
「in a day or so;」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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in a day or so;の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 76


It'll be finished in a day or so. 例文帳に追加

1日かそこらで終わります. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

I'll let you know in a day or so.例文帳に追加

一両日中にお知らせします。 - Tatoeba例文

I'll let you know in a day or so. 例文帳に追加

一両日中にお知らせします。 - Tanaka Corpus

an event or circumstances causing an interruption in the normal operation of the Registry, the Registrar may certify the day as being one on which there is an "interruption" and, where any period of time specified in the Act or these Rules for the giving, making or filing of any notice, application or other document expires on a day so certified the period shall be extended to the first day next following (not being an excluded day) which is not so certified. 例文帳に追加

登録庁の通常業務を中断させる事件若しくは事情がある場合, - 特許庁


Shogatsu in Japan is, in China, 'zheng-yue-chu-yi' (the first day of January) or 'da-nian-chu-yi' (the first day of a large year) in Chinese, that is so-called chun-jie in Chinese. 例文帳に追加

日本での正月は中国では「正月初一」または「大年初一」いわゆる春節である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(5) Where an application for a patent is filed upon the day immediately following a day which is certified under paragraph (1) as being one on which there is an interruption or which is an excluded day for the purposes of section 111, the period of 12 months specified in section 14(4) shall be computed from the day after the next preceding day which is neither so certified nor so excluded.例文帳に追加

(5) 特許出願が(1)に基づいて中断があった日として認定された日の翌日又は第111条適用上の非就業日の翌日に提出された場合は,第14条(4)に定められる12月の期間は,当該認定された日及び非就業日の何れにも該当しない直前の日から起算される。 - 特許庁

Where an application for a patent is filed upon the day immediately following a day which is certified under paragraph (5) or which is an excluded day for the purposes of section 104, the period specified in section 12 shall be computed from the day following the next preceding day which is neither so certified nor so excluded.例文帳に追加

特許出願が,(5)に基づき確認された日又は第104条適用上の非就業日の翌日に提出された場合は,第12条に定める期間は,前記のように確認されない日か又は非就業日でない翌日から起算する。 - 特許庁

It was sent by express mail, so it should be delivered to you in a day or two. 例文帳に追加

速達便で発送しましたので、一両日中にはお手元に届くかと存じます。 - Weblio Email例文集

Where any period of time specified in the Ordinance or these Rules, or as extended under these Rules, for the filing of any document or other thing with the Registrar expires on a day so notified, the period shall be extended to the first day next following (not being an excluded day) that is not so notified. 例文帳に追加

書類その他の物を登録官に提出するために,条例又は本規則に規定され又は本規則に基づいて延長された何れかの期間が,そのように通知された日に満了する場合は,当該期間はそのように通知されていない次に続く最初の日(非就業日を除く)まで延長される。 - 特許庁


Where any period of time specified in the Ordinance or these Rules, or as extended under these Rules, for the filing of any document or other thing with the Registrar expires on a day so notified, the period shall be extended to the first day next following (not being an excluded day) that is not so notified. 例文帳に追加

そのように通知された日に,書類その他の物の登録官に対する提出のために条例若しくは本規則に指定された期間又は本規則に基づいて延長された期間が満了する場合は,その期間は,次に来るそのように通知されていない(非就業日でない)最初の日まで延長される。 - 特許庁


To avoid a transaction failure in a transaction reservation such as a transfer reservation so that a banking institution gives a payer notice of a transaction by the preceding day of a transacting day or a further-preceding designated day in order to give a chance confirming a bank balance in advance.例文帳に追加

振込予約のような取引予約において、取引日の前日又はそれ以前の指定日に取引が実行されることを金融機関から通知することにより支払人に残高を確認する機会を与えることにより取引の不成立を回避すること。 - 特許庁

(c) the operation of the electronic online system, the Registrar may issue practice directions to declare that day as one on which there has been such an interruption and, where any period of time specified in the Act for the giving, sending, filing or serving of any notice, application or other document expires on a day so declared, the period shall be extended to the first day next following (not being an excluded day) which is not so declared.例文帳に追加

(c)電子オンラインシステムの運営の中断があった場合は何時でも,登録官は,実施指示(practice directions)を出して,その日を「中断」があった日として宣言することができ,意匠法に定める通知,申請又はその他書類の引渡,送付,又は提出又は送達の期間が宣言された日に満了する場合,当該期間は,非就業日ではない翌日(ただし宣言されていない日)まで延長される。 - 特許庁

(a) where a notice in relation to the application is published under subsection 92(1) or (2) - on the day on which the notice is so published; or (b) where a notice in relation to the application is published under subsection 92(3) - on the day on which a copy of the application, as so published, is received in the Patent Office. 例文帳に追加

(a) 第92条(1)又は(2)に基づいて当該出願についての公告が行われる場合-当該公告の日,又は (b) 第92条(3)に基づいて当該出願についての公告が行われる場合-公開された出願の写しが,特許局において受領された日 - 特許庁

Mr. Araya’s commitment to food is so strong that he goes to restaurants almost every weekday, sometimes visiting five or six restaurants in a single day.例文帳に追加

平日は外食がほとんどであり、5、6軒を1日で回ることもあるというほど、荒谷社長の食へのこだわりは強い。 - 経済産業省

There was a strange customer ('shite' or the leading role) who came to his pub every day and drank in a very cool manner, so one day Kofu asked him about his name, then the customer answered that he was Shojo living under water; and the customer left (the disappearance of the leading role from the stage is called 'naka-iri', and the leading role before the naka-iri is called 'mae-jite', after the naka-iri is called 'nochi-jite'). 例文帳に追加

その店に毎日やってきては酒を飲むが顔色の変わらない不思議な客(前シテ)がおり、その素性を高風がたずねたところ、自分は海中に住む猩々であると告げて立去った(中入り)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the Senmyoreki lunisolar calendar used until the middle of the Edo period, the 13th of December was always a 'day of the ghost' in the 27 mansions or divisions of Chinese astrology and this day was auspicious for everything except weddings, so it was chosen as a good day to welcome the god of the New Year called Toshigama-sama. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代中期まで使われていた宣明暦では12月13日の二十七宿は必ず「鬼」になっており、鬼の日は婚礼以外は全てのことに吉とされているので、正月の年神様を迎えるのに良いとして、この日が選ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even now chigomage is sometimes worn by girls when they take part in Shichi-go-san (a day of prayer for the healthy growth of young children) events, Jusan Mairi (a visit to a shrine or temple to celebrate being 13 years old), festivals and so on (however, today gaily dressed girls mainly wear Yuiwata [hair style like cotton wrapped up] or Katsuyama-mage [hair style with combs and pins], so that chigomage is not to be seen very often). 例文帳に追加

現在でも七五三や十三参り、祭礼などに参加する少女が結うことがある(但し、現在では晴れ着の少女の髪形は結綿や勝山髷が主流で稚児髷は思ったほど多くない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(3) Where, in or in connection with an application for a patent (“the application in suit”), it is desired to make a declaration specifying for the purposes of section 17(2) an earlier relevant application and the period of 12 months immediately following the date of filing the earlier relevant application ends on a day which is an excluded day for the purposes of section 111, then if the declaration is made on the first following day on which the Registry is open for the transaction of such business, such period shall be altered so as to include both the day of filing of the earlier relevant application and the day on which the declaration is made in or in connection with the application in suit.例文帳に追加

(3) 特許出願(「問題の出願」)において又はこれに関連して,第17条(2)の適用上,先の関係出願を示す宣言が行われることが望ましく,かつ,当該先の関係出願の出願日の直後に開始する12月の期間が第111条適用上の非就業日に満了する場合において,当該宣言がその後の初日であって当該事務の処理のために登録局が就業している日に行われたときは,当該期間は,先の関係出願の出願日,及び問題の出願において又はこれに関連して宣言が行われた日の双方を含むよう変更される。 - 特許庁

if the person is remunerated in his or her occupation by wages, salary or fees -- an amount equal to the amount of wages, salary or fees not paid to the person because of his or her attendance as a witness; or (b) in any other case -- an amount of not less than $80, or more than $130, for each day when he or she so attends. 例文帳に追加

その者が,その職業において賃金,給与又は手数料による報酬を受けている場合-証人として出頭するために,その者に支払われなくなる賃金,給与又は手数料に等しい金額,又は(b)前記以外の場合-その者の出頭日1日につき,$80以上,$130以下の金額 - 特許庁

In a second process, business activity to the like is performed while checking the progress state of a result value in each day/week by POS data by using a procedure of a so-called system of management by objective or the like in order to achieve the set concrete targets.例文帳に追加

第二に、設定された具体的目標を達成する為に、いわゆる目標管理制度の手法等を用いて、日毎・週毎の実績値をPOSデータにより進捗状況を確認しながら、営業活動等を遂行する。 - 特許庁

The pharmaceutical formulation for accumulation suppression and/or reduction of fat in the body is prepared so that it contains (A) ephedrines and (B) glycyrrhizic acid in an amount of four times that by weight or more of the component (A) and so that the dose of the total (A) component is 2.5 to 9 mg a day for an adult.例文帳に追加

(A)エフェドリン類、ならびに(B)グリチルリチン酸を含有し、(A)成分1重量部に対して(B)成分が4重量部以上であり、かつ成人1日あたりの(A)成分総量の投与量が2.5〜9mgになるように製剤されてなる、体内脂肪の蓄積抑制および/または低減用医薬組成物。 - 特許庁

Further, a validity term or limit to the number of times of receiving privileges in a day is set and stored for each customer so that the validity term or the like can be checked simultaneously with fingerprint collation.例文帳に追加

また、有効期限や、1日ごとの特典を受けられる回数に制限を設け、それを顧客ごとに記憶して、指紋照合と同時に、有効期限などを確認できるようにしている。 - 特許庁

When used together with a photovoltaic power generator, the wind-collecting/wind turbine generator can generate power if only wind blows even in the nighttime, in the rainy weather, or in a cloudy day, in which sunbeam power generation cannot be performed so that complementary storage is allowed and usage thereof is widened.例文帳に追加

そして、太陽光発電装置と併用することにより、太陽光線発電が得られない、夜間や、雨天や曇天にも、風があれば発電が可能であり、補完的蓄電を可能にし、利用用途が広がる。 - 特許庁

As for the game history on the previous day or before, whether or not the state after the two-round jackpots is the high-probability state (a sudden probability variable jackpot) is displayed as shown in Fig. (b), so that the detailed game history can be provided for the player.例文帳に追加

昨日以前の遊技履歴については、(b)のように2ラウンド当りの後の状態が高確率であった(突確大当り)か否かを表示するので、遊技者に詳細な遊技履歴を提供可能となる。 - 特許庁

In the case of the Obon festival (a Festival of the Dead or Buddhist All Soul's Day) in Japan, each ancestor's spirit called Oshorai-sama is considered to come back to the Buddhist altar in each house once a year so that people place Bonku (offerings) during the Obon period. 例文帳に追加

日本におけるお盆の場合、お精霊さま(おしょらいさま)と呼ばれる各家の祖霊が、一年に一度、家の仏壇に戻ってくるものとして、盆の期間中、盆供として毎日供物を供える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By such a construction, the droplets attached to the umbrella can be rapidly and easily removed, and so the machine can be effectively used at a rainy day in a department store or the like that is heavy in comings and goings of persons.例文帳に追加

かかる構成により、雨傘についた水滴を自動に迅速かつ容易に取り除くことが出来、雨天の時に人々の往来が多いデパートなどで効果的に使用され得る。 - 特許庁

This is so even for a trade mark whose registration in respect of particular goods or services has effect from (and including) the day on which an application was made in a Convention country. 例文帳に追加

特定の商品又はサービスに関する登録が条約国における出願日より(同日を含む)効力を有する商標の場合でも同じである。 - 特許庁

(1) Where, on any day, there is -- (a) a general interruption or subsequent dislocation in the postal services of Singapore; (b) an event or circumstances causing an interruption in the normal operation of the Registry; or (c) an interruption in the operation of the electronic online system, the Registrar may certify the day as being one on which there is aninterruption” and, where any period of time specified in the Act or these Rules for the giving, making or filing of any notice, application or other document expires on a day so certified the period shall be extended to the first day next following (not being an excluded day) which is not so certified.例文帳に追加

(1) 何れかの日において, (a) シンガポールの郵便業務に全面的中断若しくは事後混乱が発生した場合, (b) 登録局の正常な運営に中断をもたらすような事象若しくは状況が発生した場合,又は (c) 電子オンラインシステム運用の中断が発生した場合は, 登録官は,当該日を「中断」があった日であるものとして認定することができ,また,何らかの通知,申請又はその他の書類を与え,行い又は提出するために法又は本規則で定める期間がそのように認定された日に満了する場合は,当該期間は,そのように認定された日でない翌日(非就業日を除く)まで延長される。 - 特許庁

In the homepage link connection system development method by Internet communication, website frame division is performed by website link connection to integrally manage stock information, so that a stock trade such as day trade or swing trade can be easily performed by quickly finding out a brand with high volatility.例文帳に追加

株式情報を一元管理してホームページリンク結合でホームページのフレーム分割を行い、デイトレード、スイングトレード、ボラテイリテイーの高い銘柄をすばやく見つけ、株式売買を容易に行う。 - 特許庁

The reason it is considered is because municipalities give consideration to young people so that many of them who leave their home towns to take a job or to proceed to higher education can easily participate in the ceremony on the day of Obon festival or during the first seven days of the year when many of them return home, and do not need to spend money on buying a best dress (in particular, more than half of towns and villages in Iwate Prefecture hold the ceremony on the day of the Obon festival). 例文帳に追加

これは就職や進学で地元を離れる人が多いので、実家に帰省する人が多いお盆や松の内に行うほうが参加しやすい、晴れ着などに金銭をかけなくて済むという配慮が働いていると思われる(特に岩手県では、半数以上の町村がお盆に開催している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If supervisors suspect, through day-to-day supervisory work, that a business operator engaging in a business specially permitted for qualified institutional investors, etc. or a specially-permitted investment management business operator fails to meet the requirements mentioned above, they shall require such business operator to make a report to confirm the state of its business under Article 63(7) of the FIEA or Article 48(3) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Amendment Act, and shall take actions equivalent to those applicable to unregistered business operators mentioned in II-1-1(7), when they find it necessary to do so based on such report. 例文帳に追加

日常の監督事務等を通じ、適格機関投資家等特例業者等について上記の要件に該当しない疑いが把握された場合には、金商法第63条第7項又は改正法附則第48条第3項に規定する業務に係る状況確認のための報告を求め、その結果として必要な場合には、Ⅱ-1-1(7)の無登録業者に対する対応に準じた対応をとるものとする。 - 金融庁

(4) Where it is desired to make such a declaration and the said period of 12 months from the date of filing the earlier relevant application ends on a day certified under paragraph (1) as being one on which there is an interruption, and if the declaration is made on the first day after the end of the interruption, the period shall be altered so as to include both the day of filing of the earlier relevant application and the day on which the declaration is made in or in connection with the application in suit.例文帳に追加

(4) 当該宣言を行うことが望ましく,かつ,先の関係出願の出願日から12月の期間が(1)に基づいて中断のあった日として認定された日に満了する場合において,当該宣言が当該中断の終了後の初日に行われたときは,当該期間は,先の関係出願の出願日,及び問題の出願において又はこれに関連して宣言が行われた日の双方を含むように変更される。 - 特許庁

This peroral composition for treating the rhinitis contains pseudoephedorine and ketotifen fumarate, wherein the composition is controlled in release of the pseudoephedorine or its salt so as to be administered twice a day.例文帳に追加

プソイドエフェドリン及びフマル酸ケトチフェンを配合し、かつプソイドエフェドリン又はその塩を放出制御した1日2回服用型の経口鼻炎治療用組成物。 - 特許庁

To provide an interior decorative article having air cleaning function utilizing photocatalysis so as to exert air cleaning function such as odor elimination, a deodorant property or an antibacterial property in any places without distinction of night and day.例文帳に追加

どのような場所に設置されても、また、昼夜の別を問わず、光触媒機能を利用することによって、消臭、脱臭、抗菌等の空気清浄機能を発揮し得る室内装飾物を提供することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

At power-up of the receiver the next time, it is possible to instantaneously obtain a time of accuracy with an error of 1 millisecond or shorter per one day so as to be used in the initialization processing of other receivers.例文帳に追加

次回受信機をパワーアップすると、他の受信機の初期化処理に使用できるように一日の誤差が1ミリ秒以下の精度の時刻を即時に得ることができる。 - 特許庁

So the weeks passed on, till one fine day there came a letter addressed to Dr. Livesey, with this addition, "To be opened, in the case of his absence, by Tom Redruth or young Hawkins." 例文帳に追加

何週間もすぎたある日、一通の手紙がリバシー先生宛に届き、その手紙には「リバシー先生が不在のときには、トム・レッドルースもしくはホーキンズ少年が開封のこと」と付箋がついていた。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』

If in any particular case the Registrar is satisfied that the failure to give, make or file any notice, application or other document within any period of time specified in the Act or these Rules for such giving, making or filing was wholly or mainly attributable to a failure or undue delay in the postal services in Brunei Darussalam, the Registrar may, if he thinks fit, extend the period so that it ends on the day of the receipt by the addressee of the notice, application or other document (or, if the day of such receipt is an excluded day, on the first following day which is not an excluded day), upon such notice to other parties and upon such terms as he may direct. 例文帳に追加

法律又は本規則において付与,作成又は提出を行うよう定められている期間内に,通知,出願又はその他の書類の付与,作成又は提出が,完全に又は主に,ブルネイ・ダムラサール国における郵便業務の不履行又は過度の遅延に起因していると登録官が認める特段の場合には,登録官は,適切であると考える場合において,他方の当事者へその通知を行うことにより,及び登録官が指示した条件のもとに,通知,出願又はその他の書類にある宛先で受領する日(又は,当該受領が非就業日の場合は翌日)が終了となるよう期間を延長できる。 - 特許庁

To provide a solid waste disposal treatment so as to make allowable dispersed location conditions by lowering dioxin content of 0.1 ngEQT/Nm^3 or lower in exhaust gas even under treatment of 10/T/day or less and control of environmental pollutants such as sulfur oxides, hydrogen chloride and dispersed solids of nitrogen oxides at or below the regulated values, and recovering the energy as electric power.例文帳に追加

固体廃棄物処理に於いて、分散立地を可能ならしめるために、処理量10/T日以下の規模でも排気ガス中ダイオキシンの含量を0.1ngEQT/Nm3以下にすると共に、硫黄酸化物、塩化水素、窒素酸化物分散固体等の公害物質排出も規制値以下であること。 - 特許庁

In the Edo period, the domestic marine transport became active, so the katsuobushi produced in Kyushu or the Shikoku region was transported to Edo and people there jokingly made a katsuobushi ranking list, in which 'Shimizu-bushi' (the katsuobushi produced in Shimizu, Totoumi Province (the present-day Shizuoka Prefecture)) and 'Yakushima-bushi' (the katsuobushi produced on Yakushima Island, Satsuma Province) was ranked ozeki (the second-highest rank of a sumo wrestler). 例文帳に追加

江戸期には国内での海運が盛んになり、九州や四国などの鰹節も江戸に運ばれるようになり、遠州(静岡)の「清水節」、薩摩の「屋久島節」などを大関とする鰹節の番付表が作成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This solves the problem that the data written in a conventional MFIS transistor vanishes within a day or a little longer mainly because large leakage current from the buffer layer and the ferroelectric prevents electric polarization of the ferroelectric from controlling electric conduction between the source drains of transistors in which electric charges are accumulated around an interface between the ferroelectric and the buffer layer so that they shield electric polarization stored in the ferroelectric.例文帳に追加

本願発明においては、絶縁体バッファ層2をHfO_2+uあるいはHf_1-xAl_2xO_2+x+yで構成することにより、絶縁体バッファ層2と強誘電体3の両方のリーク電流を低く押さえることができ、データ保持時間が真に充分長いメモリトランジスタが実現する。 - 特許庁

Water is preferentially distributed to paddy fields in a growing period of paddy-rice plant liable to be influenced by water shortage or to undamaged paddy fields and the amount of water per day to be distributed to the paddy fields from the day to fixed several days hereafter is planned so that the total amount of water does not exceed the total amount of water for total irrigation which can be taken from a fountainhead 101.例文帳に追加

水不足の影響を受けやすい水稲生育時期の水田に対して、または未被害の水田に対して優先的に水配分を行うようにし、その総和が水源池101から取水可能な総灌漑用水量を超えないように、各水田への当日から所定日数先までの日水配分量を計画する。 - 特許庁

To solve the problem that monthly adjustment is required so as to add workers or reduce the number of planned products on the day or impose an overtime work on a worker when the work distribution result does not satisfy working hours in the conventional work distribution.例文帳に追加

従来の作業配分においては、作業配分結果が就業時間内に収まらなかった場合、作業者を追加するか、当日の計画台数を下げて、月度の計画で調整するか、作業者に残業を課すといった生産条件の変更を伴う。 - 特許庁

I have here made the experiment in a very rough way; but I assure you that if I were to make it carefully, devoting a day to it, instead of five minutes, we should get all the proper amount of charcoal left in the spoon, or in the place where the potassium was burned, so that there could be no doubt as to the result. 例文帳に追加

ここではかなり乱暴に実験してますけれど、もしこの実験を慎重にやって、5分ですませるんじゃなくて丸一日かけたら、スプーンとか、あるいはカリウムを燃やした場所にかなりの炭が残ることになって、結果は疑問の余地がなくなることは断言しておきます。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

To provide a system for properly changing the contents or level of information to be provided when the system is applied to various spaces such as a home, a day nursery, a nursing-care facility, a hospital, an office, a hotel and a store, so as to provide the information concerning the situations in the spaces.例文帳に追加

一般家庭、託児所、介護施設、病院、オフィス、ホテル及び店舗、等の様々な空間に適用されて、その空間内の状況に関する情報を提供する際に、提供する情報の内容やレベルを適宜変更可能なシステムを実現する。 - 特許庁

The control section 103 has a function of stopping operation of the video servers 101, 102, decreases number of the video servers in operation when the frequency of use is less in a day, interrupts a power supply section 501 to 502 of the video server 101 or 102 whose operation is stopped so as to reduce the consumed energy of the entire system.例文帳に追加

制御部103はビデオサーバ101、102の運転を停止する機能を有し使用頻度の少ない日は運転するビデオサーバの数を減少して運転を停止したビデオサーバ101又は102の電源部501又は502を切りシステム全体の消費エネルギーを低下させる。 - 特許庁

Furthermore, the method includes adding the treatment bacillus B to the treatment liquid W in the treatment tank 1, and performing operation of stirring the inside of the treatment tank 1, once to a few times in a day for about a few hours to one week so as to dissolve part or the whole of picked residue, and eliminate and remove the picked residue from the seaweed culturing nets 10, 10,...例文帳に追加

そして、処理槽1内の処理用液Wに処理用細菌Bを添加し、1日に1〜数回、処理槽1内を攪拌する操作を数時間〜1週間程度行うことによって、摘取残渣の一部又は全部を分解し、海藻養殖用網10,10,…から摘取残渣を脱離・除去させる。 - 特許庁

To provide the leg structure of a desk used in a kindergarten or day nursery, as a coupling structure for its top plate with legs, in which durability is enhanced by strengthening the coupling force still further, so that breakage will not occur simply and adjustability is secured for the desk height to the required condition at any time.例文帳に追加

幼稚園や託児所などで使用される机の天板と脚の結合構造において、結合力をさらに強化して簡単に破損されないように耐久性を向上させると共に、机の高さを隨時必要とする状態に調整できるようにする。 - 特許庁

3. A person who, because of his professional, scientific or other special skill or knowledge, is summoned to appear before the registrar as a witness shall be paid -- (a) if the person is remunerated in his occupation by wages, salary or fees, an amount equal to the amount of wages, salary or fees not paid to the person because of his attendance before the Registrar for that purpose, but such amount should not exceed $150 per day; or (b) in any other case, an amount of not less than $100 but not more than $150.00 for each day on which he so attends.例文帳に追加

3. 専門的,科学的若しくはその他の特別な技能又は知識を有する者であるために証人として登録官の面前に出頭するよう召喚された者は,次の額の支払を受ける。 (a) その者が自己の職業上,賃金,給料又は料金により報酬を得ている場合は,当該目的での登録官の面前への出頭のために支払われない賃金,給料又は料金の額に等しい額。ただし,当該額は,1日当たり150ドルを超えない。又は, (b) その他の場合は,その者が出席した各日当たり100ドル以上,150ドル以下とする。 - 特許庁

Judicial power is the strongest. There are so many independent administrative commissions in the United States, as they were created to serve as a bridge between judicial and executive bodies, according to one or two books I read back in the day. 例文帳に追加

司法権が一番強いのです。ですから、司法と行政との橋渡しのような独立委員会をつくったということがアメリカであれだけ独立行政委員会が多い理由だということ、昔私が読んだ一つか二つの本の話ですけれども、そういうことかなと。 - 金融庁


Article 37 (1) When a party concerned in a case involving public welfare undertaking resorts to an act of dispute, the party shall so notify the Labor Relations Commission and the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare or the prefectural governor at least 10 days prior to the day on which the act of dispute is to be commenced. 例文帳に追加

第三十七条 公益事業に関する事件につき関係当事者が争議行為をするには、その争議行為をしようとする日の少なくとも十日前までに、労働委員会及び厚生労働大臣又は都道府県知事にその旨を通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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