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This negative legacy also reminds us of the mistakes that humankind must not repeat.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Horyu-ji Temple (Ikaruga-cho, Nara Prefecture) - the early Heian period (in Omiwa-ji Temple)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kyoto Shimabara, Fushimi Ebisu-cho (Shumoku-machi), Fushimiyanagi-cho, Otsu Baba-cho, Suruga Fuchu, Edo Sanya (Yoshiwara), Tsuruga Rokkenmachi, Mikuni Matsushiya, Nara 鴨川, Yamato Seko-mura Shinyashiki, Sakai Kitatakasu-machi, Sakai Minamitsumori, Osaka Hyotan-cho (Shinmachi), Hyogo Iso-cho, Sado Ayukawa, Ishimi Onsen, Harima 小野町, Bizen , Hiroshima 多々, Miyajima Shinmachi, Shimonoseki Inarimachi, Hakata Yanagimachi, Nagasaki Maruyamamachi and Yoriaimachi, Bizen Kabashima and Satsuma 山鹿野田町 (Yamaganokinzan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Townscape preservation refers to activities intended to renew distinctive characteristics and attractiveness of towns and to improve living conditions of the residents by preserving townscapes that retain traditional architecture and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Samurai towns were where the large estates of retainers, the so called Buke yashiki (samurai residence), were located and in general, retainers with higher position had a closer location to the castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



I once made mistake – I mistook to change color settings, though on a rare occasion. I was urged caution on such occasions. But we are told at our company that making a mistake is not bad and that we should just make efforts to avoid recurrence of similar mistakes. - 厚生労働省


In the course of the comprehensive development of the Yodo-gawa River System, in relation to the Katsura-gawa River which is a main subsidiary stream as important as the Yodo-gawa River and the Kizu-gawa River, a plan to build a dam at a place close to the boundary of the then Sonobe-cho and Hiyoshi-cho (Kyoto Prefecture) based on the 'Revised Yodo-gawa River System Basic Plan' emerged in 1961.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Katsuraki Imasu Hono Ikazuchi-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Fuefuki, Katsuraki City (former Fuefuki, Shinjo-cho), Nara Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Researchers from Nara's National Research Institute for Cultural Properties and the Nara National Museum have used dendrochronology to date the seated Yakushi Nyorai statue at Horinji in Ikaruga Town, Nara Prefecture.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



The southeast area of Sarusawa-ike Pond where the police station is located corresponds to the northeastern end of the old precincts, while the area where Nara City Onjo-Kan Hall (Narukawa-cho, Nara City) is located corresponds to the southwestern end of the precincts.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The temporary shop “Kunche Hiroba Naraha” in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, is run by two managers from Naraha Town, which is designated as restricted area that was mostly affected by the nuclear plant accident.  - 経済産業省


Since old roof-tiles and the remains of buildings traced back to the Nara period were discovered from the precincts of the Matsuo-san-jinja Shrine, which is the guardian god located near the top of Mt. Matsuo, it is almost certain that the temple was built in the Nara period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But if this is true, what is the application? In leaving the prison against the will of the Athenians, do I wrong any? or rather do I not wrong those whom I ought least to wrong? Do I not desert the principles which were acknowledged by us to be just--what do you say? I cannot tell, Socrates, for I do not know.  - Plato『クリトン』


27. Restrictive requirements shall apply to heads of relevant municipalities and food business operators concerned not to distribute any Ostrich ferns produced in Fukushima-shi, Nihonmatsu-shi, Date-shi, Koriyama-shi, Tamura-shi, Soma-shi, Kori-machi, Kunimi-machi, Kawamata-machi, Furudono-machi, Miharu-machi, Naraha-machi, Otama-mura and Katsurao-mura for the time being. - 厚生労働省


To avoid extremely long waiting time, particularly when carry commands are temporarily concentrated on a specific area, by shortening the waiting time from the occurrence of a carry command to the assignment. - 特許庁


Assuming, then, that town commercial functions create synergies with other urban functions, leading to revitalization, comprehensive action that goes beyond just the commercial side is required, ranging from the rethinking of product lineups and services in order to raise the attractiveness of individual stores to the remodeling of tenant mixes (i.e., the optimum combination of types and lines of business) of town centers as a whole, and the balancing of residential and commercial functions. - 経済産業省

私ども事務局としては、今回の謂わば予備的な結論が再確認され、若年雇用問題に対処するための努力を我々が一層推し進めることが加盟国ならびにソーシャル・パートナーの間で支持されるべく、来年 2005 年 6 月の ILO 総会での重要な討議を心待ちにしております。例文帳に追加

And we look forward to the important discussion that will occur at the June International Labour Conference in 2005 to get confirmation of this preliminary conclusions and support from member states and social partners to go forward in our efforts to meet the youth employment challenge. - 厚生労働省


The busho (Japanese military commander) statue in the main hall of Senko-ji Temple in Nyukawa-cho, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture (former Nyukawa-mura, Ono County) has faces on the front and back of the head while another statue with a smiling face by Enku in the same temple has an angry face on its shoulder.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a determination method and a correction method for house address-related information in link information and a navigation device which, even when information indicating allotment of even/odd number of house address number responding to the right or the left of link in original data is wrong, can determine precise allotment. - 特許庁


To provide a useful p38 inhibitor including nicotinamide derivatives which are useful for, for example, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, chronic lung inflammation, chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic heart failure, systemic cachexia, glomerulonephritis, Crohn's disease as well as breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. - 特許庁


A resume form, which is normally sold in paper in a convenience store and the like, is computerized into a moving-image electric resume form. - 特許庁


To provide a sealed rolling bearing easily and inexpensively adaptable for gap adjustment in the bearing at its inside raceway ring units arranged side by side in the axial direction with an intermediate seal held therebetween. - 特許庁


To provide a network fault avoiding technology of a LAN switch for recognizing connection error before starting communication even if an insertion error of a LAN cable occurs. - 特許庁


During that time, it was burned because of the attack on Nara by the Taira family in 1180 and a peasants' uprising in 1451, but two able Inju, Kyogaku and Jinson appeared successively during the Muromachi period, who had trade guilds throughout Nara in control to flourish to a great extent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The composition is useful especially for a person suffering from retinopathia diabetica, age-related macular degeneration, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, posterior segment eye disease or disease characterized in cell proliferation and angioplasty such as restenosis of a coronary artery after balloon angioplasty and cancer. - 特許庁


There are two Yokooji; one is the road in an east-west direction starting from the southern area of Mt. Miwa in present-day Sakurai City to Mt. Nijo in Katsuragi City (Nara Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture) and the other is the road in an east-west direction starting from around Horyu-ji Temple in Ikaruga Town to Ichinomoto in Tenri City.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kamununakawamimi no Mikoto was informed of this plan through a poem written by his mother, and together with Kamuyaimimi no Mikoto, his elder brother born of the same mother, he attacked Tagishimimi no Mikoto in his home in Kataoka (present-day Oji-cho in Kitatsuragi-gun, Nara Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A person becomes Hitotsumono in shrines such as Kasuga Wakamiya On-Matsuri festival (Nara City), Agata-jinja Shrine (Uji City), Kogawa-dera Temple (Kogawa town), Sone-tenmangu Shrine, Arai-jinja Shrine, Takasago-jinja Shrine (Takasago City), Itate hyozu-jinja Shrine, Oshio tenmangu Shrine (Himeji City), Kotohiki-hachimangu Shrine (Kannonji City), Kumaoka-hachimangu Shrine and Uga-jinja Shrine (Mitoyo City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To freely regulate verticality, straightness and a clearance for a fitting frame, by an attaching member serving as a regulation member, to eliminate a cap-like cover for covering a hole of the fitting frame, and to minimize a range observed from an indoor side of the fitting frame. - 特許庁


Because his father Sukekage KOBAYAKAWA died in Nara in March, 1338, he succeeded Takehara no sho (manor) in Tsu District, Aki Province (Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture), a part of Itanishi-shita no sho (manor), Awa Province (Itano-cho, Itano-gun, Tokushima Prefecture) and Mokake no sho (manor) in Bizen Province (Mushiake, Oku-cho, Setouchi City, Okayama Prefecture) from his grandfather Kagemune KOBAYAKAWA, and took over as head of the Takehara-Kobayakawa family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Just before the nationalization, the company had an approval of its electrification plan for the section of Minatomachi, Nara and Kyoto as well as Nagoya - Kawarada Station, and the Joto Line (currently the Osaka Loop Line), but some people said this was a tactic to increase the amount paid for acquisition due to the company's nationalization.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a backlight for a liquid crystal display which accurately and quickly facilitates attaching feeders extending from a power supply to light source substrates mounted on lines for arranging lamps aligned on a supporting plate and which facilitates finding an improper arrangement. - 特許庁


To form design of a door emphasizing a longitudinally long or laterally long line without causing a step and a clearance between a frame member and an elongated member on a front side of the door in the door arranging the elongated member between the plurality of frame members arranged in parallel in the left and right directions or the vertical direction. - 特許庁


To provide a optical film winding body used to surely stick optical films so that their optical axes make a specified angle, and a manufacturing method of a wide-band quarter wave plate winding body and a manufacturing method of a wide-band circulaly polarizing plate winding body, stacked by using the optical film winding body. - 特許庁

クライアントの待ちポートが利用可能であることを保証するような別のタイムアウト値をどうやって選べばよいかという問題に対しては、システム管理者は(xfindproxy を使って)リスナが割り当てられた時間とクライアントが実際に xfwp への接続を試みる時間との間に予想されるずれを考慮しなければならない。 また、最初のクライアントデータ接続が閉じた後にクライアントのリスナが再利用される見込みも考慮しなければならない。例文帳に追加

In addressing the question of how to choose some alternative timeout value which will guarantee the availability of client listen ports, sysadmins should take into consideration the expected delay between the time when the listener was allocated (using xfindproxy) and the time when a client actually attempts to connect to xfwp, as well the likelihood that client listeners will be re-used after the initial client data connection is closed. - XFree86


During the daytime, aside from regional rapid trains, rapid trains ran through Yamato-Koizumi Station and Koriyama Station (Nara Prefecture) (their destination sign was orange, when in those days, the lettering of these signs was written in red), and daytime trains that ran directly between JR Nanba and Takada and came to stop at every station on the Wakayama Line were also operated as 'rapid trains' rather than 'regional rapid trains.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Just as those who stop all activities at night are bound to resume their work on the next day unless they have completed their tasks, those who learn Mahayana Buddhism will never be able to achieve nirvana and live in peace without learning the ultimate Buddhist truths revealed in the Nirvana Sutra, even if they have read all other sutras and studied all other Buddha's teachings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Okamoto, Masumura, Suzuki and others who were called modern school with Nakahira from 60s to 70s became to be treated as a genius or a master, he was left alone and passed away, so that he is one of the film directors who can not fully be reevaluated like Tadashi SAWASHIMA, even now.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The operation management server 200 instructs taxi vehicles C, which are equal to or smaller in number than the number of the taxi-stand users detected by the sensor 100 and ranked at higher positions in the order of time required for returning to the taxi stand, to return to the taxi stand without picking up users on the way. - 特許庁

B細胞の活性化の制御、並びに免疫グロブリン遺伝子のクラススイッチ組換え、体細胞超変異(somatic hypermutation)及びアフィニティーマチュレーション(affinity maturation)のような胚中心機能(germinal center function)に特有な遺伝子修飾(genetic editing)において重要な役割を担い、種々の免疫性疾患の発症に関与すると考えられる新規RNA修飾デアミナーゼ、該酵素をコードするDNA、並びに該酵素に対する抗体を提供する。例文帳に追加

To provide a new RNA-modifying deaminase that may have an important role in the genetic editing specific to the germinal center function such as the control of the activation of B cell, the class switch recombination of immunoglobulin gene, the somatic hypermutation, and the affinity maturation, and may be involved in the development of various immunological diseases, DNA encoding the enzyme, and an antibody against the enzyme. - 特許庁


Defects of expression or transcription and errors contained in any document sent to the Industrial Property Registry may be corrected at the applicant's request. Notwithstanding this, if the request for correction refers to the description, the claims or drawings, the correction must be of an obvious nature such that none other but the corrected text could have been proposed by the applicant. - 特許庁


Legend says that both he and Hideyoshi were given swords by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Yamasaki; that he frightened the kugeshu (court nobles) by carrying out the investigation of the Akechi party inside the capital; that, at the battle against Hideyoshi, Nagatsugu IINUMA (one of Hideyoshi's vassals) was killed on suspicion of collaborating with Nobutaka, and that after the battle Hideyoshi never employed samurai who had served Nobutaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in January in 1979, the epitaph of O no Yasumari was unearthed in Konose town, Nara City, on the epitaph, it was stated that Sakyo Shijo Shibo Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) the fifth order of Merit, O no Ason Yasumaro 七月六日 養老十二月十五日乙巳, thus, the rationale regarding the difference in Kanji writing was denied.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Okay, let me answer this question metaphorically. In my hometown of Kitakyushu City, which is a city full of SMEs, many of my supporters are proprietors of SMEs and employ as many as 100 workers, half of whom are without exception non-fulltime employees. As I have brought up a number of times before, quite a few of them have told me how grateful they are for having been saved by the enactment of such a wonderful Act, as their companies would otherwise have had to file for bankruptcy.  - 金融庁


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