
「very well」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(28ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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very wellの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1503


Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for rapid application development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.例文帳に追加

Python の高レベルな組み込みデータ構造は、動的な型付け機能や動的な結合機能と組み合わせることで、迅速なアプリケーション開発や既存のソフトウェアコンポーネント間をつなぐスクリプト言語、または糊 (glue) 言語として Python を魅力的な存在にしています。 - Python

Amida Sanzon-zo (the image of Amida Triad) (a National Treasure), which is the honzon of Sanzenin Temple, isn't the picture but a statue, and it very clearly shows how Sanzon comes to collect someone; additionally, it is well known as kyoji (attendant figures) of two Bosatsu sitting in the Japanese style instead of being cross-legged. 例文帳に追加

三千院の本尊である阿弥陀三尊像(国宝)は、来迎図のような図像ではなく彫像であるが、三尊が来迎する様を表現した像であり、脇侍の二菩薩像が、胡坐ではなく日本式の正座をしている点でも知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The origin of these titles is thought to lie in the fact that the title of seirensho was given to those who practiced very hard in budo, which supposedly led to the entitlement of renshi, and it came into existence as the title of kendo as well as the titles such as tatsushi (later, kyoshi) and hanshi during the Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

これらの称号の起源は明治期において、大日本武徳会が武道に精励した者に対して精錬証を授けたことが後に錬士の称号制定につながっているとされ、達士(後に教士)、範士の称号とともに剣道の称号として成立したことによる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Eiga monogatari" (A Tale of Flowering Fortunes) she was said to be a 'very beautiful Princess, as if she was shinning' and she had bright future having maternal relatives of the family eligible for regents, however after her maternal grandfather, FUJIWARA no Koremasa and her mother, Kaishi and her uncles as well, died unexpectedly one after another, she lost her powerful supervisor. 例文帳に追加

尊子内親王は『栄花物語』によれば「いみじう美しげに光るやう」な姫宮であったといい、摂関家嫡流を外戚に何不自由ない将来を約束されていたが、外祖父藤原伊尹や母懐子、そして叔父達までも次々と早世したために有力な後見を失ってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After her aunt, Crown Prince's Empress, FUJIWARA no Kishi died, Imperial Princess Teishi (Yoshiko/Sadako) made an Imperial Consort's bridal entry of Crown Prince into the court as it was Michinaga's intention to do so, although there was another candidate who was Princess Teishi's uncle, FUJIWARA no Norimichi's daughter, it is apparent that Princess Teishi was treated very well as one of Michinaga's family members. 例文帳に追加

また叔母の東宮妃藤原嬉子の死後、当時他に叔父藤原教通の娘がいながら、道長の意向で禎子内親王が東宮へ入内したことからも、道長一族の一人として大切にされていた様子が伺える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was very familiar with yosoku kojitsu (well-versed in usages or practices of the court or military households (practices)) in the imperial court and brought about the best days for the Murakami-Genji (Minamoto clan), but in 1113 Ninkan who was serving as gojiso (budhist exorcists) for Imperial Prince Sukehito of Emperor Gosanjo was believed to have been planning the assassination of Emperor Toba, and handed over the position of head for Murakami-Genji to his younger brother MINAMOTO no Akifusa. 例文帳に追加

朝廷での儀式に関する有職故実にくわしく、村上源氏の最盛期を築いたが、1113年(永久(元号)元年)子で後三条天皇の皇子輔仁親王の護持僧をつとめた仁寛が鳥羽天皇の暗殺を企てたとされ、弟の源顕房に村上源氏の主流を譲った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, "Yoshioka-den" ranks Musashi with two mysterious swordsmen, 'Santoku ASAYAMA' and 'Rinsai KASHIMA' (materials on which the writer based are unconfirmed), and the explanation of Musashi's states and the name of his style are very different from the facts as well, except for using two swords, therefore, the fights in "Yoshioka-den" might be fabrication too. 例文帳に追加

ただし、『吉岡伝』は朝山三徳・鹿島林斎という原史料不明の武芸者と同列に宮本武蔵が語られ、前述のようにその肩書きは二刀を使うことを除き現実から乖離しており、創作である可能性を否定できない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The way Kanehira contradicts himself in this scene and the samurai spirit he expresses when he says, 'If a warrior's last moments lack grace, he disgraces himself for a long time even if he was very prominent when alive' demonstrate the painful sympathy Kanehira had for Yoshinaka in the situation he faced, as well as the beautifully strong relationship that existed between master and servant. 例文帳に追加

また、この場面の兼平の矛盾した言い方や、「弓矢取りは、年頃日頃如何なる高名候へども、最後に不覚しぬれば、永き瑕(きず)にて候なり。」の武士たる心構えを伝える言に、その情況に応じての、兼平の義仲への苦しいいたわりの気持ち、美しい主従の絆が書かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there is an opinion that Naritoshi (Ranmaru) MORI and Hidemasa HORI who were famous as Nobunaga's page as well as Toshiie played a role of his homosexual partner, there is almost no material that recorded whether the homosexual relationship existed or not actually, so it is considered that the episode about the crane soup written in this "Ashoko On-yobanashi" is very unusual. 例文帳に追加

同じく信長の小姓として有名な森成利(蘭丸)や堀秀政にも衆道を務めていたとの説が存在するものの、実際に衆道の有無を記した資料は殆ど存在しないため、この『亜相公御夜話』に記された鶴の汁のエピソードはとても珍しいものとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Yoritomo buried the cremains of his father Yoshitomo at Shochoju-in Temple on October 5, 1185, Yoritaka and Yoshinobu HIRAGA carried the palanquin for the cremains and only Yoritaka, Yoshinobu and Koreyoshi OUCHI were allowed to enter the temple, suggesting that Yoritomo continued to take care of Yoritaka very well as a member of the Minamoto clan. 例文帳に追加

その後も源氏一門として遇され、文治元年(1185年)9月3日(旧暦)、頼朝が父義朝の遺骨を勝長寿院に埋葬した際、遺骨を運ぶ輿を頼隆と平賀義信が運び、頼隆・義信・大内惟義のみを御堂の中に参列させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He started to practice calligraphy at terakoya (a private elementary school in the Edo period) at the age of six and then started to learn Chinese characters from Kyuko YAMAMURO, a Confucian scholar in the Bingo-Fukuyama Domain in Bingo Province, but skipped grades to enter the Seishikan, a Fukuyama domain school as a special case by recommendation of Yamamuro because he was doing very well at school. 例文帳に追加

6歳から寺子屋で手習いをはじめ、8歳から備後備後福山藩の儒学者山室汲古に漢字を習い始めるが学業優秀だったため山室の推薦により飛び級で福山藩校誠之館に特例入学。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If he were a son of a concubine related deeply to Nobutaka() and Narimasa, it would be explained why he had suffered an indignity in the Toyotomi government period and he had been treated very well as Koke (master of ceremony in Edo bukufu) after the foundation of the Edo bakufu (Narimasa SASSA was approaching Ieyasu in ways such as Sarasara Toge Goe (over the Sarasara Pass) in the period of hegemonic establishment of Hideyoshi). 例文帳に追加

信孝、成政と縁故が深い側室の子とすると、豊臣政権時代の冷遇、江戸開幕後に高家に取り立てられ厚遇されたことの説明がつく(佐々成政は秀吉の覇権確立期にはさらさら峠越えなど、家康に接近する姿勢を取っていた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many concepts have been added to Koshinto since ancient times, including the idea of shinra bansho (all natural things in the world), making it very difficult to classify the religion precisely, but the following concepts--as well as comments concerning the meaning of the Chinese characters and ancient Japanese words used in Shinto terms--of the religion, beginning with Koshinto and turning into today's Shinto, can be listed 例文帳に追加

古来からの古神道は、後から意味付けされたものも多く、その対象も森羅万象に及ぶので、必ずしも定常に当てはめることはできないが、古神道に始まり現在への神道までの流れとして時系列や、漢字や日本語としての古語の意味などを考え、記述する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The level of unification of bushi and bushidan was very mild and completely unrelated to bushidan imported from Confucianism during the Edo period such as 'be faithful to one's master and be dutiful to one's parents' as well as being far from the image of Sengoku period (Japan). 例文帳に追加

武士、または武士団の結合度は、「忠君孝親」というような江戸時代に儒教から輸入された武士道とは全く無縁であるのはもちろん、同じように武士道とは無縁であった戦国時代(日本)のイメージからもほど遠く、極めて緩やかなものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first edition of this book was published in 1836, it was very well accepted in English-speaking countries such as U.S.A and Great Britain but also in other countries in which Europe languages were spoken, it was translated into languages of various countries starting with French and German versions. 例文帳に追加

この書の初版は1836年に刊行されたが、アメリカ・イギリスといった英語圏のみならず他のヨーロッパ言語圏でも非常な好評をもって迎えられ、フランス語版・ドイツ語版をはじめとして各国の言語に相次いで翻訳された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Junko TSUTSUI, who became the head of the Tsutsui clan in the chaotic situation, demonstrated his ability very well and destroyed the longtime foe the Ochi clan while serving Kofuku-ji Temple as one of Kokujinshu (local governors) of Yamato, and he extended influence to establish the clan as one of powerful Sengoku daimyo of Yamato. 例文帳に追加

そのような中で筒井氏の当主となった筒井順興は英明で、大和国人衆の一人として興福寺に属しながら宿敵・越智氏を討ち滅ぼして勢力を拡大し、筒井氏を大和の戦国大名としてのし上げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When I was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, I was involved in this matter, and even since before then, I have been familiar with it. As you know, this is a very difficult problem, as there are issues related to the border between the banking and insurance businesses as well as issues related to users. 例文帳に追加

私は、自由民主党にいたときも首を突っ込んでいましたけれども、その問題が起きる前からぐらいからよく知っていますけれども、こういうことで、業際間の問題、それから利用者の面とあり、皆さん方もお分かりのように非常に難しいのです。 - 金融庁

The tightening of lending stances led to the closure of two Sogo department stores, and their suppliers faced a very severe situation - as you know, various suppliers serve department stores. I know well about that, as it happened in my constituency at that time. 例文帳に追加

貸し渋り、貸しはがしをしますと、それこそ私はよく覚えていますが、そごうが2つどんと破綻しまして、それに納入していた当時私の選挙区でしたからよく知っていますけれども、いろいろデパートにはたくさんの納入業者がいますね。 - 金融庁

Although I have not met Mr. Geithner in person, I hear that he is a very capable man and knows well about the situation of Japan in the 1990s. So, I believe that he is suited to properly deal with the financial crisis in the United States. 例文帳に追加

ガイトナーさんという方は、直接お会いしたことはございませんけれども、非常に優秀だし、何といっても日本の90年代のことをよくご存じだというふうに聞いておりますので、このアメリカの金融危機に対して適切な対応をとっていただける適任の人だというふうには思っております。 - 金融庁

As Citibank is a globally well-known financial institution, it is very regrettable that it has become the subject of our administrative action for the third time. Given that Citibank has failed to make improvement following the previous two administrative actions, leading to the third administrative action, don't you think that the FSA should bear responsibility as the supervisor? 例文帳に追加

世界的にも大変有名な金融機関でございますから、3回目ということは、大変残念で遺憾であるというふうに思っています。 過去2回で改善が図られずに3回目に至ったというのは、監督責任はあるのではないでしょうか。 - 金融庁

In that sense, I believe that it is very important to closely monitor the international situation and act quickly in cooperation with relevant ministers, as this involves many ministries, including the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, as well as the BOJ. 例文帳に追加

そういった意味でも、国際情勢を注視して、関係大臣、当然財務大臣、それから日本銀行をはじめ、経済産業省もありますが、たくさんの省が関係しておりまして、関係大臣と連携して迅速な対応を行うということが私は非常に大事だというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

I truly have a very strong wish to leave the deflation behind by all means and am eager to devote all my political life in working in the background to achieve that end, while heeding all your words of understanding as well as criticism. 例文帳に追加

そして、全力を上げて皆様方のご理解もいただきながら、またお叱りもいただきながら、何が何でも本当にデフレの不況の中から脱出したいということを本当に強く望んでおりまして、その下働きに命を懸けて、全政治生命を懸けてやりたいというふうに思っています。 - 金融庁

When a UV curing resin is used as a carrier and cured by irradiation with UV using a UV fixing unit 8a, the carrier itself is formed into a film to form an image having surface glossiness as well as very good fixability.例文帳に追加

またキャリアに紫外線硬化型樹脂を用い、紫外線定着装置8aにて紫外線照射により硬化させることにより、キャリア自身がフィルム化して非常に良好な定着性と同時に表面光沢性を有する画像を形成する。 - 特許庁

Thus, from the very simple calculation of summing up the number of the metric difference values below the above threshold value, the signal quality evaluation index well correlated with the total error rate reflecting a contribution ratio of each pattern can be obtained.例文帳に追加

これによって、単に上記閾値を下回るメトリック差分の値の数を足し合わせるだけという非常に簡易な計算により、各エラーパターンの寄与率を反映した全体エラーレートと良く相関する信号品質評価指標を得ることができる。 - 特許庁

This sheet is extremely high in heat resistance compared to conventional ethylene-vinyl acetate resin sheets and also extremely inexpensive compared to polyurethane-based sheets, being very high in productivity as well with no need of any special processing machine and easy film formation.例文帳に追加

従来のエチレン−酢酸ビニール樹脂製のシートに比較して極めて耐熱性が高く、またポリウレタン主体のシートに比較して極めて低コストであり、加工の際にも特殊な加工機を要さず簡単に成膜出来るなど、生産性も非常に高い。 - 特許庁

To provide a superconducting tunnel junction element wherein the magnitude of a critical current and step voltage required for applied electronics is accurately controlled using an oxide superconductor which does not require a very low temperature, with well and designed characteristics provided.例文帳に追加

極低温を必要としない酸化物超伝導体を用いて、エレクトロニクス応用に必要な臨界電流値やステップ電圧の大きさの正確な制御が可能であり、かつ良好かつ設計通りの特性を有する超伝導トンネル接合素子を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an ultrathin roughened film having a finely roughened surface excellent in rolling processability and very thin film thickness, and suitable for an oriented film for use in a capacitor, as well as to provide a polypropylene cast master sheet to manufacture the film.例文帳に追加

巻き取り加工適性に優れた微細な粗面性を有し、かつ非常に薄いフィルム厚であってコンデンサー用延伸フィルムに好適に用いられる極薄粗面化フィルムおよびそれを得るためのポリプロピレンキャスト原反シートを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a nitride semiconductor light-emitting element capable of preventing a defect, and emitting light with high efficiency, even if the emission wavelength is made long by maintaining very small lattice mismatches of a quantum-well structure in the active layer.例文帳に追加

活性層における量子井戸構造の格子不整合を非常に小さくした状態を維持することにより、欠陥の発生を防ぎ、発光波長を長波長化させても高効率で発光が可能な窒化物半導体発光素子を提供する。 - 特許庁

The friction coefficient is improved by the scratching effect of zinc-coating silica at the very onset of friction against a material, and a well-fit state is realized in an early stage as the unevenness of the friction surface is filled up soon owing to the ductility of the zinc.例文帳に追加

摩擦相手材との摩擦の極初期には亜鉛をコーティングしているシリカによる引き掻き効果で摩擦係数が向上し、その後すぐに亜鉛の展性により摩擦面の凹凸が埋め尽くされ、馴染みが付いた状態が早期に実現される。 - 特許庁

To discharge hydrogen gas generated in the inside of a battery housing room well from openings formed at right and left of a battery hood by means of a blower fan without opening upward the battery hood whose weight becomes very heavy at the time of battery charge.例文帳に追加

バッテリー充電時、重量が非常に重くなるバッテリーフードを上方に開放することなく、バッテリー収納室の内部に発生した水素ガスを送風ファンによってバッテリーフードの左右に形成した開口部より良好に放出する。 - 特許庁

To provide an aqueous pressure-sensitive adhesive composition that is excellent in adhesion to a substrate (foam) having a concavo-convex surface, such as a urethane foam, adhesive properties, initial pressure-sensitive adhesive properties and retention as well as in heat resistance and very hardly suffers from generation of VOC, and a pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet using the same.例文帳に追加

ウレタンフォームのような表面に凹凸を有する基材(発泡体)への密着性、接着性、初期粘着性、保持力に優れるとともに、耐熱性にも優れ、且つVOCの発生を極めて少なくすることのできる水性粘着剤組成物、及びこれを用いた粘着シートを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a numerical analysis method in the production of silicon single crystal, wherein a calculated value of a solid-liquid interface shape between a silicon single crystal and a silicon molten salt or the temperature distribution adjacent to a solid-liquid interface conforms very well to an actual measurement value even when the drawing-up condition of the silicon single crystal is changed.例文帳に追加

シリコン単結晶の引上げ条件を変更しても、シリコン単結晶及びシリコン融液の固液界面形状やこの固液界面近傍の温度分布の計算値が実測値と極めて良く一致する、シリコン単結晶製造における数値解析方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a variable attenuator, comprising a temperature compensation circuit which is capable of compensating for temperature characteristic variations, as well as an error caused by manufacture dispersion, without impairing miniaturized/thinned characteristics and of which configuration is very much simplified, and to provide a module incorporating the same and a communication apparatus.例文帳に追加

小型・薄型であることを損なうことなく、温度特性の変動も製造ばらつきに起因した誤差も補償することのでき、しかも、構成が極めて簡易な温度補償回路を備えた可変減衰器及びそれを内蔵してなるモジュールならびに通信装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an aqueous adhesive composition that is excellent in adhesion to a substrate (foam) having unevenness on the surface such as a urethane foam, adhesive properties, initial adhesive force and holding power as well as water resistance and suppresses generation of VOC very low, and an adhesive sheet using the same.例文帳に追加

本発明は、ウレタンフォームのような表面に凹凸を有する基材(発泡体)への密着性、接着性、初期粘着性、保持力に優れるとともに、耐水性にも優れ、且つVOCの発生を極めて少なくすることのできる水性粘着剤組成物、及びこれを用いた粘着シートに関する。 - 特許庁

To provide a sheet type structure, very high in the thermal conductivity and electric conductivity thereof, and its manufacturing method as well as a high performance electronic instrument employing such the sheet type structure, in reference to the sheet type structure employed for the purpose of heat dissipation or electric conduction.例文帳に追加

放熱や電気伝導の目的で使用されるシート状構造体に関し、熱伝導度及び電気伝導度が極めて高いシート状構造体及びその製造方法、並びにこのようなシート状構造体を用いた高性能の電子機器を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a data requesting and providing system, and data requesting and providing program allowing a user to develop personal interaction at his/her own pace, and thereby being very highly effective in prevention of truancy and social withdrawal as well as from a mental health viewpoint.例文帳に追加

ユーザが自分のペースで人的交流を図ることが可能であり、その結果、不登校・引きこもりの予防や精神衛生上の観点からも非常に高い効果を発揮するデータ要求提供システム、及び、データ要求提供プログラムを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To well exhaust product water at an anode side of a fuel cell in a simple and low-cost structure without using a pump or the like, with very little drain of hydrogen as fuel outside the cell, and with drastic improvement of power generating efficiency and safety aimed at.例文帳に追加

ポンプ等を用いない簡易かつ安価な構成により、燃料である水素の電池外部への排出が極めて少なく発電効率及び安全性の飛躍的な向上が図られるようにして燃料電池のアノード側の生成水を良好に排出する。 - 特許庁

As a result, the three-dimensional image display device makes the observation of the good three-dimensional images possible by adoption of the diffraction optical elements consisting of diffraction gratings having a very narrow width and makes the observation of the two-dimensional videos of good quality possible as well.例文帳に追加

これにより、3次元像表示装置は幅が非常に狭い回折格子よりなった回折光学素子の採用で良好な3次元像を観察することが可能なだけでなく、2次元像も良質の映像を観察することが可能になる。 - 特許庁

To provide a high withstanding voltage insulated electric wire for transformers which reduces voids very small between a laying start portion of a tape and a conductor, endures high voltages of 20-30 kV and allows the performance of a transformer for discharge lamps to be more improved well as miniaturizing and thinning it.例文帳に追加

テープの重なり開始部分と導体との間に生じるボイドを極めて小さくでき、20〜30kVの高電圧にも耐え、放電灯用トランスの更なる高性能、小型化、薄型化が図れるトランス用高耐電圧絶縁電線を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a structure of a vehicle seat, which is very comfortable to sit on, has reduced loss in resilience after a prolonged usage, excellent in durability as well as in recyclability and safety, and further in engagement/disengagement operability and durability of attachment between a cushion body and an upholstery covering body.例文帳に追加

非常に快適な座り心地が得られると共に、長期間使用してもへたりが少なくて耐久性に優れ、またリサイクル性、安全性に優れ、さらにクッション体と表皮カバー体との係合着脱操作性及び係合耐久性にも優れた、車輌の座席シート用構造体を提供する。 - 特許庁

To obtain an optical cable which can be well fitted to a right-angled corner consisting of a pair of attachment surfaces perpendicular to each other and, further, protrudes very little from an attachment surface if it is laid on a flat attachment surface.例文帳に追加

一対の取付面が直交配置されて構成された直角コーナー部に納まりよく収容することが可能で、かつ、平坦な取付面に敷設した場合には、その取付面からの突出部分を小さくすることが可能な光ケーブル提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a container realizing more ideal transportation for the live fishes by preventing invading water into an air pump-housing part in a conveying container for live fishes, etc., well, and minimizing the exposure of the air tube to the outside of the container with a very simple constitution.例文帳に追加

非常に簡単な構成により、活魚等の搬送容器におけるエアポンプ収納部への侵入水を良好に防止し、エアチューブの容器外への露出を最小限にすることにより、より理想的な活魚等の輸送を実現する。 - 特許庁

To provide a sidereal projector of a planetarium capable of providing a fine projection image of a starry sky by projecting many fixed stars without a rise in cost as compared with a conventional projector while really projecting bright stars to very small apparent diameters brightly as well as actual fixed stars.例文帳に追加

輝星を明るく、かつ実物の恒星と同じように非常に小さい視直径でリアルに投影しつつ、従来の投影機と比較しコストアップを招くことなく多数の恒星を投影して精細な星空の投影像を得ることができるプラネタリウムの恒星投影機を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an apparatus, remarkably saving the time and trouble of family members taking nursing care at home, aiming at a person having the required caring degrees of about 1 to 3, allowing a manager of caring facilities to reduce the labor costs and use the valuable working hours for caring as the primary purpose, and very effective in respect of sanitation as well.例文帳に追加

要介護1・3程度の方の介護を目標にし家庭で介護をしている家族には大変な手間が省け介護施設の管理者においては人件費の削減又貴重な労働時間を本来の目的のケアに向ける事が出き衛生面に於いても非常に効果の有る設備を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a dBm linear high-frequency power detector requiring no calibration and no external temperature compensation, having simple circuit constitution compared with a dBm linear power detector by a well-known technique, i.e. having the circuit constitution of no active constitutive element, of which the passive constitutive elements are reduced to a very small number.例文帳に追加

較正も外部温度補償も必要とせず、且つ、前述の公知技術によるdBmリニア電力検出器に較べて簡単な回路構成、つまり、能動構成要素がなく、受動構成要素も極めて小数しかない回路構成のdBmリニア高周波電力検出器を提供すること。 - 特許庁

Thus, even if the viscosity of the fuel is significantly high (in case alcohol-containing gasoline is used, or a fuel temperature is low in a very cold place, for example), air-fuel mixture formation in the vicinity of the spark discharging portion 2a at the ignition timing can well take place so that a good combustion condition can be maintained even if the viscosity of the fuel increases.例文帳に追加

これにより、燃料粘度が大きい場合(アルコール含有ガソリンの場合や、極寒地などで燃料温度が低い場合など)であっても、点火時期における火花放電部2a近傍の混合気形成を良好にでき、燃料粘度が上昇しても燃焼状態を良好に保つことができる。 - 特許庁

To suppress the occurrence of a discharge product and deterioration of an image carrier as well as to perform uniform charging in an image area, in a charging device in which voltage is applied to a charging member disposed opposite to a surface of the image carrier with a very small gap and the charging member is allowed to discharge to charge the image carrier.例文帳に追加

像担持体表面に微少な間隙を有して対向配置された帯電部材に電圧を印加して帯電部材を放電させて像担持体を帯電する帯電装置において、画像領域において均一帯電を行うと共に、放電生成物の発生と像担持体の劣化とを抑制する。 - 特許庁

To provide a filter that is capable of very efficiently removing nitrate/nitrite nitrogen components such as nitrate ion and nitrite ion, other carcinogenic or harmful substances, and/or the like, each of which ions and/or substances is contained in well water or the like, and has excellent practicality, and also to provide a filtration system using the filter.例文帳に追加

井戸水等に含まれる硝酸イオンや亜硝酸イオン等の硝酸性窒素成分、その他の発ガン性物質や有害物質等を極めて能率よく除去する実用性に優れた濾過装置および濾過システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

Thus, the dispersiveness in a ceramic slurry becomes very high, the improvement of density of the dielectric ceramic layer 2 in the laminated ceramic capacitor 1 and the surface smoothing become possible, insulation failures hardly occurs and failure time characteristics in a load test can be improved as well.例文帳に追加

これによって、セラミックスラリーでの分散性が極めて高くなり、積層セラミックコンデンサ1における誘電体セラミック層2の密度向上および表面の平滑化が可能になり、絶縁不良が生じにくくするとともに、負荷試験における故障寿命特性を改善することができる。 - 特許庁


To provide an image forming device made possible to very easily as well as stably obtain detection result being accurately collected even if sensitivity of a density detecting sensor is changed, and possible to correctly and stably perform control of the image forming condition over a long period.例文帳に追加

濃度検知センサの感度が変動してもきわめて簡易にしかも的確に補正された検知結果が安定して得られ、ひいては作像条件の制御を長期にわたり正確にかつ安定して行うことができる画像形成装置を提供する。 - 特許庁


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