly affected by brewing policies of the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and had eventually survived until the end of the Edo period led by various events reflecting ups and downs in each era, but most hanzoshu was not so successful that it could not help the difficult financial conditions of clans. 例文帳に追加

各地の藩造酒は、幕府の酒造統制に翻弄され、それぞれ時代とともに衰滅や復活など多様な経緯をたどりながら日本酒の歴史江戸時代後期まで続いていくが、最終的にほとんどの藩造酒は藩の財政逼迫を救うほどには成功はしなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A branch office of a toji group was established in a region where there were many breweries, and when a toji post of a brewery became vacant, this office functioned as a coordinator or an agency to assign the next toji from the same school to that post immediately, so that the brewery was able to keep the same brewing method and the same sake taste. 例文帳に追加

酒蔵が多い地方には、杜氏集団の出先機関のようなものを設置し、杜氏の空きのポストが出ると、すぐに同じ流派から次の杜氏が入って、その蔵の酒造りが途絶えないように、そして、その蔵の味が変わらないように、斡旋や仲介をほどこした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the beginning of the Showa period, when Japan expanded their colonies in neighboring countries, there was a huge demand for personnel who had sake brewing skills in overseas territories (the places outside of the mainland of Japan), and many schools sent toji and kurabito to such places. 例文帳に追加

日本が近隣諸国に植民地を拡大した日本酒の歴史昭和時代前期には、いわゆる外地(本土以外の地域)で日本酒を製造できる人材の需要が非常に高く、多くの流派はそういう地へ杜氏や蔵人を派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since a toji person should supervise his or her team for around a half year, he or she must have strong leadership and great tolerance so that he or she can lead his or her people and occasionally even their families who stay in their hometown, as well as excellent skills of brewing. 例文帳に追加

半年ものあいだ、杜氏集団を指揮しつづけるだけあって、杜氏は酒造りの技能に優れているだけではなく、部下の蔵人たち、ときには故郷に残してきたその家族たちまでも人間的にたばねていく統率力と包容力が要求される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The selection of gozenshu differed according to the lord of each domain; for gozenshu, some daimyo selected Itami sake like the shogun family, or at least the sake from the same Sessen-juni-go (the twelve sake brewing districts in Settsu Province and Izumi Province shipping for Edo) where the Itami sake was produced, and some others selected the sake which was the local specialty of the hometown, for the purpose of industrial development of his own domain. 例文帳に追加

御膳酒は、それぞれの藩主の方針によって、将軍家と同じ伊丹酒や、そうでなくても同じ地方である摂泉十二郷の酒を御膳酒に指定した大名もいれば、自領の産業育成のため、国許(くにもと)特産の酒を御膳酒に指定した大名もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As seen in the visible examples of wine and champagne made by monasteries of Benedictine Order as well as of beer made by Trappist Monasteries in Europe, many civilizations have a period in which religious power leads the brewing industry for reasons similar to those stated above. 例文帳に追加

ヨーロッパにおけるベネディクト派修道院のワインやシャンパン、トラピスト派修道院のビールなどが分かりやすい例であるように、上記とほぼ同じ理由から、宗教勢力が醸造業の最先端を牽引していく時代というものは、さまざまな文明で見出されるのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sake breweries developed in Kyoto City but soboshu, made by temples which quietly continued brewing sake without being bothered by worldly complication, was more highly-esteemed as merchants in town began to fight over the market as in the case of Bunan no Koji Sodo (Riot caused by rice malt sellers in the Bunan era). 例文帳に追加

京都市中に造り酒屋などが発生したが、文安の麹騒動のように市中の商人同士で商圏をめぐって争いごとが起こると、そうした俗世の混乱とは無縁に淡々と酒造りを続ける僧坊酒がさらに評価を高めることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is also a persistent view that people should be allowed to make liquors freely at home as long as they fill out an income-tax return and only liquor tax evasion should be controlled, since sake brewing is only restricted for tax reasons and income tax payment is made by declaration. 例文帳に追加

また酒造の制限は税制上の理由であり、所得税などは申告税制になっていることから家庭内酒造についても申告納税さえすれば自由に認めるべきであり、脱税酒についてのみ取締りをするべきであるという根強い意見もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Licensed brewer is someone who passed the written and practical tests about sake brewing which is a kind of skill assessment system of nationally-accredited qualification conducted by prefectural governors (the questions are made up by Japan Vocational Ability Development Association and the administrator is Prefectural Vocational Ability Development Association). 例文帳に追加

酒造技能士(しゅぞうぎのうし)とは、国家資格である技能検定制度の一種で、都道府県知事(問題作成等は中央職業能力開発協会、試験の実施等は都道府県職業能力開発協会)が実施する、酒造に関する学科及び実技試験に合格した者をいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were some quotations from other technical books on sake brewing that had been written in earlier times, which means that there had been such kind of books before "Domoshuzoki," but none of those have been found and it is totally unknown what book they were. 例文帳に追加

なかには、これより前の時代に書かれていた酒造技術書から引用している箇所が多く、『童蒙酒造記』以前にも優れた同類の書物が存在したことがうかがわれるが、現在まで発見されておらず、はたしてどういう文献が存在したのかすら謎である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Multiple parallel fermentation ("並行複発酵") is a type of fermentation that takes place in the sake brewing process, meaning that saccharification (the conversion of starch into glucose by koji enzyme) and fermentation (the conversion of glucose into alcohol by yeast) occur simultaneously in the same container. 例文帳に追加

並行複発酵(へいこうふくはっこう)とは、醸造酒の製造過程で起こる発酵の一種であり、麹の酵素によってデンプンがブドウ糖に変化する糖化と、ブドウ糖が酵母の働きによってアルコールに変化する発酵とが、同一容器中で同時に行われることをいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the reference offered by Brewing Society of Japan, translations such as '酵母(yeast)' or '清酒発酵 (sake yeast)' first appeared in brewery magazines in the period during 1889 to 1890, which were described variously as '酵母,' '清酒酵母,' '醸母,' '醸母,' or 'イ-スト' for some time. 例文帳に追加

日本醸造協会の資料ページによれば、「酵母」「清酒発酵母」という翻訳語が初めて醸造雑誌に見られるようになるのは明治21年(1889年)~22年にかけてであったが、その後しばらくは「酵母」「清酒酵母」「醸母」「醸母菌」「イースト」などさまざまな呼称で表現されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the 1920's, from the Taisho period through the early Showa period, the National Institute of Brewing conducted researches for higher quality sake, and during the course production of sake yeasts for making archetypes of sake which were later developed and spread as Nihonshu ginjo-shu (high-quality sake brewed at low temperatures from rice grains milled to 60 % weight or less) began. 例文帳に追加

大正時代から昭和時代初頭、1920年代には、国立醸造研究所を中心として、さらに高度な品質の日本酒の開発が模索され、そうした中でのちに日本酒吟醸酒の誕生として普及する酒の原形を醸造する清酒酵母が造られ始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some Shinto rituals, unlike those of Shrine Shinto, actually developed into occupations, including such ancient practices as entertainment and show business, farming, forestry, and fishing but also extending to blacksmithing, iron smelting, sake brewing, public works, and construction; it was said of such jobs that in the act of working itself was something divine. 例文帳に追加

また、神社神道に対し生業(職業)としての神事があり、古くからの芸能・興行や農業・林業・水産業に限らず、鍛冶・多々良場(製鉄)や醸造・酒造や土木・建築といったように働く行為(いそしみ)自体に神が宿るとし神聖視してきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On June 10, 1944, it seems that Tenmei was invited to Daikata, Kozu village, Inba-gun, Chiba Prefecture, (presently Daikata in Narita City) by his acquaintance Shuzo TAKADA originally to visit a family brewing 'doburoku' (raw rice wine) to drink it. 例文帳に追加

天明が知人である高田集蔵の誘いで、昭和19年6月10日に千葉県印旛郡公津村台方(現・成田市台方)を訪れたのはその近くに「どぶろく」を造っている家が在り、そこに行けば「どぶろく」を飲めると言う事が最初の理由だったらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The bakufu thus introduced what is now called the licensing system to the sake brewing industry by issuing sakekabu so that each sake brewery would be able to fairly purchase the amount of genryo mai commensurate with its scale and production capability according to yield and quality of rice in each year. 例文帳に追加

そこで幕府は、それぞれの酒蔵が規模や生産能力に見合った原料米を、その年々の米の収穫量や作柄と比例して公平に仕入れることができるように、酒株を発行し、醸造業を今でいうところの免許制にしたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The amount of sake produced by a brewer with sakekabu is expressed in sake brewing kokudaka (yield in the unit of koku), which is the percentage of sake produced using one koku (about 180 litters) of unhulled rice (Taxation was based on rice in this stage at that time. When polished, it becomes some 60 percent in volume depending on how well it is polished. That means the volume of only the brown rice is about 0.6 koku). 例文帳に追加

酒株を持った酒造人が生産する酒の量を酒造石高といい、籾米1石(当時の徴税はこの状態であり、精米すると精米度合いにもよるがおよそ6割になる。つまり玄米だけの体積は0.6石程度となる)を使った際に生成できる酒の歩合である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Each brewer was not supposed to use rice exceeding shuzokabu amount stated on a license tag as mentioned above, but because it was difficult to control the amount of genryo mai very strictly at the scene of sake brewing, the amount exceeding shuzokabu amount was often used in reality. 例文帳に追加

上記のように、鑑札に書かれた酒造株高を上回って米を使うことは、建前としては許されなかったが、酒造りの現場では、原料米の量はそんなに厳密に限ることができないために、実際に使う量は往々にして酒造株高を上回った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Meiji Government, suffering from economic difficulties that had lingered since the Seinan War as well as peasants' resistance against the land-tax reform, raised tax on sake repeatedly because the sake brewing industry generated higher production value than any other industries in Japan at that time and sake is almost free from problems concerning customs duty as most of it was consumed within the country. 例文帳に追加

西南戦争以後の財政難と地租改正に対する農民の抵抗に悩まされた明治政府は、当時の日本の工業で最も生産額が多く、かつほとんどが国内消費に回されていて関税の問題も薄い日本酒に対する増税を度々行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is possible to identify and classify the strains of the yeast, and select the strains having the characteristic brewing properties by preparing primer sets for gene polymorphisms and detecting the genome DNA of the yeast by using ≥1 polymorphism as indices.例文帳に追加

遺伝子多型プライマーセットを用意し、1種以上の多型を指標として、酵母のゲノムDNAを検出することにより、酵母の菌株の識別、分類及び醸造特性に特徴のある菌株の選抜が可能であることを見いだした。 - 特許庁

This emulsified oil and fat composition for boiling is obtained by including 10-60 mass % of calcium-containing vinegar, preferably calcium-containing brewed vinegar prepared by the addition of calcium or a calcium-containing material such as seashell powder during a brewing process of the brewed vinegar.例文帳に追加

カルシウム含有食酢、好ましくは醸造酢の醸造工程中にカルシウム又は貝殻粉などのカルシウム含有物を添加して調製されたカルシウム含有醸造酢を、炊飯用乳化油脂組成物に10〜60質量%含有させる。 - 特許庁

This method comprises a mixing and transporting step P for transporting while mixing, solid raw materials and part or the whole of drawn water for brewing, and performing a fermentation after charging the solid raw materials and the drawn water into a fermentation tank 4.例文帳に追加

仕込み用の汲水の一部又は全部を使用して固形原料と混合しながら輸送する混合輸送工程Pを構成し、この混合輸送工程Pによる発酵タンク4への固形原料と汲水との投入後に発酵を行う。 - 特許庁

This method for producing the beer comprises making α- glucosidase act in a fermentation step or a method for producing the beer comprises making the α-glucosidase act in the fermentation step and reducing the amount of formed acetic acid in high-concentration brewing of the beer.例文帳に追加

ビールの高濃度醸造において、発酵工程でα−グルコシダーゼを作用させるビールの製造方法又は発酵工程でα−グルコシダーゼを作用させて酢酸生成量を低減させるビールの製造方法に関する。 - 特許庁

To provide kraft paper having a fibrous pattern, while brewing the fibrous pattern closely resembling knot pulp or dry fibers which are fibrous pattern-forming materials in the kraft paper having the fibrous pattern, also achieving cost reduction and enabling stable supply to a market.例文帳に追加

繊維模様付きクラフト紙における繊維模様形成材であるノットパルプ又はドライファイバーに近似した繊維模様を醸成すると共に、コストダウンを達成し、市場への安定供給を可能とする繊維模様付きクラフト紙を提供する。 - 特許庁

The agent for enhancing milk feeling of the milk-containing food has excellent milk feeling improving effect, and has as the main ingredient, debittered dried yeast which is prepared by washing yeast collected from a beer brewing process by an alkali aqueous solution to debitter, and drying the yeast.例文帳に追加

本発明はビール醸造工程から回収された酵母をアルカリ水溶液により洗浄処理して脱苦味し、該酵母を乾燥することにより調製される脱苦味乾燥酵母を主要成分とする優れた乳感向上作用を有する乳入り食品用乳感増強剤を提供する。 - 特許庁

Accordingly, the coffee can be easily and simply made with mechanical labor desired or less than needed by the conventional method using the cylinder brewing unit 49, especially using the capsule of previously ground coffee having an aggregate suitable for this purpose.例文帳に追加

したがって、シリンダ・ブリューイング・ユニット(49)、特にこの目的のために適合された集合体を有する事前に挽かれたコーヒーのカプセルを用いて、従来の方法で望ましいまたは必要なものよりわずかな機械的労力で、容易にかつ簡単にコーヒーを作ることを可能にする。 - 特許庁

The beverage brewing machine comprises an extraction cylinder 13, a lower piston 15 and an upper piston 17 for extracting beverage (coffee) from the extract (coffee powder) guided into the extraction chamber R, and the shooter 19 for feeding the extracted material into the extraction chamber R from above.例文帳に追加

飲料抽出機は、抽出室R内に導入される抽出物質(コーヒー粉)から飲料(コーヒー)を抽出する抽出シリンダ13、下側ピストン15および上側ピストン17と、抽出室R内に前記抽出物質を上方から供給するシューター19を備える。 - 特許庁

To provide a rice lactic acid fermented food as an unprecedented nonalcoholic eating amazake by adopting a method similar to a method for producing amazake, known as a Japanese traditional technique from ancient times, or to a method of brewing refined sake by using yeast.例文帳に追加

古来より日本の伝統技術として知られている甘酒の製造或いは生もと造りによる清酒の製造と類似した手法を採用しながらも、アルコールを含有しない従来にない食べる甘酒としての米の乳酸醗酵食品を得ることである。 - 特許庁


To provide an epoch-making warming barrel for brewing, with which barrel a woman or an aged can safely and easily perform alone the warmth applying work of the yeast mash method, free from injury by operation, and causing no risk such as degradation due to overheating or fire.例文帳に追加

酒母造りの暖気入れ作業を女性や高齢者でも一人で安全かつ簡単に作業することができ、また作業による怪我の心配も少なく、しかも、過熱による品質低下や火事等の危険性もない画期的な酒造用暖気樽を提供すること。 - 特許庁


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