
「stating」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(22ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 1673


On November 7 (October 14 under the old lunar calendar) an imperial decree was issued, stating to move shoryo of Tokaido and Tosando back to the original honjo (proprietor or guarantor of manor), and Yoritomo would present nengu (land tax) and kanmotsu (tribute goods paid as taxes or tithes) of the area, also Yoritomo would decide on punishment of those who disobeyed the order, (Juei-ninen Jugatsu no Senji - the imperial decree issued to Minamoto no Yoritomo). 例文帳に追加

14日には東海道と東山道の所領を元の本所に戻しその地域の年貢・官物を頼朝が進上し、その命令に従わぬ者の沙汰を頼朝が行なうという内容の宣旨が下された(寿永二年十月宣旨)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The fifth scroll of the "Sendai Kujihongi," which presents an account of the lineages of the Mononobe and Owari clans, contains a note stating that Takakuraji no mikoto was a child of the purported ancestral kami of the Mononobe clan, Nigiyahi, the ancestral kami of the Owari clan, Amanokaguyama no mikoto (the diety enshrined at Iyahiko-jinja Shrine), that he was also called by the name Takurihiko no mikoto when he descended from heaven. 例文帳に追加

『先代旧事本紀』巻5天孫本紀では、物部氏の祖神であるニギハヤヒの子で尾張氏らの祖天香語山命(彌彦神社の御祭神)の割註に天降の名手栗彦命のまたの名が高倉下命であるとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1632, Yasutsune visited Nagayoshi IKEDA with his older brother Yasunobu IKEDA to complain about Nagayoshi's will (stating that his first son, Nagatsune IKEDA, and the second son, Nagazumi IKEDA [the son-in-law of his older brother Yasunobu WAKIZAKA], would respectively inherit the two halves of Nagayoshi's territory), but there, Yasutsune had a fight with Nagayori IKEDA, a younger brother of Nagayoshi, and was killed by him. 例文帳に追加

しかし寛永9年(1632年)、池田長幸の遺言(長男・池田長常と次男・池田長純(兄・脇坂安信の娘婿)とで領地を半分ずつ相続する)に不満を持った兄・安信と共に長幸の下に抗議に訪れたが、長幸の弟・池田長頼と口論になった末に殺害された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In an open letter titled "Yasegaman no setsu," Yukichi relentlessly criticizes Kaishu KATSU and Takeaki ENOMOTO (both of whom had been vassals of the shogun but served the Meiji government) with a well-reasoned argument by quoting sentences of all ages and stressing his fairness by stating that Yukichi was understanding the difficult positions of KATSU and ENOMOTO. 例文帳に追加

『瘠我慢の説』という公開書簡によって、海舟と榎本武揚(共に旧幕臣でありながら明治政府に仕えた)を理路整然と、古今の引用を引きながら、相手の立場を理解していると公平な立場を強調しながら、容赦なく批判している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He advocated the need for nationalization of the railways from early on, and in 1881 during his time as the Director General of the Railway Agency, he submitted to Takayuki SASAKI, the Minister of Industry then, a written opinion titled 'Argument against Private Railways from Director General of Railway Agency' stating that profit-oriented buisiness and competition of private railways would adversely affect the development of railways. 例文帳に追加

早くから鉄道国有化の必要を唱え、鉄道局長時代の1881年に工部卿佐々木高行に対し、民営鉄道の利益優先主義と競合は鉄道発展にマイナスとなるとする「私設鉄道に対する鉄道局長論旨」を提出する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although this theory does not contradict the description stating that Yuzuki no kimi was a grandson of the fifth generation from the first Qin Emperor and there is not much contradiction in assuming that people in connection with "Qin" came to Japan and started to call themselves by the surname "Hata" (the kanji character representing "Qin" is pronounced "Hata" in Japanese) on their own, the theory does not have sufficient basis and verification will be required. 例文帳に追加

この説に基づくと弓月君が秦の(初代の)皇帝から五世の孫とする記述に反せず、「秦」つながりで渡来した人々が勝手に「秦」を名乗り始めたと考えてもさほど矛盾はないが、根拠は少なく今後検証の必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it was also pointed out that Tokitane could not have a brother who called himself as "Jiro Yasutane" (the second son of Yasutane) because Naritane died in the same year Tokitane was born; thus "corrections" were made once again to the genealogy stating Yasutane as the second son of Naritane--in other words, the genealogy to describe Yasutane as the "younger brother of Tanetsuna and the older brother of Tokitane." 例文帳に追加

ところが、時胤の生まれた年に成胤は死去しており、時胤に「次郎泰胤」と名乗る弟がいるのも誤りであるとして、泰胤を成胤の次郎すなわち「胤綱の弟・時胤の兄」とする系図に"修正"を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If there is no space on the back to print the details, the card can be replaced with a new one by putting the card into the vending machine, in which case the credit balance will be adjusted (the original card will return to the holder with a double crossed line on the credit balance and stating a zero balance). 例文帳に追加

印字が満杯になった場合はカードを発売する券売機に挿入すると残額を引き継いだ新しいカードが再発行される(元のカードには最終残額表示に二重取り消し線が上書きされ、残額情報が0円の状態で返却される)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response to the request, the authorities gave an unrealistic answer, stating, 'We will deal with this issue by increasing the bus services' (the major purpose of the subway construction was to reduce traffic jams, so increasing the bus services represented a paradox), which was a temporizing reply and thus a fictitious story. 例文帳に追加

要望に対しては「バスを増設することによって対処する」との非現実的な返答(渋滞解消のための地下鉄建設であり、重複路線にバスを増設するはずがない)があったがそれもその場しのぎの逃げ口上であり、結局は空手形に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also within Keihan Bus Company, there was strong opposition against the plan of Uji Tawara Jidosha, stating that the 'extension of Uji Tawara Jidosha's service into Yodo should not be allowed unless our (Keihan's) plan to open a new line from Yodo to Uji via Okubo is permitted (though each line would use a different intermediate route.)' 例文帳に追加

またこの際に、宇治田原自動車の計画に対し「当社の大久保経由の路線を開設させない限り、(途中の経路が違うとは言え)宇治田原自動車の淀乗り入れには反対する」と京阪バス社内でも強く意見があった事もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Additionally, the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible tells a story about the creation of the sun and moon, stating that God created the two great sources of light-the sun and the moon floating in the heavens--four days after the Creation, and then separated light and darkness by having the sun and the moon rule the day and night, respectively. 例文帳に追加

また、旧約聖書の創世記では、天地創造の四日目に、神が空の中に「二つの巨いなる光」、すなわち太陽と月を創り上げて、それぞれに昼と夜を司らせ、光と闇を分けたという日月の創造が語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shape differed slightly by the holder or purpose of use; there was a set of rules stating that the emperor's shaku usually had a square shape for top and bottom ends, the shaku used during a Shinto ritual had a round shape for top end and a square shape for bottom end, the shaku used by retainers usually had a round shape for top and bottom ends, and the shaku used on celebratory occasions had a square shape for top end and a round shape for bottom end. 例文帳に追加

なお、使用者や用途によって形が微妙に異なり、天皇は通常は上下とも方形、神事には上円下方を用い、臣下は通常は上下ともに円形、慶事には上方下円の笏を用いることになっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, Yoshimi TODA argued that bushi was on the ruling side in opposition to the peasants from the start in contrast to the argument by Tadashi ISHIMODA and Motohisa YASUDA stating that the bushi class formed by breaking free from ancient social class of peasants as influential families. 例文帳に追加

更に、戸田芳実は石母田正や安田元久らの、武士階級は農村から権門など古代階級を打ち破る階級として生まれるとする見解に対して、武士は初めから農民と対立する支配者側であったと主張する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the donation was already made by Yoshitomo in April 1145, Tsunetane offered money for festivals to the feudal lord Masatomi of the Ise priest family, a Shinto priest of the Ise-naiku (inner shrine), in accordance with 'a deed of father Tsuneshige,' and offered the Ise-jingu Shrine a deed stating that kajishi and the position of a local official to manage a shoen estate would be inherited by his children and descendants. 例文帳に追加

すでに天養2年(1145年)3月、義朝による寄進があったが、常胤は「親父常重契状」の通り、領主・荒木田神主正富(伊勢内宮神官)に供祭料を納め、加地子・下司職を常胤の子孫に相伝されることの新券を伊勢神宮へ奉じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A report from Yoshitsune stating that he had summoned Nobukane's three sons to his accommodation and killed them and that Nobukane had been dismissed from Dewa no kuni Kokushi (the governor of Dewa Province) reached Kamakura on October 9, and on October 22 a letter was sent out from Yoritomoto to put the land of Nobukane and the men of the Taira clan in Kyoto under Yoshitsune's control ("Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East)). 例文帳に追加

8月26日、鎌倉に義経から信兼の子息3人を宿所に呼び寄せて誅した事、信兼が出羽国国司を解官されたとの報告が届き、9月9日、信兼以下平氏家人の京都における所有地を、義経の支配とするよう頼朝から書状が出された(『吾妻鏡』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In July 28, 1873, the Meiji government promulgated the Ordinance of Dajokan No.272 which consisted of the Land Tax Reform Law (made up of an imperial edict and one article stating the land tax will be 3% of the cash value of the land) and the regulation of land-tax reform in which concrete rules were laid down; in the following year the government started the land-tax reform. 例文帳に追加

7月28日に地租改正法(上諭と地代の3%を地租とする旨を記載した1ヶ条で構成)と具体的な規定を定めた地租改正条例などから成る太政官布告第272号が制定され、明治政府は翌年から地租改正に着手した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This theory mentioned the awkward point of the expedition troops marching and fighting in the severe winter conditions of the northern part of Japan; it is assumed that the report of Yoritoshi to the Imperial Court stating the grand victory over Ezo was exaggerated in order to cover up his disgraceful matter of losing the important official instruments; in reality, the conquest of Tsugaru and Shimokita Peninsula regions to be ruled under the Imperial Court was succeeded by the later expeditions operated by Kiyohara clan, or even later by the Oshu Fujiwara clan. 例文帳に追加

この説では冬季に行軍が困難であることや頼俊の報告は自分の不祥事の穴埋めをするための誇大報告とし、津軽半島、下北半島までが朝廷の支配下に入ったのは、その後の清原氏や奥州藤原氏によるものとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On October 28, the emperor issued an imperial decree to the government officials and farmers in Kyushu provinces, stating 'Hirotsugu was a gyakuzoku (rebel). He was making people suffer by raising unjustifiable rebellions. He would incur divine punishment due to extreme disloyalty. Those who followed him should return to their former allegiance immediately. If you killed Hirotsugu, you would receive goi (Fifth Rank) or higher.' 例文帳に追加

9月29日、「広嗣は凶悪な逆賊である。狂った反乱を起こして人民を苦しめている。不孝不忠のきわみで神罰が下るであろう。これに従っている者は直ちに帰順せよ。広嗣を殺せば5位以上を授ける」との勅が九州諸国の官人、百姓にあてて発せられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In June of 769, YUGE no Kiyohito, who was a younger brother of Dokyo and was Dazai no sochi (Governor-General of the Dazai-fu offices) and SUGE no Asomaro, who was Dazai no Kanzukasa (Head Shinto Priest of Kyushu, stationed in Dazaifu), reported an oracle from Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine to the Empress Shotoku, stating that 'if Dokyo ascends to the Imperial Throne, the world will be in peace'; Dokyo himself wanted to ascend the Imperial Throne (Shoku Nihongi [Chronicle of Japan Continued] Botsuden). 例文帳に追加

神護景雲3年(769年)5月、道鏡の弟で大宰帥の弓削浄人と大宰主神の習宣阿曾麻呂(すげのあそまろ)は「道鏡を皇位に付ければ天下は太平になる」という内容の宇佐八幡宮の神託を奏上し、自ら皇位に就くことを望む(続紀没伝)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Against this theory by NAKANISHI, Hiroshi HOSOI denies it, by stating that when "Shoku Nihongi" criticizes the Dokyo administration, it presents a fact that forms a pair such as "disclosure of injustice" in later dates, and it is hard to believe that the author added fiction to the part which deals with the oracle only. 例文帳に追加

この中西説に対して、細井浩志は『続日本紀』が道鏡政権を批判する際には、後日に"不正の暴露"などの形で対になる事実を提示しており、神託事件についてのみ創作を加えたとは考えにくいとして、中西説を否定している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) written in the Nara period says that when Emperor Junnin gave the name of EMI no Oshikatsu to FUJIWARA no Nakamaro in 758, the emperor praised the Fujiwara clan for their achievements by stating in the imperial order, 'almost a hundred years from the days of the Minister of the Center at Imperial Palace Omi Otsu no Miya (omitted) through the reigns of ten emperors.' 例文帳に追加

奈良時代に書かれた『続日本紀』には、天平宝字2年(758年)に淳仁天皇が藤原仲麻呂に恵美押勝の名を与えたときに、藤原氏の功績を称えて「近江大津宮の内大臣より(中略)君十帝をへて年ほとんど一百」と勅で述べたことが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the U.S. and European countries the newspapers all criticized the villainous outrage and public opinion also grew stronger, so the then Japanese charge d'affaires to the U.S., Arinori MORI, wrote "Religious Freedom in Japan" stating that it was difficult to hold on to the anti-Christian policy, which was followed by some people including Mokurai SHIMAJI, a Buddhist monk of West Hongan-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

欧米各国では新聞がこぞってこの悪辣な暴挙を非難し世論も硬化していたため、当時の駐米少弁務使森有礼は『日本宗教自由論』をあらわして禁教政策の継続の難しさを訴え、西本願寺僧侶島地黙雷らもこれにならった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(In 2005, large amounts of plant opals were found from a stratum of the early Jomon period [approximately 6,000 years ago], in Nadasaki-cho, Okayama Prefecture, and many theories stating that rice cultivation with a rice plant grown in a dry field [tropical Japonica rice] was practiced at least from 3,500 years ago, were proposed.) 例文帳に追加

(2005年には岡山県灘崎町の縄文時代前期(約6000年前)の地層から大量のプラントオパールが見つかり、少なくとも約3500年前からすでに陸稲(熱帯ジャポニカ米)による稲作が行われていたとする学説が数多く発表された。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While this theory is not inconsistent with the record stating that Yuzuki no kimi was the grandchild of the fifth generation of the first Qin Emperor, nor with the belief that those who were associated with Qin () began using the name "Hata" ()of their own accord on coming to Japan, there is little supporting evidence and further investigation is needed. 例文帳に追加

この説に基づくと弓月君が秦の(初代の)皇帝から五世の孫とする記述に反せず、「秦」つながりで渡来した人々が勝手に「秦」を名乗り始めたと考えてもさほど矛盾はないが、根拠は少なく今後検証の必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Firm makes a request for temporary take-out or restoration of the Original in the course of the on-site inspection, stating that the Original is necessary for its business operation, the inspector will allow such temporary take-out or restoration, unless it interferes with the inspection. 例文帳に追加

検査官は、立入検査期間中、検査対象先から業務に必要な資料として、現物の一時持出しや返却の要求があった場合には、検査に支障が生じない範囲内で検査会場(現物を管理する場所)からの一時持出しや返却を認めることとする。 - 金融庁

Although all partners and staff are required to submit confirmation letters stating that the contents of notices regarding the improvement plan have been read, since the headquarters did not instruct all division heads to confirm the content of the submitted letters, some division heads have received confirmation letters with insufficient content. 例文帳に追加

すべての社員及び職員に対して、改善策に関する通達等の内容を読了した旨の確認書の提出を求めているが、本部から各部門長等に対して提出された内容を確認するよう指示をしていないために、不十分な内容による確認書を部門長等はそのまま受領している。 - 金融庁

When the Firm makes a request for temporary take-out or restoration of the Original in the course of the on-site inspection, stating that the Original is necessary for its business operation, the inspector will allow such temporary take-out or restoration from the inspection site, unless it interferes with the inspection. 例文帳に追加

検査官は、立入検査期間中、検査対象先から業務に必要な資料として、現物の一時持出しや返却の要求があった場合には、検査に支障が生じない範囲内で検査会場からの一時持出しや返却を認めるものとする。 - 金融庁

As a result, there is a widely spreading view in some corners that mandatory application of IFRS could be introduced for the business year ending March 31, 2015 (i.e., BY2014), at the earliest. Therefore, I am stating that we are not thinking of introducing mandatory application, at least for the business year ending March 31, 2015. 例文帳に追加

それを私が、それで一部で早ければ2015年3月期、すなわち2014年度にもIFRSの強制適用が行われるのではないかと、一部喧伝されていますので、ですから、私は少なくとも2015年3月期についての強制適用を考えておりませんということを申し上げておるわけです。 - 金融庁

In closing, allow me to emphasize again that it is essential for the IDB Group to play a pivotal role in furthering social and economic progress in the Latin American and Caribbean region. I would like to conclude by stating that Japan will continue to actively support such activities of the Group. 例文帳に追加

こうした課題を抱えた中南米諸国の社会的・経済的発展のためには、IDBグループが引き続き、中心的な役割を担っていく必要があり、我が国としても、その活動を引き続き積極的に支持していくことを改めて表明し、私の演説を終わらせていただきます。 - 財務省

A detailed account of the geometric characteristics of the design shall be given in the description of the design, stating the relative proportions or dimensions of every element that configurates the design without mentioning particular units, to allow a reconstruction of the object’s image with a simple reading of this description. 例文帳に追加

意匠の説明においては意匠の幾何学的特徴に関する詳細説明が与えられるものとし,具体的な計測単位を表示することなく説明のみを基準にして意匠のイメージを再構成できるような態様で,意匠を構成する各要素の相対的な比率又は大きさを記述するものとする。 - 特許庁

If, after the submission of a request under section 34 of the Utility Models Act, the Patent Authority establishes any objections to registration, and registration is consequently to be deleted, the parties shall be notified to that effect by way of a decision stating the grounds. 例文帳に追加

実用新案法第34条に基づき請求が提出された後,特許当局が登録についての異議を認め,その結果,登録が削除されることになるときは,関係当事者に理由を記載した決定を送付する方法により,その旨の通知が行われる。 - 特許庁

A request stating a choice made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section together with a copy of the court judgment which has entered into force and, in the prescribed cases, a document certifying payment of the state fee shall be filed with the Patent Office within one month after entry into force of the court judgment. 例文帳に追加

(1)により行った選択を記載した請求書を,効力を生じた判決文の謄本及び,定められた場合は,国の手数料の納付を証明する書類を添付して,判決が効力を生じてから1月以内に特許庁に提出しなければならない。 - 特許庁

In order to enjoy priority in accordance with the provisions of subsection 1, the applicant shall request it in an application filed in this country, stating where and when the application referred to was made; the applicant must also state, as soon as possible, the number of the application referred to. 例文帳に追加

第1段落の規定に従って優先権を享受するためには,出願人は,フィンランドにおける出願において,関係出願国及び出願日を記載して優先権を請求しなければならない。出願人は,関係出願番号も,分かり次第速やかに記載しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Where a statement appears in the Journal stating that an international exhibition specified in the statement is or was an international exhibition of the class referred to in subsection (1), then for the purposes of this section the statement shall be evidence that the international exhibition specified therein is or was an international exhibition of such class. 例文帳に追加

公報に記載される国際博覧会が(1)にいう種類の国際博覧会である又はあった旨を述べる陳述が公告された場合は,本条の適用上,当該陳述は,これが指定する国際博覧会がこのような種類の国際博覧会である又はあったことの証拠とする。 - 特許庁

After the receipt of the official number of an application under sub-rule (1) of rule 37, an applicant may request for expedited examination of an application for registration of a trade mark in Form TM-63 together with a declaration stating the reason for the request, on payment of five times the application fee.例文帳に追加

規則 37(1)に基づく出願番号の受領後,出願人は,様式 TM-63により,出願手数料の5倍額を納付の上,請求の理由を記載した宣言書を添付して,商標の登録出願の早期審査を請求することができる。 - 特許庁

Every application for an extension of time under subregulation (1) shall be made on FormTM27 or Form TM 27A, whichever is applicable, and stating the circumstances in sufficient detail to enable the Registrar to determine whether the extension is justified and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.例文帳に追加

(1)による期間延長を求めるためには,所定の手数料を納付し,かつ,登録官が期間延長を認めるべきか否かの判断を可能とする程度に事情の詳細を記載した様式TM27又はTM27Aのうち適用される方の書面を提出して行うものとする。 - 特許庁

In civil actions concerning patent infringements, an acquittal cannot be based on the patent being invalid or the conditions for transfer being fulfilled (cf. sections 52 and 53) without a judgment stating the invalidity or the transfer of the patent.例文帳に追加

特許侵害に関する民事訴訟において,特許の無効又は特許の移転を命じる判決がない状態で特許が無効であること又は移転の条件が遵守されていること(第52条及び第53条参照)を理由として債務免除とすることはできない。 - 特許庁

A person who in direct communication, in advertisements or otherwise, has made known to other persons that a design right has been applied for or granted without stating the number of the application or registration shall, if so requested, provide the number without undue delay.例文帳に追加

直接の伝達又は広告その他により,意匠権の出願がされた又は意匠権が付与されたことを出願番号又は登録番号を告げることなく他人に知らせた出願人は,請求された場合は,当該番号を不当な遅滞なく提供しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Where a mark consists of or contains a word or words in characters other than English the application on Form 7, and the additional reproductions of the mark on Form 7A shall be accompanied, by a transliteration and translation of each of such words, stating the language to which each word belongs. 例文帳に追加

商標が英語以外の言語の文字による単一又は複数の語から成り又は含んでいる場合、様式7による出願及び様式7Aによる当該商標の複製には、各語が属する言語を明記して当該語の音訳及び翻訳文を添えるものとする。 - 特許庁

The counter-statement referred to in Section 27 (2) (c) shall be subject to payment of the prescribed fee and shall be given on Form 11 within two months from the date the notice of opposition is sent to the applicant, in writing, stating the grounds upon which the applicant relies for his application and accompanied by supporting evidence, if any. 例文帳に追加

産業財産法第27条 (2) (c)に定める答弁書は、出願人が所定の手数料を納付し、異議の通知を出願人に送付した日から2月以内に様式11を、出願が認められるとする理由をもしあれば証拠とともに書面で提出しなければならない。 - 特許庁

(3) The filing date of a utility model application shall be determined by the date of receipt by Kazpatent of the following elements: the request for the grant of a title of protection, stating the name and forename (and the middle name if there is a middle name) or the official name of the applicant, the description, the claims and drawings.例文帳に追加

(3) 実用新案の出願日は、カザフフタン特許庁が次の出願書類を受理した日により定められるものとする。すなわち、出願人の氏名(ミドルネームがある場合はこれも記す。)又は正式名称を明記した保護証書の付与を求める願書、明細書、特許請求の範囲、及び図面。 - 特許庁

(3) The filing date of an industrial design model application shall be determined by the date of receipt by Kazpatent of the following elements: the request for the grant of a title of protection, stating the name and forename (and the middle name if there is a middle name) or the official name of the applicant, the description, the set of photographs of the manufactured article (model).例文帳に追加

(3) 意匠出願の提出日は、特許庁が次の出願書類を受理した日により定められるものとする。すなわち、出願人の氏名(ミドルネームがある場合はこれも記す。)又は正式名称を明記した保護証書の付与を求める願書、明細書、製造された物品(ひな型)の写真一式。 - 特許庁

(2) In case it is so intended to transfer the ownership or to provide or receive the approval for the use of patent, Design or Trademark pursuant to Sub-Section (1), both the persons shall file a joint application, stating the facts accordingly before the Department accompanied by the prescribed fees.例文帳に追加

(2) (1)に従って特許、意匠若しくは商標の権利の譲渡しようとする場合又は使用許諾を与え若しくは付与を受けようとする場合、両者は適宜事実を記載した共同の願書を、定の手数料を添えて、省に提出しなければならない。 - 特許庁

(b) a characterizing portion, preceded by the words "characterized in that", "characterized by", "wherein the improvement comprises", or any other words to the same effect stating concisely the technical features which, in combination with the features stated under paragraph (a), it is desired to protect.例文帳に追加

(b) 「を特徴とする(characterized in that)」,「に特徴付けられる(characterized by)」,「からなる改良が含まれる(wherein the improvement comprises)」という言葉,又は(a)に定めた特徴との組み合わせにより保護することが望まれる当該発明の技術的特徴を簡潔に述べる同じ効果を得る他の言葉,を伴う特徴付け部分 - 特許庁

The decision to grant the compulsory license shall specify the scope or extent of the license, stating in particular the period for which it is granted, the subject matter and the amount and payment conditions of the adequate compensation, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 84 of this Law.例文帳に追加

第1段落に規定した強制ライセンス付与の決定においてはライセンスの範囲と内容について定め,特に,ライセンス期間,ライセンスの対象及び十分なロイヤルティの金額と支払条件を明示する。ただし,第84条の規定の適用を妨げない。 - 特許庁

(c) Shares of Stocks -- Shares of stocks or an interest in shares of stocks of any corporation or company, by leaving with the president or managing agent thereof, a copy of the writ, and a notice stating that the stock or interest of the party against whom the attachment is issued is attached in pursuance of such writ.例文帳に追加

(c) 株式の持分 株式の持分又は何れかの会社の株式の持分に対する権利。当該会社の社長又は経営代理人に,令状の写し,及び差押令状の対象である当事者の株式又は権利が差押令状に基づいて差し押さえられた旨を記載した通知を渡す。 - 特許庁

Unless otherwise provided for by special laws, the appropriate final pleadings required of the parties to be submitted shall include a draft of the decision/resolution they seek, stating clearly and distinctly the facts and the law upon which it is based.例文帳に追加

特別法に別段の規定がない限り,各当事者に提出が義務付けられている適切な最終訴答書面には,自己が求める決定/解決の草案を含めるものとし,これには,基礎となる事実及び法律を明確かつ明瞭に記載する。 - 特許庁

A sworn application for exemption from any of the Prohibited Clauses and/or Mandatory Provisions of the IP Code may be filed with the Director stating the exemption/s being requested, the justification for the exemption/s, and that the agreement is not subject of any judicial, administrative or other proceeding.例文帳に追加

IP法により禁止される条項及び/又は必須の条項からの適用除外を求める宣誓付申請は,適用除外を申請する事項,適用除外の正当性,及び契約が司法,行政その他の手続の対象でない旨を記載して,局長に行うことができる。 - 特許庁

If an applicant does not provide any explanation, and correspondence relation between the amended content sand matters stated in the originally attached description, etc. is unclear, the examiner may issue a notice of reasons for refusal, etc. stating that the amendment includes contents beyond the scope of matters stated in the originally attached description, etc. 例文帳に追加

出願人による説明がなく、補正内容と当初明細書等に記載した事項との対応関係が分からない場合は、審査官は、当該補正が当初明細書等に記載した事項の範囲を超えた内容を含むものとして拒絶理由通知等をすることができる。 - 特許庁


The Registrar must give the relevant parties a notice stating: that the design has been examined; and if the Registrar is satisfied that a ground of revocation could be removed if the Register were amended as proposed in a request made under section 66 例文帳に追加

登録官は,関連当事者に対して,次の事項を記載する通知を出さなければならない。意匠が審査されたこと,及び第66条に基づいて行われた請求において提案されたように登録簿が補正されたならば,取消理由が除去されるであろうと登録官が認める場合 - 特許庁


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