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general courtの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 394


In December of the same year, he was assigned to be a company commander of the Western style military drill court as well as a Junior Councillor of the Ayabe Domain, and he became in charge of Tukaharaguchi of the Tanba Kaido Road, as Sanin Chinbu-sotoku (the general of placating Sanin). 例文帳に追加

同年11月、綾部藩の洋式練兵中隊長、権少参事などの職に就き、山陰鎮撫総督として丹波街道の塚原口を受け持った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After he experienced various positions such as a Nakatsukasa no Shoyu (Junior Assistant Minister of Central Affairs), the Governor of Ecchu Province, a Shonagon (lesser councilor of state), and the Dazai no Daini (senior assistant governor general of the Dazai-fu [local government office in the Kyushu region]), he was finally appointed to be a Sangi at the age of 57 in 787 and later a Court noble. 例文帳に追加

中務省・越中国国司・少納言・太宰府等を歴任した後、に57歳でようやく参議となり、公卿に列せられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because of arrival of the Black Ships two years later, national opinions were divided into expulsion of foreigners and opening the country to the world, and Edo Shogunate, which was aiming at a continuous policy of reconciliation between the imperial court and the shogunate, brought up the marriage policy of Princess Kazunomiya with the 14th generation General Iemochi TOKUGAWA. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その2年後の黒船来航によって国論が攘夷と開国に二分するなか、江戸幕府が目論んだ「公武合体政策」の一貫として、和宮と14代将軍・徳川家茂の婚姻政策が持ち上がる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Next year, when Yoshimune TOKUGAWA, Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") choose masters of waka (Japanese poetry) form Kugeshu (court nobles) and called on them to present a waka (poem) which written about famous places, with intent to encourage kuge's family business, Michimi was recommended by Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) Kaneka ICHIJO and presented waka. 例文帳に追加

翌年征夷大将軍徳川吉宗が公家の家業奨励の意味で、公家衆から和歌の名人を選抜し名所和歌の詠進を所望した際も、関白一条兼香から推薦され提出している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Imperial Court and the Muromachi bakufu imposed Sakaya yaku (taxes imposed on sake brewing) on 'Rakuchu Hendo' at the end of the Kamakura period, and it became general practice to use the name Rakugai instead of Hendo since around the time of the Onin War. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代末期の朝廷や室町幕府が酒屋役を「洛中辺土」に課しており、応仁の乱の頃から辺土に替わって洛外という語が一般的になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As farmers made progress towards political independence, artisans also were freed from the control of the imperial court--which had dominated their livelihoods until this point--and achieved independence, leading to the general proliferation of handicrafts and the establishment of markets. 例文帳に追加

農民の自立が進むと、それまで宮廷に属していた工人も解放されて自立し、手工業が一般的に行われ市場が成立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In May, 1582, the Imperial Court sent an emissary to Nobunaga at Azuchi-jo Castle to inform him of its being ready to award him the position of either Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), Kanpaku, or Dajodaijin (Prime Minister) of his choice (the sanshoku suinin mondai, or the matter over the three recommended positions). 例文帳に追加

天正10年(1582年)5月、朝廷は安土城の信長に使者を送って征夷大将軍・関白・太政大臣のうちから希望する官職に任じる用意がある事を伝えた(三職推任問題)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In June (May in old lunar calendar), 1582, there was a move in the Imperial Court to endorse Nobunaga for one of the three posts, Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state), Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), or Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") as a reward for his subjugation of Takeda. 例文帳に追加

天正10年5月に至り、朝廷から武田征伐の戦勝祝賀として信長に、太政大臣、関白、征夷大将軍の三職いずれかに推任しようとする動きがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before the early medieval period (from the Heian to Kamakura periods), the general public (peasants etc.) were regulated only by the laws established by rulers, such as the Ritsuryo codes, court noble law, honjo (proprietor or guarantor of manor) law, and samurai law. 例文帳に追加

中世前期(平安時代~鎌倉時代)までは、民衆(百姓など)を規制する法令は、律令・公家法・本所法・武家法など支配者により定められたものしか存在していなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Meanwhile, they evaded heavy taxes imposed by the Kokufu and prevented intervention by the Imperial Court by donating shoen (manor) to Ingu oshinke (a general term for Imperial families and nobilities) and influential temples and shrines. 例文帳に追加

一方で院宮王臣家や有力な寺社に荘園を寄進して国府の重税から逃れることで財政負担と朝廷からの干渉・介入を防いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


That was because the Goseibai-shikimoku was not directed to the general law in samurai society, but it was also intended to evade legal conflicts between the samurai and court noble society. 例文帳に追加

これは御成敗式目が武家社会の一般法を目指したものではなく、武家社会と公家社会の法的衝突の回避の意味も含まれていたからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regardless of the side, Takauji ASHIKAGA, the seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") of the Northern Court decided to erect Tenryu-ji Temple in order to pray to Buddha for the happiness of the deceased emperor at Muso Soseki's suggestion (it is said that Takauji might be afflicted by the Emperor Godaigo's vindictive spirit). 例文帳に追加

北朝の征夷大将軍足利尊氏は敵味方の立場を超え、菩提を弔うために、夢窓疎石の勧めに従って天龍寺創建を決定した(尊氏が後醍醐天皇の怨霊に悩まされていたともいう)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In general, Insei period culture was significantly characterized by the tendency for cultural interests of court nobles to be shifted from life in Kyoto to local regions, common people, past (history), and the eruption of samurai and popular culture. 例文帳に追加

院政期文化は総じて、貴族の文化的関心が都での現実生活から、地方、庶民、過去(歴史)へと向かう傾向が顕著であり、また、武士・庶民文化の萌芽もみられる点を大きな特色としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the Yamato Court, the general youth education was implemented at "Daigakuryo" (Bureau of Education under the Ritsuryo system) under the direct control of "Shikibusho" (the Ministry of Ceremonial), while the I-do education was distinctively implemented at "Tenyakuryo" (the Bureau of Medicine) under the direct control of Imperial Household Ministry. 例文帳に追加

一般の教育が式部省被官の大学寮で行われたのに対して、医道は宮内省被官の典薬寮で行われたところに特徴がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By Attorney General Itaru MATSUMURO, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of Daishin-in Kiichiro HIRANUMA, and Chief Public Prosecutor of Kobe district court attorney's office Matsukichi KOYAMA, the case was made up and trials and executions were carried out at an unprecedented speed. 例文帳に追加

松室致検事総長、平沼騏一郎大審院次席検事、小山松吉神戸地裁検事局検事正らによって事件のフレームアップ化がはかられ、異例の速さで公判、刑執行がはかられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is not clear as to whether the Hitachi no suke, and the Kazusa no suke were under the customary control of the director general of these provinces, whether they were under the direct control of the New Emperor, or whether Masakado did not go aganst the system of the Imperial Court as described in the "Shomonki (The Chronicle of Masakado). 例文帳に追加

ここでの常陸、上総の介は慣習上の長官という意味か、新皇直轄という意味か、将門記の記載のとおり朝廷には二心がなかったという意味なのかは不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Gekisei refers to a system that Kugyo (high court nobles) who were ministers read moshibumi (a general term for a request or petition submitted by a lower authority to a higher) from shoshi (officials), had conferences and gave decisions on them at Geki Cho, an office of Geki (Secretary of the Grand Council of State). 例文帳に追加

外記政(げきせい)とは、大臣以下の公卿が外記の事務所である外記庁において諸司の申文を披見して協議・裁定を行うこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the report from Nobumitsu TAKEDA mentioned in the section of February 21 of "Azuma Kagami," Kagetoki tried to rise in revolt by supporting Ariyoshi TAKEDA for the shogunate, saying that he was appointed as general commander of the provinces in Kyushu by the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』正月28日条の武田信光からの報告によると、景時は朝廷から九州諸国の総司令に任命されたと称して上洛し、武田有義を将軍に奉じて反乱を目論んだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In October 1867, Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, the fifteenth Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), gave up political power to the Imperial Court by the Taiseihokan (restoration of imperial rule) and he expected to have great influence over the potential newly established Lords Conference through his potential role as the president of the conference. 例文帳に追加

慶応3年(1867年)10月大政奉還により政権を朝廷へ返上した15代征夷大将軍徳川慶喜は、新設されるであろう諸侯会議の議長として影響力を行使することを想定していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But actually, in the case being settled out of court or without arbitrator, the necessary procedures were also called 'kujideiri', so attention should be required (In this case, kuji means general trials or suits). 例文帳に追加

ただし、実際には内済・相対で解決される場合においても必要な手続を「公事出入」と称するため、注意を要する(この場合の公事とは前節における一般的な裁判・訴訟を意味する公事の語である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, after consulting many academic experts, Hideyoshi reached a conclusion that it would be justifiable to be granted a newly created honsei (original name) by the Imperial Court, matching the genpeitokitsu (general term of four major honseis : the Minamoto clan, the Taira clan, the Fujiwara clan, and the Tachibana clan). 例文帳に追加

そこで秀吉が多くの学識者から意見を聴取した結果、朝廷より源平藤橘(源氏・平氏・藤原氏・橘氏の総称)に匹敵する新姓を賜ることが公明正大であるという結論を得た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the deaths of Takeshige and his brother Taketoshi, the Kikuchi clan's influence was stagnated, however, at the same time, the Imperial Prince Kanenaga, the son of the Emperor Godaigo who established the Southern Court (Japan) in Yoshino and moved there, came down to Kyushu as Seisei shogun (literally, "great general who subdues the western barbarians"). 例文帳に追加

武重・武敏兄弟の死後、菊池氏勢力は沈滞の時期を迎えたが、吉野に南朝(日本)を建て移り住んだ後醍醐天皇の皇子懐良親王が、征西将軍として九州に下向した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I do think that the Supreme Court's decision naturally carries a heavy weight. Life insurance is something very familiar to the general public and its basic purpose rests with "buying peace of mind." 例文帳に追加

当然、最高裁判所の判決は重たいものでございますし、しかし、やはり生命保険というのは非常に国民に身近なものでございますから、やはり安心を買うということが基本的に生命保険でございます。 - 金融庁

In the affirmative case, the Secretary-Lawyer of the Court, at a petition of the interested party, shall issue a certificate addressed to the General Treasurer of the Republic ordering him to refund the amount paid. 例文帳に追加

不服申立認容の場合は,産業財産仲裁審判所の弁護士書記は,関係人の請求に基づき,納付された手数料の返還を要請するチリ共和国総出納官に宛てた還付命令書を発行するものとする。 - 特許庁

In considering the issuance and contents of the order, the court must pay attention to the general significance of the publication of the issue, the kind and scope of the infringement, the costs involved in the publishing process and other corresponding facts. 例文帳に追加

裁判所は,命令の発出及び内容を検討する際,当該事項の公表の全体的意義,侵害の種類及び範囲,公表措置に伴う費用並びにその他の関連事実に注意を払わなければならない。 - 特許庁

In considering the issuance and contents of the order, the court must pay attention to the general significance of the publication of the issue, the kind and scope of the infringement, the costs involved in the publishing process and other corresponding facts. 例文帳に追加

裁判所は,当該命令の発出及び内容を検討するに当たり,当該問題の公表の一般的な意義,侵害の種類及び範囲,公表手続に伴う費用並びにその他の関連事項に注意を払わなければならない。 - 特許庁

The decision of the Commercial Court on the lawsuit shall be forwarded to the Directorate General at the latest 14 (fourteen) days as of the date on which the decision is made, to thereafter be recorded and published. 例文帳に追加

当該訴訟に関する商務裁判所の判決内容は,判決の日から遅くとも14日以内に総局に送達され,その後記録され,かつ,公告される。 - 特許庁

Upon the decision on the refusal or withdrawal by the Directorate General, the applicant or his proxy can bring a lawsuit at the Commercial Court with the procedure as regulated in this Law. 例文帳に追加

総局による拒絶又はみなし取下の決定に対して,出願人又は代理人は本法に規定する手続により商務裁判所に訴訟を提起することができる。 - 特許庁

Where an application has been refused or deemed withdrawn, however is registered based on the decision of the Court, the announcement as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be conducted after the Directorate General receives a copy of the decision 例文帳に追加

出願が拒絶されたか取り下げられたものとみなされたにも拘らず,その後裁判所の判決により登録される場合は,(1)及び(2)に規定する公開は,総局が当該判決の謄本を受領した後で行われる。 - 特許庁

(3) An exploitation license may only be granted to a third party jointly by the joint patentees. Collective consent may be replaced by a court decision under the general provisions of civil law.例文帳に追加

(3) 第三者に対する実施ライセンスは,共有特許権者の共同によらなければ付与することができない。民法の一般規定に基づく裁判所の決定をもって集合的な同意に代えることができる。 - 特許庁

The court may, at the request of a party, exclude the public from the hearing notwithstanding the fact that the requirements prescribed in the general provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure may not be fulfilled.例文帳に追加

裁判所は,民事訴訟法の一般規定に定める要件が満たされない場合においても,当事者の請求により,審理から傍聴人を排除することができる。 - 特許庁

(16) The general provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply in the court proceedings referred to in paragraphs (1) and (15), with the exceptions laid down in Articles 89, 94 and 95(3) of this Act.例文帳に追加

(16) 民事訴訟法の一般規定を,本法第89条,第94条及び第95条(3)に定める例外を除き,(1)及び(15)にいう裁判手続において適用する。 - 特許庁

A defendant in an action for infringement of a patent may, without obtaining the consent of the Attorney-General under paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 41 of this Act, apply in accordance with rules of Court by way of counterclaim in the action for revocation of the patent.例文帳に追加

特許の侵害訴訟における被告は,第41条(3)(b)の規定に基づく法務長官の同意を得ないで裁判所規則の規定に従い反訴することによって特許の取消を求める申請をすることができる。 - 特許庁

In considering the issuance and contents of the order, the court must pay attention to the general significance of the publication of the issue, the kind and scope of the infringement, the costs involved in the publishing process and other corresponding facts. 例文帳に追加

裁判所は,命令の発出及び内容を検討するに際し,当該問題の公開の一般的意義,侵害の種類及び範囲,公開手続に係る費用,並びにその他の関連する事項に留意しなければならない。 - 特許庁

The court may, at the request of a party, exclude the public from the hearing notwithstanding the fact that the requirements prescribed in the general provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure may not be fulfilled.例文帳に追加

裁判所は,当事者の請求により,民事訴訟法の一般規定に定める要件が満たされていない場合があるとしても,聴聞から傍聴人を排除することができる。 - 特許庁

The general provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply in the court proceedings referred to in paragraphs (1) and (15), with the exceptions laid down in Articles 80, 85 and 86(3) of this Act.例文帳に追加

民事訴訟法の一般規定は,本法第80条,第85条及び第86条(3)に定める例外を除き,(1)及び(15)にいう裁判手続において適用する。 - 特許庁

Notwithstanding the provisions contained in Article 8:7 of the Dutch General Administrative Law Act (Algemene wet bestuursrecht), the District Court of The Hague shall have jurisdiction over appeals lodged against decisions rendered on the ground of this Act.例文帳に追加

オランダ行政法通則第8:7条の規定に拘らず,ハーグ地方裁判所は,本法に基づいて下された決定に対して提起される上訴に対し管轄権を有する。 - 特許庁

All disputes other than those specified in Articles 80 and 81 shall be brought before the court that has jurisdiction under the general rules governing the administration of justice.例文帳に追加

第80条及び第81条に示される以外のすべての紛争は,司法運営に関する一般規則に基づいて管轄権を有する裁判所に提起しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Such an order may not be given if the dissemination of the information is limited elsewhere in the law. In considering the issuance and contents of the order, the court must pay attention to the general significance of the publication of the issue, the kind and scope of the infringement, the costs involved in the publishing process and other corresponding facts. 例文帳に追加

発出の適否及び内容を考慮するに際し,当該情報の公表の一般的意義,当該侵害の性質及び範囲,公表にかかった費用並びにその他関係する事実に留意しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Judgment of the Supreme Court of Japan, 2nd Petty Bench, July 19, 1993, 1489 Hanrei Jiho 111, is the leading case regarding the validity of clauses in general contractual conditions (banking clauses) concerning fund transfers to an unauthorized person. 例文帳に追加

このような無権限者に対する弁済に関する当事者間の約款の効力について参考となる判例として最高裁平成5年7月19日第二小法廷判決・判例時報1489号111頁がある。 - 経済産業省

(4) Tenure of office as each Chief in the Attorney-General's Office, Secretary General of the Attorney-General's Office, officials of the Attorney-General's Office, and educational officials of the Attorney-General's Office before effectuation of this Act shall respectively be regarded as the tenure of office as Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Justice, officials of the Ministry of Justice, and education officials of the Ministry of Justice for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 41, Article 42 (including the case where the same Article is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 1, paragraph 2 of the Act concerning the Exceptions to the Authority of Assistant Judges, etc.) and Article 44 of the Court Act, and Article 19 of the Public Prosecutor's Office Act, Article 5 of the Attorneys Act and Article 2 of the Judicial Scrivener Act. 例文帳に追加

4 この法律の施行前における法務府の各長官、法務総裁官房長、法務府事務官及び法務府教官の在職は、裁判所法第四十一条、第四十二条(判事補の職権の特例等に関する法律第一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)及び第四十四条、検察庁法第十九条、弁護士法第五条並びに司法書士法第二条の規定の適用については、それぞれ法務省の事務次官、法務事務官及び法務教官の在職とみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 32 When the court finds it is necessary for avoiding extreme damage or delay, it may transfer, by its authority, the case of limitation of liability to other court with jurisdiction or, the district court that has jurisdiction for the general venue of the Claimant of the Limited Claim or the court in which the case of limitation of liability caused by the same accident which is pending pursuant to the provisions of Act on Limitation of Liability of Shipowner (Act No. 94 of 1975. Hereinafter referred to as "Act on Limitation of Liability"). 例文帳に追加

第三十二条 裁判所は、著しい損害又は遅滞を避けるため必要があると認めるときは、職権で、責任制限事件を他の管轄裁判所、制限債権者の普通裁判籍の所在地を管轄する地方裁判所又は同一の事故から生じた船舶の所有者等の責任の制限に関する法律 (昭和五十年法律第九十四号。以下「責任制限法」という。)の規定による責任制限事件の係属する裁判所に移送することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 97 With regard to a claim for a fine, petty fine, court costs for a criminal case, collection of equivalent value or non-penal fine which has arisen prior to the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings (excluding one that is a common benefit claim or claim with general priority; thereinafter referred to as a "claim for a fine, etc. arising prior to the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings"), the State or local public entity that holds such claim shall file a proof of the amount and cause thereof with the court without delay. 例文帳に追加

第九十七条 再生手続開始前の罰金、科料、刑事訴訟費用、追徴金又は過料(共益債権又は一般優先債権であるものを除く。以下「再生手続開始前の罰金等」という。)については、国又は地方公共団体は、遅滞なく、その額及び原因を裁判所に届け出なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In principle, 'Shozan' should have been designated by the decree of Seii Taishogun (great general who subdues the barbarians) of the Muromachi shogunate government as in the case of 'Gozan', but as the upper limit was not set for the designation, commands from Emperor Daijo of the Northern Court or even qualifications by the Southern Court, which was the enemy of the bakufu, were confirmed so that 'Shozan' was given to a lot of 'Zenrin.' 例文帳に追加

原則的には五山と同様に室町幕府の征夷大将軍御教書によって指定されることになっていたが、特に上限を設けなかったために多くの禅林に諸山の称号が与えられ、北朝_(日本)太上天皇の院宣や果ては敵である南朝_(日本)による諸山称号が追認されたものまであったと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to the fact that the rank could not be raised within the job classification of hogi according to the general rule governing 'suitable court rank,' basic to the ritsuryo system, a measure was taken to raise the court rank by appointing the incumbent to an additional post of senior Shitokan as 'Gon no shoku' (a temporary position) when raising the rank of a scholar monk hogi while remaining in the priesthood. 例文帳に追加

ただ、基本的には還俗しない学僧方技の位階を上げる場合には、律令制度の基本である「官位相当」の原則によって方技の職制のままでは位階を上げることが出来ないため、「権職(ごんのしょく)」(定員外配置)によって四等官上位職を兼務させることで位階を上げる方法がとられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, the three posts to replace the bakufu, the seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), and the regents sessho and kanpaku were established: Sosai, which was held by Prince ARISUGAWA Taruhito; Gijo, which was held by ten members consisting of two members of the Imperial family, three court nobles, and the lords of the five domains Satsuma, Owari, Echizen, Hiroshima, and Tosa; and Sanyo, held by twenty members consisting of five court nobles, and three members from each of the above-mentioned five domains. 例文帳に追加

そこで、幕府・征夷大将軍・摂政・関白に代わるものとして、総裁三職の総裁(有栖川宮熾仁親王、議定(皇族2名・公卿3名・薩摩藩・尾張藩・越前藩・広島藩・土佐藩の各藩主の計10名)、参与(公卿5名、議定5藩より各3名の計20名)の三職が任命された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1386, the name of Minamoto no Ason (Godaigo Genji, or Minamoto clan in Emperor Godaigo lineage) was bestowed upon him by the Southern Court, and he fought in battles in many places as Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), but in 1424, when he was heading from Kozuke Province to Mikawa Province, he was surrounded by enemies (local clans and samurai who sided with the Northern Court) at Namiai-mura, Shinano Province (present-day Achi-mura, Shimoina-gun, Nagano Prefecture), and committed suicide. 例文帳に追加

元中3年(1386年)南朝より源朝臣を賜姓(後醍醐源氏)され、征夷大将軍右近衛大将となって各地を転戦するが、応永31年(1424年)上野国から三河国に向かう途中、信濃国浪合村(長野県下伊那郡阿智村)の山麓で敵軍(北朝側の土豪・地侍)に囲まれ、自害したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In January 997, Teishi gave birth to Imperial Princess Shushi (or Nagako), the first Princess of Emperor Ichijo, and the Emperor yearned to have Teishi back in the Imperial Court as the Empress; on the other hand, Higashi Sanjo Nyoin (or Higashi Sanjoin) was hardly recovered yet from her illness; at last on May 18, 997, the Imperial Court decided to pardon the brothers Dazai gon no sochi Korechika and Izumo gon no kami Takaie under the general amnesty on Nyoin gono (illness of Nyoin) to send them back by Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State). 例文帳に追加

同年12月には定子の腹から一条天皇第一皇女脩子内親王が出生し、帝が定子入内を強く望む一方、東三条女院の病気も一向に快方に向かわず、朝廷は遂に長徳3年(997年)4月5日、女院御悩による大赦に託けて大宰権帥伊周・出雲権守隆家兄弟の罪科を赦し、太政官符を以って召還することに決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the way, the following story is described in "Kanmongyoki" (1416 - 1448, The Diary of Zuiko-in) but it is not known whether the descriptions were true or not: The Kazainin family line became extinct, because Tadasada KAZANIN had no heir, and therefore, he secretly took custody of 'a son of Konoe in the Southern Court' (a descendant of Tsunetada KONOE, kanpaku in the Southern Court - in Japan), who later celebrated his coming of age, with a crown put on his head by Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, seii taishogun (literally, the great general whose mission was to subdue the barbarians) and was granted a portion of Tadasada's name. 例文帳に追加

なお、『看聞御記』には、花山院忠定に相続人がおらず家門が断絶しかかったため、「南方近衛息」(南朝(日本)関白近衛経忠の末裔)を秘かに迎えて、征夷大将軍足利義持の加冠によって元服して偏諱を受けたとする記述が記されているが、真相は不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this book, the head of the Odachi clan, who served the Muromachi bakufu as moshitsugishu (a civil servant post of Muromachi bakufu) and played a role of corresponding secretary between seii taishogun (literally, a great general who subdues the barbarians) and influential families, listed actual shosatsurei together with his notes based on the categories of addressees, namely shogun, court nobles including top court officials, Buddhist priest including monzeki (priest-prince), shugo-daimyo (military governor) including kanrei (shogunal deputy), officials of Muromachi bakufu and vassals of daimyo. 例文帳に追加

室町幕府申次衆などを務め、征夷大将軍と諸権門との連絡役を務めることが多かった大舘氏当主が将軍・公卿以下の公家、門跡以下の僧侶、管領以下の守護大名、室町幕府の諸役人や諸大名の家臣などに出す場合の書札礼を差出対象ごとに分けた上で実際の書札を例に取りながら注記を加えたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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