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Considering the huge diversity of East Asia regarding political and economic systems, as well as history, religion, and culture, one can anticipate greater challenges confronting the region on its path to economic integration than those faced by Europe when it strove for the European Union (EU). - 経済産業省


The number of overseas affiliated companies established by Japanese-owned companies in North America and Europe has remained almost unchanged, but the number of overseas affiliated companies in Asia has increased from approximately 6,000 in 1997 to approximately 10,000 in 2006, which is an increase of more than 1.5 times in the ten years (Figure 2-1-3-2). - 経済産業省

次に欧については、これまで近隣諸国を中心にFTAを締結してきたが、2006 年に発表した通商政策のレビューに関するコミュニケで定めている優先順位21 のもと、最近はASEAN、韓国、インドといったアジア諸国とのFTAにも積極的に取り組む姿勢を見せている。例文帳に追加

Europe had, in the past, concluded FTAs mainly with neighboring countries; however, it has now taken the stance of being actively engaged in FTAs with Asian countries, such as ASEAN, South Korea and India, in accordance with the priorities laid out in the 2006 communiqu– on the trade policy review. - 経済産業省


The industry is also facing a challenge from overseas products in that the domestic market is being occupied by overseas products: for luxury products, by well-known products (or products with high brand power) and for low-priced products, by inexpensive products mainly produced in Asia. - 経済産業省



It is important to nurture world-class brands and explore the world market for such products, in order to empower Japan's home industry so it can catch up with Asian nations and counter the penetration of European-brand products in the domestic market. - 経済産業省



Regarding the percentage of companies having difficulty recruiting the necessary human resources, Romania is the highest, at 73%, but is followed by several Asian countries where the declining birthrate and aging population are serious: Japan (63%), Hong Kong (61%), Singapore (57%), Australia (52%), and Taiwan (51%). - 経済産業省


However, looking at the destinations of high-quality talent shows that only 2.4% of the whole flow in the world is flowing into Asia, while about 65% is flowing into North America and about 24% into Europe. This reveals that Europe and the U.S. (the U.S. in particular) are becoming the destinations for high-quality human resources (see Figures 2-1-25 to 2-1-27). - 経済産業省


Over the past six years, IBM has concentrated most of its functions (e.g., procurement, manufacture, finance, HR, R&D) to a limited number of countries, with an eye to cost, skills, and business environment; above all, it has reduced its number of procurement centers from 300 to three in Europe and Asia. - 経済産業省


This is tightening the supply-demand balance as Asian countries, such as China and India, increase their coal consumption, and Australia, a country with relative production spare capacity is flooded with orders, leading to the signing of export contracts above infrastructure transportation capacity. - 経済産業省



When we combine the driving forces for growth, such as China and India, with ASEAN at the core, and the wisdom and experience of Japan, Korea and Australia–when we have the organic movement of all these–I believe Asia can move into the next stage of economic development. - 経済産業省



In any case, there are the dollar-based economy, the euro-zone economy, and the Asian economy, which is growing most strongly. European summit meetings have frequently been held to appropriately deal with the European debt crisis. As the euro-zone economy is one of the three major economic zones, the FSA will closely monitor the situation while paying attention to the debate within the EU.  - 金融庁


I am honoured to have this opportunity to address the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as a representative of the Japanese Government. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the warm welcome extended by the government of the host country, Kazakhstan, and by the people of Astana.  - 財務省


We have fulfilled our commitment to ensure that the MDBs have appropriate resources through capital increases for the major MDBs, including the Asian Development Bank (AsDB), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Bank Group, notably the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).  - 財務省


The regional development banks, such as the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the African Development Bank should also play an important role in raising awareness about the importance of combating money laundering as part of financial sector development efforts to strengthen supervision and promote good governance.  - 財務省

以上を踏まえ、ここではASEAN 主要国(シンガポール、インドネシア、マレーシア、ベトナム、フィリピン)、アジア・大洋の主要国・地域(日本、韓国、中国、香港、台湾、インド、豪)及びその他主要地域(NAFTA、EU27、メルコスール)について、タイとの機械産業の中間財貿易の額と当該国の輸出入に占める割合*81 を業種ごとに確認した(第2-3-4-10 図~第2-3-4-14 図参照)。例文帳に追加

Based on the above, the trade amount of intermediate goods with Thailand and Thailand's share of exports and imports in each country and region*81 are examined by business type for major ASEAN member states (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines), major countries and regions in the Asia and the Pacific region (Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, and Australia), and other major regions (NAFTA, EU27, and Mercosur) (Figure 2-3-4-10?Figure2-3-4-14). - 経済産業省

老いも若きも、金持ちも貧乏人も、そろって答えました。民主党員も共和党員も、黒人も白人も、ヒスパニックもアジア人もアメリカ先住民も、ゲイもストレートも、障害者も障害のない人たちも。アメリカ人はみんなして、答えを出しました。アメリカは今夜、世界中にメッセージを発したのです。私たちはただ単に個人がバラバラに集まっている国だったこともなければ、単なる赤いと青いの寄せ集めだったこともないと。私たちは今も、そしてこれから先もずっと、すべてのが一致団結したアメリカ合衆国(United States of America)なのです。例文帳に追加

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and always will be, the United States of America. - Tatoeba例文


In parallel with the World Economic Forum on East Asia, which you mentioned, a meeting of the G-8 Finance Ministers was held in Osaka and an ASEM meeting (meeting of the Finance Ministers of Asia and Europe) was held in South Korea. At these meetings, I understand that a consensus was formed regarding matters such as inflation, the surging prices of primary products, and exchange rate issues such as the weakness of the dollar. What are your views on these matters? Also, as a result of your exchange of views with officials from various countries in Kuala Lumpur, do you think that there is a widespread consensus regarding these matters?  - 金融庁


While the major downside risk has been the European financial crisis, supply chains were temporarily disrupted especially in Asia in the case of the Japanese auto industry because of the Great East Japan Earthquake. In the Asian market, industries have generally been recovering at a very moderate pace while the auto industry has been recovering rapidly even though it is said that business declined slightly in China. The Japanese economy as a whole is recovering moderately, as the BOJ announced.  - 金融庁


This reflects the fact that East Asian countries and regions have increased export and import of parts, etc. as "the factory of the world" playing an important role in the international division of labor, while increasing export of finished products to advanced countries including Japan, the U.S. and European countries which are end user countries. In addition, they have become more attractive as user countries of finished products as a result of the improvement of their income standards, and have increased import from countries in and outside the region. - 経済産業省

2005 年から共同専門家研究を開始したASEAN10ヶ国に日中韓3ヶ国を加えた「ASEAN+ 3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA)構想と、2006 年に我が国が提案し、2007 年から民間研究を開始した「ASEAN+ 6」(日、中、韓、インド、豪、ニュージーランド)による東アジア包括的経済連携(CEPEA)構想の2 つの構想については、2009 年に経済閣僚及び首脳に研究の最終報告書が提出され、報告内容について政府間の議論を開始することが合意された。例文帳に追加

The East Asia Free Trading Zone (EAFTA) plan that was created by "ASEAN+3" that consists of ASEAN 10 countries and CJK, was started with the joint experts research team in 2005. The East Asia Comprehensive Economic Association (CEPEA) plan that was created by "ASEAN+6" consists of Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand and was started with public researchers in 2007. It was suggested by Japan in 2006 and it was agreed to start discussion over the final report that was submitted to Government Executives and Economic Ministers in 2009. - 経済産業省

2005 年から共同専門家研究を開始したASEAN10か国に日中韓 3 か国を加えた「ASEAN+3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA:East Asia Free Trade Area)構想と、2006年に我が国が提案し、2007 年から民間研究を開始した「ASEAN+6」(日、中、韓、インド、豪、NZ)による東アジア包括的経済連携(CEPEA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia)構想の 2 つの構想については、2009 年に経済閣僚及び首脳に研究の最終報告書が提出され、報告内容について政府間の議論を開始することが合意された。例文帳に追加

A joint expert study was initiated from 2005 for the framework of the East Asia Free Trade Area (EAFTA), which is participated in by 10 ASEAN countries and China, Japan and South Korea (ASEAN+3), and civilian study was initiated from 2007 for the framework of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA), which was proposed by Japan in 2006 and is participated in by ASEAN+6 (Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea); the final reports for these studies were submitted to economic ministers and state leaders in 2009, and it was agreed to initiate consultations between the governments about the reported content. - 経済産業省


K-RIP supports the development of Asian markets through the dispatch/acceptance of missions and advice from experts in Asian business, etc., using its unique networks, mainly in countries with promising environmental markets, like China and South Korea. (Concrete outcomes: the establishment of China-Japan energy conservation/environmental cooperation consultation offices in the Dalian Environmental Protection Industry Association and K-RIP, and the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the ECO secretariat of the South Korean Industrial Complex Corporation(KICOX).At the same time, the European Commission that supports over 600 local cluster activities in the region proposed cooperation with Japan's cluster. - 経済産業省

今後、我が国は、これまで締結したEPAを着実に活用していくことはもとより、①現在交渉中のインド、韓国、豪、GCC、そして2009 年5 月に交渉を開始したペルーとのEPAの早期締結に向けて取り組むとともに、②東アジア及びアジア太平洋地域における広域の経済連携への積極的な参加及び貢献を行っていく、③我が国にとって経済的存在感の大きいEUなどの大市場圏との間で、我が国の国益を踏まえ、経済関係の更なる発展を促す方策について真剣に検討を進める。例文帳に追加

For example, as efforts to reduce trade/investment barriers among developed countries, the annual meeting of the Japan-EU Business Dialogue Round Table held in June2007 proposed to set up a task force to examine the feasibility of a Japan-EU Economic Integration Agreement (EIA), with the support of the industrial sector. - 経済産業省


The World Bank (2008) has pointed out that the ratio to GDP of inward direct investment of flow to East Asia and the Pacific region was 2.8%in 1990s, and that it fell to 2.3% in the early 2000s, following the Asian monetary crisis; meanwhile, the ratios to fixed capital formation were 12.2% and 8.4%, respectively. At the same time, it has-been pointed out that foreign direct investment (including M&A) in developed-country companies, by companies in emerging and developing countries, has expanded in recent years, reaching US$100billion (i.e., 9% of the world's M&A) in 2006, and that this investment has become an important route for the introduction of technology. - 経済産業省


Around the fourteenth century, Wako (specifically, the early Wako), a multiethnic group of pirates that included Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans, began increasing their activities in the seas from northern Kyushu in Japan to those around the Korean peninsula and along the coast of China; in addition to the formal tributary trade missions, it was now also permissible for trade to be conducted between Japan and Korea by private merchants, adding a more international flavor to the maritime world of East Asia during this period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on the research on skeleton, there is a theory in anthropology that a group of toraijin (settlers) from northern east of Asia settled down in the northern Kyushu (northern Fukuoka Prefecture, northern Saga Prefecture, western Yamaguchi Prefecture) after the middle of Yayoi period, and conquered or mixed with Jomon-jin people who lived in the Japanese islands, extending their influences across the west Japan little by little, and finally spread to the Kinki region by the Kofun period (tumulus period) (hypothesis by Kazuro HANIWARA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding the Greek crisis, it seems that Japanese financial institutions, mainly megabanks, are receiving many offers from European financial institutions to sell operations in Asia in order to reduce assets, and such deals would represent a rescue in some respects. How do you view this trend and the possibility of megabanks making investments or acquiring assets in the future?  - 金融庁


The economic structure of the Central and Eastern European and Central Asia are highly vulnerable to external shocks, in that their exports depend on a few primary commodities and low value-added products and their trade partners are limited to major European countries: due to such vulnerabilities, the impacts of the crisis could be aggravated, and their economic recovery process could significantly hinge on the condition of commodity markets or export counterparts.  - 財務省


Ministers had a comprehensive and fruitful discussion on a range of issues of common interest based on the themeStrengthening Dynamic Partnership, Sharing Dynamic Growth”, underlining the need for Asia and Europe to promote a closer engagement toward stronger and more dynamic partnership in addressing the current global crisis as well as paving the road in creating a stronger, more sustainable and balanced global growth.  - 財務省


Although regional financial arrangements in Asia and Europe have many different features, Ministers were of the common view that having such permanent arrangements in place is useful to efficiently deal with future emergence of regional financial stability crises, and recognized the importance of making it inclusive to relevant economies in the two respective regions.  - 財務省


The current global recovery, initially driven by the United States and Asian countries, notably China, has now broadened its horizon to almost worldwide to include Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and now Europe. It is hoped that the momentum of this recovery will continue.While welcoming these developments, risks for the outlook remain.  - 財務省


Continued strong growth in the United States, important policy actions to promote recovery in Japan, the successful launch of Economic and Monetary Union in Europe, a general non-inflationary environment and progress with respect to financial and economic stabilization in East Asia as well as in Latin America are encouraging developments.  - 財務省


Since our last statement of October 30 there have been some encouraging developments such as the economic and financial stabilisation in Asia, calmer financial markets in industrialised countries, interest rate cutsin the U.S. and Europe and most recently in Japan, progress made to implement policies to strengthen the financial system and stimulate the economy in Japan,and the successful introduction of the euro.  - 財務省


Power systems in a number of countries and regions having the features and differences of the respective energy and power systems in countries of the Pacific Rim (North America, Russia, China, South East Asia, Australia, South America) and Antarctica are connected through DC linkage equipment or AC transmission equipment to ensure good balance between power supply and demand for overall or partial operation of the total system. - 特許庁


Examples of the former include moves to strengthen economic ties among the EU and the EFTA nations, and inside East European nations and Mediterranean nations, steps to strengthen ties between NAFTA and Latin American nations and to establish the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and examination of the possibility of establishing a free trade area in East Asia. - 経済産業省

海外営業収益をみると、米国が約115億円、欧は約40 億円、アジアは約83 億円となっているが、2010 年から本格的に海外事業展開を開始した宅配事業は先行投資が多く、黒字化に時間がかかる側面があり、海外事業における営業利益はほとんどない状態63 となっている(第3-3-2-2 表)。例文帳に追加

As for the operating revenues of overseas businesses—¥11.5 billion from the United States, 4 billion yen from Europe, and 8.3 billion yen from Asiahowever, there was little operating income from overseas business63, as it often happened to home delivery service companies that started full-scale operation of overseas business after 2010, because they spent huge up-front investment and took time to become profitable (Table 3-3-2-2). - 経済産業省


Japan’s manufacturing SMEs are considered to play a major role in the production and trade of intermediate goods. Looking at trends in exports by SMEs, therefore, we find that while the proportion of exports of typical SMEs goods5) to North America and Europe is falling by the year, the proportion of exports to Asia is steadily rising (Fig. 2-1- 9).  - 経済産業省


A survey of finance directors of large Japanese companies178 conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry found that 11.9% of the companies operating overseas spread their financial functions outside the country in addition to having them at their head office in Japan. The destinations of such functions included China (30.9% in Shanghai and 20.0% in Hong Kong) and Singapore (32.7%) in Asia and Germany (21.8%), the United Kingdom (14.5%), and the Netherlands (12.7%) in Europe as the countries with a large share. - 経済産業省

特に、近年の東アジアでの生産ネットワークの拡大及びASEAN と周辺各国との経済連携の進展に対応し、ASEAN に日本、中国、韓国、インド、豪、ニュージーランドを加えた「ASEAN+6」の枠組でのEPA(CEPEA)について研究を行うことを我が国から提案しており、首脳レベルでも合意が得られた(前述)。例文帳に追加

Particularly, to respond to the recent expansion of the production network in East Asia and the progress of economic partnerships between the ASEAN and surrounding countries, Japan has proposed to conduct research on EPAs within the framework of the ASEAN+6, which adds Japan, China, the Republic of Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand to ASEAN, and this proposal has been approved at the summit level (as mentioned earlier). - 経済産業省

さらに、2005 年にアジア・大洋地域において、生産拠点の自立化を早急に進める必要があることから、同地域の生産の中核的な機能を果たしていたタイに人材育成拠点を設立し、2006 年からは、タイ国内の従業者のみならず、域内の生産拠点の従業者も対象とした人材育成を実施している。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, since it was urgently necessary to make its independent production bases in Asia and Oceania, the company established in 2005 a human resources development base in Thailand, which had been playing the key role in production in this region. Since 2006, the company has implemented human resources development aimed not only at employees in Thailand but also employees of its production bases in the region. - 経済産業省

スウェーデンの大手家具小売業として知られるB 社グループは、1963 年のノルウェー進出を皮切りに欧各地を始め米国やアジア諸国などに海外展開を進め、2007 年 3月時点で世界 35か国・地域に合計 253店舗を展開し、売上高 173 億ユーロ(2006年)に達するグローバル流通企業である。例文帳に追加

Corporate Group B – a well known major Swedish furniture retailerbegan with entry into Norway in 1963, then moved forward with foreign expansion into each European region, the U.S., Asian countries, etc. As of March 2007, it had expanded into a global distribution company with a total 253 stores in 35 countries and regions, reaching sales of 17.3 billion euro (2006). - 経済産業省

その後、当初進出した米国だけではなく、欧、中南米、アジア地域など多くの国・地域から同社に進出要請が来るようになり、同社は、主にその要請に応える形で海外進出を行ってきた結果、現在 44か国・地域へ進出しており、グローバルな展開を実現していると言える。例文帳に追加

Thereafter, in addition to the U.S. where it first entered, it is said that requests for the company came from many countries and regions in Europe, Central and South America, Asia, etc. It has achieved global expansion with locations in 44 countries and regions, mainly as a result of the company entering overseas markets in response to such requests. - 経済産業省


When viewing the return on investment of Japan's direct investment abroad by region, the rate for Europe and the U.S. remained within the range of 0 to 10%. The rate for China and ASEAN nations largely declined due to the Asian Financial Crisis of the late 1990s but thereafter restored gradually to a level exceeding that for Europe and the U.S. - 経済産業省


Many significant international conferences were held at this hall, including: The 3rd Conference of the Parties (COP) (Kyoto Conference) of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which adopted the Kyoto Protocol, The United Nations Conference on Disarmament, The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), The Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and its Scientific Committee, The Conferences of the Parties of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Washington Convention), The World Heritage Committee Session, and The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To address the problem of digital divide, Japan announced just prior to the Kyushu-Okinawa G7 Summit a comprehensive co-operation package based on official financial assistance. In addition, Japan urges the Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other multilateral development banks to help bridge digital divide by making use of their expertise and their experiences in global and regional programs. Japan is willing to support these efforts.  - 財務省


After the establishment of the WTO in 1995, dispute settlement procedures were strengthened by introducing; (1) negative consensus method (a losing party cannot block adoption of a report); and (2) two-tiered system (introduction of an Appellate Body in addition to a panel). - 経済産業省

具体的な事例としては、掃除サービスで創業した会社が、衛生関連、環境関連へと業容を拡げながら北米全体へと事業を拡大させ、更なる発展を目指して2011 年に複数の対外M&A を行ったケースや、医療廃棄物処理会社が、医療機器リコール製品回収サービス等の分野へ事業拡大し、その後、欧、中南米、アジアへと事業展開を果たし、この一環として2011 年に複数の対外M&A を行ったケース等がみられた106。例文帳に追加

Specific cases are as follows: a company founded to run a cleaning service business expanded its business to sanitation-related and environment-related businesses throughout North America, and, aiming at further development, implemented several external M&As in 2011; a medical waste disposal company expanded business to a sector, such as recalled medical equipment collection service, and then, developed to Europe, Central and South America, and Asia, and as part of development, implemented several external M&As106. - 経済産業省

2005 年から共同専門家研究を開始したASEAN10か国に日中韓3 か国を加えた「ASEAN + 3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA)構想と、2006 年に我が国が提案し、2007 年から民間研究を開始した「ASEAN + 6」(日、中、韓、インド、豪、NZ)によるCEPEA 構想の2 つの構想については、2009 年に経済閣僚及び首脳に研究の最終報告書が提出され、報告内容について政府間の議論を開始することが合意された。例文帳に追加

The East Asia Free Trade Area (EAFTA) initiative ofASEAN+3”, which consists of ASEAN 10 countries and the three countries of Japan, China and South Korea, has been under study by the joint expert group since 2005, while the Comprehensive Economic Partnership for East Asia (CEPEA) initiative ofASEAN+6” (Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand), proposed by Japan in 2006, has been studied by experts from the private sector since 2007. The final reports on these two proposals were submitted to economic ministers and top leaders in 2009, and it was agreed that they would launch intergovernmental discussions on the contents of the reports. - 経済産業省

例えば、中国においては、先に述べたとおり北京首都国際空港、上海浦東国際空港、広白雲国際空港と、華北、華中、華南の3大ハブ空港の整備が進められており、タイにおいても、スワンナプーム国際空港が2006 年9月に開港している。この他、韓国の仁川、マレーシアのクアラルンプール空港においても滑走路の新規増設が予定されており、旺盛な輸送需要に対応すべく、東アジア各国において空港整備が進展している(第2-2-57 表、第2-2-58 表)。例文帳に追加

For example, in China work is underway on the aforementioned Beijing Capital International Airport, the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, and the Guangzhou International Airport, the three hub airports for the northern, central, and southern regions of China. In Thailand, the Suvarnabhumi International Airport opened in September 2006, and South Korea’s Incheon Airport and Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Airport plan to add new runways. Thus, many countries in East Asia are promoting airport development in order to meet booming transportation demand (Table 2-2-57 and 2-2-58). - 経済産業省



The percentages of the total amount of credit provided by banks in major countries180 to emerging and developing countries in Asia and Oceania, Russia and Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and Caribbean countries, etc. were 16.5% for the United Kingdom (634.5 billion US dollars), 29.0% for the United States (496 billion US dollars), 9.7% for Germany (430.9 billion US dollars), 10.7% for France (395.3 billion US dollars) and 26.7% for Spain (331.6 billion US dollars) at the end of 2007. Japanese banks, on the other hand, supply only 193.7 billion US dollars, or 8.4%181 of the total amount of credit. - 経済産業省


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