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religious courtの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 74


Publishing speeches, lectures, opinions or statements delivered in public sessions of the parliament, legislative or administrative bodies or scientific, literary, artistic, political, social or religious meetings, including statements delivered during public court proceedings. 例文帳に追加

公判中の裁判陳述を含む、議会又は立法府又は行政機関の公開会議において、又は、科学、文学、芸術、政治、社会、宗教の各学会において、演説、講義、意見、又は声明を発表すること。 - 特許庁

However, actual tenkan were rarely issued, therefore, people whose suits were restricted had no other way of making osso by means of jikiso such as kagoso (jikiso to Daikan or Daimyo in a palanquin), kakekomi uttae (direct petition to the supreme court, magistrate's office, influential person of the bakufu and so on), suteso (leaving a petition in front of the gate of the supreme court and so on), hariso (pasting a petition in front of the gate of a roju's [senior councilor] residence or a government office) and so on, and in some cases they had to take hard-line measures by forming a faction for monso (petition by people gathering before the gate of the residence of a feudal lord or Daikan), ikki (uprising), goso (direct petition with the abuse of religious authority by armed priests or jinin [associates of Shinto shrines] to the Imperial Court or the bakufu), uchikowasi (destructive urban riots) and so on. 例文帳に追加

だが、実際に添簡が発給されることは少なく、このため訴訟を起こすことすら抑圧された人々は結果的に駕籠訴・駆込訴・捨訴・張訴などの直訴を用いて越訴を行う他無く、場合によっては門訴・一揆・強訴・打ちこわしなどの徒党を組んだ強硬手段を採らざるを得なくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Keichu (a scholar of the Japanese classics) argued that this literature 'just mentions the traditions that have been told since a mythological age,' and that to learn the essence of Shintoism attention needs to paid to official events (religious services in particular) held at the Imperial Court and religious services held at shrines; about the latter, the approach has been passed down in folklore since Kunio YANAGITA's generation. 例文帳に追加

なお、契沖はこれらの文献を「神代ヨリ有ツル事ドモ記セルノミ」に過ぎないので、神道の根本を知るためには朝廷日本の朝廷における公式行事(特に祭祀)や諸神社における祭祀に注目すべきであると説き、後者については柳田國男以降の民俗学にその精神が受け継がれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoriyuki acted as advisor and regent to Yoshiakira's son Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who was still a child, and carried out policies like experimenting with a new hansei (half-tax) law, which was designed to protect existing land holdings, and he attempted to negotiate with the Southern Court, but he also became embroiled in a religious conflict between Mt. Hiei, the powerful old Buddhist sect, and Nanzen-ji temple, a center of the rising new Zen sect; he opposed the Mt. Hiei faction because he was supporting the Nanzen-ji faction, yet he also clashed with Nanzen-ji's own powerful religious leaders, for example, when he opposed chief priest Myoha Shunnoku's seclusion from public life. 例文帳に追加

頼之は義詮の子で幼少の足利義満を補佐し、半済令の試行や南朝との交渉などの政策を実施するが、旧仏教勢力の比叡山と新興禅宗の南禅寺との対立においては南禅寺派を支持していたため叡山派と対立し、南禅寺の住職春屋妙葩が隠棲して抗議するなど宗教勢力とも対立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, Taiseki-ji Temple of the Nikko School, who are the successors of the same kechimyaku (heritage of the Law) of Yuiju Ichinin (succeed everything that the master knows about the art to only one excellent disciple), has installed the So-mon gate (main gate) in Palace-style, made of dark wood (Kuro-mon gate), and a red lacquered Sanmon gate and Niten-mon gate with kikumon (chrysanthemum crest) and Chokushi-mon gate (the gate for the Imperial Envoys) and they showed the power of their religious school to the court nobles with architecture. 例文帳に追加

その一方、唯授一人の血脈相承者と称する日興門派の大石寺は総門を黒木の御所造(黒門)、三門は朱塗りで二天門には菊紋を施し勅使門を設けるなど、建築で自派の公家への影響力を主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding its abolishment, the various reasons cited include revenue shortfalls, a lack of successors, policy change to giving high priority to maintaining the Shingon-shu sect religious group, the unrealistic nature of the concept, the view that the Shugei Shuchiin school was actually a temporary facility to conciliate the people by the Imperial Court, and so on. 例文帳に追加

廃絶理由として、財源不足、後継者難、真言教団維持優先への路線転換、構想自体の非現実性、実際は朝廷による民衆懐柔のための一時的施設であったとする見方など、様々な理由があげられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, she refused his offer saying that she would not like to climb up to a higher floor (elevated bridge) because she was just a woman; then he had no idea other than appointing MONONOBE no Tochine, who was in the position of Omuraji (one of the important official ranks of Yamato Imperial Court, representing the local ruling lords called Muraji) (the religious service referred to here might have included the task of getting in and out the sacred treasures). 例文帳に追加

が、神宝を納める庫の高い階(高橋)に、女だてらに上るのはいやだと拒否され、仕方なく物部十千根 大連に任せたといわれている(この祭祀とは、神宝の出し入れもしていた可能性がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the new system of the imperial court administration, the restoration included repairing buildings of the religious institutions, restoration of Shinto rituals and Buddhist memorial services, assistance in lawsuits, and prohibition of shooting and fishing in the precincts; therefore, they managed to maintain the facilities and support the rituals, and secure economic base including shoryo (estate) necessary for the maintenance and support. 例文帳に追加

例えば、これは公家政権における新制では堂舎社殿の修復、神事仏事の再興、訴訟における便宜、寺社領内での殺生禁断などが掲げられ、施設や儀式の維持とそのために必要な所領などの経済的基盤の確保を図っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The restoration affected all areas of life, such as the organization of the central government, legislation, the Imperial court, the class system, the local administration, the distribution system, industry, education, diplomacy, and religious policy, and effectively converted Japan into the first Western-style modern state in Asia. 例文帳に追加

その範囲は、中央官制・法制・宮廷・身分制・地方行政・金融・流通・産業・経済・教育・外交・宗教政策など多岐に及び、日本をアジアで最初の西洋的国家体制を有する近代国家へと変貌させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Following the creation of the Ministry of Divinities, a mere six months later its name was changed to kyobusho (Ministry of Religion) in order to disseminate further the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for the Establishment of Shinto through the efforts of the senkyoshi (Shinto missionaries) who had been established in the final days of the Department of Divinities; the religious services of the Imperial Court were separated from this Ministry's jurisdiction and placed under the control of the shikiburyo (Bureau of Rites) of the Imperial Household Agency. 例文帳に追加

その後、神祇官末期に設置された宣教使による大教宣布を強化するために、わずか半年で教部省に改称され、宮中祭祀は分離されて宮内省式部寮に移されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As posts included in Kyukei, Taijo in charge of courtesy and religious service, Korokukun in charge of security of the Imperial Court, Eii in charge of security of the Imperial Palace's gates, Taiboku in charge of vehicles and horses, Teii in charge of justice, Daikoro in charge of serving and treating visitors to the Dynasty, Sosei in charge of treatment of the Imperial family, Daishino in charge of state finance, and Shofu in charge of the Imperial Court's finance existed. 例文帳に追加

九卿に入る職として礼儀祭祀を担う太常、宮中警備を担う光禄勲、宮門警備を担う衛尉、車馬の管理を担う太僕、司法を担う廷尉、来朝者の応対・接遇を担う大鴻臚、皇族の処遇を担う宗正、国家財政を担う大司農、宮中財政を担う少府などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, according to a view, the starting point of the rice field tax of the ritsuryo system was the first crop of the season offered to the head of a province (powerful local clan) for doing a shrine ritual; the Imperial court which was based on the ritsuryo system took away the political and religious power from the powerful local clan and ordered the first crop of the season to be offered to the court and it is said that the system of fudokoku was to separate the rice field tax from the heads of local provinces. 例文帳に追加

なお、一説によれば、律令制における田租の原点は、神事の遂行のために在地首長(豪族)へ献上されていた初穂であったとされ、在地首長から政治的・宗教的権限を剥奪した朝廷(律令政府)がその初穂を自己に納めさせたものであり、不動穀化はそれを囲い込むことによって在地首長と田租を切り離す目的があったとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, Taiseki-ji Temple was allowed to have dokureiseki (privilege to meet shogun face to face) at Edo-jo Castle, and Hiyori the twenty fifth, a grandchild of Emperor Gomizunoo, was adopted as the son of Hiroko KONOE, the lawful wife of the sixth Shogun Ienobu TOKUGAWA, and he was respected by the Imperial family, court nobles, the shogunate families and daimyo family (feudal lord family); however, there was strict control over missionary work by Edo bakufu, the same as for other religious schools, and there was continuous religious persecution in many places such as Kaga clan, Sendai clan, Ii and Owari clan, and Hachinohe clan, and so on. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代、大石寺は江戸城では独礼席を許され、また第25世の日宥は後水尾天皇の皇孫であり第6代将軍徳川家宣正室の近衛熙子の猶子(養子)に迎えられている他、皇室や公家・将軍家や大名家などの崇敬を得たが、他の宗派と同様に布教活動は江戸幕府の厳しい統制を受け続け、加賀藩・仙台藩・伊那・尾張藩・八戸藩などの各地では法難が続発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jishakogyo-rei (literally "law on the performance of temples and shrines") had been issued as part of such new policy systems since the rule by cloistered emperors; under Hogen Shinsei (Hogen new law) of 1156 acclaimed as having established the Shinjin (godlike person) Kugonin (people who presented food and other supplies to the Imperial Court, noble families, temples and shrines) Sei (system), Emperor Goshirakawa promulgated his own Shinji Kogyo Rei (literally "law on the performance of religious rituals") but as a specific policy action, the first instance is found in the policy advocated under the Shinsei of the Retired Emperor Gosaga in 1156 to admonish government officials and provincial governors against neglect of religious rituals and to prevent Shinjin and Kugonin from increasing in number. 例文帳に追加

新制の一環としての寺社興行令は院政期から出されており、職の体系や神人・供御人制を確立したとの評価がある保元元年(1156年)の「保元新制」においても、後白河天皇による神事興行令が出されているが、具体的な施策としては、後嵯峨上皇新制において、建長5年(1253年)官司国司による神事執務怠慢を諌め、神人、供御人の増加を防止する方針が打ち出されたことが最初の事例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, there are some theories which suspect the conventional common theory; for example, a theory that the dispute on the worship or the exclusion of Buddha was not a conflict on the acceptance or rejection of Buddhism, but a difference on whether or not to define Buddhism as an official 'national religious service', and another that the difference of the opinion against Buddhism was only a superficial problem and it was actually a power struggle between the Soga clan and the Mononobe clan in the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

結局のところ、崇仏・廃仏論争は仏教そのものの受容・拒否を争ったというよりは、仏教を公的な「国家祭祀」とするかどうかの意見の相違であったとする説や、仏教に対する意見の相違は表面的な問題に過ぎず、本質は朝廷内における蘇我氏と物部氏の勢力争いであったとする説も出ており、従来の通説に疑問が投げかけられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Apart from 和琴 (Wagon), 'Kin () no Koto,' which was also introduced in the Nara period, was apparently regarded as an important stringed instrument because it related to the religious services of the Chinese court: stringed instruments, all of which were called 'OO no Koto' in those days, were regarded as superior to wind instruments, because wind instruments would not make sound unless human beings breathed into them. 例文帳に追加

和琴とは別に、奈良時代に渡来した「琴」(きんのこと)は中国宮廷内の祭祀にまつわる楽器として、弦楽器(古代日本では、人間が息を吹き込まねば演奏できない管楽器よりも高尚なものとされた。当時弦楽器はすべて「○○のこと」と呼び習わされる)の中でも重要視されていたらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, when these families began to assume even higher government posts, surpassing the role of Onmyoryo while remaining onmyoji in reality, the official Onmyoryo became totally reduced to a shell and onmyoji became the charismatic spiritual rulers identified exclusively by their religious magic and ceremonies and thereby dominating the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

さらにはその実態を陰陽師としながらも陰陽寮職掌を越えて他のさらに上位の官職に付くようになるに至って、官制としての陰陽寮は完全に形骸化し、陰陽師は朝廷内においてもっぱら宗教的な呪術・祭祀の色合いが濃いカリスマな精神的支配者となり、その威勢を振るうようになっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Shinto and Buddhist deities progressed to commingle and the position of the Emperor was transformed, with the entry of Emperor Shomu into priesthood (God to Buddha) and the re-enthronement of the Retired Empress Koken (Buddha to God), Dokyo, who entered the imperial court as a nursing-dhyana-priest for Empress Koken (Empress Shotoku) and had been favored by her, was enthroned as the Priest Emperor, acting correspondingly with the Emperor, and he became the de-facto co-governor with the Empress, in charge of the management Buddhism business and religious ceremonies for gods of heaven and earth. 例文帳に追加

聖武天皇の出家(神⇒仏)、孝謙太上天皇の再即位(仏⇒神)など神仏混交が進み天皇の地位が変質するなか、孝謙天皇(称徳天皇)の看病禅師として宮中に入り、寵愛されるようになっていた道鏡は、天皇に準ずる法王に即位し、家政機関も設置されるなど事実上の女帝との共同統治者となり仏教事業や神祇を司った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to these newly-emerging religious sects, Ieyasu also cared about the older Tendai sect, Shingon sect, and Hosso sect concerning their connections with the Imperial court through the Monzeki posts (the head priest posts of these temples), and he newly added the Monzeki post to Chion-in Temple of the Jodo sect and furthermore, to Rinno-ji Temple as the pinnacle temple of the Tendai sect and of the Shingon sect, monopolizing the head priest posts of the Tendai sect. 例文帳に追加

これら新興の宗教以外の古い天台宗・真言宗・法相宗にも独占した門跡を通じ朝廷との深い繋がりを懸念し、新たに浄土宗知恩院を門跡に加え、更に天台宗・真言宗の頂点として輪王寺に門跡を設けて天台座主の座を独占した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsunetada's grandson FUJIWARA no Nobutaka was only able to rise during his lifetime as far as Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) and was not assigned a court position, but after Emperor Antoku fled the capital along with the Ise-Heishi (Taira clan), the throne passed to Emperor Gotoba--who had been born of FUJIWARA no Shokushi (whose religious name was Shichijoin), Nobutaka's daughter and a onetime lady-in-waiting to Emperor Takakura--whereupon Nobutaka, Emperor Gotoba's maternal grandfather, was posthumously promoted to Juichii (Junior First Rank) and given the position of Sadaijin (Minister of the Left). 例文帳に追加

経忠の孫の藤原信隆は生前は正三位非参議止まりであったが、安徳天皇が伊勢平氏一門とともに都落ちすると、信隆の娘で高倉天皇の典侍となっていた藤原殖子(七条院)所生の後鳥羽天皇(後鳥羽天皇)が皇位を継承し、後鳥羽天皇の外祖父にあたる信隆は従一位左大臣を追贈された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 105 A physician, dentist, midwife, nurse, attorney (including a foreign lawyer registered in Japan), patent attorney, notary public or a person engaged in a religious occupation, or any other person who was formerly engaged in any of these professions, may refuse the seizure of articles containing the confidential information of others which he/she has been entrusted with and retains or possesses in the course of his/her duties; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the person in question has given consent, when the refusal is deemed to be an abuse of rights wholly for the interests of the accused (unless the person is the accused), or where there exist other circumstances provided for by the Rules of Court. 例文帳に追加

第百五条 医師、歯科医師、助産師、看護師、弁護士(外国法事務弁護士を含む。)、弁理士、公証人、宗教の職に在る者又はこれらの職に在つた者は、業務上委託を受けたため、保管し、又は所持する物で他人の秘密に関するものについては、押収を拒むことができる。但し、本人が承諾した場合、押収の拒絶が被告人のためのみにする権利の濫用と認められる場合(被告人が本人である場合を除く。)その他裁判所の規則で定める事由がある場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 149 A physician, dentist, midwife, nurse, attorney (including a foreign lawyer registered in Japan), patent attorney, notary public or a person engaged in a religious occupation, or any other person who was formerly engaged in any of these professions may refuse to give testimony on matters pertaining to the confidential information of others which he/she came to know through entrusted professional conduct; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the person in question has given consent, when the refusal is deemed to be an abuse of rights wholly for the interests of the accused (unless the person is the accused), or where there exist other circumstances provided for by the Rules of Court. 例文帳に追加

第百四十九条 医師、歯科医師、助産師、看護師、弁護士(外国法事務弁護士を含む。)、弁理士、公証人、宗教の職に在る者又はこれらの職に在つた者は、業務上委託を受けたため知り得た事実で他人の秘密に関するものについては、証言を拒むことができる。但し、本人が承諾した場合、証言の拒絶が被告人のためのみにする権利の濫用と認められる場合(被告人が本人である場合を除く。)その他裁判所の規則で定める事由がある場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

When Onmyoryo was first set up, as hogi's duties only consisted of seizen, chiso (something like the present 'Feng Shui'), astronomy, astrology, calendar-making, judging lucky and unlucky days and the clock, they exclusively worked to observe astronomy, to manage the calendar and clock and to make predictions on good and bad luck concerning events using logical analyses based on inyo gogyo, while never performing religious ceremonies or magic rituals like jingikan or monks, they played a key role in selecting lucky days when building or reconstruction work was required at the Imperial Court and performed divinations for lucky and unlucky properties/directions for relocating the capital. 例文帳に追加

陰陽寮成立当初の方技は、純粋に占筮、地相(現在で言う「風水」的なもの)、天体観測、占星術、暦の作成、吉日凶日の判断、漏刻のみを職掌としていたため、もっぱら天文観測・暦時の管理・事の吉凶を陰陽五行に基づく理論的な分析によって予言するだけであって、神祇官や僧侶のような宗教的な儀礼や呪術は全く行わなかったが、朝廷において営繕を行う際の吉日選定や、土地・方角などの吉凶を占うことで遷都の際などに重要な役割を果たした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


-No mark or part of a mark shall be registered as a trademark- (a) which comprises or consists of any scandalous or obscene matter; or (b) the use of which would be contrary to any law for the time being in force; or (c) the use of which would be likely to deceive or cause confusion; or (d) which contains any matter likely to hurt the religious susceptibilities of any class of the citizens of Bangladesh; (e) which is identical with, or is an imitation of, or contains as a element, an armorial bearing, flag or other emblem, a name or abbreviation or initials of the name of, or official sign or hallmark adopted by, any state or international organization created by an international convention, charter or other instruments, unless authorized by the competent authority of that state or organization; or (f) which would otherwise be disentitled to protection in a court; (g) the application is made in bad intention and faith. 例文帳に追加

次に掲げる標章又は標章の一部は商標として登録されない。(a)恥ずべき又は節度を欠く事項が含まれる標章(b)標章の使用がそのとき施行されている法令に反するもの(c)標章の使用が誤認、混同を引き起こすおそれがあるもの(d)バングラデシュ国民のいかなる階級であれ宗教的感受性を傷付けるおそれがある内容を含む標章(e)国家又は、国際条約、憲章若しくはその他の法律文書によって創設された国際組織の紋章、旗又はその他の記章、それらの名称又は名称の略称若しくは頭文字、それらが採用する公的標識又は印章と同一若しくは模倣又は要素として含む標章。ただし、その国家又は組織の所轄当局が認めるものを除く。(f)その他に、裁判所で保護を受けることができない標章(g)出願が不正の目的で信義に反して行われる標章 - 特許庁


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