
「Treaty」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(38ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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However, Hotta could not get permission primarily because the Emperor Komei strongly objected to the ideas of allowing foreigners to come into Japan and concluding a commercial treaty, though he did give permission for supplying fuel and water in mercy, and also because many aristocrats including Tomomi IWAKURA criticized Kujo for his attitude towards the shogunate (see the incident that 88 high-ranking aristocrats went on a sit-in protest). 例文帳に追加

しかし、孝明天皇は撫恤のための薪水給与は認めていたが、通商条約や異国人の入国には強く反対しており、また岩倉具視ら多くの公家が関白の幕府寄りの姿勢を批判したため(廷臣八十八卿列参事件参照)、堀田の工作にもかかわらず勅許は得られなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At 15:47 on September 5, 1905, at the Portsmouth navy dock yard in the state of Maine near Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S., the treaty was signed between Jutaro KOMURA, the Japanese plenipotentiary, and Sergei Witte, his Russian counterpart, mediated by the President of the United States of America, Theodore Roosevelt. 例文帳に追加

1905年(明治38年)9月5日15時47分に、アメリカ合衆国大統領セオドア・ルーズベルトの斡旋によって、アメリカ合衆国ニューハンプシャー州ポーツマス(ニューハンプシャー州)近郊のメイン州にあるポーツマス海軍造船所において、日本全権小村寿太郎とロシア全権セルゲイ・ヴィッテの間で調印された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Toshimichi OKUBO gained the initiative, rooting out pro-Seikanron members during Meiji roku-nen no Seihen (Coups of 1873), Emperor Meiji's pronouncement of that time was that Japan postponed (not abandoned) dispatching troops to Korea due to a border dispute with Russia, which left a strong possibility for reigniting demand from pro-Seikanron once the border with Russia was determined (The Treaty of Saint Petersburg was signed on May 7, 1875.) 例文帳に追加

明治六年政変で征韓論派を一掃して主導権を握った大久保利通ではあったが、この時の明治天皇の勅裁はロシアとの国境を巡る紛争を理由とした「延期」(「中止」ではない)とされたため、ロシアとの国境が確定(1875年5月7日に樺太・千島交換条約締結)した際には征韓論派の要求が再燃する可能性が高かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Naosuke II was a man who had arbitrarily signed the Five Nations Treaty of Ansei without imperial sanction from the Emperor Komei, and settled a problem of heir of Shogun caused between the Hitotsubashi group (group supporting Yoshinobu from the Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa family) and the Nanki group (group supporting Yoshitomi from the Kisyu-Tokugawa family), and who had also suppressed the opposition to the Ansei no Taigoku (the suppression of extremists by the Shogunate); his opposition was a group of radical roshi (masterless samurai) from the Mito clan, including Taichiro TAKAHASHI and Magojiro KANEKO, who were strongly opposed to the confinement and punishment of Nariaki TOKUGAWA, the father of the lord of domain and thus left the clan. 例文帳に追加

孝明天皇から勅許が得られないまま独断で安政五カ国条約に調印し、一橋派・南紀派の将軍継嗣問題を裁決したうえ、安政の大獄で反対勢力を弾圧していた井伊直弼に対し、藩主の父・徳川斉昭への謹慎処分などで特に反発の大きかった水戸藩では、高橋多一郎や金子孫二郎などの過激浪士が脱藩した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the Constitutional Progressive party still played an important role in some cases, along with the Liberal party (both parties acknowledged each other and were referred as people's parties at the time), such as taking actions to present petitions for the three major cases, and advocating a movement to unite for a common purpose, but both parties eventually couldn't get along with each other when they failed the movement to unite, and the Constitutional Progressive party supported a proposal to revise a treaty that Okuma presented as foreign minister of the first Ito government in 1888 (he became foreign minister under the Kuroda government as well). 例文帳に追加

三大事件建白運動・大同団結運動では旧自由党系と連携して民党の一翼を担うが、大同団結運動の失敗と1888年の大隈の第1次伊藤内閣の外務大臣(日本)入閣(黒田内閣でも留任)によって大隈の条約改正案を支持したことにより自由党との関係は再び微妙になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These Nishu gin silver coins started to be exchanged with one-dollar silver coins at treaty ports on June 2, but they could be used only in those ports and lacked functions of a common currency because they had to be exchanged into ichibu-gin silver coins for domestic use, for it was difficult to distribute Nishu gin silver coins, which contained comparatively much silver, all over Japan in the first place, and ichibu-gin silver coins were still generally in circulation. 例文帳に追加

開港場では6月2日より1ドル銀貨との引き換えが始まったが、この二朱銀は開港場のみでしか通用せず、もともと日本国内全般に含有銀量の多い二朱銀を流通させることが困難であり、一般に流通しているのは依然一分銀であったため、国内では一分銀に両替しないと通用しないと定められた大凡貨幣としての機能を欠くものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the policy of Europeanization represented by Rokumeikan and 'a foreigner judge' system, which was included in the amendment of the treaty promoted by Ito's sworn ally Kaoru INOUE, Minister of Foreign Affairs (Japan), antagonized inside and outside Japan, and criticism of the government was mounted rapidly due to the petition of three major affairs by democratic-rights movement, the movement to unite for a common purpose and the resignation of Tateki TANI, Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, who was thought to be a member of conservative political party (direct rule by the emperor party) ([The crisis of the 20th year of the Meiji era]). 例文帳に追加

だが、伊藤の盟友である井上馨外務大臣(日本)が進めた条約改正案にあった「外国人裁判官」制度と鹿鳴館に代表される欧化政策が内外の反感を買い、自由民権運動による三大事件建白書や大同団結運動、保守中正派(天皇親政派)と見られた谷干城農商務大臣の辞任を招くなど、政府批判が一気に高まった(「明治20年の危機」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The day after the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the election law of the members of the House of Representatives were issued (February 12, 1889), KURODA made the speech called 'speech of the doctrine of superiority' in order to show his attitude to cope with the political parties to the bottom in the luncheon held at Rokumeikan, and on the other hand, he had Shigenobu OKUMA, who was also the former president of the Constitutional Progressive Party, stay in the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs (Japan) to assign the mission to revise the treaty. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国憲法、衆議院議員選挙法が公布された翌日(1889年(明治22年)2月12日)、黒田は鹿鳴館で開催された午餐会の席上において「超然主義演説」を行って政党との徹底対決の姿勢を示したが、その一方で立憲改進党前総裁(実質は党首)で外務大臣(日本)の大隈重信を留任させて条約改正の任にあたらせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the cabinet pursued the policy complying with Genro like Aritomo YAMAGATA and Katsura, such as making The Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty, Russo-Japanese Agreement and French-Japanese Agreement, it continued to make efforts in order to realize party politics; in order to reform Ministry of Home Affairs, which was the power base for Yamagata, the cabinet tried to abolish the County system, only to fail; the cabinet succeeded in taking members of Kizokuin (the House of Peers) into the Cabinet. 例文帳に追加

鉄道国有化や第3次日韓協約・日露協約・日仏協約の締結など、山縣有朋ら元老や桂の意に沿った政策を遂行する一方で、山縣の支持基盤である内務省(日本)改革のために郡制の廃止を計画して失敗したり、貴族院議員の入閣を実現させるなど、政党政治実現に向けた努力は続けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But his reforms suffered setbacks, such as a conflict between bakufu and Imperial Court over Imperial permission to the treaty concluded with US, a conflict within bakufu over the successor to the sickly shogun between "Hitotsubashi group" (the group that recommended Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA [later, the 15th Shogun]) and "Nanki group" (the group that recommended Iemochi TOKUGAWA [later, the 14th Shogun]), and Naosuke Ii's assumption of "Tairo" (Chief Minister of bakufu) - Naosuke Ii was at the top of "fudai daimyo" and was against the participation of "tozama daimyo" and "gosanke" in bakufu politics. 例文帳に追加

だが条約勅許をめぐる朝廷との対立や、病弱な将軍の後継を巡る一橋派(徳川慶喜・後の15代を推す勢力)と南紀派(徳川家茂・後の14代を推す勢力)との対立、また外様や御三家の幕政介入に反撥した譜代大名の筆頭井伊直弼が大老に就任したことにより改革は挫折した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was of course for the protection of the legation, but other main objectives included expansion of Japanese interests in China, establishing Japanese advantage at the Korean Peninsula by defeating the Qing dynasty, and restrainment of Russia which was sending a great army just like Japan, and Japan also dispatched troops alongside the allied western powers to show its presence as the 'military policeman of the Far East' (in order to correct the unequal treaty). 例文帳に追加

公使館の保護は無論であるが、中国における日本の権益拡大や、清朝を叩くことで朝鮮半島における日本のアドバンテージを確立すること、日本についで大軍を送っていたロシアへの牽制、列強側に立って派兵することで「極東の憲兵」としての存在感誇示(=不平等条約改正)などが主要目的であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, even if there was a chance for effective use of "Bankoku Koho" it did not affect later history, French imperialism became widespread and after the Qing dynasty gave up suzerainty of Vietnam under the Treaty of Tianjin, Vietnam entirely became a colony of France. 例文帳に追加

しかしたとえ『万国公法』を非常に効果的に活用する場面があったとしても、次第にフランス帝国主義が浸透し、最後には天津条約によって清朝がベトナムに対する宗主権を放棄したことにより、完全にフランスの植民地となったという歴史の大勢に変わりはなく、それは後世のわれわれがよく知るところである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Amidst these situations, the Civil-Right group in Kochi Prefecture submitted a petition called 'the three biggest petitions' focusing on 1) establishment of free speech, 2) restoring mental balance of civilians by reducing a land tax, and 3) recovery of diplomacy (realization of revision of a treaty on an equal footing), saying these unrests were because of a policy of Europeanization as national disgrace and oppression of public opinions. 例文帳に追加

このような中で片岡健吉を代表とする高知県の民権派が、今回の混乱は国辱的な欧化政策と言論弾圧による世論の抑圧にあると唱えて、①言論の自由の確立②地租軽減による民心の安定③外交の回復(対等な立場による条約改正実現)を柱とした「三大事件建白」と呼ばれる建白書を提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What were largely due to the influence of Taigaiko group are the anti Russia comradeship with Atsumaro KONOE (the father of Fumimaro KONOE) who was the family head of the former Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents), the fervor of theory of outbreak of Japanese -Russo War in the Incident of Shichihakase Kenpaku (movement of outbreak of Japanese-Russo War by seven doctors), and the Hibiya Incendiary Incident by the people who were against Treaty of Portsmouth. 例文帳に追加

旧摂関家の当主であった近衛篤麿(近衛文麿の父)を擁した対露同志会を始めとして、七博士建白事件における日露開戦論の高まり、戦後のポーツマス条約締結に反対する民衆による日比谷焼討事件など、対外硬派の影響によるところが大きい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, on January 10 1868, the new government promised to continue the treaty which Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) concluded for the foreign countries as ' an imperial rescript of opening of a country to the world' and although the government stated 'Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world' and 'Evil customs of the past shall be broken off' in the five charter oath and although they posted 'implementation of international law' in the next five notices, they didn't deny excluding foreigners clearly. 例文帳に追加

ところが、新政府は慶応4年1月10日にいわゆる「開国の詔」を出して諸外国に対して江戸幕府が締結した条約の継続を約束し、また五箇条の御誓文にて「旧来ノ陋習ヲ破リ」「智識ヲ世界ニ求メ」と述べ、続く五榜の掲示においても「万国公法履行」を掲げていたにも関わらず、攘夷については明確な否定をしなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rusu-seifu had been said to carry out reforms in an arbitrary, disorderly and self-serving manner against Article 6 of the 'Treaty of ministers, sangi and taifu,' ignoring members of Iwakura Mission, and as a result to cause various contradictions, the political change in 1873 within the government, and Shizoku no hanran (revolt by family or person with samurai ancestors) and peasant uprisings outside the government. 例文帳に追加

従来、留守政府の改革については、「大臣・参議・大輔盟約書」第6条に違反して岩倉使節団の面々を無視する形で留守政府が功に逸って無秩序勝手に行い、その結果様々な矛盾を引き起こして政府内では明治6年の政変を、政府外では士族反乱や農民一揆を引き起こす原因となったとする見方があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, nationalists such as the conservatives of the Imperial Court or Setsurei MIYAKE of Seikyo-sha also attacked the government by adding the criticism for treaty revision negotiation such as hiring foreign judges INOUE proceeded with, and people around Sanetomi SANJO known as the Minister of the Interior (including Michitomi HIGASHIKUZE, Hisamoto HIJIKATA, and Saburo OZAKI) or even Kowashi INOUE and Tateki TANI, who were the important persons of the government, joined them. 例文帳に追加

更に宮中の保守派や政教社の三宅雪嶺らを中心とした国粋主義者も井上が進める外国人裁判官の起用といった条約改正交渉に対する批判も加えて政府を攻撃し、これに内大臣三条実美の周辺(東久世通禧・土方久元・尾崎三良ら)や政府の要人である井上毅や谷干城までが乗ったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And in the matter over the Korean Peninsula rocked by the Tonghak Uprising and others, he advocated hard line toward Qing with a vice chief of staff Soroku KAWAKAMI, and started the Sino-Japanese War, gaining favorable neutrality from the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire, which caused that Japan carried on the war advantageously from the beginning to the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. 例文帳に追加

更に東学党の乱などでゆれる朝鮮半島問題では、川上操六参謀次長とともに清国に対して強硬論を唱えて、日清戦争を開戦させるとともにイギリス・ロシア帝国からは好意的な中立を獲得して、下関条約締結まで終始日本側の有利に戦況を進める結果となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, no bilateral treaty was signed between Japan and Peru in those days, and some government officials argued that causing a dispute with Peru could result in a disadvantage for Japan in international relations; nonetheless, Soejima resolved to take legal steps to rescue the Qing people in the name of humanitarianism and Japan's sovereignty. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら日本とペルーの間では当時二国間条約が締結されておらず、政府内には国際紛争をペルーとの間で引き起こすと国際関係上不利であるとの意見もあったが、副島は人道主義と日本の主権独立を主張し、マリア・ルスに乗船している清国人救出のため法手続きを決定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there were some dissenting voices in Korea, Japan suggested that 'Korea would benefit administratively and economically if Korean communication institutions were streamlined and combined into one organization with Japanese communication institution' and the two government signed a treaty 'Memorandum Concerning the Commission of Korean Communication Institution' on April 1. 例文帳に追加

韓国国内には一部反対の声もあったが、日本は「韓国の通信機関を整備し日本国の通信機関と合同連絡して両国共通の一組織にすれば、韓国の行政上経済上得策である」と提案し、そのため日韓両国政府の間で、4月1日に「韓国通信機関委託ニ関スル取極書」が調印された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The fourth round of negotiations between Japan and the United States of America on the new income tax treaty to replace the Convention between Japan and the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income, signed on March 8, 1971, ("the current Convention") were held from May 27through June 3 and an agreement has been reached in principle.例文帳に追加

5月27日~6月3日、ワシントンにおいて、日本と米国との間で、「所得に対する租税に関する二重課税の回避及び脱税の防止のための日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の条約」(昭和47年条約第6号)に代わる新租税条約の締結に係る第4回交渉が行われた結果、基本合意に至りました。 - 財務省

The proposed new treaty, while taking the OECD model as a basis, comprehensively revises the current convention and, reflecting the importance of the economic relationship between the two countries as strategic partners, aims to promote investment between them as well as to prevent tax avoidance.例文帳に追加

新条約は、現行条約の内容を全面的に改めるものであり、基本合意された内容は、OECDモデル条約を基本としつつも、戦略的パートナーである日米両国の緊密な経済関係を反映して、積極的に投資交流の促進を図り、併せて租税回避の防止のための措置をとるものとなります。 - 財務省

As the chair of this year's G8 Summit, Japan will promote cooperation with its G7 partners, Asian countries, international organizations and others. Japan will also make efforts to strengthen the multilateral free trade system centered around the World Trade Organization, actively promote Economic Partnership Agreements, reform the customs system for the purpose of enhancing global competitiveness and strengthen our tax treaty network so that the Japanese economy and society can be opened more widely to the outside world.例文帳に追加

本年のサミット議長国として、G7、アジア諸国、国際機関等と協力を進めていくとともに、WTOを中核とする多角的自由貿易体制の強化及び経済連携協定の積極的な推進、国際競争力強化のための通関制度の改革、租税条約ネットワークの拡充等を行い、我が国の経済社会を開かれたものとしてまいります。 - 財務省

Moreover, we will review the tax system for small and medium-sized enterprises and the corporate tax system, including expansion of the ''angel taxation'' system, in order to support creative corporate activities and restructuring of businesses. Furthermore, we will revise the Japan-U.S. tax treaty fully and amend related domestic laws in order to promote cross-border investment.例文帳に追加

また、創造的な企業活動と事業の再構築を支援するため、エンジェル税制の拡充をはじめとする中小企業関連税制及び法人税制の見直しを行うほか、国際的な投資交流を促進するため日米租税条約の全面改正と関連国内法令の見直しを行うこととしております。 - 財務省

Where the applicant complies with the requirements of subsection 58(1) and, where applicable, subsection 58(2) on or after the date of the publication of the application in English or French by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization in accordance with rticle 21 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the application is deemed to be open to public inspection under section 10 of the Act on and after the date of that publication. 例文帳に追加

特許協力条約第21条に従って世界知的所有権機関の国際事務局により行われる英語又はフランス語で記述された出願の国際公開の日以後に,出願人が第58条(1)及び該当する場合は第58条(2)の要件を遵守するときは,当該出願は,当該国際公開の日以後,法律第10条に基づいて公衆の閲覧に供されたものとみなす。 - 特許庁

Where a new deposit is made with another international depositary authority pursuant to Article 4(1)(b)(i) or (ii) of the Budapest Treaty, the applicant or the patentee must inform the Commissioner of the name of that authority and of the new accession number given to the deposit by that authority before the expiry of the three-month period after the date of issuance of a receipt by that authority. 例文帳に追加

再寄託がブダペスト条約第4条(1)(b)(i)又は(ii)に従って他の国際寄託当局にされた場合は,出願人又は特許権者は,当該当局による受託証の発行日の後3月の期間の満了前に,当該当局の名称及び当該当局により当該寄託に付された新受託番号を長官に通知しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Where, pursuant to Article 4 of the Budapest Treaty, the depositor is notified of the inability of the international depositary authority to furnish samples and no new deposit is made in accordance with that Article, the application or patent shall, for the purposes of any proceedings in respect of that application or patent, be treated as if the deposit had never been made. 例文帳に追加

ブダペスト条約第4条に従い,寄託者が国際寄託当局から試料を分譲することができない旨の通知を受け,かつ,同条に従って再寄託がされない場合は,出願又は特許は,当該出願又は当該特許に関する如何なる手続のためにも寄託がされなかったものとして取り扱われる。 - 特許庁

Where a new deposit is made with another international depositary authority pursuant to Article 4(1)(b)(i) or (ii) of the Budapest Treaty, the applicant or the patentee must inform the Commissioner of the name of that authority and of the new accession number given to the deposit by that authority on or before the later of January 1, 1998 and the expiry of the three-month period after the date of issuance of a receipt by that authority. 例文帳に追加

再寄託がブダペスト条約第4条(1)(b)(i)又は(ii)に従って他の国際寄託当局にされた場合は,出願人又は特許権者は,1998年1月1日及び当該当局の受託証の発行日の後3月の期間の満了日のうち何れか後の日以前に,当該当局の名称及び当該当局により当該寄託に付された新受託番号を長官に通知しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Where, pursuant to Article 4 of the Budapest Treaty, the depositor is notified of the inability of the international depositary authority to furnish samples and no new deposit is made in accordance with that Article, the application or patent shall, for the purposes of any proceedings in respect of that application or patent, be treated as if the deposit had never been made. 例文帳に追加

ブダペスト条約第4条に従い,寄託者が国際寄託当局による試料の分譲が不可能である旨の通知を受け,かつ,同条に従って新寄託がされない場合は,出願又は特許は,当該出願又は当該特許に関する如何なる手続のためにも寄託がされなかったものとして取り扱われる。 - 特許庁

The Registration Department shall act as an elected Office in respect of an international application in which the Kingdom of Cambodia is designated as referred to in Article 82 of this Law if the applicant elects the Kingdom of Cambodia as provided under Chapter II of the Patent Cooperation Treaty for the purposes of obtaining a national patent or utility model certificate under this Law. 例文帳に追加

出願人が本法に基づく国内特許又は実用新案証を取得する目的で,特許協力条約第II章に規定された通りカンボジア王国を選択するときは,登録部は,カンボジア王国が第82条にいう通り指定された国際出願についての選択官庁として行動する。 - 特許庁

If any part of an international utility model application has not been the subject of an international search or an international preliminary examination because the application has been deemed to relate to two or more mutually independent creations, and the applicant has not paid the additional fee under the Patent Cooperation Treaty within the prescribed time limit, the Patent Authority shall review the finding to decide whether it was justified. 例文帳に追加

出願が相互に独立した2以上の考案に係わるものとみなされたという理由で,国際実用新案出願の何れかの部分が国際調査又は国際予備審査の対象となっておらず,また,出願人が所定の期限内に特許協力条約に基づく追加手数料を納付していないときは,特許当局はその認定が正当であったか否かを決定するために再審理する。 - 特許庁

For international applications, a copy of the application whose priority is claimed shall be filed in accordance with rule 17 (1) of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty to the International Bureau referred to in section 9 of this Order, to the receiving Office, or a request shall be made to transfer it to the International Bureau according to the same rule. 例文帳に追加

国際出願については,優先権主張の基礎とする出願の謄本を特許協力条約に基づく規則第17.1規則に従い,第9条に記載する国際事務局若しくは受理官庁に提出するか,又はそれが前記規則に従い,国際事務局に送付されるよう請求しなければならない。 - 特許庁

If a deposited sample of biological material has been transferred from one depositary institution to another under Rule 5 (1) of the Regulations under the Budapest Treaty, the applicant shall as soon as possible after having received a receipt in respect of the transferred deposit inform the Patent Authority thereof and of the new number accorded to the deposited sample. 例文帳に追加

寄託試料がブダペスト条約に基づく規則第5.1規則に基づいて,ある機関から他の機関に移送された場合は,出願人は移送された寄託に関する受領証を受領した後,可及的速やかに,その移送について,及び寄託試料に与えられた新しい番号について特許当局に通知しなければならない。 - 特許庁

If, however, the applicant within 19 months from the international date of filing or, if priority is claimed, from the priority date pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty, has filed a declaration to the effect that the applicant intends to use the results of an international preliminary examination by applying for utility model protection for Denmark, the time limit referred to in section 23 of the Utility Models Act shall expire at the same time as the time limit of 32 months for proceeding with the application. 例文帳に追加

ただし,出願人が国際出願日又は優先権を主張するときは特許協力条約による優先日から19月以内に,国際予備審査の結果をデンマークについての実用新案の保護に対して適用する方法で使用する意思を有する旨の宣言書を提出している場合は,実用新案法第23条に記載する期間は,出願手続のための期間である32月と同時に満了する。 - 特許庁

If, by the filing date of a patent application with the Patent Office, the applicant has not yet obtained the certificate of the international depositary authority provided for in Rule 7 of the guidelines of the said Treaty and does not know the accession number of the deposit, the applicant shall indicate the name of the depositary authority and the filing date of the deposit application in the data field. 例文帳に追加

特許庁への特許出願日までに出願人が同条約のガイドラインの規則7に規定する国際寄託当局の証明書を取得しておらず,受託番号を知らない場合は,出願人は,寄託当局の名称及び寄託申請の提出日を当該データ欄に表示するものとする。 - 特許庁

If a microorganism strain is not known to the public on the filing date of the patent application or, if priority is claimed, on the date of priority and it is not deposited pursuant to the Budapest Treaty, the microorganism strain shall be described in the description of the invention in a manner which enables a person skilled in the art to make the invention. 例文帳に追加

特許出願日又は優先権が主張されているときは優先日において,ある微生物菌株が公知のものでなく,かつ,ブダペスト条約に基づいて寄託されていない場合は,当該微生物菌株は,発明の明細書において,当該技術に熟練した者が当該発明を行うことができるような形で記述されなければならない。 - 特許庁

Where a part of an international application has not been the subject of an international search or an international preliminary examination on the grounds that the application is held to include independent inventions and the applicant has not paid the additional fee laid down by the Patent Cooperation Treaty within the prescribed period, the Patent Authority shall ascertain whether the decision not to conduct a search or an examination was correct. 例文帳に追加

国際出願が複数の独立発明を含むとみなされ,かつ,出願人が所定期限内に特許協力条約に定める追加手数料を納付していないことを理由として,国際出願の一部分が国際調査又は国際予備審査の対象から外された場合は,特許庁は,当該調査又は予備審査をしない旨の決定が正しいか否かについて確認する。 - 特許庁

Where an application made pursuant to this section results in the grant of a short-term patent, the application shall be deemed to have as its date of filing the international filing date accorded to the international application for the purposes of Article 11 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty and, in this Ordinance, reference to the date of filing of an application in relation to a short-term patent which has been granted pursuant to an application made as provided for in this section shall be construed accordingly. 例文帳に追加

本条に基づく出願の結果,短期特許付与となる場合は,当該出願は,特許協力条約第11条の適用上国際出願に付与する国際出願日を出願日として有するものとみなされ,本条例において,本条規定の出願により付与された短期特許についての出願日への言及は,相応に解釈する。 - 特許庁

The Minister may for the purpose of subsection (1) prescribe a period other than the six months specified in that subsection and circumstances other than those specified in paragraph (a) or (b) of that subsection where the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary to do so in order to give effect to any treaty or international convention to which the State is or becomes a party and the said subsection shall be construed accordingly. 例文帳に追加

所轄大臣は,アイルランドが当事国であり又は当事国となる協定若しくは国際条約を有効にするために必要と信じる場合は,(1)の適用上,同項に定める6月以外の期間及び同項(a)又は(b)に定める以外の事項を指示することができる。前項はこれに従い解釈する。 - 特許庁

Any application referred to in subsection (1) which is published under the Treaty shall be treated for the purposes of section 11(3) as published when, and only when, a copy of the application has been supplied to the European Patent Office in English, French or German and the relevant fee has been paid under the European Patent Convention. 例文帳に追加

PCT条約に基づいて公開された(1)にいう如何なる出願も,当該出願の謄本が英語,フランス語又はドイツ語により欧州特許庁に送達され,かつ,欧州特許条約に基づいて関連する手数料が納付されたときは,そのときに限り,第11条 (3)の適用上公開されたものとして扱う。 - 特許庁

Any document mentioned in subsection (1) (b) which purports to state the contents or provisions, or part of the contents or provisions, of any instrument made or any act done by any institution of the European Patent Convention or the Treaty shall be admissible under this Act as prima facie evidence of such contents, provisions or part. 例文帳に追加

欧州特許条約若しくはPCT条約の機関により作成された証書について又はその機関により行われた行為について,その内容若しくは規定又はその内容若しくは規定の部分を陳述する意図で(1) (b)にいう如何なる書類も,当該内容,規定又は部分の一応の証拠として本法に基づいて認容されるものとする。 - 特許庁

When a new accession number is given to the microorganism after filing, for the reason that, e.g., re-deposit was made, samples of the microorganism were transferred to another International Depositary Authority or the deposit was converted from the deposit under the national act to that under the Budapest Treaty, the applicant or the patentee shall give a notice to that effect to the Commissioner of the Patent Office without delay. 例文帳に追加

また、特許出願の後に、再寄託、他の国際寄託当局への移送、又は国内寄託からブダペスト条約に基づく寄託への変更などにより、先の寄託微生物に新たな受託番号が付されたときは、特許出願人又は特許権者は遅滞なく、その旨を特許庁長官に届け出なければならない。 - 特許庁

The biological material that supplements the description of the patent application, as provides the sole paragraph of article 24 of the LPI will become accessible to the technically capacitated public on the date of the publication of the application, except if such access is impeded by law or treaty in force in the country. 例文帳に追加

特許出願における明細書を補充する生物学的物質は,産業財産法第24条に規定するように,出願の公開日から技術的能力のある公衆によるアクセスが認められなければならない。ただし,当国において施行されている法律又は条約において禁じられる場合は別とする。 - 特許庁

(1) If an invention involving the use of or concerning biological material which is not available to the public cannot be disclosed in the patent application as required in Article 60(1), it must be proved that the biological material has been deposited no later than the date of filing of the patent application under the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure.例文帳に追加

(1) 公衆の利用に供されない生物学的材料の使用を要する又は当該生物学的材料に関する発明を第60条(1)の要求に従い特許出願において開示することができない場合は,特許手続上の微生物の寄託の国際的承認に関するブダペスト条約に基づいて特許出願日までに当該生物学的材料が寄託されたことを証明しなければならない。 - 特許庁

(7) Those parts of the international patent application which have not been searched by the International Searching Authority on the basis of Article 17(3)(a) of the Treaty shall be considered withdrawn, unless an additional search fee determined by specific legislation is paid by the applicant within three months from the filing of the translation of the international application with the Hungarian Patent Office.例文帳に追加

(7) 国際特許出願のうち特許協力条約第17条(3)(a)に基づいて国際調査機関により調査されていない部分は,出願人が特定法律により定める割増調査手数料を国際出願の翻訳文のハンガリー特許庁への提出から3月以内に納付しない限り,取下とみなされる。 - 特許庁

(6) For the purposes of these Regulations, "prescribed industrial property office" means the Patent Office of Australia, the Patent Office of Japan, the Patent Office of the Republic of Korea, the Patent Office of the United Kingdom, the Patent Office of the United States of America or the European Patent Office, as the case may require, in its capacity as a national office or, where appropriate, as an International Searching Authority or as an International Preliminary Examination Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.例文帳に追加

(6) 本規則の適用上,「所定の工業所有権所轄当局」とは,場合に応じて,国内官庁としての,又は該当する場合は国際調査機関としての又は特許協力条約に基づく国際予備審査機関としての地位を有する,オーストラリア特許庁,日本国特許庁,大韓民国特許庁,英国特許庁,アメリカ合衆国特許庁又は欧州特許庁を意味する。 - 特許庁

The additional periods afforded for the payment of national fees or for producing information, documents and translations that would be required in relation to a national application shall also be afforded the owner of an international application and shall begin as from the expiry date of the time limit applicable in accordance with Articles 22 and 39 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty.例文帳に追加

国内出願に関してならば必要とされる筈の国内手数料の納付のため並びに情報,書類及び翻訳文の提出のために与えられる猶予期間はまた,国際出願人にも与えられ,特許協力条約第22条又は第39条に従って適用される期間の満了日から始まるものとする。 - 特許庁

Where the international application is dealt with by the Service under Article 23(2) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the formalities referred to in paragraph 2 shall be accomplished in anticipation at the time of presentation of the special request formulated by the owner of the international application. In such case, the additional periods referred to in the third paragraph shall begin to run on the day of presentation of the special request.例文帳に追加

国際出願が特許協力条約第23条(2)に基づいて庁によって処理される場合は,第2段落に掲げた手続は,当該国際特許出願人によって作成された特別請求書の提出時には前もって完了していなければならない。かかる場合は,第3段落に掲げた猶予期間については,当該特別請求書の提示日から起算する。 - 特許庁

The applicant of an International Application by which grant of a patent in the Czech Republic is sought under the international treaty shall be obliged to submit to the Office ? if it is Designated Office ? three copies of a Czech translation of the application and pay the respective fees according to special regulations within a time limit of 21 months from the rise of the priority right. 例文帳に追加

国際条約に基づいてチェコ共和国における特許付与を求める国際出願の出願人は,優先権の発生後21月の期限内に,庁(これが指定庁である場合)に対して,出願のチェコ語翻訳の謄本3通を提出し,かつ特別規則に従ってそれぞれの手数料を支払わなければならない。 - 特許庁


If any part of an international patent application has not been the subject of an international search or an international preliminary examination because the application has been deemed to relate to two or more mutually independent inventions, and the applicant has not paid the additional fee under the Treaty within the prescribed time limit, the Patent Authority shall review the finding to decide whether it was justified. 例文帳に追加

出願が相互に独立した2以上の発明に係わっているとみなされ,かつ,出願人が所定の期限内に前記条約に基づく追加手数料を納付しなかったという理由で,国際特許出願の何れかの部分が国際調査又は国際予備審査の対象とされなかった場合は,特許当局は,その認定が正当であったか否かを決定するために再審理しなければならない。 - 特許庁


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