
「DAIJO」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(14ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Meanwhile, it is believed that the reason why Yorimichi fulfilled his duty as Ichi no kami (the head of high court officials) jointly with Sanesuke without leaving the position of Kanpaku against the court custom of the time and declined to be promoted to the office of Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state), which had remained vacant after the death of FUJIWARA no Kinsue, until after the death of Sanesuke, was that he was afraid of the possibility that Sanesuke, promoted to the office of Sadaijin after Yorimichi, might come into conflict with Yorimichi and lead all ministers as Ichi no kami (the office of Ichi no kami was normally assumed by the Sadaijin, while Kanpaku and Daijo-daijin did not perform the duty as Ichi no kami, and if the Sadaijin also served as Kanpaku, Udaijin was normally appointed as Ichi no kami). 例文帳に追加

その一方で、当時の慣例に反して頼通が関白のまま実資と共同で一上の職務を行い、藤原公季の死去により空席になった太政大臣への昇進を頼通が実資の死後まで控えたのは、実資が頼通の後任の左大臣に昇進することで、一上として太政官を率いて頼通と対抗することを恐れたからだとも言われている(一上には通常左大臣が就任して、関白及び太政大臣はその職務には携わらず、左大臣が関白を兼ねる場合には右大臣が一上となる慣例であった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it is generally accepted that he was born in Shoden Sanso in Kohata, Kyoto, to Michichika and FUJIWARA no Ishi, the daughter of Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister of State) Motofusa MATSUDONO (FUJIWARA no Motofusa), recent research suggests that he may have been the son of Michitomo HORIKAWA, who was presumed to be his adoptive father. 例文帳に追加

定説では京都木幡の松殿山荘で通親と太政大臣松殿基房(藤原基房)の娘藤原伊子の子として生まれたとされているが、近年の研究では定説では養父とされている堀川通具の実子とする説が有力になりつつある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, when Genji's affair with Oborozukiyo who was Naishi no tsukasa (female palace attendant) was revealed, the Empress Kokiden succeeded in ruining Genji and exiling him to Suma; when her father Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister and ex-Minister of the Right) died and her own health deteriorated due to illness, however, she couldn't stop the Emperor Suzaku from pardoning Genji. 例文帳に追加

その後内侍司となった朧月夜と源氏の関係が発覚したことで、源氏の失脚を謀り須磨への追放に成功したが、父太政大臣(元右大臣)の死去、また自らの病で力を失い、朱雀帝の源氏召還を止めることができなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, the term Senso was likely distinguished from that of enthronement and coronation, and for this reason Emperor Chukyo, who had become the emperor by Senso without an enthronement ceremony or coronation, was called Hantei (halfway emperor) and was not bestowed no daijo-tenno-go (name of the retired emperor) after his retirement nor any shigo (posthumous name) after his demise (his shigo was given 636 years after his death.) 例文帳に追加

これ以後、践祚と即位の区別がなされるようになったと思われる(このため、践祚のみで即位式が行われなかった仲恭天皇は、「半帝」と呼ばれて太上天皇号も崩御後の諡号も贈られる事も無かった(「仲恭」の諡号が贈られたのは実に崩御から636年後の事であった))。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the early 13th century, a court noble and a Daijo-daijin (the Head of one of the highest administrative organizations) of the early Kamakura period, Kintsune SAIONJI acquired a feudal estate of Nakasuke-o, Kitayama-villa north west of Kyoto, and built Kitayama-dai (Kitayama residence) and invested a fortune to build a garden. 例文帳に追加

13世紀初めには京都の北西に鎌倉時代初期の公卿で太政大臣であった西園寺公経は仲資王の所領であった北山山荘の地を得て北山第を建てたが、公経はこの地に巨万の富を投入し、作庭した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the end of the Heian Period in the late 12th century, the Samurai class gained prominence with the rise of Heike (the Taira family) originated from Hokumen no bushi (warriors who served Emperor Daijo to provide protection) that was given an important position during the times of Insei (Cloistered politics) and Genji (the Minamoto clan) who defeated Heike, the military government, the Kamakura bakufu formally came into power in 1192. 例文帳に追加

12世紀後半の平安時代末期には、院政に際して重用された北面の武士に由来する平家の興隆や、それを倒した源氏などによる武家社会が台頭し、1192年に武家政権である鎌倉幕府が正式に成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the early years of the Ritsuryo system it was treated as a post that could not be filled lightly, and instead an equivalent Chidajokanji was established, to be filled only by members of the imperial family, but later their retainers came to be appointed to Daijo-daijin. 例文帳に追加

律令制初期においては軽々しく任命する事の出来ない役職であるとして、代わりに皇族のみが任じられる同格の「知太政官事(ちだじょうかんじ)」が設置されていたが、後には臣下の者が太政大臣に任命されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, it was decided that, as Daijo-daijin was ultimately the Emperor's teacher, a virtuous person who had rendered distinguished service should be appointed, and he would not have political power, and would not get involved in political affairs of Daijokan (however, when also serving as Regent or Kanpaku,chief adviser to the Emperor), he would have political power consequent to that position). 例文帳に追加

その結果、太政大臣は、あくまでも天皇の師範として有徳の功労者が任命される職であって政治的権力を有さず、太政官の公事には関与しないこととされた(ただし、摂政・関白を兼ねる場合にはその権限に由来する政治的権限を持つことになる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are also cases of people who were de facto regents to the Shogun, such as Nobunaga ODA, who died without being invested with the title but were given it in a later era (the Taisho period); in fact, immediately after his death he was given the title Juichii Daijo-daijin, but this was changed to Shoichii in the Taisho period. 例文帳に追加

また織田信長のように事実上の執権者が叙任を受けずに死亡したことを鑑みて、後世(大正時代)に改めて追贈された例もある(正確には、死の直後に従一位太政大臣が贈位され、大正時代に正一位が改めて贈られた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Kugyo" is a term referring to court noble posts responsible for national politics as the top-ranking officers of Daijokan (Grand Council of State) based on provisions of the Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code), namely, the top officials (collectively called giseikan), Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state), Sadaijin (minister of the left), Udaijin (minister of the right), Dainagon (chief councilor of state), Chunagon (vice-councilor of state), and Sangi (imperial advisor) (or Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) or higher). 例文帳に追加

公卿(くぎょう)とは公家の中でも日本の律令の規定に基づく太政官の最高幹部として国政を担う職位、すなわち太政大臣・左大臣・右大臣・大納言・中納言・参議ら(もしくは従三位以上)の高官(総称して議政官という)を差す用語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), it was supposedly staffed by one Kyo (minister), one Taifu (senior assistant minister), one Sho (junior assistant minister), two Daijo (senior secretary), two Shojo (junior secretary), one Daisakan (senior recorder), and three Shosakan (junior recorder), with subordinate staff such as Shojo (a low-rank official to convey petitions), Shisho (a person doing miscellaneous duties about documents), Shibe (low rank bureaucrats), Jikicho (factotum) and Naiju officials, in the same way as Hassho (eight ministries and agencies). 例文帳に追加

『続日本紀』によれば、卿・大輔・少輔が各1名、大丞・少丞が各2名、大録が1名、少録が3名であり、その下に八省と同じように省掌・史生・使部・直丁などの職員や内豎がいたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tenka-bito as the vassal of the Imperial Court governed the country in two ways: as a military officer such as Seiitaishogun (commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians, great, unifying leader) and as a civil officer such as Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) and Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister); however, to holding such a position was not necessarily a requirement of a tenka-bito. 例文帳に追加

朝廷の臣下としての天下人は、征夷大将軍のような武官コースを取る場合と、関白・太政大臣といった文官コースを取る場合とがあったが、それは関係のないことであり、一定のポストに就かなければ天下人と見られないわけではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Gyogen (1717-1787), who served as monzeki (priest prince) during the mid Edo period and was the son of Kanpaku (chief advisor to the Emperor) Sukezane KUJO, attained the rank of Daisojo (high priest) but returned to secular life in 1743 when Tanemoto KUJO died at a young age and served as Kanpaku and Daijo Daijin (Chancellor of the Realm) under the name Naozane KUJO. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代中期の門跡であった堯厳(1717-1787)は、関白九条輔実の子で、大僧正に至ったが、九条稙基が夭折したことを受けて寛保3年(1743年)還俗し、九条尚実と名乗って関白、太政大臣の位に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since FUJIWARA no Kanemichi, who was Kanpaku Daijo Daijin (the Chief Adviser to the Emperor) at that time, had to oppose to his younger brother, Dainagon (chief councilor of state), FUJIWARA no Kaneie, Kanemichi needed to have Udaijin (Minister of the right), FUJIWARA no Yoritada (Kanemichi's male cousin) on his side, since he was in a strong position to be able to compete against both Kanemichi and Kaneie within the Fujiwara. 例文帳に追加

これは、当時関白太政大臣であった藤原兼通が実弟である大納言藤原兼家と対抗するために、当時の藤原氏内部において兼通・兼家双方と対抗出来る立場にあった右大臣藤原頼忠(兼通の従兄弟)を味方につける必要性があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, plagues were prevalent in 737 and most of high officials in the government including Fujiwara four brothers died, then to respond to such catastrophe, Suzuka no Okimi, who was Nagayao's real younger brother, was hastily appointed to Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state) to barely keep up the appearance of the government. 例文帳に追加

しかし天平9年(737年)に疫病が流行して藤原四兄弟をはじめとして政府高官の殆どが死亡するという惨事に見舞われて、急遽長屋王の実弟である鈴鹿王を太政大臣に任じて辛うじて政府の体裁を整える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the empress was originally a 'lawful wife of an emperor' (an interpretation of the articles of the Ryo in "Ryo-no-gige" [commentary on the Ryo]), Michitaka forcibly put up Teishi who was the lawful wife of the reigning emperor, as empress, while Junshi, the wife of 'Daijo tenno' (the Retired Emperor) Enyu, stayed as empress. 例文帳に追加

しかし、道隆は、本来、皇后が「天子の嫡妻」(『令義解』による令の条文の解釈)であることから、現時点ではあくまで「太上天皇」円融の妻である遵子を皇后にとどめたまま、在位の天皇の嫡妻である定子の立后に強引に踏み切った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Yoshimitsu, the title "Rokuonin Daijohoo (Cloistered Emperor)" was granted from the Imperial Court, but his son Yoshimochi, who became the fourth Shogun, declined the offer partly because Yoshiyuki (Yoshimasa) SHIBA and others opposed accepting the title (on the other hand, his family temple, Shokoku-ji Temple seems to have accepted the title and therefore, Yoshimitsu's name is registered as "Rokuonin Daijo Tenno" in the temple's death register). 例文帳に追加

義満の死後には朝廷から「鹿苑院太上法皇」の称号を贈られるが、4代将軍となった子の義持は斯波義将らの反対もあり辞退している(その一方で相国寺は受け入れたらしく、過去帳に「鹿苑院太上天皇」と記されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was named Daijo daikan (Grand minister of state) in 880, (The accounts provided in the "Kugyo bunin" (directory of court nobles) and other sources maintain that his title of Sessho was renewed, and that he became Kanpaku, however, those occurrences are not collaborated by the official history the "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" (sixth of the six classical Japanese history texts), and the "Dainihonshi" (Great history of Japan), which was compiled in the Edo period, contains no record of an Imperial proclamation appointing him as Kanpaku at that time). 例文帳に追加

元慶4年(880年)太政大臣を拝す(同年、摂政を改めて関白となると『公卿補任』などにあるが、正史の『日本三代実録』にはなく、江戸時代に編纂された『大日本史』などでは、この時の関白宣下を採っていない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Koretada was the eldest son of Morosuke, who held the title of Udaijin (Minister of the Right), and served under Emperor Murakami, and when Emperors Reizei and Enyu, who were the sons of Koretada's younger sister FUJIWARA no Anshi, who held the title of Chugu (Empress), ascended to the throne, he succeeded as well and became Sessho Daijo-daijin (Regent and the Grand Minister), but died early in the following year. 例文帳に追加

村上天皇のもとの実力者右大臣師輔の長男で、妹の中宮藤原安子が生んだ冷泉天皇、円融天皇が即位すると栄達し、摂政太政大臣にまで上り詰めるが、その翌年に早死にした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since he was the maternal grandfather of Emperor Daigo, the imperial court considered promoting him to a ministerial position, but all available positions were already occupied at the time, with FUJIWARA no Tokihira serving as Sadaijin (Minister of the Left) and SUGAWARA no Michizane as Udaijin (Minister of the Right) and neither of them fulfilling the requirements to be promoted to Daijo Daijin (Grand Minister of State), making it difficult to leave these ministerial positions vacant. 例文帳に追加

時の醍醐天皇の外祖父であることから、大臣への昇進が検討されたが、当時左大臣藤原時平と右大臣菅原道真がおり、いずれも太政大臣昇進の資格を満たしてはいなかったために、大臣の席を空席にすることは困難であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Sakuramachi and Kaneyoshi ICHIJO together revived Imperial court events that had died out, starting with the Daijo-sai festival, followed by the Niiname-sai festival (ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities) in 1740, and the Hoheishi (imperial messenger) to Usa-jingu Shrine and Kashii-gu Shrine in 1744, the start of the traditional Chinese sixty-year cycle. 例文帳に追加

桜町天皇と一条兼香のコンビは先の大嘗祭復活に続いて、元文5年(1740年)に新嘗祭復活、次いで延享元年(1744年)の甲子改元時における宇佐神宮・香椎宮への奉幣使復活など、廃絶していた朝廷行事の再興を実現する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was a vehement supporter of both Tendai sect and Shingon sect of Buddhism, and that the Imperial sanction was given on June 11, 822 (lunar calendar date) to the project of the building of Daijo-Kaidan (Mahayana ordination center), which was tangling because Sogo (Office of Monastic Affairs) strongly opposed, is said to be due to the efforts of FUJIWARA no Fuyutsugu, YOSHIMINE no Yasuyo, OTOMO no Kunimichi and him. 例文帳に追加

また、天台・真言両宗の熱心な後援者であり、僧綱の強硬な反対に遭って難航していた最澄の独立大乗戒壇設立構想が、弘仁13年6月11日、勅許を得るに至ったのは、彼および藤原冬嗣、良峯安世、大伴国道らの尽力によるといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was said he was furious that he was demoted from nobility to a subject in his later years, but there was a record of FUJIWARA no Tadahira's diary, who was Sessho Daijo daijin (Regent and the Grand Minister) at that time, "Teishinkoki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Tadahira) dated March 31, it said 'MINAMOTO no Tsunemoto reported about Musashi.' 例文帳に追加

晩年、経基は臣籍降下を命じられたことに憤慨していたというが、同時代の摂政太政大臣・藤原忠平の日記『貞信公記』の天慶2年(939年)3月3日付に「源経基、武蔵の事を告げ言う。」と記されているのもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In August 1080, he attained the highest position as an aristocrat, Daijo Daijin, but two months later, Morozane's foster daughter and Emperor Shirakawa's favorite wife, FUJIWARA no Kenshi worked to have an order given to make Morozane, who was Kanpaku Sadaijin (minister of the left) at that time, as the top of all aristocrats (in other words, higher in position than Nobunaga). 例文帳に追加

1080年(承暦4年)8月公家中最高位の地位である太政大臣に至ったものの、師実の養女で白河天皇の寵愛していた后・藤原賢子の計らいで2ヵ月後関白左大臣である師実が全公卿の筆頭(つまり信長より上位)とする勅命が出された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 1, 870, he was again reassigned to Governor of Sanuki Province, but around that time, his illness grew serious, and on March 12, he was suddenly promoted to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) court noble and received clothing as a condolence gift from Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister of State) FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa. 例文帳に追加

貞観12年1月25日(旧暦)(870年3月1日)には兼務の近江守が讃岐国守に変更されるが、この頃病が重くなり、2月7日(旧暦)(同3月12日)に急遽従三位に叙せられて公卿に列し、太政大臣藤原良房から見舞いとして衣服が届けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In September 764, it was secretly informed that the Daishi (Daijo-daijin [Grand Minister]), FUJIWARA no Nakamaro (EMI no Oshikatsu) would raise a rebellion, and the Retired Empress Koken sent Shonagon (lesser councilor of state), Prince Yamamura to Chuguin (the Imperial Palace) of the Emperor Junjin who was in the Nakamaro's fact, and caused Yamamurao to collect gyokuji (the jewelry emperor's seal) and ekirin (literally, a station bell) which were necessary for exercising the right of the emperor. 例文帳に追加

天平宝字8年(764年)9月、太師(太政大臣)藤原仲麻呂(恵美押勝)が謀反を起こすという密告があり、孝謙上皇は仲麻呂派の淳仁天皇の中宮院(御所)に少納言山村王を遣わし、皇権の発動に必要な玉璽と駅鈴を回収させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, the Southern Court faction supporters in Hitachi Province included the court noble Tsuneyasu HIROHASHI, Hitachi Heishi (Taira clan) family members like Takamoto DAIJO and Nobumasa NAGAOKA, as well as Masaie KUSUNOKI--the local governor appointed by Masashige KUSUNOKI--and his followers among the Naka clan, such as Michitoki NAKA, and among the Kawanobe clan; they were based out of Urizura-jo Castle, located in Naka county in northern Hitachi. 例文帳に追加

当時、常陸国南朝方は常陸北部の那珂郡にある瓜連城を拠点に大掾高幹・長岡宣政ら常陸平氏、那珂通辰ら那珂、川野辺氏を従えた楠木正成の代官楠木正家、公卿の広橋経泰らが、北朝方の佐竹氏らと拮抗していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is an irony that since TACHIBANA no Kachiko, a daughter of TACHIBANA no Kiyotomo who was a son of Naramaro, was born after Naramaro's death and became the empress of Emperor Saga and delivered Emperor Ninmyo later, he was posthumously conferred the position of Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state) which his political enemy Nakamaro lost by rising a betrayal in 847. 例文帳に追加

皮肉なことに、奈良麻呂の死後に生まれた息子・橘清友の娘・橘嘉智子が嵯峨天皇の妃となって後の仁明天皇を生んだことから、承和(日本)14年(847年)に政敵・仲麻呂が後に謀反を起こして失うこととなった太政大臣の位を贈られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

FUJIWARA no Otomuro, a daughter of Yoshitsugu and AHE no Kosami, was the legal wife of Yamabe no Okimi or Prince Yamabe (Emperor Kammu) and the mother of Imperial Prince Ate (Emperor Heizei), Imperial Prince Kamino (Emperor Saga) and Imperial Princess Koshi and then with Emperor Heizei's throne, Yoshitsugu was raised to Shoichii and Daijo-daijin. 例文帳に追加

阿倍古佐美とのあいだに生まれた娘藤原乙牟漏は山部王(桓武天皇)との間に安殿親王(平城天皇)・神野親王(嵯峨天皇)・高志内親王をもうけ、平城天皇の即位に伴い、良継は正一位・太政大臣を追贈された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Heian period, it was worn by the government officials ranked lower than the nobles when they attended the Niiname-sai festival (ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities) and Daijo-sai festival, which are one of the Niiname-sai festivals to celebrate the succession of an emperor, and jingonjiki ritual held in June and December (the both festivals are "Shinsai festival," which means a Saishi (religious services) hosted by the Emperor). 例文帳に追加

平安時代には新嘗祭および天皇の代始めの新嘗祭である大嘗祭と、六月十二月の神今食(これらはいずれも天皇が自ら祭祀を行う「親祭」)に供奉する貴族以下の官人が使用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, some have concluded that this incident occurred because in the Daijo tenno (retired emperor) system under the Ritsuryo system sovereign power was divided, and the expression 'the Incident of the Retired Emperor Heizei' has been used in some high school textbooks since 2003. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、律令制度下の太上天皇制度が王権を分掌していることから事件が起きたという評価がなされるようになり、2003年頃から一部の高校用教科書では「平城太上天皇の変」という表現がなされるようになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA suddenly died, the fourth Shogun, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, was supported by Yoshimasa SHIBA, and refused to bestow the posthumous name of Emperor Daijo on Yoshimitsu; he also repudiated Yoshimitsu's policies, for example by temporarily halting the tally trade with Ming China, and sought to return the bakufu government to a more conservative stance. 例文帳に追加

足利義満が急死すると、4代将軍の足利義持は斯波義将に補佐され、義満に対する太上天皇の追号を辞退し、勘合貿易での明との通商を一時停止するなど義満の政策を否定し幕政を守旧的なものに改める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the early Kamakura period onward, social disturbances including natural disasters and civil wars came to affect the nobility as well, culminating in the Jokyu Disturbance in which the Imperial forces were defeated and even Emperor Daijo was condemned to exile; this resulted in clear recognition that the nobility was in a crisis of life or death. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代に入ると災害や戦乱などの社会的混乱が貴族社会にも及び始め、遂に承久の乱では朝廷軍が敗北して太上天皇の流罪が行われるなど、貴族社会が存続の危機に差し掛かっていることが明白となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Iwasawa's interpretation of the line 'he should be endorsed for Daijo daijin, Kanpaku, or Shogun' was that it was Haretoyo who said it in line with the Emperor's wish, and later this interpretation prevailed to form a common belief that Nobunaga refused the Emperor's wish. 例文帳に追加

岩沢の解釈では、「太政大臣、関白、将軍の三職いずれかに推任するのがよい」と言った主体を天皇の意向を受けた晴豊としており、以後もこの解釈を受け、信長はこの天皇の意向を突っぱねたとする説が通説化していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ingu bunkoku-sei system is the system in which Innomiya families (the families of Daijo Tenno (the Retired Emperor), nyoin (a close female relative of the Emperor or a woman of comparable standing), Empress, chugu (the second consort of an emperor) and Togu (the Crown Prince)) were given the right to make a recommendation of kokushu (or zuryo (the head of the provincial governors)) of a specific province and were also allowed to get the kanmotsu dedicated by the province. 例文帳に追加

院宮分国制とは、年限を限って、院宮家(太上天皇・女院・皇后・中宮・東宮など)に特定国の国守(または受領)を推薦する権利を与えるとともに、当該国から上進される官物を院宮家が収納するという制度である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The leader of shuto (monk-soldiers) (Yamato bushi (samurai)) belonged to Kofuku-ji Temple, which was then the provincial governor of Yamato Province, maintained his position as 'Toryo' even after the establishment of the Kamakura bakufu and the Tsutsui clan, toryo of Ichijo-in Temple's shuto, and the Furuichi clan, toryo of Daijo-in Temple's shuto, competed against each other for the status of the leader of Yamato bushi. 例文帳に追加

大和国の守護職を収めた興福寺の傘下にあった衆徒(大和武士)の指導者は幕府成立後も「棟梁」の地位を保ち、一乗院系の棟梁・筒井氏と大乗院系の棟梁・古市氏が互いに大和武士の指導者の地位を巡って争った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Daijokan (Council of State) was the most important decision-making organization of the government and consisted of a legislative department composed of the Daijo Daijin (Grand Minister), Sadaijin (the Minister of the Left), Udaijin (the Minister of the Right), and Dainagon (the Major Counselorof the state) (later, Chinagon [vice-councilor of state] and Sangi [minister] were added), and the departments that assisted them in their work, Shonagon (lesser councilor of state), the Left and Right Benkan's (Controller) Offices, and the Gekikyoku's (Secretarie) Office. 例文帳に追加

太政官は、国政の意思決定を行う最も重要な機関であり、太政大臣・左大臣・右大臣・大納言(後に中納言・参議が加わる)による議政官組織とそれを実務面で補佐する少納言・左右弁官局・外記局から構成されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Specifically, they were drafted on the basis of an opinion paper titled 'reorganization of the local administration system' which Toshimichi OKUBO submitted to the Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state) Sanetomi SANJO on March 11, 1878, and they were then adopted after the deliberations and resolutions of the second chihokan kaigi (assembly of prefectural governors) and the Genroin (the Chamber of Elders, Japan). 例文帳に追加

具体的には、明治11年(1878年)3月11日に大久保利通が三条実美太政大臣に提出した意見書「地方之体制等改正之儀」上申に基き、第2回地方官会議と元老院(日本)の審議及び議決を経て制定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ito got very angry not only at Okuma but also the fact that Iwakura and Inoue planned to introduce Prussia style secretly, so he took down Kowashi INOUE when Inoue came to visit him to explain (on June 30) and told his own resignation to Sanetomi SANJO, Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister). 例文帳に追加

ただし、伊藤は大隈に対してのみではなく、岩倉・井上毅が勝手にプロシア式の導入を進めようとしていた事に対しても激怒して、説明に来た井上毅を罵倒した(6月30日)上で太政大臣三条実美に辞意を伝えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Each and every year from the time of the Emperor Jinmu to 1868, it listed names of those who held the rank of Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) or higher which were the so-called Kugyo (the top court officials) including Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister), Sessho Kampaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor), Sadaijin (the Minister of the Left), Udaijin (the Minister of the Right), Naidaijin (the Minister of the Interior), Dainagon (Major Counselor), Chunagon (Middle Counselor), Sangi (advisor on the Council of State), and Hisangi (advisor at large). 例文帳に追加

神武天皇の時代から明治元年まで各年毎に、従三位以上で太政大臣・摂政・関白・左大臣・右大臣・内大臣・大納言・中納言・参議・非参議のいわゆる公卿に相当する者の名を官職順に列挙してある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the period, FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa, who was the first subject appointed as Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister) in the reign of the former Emperor Montoku (except FUJIWARA no Nakamaro and Dokyo) and his adopted child (nephew) FUJIWARA no Mototsune attained the ascendancy of the Fujiwara clan including early Sekkanseiji (the power of Sekkan, meaning regents and advisers, governs the country) and so on. 例文帳に追加

この時代は、前の天皇、文徳天皇朝で人臣初めて(藤原仲麻呂・道鏡は除く)の太政大臣に就任した藤原良房とその養子(甥)の藤原基経が、初期摂関政治等藤原氏の権勢を固めた時代だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A documentary form of Ronso was stipulated in Daijokan-so as to start with an opening sentence 'Daijokan kashiko mosu'(Daijokan has much pleasure in this writing), being accompanied by signatures of Daijo-daijin (the Grand Minister of State) and other legislatures including ministers and dainagon (Chief Councilors of State), and then followed by Sobun (a report to the throne), thus taking a form to report collective opinions of all legislatures of Daijokan. 例文帳に追加

書式上においては、「太政官謹奏(かしこもうす)其事」と書き出し、続いて太政大臣以下の各大臣・大納言ら各議政官が連署してその次に奏文を書くという太政官議政官の総意による奏上の形式を採った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The criterion for the rating was based on a paper 'Study on the Peerage System' written by President of Department of the Decoration Sakimitsu YANAGIWARA and submitted to Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state) Sanetomi SANJO on May 7, 1884; roughly speaking, actual peerages were conferred based on the criterion. 例文帳に追加

この基準は、明治17年(1884年)5月7日に賞勲局総裁柳原前光から太政大臣三条実美に提出された「爵制備考」として提出されたものが元になっており、実際の叙爵もおおむねこの基準に沿って行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the War of Zenshu UESUGI occurred, Michikage's son Michifusa supported Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, the then-Kamakura kubo, and gained a territory near the Baba-jo Castle (later Mito-jo Castle) owned by the Baba clan, a family of the Daijo clan who sided with Zenshu and fell. 例文帳に追加

その子江戸通房の代には上杉禅秀の乱が勃発し、鎌倉公方足利持氏についた通房は、禅秀方に味方して共に没落した大掾氏の一族の馬場氏の拠点である馬場城(後の水戸城)の近辺に所領を得た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His innovative initiatives to establish Daijo kaidan, recognize monks who received Daijokai (the commandment of Mahayana Buddhism) as Tendai Sect monks and train them as Bosatsuso (priests of Mahayana Buddhism) by containing them in Mt. Hiei for 12 years deepened the confrontation between Nara Buddhism, which monopolized, due to vested interests, and Kaidan-in which were authorized to grant Shojokai (commandments of Theravada Buddhism) brought by Ganjin Wajo. 例文帳に追加

また、鑑真和上が将来した小乗戒を授ける戒壇院を独占する奈良仏教に対して、大乗戒壇を設立し、大乗戒を受戒した者を天台宗の僧侶と認め、菩薩僧として12年間比叡山に籠山して学問・修行を修めるという革新的な最澄の構想は、既得権益となっていた奈良仏教と対立を深めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Nara period, three ceremonies were emphasized including the Gosaie Ceremony inside the palace, Yuima-e Festival in Kofuku-ji Temple and Saisho-e Ceremony at Yakushi-ji Temple, and in the Heian period the three ceremonies emphasized were Daijo-e at Hossho-ji Temple, Saisho-e at Enshu-ji Temple and Hokkekai, and monks who mastered all three ceremonies were called Sanei-koji (also called Sane-koji or Koji for short). 例文帳に追加

奈良時代には宮中の御斎会・興福寺の維摩会・薬師寺の最勝会、平安時代には法勝寺の大乗会・円宗寺の最勝会・法華会の3つの法会が重要視され、この3つの法会の講師を務めた僧は三会已講師(さんえいこうじ、略して三会已講、已講ともいう)と称された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After he handed over his position of betto to Kakuken who supported him as gon no betto (acting chief) for a long time, monzeki (head post) of Ichijo-in Temple to his disciple Ryoen, and monzeki of Daijo-in Temple to another disciple Jitsuson, respectively, he resigned his post as Homu Daisojo in 1191, and the following year, in 1192, he lived in retirement in Shoryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Bodai where he started its restoration himself, and he came to be called 'bodaisan (Mt. Bodai) sojo (high-ranking Buddhist priest)' or 'bodaisan gobo (a respectful way to call someone in a high position in Buddhism).' 例文帳に追加

別当職を権別当として長く彼を補佐した覚憲に、一乗院門跡を弟子の良円に、大乗院門跡を同じく弟子の実尊に、それぞれ譲って後、1191年(建久2年)には法務大僧正を辞し、翌1192年(建久3年)には自ら再興事業に着手した菩提山正暦寺に隠遁し「菩提山僧正」あるいは「菩提山御房」と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 830 as one of the Tencho Rokupon Shusho (six books compiled at Imperial command by the six Buddhism sects during the Tencho era; each sect described the spirit and the characteristics of its own teachings) ordered by Emperor Junna, on behalf of the Sanron sect he compiled 'Daijo Sanron Daigisho' (notes of religious teachings of the Sanron sect), where he mainly developed the doctrine of his own sect, arguing down that of the Hosso sect (Japanese equivalent of the Chinese Faxiang sect) which in those days was aggressive against the Sanron sect. 例文帳に追加

830年(天長7年)淳和天皇の命による天長六本宋書の一つとして、三論宗を代表して「大乗三論大乗三論大義鈔」を撰述し、その中では主に当時三論宗に対して攻勢にあった法相宗の宗義を論破しながら三論宗義を展開した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saicho's earnest desire was to establish the building of Daijo-Kaidan (Mahayana ordination center) and those who received Mahayana precepts were admitted as the bodhisattva priest of Tendai sect and they secluded themselves at Mt. Hiei and underwent ascetic training there for twelve years, and due to this scheme he came into conflict with vested interests of Nanto Buddhism which dominated Kaidan-in of the commandment of Theravada Buddhism brought by Ganjin (Jianzhen) (688 – 763) in Ritsu sect. 例文帳に追加

最澄の悲願は大乗戒壇の設立であり、大乗戒を授けた者を天台宗の菩薩僧と認め、12年間比叡山に籠って修行させるという構想によって、律宗の鑑真(688年-763年)がもたらした小乗戒の戒壇院を独占する南都仏教の既得権益との対立を深めていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As mentioned before, Saicho tried to establish the Tendai sect by winning the assignments of nenbundo-sha, building Daijo-Kaidan and so on in order to oppose the Nanto sects, and since persuading Tokuitsu who was the theorist of the Hosso sect of Buddhism led to the advantage of the Tendai sect over Nanto rokushu, he became more aggressive. 例文帳に追加

前述のごとく年分度者の割当を勝ち取り、大乗戒壇の設立など、天台宗を確立して南都仏教に対抗しようとする最澄にとって、法相宗の理論家である徳一を説き伏せることは、天台宗の南都六宗への優位を示すことにも繋がるため、より攻撃的になった面もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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