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love toの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1576


It is the border-line cases that are always in danger: the dignified buildings of the past which may possess no real artistic or historic value, but which people have become sentimentally attached to and have grown to love.例文帳に追加

常に取り壊される危険にさらされているのは、それほど重要かどうか決定しがたい場合である。つまり、実際、芸術的価値や歴史的価値はないかもしれないが、心情的に人々が愛着を持ち、愛するようになった堂々とした昔の建物の場合である。 - Tatoeba例文

Questions from students regarding selection of reading books and methods of reading are frequent. My answers to this question have always been off point. I feel that it no significant difference to this question and asking about which kind of love and which person would be best.例文帳に追加

読書の選択やまた読書の仕方について学生達から質問を受けたことが度々ある。これに対する自分の答はいつも不得要領に終る外はなかった。如何なる人に如何なる恋をしたらいいかと聞かれるのと大した相違はないような気がする。 - Tatoeba例文

It is the border-line cases that are always in danger: the dignified buildings of the past which may possess no real artistic or historic value, but which people have become sentimentally attached to and have grown to love. 例文帳に追加

常に取り壊される危険にさらされているのは、それほど重要かどうか決定しがたい場合である。つまり、実際、芸術的価値や歴史的価値はないかもしれないが、心情的に人々が愛着を持ち、愛するようになった堂々とした昔の建物の場合である。 - Tanaka Corpus

While in the course of spreading Buddhism the idea emerged that 'Murasaki Shikibu, who wrote fantasies of love affairs and caused many people to become misled, must have been fallen into Hell (Buddhism),' and the rite called the 'Buddhist ceremony for Murasaki Shikibu's soul' was often held in order to save her. 例文帳に追加

その一方、仏教が浸透していく中で、「色恋沙汰の絵空事を著し多くの人を惑わした紫式部は地獄(仏教)に堕ちたに違いない」という考えが生まれ、「源氏供養」と称した紫式部の霊を救済する儀式がたびたび行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the residence of Omiya, Kumoi no Kari, a daughter of the Minister of the Center (To no Chujo), is also taken in, so they are childhood friends and at the same time they nurture the love between them (however, the chapter of 'Otome' (The Maidens) states that 'they seem to be in an intimate relationship,' suggesting that they are already in a serious relationship.) 例文帳に追加

大宮邸には内大臣(頭中将)の娘の雲居の雁もひきとられており、二人は筒井筒の恋を育んでいた(もっとも「少女(源氏物語)」では既に「いかなる御仲らひにかありけむ」と二人の深い関係を暗示するような文もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In ancient Japan, the custom of utagaki was practiced as an event based on a magical belief of the people, irrespective of age and sex, who gathered on a fixed time and day at a specific place to exchange courtship songs while eating and drinking together in order to form couples who may eventually fall in love. 例文帳に追加

古代日本における歌垣は、特定の日時と場所に老若男女が集会し、共同飲食しながら歌を掛け合う呪的信仰に立つ行事であり、互いに求愛歌を掛け合いながら、対になり恋愛関係になるとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takemoto (the famous chanter who established Gidayu-bushi) intended to retire after "Sonezaki Shinju" (The Love Suicides at Sonezaki), a masterpiece of Monzaemon CHIKAMATSU, became popular and well known, but Izumo TAKEDA persuaded him not to, and wrote a script for this play in 1705; this is how the play was produced. 例文帳に追加

竹本は、近松門左衛門の代表作として有名な『曽根崎心中』が、世間に広く知れ渡るようになり、それを機に竹本が引退するのを竹田出雲が留まらせ、宝永2年(1705年)にこの脚本を担当したのが作品の始まりである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because he was a tall (for that time), handsome man with a fair complexion and firm features he was very popular among ladies; when he was acting as the vice commander of Shinsen-gumi in Kyoto he sent to his colleagues in Hino a bundle of love letters he had received from many women so as to boast his popularity. 例文帳に追加

もともと色白で引き締まった顔立ちをしており(当時としては)長身であった為、京都にて新選組副長として活動していたときなどは、日野の仲間に向けて多数の女性からの恋文をまとめて送って自慢するほどであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Giving in to persistent requests, Shizuka performed the Shirabyoushi dance at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine, and recited a poem that spoke of her love for Yoshitsune: 'Missing the one so loved who went into the deep snows of Mt. Yoshino' and 'Hoping to exchange the present for the past when my loved one ruled.' 例文帳に追加

度重なる要請に折れた静は鶴岡八幡宮で白拍子の舞いを披露し、頼朝の目の前で「吉野山峯の白雪ふみ分て 入りにし人の跡ぞ恋しき」「しづやしづしずのをたまきをくり返し 昔を今になすよしもがな」と義経を慕う歌を詠った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The reason why the Ninth had a progressive idea, an intellectually overwhelming idea at that time as not forcing his daughters to marry quickly, but encouraging them to enjoy free love with educated people in other than the theatrical world, was because of the existence of Shinzo. 例文帳に追加

九代目が二人の娘に結婚を急がさず、むしろ梨園の外の知識人と自由に恋愛することを推奨するという、当時としては仰天するほど進歩的な考え方を持っていたもの、この新蔵が控えていてくれたからに他ならなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For this reason, in order to change Tsunayoshi's feeling of love for Oden no kata, she invited Uemon no suke no tsubone, that is, Naishi no suke (a court lady of the first rank) who was said to shine academically best in the Imperial Court, as Joro (high rank woman servant in the Imperial Court) Otoshiyori (a lady who controls the servants in O-oku) under Midaidokoro through Shinjosaimonin. 例文帳に追加

そのため、綱吉の寵愛を於伝之方から離すため、新上西門院を通じて宮中で最も学問に秀でているとの呼び声が高い典侍・右衛門佐局を、御台所付上臈御年寄として大奥へ招聘。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to the above, there are almost similar anecdotes of falling in love with the first daughter of Kagetsuna NAOE who served as a waiting woman of Kenshin, and with Taehime who was a younger sister of Sakihisa KONOE, and it is suggested that such heartbreaking experiences were a contributing factor which led Kenshin to become a celibate. 例文帳に追加

この他にも、謙信の侍女として仕えていた直江景綱の長女や、近衛前久の妹・絶姫との間にほぼ同様の逸話があり、このような悲痛な経験が謙信を独身主義へと導く一端になったと仄めかしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He made a bet with his brother Haruyamanokasumiotoko as to either of who would win the heart of Izushiotome-no-kami whom many gods failed to conquer; after all, he could not get her love because Haruyamanokasumiotoko's mother meddled in the matter. 例文帳に追加

八十神がいとめることのできなかった伊豆志袁登売神(いづしをとめのかみ)を兄の春山霞壮夫(はるやまのかすみをとこ)と争い賭けをしたが、結局は春山霞壮夫の母親の協力により伊豆志袁登売神と結ばれなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a drinking straw for couples for allowing respective loving couples, happy married couples, close parents and children, and close families to drink with deep love, joy and amusement by simultaneously drinking a liquid in one glass together.例文帳に追加

本発明は、愛し合っている恋人や仲が良い夫婦や親子や家族のみなさんが、1つのコップに入っている飲み物を一緒に同時に飲むことによって、お互いがより深い愛情と喜びや楽しさをもって飲むことができるラブラブストローを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a garbage bag capable of causing interest and communication related to garbage resource and waste by displaying woman's face and lips and child's face reminding love and tenderness on the bag because a conventional garbage bag displays only name of administrative agency and capacity, is uninteresting, and has only mere storage function.例文帳に追加

従来のごみ袋には、行政名や容量など表示したのみで無味乾燥で単なる収納機能しかないため、愛や優しさを想起させる女性の顔や唇、子供の顔を表示することで、ごみ資源や廃棄物などに対する関心やコミニュケーションを生むことができるごみ袋を提供する。 - 特許庁

but, taking up the dialogue as if her words had been addressed to him personally, and not merely in fancy, he bade her call him Love, or by whatever other name she pleased, for he was no longer Romeo, if that name was displeasing to her. 例文帳に追加

ジュリエットの告白を、空想のものでなくて、本当に彼に話しかけたものであったように答えて、もしあなたが、ロミオという名前が気に入らないのなら、もうぼくはロミオではない、恋人とでも何とでも好きなように呼んでくれ、と言った。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』

And the prince, turning to these old lords, Montague and Capulet, rebuked them for their brutal and irrational enmities, and showed them what a scourge Heaven had laid upon such offenses, that it had found means even through the love of their children to punish their unnatural hate. 例文帳に追加

そこで公爵は、モンタギュー・キャピュレット両老公の方へ向きなおり、彼らが野蛮かつ不合理な敵意を互いに持っていたことを責め、天がそれを罰したもうたのだ、そなたたちの不自然な憎悪を罰するために、そなたたちの子どもの恋愛でさえも使われたのだぞ、とさとした。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』

He wondered for the thousandth time how she could possibly love him and by what earthly miracle she had come to accept him, and how it would be always to have her across the table from him, his own table in his own house. 例文帳に追加

幾千もの堂々巡りを繰り返していた。いったいなぜ、僕みたいな人間を彼女は愛してくれるんだろうか。どんな奇跡があって、彼女は僕を受け入れてくれたんだろうか。いったい僕はどんな理由があって、自分の家の、自分のテーブルで、毎日彼女と向き合っていられるんだろう。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』

A common dream of the Himegimi (daughters of persons of high rank) in those days was to enter the Kokyu (a section of the Imperial Palace where the Imperial family and court ladies lived) and gain the love of the Mikado (Emperor), thus being elevated to Empress; accordingly, "The Tale of Genji" satisfied such ladies as it had as its protagonist a member of the Genji clan who was a direct descendant of the emperor that lived in a kind of pseudo-Kokyu and loved all women without distinction. The work was also welcomed by court nobles as an appealing work that offered a close observation of human psychology, love, and aesthetics. 例文帳に追加

当時の一般的な上流貴族の姫君の夢は、後宮に入り帝の寵愛を受け皇后の位に上ることであったが、『源氏物語』は、帝直系の源氏の者を主人公にし彼の住まいを擬似後宮にしたて女君たちを分け隔てなく寵愛するという内容で彼女たちを満足させ、あるいは人間の心理や恋愛、美意識に対する深い観察や情趣を書きこんだ作品として貴族たちにもてはやされたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following spring, young lady Akashi bears the Crown Prince a child, increasing Genji's influence, while Kashiwagi (a son of To no Chujo) catches a glimpse of Onna San no Miya when kemari (Japanese ancient Imperial court game like kick-ball) is played, and falls in love with her secretly. 例文帳に追加

さらに翌年の春には明石の姫君が東宮の子を出産し、源氏の権勢はいよいよ高まりつつあるが、その陰で、六条院の蹴鞠の催しに女三の宮を垣間見た柏木(源氏物語)(頭中将の子)は彼女への密かな思慕をつのらせるのであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The most important works of Shin Kabuki are "Kiri Hitoha" (A Single Paulownia Leaf) & "Hototogisu Kojo no Rakugetsu" (The Sinking Moon Over the Lonely Castle Where the Cuckoo Cries) both by "Shoyo TSUBOUCHI," "Musuko" (Son) by "Kaoru OSANAI," "Shuzenji Monogatari" (The Tale of Shuzen-ji Temple) & "Toribeyama Shinju" (Love Suicides on Mt. Toribe) both by "Kido OKAMOTO," "Imayo Satsuma Uta" (Modern Style Satsuma Songs) by Onitaro OKA, "Genroku Chusingura" (The 47 Ronin) by Seika MAYAMA, "Saigo to Buta Hime" (Saigo and His Favorite Fat Woman) by Daigo IKEDA. 例文帳に追加

代表作には坪内逍遥の『桐一葉』『沓手鳥孤城落月』、小山内薫の『息子』、岡本綺堂の『修善寺物語』『鳥辺山心中』、岡鬼太郎の『今様薩摩歌』、真山青果の『元禄忠臣蔵』、池田大伍の『西郷と豚姫』などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Joruri's origin is generally believed to be an artist who preached the blessing of deities and Buddha by narrating "Joruri Junidan Soshi" ("Joruri Monogatari," which is the combination of a love story between Joruri-gozen and Ushiwakamaru and the tale of the miraculous efficacy of Amida-nyorai), a kind of Otogi Zoshi (a collection of fair tales) compiled at the end of the medieval age. 例文帳に追加

その起源は、中世末期ごろの御伽草子の一種『浄瑠璃十二段草子』(『浄瑠璃物語』。浄瑠璃御前と牛若丸の情話に薬師如来など霊験譚をまじえたもの)を語って神仏の功徳を説いた芸能者にあるとするのが通説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To give an overview of utagaki currently practiced in southern China and northern South-East Asia, the custom is most typically observed in the manner that men and women in their teens and 20s gather together in the evening of a holiday (in many cases, at the beginning of spring) and exchange love songs so that couples may enter relationships with each other. 例文帳に追加

現代の中国南部および東南アジア北部で見られる歌垣を概観すると、祝祭日(多くの場合、播種前の春先)の夜に10代半ばから20代の男女が集会し、互いに求愛歌を掛け合いながら、対になり恋愛関係になる、といった類型が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A volume of Saishi (a special envoy from Imperial Court in the case of a festival) in "Utsuho Monogatari" (The Tale of the Hollow Tree) contains a poem which was chanted in the tune of 'Okimi Kimasaba' ('Waie'), 'People would wait patiently for you as a long pole which has been used for a long time is needed to cross a deep water,' and also a poem was chanted in the tune of 'Ise no umi,' 'My pole cannot reach the bottom of the water; I don't know about other people, but my love for you is the deepest.' 例文帳に追加

『宇津保物語』祭使の巻には「大君来まさば」(「我家」)の声振に歌「底深き淵を渡るに水馴棹長き心も人やつくらん」をうたい、「伊勢海」の声振に歌「人はいさ我がさす棹の及ばねば深き心をひとりとぞ思ふ」をうたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was done regardless of whether the family was a shoka (mercantile house) since the Edo period or was a newly-emerging house in the Meiji period or later; it was said that the kafu in the Mitsubishi zaibatsu, in which the president had a strong power, the Mitsui zaibatsu, in which there was a strong relationship between the head family and the general manager (executive officer), and in the Sumitomo zaibatsu, in which the general manager (executive officer) was given an important post, was 'ifuku' (awe), 'kosho' (attendant of a noble person), and 'keiai' (to love and respect), respectively. 例文帳に追加

これは江戸時代以来の商家、明治以後の新興を問わずに行われ、社長の権限の強い三菱財閥では「畏服」、本家と番頭(幹部)のつながりが強い三井財閥では「扈従」、番頭(幹部)が重用される住友財閥では「敬愛」が家風と言われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also said that, before marrying Ogi, he was in love with a geisha in Kyoto and that, when the geisha came to see his stage work, he performed using a Japanese folding fan that carried the emblem of his stage family name, Narikoma-ya (in those days) on its front side and the emblem used by the geisha on its back side. 例文帳に追加

また、扇と結婚する前は、京都に相思相愛の芸妓がいたと言われており、その芸妓が自身の出演している舞台に訪れると、表は成駒屋(当時)の紋、裏はその芸妓が用いていた紋をあしらった扇で、舞台を務めたと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As depicted in the Takafusa Kyo Tsuyakotoba Emaki (an illustrated scroll featuring the love affair of Takafusa REIZEI), prior to the Kamakura period, women of noble ranking would wear uchigi (ordinary kimono) or thin garment called Kazuki, which fully covered their body from the head down, without putting their arms into the sleeves when going out. 例文帳に追加

隆房卿艶詞絵巻に描かれているように、鎌倉時代以前より高貴な身分の女性が外出する際には、頭の上から身体をすっぽりと覆う被衣(かづき)と呼ばれる袿(うちぎ)あるいは薄い衣を、袖を通さずに被っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

No authorized prostitute streets exist at present, but there are some areas, such as Tobitashinchi in Osaka, where prostitute houses continue to provide the same services as before 1958, under the pretext of free love between a customer and a maid in a private room, by transforming themselves into a Japanese-style hotel outwardly. 例文帳に追加

現在公認の娼婦街はないが、大阪の飛田新地など、表向き料理旅館に転向したものの、客と仲居との個室内での自由恋愛の名目の元に、1958年以前と変わらない営業を継続している地域もいくつかある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is believed that wearing Narihara's clothes as an expression of longing for him would induce a sense of euphoria in her, taking her back to a time when their love was as yet untroubled, because it would give her a sense of fulfillment through her being possessed by Narihira or achieving a curious kind of unification with him.' 例文帳に追加

「業平を恋慕う表現として、その形見を身につけることにより、業平が憑依するような、あるいはふしぎな一体化をとげたような充足感が生れて、二人の愛が全き姿であった日に遡りつつ一つの陶酔を生むことが可能だと考えられた」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sangobei SASANO, a former feudal retainer of the Satsuma Domain, was adopted by Sugisai SASANO, the chief priest of the Tanjo-Hachiman Shrine, thanks to the efforts of his close friend Gengobei HISHIKAWA, but fell in love with Oman, the daughter of a nearby merchant, Chigusaya, and the rumor of their relationship spread throughout the town. 例文帳に追加

元薩摩藩士の笹野三五兵衛は、朋友である菱川源五兵衛の尽力で、誕生八幡の神主・笹野杉斎の養子となるも、近くの商家千草屋の娘・おまんと恋仲になって、その噂は町内に知れ渡っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1943 he welcomed Tsumasaburo BANDO as his new star, and Inagaki's 'Muhomatsu no issei' (Life of Muhomatsu), whose screenplay was written by Itami from his sickbed, is hailed as a pre-1945 masterpiece of Japanese film, but the scene where Muhomatsu the rickshaw driver confesses his love to a soldier's widow was considered unacceptable given the wartime situation and was cut by the censors. 例文帳に追加

18年には阪東妻三郎を主演に迎え、病床の伊丹が脚本を担当した「無法松の一生」は戦前の日本映画を代表する名作といわれるが、人力車夫・無法松が軍人の未亡人に愛の告白をするという場面が時局に合わないとして、検閲でカットされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that in his later years he hoped to make a film starring Judy Ongg like "Love in the Afternoon" starring Audrey Hepburn and directed by Billy Wilder, and make other books into films such as "The Moon and Sixpence" written by Maugham and "Balzac" a biographical novel written by Stefan Zweig. 例文帳に追加

晩年は、オードリー・ヘプバーン&ビリー・ワイルダーの『昼下がりの情事』のような映画をジュディ・オング主演で映画にしたいと口にしたり、モームの『月と六ペンス』や、シュテファン・ツヴァイクによる伝記小説『バルザック』等の映画化を希望していたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Similar to Zeami, he performed even after entering priesthood, and kanjin sarugaku on Tadasu-gawara was performed by Masamori with the support of Yoshimasa as the Shite (main performer) in twelve out of twenty-nine plays, including 'Kantan' (The Pillow of Kantan, Noh play), 'Koi no Omoni' (The Burden of Love), 'Futari Shizuka' (a couple of the young ladies named Shizuka), and 'Yoro' (Longevity springs, Noh play) in 1464. 例文帳に追加

世阿弥同様に出家の後も第一線で活動を続け、寛正5年(1464年)には正盛が義政の後援で行った糺河原での勧進猿楽でも、「邯鄲」「恋重荷」「二人静」「養老(能)」など29番のうち12番でシテを務めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other than the above, he actively increased female teachers, in the midst of the strong trend to keep out and disfavor female teachers, from the belief that "as long as an elementary school is an extension of home, maternal love is essential for cultivation of children". 例文帳に追加

この他、当時、女性教師を排斥、冷遇する傾向が強かった中で、坪野は「小学校が家庭の延長である以上は、児童の教養に必要な母性愛を欠いてはならない」との考えから、女性教員を積極的に増員した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We are not saying that the bureaucrats are not respecting the Emperor but the Emperor has lost his glory, and we are not saying that they are controlling the people but there are so many laws, some of which are enacted in the morning but soon amended; politics are depending on someone's feeling and punishment and reward is decided with love and hate toward the person; and our freedom of speech is closed and there is no way to report our sufferings. 例文帳に追加

夫有司、上帝室ヲ尊ブト曰ザルニハ非ズ、而帝室漸ク其尊栄ヲ失フ、下人民ヲ保ツト曰ザルニハ非ラズ、而政令百端、朝出暮改、政情実ニ成リ、賞罰愛憎ニ出ヅ、言路壅蔽、困苦告ルナシ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Kichigoro OGAWA, a personal retainer and Kyogen performer of the Hikone clan, suddenly fell ill during his performance of "Makuramonogurui" (a Kyogen love story between an old man and a young girl) at a Noh ceremony held in Hikone Castle in 1830, Sengo (20 years old at that time) managed to perform as a substitute for Kichigoro, by which Sengo gained favor with Naosuke II, the lord of the Hikome clan and was taken into his service on the spot. 例文帳に追加

天保元年(1830年)に彦根城で能会が開かれた折に、彦根藩のお抱え狂言師であった小川吉五郎が「枕物狂」を上演中に急病で倒れ、その後を千吾(当時20歳)が見事に代演してみせたので、藩主の井伊直弼に気に入られ、その場で召し抱えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From what I have been told by the administrative staff, the decision was made today to continue deliberating the bill in the next Diet session. Taking the Japan Mountaineering Association as an example, there are people who love climbing mountains, but not many. 例文帳に追加

事務方から聞いた話によりますと、今日、継続審議が何か決まったようにもお聞きしたわけでございますが、やはり、これは皆様方がずっとご専門だと思いますけれども、例えば、日本山岳協会とか、そういった、山登りが好きだ、しかしそう数も多くない。 - 金融庁

Character icons 34 (34a-34d) indicating the values of current emotional parameters of respective other parties NPC 4 are plotted on a multi-dimensional graph 30 where the values of "favorability rating" and "a degree of interest" being the emotional parameters of the other parties NPC 4a-4d to be the love interest of a player character 2 are defined as components.例文帳に追加

プレーヤキャラクタ2の恋愛対象となる相手NPC4a〜4dの感情パラメータである「好感度」「興味度」の取り得る値を成分とする多次元グラフ30上に、各相手NPC4の現在の感情パラメータの値を示すキャラクタアイコン34(34a〜34d)をプロットする。 - 特許庁

for, besides the account of Ganymede's fainting at the hearing that Orlando was wounded, Oliver told him how he had fallen in love with the fair shepherdess Aliena, and that she had lent a favorable ear to his suit, even in this their first interview; 例文帳に追加

オーランドゥが負傷したと聞いてゲニミードが気を失ったことはもちろん、美しい羊飼いの娘エリーナを好きになってしまったこと、初めてあったばかりなのにエリーナが彼の告白に好意を持って耳を傾けたことなどをオーランドゥに話したのだ。 - Mary Lamb『お気に召すまま』

When their enemies said, "See how these Christians love one another" (a remark not likely to be made by anybody now), they assuredly had a much livelier feeling of the meaning of their creed than they have ever had since. 例文帳に追加

キリスト教の敵が「見よ、彼らキリスト教徒がどんなに互いに愛しているのかを」(今日ではこんな言葉はだれも言いそうにありませんが)と言うとき、キリスト教徒は確かに、その信条の意味について、それ以降のどの時代にもまして、生き生きとした感情をいだいていたのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

As New Year's movies to be released on the New Year's Eve, the company distributed "Seishun no Hika"(Elegy of Adolescence) directed by Bansho KANAMORI to the Narukofuji-kan theater and also went as far as to distribute a double feature of "Gion Jowa Tsubomi no Mama"(Love story in Gion, a budding woman) also directed by Kanamori and "Otoko ga Tsuma wo Erabutoki" (When a man choose his wife) directed by Shusei GOTO to the 'Asakusa Opera-kan Theater' which had been built after reconstruction of Asakusa area. 例文帳に追加

年末12月31日公開の正月映画として、金森万象監督の『青春の悲歌』を「成子不二館」に、おなじく金森監督の『祇園情話蕾のまゝ』と後藤秋声監督の『男が妻を選ぶ時』の2本立て番組を復興後の浅草に建った「浅草オペラ館」にきっちり供給した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, while the 'sui' of Kamigata refers to the cultural pattern that crystallizes after love, decorations, and so on have been thoroughly thought through (resulting in things such as a lovers' suicide or a luxurious kimono) and is literally the 'sui' of junsui (purity), the 'iki' of Edo is said to be the result of constantly getting closer, without becoming detached or attached, in order to keep the above-described sexual tension alive. 例文帳に追加

しかし、上方の「粋(すい)」が恋愛や装飾などにおいて突き詰めた末に結晶される文化様式(結果としての、心中や絢爛豪華な振袖の着物など)、字のごとく純粋の「粋(すい)」であるのに対し、江戸における「いき」とは突き詰めない、上記で解説した異性間での緊張を常に緊張としておくために、突き放さず突き詰めず、常に距離を接近せしめることによって生まれると言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Major hits included 'Ame no Bojo' (Longing in the Rain), 'Omae to Futari' (Together with You), 'Osaka Shigure,' 'Michinoku Hitoritabi' (Solitary Journey to Michinoku), 'Okuhida Bojo' (Longing in Okuhida), 'Sazanka no Yado,' 'Kyodai Bune,' 'Hisame' (Chilly Rain), 'Musume Yo,' 'Kitasakaba,' 'Yagiri no Watashi (Takashi HOSOKAWA)' (Yagiri Ferry), 'Nagaragawa Enka' (Nagara-gawa River Song), 'Tsugunai' (Compensation), 'Toki no Nagare ni Mi wo Makase' (Yielding Myself to the Flow of Time), 'Suzume no Namida' (Tears of Sparrow), 'Yume Onna' (Dreaming Woman), 'Yuki Guni' (Snow Country), 'Sake Yo,' 'Yuki Tsubaki' (Snow Camellia), 'Inochi Kurenai' (Crimson Life of Passion), 'Koi Uta Tsuzuri' (Writing a Love Song), 'Murasaki Ujo'(Purple Rain), 'Kokoro Zake' (Sake of the Heart), 'Yozakura Oshichi' (Oshichi under the Cherry Blossoms in the Night), 'Higurashi' (An Evening Cicada), 'Chindo Monogatari' (A Story of Jindo). 例文帳に追加

主なヒット曲には「雨の慕情」「おまえとふたり」「大阪しぐれ」「みちのくひとり旅」「奥飛騨慕情」「さざんかの宿」「兄弟船」「氷雨」「娘よ」「北酒場」「矢切の渡し(細川たかし)」「長良川艶歌」「つぐない」「時の流れに身をまかせ」「すずめの涙」「夢おんな」「雪國」「酒よ」「雪椿」「命くれない」「恋歌綴り」「むらさき雨情」「こころ酒」「夜桜お七」「蜩」「珍島物語」など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Act 5 of "Tales of Ise," the time when ARIWARA no Narihira and a niece of Nobuko, FUJIWARA no Takaiko fell in love in secrecy was when Takaiko lived in this residence and before she was sent to court to marry the emperor, so as Narihira could not enter the house from the main gate, it seems that he crept into the house from a the torn wall or a hole a kid kicked down and made (...as he could not enter the house from the gate, he sneaked in from part of a collapsed wall made by a child). 例文帳に追加

『伊勢物語』第五段によると在原業平と順子の姪である藤原高子が密かに恋に落ちたのは、高子が入内前、この邸にいた時で、門からは入れない業平は、子どもが踏みあけておいた塀の崩れから忍び込んだらしい(「…門よりもえ入らで、童べの踏みあけたる築地のくづれより通ひけり」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This development made Motohiro KONOE and the Bakufu in Edo realize that the true motive underlying Emperor Reigen's insistence on succession by Shinomiya had not only been love of his own son but part of his long-cherished scheme to assume the virtual reins of the court as retired emperor and exercising ruling authority without allowing interference by the Sekkanke or the Bakufu, to whom handing over the imperial throne to the older Ichinomiya, who would soon become of age, would have been a disadvantage. 例文帳に追加

ここに至って近衛基熙や江戸幕府は、霊元天皇による四宮擁立の真意が皇子可愛さだけではなく、院政を開始して摂家や幕府の干渉を排して思いのままの政治を行うための長期計画の一環であり、すぐに成人を迎えてしまう年長の一宮に皇位を譲る事が不都合であったからであった事に気付くのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She composed numerous excellent seasonal poems and a great many love poems that ranged in theme from melancholic poems that seemed to close herself off from the outside world, poems that recalled the unclear or emotional state that exists between reality and dream, and poems that expressed a strong resolution to protect her weak self from fate; various assumptions have been made about her life and relationships based on the content of these poems but little about her is known for certain. 例文帳に追加

季の歌と特に恋歌に秀作が多く、自らを内に閉じこめるような深沈とした憂愁のさまや、夢と現実との狭間にある曖昧な様子や感傷的な追憶を好んで詠むこと、運命に対して弱い自分を守ろうとする凛乎とした強さが歌のうちにあることなどから、その生涯や恋愛についてさまざまな推測が成されるが、いずれも憶測の域を出ていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(The residence of the Imperial Prince was later the Higashi sanjo dono where FUJIWARA no Kaneie lived.) Also, according to "Goke shidai," when foreigners (envoys from Bokkai) broke into his residence, Imperial Prince wrapped an ox-drawn carriage made with duck's feathers with eight layers of badger's fur, so the envoys were very ashamed, and it revealed that he seemed to love elegance, but also had a strong and brave character. 例文帳に追加

(親王の邸宅は後に藤原兼家が住んだ東三条殿であった)また『江家次第』によれば、ある時蕃客(渤海の使者)が参入した時、親王が鴨毛の車に黒貉の皮衣を八重重ねで纏っていたので使者たちが大いに恥じたと言われ、風雅を愛する一方で豪気な一面も持ち合わせていたらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan), there is a description that Koteko, who was resentful about the Emperor whose love toward her had withered away, secretly informed SOGA no Umako of the words the Emperor had said to himself when he saw a boar presented to him, "Some day I will kill the man I hate just like cutting off the boar's head," which triggered assassination of the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

日本書紀には、小手子が天皇の寵愛が衰えたことを恨み、献上された猪を見て天皇が漏らした「何の時かこの猪の頸を断るがごとく朕が嫌しと思うところの人を断らむ」という独り言を、蘇我馬子に密告したことが、天皇暗殺事件のきっかけとなったという記述がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1415, when Zenshu UESUGI started a revolt in Kanto region, Mitsushige (which is the name of Ogurihangan's father but refers to Ogurihangan himself in this context) ran away as he was defeated by the shognate deputy Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, but Oguri became engaged to the Princess Terute, a young woman from Yokoyama family (Daizen YOKOYAMA's legend remains in Matano, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama City) in Sagami Province, whom he fell in love with while hiding together with 10 of his retainers in Sagami Province. 例文帳に追加

1415年、上杉禅秀が関東地方において乱を起こした際、満重(小栗判官の父の名であるがここでは小栗判官自身)は管領足利持氏に攻め落とされ、落ち延びるが、相模国の国に10人の家来とともに潜伏中に見初めた相模横山家(横山大膳・横浜市戸塚区俣野に伝説が残る)の娘照手姫と結婚の約束を交わす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The surface acoustic wave device is constituted by arranging IDT electrodes on the main surface of rotary Y-cut X-propagation lithium niobate (LiNbO_3) in the propagation direction of a Love wave, and the metal material of the IDT electrodes is an alloy which is principally comprised of Ag and contains 0.1 to 3.0 wt.% Pd and 0.1 to 3.0 wt.% Cu.例文帳に追加

回転YカットX伝搬ニオブ酸リチウム(LiNbO_3)の主表面上にラブ波の伝搬方向に沿ってIDT電極を配置して構成した弾性表面波デバイスであって、IDT電極の金属材料をAgを主成分とし、0.1wt%〜3.0wt%のPdと、0.1wt%〜3.0wt%のCuとを含有した合金とした弾性表面波デバイス。 - 特許庁


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