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Tatoebaでの「国土安全保障省の主要業務は、米国内のテロ攻撃を未然に防ぎ、万一、発生した場合は、被害を最小限に食い止め、速やかな復旧を実施することにある。」の英訳 |
The Department of Homeland Security's primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within America and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.
Weblio例文辞書での「国土安全保障省の主要業務は、米国内のテロ攻撃を未然に防ぎ、万一、発生した場合は、被害を最小限に食い止め、速やかな復旧を実施することにある。」に類似した例文 |
The Department of Homeland Security's primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within America and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hosoda Hiroyuki said, "We will try hard to use those measures only for preventing terrorism."
He argued that the dispatch of the Self Defense Forces overseas was unconstitutional, even as part of peace‐keeping operations by the United Nations.
the United States intelligence agency that protects current and former presidents and vice presidents and their immediate families and protects distinguished foreign visitors
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo said, "The Japanese government resolutely denounces the terrorist group responsible for this."
an association of nations dedicated to economic and political cooperation in southeastern Asia and who joined with the United States to fight against global terrorism
The South Korean government has dispatched an investigative team to look into the accident jointly with the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
an independent agency of the United States government that provides a single point of accountability for all federal emergency preparedness and mitigation and response activities
He also said that he will protect the United States from "emerging threats" and promote democracy in "outlaw regimes."
President George W. Bush has named National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to be secretary of state.
an agency that helps the Director of Central Intelligence coordinate counterterrorist efforts in order to preempt and disrupt and defeat terrorist activities at the earliest possible stage
Rose Gottemoeller, the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, was also among those at the ceremonies.
a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups
negotiations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics opened in 1969 in Helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons
Thomas Gabriel (Timothy Olyphant) and a group of cyber-terrorists are trying to shut down the major computer systems of the United States, including the traffic light and banking systems.
the Fed seeks to control the United States economy by raising and lowering short-term interest rates and the money supply
For example, North Korea has demanded an end to U.S. sanctions, assistance with its energy needs, and its removal from a list of terrorist-supporting nations.
She expressed her concerns that U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan and other countries are fueling terrorism.
For example, some say, "Giving veto rights to the permanent members of the Security Council is unfair."
The U.S. missile defense system is designed to detect the launch of ballistic missiles with sensors on satellites and ground-based radar.
He said regarding terrorism, "Military measures won't solve anything. The elimination of poverty is the way to bring peace."
But the Security Council, with 15 seats, including five permanent seats held by Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States, has not expanded accordingly.
While the idea will be kept, the word "renunciation" will be replaced by a statement that the Japanese people will never use war or the threat of force as means of settling international disputes.
U.S. President Barack Obama announced on May 1 that Osama bin Laden, the leader of an international terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan by U.S. special forces.
Prime Minister Watarase Takafumi (Fuji Tatsuya) orders a special unit of the Self-Defense Forces to recover the bomber immediately.
U.S. military unit for use against terrorists and for the liberation of hostages, called the delta force
On Dec. 18, Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro approved a deployment plan for the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to help rebuild Iraq.
foreign policy that rather than side with either of two feuding armies aims at trying to relieve tensions and improve international relations, called nonalignment diplomacy
As for terrorism, they concluded that they would take sustained and comprehensive actions to deny support to terrorists and to reduce the threat of terrorist attacks.
The U.S. has dispatched about 20,000 troops, 160 aircraft and 20 naval vessels including the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, a nuclear-powered carrier.
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