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struggle forの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 123


But it is now recognised, though not till after a long struggle, that both the cheapness and the good quality of commodities are most effectually provided for by leaving the producers and sellers perfectly free, under the sole check of equal freedom to the buyers for supplying themselves elsewhere. 例文帳に追加

しかし、長い闘争を経たのち、今では、購買者がどこで入手しようが同じように自由だということだけを唯一の歯止めとして、生産者と販売者を完全に自由にしておくことが、商品が安価であることと品質が良いことの両方とも最もうまく実現できるということが認められています。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

It is not a specter that actually has a legend of some sort, but it is said to be depicted as a creation imaging Guan Yu, based on the analects of Cao Cao and Guan Yu who were the characters from "Sanguo Zhi" (History of the Three Kingdoms in China), and there is also a theory that it was depicting a struggle for power between two types of ceramics, setomono and chinaware. 例文帳に追加

実際に何らかの伝承を伴う妖怪ではなく、『三国志』の登場人物である曹操と関羽の逸話をもとに、関羽をイメージした創作物として描かれたものといわれており、瀬戸物と陶磁器の2種の陶磁器の激しい勢力争いを描いたものとの説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

... Then... During this fight, mud coats fingertips and the kimono of Giheiji often attaches to a face and a kimono of Danshichi, so we should be careful not to put mud and at the same time we should give style, and this is also part of struggle for Danshichi in this scene.' 例文帳に追加

・・・・それから・・・・この立ち回りの間、とかく義平次の手先きや着物に塗った泥が団七の顔や着物に付着がちですので、なるべくそれをつけぬよう気を配りながら形をつけねばなりませんが、これも、この場の団七の苦心の一つでございます。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Hideyoshi, Toshiie MAEDA took over his role as a guardian for Hideyori TOYOTOMI, before himself dying in 1599, and a factional struggle within the Toyotomi clan emerged between the military government group including Kiyomasa KATO and Masanori FUKUSHIMA and the civilian government group including Mitsunari ISHIDA and Yukinaga KONISHI. 例文帳に追加

秀吉没後、後を追うように豊臣秀頼の後見役だった前田利家が慶長4年(1599年)に死去すると、豊臣氏内で武断派の加藤清正・福島正則らと、文治派の石田三成・小西行長らとの派閥抗争が表面化した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Other than Scope 3 standard, methodologies to quantify GHG emissions for organization, furthermore environmental burden from corporate value chain have been proposed (eg: ISO/TR 14069, “Environmental Footprintby European Commission). If not harmonized enough between methodologies, companies will have to struggle or be confused within many standards. 例文帳に追加

Scope3 以外にも、組織のGHG排出の算定に係るガイドや企業のバリューチェーンの環境負荷定量化の方法論が提案されている(例:ISO/TR14069、EC「環境フットプリント」)。方法論間での調和が不十分であれば、企業が多様な基準への対応に苦しむことになる。 - 経済産業省


Looking at the movement on the labour side in the labour-management negotiations in the springtime of 2013,the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO) stated in its policy for spring struggle for a better life that theywould promote the campaign for resolution of issues concerning overall labour conditions, aiming to achieve "asecure society built around work as its core theme" and to promote the actions for realization of decent work .例文帳に追加

2013年春季労使交渉に当たっての労働側の動きをみると、日本労働組合総連合会は「春季生活闘争方針」で「働くことを軸とする安心社会」の実現を目指し、ディーセント・ワーク実現の取組を進めるために、労働条件全般の課題解決をめざした運動を進めるとしている。 - 厚生労働省

On the image display means, when patterns are stopped and displayed in sets except for the set to finally stop and display patterns and it becomes possible for the combination of prescribed successful patterns to occur, an ally character and an enemy character are displayed and made struggle, and when the ally character wins, performance display is executed for playing the special game.例文帳に追加

画像表示手段では、最後に図柄が停止表示される組以外の組で図柄が停止表示され、所定の当たり図柄の組み合わせが発生する可能性が生じた場合に、味方キャラクタと敵キャラクタとを表示して両者を戦わせ、味方キャラクタが勝利すると特別遊技を行わせるような演出表示を行う。 - 特許庁

However, it is still controversial as to whether the doctrines and rites of Tachikawa School mentioned above were true or not because the above theories are all based on documents written by those who regarded Tachikawa School as a heresy and oppressed it, and most of the documents written by devotees of Tachikawa School, which are vital for verification of the genuineness of those theories, were subjected to book burning and Tachikawa School was treated as a heresy against the backdrop of its involvement in the political power struggle between the Southern and Northern Dynasties. 例文帳に追加

しかしこれは、すべて立川流を邪教視して弾圧した側の文献に依るもので、肝心の立川流の文献はほぼ焚書扱いになっており、また南朝側と北朝側の政治背景から権力闘争に巻き込まれ邪教扱いされたという背景もあるため、それらの教義や儀式などが事実であったかどうかは現在でも議論されるところとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, there are some theories which suspect the conventional common theory; for example, a theory that the dispute on the worship or the exclusion of Buddha was not a conflict on the acceptance or rejection of Buddhism, but a difference on whether or not to define Buddhism as an official 'national religious service', and another that the difference of the opinion against Buddhism was only a superficial problem and it was actually a power struggle between the Soga clan and the Mononobe clan in the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

結局のところ、崇仏・廃仏論争は仏教そのものの受容・拒否を争ったというよりは、仏教を公的な「国家祭祀」とするかどうかの意見の相違であったとする説や、仏教に対する意見の相違は表面的な問題に過ぎず、本質は朝廷内における蘇我氏と物部氏の勢力争いであったとする説も出ており、従来の通説に疑問が投げかけられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Kanaku Choaku, someone considered to belong originally to the evil side (e.g. bandit, hired killer, black-market lender, or woman trafficking broker) is put into a position in conflict with evil for many different reasons (e.g. the emergence of a feeling of justice or a chivalrous spirit against a greater evil, a peer's betrayal, a disagreement about the sharing of the spoils, a power struggle, or greed) and consequently punishes the greater evil (from the other's point of view). 例文帳に追加

勧悪懲悪(かんあくちょうあく)とは、勧善懲悪において、本来であれば悪に値する存在(強盗、殺し屋、闇金、女衒など)が様々な理由(猛悪に対する正義心や義侠心の発露、仲間の裏切りや取り分の相違、権力闘争、あるいは助平心など)によって、悪と対峙する立場になり、結果的に(他方の視点からして)悪を懲らしめる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The actual political power of the Ashikaga Shogunate, however, was not long-lived and, after the mid Muromachi Period, San-ke Shi-shoku (三家), except for the Hosokawa clan, declined and, rather than the Shogunate rein, the coalition government due to some powerful shugo, became stronger and this created a power struggle among factions that lead to frequent wars, such as the Onin War, breaking out. 例文帳に追加

しかし、足利将軍職の政治的実権は長くは続かず、室町時代中盤以降となると、三家四職も細川氏を除いてはおしなべて衰退して、幕府統制と言うよりも有力守護らによる連合政権的な色彩を強めて派閥闘争を生み、応仁の乱などの戦乱が頻発するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the contrary, estimating from the later Empress, as there was a predictor of a succession struggle among male Imperial families, she is thought to have tried to prevent or ease it in advance (at least at that time, there were two family lines such as Okinaga clan descending from Emperor Ojin whom the later Emperor Keitai belonged to and the family line descending from Emperor Chuai whom Yamato hiko no o belonged to and it is possible for her to have had the other male descendants). 例文帳に追加

逆に、後世の女帝のあり方から類推すると、男子皇族間の皇位継承争いの予兆があってそれを緩和ないし未然に防ぐ意図があったかとも思われる(少なくともこの時、後の継体天皇が属した応神天皇に連なる息長氏系と、倭彦王が属した仲哀天皇に連なる家系の二つはあり、他にも男系子孫がいた可能性もなくはない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, his real mother, Tomiko HINO, wanted to make Yoshihisa the ninth shogun, in collusion with Sozen YAMANA (Mochitoyo YAMANA), a strong feudal lord, but Yoshimi was also in collusion with the kanrei (shogunal deputy) Katsumoto HOSOKAWA; both sides resisted around the shogunate position, which contributed to the Onin War, resulting from the struggle for power between Katsumoto and Sozen as well as infighting between the Hatakeyama and Shiba families. 例文帳に追加

ところが生母の日野富子は義尚を第9代将軍にしたいと願望して当時の実力派大名であった山名宗全(山名持豊)と結託し、一方の義視も管領の細川勝元と結託して両派は将軍位をめぐって抗争し、これに勝元と宗全の権力争い、畠山氏や斯波氏の内紛なども重なって、応仁の乱の一因となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, there are examples of individuals who having been influential in their eras have come to be venerated as kami after their deaths (e.g. Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI as the Toyokuni Daimyojin, and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA as Tosho Daigongen); examples of individuals who, after losing some sort of struggle for power or being punished as traitors, have come to be venerated as kami so as to placate their anger (e.g., SUGAWARA no Michizane, TAIRA no Masamune), are also included in this category. 例文帳に追加

また、その時代の有力者を死後に神として祭る例(豊臣秀吉=豊国大明神、徳川家康東照大権現ど)や、権力闘争に敗れまた逆賊として処刑された者を、後世において「怒りを鎮める」という意味で神として祭る例(菅原道真、平将門など)もこの分類に含まれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Salaried workers whose bonuses and salaries have been reduced have no personal responsibility for the cutsalthough their own poor job performance may be the cause of pay cuts in some casesand a struggle with housing loan repayments has become widespread, so we are studying various options 例文帳に追加

住宅ローンについても、ボーナスが下がる、給料が下がることを、下げられたサラリーマンの中には、それは勤務成績が悪くて下がる場合もあるかもしれないけれども、責任がないわけだから、その中でローンに苦しんでいくというような状況が非常に一般化したから、そういう借り手の立場に立ってやるということですから、その中でいろいろな問題を検討していきます - 金融庁

In our struggle for reducing poverty, the Bank has been one of the most valuable institutions that humanity has developed in this century. As we move into the 21st century, we anticipate that the Bank will play a major role in reducing world poverty even more effectively and efficiently not only in low-income countries but in middle-income countries as well. 例文帳に追加

貧困削減という大きな課題に直面する我々にとって、世銀は今世紀に人類が生みだした貴重な財産であり、我が国としては、来るべき世紀に向けて世銀がより一層効果的かつ効率的に、低所得国だけでなく中所得国を含む世界の貧困削減に大きな役割を果たすことを期待している。 - 財務省

Since a religious faith (one could argue) is a great asset in the struggle for life (giving hope in hard times, enabling a person to survive where another might fail), then the refusal to accept the atheistic implications of Darwinian theory is perfectly understandable in terms of that theory (especially if we accept that something like a predisposition to religious belief is a heritable trait). 例文帳に追加

宗教的信仰は生存のための闘争では(困難な時期に希望を与え、他の人が生き残れないところで生存可能にしてくれて)大きな強みとなる(と論じることもできるわけだ)のだから、ダーウィン理論の無神論的含みを認めるのを拒否するのは、理論の点で完全に理にかなっている(宗教的信念に向う傾向のようなものが遺伝的な形質だと認めるなら、なおさらそうだ)。 - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』

Those who were amply rewarded for their meritorious contribution to the shogunate's defeat--Takauji ASHIKAGA, Yoshisada NITTA, Masashige KUSUNOKI, etc.--were only a tiny fraction of those who fought, and Norimura (Enshin) AKAMATSU, who had joined the struggle to overthrow the shogunate from the very beginning, was forced to forfeit his Protectorship of Harima Province, and the chaos caused by situations, like when a single plot of land found itself with multiple owners, showed the unfairness of the system to reward distinguished service against the shogunate, making it likely that discontent against the new government was strong right from the beginning; but Emperor Godaigo's vassals Sadafusa YOSHIDA and Tadaaki CHIGUSA were made to take the blame for this situation and were driven out of office and forced to take the tonsure. 例文帳に追加

倒幕の功に応じて十分な恩賞を与えられた武士は、足利尊氏、新田義貞、楠木正成ら一部に過ぎず、最初から倒幕運動に加わって六波羅攻略に功を立てた赤松則村(円心)が播磨国の守護職を没収されたり、1つの土地に何人もの領主が現れて混乱するなど倒幕の功に対する恩賞が不公平で、新政の初期から武士の不満は強かったと推測され、後醍醐の近臣である吉田定房や千種忠顕が詰め腹を切らされる形で出家させられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, fourteen court nobles advanced in rank on May 3, 1611, in conjunction with Emperor Gomizunoo's ascension to the Imperial throne while nineteen nobles on Jun 2, 1611, getting the promotion of court nobles, which had been hindered during the Toyotomi administration, to be awarded all together; it was only natural for Ieyasu to establish, in 1615, the same year as the Toyotomi clan was collapsed, the 'Kinchu narabini kuge shohatto' (a set of regulations that applied to the emperor and Kyoto nobles), which completely separated the official rank of the court nobles and that of the samurai class, for Ieyasu had witnessed the struggle of the Imperial Court regarding to official ranks at the end of the Toyotomi administration. 例文帳に追加

その後、慶長16年3月21日_(旧暦)に後水尾天皇の即位に合わせて14名、4月21日_(旧暦)には19名の公家の一斉昇進が行われて豊臣政権時代に昇進が停滞してしまった公家の昇進人事が一括して行われ、次いで豊臣氏が滅亡した元和_(日本)元年(1615年)に制定された「禁中並公家諸法度」に公家官位と武家官位の完全分離が図られたのも、豊臣政権末期の官位を巡る朝廷の混乱を知る家康にとっては当然の事であったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But having reached the period of the Kowa/Entoku and Genchu/Shitoku eras, Imperial Prince Kaneyoshi, Akiyoshi KITABATAKE, and Imperial Prince Muneyoshi, who had been fighting for the Southern Court from the early days of their anti-shogunal struggle, and had been the Southern Court's main support, died one after the other, and when Emperor Chokei--who had been such a stalwart opponent of the Northern Court--abdicated, the Southern Court entered a period of extreme decline; during the Meitoku period, Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA was able to greatly reduce the power and influence of the strongest shugo daimyo one after another, until almost all means to resist the Northern Court had been lost. 例文帳に追加

弘和/永徳・元中/至徳(日本)年間に入ると、南朝は動乱初期からその支えとして活躍してきた懐良親王、北畠顕能、宗良親王の相次ぐ死と、対北朝強硬路線を通していた長慶天皇の譲位により、衰退を極める事となったが、明徳年間の足利義満による相次ぐ有力守護大名勢力削減により、北朝に抵抗する術を殆ど失うようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although this may be irrelevant to your question, three banks in the Tohoku region and Ibaraki Prefecture have expressed willingness to apply for capital injection if the (amended) Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions is enacted. Directly to the presidents of these banks, I expressed my sincere appreciation for their willingness to use this law in light of the struggle of people in the disaster areas. As the injection of capital uses public funds, we need to work out a relevant ministerial ordinance and cabinet order. I also offered my words of sympathy and encouragement to the banks' presidents and pledged to support them based on this law. 例文帳に追加

ちょっと余談になりますけれども、そのことを、たまたま「金融機能強化法が出来たら手を挙げたい」ということを事前に言ってきている三つの東北あるいは茨城県の銀行がございますから、その頭取に直接私から、被災地で非常に苦労もしておられますから、こういう法律が通ってご利用いただけるということでございまして、大変ありがたいということと、また何かいろいろあったら、これは今から省令・政令をつくらなければいけませんけれども、やはり生きたお金を使わせていただかなければいけませんから、この資本の注入というのは公的資金でございますから、そういった意味でお慰めと、そして頑張っていただきたいということ、政府もこういう法律をつくらせていただいて、しっかり応援させていただくということを申し上げておきました。 - 金融庁

There are many theories about in what year the Kamakura period truly began, of which the 1192 theory, the year MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was made Shogun (Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians")), is the orthodox view, but in addition, theories include: the 1180 theory, focusing on Yoritomo raising his army and leading his gokenin (lower-ranking warrior vassals) into battle to destroy the Taira clan, and also establishing the Samurai Dokoro (Board of Retainers, which oversaw rewards for service); the 1183 theory, in which the key moment is the official recognition of the shogunate's right to control Eastern Japan (everything along the Tokaido and Tosando highways) proclaimed by the imperial court in the tenth month; the 1185 theory, which focuses on Yoritomo's use of his struggle to destroy his younger brother MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune as a pretext to usurp the right to appoint and control the offices of shugo (provincial governor) and jito (estate steward); the 1190 theory, in which it was Yoritomo's visit to the capital and subsequent court appointments to Gon Dainagon (Deputy Major Counselor) and Ukone Taisho (Commander of the Guardsmen of the Right) that is considered the decisive moment; and a handful even believe it wasn't until 1196 that the Kamakura period truly began. 例文帳に追加

始期については、従来源頼朝が将軍(征夷大将軍)に任じられた1192年とするのが一般的であるが、頼朝が平家打倒のために挙兵し御家人を統率する侍所を設置した1180年説、寿永二年十月宣旨で東国(東海道および東山道)の支配権を朝廷に公認された1183年説、対立する弟・源義経追討の名目で惣追捕使(後の守護)・地頭の設置権を獲得した1185年説、頼朝が上洛し権大納言・右近衛大将に任命された1190年説、また一部では1196年説など様々な考え方がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Major national newspapers have written about the growing prominence of problems arising from the division into five companies. In that sense, the shelving of the postal reform bill undermines the people’s interests, and the size of post offices to be rebuilt in the disaster areas will depend on the fate of the bill. As was pointed out by some newspaper article or other, business sections such as the general affairs and planning sections can be unified into one if the three postal businesses are merged into one. However, if the five-way division is maintained, large post offices, such as the one in Ishinomaki, may need four separate office spaces to accommodate general affairs and accounting staff in some cases. You have written news articles about the struggle to plan for the future and rebuild post offices destroyed by the disaster, and I strongly hope that Diet deliberations will be quickly conducted 例文帳に追加

この大震災の中で、5分社化の弊害が非常に顕著になってきたということは、全国の有力紙にも書いてありますように、そういった意味で、この郵政改革関連法案の棚ざらしは国民利益にも反しており、将来どうなるかによって、今回、被災した郵便局等の再建する郵便局の規模も変わってきますので、どこかの新聞記事にも書いていましたように、総務部とか企画室というのは、3事業一体になれば一つでいいのです。ところが、5分社化のままであれば、総務だとか経理だとか、石巻郵便局程度の大きいところは、場合によっては四つ(室を)とらなければいけませんから、そんなことでも、なかなか将来設計、被災をされた郵便局の再建にも、苦労しているという記事を皆様方は書いておられましたけれども、まさにそういったことを、私から強く、まさに速やかな審議を強くお願いしたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


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原題:”Creationism in the Science Curriculum?”

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本翻訳は Ian Johnston : Creationism in the Science Curriculum? を日本語訳したものです。
翻訳は http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/essays/creationism.htm に基づいています。
Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”On Liberty”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
こんにちは ゲスト さん





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