
「land ownership」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(4ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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land ownershipの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 189


To perform a procedure in a simple way and in a short time for an application to a land transportation branch office in regard to an automobile lean or lease contract having an ownership reservation.例文帳に追加

所有権留保条件付きオートローン契約やリース契約を伴う陸運支局への申請の手続を簡略化し、短時間で済むようにする。 - 特許庁

This is surmised to be related to the high age of proprietors (30% are aged 70 or over) and the high proportion of ownership of land and buildings (63%) in shopping districts in City E.例文帳に追加

この点はE市商店街における店主の年齢層の高さ(70歳以上30%)や、土地建物所有比率の高さ(63%)にも関連すると推察される。 - 経済産業省

In the shopping districts of City F, on the other hand, where land and building ownership is high as in shopping districts in City E, large numbers of new stores have opened since 1997, and these are concentrated especially in food and drink retailing.例文帳に追加

一方で、E市商店街同様に土地建物所有比率が高いF市商店街では1997年以降の新しい出店が活発であり、特に飲食料品小売業に集中している。 - 経済産業省

Africa is a drought-stricken area with little precipitation; in addition, it has insufficient infrastructure (e.g., irrigation systems and land-ownership systems) for such a revolution. A combination of these factors, together with regional conflicts, has prevented a "green revolution" in Africa, according to some sources21.例文帳に追加

元々アフリカは降水量が少なく干ばつが発生しやすい気候であるが、これに加えて灌漑施設などのインフラ不足、土地所有制度の不備、地域紛争などが緑の革命の実現を妨げているとされる。 - 経済産業省


Takahashi and Otsuka (2007) point out that, in the example of the Philippines, the introduction of land ownership and rice-field irrigation led to an increase in agricultural income, which contributed greatly to improvements in educational standards for farmers' children.例文帳に追加

高橋・大塚(2007)23が示したフィリピンの農村における事例では、土地保有や灌漑水田の導入によって農業所得が増大し、農業所得の増大が子弟の教育水準向上に大きく貢献した。 - 経済産業省


Article 81 In cases where land and any building built on it are under the ownership of an obligor, if such land or building has been seized and the owner of either the land or building has changed to a person other than said obligor through a sale thereof, a superficies shall be deemed to have been established for such building. In this case, the rent shall be specified by the court, upon request by a party concerned. 例文帳に追加

第八十一条 土地及びその上にある建物が債務者の所有に属する場合において、その土地又は建物の差押えがあり、その売却により所有者を異にするに至つたときは、その建物について、地上権が設定されたものとみなす。この場合においては、地代は、当事者の請求により、裁判所が定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) Where the procedure of compulsory conversion into money has been commenced against the taxpayer's property (including cases where notice has been given under the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (1) (Limitation on Effect of Transfer of Ownership, etc.) of the Act on Contract for Establishment of Security Interests by Use of Provisional Registration) (Act No. 78 of 1978) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 20 (Application Mutatis Mutandis to Contract for Acquisition of Rights Other Than Ownership for Land, etc.) of said Act 例文帳に追加

一 納税者の財産につき強制換価手続が開始されたとき(仮登記担保契約に関する法律(昭和五十三年法律第七十八号)第二条第一項(所有権移転の効力の制限等)(同法第二十条(土地等の所有権以外の権利を目的とする契約への準用)において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による通知がされたときを含む。)。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In cases where the objective is the ownership of buildings used solely for business and a Land Lease Right with a duration of at least ten but fewer than thirty years is to be established, the provisions of Articles 3 through 8, 13 and 18 shall not apply. 例文帳に追加

2 専ら事業の用に供する建物の所有を目的とし、かつ、存続期間を十年以上三十年未満として借地権を設定する場合には、第三条から第八条まで、第十三条及び第十八条の規定は、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In response to that, under the Kenmu regime the Emperor Godaigo adopted a mechanism such that katoku (family estate), kaki (family record) and residence were incorporated into 'kamon' (family), keryo (territory of a family) was positioned as the economic basis needed to maintain the kamon, collectively providing 'shoryo ando' (act of providing authorization for land ownership and guaranteeing feudal tenure) to kamon and keryo for each family, regardless of its being the honke or ryoke. 例文帳に追加

それを受けて建武政権においては後醍醐天皇が家督・家記・邸宅などを合わせて「家門」とし、家領を家門維持のために必要な経済的な基盤としてと位置づけ、本家・領家を問わず家門と家領を家単位で一括安堵をする仕組を取り入れたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In a broad sense, the term refers to temples for which the imperial court or provincial government offices provided the construction and maintenance costs as well as other funds, and in a narrow sense refers to temples that were self-managed but for which jikifu (a vassal household allotted to courtier, shrines and temples) and cultivated land ownership rights (the right to hold a manor) were provided by the state. 例文帳に追加

広義では、朝廷または国衙が伽藍の造営・維持のための費用その他を拠出している寺院を指し、狭義では食封や墾田保有権(荘園私有の権利)を国家から与えられて、運営が行われている寺院のことを指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Fukakusanomiya who became the 2nd Itsutsujinomiya by intervention of the Kamankura bakufu received Shoryo Ando (act of providing authorization for land ownership and guaranteeing feudal tenure) of Itsutsuji no yakata and the domain at Kusakabe-go, Bizen Province by Moritoki HOJO in September 1329, however, only Itsutsuji no yakata was returned to the ex-owner, the Imperial Prince Moriyoshi. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府の介入により二代五辻宮となった深草宮は、元徳元年(1329年)9月には、北条守時によって五辻の館と備前国草部郷の領地を安堵されたが、その後、五辻の館のみ元の所有者であった守良親王に戻された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, during 20 years, in the three provinces controlled by the Akamatsu clan, Harima, Bizen, and Mimasaku Provinces, all the permissions including Shoryo Ando (act of providing authorization for land ownership and guaranteeing feudal tenure) and Shoekimenjo (exemption of miscellaneous taxes) required a letter called 'Toshoinni Inbanjo' that had Tosho-in's signature and her black stamp that read 'Tsuhone.' 例文帳に追加

赤松氏の領国となっていた播磨・備前国・美作国の3ヶ国においては、以後20年間に渡り、所領安堵や諸役免除の許可はすべて、洞松院を表す「つほね」の署名と黒印が推された消息(洞松院尼印判状)によってなされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the fifteenth day of the sixth month, Emperor Godaigo promulgated a decree ordering the restoration of all the old fiefs, and he continued promulgating several more commands including a decree to confiscate the lands of the jiryo, one ordering the seizure of all territories held by enemies of the Court, and one ordering retrials for poorly judged cases; these decrees made the Emperor's judgments, in the form of Imperial orders, absolutely vital in matters of land ownership, lawsuits, and more. 例文帳に追加

6月15日には旧領回復令が発布され、続いて寺領没収令、朝敵所領没収令、誤判再審令などが発布され土地所有権や訴訟の申請などに関しては天皇の裁断である綸旨を必要とすることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Starting in the latter half of the fifteenth century, with the Onin War and the Meio Coup, a roughly hundred-year era known as the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) began; during this period, the bakufu-daimyo system in place up until this point collapsed, and all the various provinces essentially became independent states unto themselves, while the shoen-koryo (private estates and public territory) system of land ownership disintegrated. 例文帳に追加

15世紀後半の応仁の乱ないし明応の政変以降は戦国時代(日本)とも呼ばれ、それまでの「幕府-守護体制」が崩壊するとともに、各地に地域国家が並立するようになり、また、荘園公領制が崩壊した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One theory by Yoshiyuki SUDO, Toshikazu HORI and so on is that with the demise of the Equal-field system, the land ownership principle by peasant folks collapsed, the large landholding began, the owner and the denko were born and in the Sung dynasty the class of owners became the bureaucrats who came to manage shoens using the denkos. 例文帳に追加

1つは周藤吉之・堀敏一らの説で均田制の崩壊で小農民による土地所有原則が崩壊して大土地所有が発生して地主と佃戸が形成され、宋代に入ると地主層が官僚となり佃戸を駆使して荘園を経営するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a view that the Hoken system in its true sense did not exist in Japan, because the Hoken system of feudal lords was just 'the right to collect taxes' (see Shiki system), and there was no private ownership of land and rights of control over the people as serfs in the domain, which were commonly seen in the West. 例文帳に追加

日本の領主の封建制は「税の徴収権」に過ぎず(参照→職の体系)、つまり西欧に見られるような領地の私有と領民への農奴としての隷属的支配権は存在しなかったので、本当の意味の封建制は存在しなかったとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Konden Einen Shizai no Ho" was a law which was proclaimed as "choku or mikotonori" (an order under the name of Emperor) on June 27, 743, during the reign of Emperor Shomu in the middle of the Nara Period that allowed permanent ownership of "konden" (land that farmers newly cultivated). 例文帳に追加

墾田永年私財法(こんでんえいねんしざいのほう)とは、奈良時代中期の聖武天皇治世、天平15年5月27日(旧暦)(743年)に発布された勅(天皇の名による命令)で、墾田(自分で新しく開墾した耕地)の永年私財化を認める法令。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This made its power more extensive by assigning the six newly set-up sections of Kirokusho to different trial dates and different areas of litigation such as temples, shrines, public affairs, and ownership of land (later this influenced the setup and division of Zasso ketsudan-sho (the ancient civil court) during the Kenmu Restoration). 例文帳に追加

これによってその権限が拡大され、記録所の職員を6班に分けて、寺社・公務・所領争いなど、訴訟の分野ごとに担当する日付や班が定められた(後の建武の新政における雑訴決断所の分離・設置にもにも影響を与えた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This villa later left the hands of the Kaga family and its ownership changed several times, once being used as a members-only restaurant, but becoming older year after year at the end of the bubble economy a construction firm bought it as part of a plan to have it demolished and build condominiums in a bid to raise land prices around the area. 例文帳に追加

山荘は後に加賀家の手を離れ、様々な所有者の手に移り一時は会員制レストランなどに再利用されるが年々老朽化が進み、バブル経済末期には建設業者が買収し、一帯を更地に地上げするマンション開発計画を立てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Next, therefore, we investigate factors such as trends in sales in recent years, the state of ownership of land and buildings, and the ages of proprietors in center shopping districts in cities of different sizes, and examine whether there is any correlation between these factors and the prosperity of shopping districts.例文帳に追加

そこで、都市規模の異なる都市の中心商店街を対象に、近年の売上高の推移、土地建物の所有状況、店主の年齢などを調査し、商店街の好・不調とそれらとの相関の有無などを探って見ることとする。 - 経済産業省

Shopping districts in the same-sized City C and City D have similar overall store makeups in terms of year of opening, land and building ownership, and age of proprietors. However, City D has a slightly higher proportion of growing stores, the age of its growing stores is lower, and the proportion of tenants is higher.例文帳に追加

また、都市規模が同じC市商店街とD市商店街は、店舗全体の出店年次、土地建物所有状況、店主の年齢等の構成は同様であったが、D市の方がやや成長店舗比率が高く、また成長店舗の出店年次が若く、テナント比率が高い傾向にあった。 - 経済産業省

The most striking difference between the Kamakura bakufu and the prior warrior government run by the Taira clan was the bakufu's creation of what was called the Monjusho (hereafter referred to as the Hyojosho or "Office of Arbitration"), an organization devoted to hearing and ruling on legal disputes over land ownership; until this office was founded, final authority to own land rested with the side whose military might was greatest and disputes were resolved in a simple way--through force--but the new office substantially reduced such bloody conflicts. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府がそれ以前の武家政権である平氏政権と最も異なる点は「問注所」(後に評定所)と呼ばれる訴訟受付機関を設置したことで、これまでは地所の支配権をめぐる争いは当事者同士の武力闘争に容易に発展していたものをこれにより実質的に禁止することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the mid Heian period, kaihatsu ryoshu (local nobles who actually developed the land) began to donate their land to temples or high-ranking aristocrats in order to make their land fuyusoden (donated-type of shoen [manor]); however, they were required to submit kugen (official documents authorized by kokushi [provincial governor] or Gunji [local magistrate] for transfer of the ownership of private property) consisting of daijokanpu (official document issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State) and minbushofu (official document issued by the minister of minbusho) based on the chokkyo (the imperial sanction) to have their land designated as fuyusoden -- Shoen which consisted of fuyusoden with the complete set of documents submitted was called Kanshofu sho (a shoen enjoying immunity from taxation by virtue of having official documents from both the Council of State and the Ministry of Popular Affairs), and shoen which was virtually treated as fuyusoden merely with approval of kokushi was called kokumen shoen (provincially exempted shoen). 例文帳に追加

平安時代中期になると、開発領主が自らの土地をこの不輸租田にするために寺社や上級貴族に寄進するようになる(寄進地系荘園)が、不輸租田の指定には勅許とそれに基づく太政官符及び民部省符からなる公験が必要とされており、それらが揃った不輸租田によって構成された荘園を官省符荘、単に国司が承認したために事実上の不輸租田の対象となっていたものを国免荘田と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(v) Development activities carried out in the land pertaining to rights provided by Article 2 paragraph (3) item (iii) of the Act for Promotion of Infrastructure Development for Vitalizing Agriculture and Forestry, etc. in Specified Rural Areas (Act No. 72 of 1993), established or transferred as prescribed in plans to promote transfer of ownership rights, etc. for which a public notice is made pursuant to the provision of Article 9 paragraph (1) of said Act in accordance with the purpose of use prescribed in said plans to promote transfer of ownership rights, etc. (which shall be limited to the construction of buildings being infrastructure facilities for vitalizing agriculture and forestry, etc. prescribed in item (ii) of said paragraph). 例文帳に追加

五 特定農山村地域における農林業等の活性化のための基盤整備の促進に関する法律(平成五年法律第七十二号)第九条第一項の規定による公告があつた所有権移転等促進計画の定めるところによつて設定され、又は移転された同法第二条第三項第三号の権利に係る土地において当該所有権移転等促進計画に定める利用目的(同項第二号に規定する農林業等活性化基盤施設である建築物の建築の用に供するためのものに限る。)に従つて行う開発行為 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(viii) the results of an investigation made by a person other than the Specific Purpose Company who has been specified by a Cabinet Order with regard to the value of the Specified Assets set forth in the preceding item (in cases where said Specified Assets consist of Real Property (meaning a land lot, building, or any right related thereto other than ownership), limited to that for which an investigation was made based on an appraisal by a real property appraiser); 例文帳に追加

八 特定目的会社以外の者であって政令で定めるものが前号の特定資産の価格につき調査した結果(当該特定資産が不動産(土地若しくは建物又はこれらに関する所有権以外の権利をいう。)であるときは、不動産鑑定士による鑑定評価を踏まえて調査したものに限る。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 46 When a registrar makes the first registration of a description in the heading section in relation to a right of site to a condominium unit, he/she shall, by his/her own authority, make a registration with regard to the registration record of the land on which the right of site is established, to the effect that the ownership, superficies or other right registered in the registration record is categorized as a right of site. 例文帳に追加

第四十六条 登記官は、表示に関する登記のうち、区分建物に関する敷地権について表題部に最初に登記をするときは、当該敷地権の目的である土地の登記記録について、職権で、当該登記記録中の所有権、地上権その他の権利が敷地権である旨の登記をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 73 (1) A registration of a right pertaining to ownership of or a security interest (meaning a general statutory lien, pledge or mortgage; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) in a condominium unit with a registered right of site shall have the effect of a registration made relating to the right of site to the land for which a registration of categorization as a right of site has been made pursuant to the provision of Article 46; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the following registrations: 例文帳に追加

第七十三条 敷地権付き区分建物についての所有権又は担保権(一般の先取特権、質権又は抵当権をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に係る権利に関する登記は、第四十六条の規定により敷地権である旨の登記をした土地の敷地権についてされた登記としての効力を有する。ただし、次に掲げる登記は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 45 Persons who acquire the ownership of land in the relevant development area or the right to execute the relevant development activities-related construction from persons who shall have obtained development permission may succeed to the status under the relevant development permission that shall have been held by the persons who shall have obtained the said development permission by obtaining the recognition of the prefectural governors. 例文帳に追加

第四十五条 開発許可を受けた者から当該開発区域内の土地の所有権その他当該開発行為に関する工事を施行する権原を取得した者は、都道府県知事の承認を受けて、当該開発許可を受けた者が有していた当該開発許可に基づく地位を承継することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As for Kyaku, too, as opposed to China, where after the fall of the Tung dynasty, it had diminished into restrictive law which stated the qualifications for government officials, the share of Kyaku became high since not one new Ritsuryo code were made at all from the Yoro Ritsuryo code in Japan, and even laws and ordinances (for example, "konden einen shizai ho", the Law Permitting Permanent Ownership of Newly Cultivated Land) which denied the rules by the Ritsuryo codes were passed in the form of Kyaku. 例文帳に追加

また、格に関しても中国では唐の滅亡後は官人資格などを定めた限定的な法律に縮小されていくのに対して、日本では養老律令以後新規の律令が全く作られなくなったために格の占める比率が高くなり、律令による規定そのものを否定する法令(例墾田永年私財法)さえも格の形式によって出されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This registration system not only served as a starting point of "rokunen-ichizo" (literally, "one creation in six years) in which family registers were created every six years thereafter, but also made it possible to see the direct composition of each household by organizing households in terms of fifty households in ichi-ri on an administrative basis and describing each family member's name, age and relation to the household head in detail, and served as a ledger to conduct Handen Shuju (a regulation of land ownership) and jinto kazei (poll taxation). 例文帳に追加

同戸籍は、その後の六年に一度作成するという「六年一造」の造籍の出発点になっただけでなく、五十戸一里を基準に行政的に戸を編成して、その戸内の家族(戸口)の名・年齢・戸主との続柄などを詳述したことによって、個々の家族構成を直接的に把握することを可能にし、それを基に班田収授を行い、人頭課税をする台帳の機能も果たした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(xiii) Development activities executed as the exercise of right concerning the relevant land by persons who, at the time when city plans concerning urbanization control areas are fixed or when the urbanization control areas are expanded by changing the relevant city plans, had land or held rights other than ownership concerning the use of land for the purpose of building buildings for own dwelling or business or of constructing Category 1 special structures for own business and who had notified prefectural governors of such matters as specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism within six months counting from the date of the decision or change of the relevant city plans in accordance with such purpose (which shall be limited to development activities executed within the period specified by Cabinet Order). 例文帳に追加

十三 区域区分に関する都市計画が決定され、又は当該都市計画を変更して市街化調整区域が拡張された際、自己の居住若しくは業務の用に供する建築物を建築し、又は自己の業務の用に供する第一種特定工作物を建設する目的で土地又は土地の利用に関する所有権以外の権利を有していた者で、当該都市計画の決定又は変更の日から起算して六月以内に国土交通省令で定める事項を都道府県知事に届け出たものが、当該目的に従つて、当該土地に関する権利の行使として行う開発行為(政令で定める期間内に行うものに限る。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 40 Where a registrar makes a registration of a parcel subdivision in relation to the land for which there is a registration of a right other than a registration of ownership, and when he/she is provided with, in addition to the application information regarding the registration of the parcel subdivision, information certifying that the registered holder of the right pertaining to said registration of the right (in cases where said registration of the right is a registration of a mortgage and mortgage securities have been issued, including the holder or endorser of the mortgage securities) has consented to cause the right to be extinguished for any of the subdivisions of the land (in cases where there is a registration concerning a third party's right established over said right, the information certifying that the third party has given consent must also be provided), he/she shall, as provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, make a registration to the effect that said right has been extinguished in relation to the land for which the consent has been given. 例文帳に追加

第四十条 登記官は、所有権の登記以外の権利に関する登記がある土地について分筆の登記をする場合において、当該分筆の登記の申請情報と併せて当該権利に関する登記に係る権利の登記名義人(当該権利に関する登記が抵当権の登記である場合において、抵当証券が発行されているときは、当該抵当証券の所持人又は裏書人を含む。)が当該権利を分筆後のいずれかの土地について消滅させることを承諾したことを証する情報が提供されたとき(当該権利を目的とする第三者の権利に関する登記がある場合にあっては、当該第三者が承諾したことを証する情報が併せて提供されたときに限る。)は、法務省令で定めるところにより、当該承諾に係る土地について当該権利が消滅した旨を登記しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

However, where the ownership of land is assigned, and where the new owner assumes the role of less or of the land under a pre-existing lease agreement, it is held that, except where special circumstances prevail, the new owner may assume the rights and duties of the former owner by way of agreement between the former owner and the new owner, without obtaining the consent of the lessee. This is possible in part due to the assumption of the less or's duty by the new less or, since the manner in which the duty is fulfilled would not be substantially different, and partly because it is advantageous for the lessee to allow the new owner of the land to assume the less or's duties (Judgment of the Supreme Court of Japan, 2nd Petty Bench, April 23, 1971; 25-3 Minshu 388). 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、土地の所有権とともに、当該土地の賃貸借契約における賃貸人たる地位を譲渡した場合について、賃貸人の義務は賃貸人が何人であるかによってその履行方法が特に異なるものではなく、また、土地所有権の移転があったときに新所有者にその義務の承継を認めることがむしろ賃借人にとって有利であることから、特段の事情のある場合を除き、新所有者が旧所有者の賃貸人としての権利義務を承継するには、賃借人の承諾を必要とせず、旧所有者と新所有者間の契約をもってこれをなすことができるものと解されている(最高裁昭和46年4月23日第二小法廷判決・民集25巻3号388頁)。 - 経済産業省

Article 23 (1) In cases where the objective is the ownership of buildings used solely for business (excluding those used for residences; the same shall apply in the following paragraph) and a Land Lease Right with a duration of at least thirty but shorter than fifty years is to be established notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 9 and 16, there shall be no extension of the duration pursuant to renewal of the contract or the construction of buildings, and there shall be no request to purchase pursuant to the provisions of Article 13. 例文帳に追加

第二十三条 専ら事業の用に供する建物(居住の用に供するものを除く。次項において同じ。)の所有を目的とし、かつ、存続期間を三十年以上五十年未満として借地権を設定する場合においては、第九条及び第十六条の規定にかかわらず、契約の更新及び建物の築造による存続期間の延長がなく、並びに第十三条の規定による買取りの請求をしないこととする旨を定めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) a registration of a right pertaining to the ownership of or a security interest in a condominium unit with a registered right of site, which was made before the right of site for the condominium unit was registered (in the case of a registration of a right pertaining to a security interest, this shall not apply to such a registration of which the purpose, etc. (meaning the purpose of registration, the date of receipt of the application and the receipt number, and the cause for registration and the date thereof; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) is the same as the purpose, etc. of the registration of the right pertaining to the security interest made in relation to the right to land that has been categorized as a right of site); 例文帳に追加

一 敷地権付き区分建物についての所有権又は担保権に係る権利に関する登記であって、区分建物に関する敷地権の登記をする前に登記されたもの(担保権に係る権利に関する登記にあっては、当該登記の目的等(登記の目的、申請の受付の年月日及び受付番号並びに登記原因及びその日付をいう。以下この号において同じ。)が当該敷地権となった土地の権利についてされた担保権に係る権利に関する登記の目的等と同一であるものを除く。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(9) When the Structures etc. stored pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) (including the charge paid pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5). Hereinafter the same shall apply) cannot be returned even after six months from the date of public notification set forth in the provisions of paragraph (4), the ownership right of the said Structures etc. shall pass to the National Government for those stored by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, to the prefecture for those stored in a prefecture under the ambit of the prefectural governor, and to the Port Management Body for those stored by the Port Management Body. 例文帳に追加

9 第四項の規定による公示の日から起算して六月を経過してもなお第三項の規定により保管した工作物等(第五項の規定により売却した代金を含む。以下この項において同じ。)を返還することができないときは、当該工作物等の所有権は、国土交通大臣が保管する工作物等にあっては国、都道府県知事が保管する工作物等にあっては当該都道府県知事が統括する都道府県、港湾管理者が保管する工作物等にあっては当該港湾管理者に帰属する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The Dainagon (chief councilor of state) Kiminori SANJO was appointed the highest lord of the Records Office, while the officials in fact responsible for running the office day to day, the controllers and so forth, included FUJIWARA no Korekata, appointed as Uchuben (Middle Controller of the Right), MINAMOTO no Masayori as Sashoben (third-ranked officer of the left), and FUJIWARA no Toshinori (Shinzei's own son and heir) as Ushoben (third-ranked officer of the right); under these officials, 21 Yoriudo (clerks) worked, inspecting the land deed documents submitted to the office from the shoen owners and judging disputed cases of ownership at the office (Shinzei's infamous comment that Goshirakawa was a 'foolish (unenlightened) ruler' was actually first mentioned by one of these Yoriudo, KIYOHARA no Yorinari, who repeated it years later to Kanezane KUJO). 例文帳に追加

長官である上卿には大納言・三条公教が就任、実務を担当する弁官からは右中弁・藤原惟方、左少弁・源雅頼、右少弁・藤原俊憲(信西の嫡子)が起用され、その下で21人の寄人が荘園領主から提出された文書の審査、本所間の争論の裁判にあたった(後白河が「暗主」であるという信西の言葉は、この記録所の寄人だった清原頼業が九条兼実に後年語ったものである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the right of cadastral surveys was transferred to kokushi from the central government, the shoens and private lands (lands of local lords such as gunji (district managers), goji (a local government official under the ritsuryo system) and so on) without chiden (small scale land already developed by tato) or kugen (official documents authorized by kokushi or gunji (local magistrates) for transfer of the ownership of private property) were confiscated one after another into kokugaryo (territories governed by provincial government office) in order for them to secure tax revenue (it is clear that this authority was strong because when the shoen of sekkan-ke in Wakasa Province was confiscated by kokushi and it was pointed out that FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, the chief adviser to the emperor, was wrong in kugen, the judgment of kokushi was justified (in the description on September 1 and 13, 1025 in "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)). 例文帳に追加

国司は中央政府から検田権を委譲されると、治田(ちでん、田堵の開発した小規模の墾田)や公験(くげん、正式に土地所有を認めた文書)のない荘園・私領(郡司・郷司など在地領主の所領)を次々に没収して国衙領に組み入れ、税収を確保しようとした(この権限が強かったことは、若狭国にあった摂関家の荘園が国司に接収された際に関白藤原頼通が国司に公験不備を指摘されると、国司の判断を妥当とした(『小右記』万寿2年9月1日・13日条)ことでも明らかである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Article 55 (1) Where a registrar, in relation to a condominium unit with a registered right of site (meaning a condominium unit for which a right of site is registered; the same shall apply in Article 73, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), Article 74, paragraph (2), and Article 76, paragraph (1)) for which there is a specified registration (meaning a registration of a right other than a registration of ownership, etc., which shall have the effect of a registration made relating to a right of site pursuant to the provision of Article 73, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), makes a registration of change of the registered right of site on the grounds that it has become possible to dispose of the registered right of site set forth in Article 44, paragraph (1), item (ix) separately from the proprietary elements owned by the unit owner, when he/she is provided with, in addition to the application information regarding the registration of change, information certifying that the registered holder of the right pertaining to the specified registration (in cases where the specified registration is a registration of a mortgage and mortgage securities have been issued, including the holder or endorser of the mortgage securities) has consented to cause the right pertaining to the specified registration to be extinguished, after the registration of change is made, for said condominium unit or the land on which the registered right of site existed (in cases where there is a registration concerning a third party's right established over said right pertaining to the specified registration, the information certifying that the third party has given consent must also be provided), he/she shall, as provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, make a registration to the effect that said right pertaining to the specified registration has been extinguished in relation to said condominium unit or land for which the consent has been given. 例文帳に追加

第五十五条 登記官は、敷地権付き区分建物(区分建物に関する敷地権の登記がある建物をいう。第七十三条第一項及び第三項、第七十四条第二項並びに第七十六条第一項において同じ。)のうち特定登記(所有権等の登記以外の権利に関する登記であって、第七十三条第一項の規定により敷地権についてされた登記としての効力を有するものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)があるものについて、第四十四条第一項第九号の敷地利用権が区分所有者の有する専有部分と分離して処分することができるものとなったことにより敷地権の変更の登記をする場合において、当該変更の登記の申請情報と併せて特定登記に係る権利の登記名義人(当該特定登記が抵当権の登記である場合において、抵当証券が発行されているときは、当該抵当証券の所持人又は裏書人を含む。)が当該変更の登記後の当該建物又は当該敷地権の目的であった土地について当該特定登記に係る権利を消滅させることを承諾したことを証する情報が提供されたとき(当該特定登記に係る権利を目的とする第三者の権利に関する登記がある場合にあっては、当該第三者が承諾したことを証する情報が併せて提供されたときに限る。)は、法務省令で定めるところにより、当該承諾に係る建物又は土地について当該特定登記に係る権利が消滅した旨を登記しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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