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It came to be used with hirobuta (a black-lacquered tray) by courtesy and to show care to send monetary gifts for events of congratulations and condolences.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Within the same year, he participated in an anatomy at Kozukahara-keijo execution ground, and since the next day, he began to translate the book with Ryotaku MAENO and Genpaku SUGITA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a toy allowing a user to control the toy without being recognized by a third person or capable of outputting the content of free utterance in voice. - 特許庁


To provide a remote control system for controlling the operation of a main body device without approaching the main body device by using a medium having a value, and controlling the operation of the main body device in exchange for the value of the medium, and a remote controller to be used for this remote control system. - 特許庁



On April 7, the waiting room, for which Japanese cedar grown in Niigata Prefecture were used as interior materials, was completed at the concourse within the ticket gates; this project made use of the 'Initiative for Promoting the Use of Trees of Echigo Origin' promoted by the Niigata Prefectural Government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Since the volume is not lowered or mute control is not performed, as in conventional types, only the output signal is clipped, and the protection processing will not be noticed by the user. - 特許庁


To make a player aware that the performance display of a second control pattern for attaining a super ready-to-win state without interposing a normal ready-to-win state is being performed. - 特許庁


People in this period lived by hunting with bows and arrows, and fishing, as known from shell mounds or collecting fruit, and they used chipped stone tools, polished stoneware and bone tools.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Consequently, operation of the main shaft becomes easy, a work is performed speedily, a time is reduced, and tiredness is reduced. - 特許庁



Some foodstuffs and dishes such as fruits and sweets may be eaten out of one's hand, but you should not take meat and seafood dishes directly with your hands without using plates and utensils.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Mino-Arima Electric Tramline (Mino-Arima denki kido), which was founded in 1907, began operating the section between Umeda Station and Takarazuka Station as well as the section between Ishibashi Station (Osaka Prefecture) and Mino Station, which respectively correspond to the current Takarazuka Line and the Mino Line, on March 10, 1910,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the 19th century, at Tsukuba, Igashichi IIZUKA (so-called 'Karakuri Iga') invented a man-powered plane and a karakuri ningyo that went on an errand to a sake (Japanese liquor) shop.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, he returned to Edo after a while and started to work as a town doctor under the false name of Sanpaku SAWA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Studying minka from the perspective of work and lifestyle, one is struck by what these reveal about the wisdom of ancient people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even prior to this policy, India made auto parts import licenses for companies setting up operations within its borders conditional upon signing an MOU containing local content requirements and export/import balancing requirementsdespite the lack of any legal basis for doing so. It is clear that the new automotive policy of 1997 is designed to institutionalize the previous administrative guidelines. - 経済産業省


To provide a transmission power control method and a radio communication device which suitably control transmission power of each communication wave under a limiting value, prevent waste of a radio resource, and can reduce consumption power. - 特許庁


To provide a game machine that removes unnecessary work as in boxing the game machine and prevents damage, wasteful usage of resource, and adverse effect on the environment. - 特許庁


[4] Outline of the law: The law provides role-sharing between car owners, ELV-collecting businesses, car manufacturers, and car importers to build a recycling-oriented society in which waste is reduced and resources are used with care.  - 経済産業省


Subsequently, he published 'Seifu Sagen' (a book on sajicha, the spoon tea ceremony) in 1794 and 'Reigotsu' (a study of the use of kana) in 1797 while moving house in locations such as the precincts of Nanzen-ji Temple (Sakyo Ward), Higashi no Toin Shijo (Shimogyo Ward) and Koromo no Tana Marutamachi (Kamigyo Ward) to Fukuro-cho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

一 株券の発行者である会社の関係会社の従業員が当該関係会社の他の従業員と共同して当該会社の株券の買付けを、一定の計画に従い、個別の投資判断に基づかず、継続的に行うことを約する契約(各従業員の一回当たりの拠出金額が百万円に満たないものに限る。)に基づく権利例文帳に追加

(i) rights based on a contract under which employees of an Associated Company of the company that issues share certificates promise to purchase the share certificates of said company on a continual basis, jointly with other employees of said Associated Company, according to a certain plan, without depending on an individual investment decision (limited to a contract wherein each employee is to contribute less than one million yen on each occasion); and  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In ancient times one puppet was manipulated by one puppeteer, but the way to manipulate a puppet with three people was invented at "Ashiyadoman Ouchikagami" in 1734, and now one puppet is usually manipulated by three puppeteers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many local mothers worked for the manufactures of furniture or paulownia boxes which were the local industry and their children ate okonomiyaki as a snack or supper and in order for the children to be able to buy it with their pocket money, cheap minced pork and beef began to be used instead of pork ribs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a continuously variable transmission capable of suppressing deterioration with age in HMT and a waste of fuel and performing starting time swash plate inclination angle control without using a clutch electronic control mechanism. - 特許庁


When a full state detection means detects the full state of a sub paper ejection tray to which control paper on which an image is formed without based on a print job (depending on machine reasons) is ejected, the image forming system controls to continue image formation on regular output paper to be ejected to a main paper ejection tray until performing the image formation on the control paper next. - 特許庁


To provide a printer capable of preventing a working burden from being applied to a user and reducing wasteful consumption of recording media, and a printing control program. - 特許庁


The group's businesses are now undergoing reorganization, such as the restructuring of real estate and hotel management; the closing of the 'Takarazuka Family Land' amusement park, whose 90-year history goes back to the opening of Takarazuka New Hot Spring; and the withdrawal from the management of 'Kobe Portopia Land' located in the Port Island (which was run by Kobe City for a while afterwards but was permanently closed in 2006).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Beginning with the Hanshin Line (started in 1905), the opening of the subsequent Minoo Arima Electric Tramway (later Hankyu Takarazuka Main Line, started in 1910), the Hanshin Kobe Main Line (started in 1920) and other lines became a trigger for focusing on the suburban farming areas which had previously been unexploited hinterlands in Kobe and Hokusetsu region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a game machine capable of suppressing fraudulent operations to a controller at an opening upper part performed by slightly opening an upper door inconspicuously without being noticed by people around the game machine or the like, releasing the locking mechanism of the upper door from the clearance and opening the upper door. - 特許庁


To provide a game machine capable of causing a person who adjusts volume to recognize a game machine-based individual difference of a loudspeaker and a control unit related to the loudspeaker by emitting, in volume adjustment, a sound effect of a predetermined volume which is not based on the volume adjusted by a volume adjustment unit. - 特許庁


To eliminate problems that straw grass recovering operation is continued without noticing that a bale becomes a finishing diameter by an operator to clog a bale-forming part 4 with the recovered material (straw grass) in a roll baler for recovering the straw grass present in a field and forming/packing the recovered material into the rolled bale. - 特許庁


Sectors in respect of which reservations are made but not in relation to the existing laws and regulations (including investment in the service sector)Entertainment services (broadcasting, recreational and leisure services), postalservices and telecommunications, telecommunications services and networks (and related maritime telecommunications services), professional services (law firms), etc. - 経済産業省

本発明はオンダイターミネーション制御装置に関し、特に、ODT(On−Die Termination)とDLL(Delay Locked Loop)のディセーブル状態でクロック信号を制御し電流の無駄使いを抑えることのできるオンダイターミネーション制御装置を提供すること。例文帳に追加

To provide a device for controlling an ODT (On-Die Termination) by which the useless consumption of current can be reduced by controlling a clock signal in the disable state of the ODT and a DLL (Delay Locked Loop) in particular. - 特許庁


According to the notification system, business communication can be rapidly and properly made to a person in charge by the prescribed system not dependent on individual skills without making a notification to the person in charge from a manager, so that the person in charge is notified of the delivery delay or the like. - 特許庁


Half a year later, Masatsugu TAKAMURA took over Toa Kinema that had given up film production, established Takarazuka Kinema Kogyo at Omuro in partnership with Kisaburo MINAMI, who had resigned as the president of Toa, changed 'Omuro Studio' to 'Takarazuka Kinema Studio' and put it into operation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an agricultural mulch film having an excellent reflection ratio and heat insulation to make fruits become evenly colored, accelerate photosynthesis, control the ground temperature in summer, easily and inexpensively produced, and excellent in recycling efficiency. - 特許庁


and that they often shade into others by imperceptible degrees, it may well be imagined that the task of distinguishing between what is permanent and what fleeting, what is a species and what a mere variety, is sufficiently formidable.  - Thomas H. Huxley『ダーウィン仮説』


Since move starting timing of the feed shaft for screw cutting is thus controlled based on time, not based on a detector signal, correct move starting timing is provided without being affected by resolution of a detector or the like, thereby screw cutting precision is improved. - 特許庁


To provide a communication window, present together with a work space, for enabling switching to a window of an opposite user by allowing an opposite-side's assertion to be noticed by making display on which operation of the opposite side is reflected in the window of the opposite user while allowing a user to freely operate the communication window. - 特許庁


A clock signal generating device or the like includes a second control section: in which, when a target frequency is changed, a voltage to be applied to a clock signal generating section is sequentially changed using intervals preset within a preset period and preset change values in place of a first control section, and a frequency of a clock signal newly generated by the clock signal generating section is made to be closer to the target frequency. - 特許庁


The slot machine sets a 'specific small generator' that can be acquired in a large quantity with a high probability irrespective of a game condition, and makes a player feel the thrill of finding in the course of time that the player has moved to a mode in which the player can acquire a large quantity of small generators by the control of a winning probability by the control of reels. - 特許庁


From Yaize in Shizuoka Prefecture, since the opening of the Tokaido Main Line in 1889, it had become distributed even to the metropolitan areas of Tokyo and Osaka, but sometimes namaribushi became rotten although though it could be kept longer than than fresh fish.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a notification apparatus, a notification system, a method of processing data of the notification apparatus, and a program for the notification apparatus that can make the site workers notice the emergency notification promptly and with certainty. - 特許庁


In the eighth report of the Council for Kinki Regional Transport of 2004, plans were created to make the section between Kamo and Kizu a double track as part of the 'project for improving services by strengthening the power of transport and so on,' but there have been no developments toward this plan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The first publication of the 'complete collection of modern Japanese literature' by Kaizo-sha, opening of 'Takarazuka Hotel,' the foundation of the 'Japan Broadcasting Corporation,' the foundation of 'The New Symphony Orchestra' (later NHK Symphony Orchestra), and the first publication of 'Asahi Camera'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The data-assimilated water vapor is expected to condense and form clouds or rain due to the temperature increase by the latent heat at a raining point, and the rain is "made to fall continuously" in the model region. - 特許庁


To provide a vehicle approach sound control device capable of effectively generating a notice sound in response to a state for enabling the outside of the vehicle to notice that a vehicle approaches. - 特許庁


By controlling the start timing of the AV information matching the living body information of the viewer, a state matching the breathing and the degree of excitation at an actual playing or acting performance is reproduced. - 特許庁


The 'hawker' in the Tohoku Region developed as Takajo of a regular vocation, but declined rapidly because of the change in the economy after the World War II, so only Hidetoshi MATSUBARA, who learned from Asaji KUTSUZAWA (1896-1983) for a year, remains as a present day hawker.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An information management center 25 stores the improvement information on the expertise work and special work input from the input/output device 24A in an image server 27 and a database server 28. - 特許庁



Since a rain falling spot including its surroundings has hard turbulence, its water vapor is expected to condense and form clouds or rain, and the rain is "made to fall continuously" in the model region. - 特許庁


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