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該当件数 : 51



To propose a correction technique for the diversion of liquid droplets from original arrival positions. - 特許庁


It seems that shiruko has been in existence since ancient times in Japan and it is said to be one of the dishes conceived in days before sugar became available to enjoy the natural sweetness of red beans.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(6) 議の賛否が同数となった場合は,議長がその本来の議決権に加えて,決定投票権を行使するものとする。例文帳に追加

(6) If on any question to be determined there is an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote. - 特許庁


To decide the twisted state of a rolled stock correctly without damaging the primary function of a roller guide with which the rolled stock is guided correctly. - 特許庁



It is said that Nigiri-zushi was invented by Yohe HANAYA of 'Yohe's Sushi,' or by Matsugoro SAKAIYA of 'Matsu no Sushi' (commonly called name; original name of shop was Isago Sushi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is also referred to in some tourist information as the Sagano San-in Line or the San-in Sagano Line, names derived from its original name, the San-in Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, in addition to the original function, the function of being guided by a left guiding groove 189 for the passive coupling gear 144 and the function of being guided by a right guiding groove 73 for the cylinder part 184 can be added. - 特許庁


Furthermore, in addition to the original function, the function of being guided by a left guide groove 189 for the passive coupling gear 144 and the function of being guided by a right guide groove 73 for the cylinder part 184 can be added. - 特許庁


In the announcement, the outbound Tokaido Main Line bound for Kyoto and Osaka is called the 'JR Kyoto Line' (officially, the JR Kyoto Line refers to sections to the west of Kyoto Station), while the inbound Tokaido Main Line bound for Maibara is called the 'Biwako Line.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It insists that the mediation of the Soto sect does not depend on koan and that devoting oneself to seating (Shikantaza) shows the original self (shushofuji (practice and enlightenment are not separated but combined as if they are one)), but it does not deny koan itself, and some schools actually use koan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To propose a station service device and an entrance record transfer method for performing entrance/exit processing by using an IC card which a user primarily desires to use, even when the user has used an IC card different from the IC card which the user primarily desires to use in the entrance station in order to improve convenience to the user. - 特許庁


To provide a navigation apparatus that, when a user deviates mistakenly from a guide path at a guide point, displays a route which should have been taken at the guide point and thereby enables the user to easily recognize the correct route. - 特許庁


It was edited in 1426 by then Naidaijin (minister) Mitsusue TOIN verifying and taking into consideration "Teio Keizu" (the Genealogy of the Imperial Family) on Emperor Gokomatsu's instruction, but it is said that it was originally paired with "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (Lineage Sects of Noble and Humble) edited by Kinsada TOIN (Mitsusue's grandfather).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This figure, by Iwao OYAMA, might be guessed to be a statue inspired by only the shirt of Giuseppe Garibaldi, and he suggested that took away Saigo's serious side, showed his true nature without decoration as he went to hunt rabbit in the mountains.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To conduct national religious services, its original primary role, construction of Hasshinden (eight shrines) was proposed within Jingikan (until then, himorogi - a temporarily erected sacred space or "altar" used as a locus of worship, was built each time a religious ritual was conducted).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since a movable member stored in a guide groove moves to an outside of each guide groove by receiving centrifugal force and inertia mass of the flywheel increases under a condition where an engine rotates at fixed speed, an original flywheel function inhibiting rotation fluctuation of the engine is shown. - 特許庁


To detect and communicate not only an emergency state but also abnormality, change and the like about an inherent health condition, as to the detection of health abnormality of a resident. - 特許庁


Note that the innovative tuning method developed by Kengyo YOSHIZAWA and compositions based on it aimed at going back to the beginnings of koto music, and the lyrics to the music were often used from the waka of Kokin Wakashu (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry), and so this music is sometimes seen as being reactionary.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A navigation device 1 determines the timing for a vehicle to enter a parking garage, makes guide instruction information including a present position of the vehicle and a position of an original destination in response to this timing, and outputs the information to a portable terminal 2. - 特許庁


In this electronic document printing system, an electronic document preparation device 10 generates the electronic document 110 including a content layer 114 showing an original image to be printed and a default layer 112 showing guide information of a coping method in the erroneous transmission. - 特許庁


The geographical information is information (route, timetable, train transfer guidance, etc.), wherein the starting place originally irrelevant to the contents of the ticket and the destination relating to the contents of the ticket are related to each other. - 特許庁


To provide a structure of a metal dummy pattern capable of suppressing the nonuniformity of a transistor characteristic to a maximum extent even though mask displacement is generated, while maintaining a flattening effect of the metal CMP. - 特許庁


The andon hakama was invented in the late Edo period when the townspeople also put on hakama and it was initially regarded as informal, but it is currently used as formal wear like umanori hakama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that manju stuffed with azuki bean filling was created because original manju was stuffed with meat (eating meat was prohibited in Japan while it was not originally prohibited by Buddhism).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To reliably guide a gateway leading to a platform to be reached originally when using a station having separated platforms for up and down lines and having no connection passage to a platform on the opposite side. - 特許庁


It is very regrettable that the underwriting division of a securities company acting as the lead-manager has allegedly leaked to the sales division information that should have been strictly managed.  - 金融庁


To provide a bulletproof structure and a bulletproof method for a vessel with high bulletproof effect capable of performing bulletproof without giving burden to a crew by utilizing a structure facility inherently provided on the vessel without using a specific armor structure. - 特許庁


To provide a repair method that can give a new design property to a porcelain tile surface where deterioration and contamination develops, while enhancing the original texture of the existing tile surface. - 特許庁


Originally, it was arranged so that the kuzen-an was handed to the working-level officials and then the same order was issued by the Daijokan to the working-level officials -- Later, the step of issuing the order at the Daijokan was omitted, and the kuzen-an was considered to be the formal rescript.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the probability that the guide route will be followed is predicted to be low, the generation control of a generator 16 is executed with some margins to original upper and lower guard values to avoid undercharging of a battery 12 and inordinate degradation of fuel economy. - 特許庁


It was a tradition from the preceding era that lords or a Shugo and a Jito (military governor and estate steward) who were delegated from the lords, exercised the right to judge criminal cases even against cases within communities, but with the increased autonomy, communities rejected and excluded the lord's intervention into trials and started to conduct Jikendan themselves.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a preparation method of solid fish/meat food for a person with difficulty in mastication, which is of such hardness that the person with difficulty in mastication can easily eat, rarely gets loose and can offer a pleasure of visually enjoying meal as it keeps an original appearance of a material unlike conventional pasted or minced food. - 特許庁


To provide a small plasma spraying device that can stabilize wire feeding when feeding wire to the vicinity of a nozzle opening of a secondary gas nozzle, regardless of a twisting tendency which the wire inherently possesses, without a secondary bending guide member for conducting a secondary bending exceeding the elastic limit of the wire. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing fully-ripened fruit preserved in syrup which prevents softening of tissue, disappearance of flavor components and browning so as to readily and also inexpensively make the syrup-preserved fruit whose palate feeling and/or flavor inherent in the fruit are/is highly maintained and which has preservability. - 特許庁


Among a plurality of rotating bodies, while a first rotating body 201 controlled on the main board side performs the original operation of controlling the ball entry to the specified area, a second rotating body 202 controlled on the sub board side performs a directive operation including the display of guidance to the specified area. - 特許庁


Originally, Shosho (imperial edict, decree) and Chokushi (imperial order) existed as orders issued by the emperor as specified in the Ritsuryo codes, but, by reason that the issuing of such orders was limited to those cases of important issues, and the format was regulated strictly, the issuance was allowed only at special occasions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a method of producing a dried bonito flake-like cheese food capable of being eaten alone, and capable of being used as a foodstuff for a cooked dish, as a material to be placed on the cooked dish, or as a seasoned material for sprinkling without melting cheese or without impairing the original taste, flavor or smell of cheese. - 特許庁


To propose a wooden clog which can be used for walking and has a new function meeting health orientation because a shape unique to a user is generated on the surface layer of the clog without damaging the original shape and elegance of the wooden clog and the sensation of wearing is improved every time it is repeatedly put on. - 特許庁


To provide a production method for a new low cost, normal temperature-preservable cheese dainty food composed mainly of cheese, having a very approximate shape and palate feeling with a split squid dainty, and greatly offering inherent taste of the cheese using the cow milk as the main material. - 特許庁


To provide a mobile phone with a small number of components, a simple structure, configured at a low cost, having a function substantial to an antenna, wherein a mobile phone main body maintains a self-standing state without the need for a particular means. - 特許庁


With the announcement of a draft titled 'A certification system for Japanese restaurants overseas' in the autumn of 2006, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan, aiming to improve these situations, tried to issue a recommendation mark to the restaurants which were certified (later, the ministry changed its stance from certified to recommended) by the ministry for serving original Japanese foods.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The place name originally shows Nishikyo Ward (on the right bank of the Katsura-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River system), and the area on the left bank is Sagano, Ukyo Ward, but, because the are around Togetsu-kyo Bridge including the Saga area is collectively introduced as Arashiyama in the tourist information, etc., this article provides explanations of whole area around Togetsu-kyo Bridge as Arashiyama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The counter proposal may be described as almost the same as the government bill in that it seeks to establish a civil servant system ideally suited to support a parliamentary cabinet system and to encourage talented people to become civil servants and enable them to work with a sense of pride.  - 金融庁


Electronic program guide(EPG data), entitlement management massage(EMM data), down load data(DL data) and the like, which are originally extra information to be transmitted in each of multiple transmission channels, are transmitted integrated into a specific channel(specific CH). - 特許庁


To propose a technology allowing even a medical worker primarily not having an access right to access medical information of a patient necessary for emergency coping without performing special operation when the patient is in a situation of needing emergency, when the patient is in a situation of needing the emergency. - 特許庁


To ensure vegetables to be steadily washed by allowing the vegetables to pass along the prescribed line by preventing the side on which the vegetables are placed on and conveyed from being inclined to the opposite side to the conveying direction, when the vegetables are washed by the vegetable-washing machine. - 特許庁


Concerning 'bibimbap,' a Korean dish in which various side dishes are put on top of boiled rice placed originally in a non-heated bowl and both side dishes and rice are eaten from the mixture, a Korean cook residing in Japan and a Japanese cook have recently devised jointly 'stone-roasted bibimbap,' in which a bowl, cut out of rock, is heated and boiled rice and side dishes are placed in it (in many of such dishes, side dishes not used in traditional Korean dishes are provided).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a multistage box actuator for combining a sufficient stroke and a high rigidity without use of an enlargement mechanism with a large drive loss even if piezoelectric elements are used, arbitrarily setting the minimum drive quantity smaller than the intrinsic minimum drive quantity of the piezoelectric element, easily disposed in a lens barrel since it is elongated in one direction, and saving a space of a lens driving mechanism. - 特許庁


When the own vehicle reaches within the area during an introduction guide, a map image is displayed with a display mode for the area different from other area, and the occupant in the own vehicle searches for the destination efficiently, by referring to the map information, while grasping exactly the range for searching for the original destination. - 特許庁



Regarding the postal service reform, you have said that you will consider lowering deposit insurance premiums - is this matter going to be considered at more or less the same time as the bill (for postal service reform) is finalized for submission (to the diet)? This relates to my next question; some in the financial world, assuming that the ceiling (on postal savings with Japan Post Bank) goes up to 20 million yen, have fundamental doubts about the appropriateness of its (Japan Post Bank’s) coverage under the deposit insurance system.  - 金融庁


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