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for peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

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When the Engi no chi (Reign of the Emperor Daigo), the last attempt for reviving the Ritsuryo system led by the Emperor Daigo and FUJIWARA no Tokihira during the period from the end of the 9th century to the early 10th century, ended in failure, the emperor Suzaku, his successor, and FUJIWARA no Tadahira made a bold policy change from the principle of people-based governance to that of tax on land. 例文帳に追加

9世紀末~10世紀初年に醍醐天皇及び藤原時平が主導した律令制復活の最後の試みである延喜の治が失敗に終わると、次代の朱雀天皇及び藤原忠平は、個別人身支配を基調とする体制から土地課税基調の体制へと大きな政策転回を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the war of TAIRA no Masakado, people who distinguishingly served in battle, FUJIWARA no Hidesato, TAIRA no Sadamori, TAIRA no Kinmasa, and the descendants of MINAMOTO no Tsunemoto, became the 'choka no soga' after defeating TAIRA no Masakado, but a uniformed process was required for them to be considered tsuwamono. 例文帳に追加

平将門の乱以降は、その平将門を滅ぼした天慶勲功者、藤原秀郷、平貞盛、平公雅、そして源経基の子孫達が、「朝家の爪牙」となっていったが、その彼らが兵(つわもの)として認識されるには、一定のプロセスが必要であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Setting aside the question of correctness or historical verification, it is true that there exist surnames associated with Heike no Ochudo legends throughout Japan, and such oral traditions filled with mystery and darkness stir people's imagination for history. 例文帳に追加

とはいえ、歴史としての正確性や検証性はともかくとしても、平家の落人伝説にちなんだ姓も日本国各地で存在していることも事実であり、またそうした謎の多き、闇に包まれた伝承がいわゆる歴史のロマンを想起させる要因でもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Gradually, hon-byakusho was branched and subordinate people became "independent," and in the middle of the 17th century and thereafter, villages of the murauke system (village-wide, collective responsibility for tax payment) were established and a farmer called takamochi-byakusho (a person managing a farm by employing farm workers) who possessed (1) a field and (2) a house and land came to be recognized, as hon-byakusho. 例文帳に追加

次第に本百姓の分家や隷属民の"自立"化が進み、17世紀の半ば以降には、村請制村落が確立していき、(1)田畑や(2)家屋敷地を所持する高持百姓が本百姓であると観念されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There were also books created for particular people such as "Togusetsuin" (Dissipation) offered to the Emperor Montoku during his crown prince days by SUGAWARA no Koreyoshi, "Wamyo Ruijusho" offered to Imperial Princess Isoko by MINAMOTO no Shitago, "Sambo Ekotoba" offered to Imperial Princess Sonshi by MINAMOTO no Tamenori, and "Kuchizusami" offered to FUJIWARA no Sanenobu also by MINAMOTO no Tamenori. 例文帳に追加

また、特定個人のために作られた書籍として、菅原是善が皇太子時代の文徳天皇に授けた『東宮切韻』(散逸)、源順が勤子内親王に授けた『和名類聚抄』、源為憲が尊子内親王に授けた『三宝絵詞』、同人が藤原誠信に授けた『口遊』などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, these days, it has been accepted that people after the mid Heian period might have thought up an imaginary book called the "Konin Gishiki" after the two Gishiki "Jogan Gishiki" and "Engi Gishiki" based on the idea that the ' Gishiki should have been compiled for the three generations as the Kyakushiki had been, because "Jogan Gishiki" and "Engi Gishiki" had already been compiled.' 例文帳に追加

そのため、今日では平安時代中期以後の人が「『貞観儀式』・『延喜儀式』があったのだから、格式と同様に儀式も三代揃っていたであろう」という考えから、両儀式を参考にして『弘仁儀式』と呼ばれる架空の書物を想定したと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Japanese people realized that the Buddha had a nature different from Japanese deities, they began to regard deities and human beings on the same level and thought that like human beings, Japanese deities also wish deliverance for salvation of the Buddha to end suffering. 例文帳に追加

日本人が、仏は日本の神とは違う性質を持つと理解するにつれ、仏のもとに神と人間を同列に位置づけ、日本の神々も人間と同じように苦しみから逃れる事を願い、仏の救済を求め解脱を欲しているという認識がされるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after people involved in the assassination of FUJIWARA no Tanetsugu recovered their impaired reputation, confiscated territory of late Yakamochi OTOMO located in the Kaga Province, which accounted for the large portion of kangakuden, was returned to the Tomo clan (old Otomo clan) at the request of the then powerful figure in the bureaucracy TOMO no Yoshio. 例文帳に追加

ところが、その主たる面積を占めていた加賀国の旧大伴家持没官領が、藤原種継暗殺事件関係者の名誉回復に伴い、当時の官界の実力者伴善男の要求で伴氏(旧大伴氏)に返還されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Jinshin Yakujo, which was a peace treaty ending the Sanpo War, forced the So clan to restrain the dispatching of trade ships so as to force the reduction of toshu saikensen (Annual Tribute Ships to Korea from the Lord of Tsushima, and trade ships annually dispatched from Tsushima for trading and diplomatic visits) from 50 to 25, and to stop dispatching saikensen under the name of many shimuchowe (Japanese people other than the residents of Tsushima). 例文帳に追加

三浦の乱の講和条約である壬申約条では、島主歳遣船(対馬から通交のため毎年派遣される貿易船)を50隻から25隻に削減、多くの深処倭(対馬以外の日本人のこと)名義の歳遣船の停止等、宗氏に通交の抑制を強いるものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As it was decided in negotiations between the armies of Ming and Yi Dynasty Korea thet, with respect to supply of provisions to the area on the Korea side from the Yalu River, Yi Dynasty Korea was responsible for procurement and transportation, Yi Dynasty Korea cruelly conducted confiscation of goods and services from common people including maintenance of both their own army and the government. 例文帳に追加

また、明軍と李氏朝鮮との交渉により鴨緑江より朝鮮側の兵糧供給は李氏朝鮮側の調達及び輸送と取り決められたため、自軍と政府の維持も含めて李氏朝鮮は民衆から過酷な食料調達を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Meanwhile, ISAYAMA no Fumitsugu was appointed as daigaku no suke (Assistant Director of the Bureau of Education) in 812 during his service as kiden hakase, but he was granted for the first time the kabane (hereditary title) of muraji (one of the ancient Japanese hereditary titles denoting rank and political standing) six months before that, and from this we can assume that he had entered the daigakuryo as hakucho (ordinary people or something similar) and had the position of a professor there. 例文帳に追加

また、弘仁3年(812年)に紀伝博士在任のまま大学助に任命された勇山文継は、その半年前に初めて連の姓を受けていることから、白丁(庶民あるいはそれに近い身分)のまま大学寮に入ってその教官の地位に就いていたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a broad sense, gunyaku meant conscription which included the labor service that was imposed on the people; but in a narrow sense, gunyaku referred to a retainer's offering of military service to the lord in exchange for recognition and guarantee of ownership of the fief (debt) in the relationship of 'debts and service' in the feudal system. 例文帳に追加

軍役は広義には民衆に課せられる夫役のうちの兵役なども含まれるが、狭義には封建制度における「御恩と奉公」の関係において、知行地の安堵(御恩)と引き替えに主君に軍事的奉公を行うことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the hierarchy of samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants (shinokosho), there were discriminated classes called eta and hinin for a long time, and they were given duties which other people were unwilling to do (such as executioners, cleaning), and moreover, they became victims of discrimination policies enacted by feudal lords in order to maintain the shogunate system. 例文帳に追加

士農工商の下には、古くからあった穢多、非人と呼ばれる被差別階級があり、かれらは人の嫌がる仕事(刑死執行人・掃除など)を与えられ、その上、幕藩体制維持のために諸大名より差別政策の犠牲者となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some of the reasons for the success of the Meiji Restoration are that Japanese people in the Edo period worked hard, were well educated, and abided by laws, and they had enough knowledge to accept modern rational scientific spirit. 例文帳に追加

維新成功の背景として、その前段階たる江戸時代における日本人の労働生産性・教育水準・遵法意識の高さや、近世においてすでに近代的科学(合理)精神を受け入れる素地・教養が準備されていたことなども要因と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Shinpo-kai, which determined that the pursuit of reforms was difficult under systems of the former Yi Dynasty sought political union with Japan and voluntarily collaborated in support of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War; for instance, it reportedly deployed 50,000 people to construct railways. 例文帳に追加

大韓帝国内でも李氏朝鮮による旧体制が維持されている状況では独自改革が難しいと判断した進歩会は日韓合邦を目指そうと鉄道敷設工事などに5万人ともいわれる大量の人員を派遣するなど、日露戦争において日本への協力を惜しまなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around the turn of the century, it was considered that Europeanism was advancing to the detriment of Japanese moral ethics and the samurai spirit, which led Japan to recover these moral ethics and spirit through Yomeigaku; this was background to the Japanese people's enthusiasm for studying Yomeigaku during the Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

明治30年代当時は、欧化主義の進展によって日本の道徳倫理あるいは武士道精神といったものが退廃にさらされていると考え、それらを陽明学で蘇らせようという風潮が日本にはあったが、これが明治期における陽明学熱の背景である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, there is also an opinion that the Japanese government introduced a Europeanization policy (leave Asia, enter Europe) into its culture and its natural features on an such an unprecedented scale due to a backlash against its extended seclusionism, that it layed a foundation for the people of Japan to have an inferior complex to the Caucasian that remains even today. 例文帳に追加

その一方で長期に渡る鎖国の反動からか文化・風土面においても世界的に類を見ない規模の欧化政策(脱亜入欧)を行い、現代に至るまでの日本人における白人コンプレックスの礎となったと考える者もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, if uchi-daka was increased as a result of land survey by the domain, it meant that nengu will be increased in accordance with the productivity - although it was previously collected at comparatively low rate for the actual productivity - and the load of the people of the domain will also be increased. 例文帳に追加

しかし、藩内の検地による打ち出しで内高が増加することは、これまで生産力に対して余裕をもって徴収されていた年貢が、生産力相応の高い額に引き上げられることを意味したので、領民にとっては一種の負担増でもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, although it was argued that the Law Permitting Permanent Ownership of Newly Cultivated Land was very much like the main cause of the Ritsuryo system collapse by allowing the development of the manorial system, it has been proved that the law was for reinforcing the Ritsuryo system as part of the land policy, which was undertaken to guarantee the livelihoods of the people. 例文帳に追加

実際、墾田永年私財法は荘園制を発生させ律令制を崩壊に追いやった元凶のように論じられていたが、実態は人民の生活保障のために執られた土地政策の一環で、律令を否定するどころか律令の法目的を補強するものであった事が判明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sotoku-fu decided to retaliate against the tribe after the Incident and developed a subjugation campaign using the military force in cooperation with the rival tribes for two months, as a result of which military campaign 700 Seediq were killed in fighting or committed suicides and 500 people surrendered. 例文帳に追加

事件発生後総督府は原住民への討伐を決定、軍隊出動による討伐作戦を2ヶ月にわたって展開し、対立部族の協力も得た鎮圧作戦の結果700人ほどの抗日サイディック族が死亡もしくは自殺、500人ほどが投降した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It further says that at the midnight, about thirty people in white came out from burning Hakozaki-gu Shrine and shot arrows at the Yuan soldiers, who were horrified and hurriedly withdrew in their ships without waiting for dawn, and in this chaotic flight, the ships are said to have wrecked in the Genkai-nada Sea (even Korean envoys in the Edo period avoided crossing the Genkai-nada Sea at the night). 例文帳に追加

また夜中、炎上する筥崎宮より出た白装束の者30人ばかりが矢を射掛けたところ、元兵は恐怖し夜明けも待たず(朝鮮通信使のころでも夜間の玄界灘渡海は避けていた)我先にと抜錨し撤退は壊走となり玄界灘で遭難した、という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, people in Japan then commonly believed, "what brought us the victory over the Yuan Dynasty was the power of language in poems created by nobles for victory and peace" or "it was shakubuku (to correct another's false views and awaken that person to the truth of Buddhism) and prayers performed by Buddhist and Shinto priests." 例文帳に追加

一方、当時の日本に「元に勝ったのは、公家などの貴族たちが、勝利や平和についての歌を作って詠んだ、言霊の結果である」あるいは「僧侶や神官らの折伏(しゃくぶく)や祈祷による結果である」との認識が広く存在していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the modern times, the philosophy of Onmyo gogyo is not much cared for in general; simply, when the mutual relationship between the elements or attributes of people develops to a desired direction, it is said to have a 'good aisho,' and when the combination may produces an undesirable result, it is said to have a 'bad aisho.' 例文帳に追加

ただ更に時代を下った近代では、陰陽五行思想は一般には余り気に掛けられず、専ら各々の人などが持つ要素・属性などの相互関係で、望ましい方向に発展することを「相性が良い」といい、どうも芳しくない結果に陥りがちな関係は「相性が悪い」と表現する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Eight people went to Sui for study, including students such as YAMATOAYA no Ataifukuin, NARA no Osaemyo, TAKAMUKU no Ayahitokuromaro, IMAKI no Ayahitodaikoku and priests-in-training such as IMAKI no Ayahito Nichimon (who later became Somin) and MINABUCHI no Shoan. 例文帳に追加

この時、学生として倭漢直福因(やまとのあやのあたいふくいん)・奈羅訳語恵明(ならのおさえみょう)高向玄理(たかむくのあやひとくろまろ)・新漢人大圀(いまきのあやひとだいこく)・学問僧として新漢人日文(にちもん、後の僧旻)・南淵請安ら8人、隋へ留学する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many words for Japan in modern languages, such as Japan, Japon, Giappone, and Yaponiya, are generally derived from the word 'Zipangu,' but there are also different theories, including one theory holding that the origin of these words was that people in Southeast Asia called Japan Japang in a borrowed word from Chinese language around the 16th century, when Portuguese reached Southeast Asia. 例文帳に追加

現代の多くの言語で日本を意味するJapan/Japon/Giappone/Yaponiyaなどの言葉は、一般にジパングが語源とされるが、ポルトガルが到達した16世紀頃の東南アジアで日本のことを中国語からの借用語でJapangと呼んでいたことに由来するという説など、異説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, when those that fled were found, measures either 'tosho henpu' that made them admitted to the family register that they had fled to, or 'hongan kanpu' that had them deported back to their original honganchi, was taken (however, for people with hongan in Mutsu Province and Dewa Province, 'hongan kanpu' was taken). 例文帳に追加

その後、逃走者が発見された場合には逃亡先の戸籍に編入させられる「当所編附」あるいは元の本貫地への強制送還させられる「本貫還附」の措置が取られた(ただし、陸奥国・出羽国の本貫者については「本貫還附」が決められていた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Feudal retainers of Tahara domain, Kazan WATANABE, Choei TAKANO and Dutch scholar Sanei KOSEKI organized Shoshikai (association) with interested people like town doctors, feudal retainers of domain and vassals of shogun in order to study Western learning and internal and external situation for the purpose of coastal defense, and scholars of Japanese literature named the organization as Bansha, which has the disdainful meaning "Kessha (association) studying Yaban (barbarous) Western science." 例文帳に追加

蛮社とは、田原藩士渡辺崋山、高野長英、小関三英ら洋学者を中心に町医者・藩士・幕臣等有志の者が海防目的で蘭学や内外の情勢を研究していた尚歯会(しょうしかい)を、「蘭学という野蛮な結社」と国学者の側が蔑んだことによる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In terms of the consequence, this high tax rate resulted in increasing the burden of majority of the farmers; therefore, peasant revolts against the land-tax reform erupted including the Ise Revolt, Makabe Revolt; the part of the reason these revolts occurred lied in that the government virtually confiscated common land (iriaichi) from which the government could not expect to receive taxes; these revolts gave influence to the Jiyu MInken Undo (Movement for Liberty and People's Right). 例文帳に追加

これは結果的には大多数の農民の負担を高めることにつながり、また土地の所有者がおらず納税が困難な入会地が事実上、政府に没収されたことなどから伊勢暴動、真壁暴動など一揆(地租改正反対一揆)が頻発し、自由民権運動へ影響を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the prefectures where they straddle plural provinces people in the prefectural government are conscious of the names of the provinces as regional division and sometimes the names of the provinces are taken up in the administrative division; examples: Hida Province Regional Development Bureau of the Subordinate Organization of Gifu Prefecture; the Bureau for the Residents of the Tajima Province of the subordinate organization of the prefecture office of Hyogo Prefecture and so forth. 例文帳に追加

複数の国にまたがって設けられた県では、国名が県内の地方区分として意識され、行政区分にも引き継がれることがある(例:岐阜県下部組織の飛騨国地方振興局、兵庫県庁下部組織の但馬国県民局など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it was not because of Iwakura's recommendation; instead, Ito thought that the supporters of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement would study about England and France styles, so he just chose what those supporter don't study (according to letters for Kencho SUEMATSU). 例文帳に追加

しかし、あくまでも岩倉の意に沿ったというだけではなく、単にイギリスやフランスの事は自由民権派の人達が研究するだろうから、彼らが研究しないドイツを選んだ(末松謙澄充ての書簡など)という選択に過ぎなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the next year, 1887, when people knew the proposal, they got furious (especially so because adverse effects of an unequal treaty were being discussed after the Normanton Incident [1886]) and attacked the proposal claiming that it was 'national disgrace,' and then the nation-wide democratic-rights movement was spread (the movement following sandaijiken-kenpaku [the petition for three major matters]). 例文帳に追加

翌1887年(明治20年)、国民がこの案を知るところとなると、折からノルマントン号事件(1886年)で不平等条約の弊害が問題になっていたため、世論は激昂してこれを「国辱的な内容」と攻撃、全国的な民権運動が盛り上がった(三大事件建白運動)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Katsura implemented new policies in earnest, a series of blunders in his politics, such as the failure in his Imperial Edict Tactics and countermeasures against the Campaign for the Defense of the Constitution, fierce conflict with the Seiyukai, failure in political maneuvering of the House of Peers, and a growing distrust of him among the people of the Japanese Army including Aritomo YAMAGATA and Masatake TERAUCHI, drove him into a corner. 例文帳に追加

桂の新政策とその意欲の一方で、優詔政策の失敗など護憲運動への対応の迷走、政友会との決定的な対立、貴族院工作の失敗、山縣・寺内正毅ら陸軍内部からの不信が桂を追いつめていくことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, there were a lot of conservative people against it within the government, with Hisamitsu SHIMAZU as the leader, Issei MAEBARA, Toshiaki KIRINO and others, and Takamori SAIGO took a passive stance for conscription because he had his own plan of the volunteer 'sohei' military system in consideration of the middle to lower class samurai. 例文帳に追加

そのため、政府内にも島津久光を筆頭に前原一誠・桐野利秋ら保守的な反対論者を多数抱えており、また西郷隆盛も「壮兵」といって、中下層士族の立場を考慮した志願兵制度を構想していて徴兵制には消極的であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The number of people who stayed there was 12 in total including Kuranosuke and Chikara; Matanojo USHIODA, Junai ONODERA, Kanroku CHIKAMATSU, Sezaemon OISHI, Tozaemon HAYAMI, Hannojo SUGAYA, Jirozaemon MINOMURA, two young samurai working for Kuranosuke (Koshichi KASEMURA and Saroku MUROI) and Kanroku CHIKAMATSU's manservant. 例文帳に追加

内蔵助や主税のほかには潮田又之丞、小野寺十内、近松勘六、大石瀬左衛門、早水藤左衛門、菅谷半之丞、三村次郎左衛門、内蔵助若党二人(加瀬村幸七、室井左六)、近松勘六の下男一人、計12名がここに滞在した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The program called 'reminders for people' was then decided, which stated the details of weapons, clothes, one's belongings and signals at the time of the raid as well as how to treat Kira's head, and also described that 'the one who cut off Kira's head and guards in the yard will be considered to be equal in terms of serving our deceased lord; therefore, you must not question your roles.' 例文帳に追加

このときに討ち入り時の綱領「人々心覚」が定められ、その中で武器、装束、所持品、合言葉、吉良の首の処置など事細かに定め、さらに「吉良の首を取った者も庭の見張りの者も亡君の御奉公では同一。よって自分の役割に異議を唱えない」ことを定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though bakufu had maintained the policy of prohibiting the publication regarding any general laws, a permission of publishing the act and laws noted on Kosatsu was not only allowed to publish easily in order to thoroughly 'notify those act and laws to all the people', but also the sentences noted on Kosatsu were recommended as textbooks for Terakoya (temple elementary school during the Edo period) to practice dictation skills. 例文帳に追加

更には当時の幕府は法律に関する出版を厳しく禁じる方針を採っていたにも関らず、高札に掲示された法令に関しては「万民に周知の事」と言う理由で簡単に出版が許されたばかりでなく、高札の文章は寺子屋の書き取りの教科書としても推奨されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is pointed out that a lot of Rienjo are remaining in the silkworm-raising districts, because a source of income for wife was secured after the divorce in the regions where the people were mainly engaged in sericulture, silk reeling, and textile manufacture, all of which were supported by female labor. 例文帳に追加

女性の労働力によって支えられている養蚕や製糸・織物業が主体となっている地域では離婚後も女性の収入源が確保されているため、離縁状は養蚕地帯において多く残されていることが指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There remains records of incidents such as 2 deaths at Hiroshima Prefecture and destruction of 67 houses out of 70 at a Buraku in Kochi Prefecture in 1871, 4 deaths in Okayama Prefecture in 1872, 18 deaths in Okayama Prefecture and 64,000 people punished for arson in many cases in Fukuoka Prefecture and destruction of 3 bridges leading to a Buraku in Kagawa Prefecture in 1873, and others. 例文帳に追加

1871年(明治4年)に広島県で2名死亡、高知県で部落70戸中67戸破壊、1872年(明治5年)に岡山県で4名死亡、1873年(明治6年)に岡山県で18名死亡、福岡県で大量放火により64000人処罰、香川県で部落へ通じる橋3つの破壊、などの記録が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some say that this was because in the first place, the KIYOURA cabinet had a role as a caretaker cabinet to administer the general election planned on May 10 next year and to serve for a limited period of time, so people thought it was only natural that such a short-term cabinet was dominated by members of House of Peers who were less political in order to keep the cabinet neutral. 例文帳に追加

これは当時、清浦内閣を翌年5月10日に予定されていた総選挙施行のための期間限定の選挙管理内閣であり、中立性に配慮した結果、政党色のない貴族院議員が占めるのは仕方がないとする見方もあったからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to hatamoto (direct retainers of the shogun) who are provided with jigata-chigyo (provision of a fief to retainers as salary) as referred to as 'holding a fief yielding such and such koku of rice,' there were gokenin (who are also direct retainers of the shogun) and some hatamoto who received 'kirimai' (an annual stipend of rice) in three seasonal installments from 'kuramai' (rice stocked in the government storehouses) as in a description such as 'receiving 30 bales of rice and a ration for two people.' 例文帳に追加

何百石取りというように知行地のある地方知行の旗本とは別に、三十俵二人扶持というように蔵米から3季に分けて切米を俸禄として貰う御家人(一部の旗本も含む)たちがいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Secondly, "the premature implementation of party government would involve a risk of 'political confusion caused by divisions between small parties,'" if Japan's then situation, in which many unemployed warriors took emotional rather than ideological action under the banner of "the Movement for Liberty and People's Rights," were taken into account. 例文帳に追加

第二に、『自由民権運動』の看板を掲げながら、思想よりはむしろ感情で行動する失業士族の多い当時の日本の国情を踏まえれば、『政党政治の早期断行には「小党分立による国政の迷走」というリスクが伴う』こと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Jomon period is the term for the time when Jomon earthenware was in use; however, it comes to include the characteristics of people's lives at the time and to describe the society characterized by the ability to produce ground stoneware, the use of earthenware, the economy based on hunting and gathering, and the sedentary life. 例文帳に追加

縄文時代は、縄文土器が使用された時代を示す呼称であったが、次第に生活内容を加えた特徴の説明が為されるようになり、磨製石器を造る技術、土器の使用、狩猟採集経済、定住化した社会ととらえられるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even in 'Goson okite,' if a jikiso was related to injustice of a Daikan, osso was exceptionally allowed and if actual jikiso was made, officials did not accept the appeal officially and punished the people concerned, but told them to appeal to the office responsible for the case, which had no other way than to accept the appeal certified by the bakufu/clans. 例文帳に追加

「郷村掟」でも代官不正の場合の直訴は例外的に越訴が許容され、実際に越訴があった場合には表面上訴えを受理せず処分の上で管轄役所への申し出を命じたものの、幕府・藩のお墨付きを得た訴えを管轄役所が受理しない訳にはいかなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Recent studies show that some revolts had aspects of social reform; motives, purposes and requirements of the revolts varied; and some of them did not take a form of revolt but a form of legal conflict, such as submitting signatures and written opinions in cooperation with Jiyu Minken Undo (Movement for Liberty and People's Right). 例文帳に追加

今日では世直しを求める側面や一揆の動機・目的・要求などに大きな差があること、全てが一揆の形態ではなく、自由民権運動との連携を通じた署名・意見書などの提出による合法的な反対闘争の存在などが分かっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though at first only homeless people were sent, the scope of who could be sent gradually widened, beginning in 1788 with those who had been punished with flogging or tattooing and had no personal guarantor, continuing in 1805 with those who had acted poorly at their work-houses, and finally extending to those who had shown no contrition for their crimes even after enduring exile. 例文帳に追加

当初は無宿である者のみを送ったが、天明8年(1788年)には敲や入墨の刑に処されたが身元保証人がいない者、文化(元号)2年(1805年)には人足寄場での行いが悪い者、追放刑を受けても改悛する姿勢が見えない者まで送られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although his disease worsened further, Ogurihangan was guided by Yugyo Shonin and supported by the kindness of the Princess Terute and many benevolent people and managed to make a pilgrimage to Kumano Sanzan, where he completely recovered due to the medicinal effects of 'Tsubo-yu' of Yunomine-onsen Hot Spring, which was a cleansing place for pilgrimages to Kumano Sanzan, and this time he was offered a territory in Hitachi Province and even given a title of Hangan (judge). 例文帳に追加

病はさらに重くなるが、遊行上人の導きと照手姫や多くの善意の人々の情を受けて熊野に詣で、熊野詣の湯垢離場である湯の峰温泉の「つぼ湯」の薬効のにより全快し新たに、常陸国の領地を与えられ、さらに判官の地位まで授けられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It advocated the neutrality between the government and minto (general term of the political parties such as Liberal Party, Progressive Party and so on which conflicted with a han-dominated government when imperial Diet was inaugurated) of the House of Representatives and argued that the government and parties such as minto should collaborate and form 'a responsible cabinet' to work on the internal and external matters for the national interest and people's welfare. 例文帳に追加

政府と衆議院の民党の間において中立を標榜し、国利民福のために政府と民党などの政党側が協調して「責任内閣」を組織して内外の課題にあたるべきであると主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, because cholera pandemic repeatedly reoccurred and killed many people since the end of the Edo period, the Meiji Government knew the importance of an early countermeasure, so the Meiji Government enacted "Instruction for preventing Cholera" (by prewar Ministry of Home Affairs) and "Temporary rules of Hibyoin" (by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department). 例文帳に追加

日本では、既に江戸時代末期より、幾度と無く多数の死者を出す流行が見られており、早期対策の重要性を認識していた明治政府は、虎列刺病(コレラ)予防心得(内務省(日本))とともに避病院仮規則(警視庁)を整えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the time of FUJIWARA no Tadazane after the internal conflict over the position of Sekkan in the Insei (cloister government) period, there was a thought raised to value Mido-ryu practices as a symbol of unified of all Mido-ryu family including the Sekke; and the idea of thinking of Mido-ryu as a practice for people who belong to Mido-ryu was well-established. 例文帳に追加

やがて、院政期における摂関の地位を巡る内紛を経た藤原忠実の時代には、御堂流故実を摂家をはじめとする御堂流一門統合の象徴として尊重していく考え方が高まり、御堂流に属する人物のみが用いる故実とする認識が定着することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For the former wayo made to the heir, theory that the transaction could not be canceled under any circumstances was once popular, but in recent years some people say the transaction could be canceled in the case where a descendant committed an unfilial act, such as violating the Descendant Decree. 例文帳に追加

前者の相続人に対する和与においては、かつてはいかなる場合でも悔返は出来ないとするのが通説であったが、近年においては子孫教令違反などの不孝に相当する行為を子孫が犯せば悔返は発生するという説も出されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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