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該当件数 : 241



Although G7 is a matter under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, I understand that a meeting of the G7 Finance Ministers and central bank governors is scheduled to be held in Rome, Italy, this weekend, on February 13 and 14.  - 金融庁


Next, he gave instructions concerning support for efforts to ensure appropriate accounting of financial instruments, an issue being debated by the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. I understand that a public comment regarding this will be issued soon.  - 金融庁


In any case, I understand that the Accounting Standards Board of Japan, an independent, private-sector organization, will conduct an appropriate study regarding Japan's accounting standards.  - 金融庁


I understand that SFCG, a lender ofshokoloans, filed an application with the Tokyo District Court for court-led rehabilitation procedures today, February 23, and the application was accepted.  - 金融庁



ATMs of some financial institutions malfunctioned immediately after the earthquake but have now returned to normal operation, as I understand it.  - 金融庁



Of the 110 regional banks, 96 posted profit declines, with 35 slipping into the red. As for the overall picture of their financial results, we are now adding up the figures they announced.  - 金融庁


Regarding the restriction on CDS trading not backed by physical sovereign bonds that you mentioned, I understand that it is a kind of restriction on short selling of government bonds. I am aware that in Europe, the proposed restriction on short selling has been approved and is scheduled to take effect on November 1, as you mentioned.  - 金融庁


As you know, Prime Minister Aso is now in New York, so Chief Cabinet Secretary Kawamura, who is acting prime minister, took charge of the proceedings of the meeting.  - 金融庁


I am aware that Nomura Securities is conducting strict internal investigation with the participation of outside lawyers.I would like to refrain from commenting on specific cases.  - 金融庁



I know that the policy manifestos of political parties contain various measures related to the facilitation of financing, including the measure that you mentioned. However, I would like to refrain from making comments, as this matter concerns the arguments being made by political parties in relation to the general election.  - 金融庁



I understand that the case of Takefuji has been approved by the Tokyo District Court for the commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings. I recognize that the company remains under the intervention of the court and is to proceed in accordance with the corporate reorganization proceedings. The FSA is intent on addressing appropriately any consultation requests, etc. from the company's customers and other parties concerned, working in partnership or in cooperation, from a viewpoint of user protection, with organizations like Local Finance Bureaus nationwide and prefectural consumer centers.  - 金融庁


I would like to refrain from commenting on how the FSA is dealing with a specific case. In any case, I understand that Alico Japan has announced that it is conducting investigation to identify which information has leaked out.  - 金融庁


My understanding is that the deliberation of this matter will begin today in the Financial Committee of the House of Representatives. Seeing as the Act is an agenda item continued from the last session, I am eager to ensure a thorough discussion as the head of the administrative agency submitting the bill.  - 金融庁

今お話がございましたように、この米国法人であるMFGlobal Holdingsは経営破綻を受けまして、実は日本にMFグローバルFXA証券(会社)という子会社がございますので、昨日の深夜、営業休止により、今後新規の取引を行わないことを明らかにしたと承知いたしております。例文帳に追加

MF Global Holdings has a Japanese subsidiary called MF Global FXA Securities, and I understand that following the failure, the company revealed last night that it will suspend business operations and conduct no new transactions.  - 金融庁


I understand that as of today, on October 12, the Osaka Securities Exchange's Hercules market, JASDAQ and NEO merged to open a new JASDAQ market. President Yoneda of the Osaka Securities Exchange visited us last week to report on this in advance.  - 金融庁


The use of the BanksShareholdings Purchase Corporation was deliberated by the ruling parties as part of the recent economic package, and the use and enhancement of this corporation was included in this package. I understand that today, representatives of the ruling parties submitted this bill to the House of Representatives.  - 金融庁


I am aware that the tense situation in the Middle East has been cited as a cause of global stock price falls, as was mentioned now. According to newspaper and television reports, in particular, the situation in Libya, an oil-producing country, has grown very tense. Therefore, the government held a meeting of relevant ministers to discuss the situation in the Middle East on Tuesday, February 22. The FSA will closely monitor how the situation will affect the financial market.  - 金融庁


As for my view on the bond market condition, I understand that in Greece, coalition negotiations under the mediation of the president ended in failure on Tuesday, May 15, and it has been decided that a reelection will be held on June 17.  - 金融庁


As for issues related to the cash-on-delivery and payment-collection agency services, I understand that a report written by the Financial System Council described them as issues that should be addressed in the future. Therefore, while keeping these issues in mind, we will explore pragmatic and best solutions according to the circumstances of the time  - 金融庁


I understand that the term of office of members of the Financial System Council will expire next January. We are currently examining how and where the discussions should be held. In any case, we have not yet determined what kind of venue of study will be established at this point in time.  - 金融庁


I am aware of the U.S.sanctions against Iran, which is an ongoing issue. I am concerned over the risk that foreign financial institutions doing business with the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, including Japanese banks, could be subjected to sanctions.  - 金融庁


I understand that the Irish government announced that it had requested financial assistance from the EU and the IMF, which then responded with an announcement that they would provide financial assistance that Ireland needs to carry out its fiscal reform plan and stabilize its banking system. While an array of reports are appearing in newspapers, I also know that the G7 finance ministers have issued a statement in support of those actions, saying that they "welcome Ireland's announcement on its aid request," and the Financial Services Agency (FSA) also welcomes the series of those announcements.  - 金融庁


I am aware of the announcement that the number of claims received by the end of February totaled 776,000, as you mentioned just now. However, the FSA will refrain from making comments on the procedures implemented in accordance with the Corporate Reorganization Act.  - 金融庁


As for the double loan problem, as was mentioned now, consultations were held on the revisions of the bill on the reconstruction support organization for companies damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and on October 20, an agreement was reached on the revisions among the working-level officials of the three parties.  - 金融庁


I have read a news article estimating the amount of outstanding loans provided by the three megabanks at 1.9 trillion yen, which is equivalent to 1% of their total loan amount.  - 金融庁


I am aware that Mr. Shimokobe, who is chairman of the Nuclear Damage Liability Facility Fund's management committee, has accepted the request to serve as Tokyo Electric Power's chairman, but the FSA would like to refrain from commenting on personnel affairs.  - 金融庁


As for the treatment of fair value accounting, I understand that the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ), which happened to hold a meeting today, decided to announce a proposed guideline for internationally consistent interpretation in order to clarify the measurements of fair value, or market value.  - 金融庁


On the other hand, as for the contrasting financial results of securities companies just suggested by the interviewer, I am aware that many domestic securities companies and groups reported a year-on-year decrease in earnings or a loss for the quarter from April to June 2010.  - 金融庁


In response to the administrative action taken on May 31, the Mizuho Group submitted business improvement plans to the Financial Services Agency (FSA) on Wednesday, June 29. I understand that the group announced the outline of the plans.  - 金融庁


I am aware that Mr. Kimura had served in the post of the Advisor to the FSA for a period of time before he became engaged in the management of the Incubator Bank of Japan, and for this reason I find the recent turn of events to be extremely regrettable, where such a person was arrested for evading an inspection.  - 金融庁


In any case, regarding the responsibility of the former managers, I understand that the financial receiver will strictly pursue civil and criminal responsibility, including with regard to specific transactions, as I stated in the Diet over and over again. The FSA will carefully watch future developments.  - 金融庁


I am aware of the Ministry of Justice's announcement on June 7 that the notification of death for people who went missing after the Great East Japan Earthquake and whose bodies have not been found may be accepted by municipal governments based on statements made by the persons who are submitting the notification.  - 金融庁


We must hold in-depth debate on what measures should be taken in this severe economic situation, and I understand that with this in mind, the Prime Minister has instructed Minister Yosano to quickly work out a comprehensive package of economic measures.  - 金融庁


As for the proportion of stocks sold short in the overall trading volume, I understand that short selling usually does not account for a dominant portion. For precise figures, I would like you to consult the Planning and Coordination Bureau.  - 金融庁


Securities companies are successively announcing their financial results for the third quarter.  I understand that many of the major securities companies that already announced the results reported profit declines or continued losses.  - 金融庁


Regarding the TPP, as I am in charge of financial services and postal reform, I have heard of various things about the relationship between the TPP and postal reform. I am aware that the United States has indicated interest in postal affairs at the bilateral level as you know.  - 金融庁


There have been many groups under the Financial System Council and its subcommittees that initially held closed meetings. However, these groups have gradually opened their meetings to the public  - 金融庁


I understand that the bank will continue integration work with a view to completing the full-fledged system integration, dubbed "Day 2," by the end of 2008. I hope that the bank will take every possible precaution in its future integration work.  - 金融庁


I understand that Alico Japan is continuing its investigation in order to identify the information that leaked out. However, the company has not yet determined the cause of the information leak  - 金融庁


I understand that Tokyo District Court decided on the start of the reorganization procedure for Takefuji on October 31 and this case is being handled by the administrator with the involvement of the court in accordance with the reorganization procedure.  - 金融庁


Although I said "some" financial institutions, I suppose that those institutions account for a significant portion. Based on information obtained so far, I understand that major banks and Norinchukin Bank held a total of around 10 trillion yen's worth of securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as of the end of June.  - 金融庁


I am aware that in the financial and capital markets, including the foreign exchange market, there have been unstable movements, such as a drop of the euro due to concerns over the European fiscal and financial problems, after S&P lowered the credit ratings of nine euro-zone countries on Friday, as was mentioned now.  - 金融庁


At this credit cooperative, I understand that a management reshuffle was carried out last year and that management improvement efforts are under way to reform the mindset of employees through the implementation of restructuring, and to improve the business condition through the disposal of non-performing loans.  - 金融庁


However, generally speaking, when a violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act is suspected, I understand that the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission conducts strict investigations, and I expect that the commission will take necessary actions in this case as well.  - 金融庁


Regarding media reports saying that Japan and other countries have been asked to buy U.S. government bonds that will be issued in order to implement the provisions of this act, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) is not aware that such a request has been made.  - 金融庁


Although I will not ask you to comment on the stock price level, I understand that the FSA has been conducting stress testing to examine the impact (of stock price drops) on banks' financial conditions. With the Nikkei Average slumping at the current price level, a drop below 10,000 has become conceivable.  - 金融庁


All the same, I understand that in cases where there are suspicions of violations of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (FIEA), the Securities and Exchanges Surveillance Commission will take necessary actions, including rigorous investigations. I believe that this principle is being applied to the case of Olympus Corporation as well and actions are being taken as necessary.  - 金融庁


Let me point out that if a violation of the FIEA is suspected, I understand that the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) conducts strict investigation and takes other actions, and I believe that appropriate actions will be taken in this case as well.  - 金融庁


Regarding this case, I am aware that Minister Yosano called for stricter management of information. The FSA will use various opportunities to urge financial institutions to take necessary and appropriate measures as necessary to ensure secure management of information based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.  - 金融庁



Takefuji is in the process of corporate rehabilitation. I know that with the involvement of a court, the company accepted debt claims from creditors, including people to whom reimbursement of overpayment is due, until the end of February. Although I am aware of the media report that you mentioned, the FSA should refrain from making comments as the company is still counting the number of debt claims accepted.  - 金融庁


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